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An Old Debt has to be Paid–2deleteddeleteddeletedThe Truth …Next day was a Saturday. At breakfast I had some strange feeling. Not because a third person sitting there but some unpleasant feeling. Perhaps I sensed that this day was going to change our life. After breakfast we gone to central shopping street. She paid for his new clothes and shoes, even helped him to choose and sometimes asked my opinion.We got our lunch outside and afternoon about three o’clock we were at home.He took his new things and said that he is tired and wants to sleep an hour. I was also tired but I had some work to take care of. I went to my Study room and my wife told me she is going also to lie down for some minutes.At about 7 o’clock I called Mansour to com for dinner. After eating we sat in living room to chat and look at TV.I asked him what his plan for future is. He looked at Meena who was sitting opposite to us and drinking a cup of tea. He had a smile on his face and then responded:”I am not sure first I have to sell one house, I mean my mother’s house which now belongs me. I don’t know how much it is worth. Then I can start to plan. I am leaving tomorrow for my native town. I thank you both for your hospitality…”Meena said: “It is clear, you are my uncle and you are always welcome. You don’t need to thank us.”I added: “Nevertheless.”We chatted a little bit about this and that. I looked at watch. I was tired and it was about 10 o’clock.Then apologized and said I am very tired and going to sleep.Meena told me I am coming soon, my dear.I went upstairs to sleep…It was late at night when I woke up. I turned on my bedside lamp. I was alone in bed, where is Meena? I thought. The door of bedroom was not completely shut and I heard some softly speech from downstairs. They were still awake and speaking. I stand up to go to restroom then I heard some weeping sound. I went out of bedroom in dark and stood on last upper stair. I noticed they are not more in the living room. They were in the dining room. Carefully I went the stairs down to the last stair. They couldn’t see me but I could hear them clearly, the doors to kitchen and dining room were open.She was crying and talking in between: “I don’t believe it, it can’t be true.”He spoke quietly and relaxed: “We were not two but three, the third one was he. We went to jail and he took all money. But we remained loyal. He was after all my best friend. I told Saleh (Saleh was the friend which 7was arrested too) it has no sense to reveal your father. And now I am here and your father, my best friend who betrayed me and Saleh is dead. He spent our money for him and his family, and he had not even a guilty conscience at that. In the last years he forgot us completely and last seven years did not even visited me in jail.”Now Mansour sounded angry and his tone was rough and full of hate.I was completely paralyzed. Finally I had the answers for my questions about my Father in law and his wealth in the last years. The story about rich aunt was not true.First I decided to interrupt them and help my poor and broken wife.But before this, she spoke: “But we have no money. I can sell our house and give you some money, but pleasedon’t publicize this about my father, I give you everything I can but please don’t speak about this, especiallynot with my family. I will talk about that with Nadir. I am sure about him, he loves me and he will help…”I made some quiet steps and stopped at the door which was half open. They could not see me. Careful to stay in darkness and not to be discovered, I looked in. They were sitting at dining table. She had her elbows on the table and her hands on her face and was crying.He had his left arm around her shoulders: “You know princess, I know how you love me, I love you also and I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want your money. I don’t want to destroy your luck and your nice life I am going to talk with Saleh Leave him to me. But.”She turned her face to him: “Thank you uncle. Give me some time, I give you what I can, we need some timeto sell the house and..””Meena, as I told, I don’t need your money..””But we have to do something for you, Now you have lost not only so many years of your life in jail and captivity but also everything else. And my fool father was guilty about the situation too.“Yes sure he was. But do you know what I want?”She thought for a moment and said: “Tell me uncle, what can we do for you?””Not all of you but only you my beautiful Princess, only you can give me what I want as compensation…”There was silence. She looked at him for a short time with her beautiful and tearful eyes and then said quietly:“What else can I do for you uncle…””I love you and ever since your last visit in prison, I could not get your image, your lovely face and your beautiful body out of my mind. I thought about you all the time. I want you so bad I ache. I want to hold you,feel you, touch you, kiss you and taste you. I just can’t stand it anymore…”Now Meena was shocked. I thought she is going to faint. She looked speechless with wide eyes at him for a long time. Then there came a word from her mouth with a tone which was unknown for me: “What do you say uncle, why do you say such things, are you crazy? Why are you doing this to me, uncle?I thought you love me like your daughter and I believed on you, we were best friends.””Sure we’re best friends. I want to stay your friend; we remain really good friends, but not only simple friends… but very Special, very close friends. And nobody is going to find out it.”“This is crazy; I don’t want to hear it more.” Then immediately she stood up. He held fast on her right wrist, and commanded: “Sit down Meena, I tell you when you can go otherwise…” Meena sat down reluctantly.He went on: “I give you time to think and decide.”He stood up, leaned forward and took her face in his hands and turned to him. She was now looking in his eyes with her tearful eyes.He leaned forward and for the first time kissed shortly and lightly her lips.She pulled her face back and looked disgusting at him.