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An Unexpected Pleasure

Sandy and I had been looking forward to taking our Caribbean cruise for some time. We had booked the 10-day event at least eight months earlier and over the past weeks had simply counted down the days. Our trip down to Fort Lauderdale had taken us more time than we had expected. We arrived at our overnight hotel, located near the port, tired and hungry. Once we had checked in, set our luggage into the room, we Googled “Restaurants Near Me”, to find a place to eat. We found the Slackers Bar and Grill in a shopping center within walking distance and headed there for cold beer and Wisconsin style brats.

Sitting at a table along the wall we had a good view of the bar, all the tables and the customers occupying the seats. I commented to my wife that the more “elderly” customers in attendance would likely be our fellow passengers on the ship. We all stood out quite vividly, apart from the locals simply due to our age and mode of dress.

Soon after our arrival a couple came into the restaurant and were seated at a table adjacent to ours. I noted again to my wife that they too were probably our shipmates since they obviously fit the pattern I had imposed on the others. After our drinks had arrived and orders taken for both tables, Sandy asked the two if they were going on the cruise. A short conversation ensued between the four of us with their acknowledgement that they too were ship passengers. Our conversation ended when the food arrived. We said our goodbyes and said we’ll see you aboard as we left the restaurant.

The next morning, we got up early, showered and went downstairs for the hotel’s continental breakfast. Like most hotels it consisted mostly of a variety of cereals, breads, rolls, make your own waffles, coffee, juices, and such. We each prepared a plate with coffee and juice and sat down at a table for four that had just been vacated. Within minutes the couple we had met at Slackers the evening before came into the restaurant and asked if they could share the table with us.

When they approached the table, I amusingly looked at Sandy as she was silently complementing Sam’s physique, that of a well-built, sixtyish man who had taken care of his body. Tight buns have always been one of Sandy’ favorite points of interest and yes, Sam fit that picture. He also was well tanned, had salt and pepper hair combed straight back, and deep blue eyes. His wife Carla was also quite attractive, about 5′-4″ or so in height, nicely rounded hips and exceptional breasts that stretched the fabric of her t-shirt. She looked to be a true brunette, cut in a page boy style and a facial style and expression that made me think she might have been from Texas. I just assumed that she too was probably in her mid-60’s. like that of her husband.

Over breakfast we learned that Sam and Carla were from West Layfette Indiana, the home of Purdue University. Knowing that bit of information I mentioned to Sam that I had recognized the “P” on his shirt the evening before. He noted that he had attended Purdue, received a degree in Civil Engineering and was the owner of a civil engineering firm that he had started almost 30 years earlier. I mentioned that I had gone to Illinois, majored in architecture, and had an architectural, construction and development business for close to 30 years, before I retired. The similarities of our careers certainly established a basis for conversation between us. As Sam and I talked, the two ladies briefly gabbed over their interests. As breakfast ended, we said our good-byes as it was time for us to grab our luggage and take the shuttle service to the port.

Our cruise took us to several Caribbean ports, with stops in the Bahamas, St. Thomas, Antigua, Barbados, Martinique, and St. Kitts. Sandy and I had planned excursions on 4 of the ports we visited, spending the other days enjoying the sun and watching our fellow passengers aboard ship. At our last stop in St. Kitts, we took a tour of the island with excursions through their capital Basseterre, a plantation, and a hilltop near the Marriott Resort where islanders offered services for you to play with an island monkey. The tour ended with us back at the port shopping area that featured a variety of gifts and souvenirs ranging from t-shirts to diamond rings.

The day had become quite hot and muggy and after a bit of browsing through a few of the shops we stopped at an outdoor gazebo bar to have a cold beer. We found a small table near the bar and enjoyed the coolness of the island’s Carib beer. We had not been sitting their too long when we heard our names being called. Sam and Carla waved to us and came over to chat. They sat with us, ordered a beer and we began to relate our cruise adventures to each other. The girls started chatting about the shops, some of the treasures they had found, while Sam and I hit on a couple of guy things. All too soon Carla asked Sam and I if we would mind if she and Sandy spent a little time browsing through a few more Batıkent Escort of the shops while we enjoyed our beers. We agreed and off the girls went, chatting like friends of old times.

