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Ann Kerr’s Away“Mum! MUM!”Ann looked round. Jess was waving at her from the far side of the barrier. There weren’t many people at the airport and Ann smiled as she saw her and headed towards the girl, her suitcase wheels sending out a gentle hum on the smooth airport floor.“Jess!” she said and they embraced.“Jeff’s just gone to get the car and he’ll meet us outside,” the girl said as the two women headed towards the doors of the terminal. “How was the flight?”“Uncomfortable,” Ann said with a smile. “I swear if they could fly you standing up they would. It’s the only way they could squeeze more seats in.”“I know. We said the same. But no worries, we’ll soon have you home and you can have a large G and T by the pool. Hope you packed your bikini.”“Oh, yes. Of course I did – I don’t think!” Ann laughed. “Bit too long in the tooth for bikinis love.”“Rubbish! You have a great figure.”“Hmmm. Afraid everything’s heading south now. No, I’ll just wear my nice, boring summer frocks. That’s good enough for me.”“Well Jeff will be disappointed.”“Jeff will?”“Yes, he’s always saying what a looker you are and how he like to see you ‘stripped down’.”“Jess!”“What?”“That’s not the way he should be talking of his mother-in-law. We’re supposed to be dragons.”“Oh, Mother. You would be surprised. I could tell you things that would make your hair curl.”“And don’t you mind?”“No! While he’s talking to me about it he’s not off shagging some bimbo,” Jess said holding one of the plate glass doors open for her mother. “And besides, It can be quite – er, what shall I say – stimulating?”Ann looked wide-eyed at her daughter who smiled.“Oh, come on, Mum. Didn’t you and Dad used to fantasize?”“No!”“Hmmm. I would believe you but you still blush.”Ann slapped her daughter on the arm playfully as they walked along looking for Jeff in the car. Her mind went back to those moments she loved with Harry. In bed and intimately exploring their fantasies. Fantasies which were at the best totally immoral and often totally i*****l!“There he is!” Jess said and led the way to the silver Seat at the kerb. Jeff climbed from the driver’s seat and moved to take the case. “Hi, Mum!” he said and leaned forward to give her a kiss on the cheek and his hand casually brushed the swelling of her chest. Ann felt a tingle but it had all been so innocent and his hand reacted and moved away instantly but there was a tingle in her.“Don’t you think you should call me Ann?” she said and Jeff laughed.“I could but I like you being my Mum,” he said.He took the case and placed it in the boot as Jess held the door open. Ann slid into the back seat and Jess climbed in next to her.“Home, James,” she called to her husband as he climbed behind the steering wheel.“Yes, Mi’lady!” Jeff said and eased the car out into the flow from the airport.It was about half an hour’s drive to the Villa which stood on a high spot with a wooden stairway down to a private beach. The Med was deep blue to their left as they drove and Jess chattered away about what they’d been doing in the past week and where she was going to take her mother.“I hope you’re going to leave some time for your husband,” Ann said.“Oh, Him,” Jess laughed and ruffled his hair. “He can have me any old time.”“That’s why I married you,” Jeff replied. She slapped him on the head.“Oi! I was a virgin when I met you!”“Not for long.”“No. You led me astray.”“Mmmm. And wasn’t the journey fun.”They all laughed. Ann had never been prudish about her daughter. Jess had promised to be careful when she had her Mum/Daughter talk on her first period. She had kept that promise though university and into her job as a research assistant at the British Museum where she met this young man. She had been there two weeks when he, rather shyly, asked her to go for a drink. In a small pub off Russell Square, they had laughed and fallen in love and Ann remembered the phone call from a 22 year old girl saying she had to work late and would stay at a colleagues flat. Ann had asked if he was ‘the one’. There was silence for a moment before Jess softly answered that he was. Ann just said the single word ‘enjoy!’ and Jess asked a question which sounded so naïve. She asked if it hurt losing her virginity. Ann smiled to herself and said that it did but only for a moment. ‘It’s like a balloon, love. One prick and it’s gone.’ They laughed and Jess went to his flat and her new life.That was seven years ago and now they were happy academics and enjoying the life of a couple unencumbered by c***dren and travelling when and where they liked.Jeff eased the car through the gate of the villa and stopped at the front door. Opening the doors for his wife and mother-in-law and they walked into the Villa. It was large and airy and cool despite the heat outside. He followed with the case.“We thought this room would suit you, Mum!” he said. “It opens up onto the pool and the sauna and it’s…..well, here it is.”She moved through the door and looked. It was enormous and, despite the modernity of the Villa, it had an olde worlde feeling. A large four-posted double bed stood against one wall where one could sit and look through panoramic windows out onto the patio with the swimming-pool and the distant view of the cliffs and the sea.“Wow!” was all she could say.“And it’s quiet so if you do want a little friend to stay over, you won’t be disturbing anyone.”“Jess!” she chided.“Oh come on, Mum! Dad’s been gone a few years now. It’s time you began to live again.”“You know your father was the only man for me.”“Jess is right, Mum,” Jeff chipped in. “You are still a young woman and besides, it’s a crime to deprive that body from mankind. I wouldn’t mind myself but my wife would kill me.”Jess grabbed his arm.“If you’ve got spare capacity, lover,” she said. “You can use it up on me. Well, at leat for the next few months.”The words didn’t register at once with Ann who was looking round the room. Then they sat in her brain and hammered on her senses hard until she took bahis siteleri notice.“Next few month’s?” she said looking at her daughter who had Jeff’s arms around her. Jess grinned and nodded.“Early days yet but we did the test last week and the doctor gave confirmation just before we came out here. Some time in January we think.”“Oh, Darling. Congratulations!”