“I am leaving tomorrow morning and come back in some days, make your decision.”I hurried upstairs to our bedroom. I lay down on the bed and heard that he closed the front door behind him. My thinking was completely blurred and my brain out of function. I felt anger and hate. But I didn’t know what to do. I decided finally to do nothing! She had to decide if she is talking with me about it or not. I respect her decision. I am not going to ask questions or anything like that. I tried to pretend that I am sleeping. She came in after about fifteen minutes. Went to restroom and then came back and lay down next to me. I could hear her quiet crying. I turned me over and take her in my arms. She hugged me tenderly not to wake me up. I slept after some minutes. Thank god next day was Sunday and I could rest a little bit longer, but I am sure that Meena did not sleep well….04 – Bad Uncle! …At breakfast table it was obvious that Meena was awake all night. Her eyes told me that she has been crying long.She had all day swollen red eyes and was mentally absent. She complained of a headache and I tried not to disturb her all day. I went to work in my study. For dinner I took Meena to her favorite Italian restaurant. Although she ate almost nothing.The following days went by rapidly, we were both very busy in hospital and it was a good Thing to be busy, especially for Meena.She didn’t speak with me about that night and the incident…After five days on Saturday afternoon Mansour was at our door. He kissed Meena on her cheeks completely normal as always. As we sat in the living room Meena made some Coffee and we chatted about Mansour’s house and his plans.He had appointed an immobile Company to sell his house and he said this all takes time. Then we spoke aboutthe beauty of his home town and the sea next to that city.Meena was all time very quiet and looked either at me or to the window.After an hour he stood up and left to have a short nap. I told Meena for dinner we can go away to a near restaurant. She answered no, she had prepared the dinner before.After dinner we sat to look at a TV-movie. All the time Meena tried not to be in direct speech with him. She went more than necessary to kitchen and stayed for some long minutes there.About ten o’ clock I stand up and said: “Excuse me but I have to sleep. Tomorrow is for me a long work day. Good night.”Mansour replied: “I wish you both also a good night. But before I go sleep, do you mind if I talk with Princessabout her financial helps to me? You know, I received a part of my mother’s rest money. It is a good sum. And I like to pay back my debt.”’This makes me happy for you then see you tomorrow.’I went to Kitchen, kissed Meena and told her I am going to lie down and Mansour wants to speak with her.She nodded her head and said: “Good night my dear.”I went upstairs, changed and five minutes later I was standing in upper floor next to the stairway. I stood silently in a dark corner and from downstairs nobody could see me. Even though I could hear and even seewhat’s going on.Meena came back in the living room and sat left side of him, not on couch but on a separate chair. They were both silent for a short time then he turned to her and asked quietly: “Did you think about it, did you decide princess?”Meena began to cry with her head in her hands: “You are blackmailing me Mansi, you give me no chance…”“Everything has its prize…”“I had confidence in you but I was wrong…”“My dear princess, all this has no sense what you say. I try to protect you and your family.”“Please don’t make me do this.” She looked at him and pleaded, her big beautiful eyes filling with tears.“I am not making you do anything princess. This is only a deal. You know my mother died and I had not an opportunity to visit her for five years. I was not even by her side as she died, do you understand this?”“I know, you have suffered so much, it makes me sad, but am I guilty? Why do you do this to me? He who was responsible for your misfortune is dead and if this is your revenge…”“This is no revenge. I admire you and I desire you and can’t take revenge on you, even if I decided to take one.I know you are not guilty. It was our fault. You are most innocent and perfect person in the world. Perhaps thisis why I want you. For me you are the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world, I don’t know if your husband knows it. I don’t think so. He is busy with his plans and his work, but I need you and I’ll get you. Do you understand me?”“You know that if Nadir ever knew this he’d kill us both.”He laughed quietly: “He will not know.”She stared at him through her tears. She was silent for some minutes and only looking at him. I could not read anything in her eyes, not even Anger or hate. I think this was for her the time Phase in which,the reality of her situation was finally sinking in.She stood up slowly, so if she is firming her resolve. glanced at him for a short moment and said softly: “I don’tknow if I can do it.” Then turned and went in the Kitchen.He paused one minute, then stood up and followed her.I didn’t know what to do. Perhaps it was the time to intervene. But I thought I know her, she will rule it and everything will be okay. Perhaps in my inside I wanted to be sure that my loving wife is faithful. Perhaps in my inside wanted to test her love for me.The kitchen door was open. In the living room we had generally a dim light. There were some spots only to lighten the sitting space. She doesn’t like when there is not too much light in the room. I tiptoed quietly downstairs and stopped behind the kitchen door. Now I could see them. She was by the kitchen sink and he was standing one step behind and looking at her back. Meena knew sure 7that he stands there. He moved forward, slipped his hands around her waist and nuzzled her neck. She tried to free herself at first, but he grew bolder, turned her around and tried to kiss her and meanwhile ran his hands over her hips. Meena was wearing as usual at home some jeans. She pushed him away, shook her hand angrily and said emphatically: “No, please no… uncle, you’re a guest in our home, Give me your word you’ll behave. Otherwise we wake up Nadir.”Mansour just laughed good-naturedly: “Nadir sleeps deep, he is sure now out to the world.”He started gently to caress her cheek with back of his right hand. His left hand was now holding her shoulder. Then he said confidently and victoriously: “I know you have decided for me. Otherwise he was informed aboutit. Then why do you resist?”And tried again to kiss her lips, she tried one time more to push him away: “This is not true…”Mansour’s tone changed a Little and I heard he is impatient: “I seems to me that you don’t understand. I for my part renounce my right but If I left loose, Saleh gives you and your family no chance. You don’t know him, he is violent and since our release I put myself against him for you and protect you all. What I ask for this all is only that you are a little nice to me…”He tried again sincan escort to kiss her lips, she tried one time more to push him away.