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Ann had tilted the rear view mirror to look at herself as she drove. It wasn’t like the mirror was doing her much good from a driving standpoint anyway, since the back of the car was packed almost to the ceiling for our cross country trip. Still, it was odd when she kept glancing at the mirror like she was driving normally, knowing that each time her eyes checked it, she was looking at herself, and not the traffic behind her.

“I still can’t believe you made me go in there like this,” Ann said as she shifted her head a little to look at herself at a little different angle.

“What are you talking about,” I laughed. “That’s not how you looked when you went in and you know it. You look fine now!”

“Well, yeah. But you know what I mean. I can’t believe you made me go in there like I looked like before I went in there.”

“That’s the weirdest sentence I think I’ve ever heard.”

“Well…that’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever made me do.”

“So far,” I laughed. “Besides, you love me making you do things, and that turned you on and you know it,” I said as I reclined in the passenger seat.

I couldn’t recline as far as I wanted, again because little hatchback being stuffed so full. But I’d deliberately given some extra room to that side, whatever space I could create, so that whoever wasn’t driving could tilt back and sleep if they wanted. It wasn’t a full recline, but it was a little over halfway, which was good enough.

Ann turned and looked back at me, reaching over to rub my leg as she drove, feeling up under my shorts. She was teasing me with her fingertips, and she winked at me.

“You’re right. I just can’t believe how horrible I looked.”

“Anna, you’ve never looked more beautiful than you did then…well, except now. And any other time I’ve seen you.”

“Yeah…right!” she said sarcastically.

I sat up and reached underneath her cropped green tank top, feeling the damp skin of the underside of her right breast. “I’m serious, babe,” I said as I licked her earlobe. “You looked so fucking HOT!”

“I WAS hot! I was also sweaty, and sticky, and I had a huge load of your cum all over me.”

“And yet you’re still the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, then and now,” I said, kissing her temple.

Ann turned and gave me a quick kiss, and said, “I needed to hear that, Neil. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And besides…it’s true,” I said, laying back and closing my eyes to get some rest.


When we’d finished our Nevada fuck, Ann had gotten dressed, putting her cute little green skirt on. She went to get a towel from behind her seat to clean up her face, and I said, “Babe, you begged me to cum there. I think it needs to stay there.”

“I just need to get it off my face so I can get my shirt on,” she said, not comprehending what I was saying.

“Anna…did you want me to cum on your face?”

“Well…yeah,” she answered; her eyes wide and innocent.

“Then I don’t want you to clean it. You asked for it, you got it…you can leave it.”


“I’m in charge…so…I want you to leave it like it is.” I leaned over and kissed her, reaching under her skirt. I stuffed two fingers into her pussy and rammed them in and out a couple of times, making her squeal into my mouth. Taking them out, I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted them. “Put you shirt on, and let’s get going. We still a lot of driving to do to get to Utah,” I smiled.

Ann had just mentioned wanting to get to Utah so we could add another state to our list of ones where we’d fucked. And since I’d just primed her pussy again by playing with her, she suddenly couldn’t wait to get going.

“I’ll drive!” she said a she threw her shirt on and scrambled around the car. I grabbed my shorts off the concrete and hopped in, slipping them on as she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “We’re heading east, right?” she said as she made her way towards the ramps to the interstate. Being that both directions of the interstate used the same rest stop, Ann had the option of going either way.

“Yes, babe. We’re going east,” I laughed as I lifted my hips up to get my shorts over them.

With my crotch thrust up in the air, Ann reached over and grabbed my still half hard cock, stroking it. “Don’t tease me about not knowing which way I’m going right now,” she said as she waved my shaft back and forth to make a point. “With this big thing around, it’s really hard to concentrate.”

“I’m sorry, Anna,” I snickered.

“I’m serious. You made me cum so hard I’m still a little loopy right now. I feel like a wet dishrag,” she said, taking her hand off my cock as she sped up on the entrance ramp.

I had slipped my shorts on, but left my shirt off. We were both hot, and the sudden burst of wind through the windows, and the vent fan being on high, made us both feel a little better. I was cooling off, and Ann seemed to be too. Her shirt was clinging to her breasts, the perspiration from her chest soaking through. It wasn’t ankara escort bayan a wet T-shirt moment, because her top was green. But her nipples were hard, and poked into the thin material, making what had always been a very nice view for me even better.

