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Stacy opened the door to Mike’s apartment and was surprised when she found the lights on. She set down the grocery bag and cautiously called out, “Mike? Honey? Are you home?”

“In here,” Mike answered, standing up.

“You’re home early!” Stacy rushed to embrace him and then kissed him wantonly. “I missed you.” She had hardly spoken to him all week because he had been away in Chicago and working late every night.

“And I missed you too.” He didn’t sound happy.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

“Nothing really . . . Just a little tired I guess. Sorry I am such a pain.”

Mike sat down again and Stacy crawled onto his lap and hugged him.

“Poor baby . . . Those bastards are working you too hard. Put your feet up and let’s see if I can help you unwind.” They moved around and she got behind him and started rubbing his shoulders and neck.

“They aren’t so bad. It’s just a lot of work. Mmmmm, that helps.” Mike murmured, closing his eyes.

Stacy could see he was dog tired and obviously stressed; his muscles felt as tight as iron bands. She suddenly felt very protective of him and thought, “If he keeps this up, it will kill him.” She kept working, firmly kneading and rubbing until she felt him slowly start to relax.

“Take off your shirt, honey. It’ll feel better that way.”

“W-what? Oh, right.” Mike said, tiredly.

“Let me help you with that.” Stacy said, and then helped him unbutton and pull off his shirt. She returned to working his tired muscles, this time bare skin against bare skin. After a couple minutes she put her arms around him from behind and kissed the side of his neck. Then she whispered into his ear, “I know something that would really relax you.” She got up from the couch and quickly stripped off her clothes.

Mike slumped back and watched with a tired smile on his face as Stacy pulled off his pants and boxer shorts and then crawled between his legs gently stroked his flaccid cock. As it began to stiffen, he sat up and tried to pull her forward so he could kiss her. But she pushed him back down, whispering, “It’s OK. Just relax darling. Let me take care of everything.”

Stacy lowered her mouth over the head of his cock and began to suck lightly, flicking her tongue over it and tickling the tip of it. Mike’s cock responded quickly to her expert attention, soon attaining its full length and hardness. Her hands were busy caressing his balls and stroking the shaft as she worked her magic tongue. Before long her head was starting to move up and down slowly, sucking lightly. Mike squirmed and moaned, “Please baby, let me taste you. It’s been so long.”

Stacy paused and looked up at him thoughtfully. “Don’t move baby. We’ll both enjoy this.” She swiveled around — positioned her pussy directly over top of Mike’s face — then surrounded the head of his cock again with her mouth. He groaned loudly and eagerly started to lap at her dripping pussy lips and swollen clit, surprising her with the enthusiasm of his efforts considering how tired he was. He sucked and licked and probed every crevice and fold of her throbbing cunt, eating her like a condemned man at his last meal, slowly savoring every morsel.

She wrapped her lips around the fat head of his swollen cock, gently sucking and teasing it while enjoying the pleasure of his tongue. As Mike’s passion for her cunt grew, Stacy began to swallow him whole, sliding her mouth up and down the full length of his rigid tool, sucking him with greater and greater intensity. She was only conscious of the pleasure now; the erotic sensation of his cock in her mouth; the sinful delight of his tongue in her pussy.

Mike moaned deeply into her pussy, and Stacy felt him shudder. She could feel his orgasm building; a potent accumulation of sexual tension and physical stress threatening to gush forth, uncontrollable and explosive. The sheer anticipation of his impending climax abruptly triggered her own and she came so hard that she was momentarily dazed; overcome by ecstasy and blinded by flashes of color. Without realizing it, she pulled her mouth off of Mike’s cock and gasped for breath as a powerful wave of pure pleasure surged through her entire body.

Stacy snapped back to her senses when the first spurt from Mike’s cock hit her in the chin, painting her neck and chest with a streak of hot, sticky cum. Before she could react, a second jet burst from the end of his cock, spattering her tits. She dove back downward, swallowing the end of his spewing organ, sucking and moaning as he continued to pump shot after shot of his man juice into her hungry mouth.

Then suddenly it was over. Stacy allowed Mike’s softening cock to slip from her lips, and she slid around and lay on top of him, her head buried in his chest. After a moment Mike whispered, “That was fantastic. I have never done that before.”

Stacy was puzzled, “Done what?”

“You know . . . the sixty-nine!”

“Really? I thought you were kidding about that. I guess you must have liked it because that was a really big load.”