“I need time, please wait…” She took one step back.He came nearer and continued: “But I have no time my princess. I am too old to wait,who knows if there will be a tomorrow for me. I have waited a long, long time and now I have what I want. There is no negotiation.Sorry. But I promise you that Nadir will never hear about this if you don’t tell him about us.”Meena had one time more flushed face and tearful eyes. She turned her back to him and looked down and said:“But I can’t do this, you can’t be serious, you are my uncle, it is wrong.”Mansour slipped his arm around her waist and kissed softly her neck and murmured: “It can’t be wrang, this isonly love and love never is wrong.”This time she did not reject seriously. This astonished me. This old, fat, balding man, who was even somehow shorter than her was going to seduce my lovely young wife.At this moment I had a strang heart palpitation and some strange feeling. I was upset and mentally injured but on the other side very excited. I thought this is because I was nervous thinking that they could catch me,but even I could feel my dick lightly erected!This was new for me. Some other guy tries to kiss my wife and that excites me.I thought this is because we hadn’t had sex for days and now my balls were aching to be released.He turned her one time more toward himself and attempted to kiss her on her lips.Meena pushed against his chest, turning her head to the side, but I could see his hands were holding the cheeks of her ass tightly, crushing her against his groin. I could see by Meena’s red face that she was pretty upset. He tried to turn her face toward his and after a short struggle she gave way. And He finally forced her face toward himself and looked straight in her eyes, then lowered his face into the softness of her neck. I could hear her soft mutterings of protest, but Mansour seemed oblivious to them. Suddenly, I noticed his hands were on her breasts, kneading them, pinching her nipples through her white shirt. One arm across her chest, he unbuttoned her shirt as she glared at him.She was trembling: “Stop it! Stop it! Stop it now!”She was almost crying at this point: “I’ll scream, Mansi.”I heard her say softly: “Nadir will hear me.”Mansour laughed: “An explosion couldn’t wake him up. Relax. Your screaming or yelling can cause only trouble for you.”She started to say something, but Mansour crushed his mouth down on hers. I could see from my distance shewas giving an honest effort to resist, but Mansour was too strang. He was trying to hold her motionless. He had her beautiful breasts bare now. While playing with her nipples, he forced his tongue on her lips. Mansour’s both hands were on her buttocks now.I had gone from a guy curious about whether his wife would be faithful, to a man with a raging hard on. I was terribly excited. My cock was stiff as an iran stick. I had since my teenager years not such a hard on onlyfrom looking at some erotic scene. Now this was happening with my lovely Wife. Masour’s knee was between her long legs as he continued kissing her.I heard her trembling voice: “No, god damn it, Mansi. Stop it now!”Mansour was not about to stop. I heard Meena gasp. At first, she simply stood there, there was no resistancemore. She let him kiss her. It was a passionate, lip mashing kiss. He tried to force his tongue in her mouth. My beautiful Meena was responding to his playing tongue on her lips, but she resisted and didn’t open her mouth.I could see Mansour was getting to her at last.Now I heard a soft moan of protest from her. Then she screamed softly.First she didn’t respond, trying to resist, hold something back, but finally she groaned and wrapped her arms around his back, kissing him back on his lips just as vigorously.I almost came right then. It didn’t take long, Mansour stopped their kiss and said with a firm voice: “Come, we go to my bedroom.”I think Meena only now realized what is going on. She released her from his embracing and said: “No Mansi, you go sleep. We don’t want him to wake up and come after me. Please go sleep, we have time…”I could imagine that he wanted sure more but he otherwise knew the way the game was played he needed to wait and come at her again when she would give him a little more.Then she looked direct in his eyes and continued: “I promise you…”She kissed him shortly on his lips and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and let her go, then said: “Okay, but You have to promise me first something.”“What?”“You don’t put on Jeans or any other trousers when I am around. I want to see you always with skirts on. I like to see your shapely legs.”“But I can’t promise it. I would try sometimes…”“Sorry, but there is no negotiation. All time when I am here, and no rejection, understand.”“But…”He said forcefully: “You heard me.”Then she said softly: “Yes, I promise.”Tomorrow night is my last night before I travel. You know what that means?He took her one time more in his arms, turned her face to him, looked in her eyes and said: “You are mine, you belong to me…is this clear?”This was too much. I was married to her but I had never dared to say or even think that I own her. I waited for her reaction.She hesitated a moment then her head nodded while looking down.He said firmly: “Look at me when talking and respond my question.”She looked at his face and murmured: “Yes.”“Yes what?”“Yes, I belong to you Mansi.”“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear.”Then looked at her up and down and added: “I see you tomorrow my princess. Don’t forget about what you put on.”She nodded again.I hurried quietly to stairs and up in our bedroom. After some minutes Meena also was there. She lay down, turned to me and hugged me….Looking at Old Photos …I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking all time. I didn’t know what she was going to do and this made me uncomfortable and sleepless. But obviously she was also still not sure what to do. I trusted her. She was never the type of even a bit of flirting. I wondered how far she will let things to go? How far before she actually do the act and cheats on me? And then the question that came next; what would I do about it? I should have stopped this before it started but now I found that I was too excited to do anything but observe.Meena was sure a passionate wife and eager about sex.My only complaint was that she had a rather conventional idea of what was proper so much so that since long time I was sure