Sam and I conversed through a lot of topics ranging from highlights of our careers to politics and then our personal interests. We talked about our marriages, kids, grandkids and such, football, golf, and other manly subjects. Sam then began to get a little personal. He commented on how attractive he thought Sandy was, noting that he liked her figure, her breasts, her legs, and firmness of her ass. I noted that Carla’s shape was also quite appealing too. Sam continued his conversation by saying that he loved his wife dearly yet there were always times throughout their marriage that the bull looked at the grass in the pasture he was in and decided he needed to jump the fence because the grass on the other side looked greener. He kept pressing this conversation further and further, looking directly into my eyes with each added statement, I guess to simply test my reaction. Finally, he looked at me and said “Brad, you know how attractive I find your wife. What would you think if I told you I want to fuck her?” I was somewhat taken back by his statement, yet still somehow knowing what he was leading up to by the conversation we were having. I commented that I should probably take his statement as a complement, since he thought my wife was that attractive to him.

I was silent for a few moments and then said such a thing would never happen. My wife, I stated, has a very strong constitution about such things and would never agree to go to bed with you or anyone else. Yet, my mind was in a state of doubt about his proposal. I knew that for nearly the past 10 years of our marriage I have had erection issues, unable to maintain an erection long enough to penetrate her. Our sex almost totally consisted of me getting her off orally. Yes, she climaxed, but it was not the same as an orgasm with a rock-hard cock pounding in and out of her welcoming hot, wet pussy. I know how bad she has missed that element of our sex life.

I was about to add to the convictions I had over what he was proposing but the girls were quickly approaching. Sandy added, we’re hot and need another one of those cold beers. Do ya think you can oblige? Sure, I responded and walked up to the bar to order the brews. The girls had both found some additional treasures, just because of the sale prices they were offered. Carla sported a new charm bracelet of sorts, adorned with a few topaz-like stones. “The guy wanted $75 for this” she said to Sam, “but I talked him down to $40”. “You’ve always been a good shopper” Sam noted. “Good girl”.

The girls finished their beers and we all agreed it was time to head back to the ship. We were to leave port around 5:30 and our thoughts turned to the evening ahead. Sam mentioned that he and Carla had reservations at the Bistro Sur La Mer specialty restaurant that evening, and he would love it if Sandy and I would join them. Carla added “Oh please do, it would be fun”. Before I could add anything, Sandy said “We would love to”. The dinner reservation was for 6:00 PM and we would all meet at the restaurant a few minutes before the 6:00 PM time.

The dress code for this evening was formal, which indicated that I would wear a jacket and tie. Sandy had brought with her a beautiful full length gown that she had intended to wear for one of the two formal nights on this cruise. It was a beautiful dress that still looked great on her. She had last worn it to a wedding we had attended several years ago.

We showered, got dressed and went down to the bar situated just outside the restaurant to have a before dinner cocktail. By now the bartender had recognized us and remembered our order. “Good evening Mr. Brad and Miss Sandy, would it be the usual again”? At my nod he brought me a double Woodford bourbon on ice and Sandy a double Johnny Walker Red, on ice with a splash and lemon twist. The drinks were welcome as we discussed the evening ahead. Sandy still wanted to attend the show that was presented in the theater that began at 7:30. I mentioned that that it should not be a problem and we’ll just have to let Sam and Carla know our plans.

Sam and Carla arrived about five minutes before six. Sam’s jacket, shirt and tie simply accentuated his physical build, again to the roving eyes of my wife. I teasingly gave her a pop on her ass saying “I saw that”! Carla was dressed in a beautiful black sheath style dress with a vee-cut neckline that delightfully to my eyes, revealed her cleavage. Sam said, “Let’s eat”, and we followed behind him to our table near one of the ship’s windows. By this point we were underway with the mountains of St. Kitts slowly fading into the setting sun.