Ann caught me, and said, “You’re staring at my nipples again, aren’t you?”

“Uh huh. But hey, I left mine out for you to enjoy too.”

“Do you want me to lift my shirt?” Ann said, her hand touching the bottom of the cropped top.

“Actually, I kind of like them the way they are right now, babe. Besides, I like knowing I can make you do that anytime I want. Even when you least expect it,” I grinned.

Ann saw my devilish smile, and let out a little moan. Staring through the windshield at the road ahead, she let out a peaceful little sigh. “I love you, Neil,” she said over the loud rush of the road as she hit 80 on the speedometer.

“I love you too, Anna.”


We’d stopped for lunch at a town called Winnemucca. I’d hoped to find a nice place to eat, mainly because I’d remembered Ann’s Uncle Marty telling me to make sure splurge on her with the money he’d given me. He wanted me to make sure we ate and stayed at nice places. And I’d promised him, so I felt like I kind of had an obligation. But I also promised him I wouldn’t tell Ann…and she was in no mood for a fancy, sit down lunch.

And the main reason for that was how she looked. How we both looked, really. We’d fucked hard and fast in the parking lot of the rest area…and it was hot sex both figuratively and literally. Any time I fucked Ann it was amazing; but for whatever reason, to me it was one of the best times we’d had together. Maybe I was a little biased simply because it was the most recent…but the fact that we both came away from it a filthy, sweaty mess made it seem even better.

Yet that also made Ann self-conscious, since I insisted that she not clean up. I loved the way she looked. The cum on her face had dried, but other than being a little flaky, it didn’t appear to be that noticeable. The dried cum in her hair was another story. I’d shot a lot of thick ropes of cum in her curly brown locks, which at the time had become matted down some from her perspiring so much. And so, her hair dried like that.

Ann kidded about it at first, making a comment about how she’d like me to cum in her hair before she laid out in the sun, thinking it would create natural highlights in her soft brown curls. But now that we were looking for a place to eat, she had a different view.

“Can’t we just go to a drive through somewhere and get it to go. I can eat while I drive, and you’ll still get the thrill of at least one person seeing me like this.”

“Ann…we need to go inside and cool off. It’s got to be 95 degrees out. Besides, we really need to let the car cool down for a while too.”

“The car’s fine. I just had it serviced…the coolant is perfect,” she said, grasping at straws.

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop. Let’s go in and sit down and cool off for a little bit…okay?” She started to say something, and I said, “We can compromise on where we go…or, I can just MAKE you go where I want to. I’m willing to be a good sport about this.”

“Are you REALLY willing to compromise?” she grinned wickedly.

I could have played the trump card and told her that I was in charge. That’s what she said she wanted all along…to be made to do something. But I knew deep down that it was upsetting her to look like she did. Ann wanted to look sexy…and it wasn’t the cum that was changing that look about her. It was the way her hair looked flat and unnatural, and that bothered her.

Because of that, I could tell that Ann was more than willing to compromise. Knowing from her smile that she was likely thinking of trading off the type of restaurant where I hoped to take her to eat for something else, I figured I’d at least find out just what that meant before I made a big deal out of it. After all, bartering could be good, provided you were holding the advantage going in. And I really didn’t want to embarrass Ann…I just wanted to keep her on edge and turned on.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ann smiled and said, “I’ll willing to go into a fast food place. But, I want to clean up once I get in there.”

“In exchange for?” I questioned, wanting to see what her mind was thinking.

“I just want to clean up, Neil. You’re still in charge. Take this however you want, but I’m going to be in a much better mood if I feel good about how I look. And when I’m in a good mood…” she said, winking at me at the end.

I could have finished that sentence even without the sexy little wink. Knowing that only good things could come from helping Ann to feel good about herself, we ended up going to a Wendy’s; Ann carrying her purse, filled with who knows what, and me armed with the orange canvas bag that we were using to carry the camera. Ann çankaya escort decided since there was no one else standing in line when we walked in, she would at least join me at the counter. She stood there, leaning into my body, her arm around my waist as we waited for someone to come and take our order.