that pushing her to be more adventurous about sex, would be actually counterproductive.I had always been gentlemanly, she was therefore taken by surprise by Mansour’s physical aggression she encountered now and did not really know how to respond to it. Perhaps he misinterpreted her mild refusals as shyness and timidity; her physical resistance was so hesitant and weak that he probably took it to be untruthful and hollow.Meena’s behavior when he kissed and touched her, seemed as she was responsive.I think he believed she’d do anything he wanted her to do and that she wanted to do it, though she was too ashamed to admit it.I thought tonight at first she herself was not sure what to do and how to behave. She said to me one time years ago, perhaps shortly after our marriage, actually she did not think much about the sex itself, but she wanted to be liked, she loved the romantic attention. This was the reason why I didn’t dare to go further with sexual activities. In recent months I was very busy with my work and now after this incident, I had the feeling that I had neglected her. I think my treatment of her in last times had driven her to emotional longing and our sex life was actually partially empty for her. So that she wanted to be loved demonstrative, emotionally and physically. In the end of my sleeplessness I came to conclusion that it was all my fault if she was going to giveherself to him, my own fault.This was emotionally a moment of a deep pain in me. But despite all of fantasies of mine, I could never really imagine her getting in bed with him…Next day she was trying to behave normally. We exchanged some words while driving to hospital. I was slightly clear-headed than last sleepless night. I thought I am not allowed to neglect or forget the most important factor and cause of her behavior: the blackmailing! but why she does not talk with me about it?Obviously she didn’t want me or any other in the family to know about her father.She is sacrificing herself! Okay, this matched to her. But then the devil was back in my head: Was that the only reason for her behavior? I had the egoistic and c***dlike feeling that she had her secrets which she hiding from me. Therefore I was perhaps deep in my inner a bit angry with her.At lunch we were sitting vis-à-vis as always and chatting some normal issue, but all the time she seemed worried and thinking. I was very curious and excited, what is going to happen this night?I suggested for dinner to go away. She accepted it and told me to invite Mansour too.I said: “Sure.”Afternoon I was planning some change in security system of our house. I took the Friday free but I didn’t tell her about it. Then as we moved in our house, Meena’s father talked us into a very specialized alarm-security system. He claimed that in the event of theft, if we have a modern security-system we would have no problem with insurance company to be paid. We let some cameras to be installed in the house.They were the best quality and very sensitive. I told Meena that this is worth to invest in such technical perfection and the price does not matter. The cameras were very small and they transmitted images from each corner even from guest house or garden. Their function was dependent of movement in the space which controlled by each of them. They were hidden and secret. Nobody should be able to detect them, unless he knew about their location! They could be turned on or off by a switch in the garage.I did this always manually when leaving. This turned the security system and cameras on.When they were on, once the motion sensors had been tripped the cameras recorded everything but then they stopped if there was no movement after five minutes.The cameras were linked to a hard disc with high capacity and automatically every active camera was recorded. I could look at recorded films and eventually after controlling them to delete or download the files on my computer. Each room had multiple cameras so every angle was covered and nothing was missed.If I wanted I could even zoom in for close-ups to see anything in graphic detail if I needed to. When we were home I kept the cameras turned off and I controlled the whole system through my PC.Now I wanted to be the only one who can turn the cameras off once they’ve been switched on. Anotrher Point was to Change the system so that turning off the security system only turn off the alarms but not inactivate the cameras. But I wanted that nobody knew about this. Especially not Meena. I intended to control and record our house even if we or one of us at home. I wanted to separate the two systems, cameras and security system with alarm which were primarily integrated, to make it possible the cameras to be active without security system. In addition I planned to let some very sensitive microphones to be installed which should function simultaneously to cameras, I wanted to see and hear what is going on when he is there and they two are alone even if I am not at home. One of my Patients was a specialist for electronic devices. I phoned him, explained my plan and made an appointment with him. He was not curious and did not ask about my target.At five o’clock we were home. Meena said she needs to take a bath. As she appeared in the living room I saw she is wearing a white blouse with a green knee length loose skirt. Normally she wears jeans and rarely a skirt at home. I had to admire her beautiful legs in that. She had loose hair and seemed more relaxed.I asked: “You wear skirts at home?”She laughed and said: “This is the first time that you notice this. I needed some variety. This is for you my dear, to look at me sometimes.”I was a little bit injured and jealous. I knew that was not for me but for her old, fat uncle. Did she it willingly and wanted to satisfy him or was she seriously forced to do it? Yes, he demanded her to put on skirts but did not tell something about her hand and foot nails. They were polished purple red like years ago as she was a young student…In last years she had a light polish color if any and this only on her hands.Mansour was not still there. Later he came home and went direct to his room.After half an hour we were sitting and chatting. He told us about his day and explained his meetings with some old friends in terms of Investigation for a small business in his home city.Meena was comparing to last day very relaxed but I felt she refused to look directly in his eyes. Finally she looked at wall clock and told me: “I prepare something for escort sincan dinner, We do not go away to