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This is an EDITED draft and the second chapter of a multi chapter novel. Thank you taking the time to read this and enjoy.

Jessica woke the next morning feeling groggy and cold. Streaks of sunlight bore through the sides of a dark shaded window. She shut her eyes and snuggled under the warm covers. Instantly, her sleepy brown eyes flew open when she remembered where she was. Inside Wade Higgins’s truck, a cozy sleeping berth to be precise.

The semis great diesel engine was rumbling and gently vibrating the bed. The driver wasn’t in the truck though. She rubbed her temples. She’d spent the night with a trucker from Georgia, a good old southern boy.

Foolish? Perhaps, but she’d felt an instant and deep connection with him. She couldn’t explain it or understand herself. Jessica moaned aloud. She’d thoroughly enjoyed the intensity of last night but she knew it wasn’t more than a moment of passion stirred and agitated by the their distinct differences.

Each was fascinated by the other. Nothing more. Jessica convinced herself with dubious certainty. She rubbed her thighs together. His dried stickiness commingled with hers. Her insides ached, raw and throbbing. Wade’s enormous shaft was perfectly proportioned to his large muscular structure, height and mass. She’d been enthralled by their primal and needful sexual encounter. Now however, she was scared shitless. She refused to believe she had feelings for the trucker. A trucker? Seriously? She must be nuts!

The last time she let her feelings guide her she fell in love with Steven. Her ex-husbands infidelity crushed her soul. After him she resolved to swallow her tears and harden her heart. Inherently she was a kind and loving person smothered in a fragile eggshell coating of sensitivity. After Steven left though an impenetrable and tough cocoon of determined resolve formed around her true essence.

‘This was a mistake, a really big mistake.’ Jessica realized. She would pack up and get out as quickly as possible.

A sexy, silky black blouse, a pair of stylish skin-tight designer jeans and high-heeled Italian leather boots were laid out for her on the bed. ‘He’d rifled though my things?’ She was irritated then perplexed. Jessica wore this outfit when she wanted to feel downright sexy. How did he know that?

This was completely illogical, so irrational. How’d Wade know to pick out this exact outfit? How could such a random man, a truck driver no less understand her so intrinsically after just meeting her last night? It was as if Wade peered into a crystal ball and could see her inner workings.

Jessica threw the covers off and began to scramble, quickly shoving all her possessions into her large duffel bags. She smelled like sex, she smelled like Wade, his very deep musky essence. His strong scent seemed to have permeated her, clung to her skin. She washed her face in the tiny sink and ran a brush through her long blonde locks.

This would be an interesting walk of shame, her first and only early morning stroll out of an eighteen-wheeler at a truck stop in Albany, New York. How could she get much lower than this? Her bags were packed and she hoisted them over shoulder, drew back the heavy curtain and found herself staring in awe out the windshield.

Frosty bits of snow and icicles clung to the glass and shimmered in the bright and blinding early morning sun. Wispy, sugary snowflakes softly blanketed the wet, slushy snowfall underneath. All around truckers were cleaning their rigs. The trucks diesel stacks were puffing black as tar smoke into the crisp winter air. Jessica stopped and gazed at the sight, taking a moment to marvel at the view from outside the windows all around her. Sitting this high up gave her a wondrous glimpse into the world from this lofty perspective.

A moment of regret knotted at her insides. If she bailed she’d miss everything, literally, down the road, the opportunity to travel into the guts and soul of America. When would she ever get another chance like this? This beautiful country was hers for the price of spreading her legs wide open for a tall trucker.

Jessica thoroughly understood that sexual intercourse was a primal need. That urgent call of nature had to be answered. It was her job to know how humans ‘clicked.’ Humans were sexual creatures. So she wasn’t a prude by any stretch and didn’t feel their mutual agreement was tawdry.

What worried Jessica was that she knew Wade was destined to become a dangerous emotional adversary because the line was becoming blurred with poignant, tender longing. He would try to knock her walls down with an enormous battering ram, namely his body. She couldn’t let this trucker get under her skin like a chronic rash that hurt so good.

As Jessica opened the compact truck door and stepped out she forget she was so high off the ground and she nearly fell. Luckily she caught the trucks steel grab bar. Her high-heeled feet landed on the running board. She inadvertently dropped the duffle bags and her gear landed in a slushy pile of snow. Jessica exhaled Kayseri Escort a heavy sigh of relief. It was a long way down to the ground!

