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We have every trace of the Sea Ray’s former name removed from the boat. Even something as innocuous as having the boat’s former name written on a scrap of paper and left onboard could be a harbinger for bad luck. So, we have searched the boat thoroughly and have found nothing…so we are ready for the renaming ceremony.

The shipyard crane operator lifts the boat and gently cradles it underneath the transport crane. He slowly retraces the path that he took two weeks ago, when we stored the boat on storage racks for cleaning and servicing.

Once the Sea Ray is back on the water…we can begin the ceremony to purge the old name from King Neptune’s record books…and to add the new name which we have chosen.

We carry on board a White metal tag tied to a rope… a water-soluble ink marker and several bottles of champagne. This is “the good stuff”! You just can’t risk insulting Neptune, God of the sea…by offering a substandard libation.

I begin the ceremony by addressing King Neptune:

“Oh, mighty and great ruler of the seas, oceans, and connected waters, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name “Sea Nympho” which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea”

I then write the name “Sea Nympho” on the metal tag…and drop it from the bow, into the water…

“In grateful acknowledgement of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court”

I then pour over half the bottle of Champagne into the water starting from the east and pouring to the west. I then divide the remainder of the bottle among us. Once we have touched glasses and drank our ration of Champagne, I pull the metal tag from the water…and lo and behold “King Neptune” has washed the former name of the boat away…and we now have a “Clean slate,” and we can now proceed with the renaming of the boat…

“Oh, mighty and great ruler of the seas, oceans and connected waters to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as the “Queen Ann” guarding her with your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm. In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court”

I then pour one glass for myself, one glass for Ann and pour into the water the rest of the bottle… starting from the west and pouring to the east. Ann and I raise our glasses to each other…and drink the champagne down.

Now we must appease the four winds…

“Oh, mighty rulers of the winds, through whose power our frail vessels traverse the wild and faceless deep, we implore you to grant this worthy vessel, the “Queen Ann” the benefits and pleasures of your bounty, ensuring us of your gentle ministration according to our needs”

I then face North and pour a generous portion of Champagne into a Champagne flute and fling the contents to the north as I intone:

“Great Boreas, exalted ruler of the North Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your frigid breath”

I then face West and pour the same portion of Champagne into the flute and fling the contents to the west…

“Oh, Great Zephyrus, exalted ruler of the West Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your wild breath.

I then face East and pour the same portion into the flute and fling it toward the East…

“Oh, great Eurus, exalted ruler of the East Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your mighty breath.

I then face south and repeat the process of pouring and flinging champagne to the south…

“Oh, great Notus, exalted ruler of the South Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your scalding breath.

Another round of Champagne is poured into everyone’s glass, and we all raise our glasses in celebration…before drinking it all down.

With that…I go ashore and return with a self-adhesive vinyl sign that I had custom printed, which reads “Queen Ann, Home Port St Joseph Missouri” which Max and I, with the assistance of Bob and Ann…affix to the transom of the boat.

We walk over to the end of another dock to admire our handywork from a distance.

“That ought to do, until we can get her home and have that Escort Sarıyer painted on permanently.” I say

As we are walking back down the dock toward our boat…Ann says to me “Can you explain something to me?”

“I will certainly try…” I reply

“I’ve noticed that people seem to have different ways of describing a Boat. I’ve heard a lot of people call them just that…A boat…while others might call it a ship and still others may refer to the same boat, as a yacht. How do you know what to call them…when everyone seems to have a different name for the same thing?

“It is all about “perspective” … by today’s standards… a boat has to be over 120ft long to be considered a ship…and if it was built solely for personal pleasure use…then it can be called a yacht.

“But… the definition tends to vary when you take into consideration an old boat like my Chris Craft. The paperwork that I have on it…as well as old sales brochures I’ve seen, classify it as a “Luxury Motor Yacht.”

“This is because, back when it was built in 1957…it was considered to be one of the largest boats of its kind…and since it is constructed of wood, using standard ship building practices of the time…it was considered a ship.”

Back then, they went by the old adage “A ship can carry a boat, but a boat cannot carry a ship.” Since we always carry a small Jon boat on board for safety and ship to shore use… I guess by that old standard…the Chris Craft would be considered a ship.

To make things even more confusing…. Long before I got it and restored it to its former specifications… my old Chris Craft saw duty as a tour boat for a while in the Wisconsin Dells. So, it was technically a “ship for hire” at that point and as such was licensed as a commercial passenger ship, with a full-time captain and crew.”

So, because of all of that past history…I tend to use the words Boat, Yacht and Ship interchangeably to describe the ole girl. She doesn’t seem to mind…and everyone else seems to understand what I am talking about…

“I know some people tend to get hung up on ‘technicalities” … when it comes to talking about things like this. So, your best bet is usually; to just call all boats…boats…and just leave it at that. If they want to argue after that… just smile and walk away. That’s what I do!”

“So…what is our game plan, once we get back to the Marina?” Max asks

“Figured that I could get busy and refuel both boats and top off the Gerry cans…while you three go to Ann’s house and get her “treasures” boxed up and brought back here. Since we will be traveling together all the way… we can just put all of her stuff on the Queen Ann, and we can continue to use the Tia Maria for our meals and what not.”