eat, you want sure look at your loving Snooker game on TV as every Monday.”I looked at his direction: “If it doesn’t matter.”He laughed: “No, I prefer also to sit here and chat with my lovely Princess and look at old photos we intended to see, but meantime I bring a bottle champagne which I bought today.”’We have to celebrate the progress of my business plans…’While eating he made silly flirtatious jokes and glanced at Meena lustfully when he thought I might not see him. She in turn blushed at his attention. Meena was flirting with him all the time and I was dying with anticipation.After dinner we sat again in dining room chatting for a while and the champagne flowed. Meena was now glowing and in a little carefree mood.There was some slow music playing on the Stereo as always . Mansour looked at her and said: “This a nice music; reminds me of old times and my youth. Would you dance with me please?”I knew all too well that when Meena drinks she gets a bit too relaxed. She looked short at me and then turned to him: “Sure uncle if you wish.. But we go to living room for a short time before sports program begins.”“Okay as you wish, but you need to have patience with me. I haven’t danced since over ten years..”He stood up and extends his hand as if to lead her to dance floor. Meena didn’t refused and took his hand. They went in living room, and I followed and sat on the couch. It was a dim light there as always. He led her with his both hands on her sides and she put her hands on his shoulder. They danced with distance. He knew that I was watching.Then the music stopped and began a quick piece of latina music.They separated and he said: “I am too old for this one. Thank you my darling princess.”She leaned a bit and responded: “It was a pleasure for me my uncle.”And they laughed.It was time for my favorite sport program… Mansour told Meena: “What about old photos you promised to show me?”She looked at me, I told: “Okay I sit down to TV, you can go look at photos and admire your Youth!”She looked at me offended and he said: “It is right for me what you say, but Princess looks just like those times as she was eighteen and the most beautiful girl in the city.”She looked at him, smiled and said: “Thank you my uncle. He’s unashamed and sometime I think he needs to learn how to speak with and about a Woman.”He grinned and said: “I hope he is at least better in his other important duties as a husband.”She laughed and answered: “I don’t claim but more to learn about that, is also not bad for him.”“I see…” He added and they both laughed.She was practically flirting with him…I was a little irritated and said: “Okay, that is enough. It is time for me.”We went all in the dining room. I took my Glass and went out.He sat vis-a-vis to the open door to the living room. This door was normally always open, and you see could the dining table completely. Then looked forward and stand up and came to the door: “I shut the door, otherwise we disturb you…”Meanwhile was Meena back with Photo albums from upstairs and came in from other door. I saw her uestioning look before the door to me was shut. I heard him saying:“Now Nadir has his rest. By the way today I had also an appointment with Saleh..”One moment there was a silence, than Meena asked: “Is he here?”“Yes, he is also searching a job and wanted to know what am I doing. He asked about your family too.”Again silence. Meena asked: “He plans to stay here?”“No he is going back to our home town. But he was very upset and I had to calm him down. He needs money to live. I have to do something for him.”I was sure that to speak about Saleh was his plan to unsettle and worry her. Mansour wanted to emphasize that he controls the situation and to stress indirectly the harm which can caused by Saleh. He was trying to accent that he is the one who prevents this harm to Meena and her family. I was sure that he had success with his aim. I knew Meena, she was sure now more worried.I turned TV on, turned the tune volume a little louder. Then I hurried to other door.It was also shut. I waited a little and tried to hear something, but there was only silence. Then I had some idea. We have another room in ground floor. This was originally planned for servants from the past owner of house. We had never a servant. Meena changed it to a walk in closet. The door from this room to dining room was always locked. There was a glass window in upper part of door, and under the window, there was a slot possibly for head of house to be heard when calling the servant. I went into the closet and shut the door carefully. There was a dimly light coming from dining room lamp. The short Ladder for Wardrobe normally stood exactly at right place in front of the door. I climbed on the ladder until I was at the right level.I didn’t expect that what happens great in this moment, but I was wrang.They were looking at photo albums on dining table. Mansour was sitting near to the locked door and Meena sat on his left side. They sat at narrow side of the table. This was the far end of dining table when coming from living room, but vis-à-vis to the door of the living room. I thought this was intentional because so, they had more control over that door and me. They wanted not to be caught. I think he wanted it so. They sat very close to each other. He had his left hand on her schoulder and caressed her neck, his other hand was on the table. Meena was busy browsing the album. She made sometime an explanation about photos. I could see clearly the nearness of their body and especially their thighs together. Several times, as she moved, her skirt slid little back down her thighs. After a short time he whispered something in her ear.I heard only one word: ‘….skirt.’I thought perhaps he is thanking her for wearing a skirt. Then he took her hand right in his. She stopped to look at album and turned to him, he leaned forward and tried to kiss her. Meena stopped him and said softly: ‘Wait a moment.’ …and stood up.I hurried down and out, and at the moment that she opened the living room door I was by WC door I pretended to go in. She asked: ‘Do you need some drink?’I said: ‘Only water, thank you.’“Stay you long?”