Suddenly, Wade appeared, darting out from the front of the truck. He clomped through the tall snow to help her. Jessica clung to the bar for dear life. She was in shock, wild-eyed, after nearly breaking her neck. She must look ridiculous. So much for making a quick getaway! She shouldn’t skulk away though. They were rational adults. He would understand why she was leaving.

“Hey watch it! The first step is a doozey.” Wade smiled up at her as he yanked off a pair of thick, grimy work gloves. One blue eye was tightly shut in an attempt to block out the brilliant early morning sunshine.

The bright golden rays of the sun did little to warm the sub zero temperatures. Wades face was red and raw. He was wearing a heavy-duty Carhartt duck coat with the collar turned up against the freezing wind. His huge black Red Wing work boots made enormous prints in the snow where he’d walked.

“Hey you look damn sexy darlin’! So you like the clothes I picked out, huh?” Wade looked her up and down clearly very proud and pleased she was wearing the outfit he chose for her.

Wade held up his hands. He expected her to leap into his arms? Jessica didn’t understand why but she just trusted him to catch her. She leaned over and released her white-knuckle grip on the grab bar. He caught her firmly in his large, powerful arms. When the trucker saw the duffel bags burrowed in a nearby snow pile though his brow furrowed and his face became grim.

“Goin’ somewhere Jessica?” he asked, the muscles in his mouth twitched with rage ‘Like hell’ he thought to himself.

“Wade, I’ve changed my mind. I won’t be going with you.”

“Umm, well why would you go and do a thing like that?”

‘Jessica wanted to leave him? The mere thought of such a thing was incredulous.’ Wade thought angrily. He felt she’d punched him square in the gut. His lungs felt robbed of air. ‘Fucking hell…no way!’ If she kept insisting on leaving she’d have him squirming on his belly, begging her to stay. No woman ever had his balls in such a tight sling before!

“Like what?” Jessica shook her head not understanding.

“Think you could leave without me puttin’ up a fight?” he crossed his arms and glared down at her.

“Ok. Wade I’m leaving so please don’t make this awkward and strained.” She tried wiggle free but his hands remained in a viselike grip around her waist.

“Awkward, strained—really? I can still taste your pussy on my ‘stache and mouth. You’ve got a whole lot of me swimming around deep inside you baby. We are waaay past ‘awkward and strained'” he mocked her in a stilted and nerdy twang.

Wade grabbed her close to his body and ducked his head down toward her face. His lips were less than an inch away from hers. Jessica closed her eyes. She could feel his hot breathy vapors on her in the cold air. The trucker pressed his lips possessively into her wet mouth. She nearly gave in but turned her head away breaking from the kiss.

“So is what I’m sayin’ makin’ you uncomfortable? Well too bad. We’re perfect in the sack together baby. Tonight, I’ll make you cum so many times your toes ‘il curl before you pass out. That’s a promise! Now stop bein’ so uppity and get them bags and yourself into the truck. I want to eat you for breakfast.” The trucker’s eyes flashed mercilessly, like diamonds melted into a blue velvet background. He gripped her belly and pushed her into the cold steel of the truck.

The chill of icy metal crept through her expensive haute couture but miserably impractical cropped leather jacket. She’d dressed in the outfit only because she was trying to make a mad dash away from him. She realized too late what an unfortunate choice she’d made. He pressed his long legs into hers and had her immobilized against the rig.

“Wade, I mean it” she tried to push him off but he ignored her warning and began to feast on her neck. His cold lips pressed into her straining flesh.

“Stop it.” she pushed against his bicep’s but he was too strong.

Did he really think he could manhandle her? He kissed her deeper and licked her skin. His mustache flicked at her flesh. ‘He could still taste her on his mustache?’ The thought of her juices lingering on him was so deeply erotic. Jessica’s whole body was tingling. Her fresh panties were soaked in her arousal. ‘God, god, oh god, that…felt…so good! Her mind raced. She could give in just one more time she rationalized. Jessica craved him, wanted him inside her again, just—once more. No, this was crazy! She was stronger than this, wasn’t she?

“Wade, stop. I really mean it! If you don’t let me go…I swear… This is your last chance.” Jessica shouted with what she was sure was firm and assertive conviction.

“Ha…ha ha ha! he threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Ok little lady. Give it your best shot darlin’!”

Before the words left his mouth, Jessica stomped her heel into his instep, Kayseri Escort Bayan grinding the point hard into his foot. Wade didn’t budge. Steel toe boots, of course. She grunted loudly in frustration.