The dinner was exceptionally wonderful, with both Sandy and I ordering filets. We chatted like old friends with Sam and Carla, laughed quite a bit, even at Beşevler Escort a couple of old jokes that I had heard somewhere before. Before we knew it, it was around seven and Sandy reminded us of wanting to see the show that began at 7:30. “No problem” Sam noted, “but I’ve got one further suggestion. Would you two please join us in our cabin at let’s say nine, for an after dinner drink”? Sandy said that would be great. Sam added “that should be enough time for us to get out of these clothes and get into something more casual.” We agreed, said our good-byes, and headed to the theater.

The show got over around 8:15 and we made the long trek back to our cabin which was located several decks above and more aft of the ship than the theater. I was glad to remove the jacket and tie and put on simply a pair of shorts and a pullover shirt. Sandy opted for one of the new tropical dresses she had purchased that she simply slipped over her head. We were ready to go.

Sam and Carla’s cabin was located several decks above ours and more forward on the port side of the ship. We reached there just about nine and knocked on the door. Sam opened the door and welcomed us inside. His casualness of dress was that of one of the plush terry-clothed robes the cruise line furnished for their guests, if so ordered. Carla was similarly dressed.

“I note that we have both scotch and bourbon drinkers”, Sam noted. He pulled out bottles of each and masterfully mixed drinks for Sandy and I. Their cabin, unlike ours, was one of the suites, which was considerably larger, with a full lounge space to the side of the bed area. The space included a settee, and two casual chairs in addition to a small desk and counter over an enclosed mini-refrigerator. A large sliding glass door opened to a nice deck with two lounge chairs and a small table. I commented how roomy the cabin was compared to the more standard variety we were in. Sam noted that he and Carla have cruised quite a bit and just feel they enjoy the larger cabins. He added that that small added luxury was one they could afford.

Sandy and I sat next to each other on the settee while Sam and Carla sat into the two chairs just opposite of us, with Sam sitting across from Sandy and Carla across from me. We carried on a casual conversation for some time, with at some point Sam getting up and refreshing all of our drinks. I began to notice that Sandy’s speech had changed somewhat, not as if she had drank too much, but just different. At some point I noticed that Sam had set a little more forward in his chair and had spread his legs just enough so that the lapels of the robe parted. It was immediately apparent to both me and Sandy that he was nude under the robe and a lengthy, thick still flaccid cock was hanging down between his legs. Sandy grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard, staring quite pointedly at the show just feet away from her. Obviously the effect had some relevance, as I noticed that her breathing had changed.

Sandy began squirming in her seat and I asked her what was wrong. She said she was having a few back spasms and it was making her uncomfortable. Carla asked her about the pains and Sandy said they happen occasionally, and she must work with it until the pain subsides. Carla said “Well one of Sam’s best assets is that he gives great massages. Let him see if he can massage your back to ease the pain”. Sandy objected, but the pains continued and with Carla’s insistence, Sandy agreed to let Sam massage her back.

Sam suggested that Sandy lie face down on the bed. “Take your dress off so I can get to your back” he said. Sandy objected saying she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Oh, come on Sandy” Carla stated, “We’re all friends here”. Reluctantly Sandy agreed, slipped her dress up over her head and, as directed laid herself face down in the center of the bed.

Sam arose from his chair, removed his robe and got on the bed behind Sandy with his legs straddling Sandy’s to get into a position to begin massaging her back. I noticed that his once flaccid, thick member began to grow both in length and thickness as he began to run his hands up and down her back. He asked Carla to bring him some of the massage oil. She got up found the oil and handed the bottle to him. She then returned to the lounge area taking the seat next to me.

Sam worked her back for a good 15 minutes or more with added massage to her shoulders and then both arms. “How am I doing” he asked her, to which she replied “Wonderful”.

By now Sam was fully erect, a full nine inches to my guess. It was certainly an impressive member, was all I could say. Sam moved on down and began to massage her legs. Just as professionally as the back massage, the strokes up and down her left leg from ankle to thigh continued. Finally, I heard Sam whisper to her “I want to remove your panties now”. Sandy said no but as Sam’s massage motions up and down her leg continued, he pleaded again and again, until she gave in. He slid Beypazarı Escort her panties expertly off and continued the massage, now running his hands up and over her buttocks.

Carla, sitting next to me on the settee, snuggled in closer to me, putting her hand on my leg with a pat. “Don’t worry” she whispered in my ear, “she’s going to love this”. The smile on her face said it all. She knew what was coming.