“No, I am going to work upstairs then sleeping. The game is boring. You also don’t stay too late. You must go to bed to get up early for work.”I didn’t wait for her reply and went in. After one minute I came out. A glass of water was on the table. I drank it, turned off the TV and the main light then went back to closet. From the closet window I could watch as Meena came back from kitchen and went to door of living room, opened it and looked around. She noticed that the light is off and I am not more there. Then she shut the door and went back to him. Mansour was watching her with admiring eyes. He told her: ‘Stay there. I want to see your sexy legs…’She smiled and stayed two steps away from table.He ordered: ‘Now turn around…’Meena turned slowly around. I saw his eyes which followed her movements. He was enjoying his power on her. I noticed her smile. Obviously she was delighted by his interest and attention on her. My cock was hard. I was also the game. Everybody was enjoying it!Almost perfect. But two more things.At this moment she was with her back to him and began to turn around, but he said: “Stay still!”Then added: ‘First you are going to cut your hair like old times and second you are going to put on the necklace I gave you for your 16th birthday, at least when we are alone…’and then approached from behind to her….06 – Intimate Touches! …I thought now Mansour was sure pleased that he had her so ready and manageable, even obedient, under control.Her back was turned to him and she was only wearing her light blouse, her green skirt and sandals. I thought she wears sandals not to be too tall. He was a relatively small man and she wanted not to be taller than him sure. I admired Meena’s rounded hips which were simply perfect, smoothly contoured and faultless curved. Her ass was in a word, womanly. Not a small, compact or bubble type. No, but Just ideally suitably to the rest of her body. It was an implicit vision of pledge and an invitation to absolute forbidden desires. Her arms were shapely and well-formed, with no indication of looseness. Her legs were impressively beautiful. They were perfectly and in the best possible way matching her height, with excellently turned calve. At that moment as I watched all this, I thought my Meena is just the perfect woman, and I thought Mansour stands there watching on her back, sees this all and thinks the same.Now he was immediately behind her. While he nuzzled and kissed her neck, he stretched out his right hand up under her loose blouse to feel her front and his left Hand slipped under it to touch her back. As I watched all this I thought I am sexually basically very inhibited. He was much older but much more aggressive than I had ever been sexually. I immediately had the feeling, rather foreboding in my heart that if my wife gave in just a little to what he wanted, he would take that for permission and go ahead and take it all and not even take an eventual NO from her mouth for an answer, unless absolutely physically denial and rejection from her side to what he wanted.I spied further on, now Mansour had gotten a hand on her right almost bare tit up under the blouse then with his left hand opened the top two buttons of blouse and began first to caress her left breast under small satin bra.He murmured into her soft dark hair: ‘Turn around my princess.’Meena is now at his mercy, I thought.Meena turned around and looked with dreamy eyes at his. I could see her wistful gaze and she was now clearly flushed in her face. He was looking directly at her breast then leaned forward and tried to kiss the upper bare part of her pale beautiful left tit which was now down to nipple visible.Meena put at this moment a stop to it. She glanced at the living room door and at the same time pulled down the blouse bottom hem. What I last saw was his persistence to try kissing her bare tit again. She giggled softly: ‘Mister Impatient!’Then she was for a moment serious and while looking at the door as if hearing some noises, told him: ‘There is something, I have to check..’Meena began to close the buttons of her blouse. I had no time to lose. I hurried out and before she opened the door I reached the last upper Stairs in darkness. She could not see the last upper stairs from the dining room door. I was right away in bedroom, lying under bedcover and pretending to sleep.I heard her opening the door and coming in. After a short pause she called quietly my name: ‘Nadir… Nadir..’I didn’t responded. She was on the way out, but she stood one moment by the door, turned over and then went in the bathroom. After a short time she was out but no water flush was to hear. She left the bedroom immediately and quietly not to wake me up. I stood up and went to bathroom. I smelled a strong scents odor there. Her favorite parfumes, I thought. Then I saw her bra on the washbasin edge. She had taken off her satin blue bra and left it there. That meant she goes now without bra.I heard the flush from downstairs restroom. I waited a bit and then carefully stood up and went to the stairs. The door to kitchen was open and lights on. First I sat there on the floor near to upper stair to watch and hear better and at the same time not to be detected. In this position, they couldn’t see me from downstairs, apart from this they I was asleep.I heard she is moving around in the kitchen. Then I saw him coming out from the dining room and sat on the couch looking at the kitchen door which was open.She came out, with two wine glasses in her hands. It was strange. She drinks normally not much. This night she was drinking too much for her habits. She gave him his glass and sat in front of him. They sipped it slowly.She looked at him and said: ‘He is sleeping..’He smiled and asked: ‘Then sit next to me, princess..’ And made space.She stood up and went to him. Now they were sitting only with some inches distance. He took her wine glass and put down both glasses on the table. Then turned to her and took her in his embrace. His right hand rose from her back to gently stroke the softness of her slim neck. His left hand rose and lightly stroked Meena’s soft arms. He cradled her into his shoulder. His left hand rose higher to caress the soft curve of her cheek. Meena snuggled closer in his embrace if she needs tenderness and protection, unresisting as his hand lifted her face.Now I noticed in her behavior some nervousness. Perhaps she was not sure. She had promised to give her to him, promised that this night will be his night. But now she is not sure, I thought.Mansour was not a handsome man, he has never been, though he was undoubtedly a powerful, dominant alpha male. And this melted Meena sure. She was always fascinated by dominant male characters in movies and books even politics. sincan escort bayan This was the point that I often noticed. As a sixty-three years old man, Mansour was over thirty three years older than her, but the years seemed