“Um, ouch?” he said mocking her.

Jessica closed her hand tightly into a fist then punched him striking upward to the chin. As he was reeling from the first blow, she immediately struck his gut and knocked the wind out of him. Wade tumbled back and nearly fell. A look of shock and confusion enveloped his once smug face.

Now free, Jessica lunged for her bags but glanced over at Wade, feeling a twinge of worry and concern. He was more in shock than pain. He’d gotten a well-deserved lick of her though! She was proud of her hard earned top notch fighting skills. A good friend and former Israel solider taught her many stealth hand-to-hand combat maneuvers. ‘Those self-defense lessons finally came in handy.’ She mused.

“What the…? You Hellcat! Where’d you learn to punch like that?” Wade bellowed, hunched over grabbing his stomach and chin.

“I warned you Wade Higgins.” Jessica shook off the bags. The luggage was drenched from landing in the slushy pile. Each was covered in dirty snow.

“You want me Jessica Winthrop, don’t deny it!” He shouted. “I made you come better than any man before me. So you got spooked? What, I’m too much of a man for ya? Can’t run away from the way you feel about me baby doll.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and blew away a long loose strand of blonde hair from her face. She teetered away as fast as she was able in the highly impractical three-inch heels through the dirty slush covered parking lot. ‘Seven hundred dollars, wasted.’ She huffed.

‘Let her think she has the upper hand.’ Wade thought wincing in pain from the can of ‘whoop ass’ she’d just unleashed on him. He had her wrapped, tight, like a hot sweet little bun fresh out of the oven. Wade smiled wickedly.

As Jessica passed between each rig, Wade followed about ten feet behind, ducking behind trucks whenever she’d stop and glance behind her. Trucks stops were a dangerous place. Many depraved people frequented these rest areas. Truckers were often shot at, knifed or beaten to death. Happened all the time. A woman, in this godforsaken place was open to all sorts of prey.

As the gorgeous, tall blonde wobbled along on the ridiculously high-heeled boots and tight jeans between the tightly packed big rigs, wolf calls, whistles, hoots and jeers from the rowdy truckers filled the packed place. Jessica became nervous and wished she wasn’t so hasty leaving Wade.

Little did she know, Wade was only a few steps behind, eyeballing and threatening any man who leered at his woman. Challenging any man who dare try to follow Jessica with a growling ‘fuck off asshole, she’s my woman!’ He was tall, muscular and more intimidating than most men. Luckily, no one challenged him.

As she approached the diner where she’d parked her rental last night Jessica stopped short. The spot was empty. She scanned the lot. Someone stole her damn car?

Jessica hurried inside. The building looked as bleak during the day as it had at night. In the harsh light of day the diner seemed even more rundown. All the cracks, fading and wear showed all that much more as the sun streamed through the grimy windows. A smattering of travel weary families and truckers were eating breakfast. The place reeked of greasy fried food and burnt coffee. Jessica’s stomach growled even though the smell of the place was revolting.

“There was a car parked outside last night, a white Ford Taurus? Did you happen to see it?” she asked a buck-toothed waitress.

The homely girl’s hair was pulled tight into a ratty ponytail that revealed every inch of her blotchy, acne-ridden skin. Her complexion was hideous. Jessica felt sorry for the poor soul.

“I started my shift at five o’clock this morning ma’am” she answered in a monotone voice, her countenance blank, flat.

“I didn’t see nothin’ when I got to work this morning” she listlessly poured coffee, her movements, robotic. Her scrawny shoulders were hunched over as if the weight of the world had crushed her spirit a long time ago.

“Damn!” Jessica muttered under her breath.

She reached into her purse to grab her cell but the phone was missing. Jessica removed everything from her handbag but the cell wasn’t there. ‘What the hell is going on?’ She wondered in a panic.

“You want coffee?” The waitress asked blankly through her ugly buckteeth. She seemed annoyed Jessica was taking up space in her zone.

“No thank you.” Jessica shook her head, put everything back into her bag and walked away from the counter, her purse clutched close to her chest.

It didn’t take her long to put two and two together though. Jessica then realized with sudden brilliant clarity why her car and phone were missing. Of course, Wade took them as ploy to keep her from leaving. She was sure of it. She was furious. Clearly she’d have to go back to his truck, but he came Escort Kayseri to her instead.

Wade Higgins filled a room. He sauntered into the diner and immediately scanned the place for Jessica. Theirs eyes locked. Jessica crossed her arms and glared at Wade then pounded over to him.