“Well, istanbul escort it has been five days since we made love . . .”

“Maybe I should make you wait more often . . . Wanna grab a shower or are you worn out?”

Mike grinned wickedly, suddenly filled with energy. “Oh, don’t worry. After five days I am sure I have plenty in reserve.”

An hour later, Mike was looking and feeling much better. A long, hot shower with Stacy had been just what he needed to loosen his tight muscles and lift his spirits, as well as lifting other things as well. He sat down to catch up on the sports news while Stacy started preparing dinner.

She called out, “So what was it that had you in such a funk before?”

Mike sighed, “Oh nothing really. My boss — you know, Joe Campbell — suggested that since I was the newest executive in the office, I should throw the Halloween party this year.”

“Well, that’s a good thing isn’t it?”

“I don’t think so. Joe won’t even be here. He is taking his family to Hawaii. But apparently Mr. Ross — the CEO — is some kind of Halloween freak. Perez told me he spends thousands each year just decorating his house.”

“So? It’s no big deal.”

“I think it is a big deal. Joe told Mr. Ross I would be happy to do it before he even asked me. How can I plan a party if I have to be in Chicago three or four days a week?”

Stacy laughed, “Have you ever heard of phones, faxes, and email? Honestly, Mike. Sometimes I think you must be from the Stone Age.”

“Well, at least I made you laugh because there won’t be any laughing if I throw this party.”

Stacy said, “Mike, I don’t understand what the problem is. Why don’t you let me help you? I am great at parties.”

Mike brightened, “Would you?” Then he said, “No, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“I’d love to. It’ll be fun! First, we’ll need a place. How many people would be coming?”

Mike thought for a minute, “Everyone on the executive floor and their partners, probably 30-40.”

“No problem, we can have the party right here. Have you seen the party room downstairs?”

“Why here? Why not have it at the office?”

“Oh Mike. You really are naïve. The office is not intimate enough, and besides people will be dressed up. The party room has plenty of tables and chairs, plus a bar and a dance floor.”

“Dance floor . . . I hadn’t even thought about that . . . OK. You win.”

“Now, when is the party supposed to be?”

Mike hesitated, “Next Friday.”

“Next Friday? That’s only a week away. We’ll have to hurry. Have you thought about a costume?”

“Well, since I have been working out, I was thinking about Superman.”

Stacy laughed, “Honey, you aren’t ready for Superman. What do you think about the Dracula?”

Mike thought for a second, “Sure why not. I always love biting you on the neck. What would you be dressing as?”

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll look great together. But I want it to be a surprise.”

“Now that’s not fair.”

“Too bad . . . my party . . . my rules. We’ll go and rent your costume first thing tomorrow before they are all gone. And we’ll have a lot of shopping to do, so wear your sneakers.”

Mike groaned, “Oh, great.” With Stacy in charge, Mike knew it was certain to be a hectic week . . .

Mike had to be in Chicago Tuesday through Thursday, so he had no choice but to leave everything up to Stacy. She spent all day on Sunday preparing invitations and told Mike to hand-deliver them on Monday as soon as he got to the office. She took her job to heart and came up with a great party plan, food, decorations, even some games and contests. She called her friends and quickly scored a caterer, bartender, and a DJ.

Mike left work early on Friday and headed straight home to dress. After he put on his costume, he walked over to Stacy’s place, let himself in and called out, “Stacy, I’m here.”

Stacy came out of the bedroom, wearing a form fitting, slinky black dress, with a deep vee front that was open from her neck line almost to her navel. There were long slits up both sides of the dress allowing tantalizing peeks at her shapely legs and thighs. Her jet black hair — Mike hoped it was a wig — was long and shiny and her makeup was intentionally overdone giving her a distinctly slutty look.

Mike gasped, “My God Stacy, you look hot!”

“Thanks, that was the look I was going for. Do I really look like Elvira?”

“Uh, who is Elvira?”

“You know, mistress of the dark, plays scary movies late at night . . . “

“Never heard of her, but who cares. By the way, what keeps your tits from falling out?”

Stacy grimaced, “Some special glue. It is going to be a bitch to get off later.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to go so far.”

“Mike, honey, you must know by now that I wanted to. I have been looking forward to wearing this outfit for a week. I know it is skimpy and slutty, but that is exactly why it is so thrilling. My panties would be soaking wet right now, if I was wearing any . . .”