Watching Sam’s strokes up and down her legs and then her buttocks, I noticed his thumbs slowly sliding up and down through the crack of her ass. He slowly parted her legs with the thumbs gaining greater access to the labia folds therein. I could her the whimpers of acceptance coming from Sandy’s face still buried within the bed’s pillows. Finally, he whispered to her “Please turn over”. Sandy obliged and then caught her first glimpse of Sam’s manhood, fully erect in front of her. She gasped, he smiled and simply said “relax”. His first strokes were now up and down her arms, hands, and shoulders. He then moved his hands down each side, circling across her belly and then up and over her breasts. The movements continued over and over, but as progressing, he began to encompass and tweak each nipple as his hands made a pass. As I watched this movement of Sam’s hands, knowing how sensitive Sandy’s nipples were, I knew with each pass her sexual passions were rising.

Sam moved back down to her legs massaging from thigh to ankle, with stops to massage each of her toes and feet. Sam straddled her in the 69 position and began a more intimate massage on what had to be a very hot, wet and dripping pussy at this point. Sam began to kiss her swollen labia and I could see his tongue begin to dart rapidly on her swollen love button.

In this position, Sam’s engorged cock was just inches away from Sandy’s face. I saw her take her hand and begin to hold then stroke his swollen member. “I like that” he said. She soon took it into her mouth and began sucking on it with want and vigor. At this Carla leaned over to me and said, “See what I mean”?

My mind and thoughts were going in different directions at this point. What should I do, or what should I say. I remember Sam’s words earlier that day saying, “I want to fuck your wife”! Never in a thousand years did I envision it would get to this point. And here was Sam’s wife cuddling next to me letting her husband freely do what he was doing with another woman.

All to soon Sam switched positions, spreading her legs further apart as he did so. He pulled one of the unused pillows off the bed and gently placed it under Sandy’s hips. He positioned himself such that he could use his hand to stroke his cock up and across her swollen pussy lips, fully teasing her at each pass. He then began to slowly enter her, stopping after about each inch of penetration. As Sandy accepted his girth, he’d move a little further in until he was fully within her. “Oh my God” she muttered, “You feel so wonderful. It’s been so long, so, so long since I’ve had a big hard cock in me”. The stroking began, first slow and then with more vigorous movements. Soon he was pounding that huge cock into her with her screaming “Yes, yes yes! Don’t stop.” The actions eventually slowed, positions changed, and the action continued. After what seemed to be about 20 minutes of this non-stop action continuing I asked Carla how long can he go? She said, “I’m not sure, but he sure wears me out”! By this time I knew my the screams coming from Sandy that she had climaxed at least three times, yet was not giving in by telling him to stop.

He finally positioned Sandy in the doggy position and began fucking her vigorously once again. Soon we heard the “Ah, ah, ah” coming from Sam and then a final thrust into her, fully emptying his load of seed within her. It was finally over.

Carla whispered to me “I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I’m surly wet in the crotch. What about you”? We both smiled at each other, then she gave my now erect cock and balls a good squeeze before she got up to hand the pair on the bed towels to clean up.

When Sandy had calmed down and her breathing had returned to a normal level, she arose from the bed, slipped on her panties and dress and said “It’s time for us to go”. She thanked Carla for everything and gave Sam a big hug. “You were wonderful Sam”, she said, “You made me feel like a real woman once again”. At that she said good-bye and we left to return to our cabin.

The trip back to our cabin was a little slow. Sandy was unsteady in her pace. She held on to me tightly as we maneuvered through the tight corridors and stairs to find our way back. Once there she quickly removed her clothes, spent a few moments in the bathroom and crawled into bed. By the time I had taken a whiz, washed my face and brushed my teeth she was sound asleep.

I certainly could not go to sleep. The thoughts of the evening were replayed over and over again. I was mad one moment and somewhat exhilarated the next. He had violated my wife while possibly throwing a critical division into our marriage. Yet, he was able to fulfill her need and desire, something I had unable to do for some time. I also could not understand the role Carla had played in all of this. She enjoyed the scene fully, both emotionally and somewhat sexually. What a marriage they must have!

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