When the young girl came up, Ann smiled at her and asked how she was doing, attempting to deflect the stares with her smile and personality. The girl nodded, but couldn’t take her eyes off of Ann. I could only imagine what she must have thought.

Ann looked up, studying the menu board. “I’ll take a double cheeseburger meal with everything, and a water. Oh…and a medium Frosty,” she said with her normal cheerful voice. Then Ann turned to me and said, “I’m going to go wash you out of my hair, baby. I’ll meet you at the table.”

I laughed and said, “I’m sorry I made such a mess.”

Ann leaned up and gave me a kiss. She started to walk away, swaying her hips seductively as she went. Looking back over her shoulder, she said, “That’s okay, lover. It’s all protein, anyway. It’ll make my hair shine.” She gave me a playful little wave and walked around the corner.

I smiled and looked up that the board, knowing I was being stared at. I gave the girl my order, and when I looked down, she was still wide eyed with her mouth open.

“Did you get that?” I asked.

“Huh? Oh…yeah,” she said, looking down to enter my order. I paid her and got my change, then I slid down the little wooden railing they have and waited for them to place our food on the tray.

I heard the clip-clopping sound of Ann’s heels coming from the hallway next to the kitchen. As she emerged from behind the wall, she kept looking straight, heading for the dining section. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. It was slick, and looked a little darker from being wet. That in and of itself was enough for me to take notice, but I was also struck by Ann’s makeup. She didn’t just freshen herself up…she totally changed her look.

I didn’t get that good of a look, since she walked by quickly, heading for the atrium area that all Wendy’s seemed to have at the front of the building. She turned when she passed through the little doorway, heading past the partition wall toward a corner. When the food finally came, I walked carefully back to where Ann was seated.

I’d wondered why Ann would have chosen the atrium, just because of the oppressive heat we’d been experiencing. The main dining area was totally empty, probably because we were eating a late lunch, and we were well before the dinner crowd. But Ann headed to the front anyway. But the management of the restaurant obviously anticipated what the weather conditions would be like, because they had the shades all the way down to hide the sun and keep that area of the dining room darker and cooler.

I glanced to my right as I turned around the corner, seeing an older couple at the far end. Ann was to my left, seated at a chair at a table in the corner with her back to me. I set the tray in front of her and went to sit in the chair across from her, and when I saw her, I damn near missed the chair altogether.

Ann let out a little cackle as I stumbled before collecting myself. “Are you okay, baby? You act like something startled you.”

“You could say that,” I said as I grinned at her, trying to grab the table to support my suddenly wobbly legs.

Ann looked like a model. She hadn’t been wearing much makeup to start her day. First because she could get away without wearing a lot, something than most women wouldn’t even dare to try. And secondly, we were traveling, and she knew it was going to be a hot day with us trapped in the car. But now, with her hair pulled back, she’d totally changed her image, and she’d done her makeup to match her new mood.

She had applied more blush and redone her eyeliner, which I would have expected just under normal ‘freshen up’ standards. But she added eye shadow…a beautiful shade of green that complimented her outfit. She’d also done her lashes. I’d never seen them so long and thick, and when she batted her eyes, I became lost in them. That is, until she licked her lips, which were now a dark shade of burgundy, highlighted around the edge perfectly with a darker lip liner.

Ann had also changed her jewelry, removing the emerald studs she’d been wearing on her ears before, replacing them with two golden hoop earrings the size of half dollars, and a she added a fairly thick gold necklace that had a star the size of a quarter dangling from it. Lastly, she had some gold hoop bracelets on her left wrist. It was all costume jewelry, but it looked really good together.

I literally shivered a little as I stared at Ann. She smiled and said, “So, do you like the new me?”

I laughed and said, “No…I love the new you. Just as much as I love all the other versions of you.”

“Awe…that’s sweet. But really, do you like it?”

“I dikmen escort love it Ann. I love YOU!”

Ann smiled and took her sandwich off the tray. I shook my head slightly as she started to eat, and she just grinned as her teeth sank into the big sandwich in front of her. I grabbed mine and opened the wrapper, and I joined her. I hadn’t realized how famished I actually was. And the way Ann was attacking her burger, I knew she must have been hungry too.