Mike escort bayan gulped, “No panties?” Then he laughed. “You always know how to surprise and amaze me. Please don’t ever stop being who you are.”

Stacy didn’t know what to say. Sometimes Mike said the sweetest things, and didn’t even realize it. Her voice choked up a bit. “We better get down to the party.”

By the time they got downstairs everything was ready. The DJ was playing music and the bartender was all set up. The caterers had the food all laid out in cold platters and hot plates, and there were treats and little surprises scattered all about the room.

Mike grabbed a drink and waited by the door with Stacy to greet the guests as they arrived. Unexpectedly the first to arrive were Mr. Ross and his wife. Mr. Ross was quite tall, and was wearing his standard Frankenstein costume. His wife was also tall, about 5’8″ but her 4″ spiked heels made her a giant. She was dressed as a sexy bride of Frankenstein, with a plunging bust line and a stiff wig that added to her already impressive height.

“Stacy, this is Mr. Ross, our CEO and his wife Linda.” Mike smiled.

Mr. Ross replied, “A pleasure to finally meet you Stacy. I feel like we are already good friends.”

Stacy smiled and said sweetly, “It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Bill.” Then she explained to Mike, “Since you were in Chicago most of the week, I called Mr. Ross to ask if he would donate some prizes for the party. We had a great chat, and he has graciously provided some fabulous gifts.”

Mr. Ross laughed, “Hold on to this one, Mike. She is a charmer. I never had a chance.” Then after a brief pause, “Linda, why don’t you and Stacy get to know each other. I want to discuss some business with Mike.”

“Of course dear,” said Linda batting her heavily painted eyes.

Stacy watched the men walk off and then asked Linda, “Would you mind helping me greet the guests? I know it is an imposition, but it will give us a chance to chat.”

Linda smiled, “Not at all Stacy. It’ll be fun. Two sexy women like us, I am sure we can cause stir up trouble.”

Stacy decided she liked Linda already. “How did you and Bill meet?”

“Same old story . . . I was his secretary when his first wife died. It took two years to get him to ask me out, but he finally did and eventually we got married. I still work there, but now I am in the marketing department. But at least Bill let me hire my own replacement. She is 60 years old and I think she used to be a drill sergeant.”

Stacy giggled, “Smart move.”

Linda asked, “So, how did you meet Mike?”

Stacy laughed, “It was much easier than that. I live in the apartment right across from his. We saw each other around the complex, and he eventually asked me out.”

Linda smiled, “Well that’s our Mike. Slow but steady. Everyone at the office absolutely loves him; including my husband. He is always talking about Mike and how lucky we are he transferred here.” She whispered in Stacy’s ear, “I think he is going to promote him.”

“Really? That is wonderful news,” Stacy said.

“Well, don’t get too excited. Things can change fast around the company. But Mike is really a solid, down to earth guy. I am sure he will do fine.”

After a short pause Linda asked, “So is it serious between you and Mike?”

“Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that I’ve known Mike for long time — you know — from working at the same company. He is a really sweet guy, I would hate for him to get hurt again.”

“Hurt? Again?” Stacy prompted.

“Sure, you must know how devastated he was after his divorce. That’s one of the reasons he moved here. But if you ask me, it was for the best. He was too good for her.”

Stacy hadn’t realized that Mike had been so broken up by his divorce. He had said very little about his ex-wife. She smiled, “Well, I just adore him. And yes, I think we are pretty serious.”

“That’s good. At least you don’t have to watch him every second like I do with my Bill. That man would chase the skirt off a Scotsman if given half a chance. But Mike is definitely a ‘one woman man’; and honey, I think you might be the one. He talks about you all the time.”

Stacy blushed. She had no idea felt that way about her. And things were getting pretty serious. Maybe it was time to take the next step, whatever that was. It was actually pretty rare these days to find a ‘one woman man’.

Mr. Ross steered Mike over to the patio and outside. “First, let me say what a great job you are doing in Chicago. I know you realize what it means to the business, but I am not sure you realize how much we notice. I just wanted to thank you in person and let you know we are going to do everything we can to get them to relax that ‘on site’ crap. We need you here more than there.”

“I would really appreciate that Mr. Ross.”

“From now on you call me Bill. Besides, I would hate to see you lose that lovely lady on account of a stupid business deal. Life is too short.”

“You are escort istanbul right, Mr. Ross. Uh, Bill. I really don’t know what she sees in me, but I am very glad to have met her. You have no idea how she has changed my life. “

“Well, I have a couple ideas,” he said leering a bit. “Here have a cigar.”