“Speaking of which, I have an idea for modifying the two forward cabins and turning them into one large cabin, like the boat was originally designed. The walls I put in to divide it into two sleeping quarters, are free floating, meaning that they provide no structural support and are just bolted in place. If we take those down and do some modifications…we can turn two bunks into one large bunk…then get us a memory foam mattress and voila we have a place where everyone can sleep comfortably or do whatever we want to do…without feeling quite so cramped for room.”

“You are NOT going to believe this…” Ann says excitedly “but I happen to have a brand-new king-size memory foam mattress in the closet in the “playroom”! We bought it thinking that it might be more comfortable for my husband to lie on…but never got around to changing it out! If you think it will fit…consider it my donation to this trip!”

“Being memory foam, once we get it in the cabin…and open the packaging…we can MAKE it fit! That will be perfect!”

While the rest of them are gone…I take each boat over to the fuel dock and fill the fuel tanks to the top. All of the Gerry cans were still full, so I didn’t need to do anything with them.

When I get back, I unbolt the dividing walls between the two forward cabins… and by jockeying one of them around a bit…and sliding the other one under the built-In bunks…I was able to create a platform to hold the king-sized mattress when it gets here. The other two mattresses I was able to stand on their sides and wedge in place…so that if someone rolls to the side… they will have some padding to protect them…instead of the hard wooden side of the boat.

When the other three return… Bob and I carry the heavy box with the mattress to the Tia Maria and carry it down the steps to below deck and drag it to the forward cabin area.

“Damn, taking down those walls made a HUGE difference!” Bob exclaimed

“Yeah, I think this will work out great once we get everything in place.

We open the box with the mattress and lift the heavy bag up onto the platform that I have made for it. I pull out my pocketknife and tell Bob “Brace yourself, this whole space Silivri escort bayan is going to be wall to wall mattress in a moment”

I center the bag and begin to carefully insert the knife blade so that the sharp side is up…then smoothly cut the plastic freeing the mattress from captivity. While it didn’t exactly “Explode” out of the bag….it did quickly unfold and began to “inhale” and expand rather rapidly. I manage to grab the remains of the plastic bag and get out from under the mattress just in time to get myself free from this growing monstrosity.

Bob quickly hopped up on top of the mattress and pushed and shoved until it was fitting in the space provided very well.

We then went to help Ann and Max unload the other things and carry them to the Queen Ann… Once we had those things put away…Ann tells Bob that she has some King size sheets to fit the new mattress and offers to help her put them on the bed.

Max and I finish closing up cabinets and cubbies and retrieve the chrome stripper’s pole from the top of the car…which Ann had wrapped in brown paper to disguise what it was while transporting it to the boat. Once inside the boat…we decide to zip tie the pole to the legs of the galley table so that it won’t roll and damage something.

Once that task is finished, we close up the boat and head back to the Tia Maria to see what the girls are up to.

We walk down the stairs to see that the girls have managed to put crisp new sheets on the mattresses…which would have made for a very inviting sight by itself… but to make it even more inviting…both girls are laying on the bed naked…kissing deeply and fingering each other!

“Think I LIKE this new redesign of yours” Max says

“I just did the modifications…it’s the girl’s decorator skills that draws it all together!”

“It is definitely drawing me in” Max replied “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”

Which caused me to have a moment of De Ja vu remembering a similar situation with Tom. But that quickly passed as it was quite obvious that Max had his eyes locked on the women and barely even notice that I was still there.

While I am getting my clothes off…Max gets on the bed behind Ann and asks… “Is this a private party or can anyone join in?

“We’re just testing the mattress for comfort…and getting it all warmed up for you two to help us christen it!” Ann says as she rolls toward Max. “How about you let me take a ride on that fine cock of yours! I’ve had the pleasure of sucking it a few times, but my pussy hasn’t been formally introduced yet.”

“Be my guest” Max replies as he lies down on his back. As long as I got a dick, you will always have a place to sit!”

“Thank you, kind sir, I believe that I shall indulge myself with this fine specimen of manhood” she says as she strokes his cock to full erection.

She places one hand upon his chest to steady herself as she straddles his pelvis and guides his cock to her vagina. Easing herself down on it…slowly but steadily.

“Damn girl, you’ve got some great muscle tone down there! You could really put the hurt on a guy if you took a notion! Max exclaims

“Hang on” Bob says, “Let me get saddled up on Rick” and we’ll race Ya! First one to cum has to fix dinner!”

I quickly lie down, and Bob gets into position impaling herself on my cock.

“Ready, set … GO!” Ann calls out…

Both girls begin to ride our cocks like they are jockeys in the Kentucky Derby…

I don’t know how Max is holding out… but if Bob doesn’t slow down soon… I may very well be fixing dinner for everyone. I can already feel a big load building up way down deep…

I look over at Max and he appears to be in the same predicament that I am in… his face is beet red and has veins protruding on the side of his neck, as he tries his best to hold back.