meaningless. Even for her. “Ohh…” She gasped. I could see now clearly that her eyes were tearful. Meena was crying!His lips had descended and were kissing away her tears. She smiled at this touch.His hand on her cheek held her head firmly in place, as lips lightly caressed her eyes.She closed her own, and lay still as his lips closed over her eyes. Her eyes flitted open, as he kissed her forehead, then dropped to her nose and at last his lips dipped and met hers. His hand effortlessly held her head in place, as the kiss became more demanding. Her eyes flashed open and looked up at Mansour as he kissed her. It was rather tender but again only lip mashing kiss.They separated and he looked at her face. His eyes were locked on hers. It seemed to me the his eyes are powerful and somehow hypnotic and I imagined that Meena is losing herself in those eyes. Now she approched with her lips to his and repeated their kiss. This time he was more passionate and I watched as she melted into the kiss, her sweet lips responding to his stAryang one, and were seeking out his hungrily.Now she again sought to pull herself together. She pulled away instinctively then stood up. As if she thinks this is forbidden what here happens…‘Mansi I don’t think this is right, I can’t do it, I can’t help it!’ And went to other side of table.He stood up. Now I could see he is a bit angry. He was now talking louder: ‘You are playing a game which I am not interested in.’She stood motionless. She was facing towards the dining room wall and looking forward. I thought she was trying to decide.The question for me was how much of this what happening is what she wants, and how much she feels she had to do, to protect our happy life and lifestyle and that of her family. I was sure that deep in her decent and rational thinking, she believes that her behavior and what she does, is an act to protect other members of her Family including me and the way to achieve this target is to sacrifice herself. But at this moment, after what I saw previously, was for me clear and obvious: A part of her being, mentally or/and physically is enjoying this game.‘Turn around and look at me..’ He said with commanding voice.She turned immediately around looking at his face. Obviously the tone of his voice had a power over her. He walked closer to her. Now she was looking down. He put her hand under her chin, forcing her to look up: ‘I said look at me, in my eyes..’She looked up and met his eyes. I think she saw his rage.‘Do you play a game with me?’ This time it was even louder.Meena looked at my direction and pleaded: ‘Not so laud Mansi, you can wake up him..’‘I do not care.’She took his hands and kissed them: ‘I am so sorry, this is not a game.’‘Do you want me to leave you alone?’ He asked.There were a mixture of hurt and threat. “No, I mean I don’t want you to be angry and hate me, but..”Now he spoke quietly and encouragingly: “It’s okay, Princess. I promise I won’t be mad, I leave just now if you don’t want me. I can’t damage you and more I can’t see you are suffering. I promise, I leave immediately and you or your family will never hear from me again…”Finally meeting his gaze lower lip trembling with tears welled up in her eyes, shamefully shaking her head she murmured: “I am so sorry Mansi, I want you to stay, Please..”I think at this moment she gave up, she had decided, her fear was gone and she was no more upset.Mansour had won. He was satisfied how thing are run. He took her tender hands in his.Meena said softly: “You make me feel so good and safe when you are near. Your presence had done this always..”And while looking past him, eyes focused on some thought she was developing, continued: “But I know it’s wrong, so wrong. I feel good and awful at the same time. I’m a horrible wife for him, I think…”My eyes were tearful and my heart ached. There it was, out in the open. She loved me as her husband, but she wanted her so much as a man.He smiled kindly and enveloped her in a big hug, kissing her on her eyes: “I am feeling the same way. You have to do what your soul and body demands, Your bad feelings disappear soon, you know things can and have to change over time, especially bad feelings. You are the most wonderful, beautiful, desirable and innocent creature god had ever put on the earth. I am so lucky to hear from your mouth that you want me to stay. I never leave you, my poor, beautiful princess I will always be with you, truly, even if I am dead!”I saw a tremendous relief in her eyes…He bent toward her, this time she tilted her head to meet him, they kissed deeply and passionately on the lips. Her shapely body contrasting starkly against his heavy belly, and the contrast of his old, narrow and pale lips against her beautiful, full and naturally red lips were strange. Then he began working her ear with his tongue. I thought it is now sure very obvious to him that she wears no bra as he pressed her to himself and feels her breast on his. Probably he knows now that she removed them upstairs.He looked into her eyes. His grin was back: “Show me your tits…” He said and looked down at her chest, waiting.Meena exhaled sharply. His eyes had never moved from her breast. She watched his eyes Intensely and started to open the buttons of her blouse one after other. Now her proud, beautiful breasts were to see.His eyes slowly circled her breast, then crossed to her right breast. His constant grin made his eyes seem to twinkle. This was interrupted when she realized that his grin had given way to movement. “Okay?”Mansour smiled at that: “Okay what?”“Do you like them?”