Wade matched her disgusted look with his own contemptible scowl. His chin and stomach throbbed. Why’d she look so pissed? He was the injured party here!

“Tell me where the car is Wade and give me back my phone—now! This is childish and highly manipulative.” Her voice was subdued and calm. Jessica didn’t do scenes. Not worth her energy.

“Right, the car and phone.” A mock perplex look crossed his face as he rubbed his stubbly chin.

Early this morning, just as the red and pink hues of dawn twinkled over the horizon he’d snuck out of the truck. He hid the rental behind a row of eighteen-wheelers in the farthest corner of the lot. Jessica’s phone was safely stashed in his coat pocket.

“I want my car and my phone now or I’ll be forced to call the police” she repeated calmly.

“Let’s get some breakfast and discuss this. Just breakfast. As a gesture of my good faith, here’s your phone.” He pulled her cell from the breast pocket of his coat and handed it to her.

“Not a chance in hell Wade” Jessica took the phone and shook her head.

She turned her back to him and walked away. Wade reached for her elbow but Jessica managed to yank her arm away quickly.

“Stop trying to manipulate me Wade. You can’t possibly think this is appropriate behavior, can you?

“Nothin’ ever ruffles your feathers does it Jessica? Must be the cold northern weather? Makes you folks as cold as the winter temperatures.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean you don’t act like a typical woman. No tears, no screaming, no scenes. I mean, if it weren’t for that gorgeous face and killer body, I’d think you were a man, the way you’re acting and all.”

“You’re controlling and scheming, bottom line. Because I have a brain and I don’t swoon over you like the women you sleep with, that makes me like a man? Really? Your theory is flawed at best and asinine. You can’t control me and it’s killing you, isn’t it? Jessica was ready to kill him.

“…You’re controlling and scheming, blah, blah, blah!” Wade mocked her controlled tone again.

“I’ve had enough. Your immaturity is astounding! Screw it. I don’t need to take this. I’m calling the police.

“Come on Jessica!” He tried to grab for her arm again but she jerked away and lunged at him with a vengeance.

The trucker held up his hands, palms forward and backed off quickly. He doubted Jessica would pummel him in such a public place but he wasn’t going to chance it and he wouldn’t fend her off either. He’d rather die then lay an unkind hand on a lady.

“Just breakfast Jessica. I know you’re hungry. I can hear your stomach growling. I swear on my grannies grave, I’ll walk you personally to your car when we’re finished. Please sweetheart?”

Those damn eyes were the bluest of the blue. They were huge platters of pleading sexiness and she was ready to scream. There, he did it to her again! That stinking charm of his! Jessica screwed up her face and gritted her teeth.

“God, you’re insufferable.” She sighed deeply and shook her head. “Just breakfast. Then I get my car and no more games!”

“Me? Never!” He yanked his gloves off and shoved them hastily into his pockets.


Wade couldn’t help himself. He rested his chin in his hand and just had to stare at the beautiful woman sitting across from him at the battered old laminate table. Jessica was clearly out of place in such a dive. The tattered booth seats were ripped and the floor was dirty. The dull and lifeless faces in the shabby worn out place paled so drastically in comparison to the brightness and class Jessica Winthrop exuded.

The men in the diner also had their peepers glued on Jessica. Wade was so proud of his beautiful lady he was ready to burst. But he was jealous too. ‘He found her first or rather she found him, even better!’ He reckoned then felt like a child who was leery of having his treasured toy stolen by another greedy child. Most men wouldn’t dare fuck with him though. Wade towered over most men. He was a solidly built muscular mass.

The putrid coffee was going cold in her cup while Jessica stared out the window. Her blouse was modestly buttoned up but her ample cleavage clung sexily to the silk fabric. Wade wasn’t sure he could wait until tonight. He was salivating thinking about slipping her clothing off and watching the things puddle around her perfect body. He wanted to eat everything she was serving up.

“You’re so unbelievably beautiful Jessica.” Wade reached across the table and engulfed her hands into his huge, dry and calloused ones. Jessica pulled away from his grip though.

“I agreed to breakfast and we’re almost done, so I’d like my car now.” Her voice was controlled and calm.

“One week, ok? Just one week on the road. Hell, by that time we’ll have left this lousy weather behind us. Sweetheart, you’ll be absolutely amazed how beautiful this country is. I’ll show you the open road like no one else can. It’s magnificent!” Wade hoped his enthusiasm was contagious and Jessica had caught the bug.

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