They lit up and started to discuss the women. Bill said, “Yep, Linda changed my life too. The first time I went to bed with her nearly killed me. She is voracious . . . She wanted to blow me in the limo on the way over.”

Mike choked on some smoke and thought, “Too much information.” He smiled and said, “Linda is definitely a beautiful, smart lady.”

“So is that Stacy of yours. I can’t ever recall meeting anyone as persuasive, except of course Linda. Say, maybe we should turn the two of them loose on some of our customers! I am sure those two gals could really close some deals!”

“God help us if we did! We’d be working for them in a month.”

Mr. Ross laughed, and then said, “We are having a board meeting and then a dinner party at my house in a couple weeks. I would love it if you would come and bring Stacy. I want to introduce you personally to all of the board members.”

Mike smiled, “I would be honored, Bill. By the way, this is a great cigar.”

“Yep, it sure is.” He blew a large cloud out in front of him. “Too bad when I get back inside Linda will give me hell for smoking it. She thinks they are bad for me.”

Mike could see Stacy waving them over. “Well maybe we better get back inside. Looks like quite a few people have arrived now.”

Mr. Ross laughed, “Yep. I think this is gonna be one helluva party.” He slapped Mike on the back and they headed back inside.

The party was in full swing and there was already a line at both the bar and at the buffet. The DJ was playing “Monster Mash” and a number of couples were already dancing. Mr. Ross grabbed Linda by the arm and steered her straight for the dance floor.

Stacy pouted, “You and Bill talk sure took your time. Did you know that almost every man that walked into this room was eyeballing you guys instead of leering at me and Linda?”

“Ha, Ha, very funny. We didn’t discuss much of anything. Just business and the Chicago deal. He asked if we could attend a dinner party at his house in a couple weeks. I hope you don’t mind but I accepted for both of us.”

“Oh Mike! Of course I don’t mind. What a wonderful opportunity for you. But that is enough business for now. Let’s mingle.”

Mike and Stacy toured the floor, mingling and handing out ballots so everyone could vote on the costume contest. The costumes were varied and creative. One couple was dressed as Salt and Pepper, and another couple was dressed as a Robin Hood and Marion. There was the usual collection of ghosts and goblins and witches and monsters. There were also a number of super heroes including one guy dressed as Superman; Mike was glad Stacy had talked him out of it because the guy looked ridiculous.

After that they danced for while. Mike was a pretty good dancer as long as they stuck to the ballroom stuff. But he looked definitely uncomfortable trying anything modern. Eventually Bill Ross and Linda came over and they switched partners for a bit, after which they all took a break.

Mike said, “I need a drink. Can I get everyone something?”

Stacy said, “Sure, get me a white wine. I am going to powder my nose.”

Linda said, “I’ll go with you. Bill, you know what I want.”

Bill said, “Yes I do dear. But I am not sure I can get it up with all these people watching!”

They all laughed and the girls headed off to the restroom. Bill headed over to the buffet and Mike joined the line at the bar. There were a number of his colleagues standing in a tight cluster next to the bar, and they waved Mike over after he got his dinks.

“So Mike, what were you and Bill discussing earlier?” asked Brian Hall. Brian was the head of finance, but had always struck Mike as a bit shifty and political.

Mike answered quickly, “Oh nothing really. I was just updating him on the situation in Chicago.”

“Are there any new problems developing? I heard they were a difficult client.”

“Nothing we can’t handle.”

“That’s good. Did Bill mention anything about a new position? I heard a rumor he was considering naming an Executive VP for New Business Development. Of course the board will have to go along.”

“No. He didn’t mention anything to me.” But the wheels started to grind in his head and he thought, “I wonder if that is why he wants me to meet the board.”

Brian’s snippy little assistant, George Emerson spoke up. “That girlfriend of yours is a real hottie. She looks very familiar. How did you meet her? Does she belong to the country club?”

Mike instantly suspected George was provoking him. He was pretty sure the little prick was a member of the club, and probably knew Stacy’s ex-husband. George was obviously just looking for a way to exploit that little tidbit. Mike decided just to be upfront about it, and see what happened. “Stacy used to belong, before her divorce.”

George said, “Oh. Yes of course. Now I remember her. Stacy Parker . . . I believe she was David Parker’s second wife. I am sure the rumors about her can’t be true.”

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