We ate in silence for a while, content to eat and stare at each other. Ann was flirting with her eyes, and it wasn’t long before I felt the toe of her shoe resting on the chair between my legs. As she eased it up against my crotch, she grinned.

“Do you want to take off my shoe for me?” she said in the deep sexy voice she’d started to use every now and then to drive me wild.

It was obvious what Ann wanted to do. She’d teased me with her foot at restaurants before. And my heart jumped when I thought about letting her do that to me again. And then my mind jumped back to the last time Ann had her foot on my shaft, thinking if how she’d jacked me off at the going away party a couple of days before. Looking at Ann sitting there, eating a french fry like she was making love to it, I became inspired. Ann still had food left to finish, including her Frosty, while I’d pretty much finished mine. I guessed that Ann figured we still had some time, so she wanted to play…and I agreed.

I took her foot and kind of pushed it off the edge of my chair gently as I slipped the sandal off my own foot.

Ann’s bottom lip jutted out in a fake, but sexy pout. “You don’t want to play footsie?” Of course, Ann was talking about her brand of foostie, compared to the every day, run of the mill type where one person rubbed there foot up and down the foot and lower leg of the person they were flirting with. But that was fine by me.

“Of course I want to play footsie,” I said as I flashed an evil little grin, my bare foot making its way up along her leg until it rested as hers had, on the seat between her legs.

Ann’s eyes widened as she felt my big toe against her bare pussy. “Oh…fuck,” she said as I grazed her clit.

“So, tell me Anna…what made you change your appearance so drastically?”

“You…you brought the camera in with you. Which means you obviously had a reason in mind for you to do that…and I’m pretty sure it’s going to involve me. So, I figured if you’re going to take my picture, I’d better make sure I look good for the camera.”

I smiled when I thought about Ann’s logic, and the fact that she was prepared for me to take pictures. She continued to nibble at her food as I dug into the canvas bag and pulled out the 35mm. Ann smiled for me as I focused the lens on her face. Then, just before I pressed the button to take a photo, I pressed my foot forward, forcing my big toe to slip into Ann’s wet pussy.

Ann’s mouth flew open, and I pressed the button on the camera, capturing her shock and surprise. “Oh…Neil!” she snapped, her eyes closing as she felt me start to jam my foot back and forth a little. I wasn’t penetrating her much, but it was enough to make her squirm in her seat.

“Yes?” I answered, taking another picture as she leaned her head back and let me fuck her with my foot.

She grabbed the edges of the table, gripping tightly…and I realized she was actually enjoying it more than I could have imagined. “God…I can’t believe how good that actually feels,” she panted.

“Lift up your shirt,” I said quietly.

“What?” she said, her eyes looking at me from underneath her half-open eyelids.

“Lift up your shirt…I told you that I was going to make you do it when you least expected it,” I said as I looked around the camera.

Ann froze for a second, not processing what I was saying. I wasn’t sure if she was distracted by what I was doing with my foot, or if she suddenly had second thoughts about exposing herself. I stopped playing with her pussy, pulling my toe out of her and placing the sole of my foot squarely on the edge of her seat between her legs.

“Noooooo!” Ann squealed, trying to keep her emotions under control. “Baby…I was so close…why did you stop?”

“I had to stop, Anna. You didn’t do what I asked you to do. If you want me to make you do things, I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you actually do them. Or did you mean that I have to physically make you do them. Because if that’s what you meant, I don’t…”

“That’s not what I meant, Neil. You don’t have to ‘make me’ make me, if that makes any sense,” she said nervously.

“Well, just asking you doesn’t work. I mean, either we’re doing this, or…”

“Neil…I’m sorry. I got caught up in what you were doing to me, which was AMAZING, by the way! Can we start over, or did I ruin the mood,” she said calmly, leaning over the table.

“Maybe…but we have to have an understanding. I don’t like the mixed signals I get sometimes, Ann. I think we need to talk about some things. There’ve been a couple of things that have kind of had me wondering.”

“Oh…,” Ann said, sitting back in her chair a little. “Okay…we can talk.” Ann put pushed her food off to the side, and put her hands on the table, folding one over the other in front of her. I looked down at her ring, sparkling from the light hanging low over our table.

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