“Sure, they are lovely, now come here..”Then he took her hand and pulled her toward the couch where they was sitting before, and continued: “Let’s get rid of this blouse, let me see what only your husband gets to see…”Still standing next to couch he pulled the blouse off her in a hurry to expose her firm and perfect tits. Then sat down and pulled her on his lap with her facing him and her legs on his sides. He take her breasts in his hands, they we just and fit in his hands completely. He leaned forward began to suck on her lovely nipples one after the other. They got immediately very hard like bullets. Then he put his hands on her knees and pushed them forward feeling her smooth soft legs. Now he stretched his hands under her skirt holding her panty clad ass in his hands and kissed her again full on her lips. Mansour looked then at her eyes and while caressing her ass cheeks lustily stated: “You have such an amazing ass…such a hot body, my princess. I had admired it and fantasized about it since your teen years…”Then without waiting for her statement gently turned her over on her back on couch and stood up.Meena’s skirt was bunched around her hips, her panties partly and her beautiful tits were completely visible. I could see my wife, my Meena, clearly from this near distance under the light of spots, with her hard nipples very clear erect, her skirt was up the shapely thighs, her knees apart, almost lewdly laying back into the couch.I could see the tantalizing white flash of her satin panties with the lace front. Meena had gotten them as gift from me on our wedding day anniversary some months ago and she was wearing them today for first time. Obviously this is a somewhat special night for her, I thought. I felt my groin tingle with anticipation. Meena looked great in skirt and her panties and, as she made no real attempt to cover up, I guessed she was doing it deliberately to tease him. Mansour was looking directly at her shapely thighs.Mansour knelt down, now he was on his knees between her shapely thighs and in short distance to her naked breasts.I was very excited. Meanwhile I noticed that his hands is on Meena’s tits and gently caressing them. Soon enough, his right hand slid down to her belly and then under her skirt. I had the feeling Meena stiffened as if she was resisting.‘Let me take your skirt off…’ He murmured huskily.At that moment, I thought actually he is going to see my wife completely naked soon…I thought now I prefer to be able to stop them but I seemed still unable to move.I could see his strong arm stiffened also, as his fingers flowed across the lace front of her panties. His hand searched further down and for an instant it seemed she is offering resistance. Thinking she wanted it to stop, I thought one time more to stand up and step down to intervene. But at that very moment, Meena’s right thigh fell open. She leaned a little forward and up and I saw in awe for first time she initiated a long and passionate kiss. It looked like two lovers are kissing.I could see in her dreamy eyes, on her flushed face and her body reactions, obviously and unquestionably, she was definitely enjoying this all…Meanwhile Mansour began to massage her crotch with his fingers and I could see her hips started to move slowly back and forth, humping his hand and her kiss intensified, a sure sign for me that she was eager and wanted him to continue. Mansour had sensed it too and still kissing her lips and fondling her, began to push Meena back slightly towards the backrest of the couch. Easily she lay back down onto it. They separated. Her eyes opened, faraway, but glazed: she looks out as if she is flying blindly through sky I thought.I began to wonder just how far this would go.Kneeling still in front of her, Mansour’s hands were by her panties. He eased his fingers under the elastic of Meena’s panties and across to her soft, warm mound. Her legs were just moving slowly and sluggish and her hips were rotating gently with the movement.I could imagine Mansour’s fingers under Meena’s panties as he worked skillfully at the lips of her choot, working them apart.Meena’s hips were still slowly gyrating when suddenly she panted and her thighs flew completely apart. I could say this was her reaction to Mansour’s thick finger which probably slipped between her choot lips. I froze again. I heard him say hoarsely: ‘You feel so hot, my princess…’Meena simply let out a low ‘mmmmmm….’Then she came forward to him, put her hand on his neck and pulled his face to her.And began to suck on his lips and then for first time searched his tongue. I could see from his hand’s movement that his finger slid deeper, back and forth along the hidden furrow of her slippery wetness, I heard she moaned into his mouth, while her kissing became much more passionate and hot now. Meena’s gyrating hips began an intense and violent grinding and I could plainly hear the unmistakable sound of slopping thatMansour’s strong finger by pushing and pressing roughly into her choot, caused. Now as Meena’s moans intensified, I could say he had a second finger deep in her cunt.I was now sure that actually Mansour, her beloved uncle is the first stranger who won the prize of getting my Meena’s beautiful choot.I saw her climaxing is near. I watched as Meena covered his hand with her own. Mansour lifted his head to gaze at her, and she kissed him immediately and deeply. Meena moved her hands again up, to either side of his face, took his head and without words, directed him to her breasts.He searched her sensitive right nipple. Meena threw her head back as his lips envelope the nipple. I could see the joy on her face.I thought even if I appear and stay there, right before her eyes, she was not able to resist her oncoming climax. They both worked on intensely and were well on their way to her orgasmic explosion. It seemed she is enjoying entirely his superior strength over her body and soul.I was busy stroking carefully my dick with long firm strokes, anticipating her pleasure.Meena was now trembling. Mansour gripping her hips, kissed her hard once more, then staring into her eyes said: ‘I am going to make you cum my lovely princess…’Then he began pumping vigorously into her with his thick fingers. Meena’s hip’s started faster to grinding. I saw at the same time her breathing stopped. I watched with fascination as Meena’s muscles flex then her orgasmic explosion started. I could imagine how her choot began to spasm, tightening powerfully and then releasing upon his fast working thick fingers. At this moment Meena grabbed the back of Mansour’s neck and held him firm close to her body. I saw she is trying to prevent her own cries of orgasmic ecstasy, not to wake me up, they were only screaming and then moaning sounds.Now I noticed her facial expression; she was in another world.Then slowly her choot’s grasp around Mansour’s chubby fingers relaxed.Mansour knew now was the point of time, I thought. He knew now that Meena was his, for always and would soon be his slut. As her sweating and moving body slowed and relaxed, while still panting, Meena lay sleepily there, her thights slightly parted, her glazing glance fell upon him.She murmured: ‘Mansi, my dear, that was wonderful…’Now after her sudden orgasmic release, I watched as Meena moved her hand slowly towards Mansour’s trousers searching eagerly his dick, while looking in his eyes.This left no doubt about her wish and request. She wanted to reward him….

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