Just as I am about to let go and face the consequences…I hear Ann let out a ‘oh… oh… OH… OH… OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! As her orgasm overtook her!

Max was right there with her, as he unloaded his sperm deep inside of her. Knowing what was happening to them, was all the trigger I needed to go over the edge myself! I immediately stopped trying to hold back and just let the orgasm take its course…and the moment the first hot spurts of cum left the end of my cock…Bob began to ride her wave of pleasure as well.

“Well, looks like I drew dinner duty…what do you all want me to fix?” Ann said

“Pretty sure that was a tie” said Bob “we were all riding the big O at about the same time…I’d say we all pitch in and make it potluck…whatever we can find to fix, that’s what we are having!

We settle on toasted ham and cheese sandwiches and heat up a couple of cans of vegetable soup. Quick and easy and filling.

We finish our meal and clean up the galley.

“I could really learn to enjoy this lifestyle” Ann remarks “Do you always just go nude when you are onboard?”

“Most Topkapı escort of the time, we only put on clothes when we absolutely have to. Even then…they don’t always stay on…as you were a witness to; at the hotel” Bob replies

“For one thing…it is so freeing and relaxing….and for another….it saves on having to do laundry!” I add “As far as I am concerned, Nudity is like almost everything else that I have been told by “polite society” that I should not do. WHY? They have no explanation other than “You just shouldn’t do it” When in reality… what they are actually saying is that “I don’t like it…so YOU cannot do it…so there!”

“These two boats are our own private world…and nobody but us, gets to make the rules for what we do or don’t do while on board. You want to go naked…then go naked. Want to engage in a particular sexual activity….as along as everyone that is involved agrees…then go for it! Do the wild and kinky and crazy stuff you want to do… and forget about what other people might think…if they knew. It’s none of their fucking business who or how WE are fucking on this boat! Plain and simple as that…and it took me until I went on this journey to figure that out!

“Well, as much as I hate to just fuck, eat and run…I still have some things to pack and I need to go over some things about the house, with my niece. She will be moving in tomorrow and is so happy that things have worked out the way they have. This will give her a chance to work toward her goals much quicker and easier than she had planned…and she is happy that I am actually getting out of the house and enjoying life again… If she only knew what REALLY is going on…she might have a different attitude…but if she finds out…it won’t be from me!

Ann then gets dressed and leaves for the evening…leaving Bob and Max and I to try to find something to do to occupy our time.

Max sits there quietly for a few moments, then I notice his face turns red as he prepares to say something.

“Did you really mean what you said about we can do anything on board, as long as everyone involved is in agreement?”

“Yes, absolutely! I meant every word of it!”

His face turns an even deeper shade of red as he says, “Even if it is something that is REALLY “out there?”

“If it is something that truly piques your interest…and you REALLY want to try it….and everyone involved agrees to try it …then by all means yes. Feel free to present your idea and see what happens. If it doesn’t interest others as much as it interests, you…then obviously…it’s not going to happen. But you never know… until you run it up a flagpole and see if anyone salutes”

“I totally agree” says Bob

Max sits there for a moment, then exhales deeply and says “Okay, so there is this thing I saw on the internet. I was watching some porn and this one scene kind of came out of nowhere…and these two guys and a girl did some stuff that freaked me the fuck out…the first time I watched it… but then I replayed it, and they all three seemed to be so into it…that I thought I would LOVE to try that sometime. But have never been in a situation where I thought I could even bring the subject up…”

“So, what was it” Bob wants to know…

“Okay…I’ll just describe what they did…and let you two decide if it’s too kinky and weird or not”

“Out with it!” Bob demands…

“Okay, so there was these two guys and this one chick …. she had the guys get into a position where they were facing each other…like really close. I mean REAL close…”

“Yes, we understand that” Bob replies

“No, I don’t think you do…they were so close that their dicks were touching!” At which point his face turns fire engine red

Then the girl had them both lie back…and she sat down on both of their dicks at the same time! Took her a bit to work them both inside…. but she did…and then she fucked them until they both came in her….and it was the most awesome and sexually stimulating thing that I have ever seen.

“So, you are saying “two dicks, same hole”? Bob asks

“Yeah!” Max replies “I know it is weird and kinky and kind of gay…but I nearly wore blisters on my cock from jacking off so many times while I watched and rewatched that video.

“So, you are saying that you want us to try that with you?”

“Yeah, but only if you both want to…it’s not like I can’t live without trying it or anything. It’s just that the idea of it turns me on so much…I would love to experience it for myself…at least once”

“Well, this is a decision that only Bob can make…I have an easy role in this…I just supply the second dick. She is the one that has to try to fit all of that man meat inside of her without ripping herself to shreds.”

“Truthfully, I do not know if I can accomplish this… but from the way you have described it… I will have complete control over what happens…so as long as you two just supply the cock and don’t try to thrust or something like that…I can take my time and see what happens…I mean, women push babies out of their cootches all the time…. surely a couple of dicks can’t be all that tough to accommodate. Neither of you are THAT fucking big…despite what you might think!” she teased “let’s do this”

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