“Yep! He finally did the trick. I am officially knocked-up”“Finally?” Jeff said. “If you’d let me use the right hole all the time it would have been sooner.”“T.M.I.” Ann said putting up her hands.“Oh come on, Mum. You and Dad used to vary it.”“How the hell do you know that?”“Should have closed your door, Mum.”Ann laughed. She had never stopped her daughter’s openness in talking sexually and Jeff had fallen in quickly.“All these years and I never knew my daughter was a voyeur.”“Did Dad never tell you?”“Tell me what?”“He caught me once. You were on top and riding like a fury and really letting rip with your commentary. He looked over and saw me in the doorway. It was just before I went to Uni.”“My God! I never knew.”“He asked me not to tell you but I thought he would have mentioned it later.”“No.” Ann paused. “Did he ever……”“Oh, no. Never. No, don’t worry about that, Mum. He was your’s and didn’t want any more. Certainly not me.”“And you knew about this?” Ann asked Jeff.“Yes. Jess and I have no secrets and she mentioned it to me.”“Oh!”Ann felt she should be upset but wasn’t.“Right. We’re going to prepare lunch. You freshen up and come through,” Jeff said.And Ann heard the huge door close with a deceptively soft click.She walked over to the patio doors and looked out. It was beautiful and clean. Next to her room were another set of doors which she guessed were Jess and Jeff’s room. She turned back inside and found another door. It led to an en-suite bathroom. White and dark blue tiles and an immaculate shower over a huge bath. A modern styled flush toilet and bidet and a pedestal sink. Heated towel rails held soft white towels.Hitching her skirt over her hips, she eased her briefs down and sat on the loo. It was modern and shallow with a deep pool of water and echoed as she added her own water to it. As her flow stopped she gently eased a finger between her legs and found the wet valley. She gently massaged the whole area, slowly at first, feeling the tingle of orgasmic pleasure. An involuntary grunt escaped her throat as her finger massaged the hard little nub of her clitoris and she slid her two middle fingers into her hole as she brought her left hand into play. Pumping her fingers into herself and rubbing the clit she orgasmed. Her whole body shuddering as she sat on the hard plastic of the loo seat.Slowly coming back down to earth, she smiled to herself and withdrew her fingers. Holding them a few inches from her face, she looked at the wetness then plunged them into her mouth. Colin used to love watching her do that. Especially after they had fucked and she had his cum over them. Another wipe along her puffy cunt lips and another suck, savouring the sweet juice. She’d never had a lesbian relationship and often wondered if all women tasted the same.“Dirty bitch,” she said to herself and used a piece of tissue to dry herself. She’d often asked her husband that question but he insisted that she was the only woman he’d ever had and she smiled and said she was glad even though she knew it was a lie.“Lunch, Mum!” Jess called from the bedroom. Ann stood and hauled her briefs up, Wriggling her skirt back over her hips she emerged and saw her daughter and her eyes almost popped.“Wow! That doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”Jess grinned and posed in her tiny bikini.“You like?”“Yes. I bet Jeff does too!”“Well of course he does. So do the local lads.”“Jess!” Ann chided. “You don’t!”“I bloody well do,” the girl said. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it is my motto. Besides, it give you such a lift to see them ogling. You’ll see when you get yours on.”“Oh no, young lady. I do NOT have a bikini. I’m far too old.”“Bollocks!”“And I never brought you up to use language like that!”Jess grinned. “No, Jeff was responsible for that.”They laughed and Jess led her mother towards the patio where lunch was laid. Ann watched her daughter as she walked.“You always had a nice bum, Jess,” she said as she watched the twin mounds either side of the thing bikini bottom. “Maybe it should be seen.”Jess giggled and told Jeff what Ann had said.“I agree,” he said. “It’s the first thing I saw of you bending over the filing cabinet.“I thought you said it was my smile?”“Like I’m going to say to this shy young girl ‘Hey baby. Great arse!’ when I could hardly stammer my name.”She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.“You certainly came out of your shell.”They all laughed and lunch was spent chatting and drinking the a couple of bottles of Rioja. Jess had disappeared to bring more things. A couple of times and the afternoon was warm and seductive. It was about two when she asked.“Fancy a dip in the pool, Mum?”“It looks lovely but I didn’t bring a costume.”“Didn’t think you would so I just put one on your bed. Go get changed. Jeff has to go into town so it’s just you and me.”Ann went to her room and had to admit to feeling ‘relaxed’. The wine and the sun had a mellowing effect on her. She saw the bikini on the bed and picked it up. Her eyes opened wide. There was hardly anything of it.“I can’t wear this!” she said to herself.“That’s what I thought you’d say,” her daughter said walking in behind her. “But I’m not taking no for an answer. Come on, Get it on! Jeff’s left so it’s just you and me.”Reluctantly Ann unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. Jess was behind her and unfastening the plain white bra. She handed the bikini top to her mother who held the two small triangles of material over her nipples as the girl fastened the clip behind her. She was very conscious that her breasts were falling out as she felt Jess unclip her skirt and lower mobilbahis the zip.“Jess, I……”“Shut-up and get changed,” the girl said easing the skirt off and taking Ann’s knickers with it. “Hmmm. You I can see where I got my bum from,”Ann squealed as she felt the slap on her buttocks. She twisted away and saw her daughter’s eyebrows rise.“What?”“Well, I thought that I’d need to trim you up for the bikini but I can see that isn’t necessary.”Ann looked down.“Your father always liked me to keep it trimmed.”“Trimmed? You’re bald Mum!”“Yes. Well, you can’t have much down there by the look of that bikini.”“Like mother: like daughter!”They giggled and Ann stepped into the tiny g-string bikini bottom.”They stepped out onto the patio and walked to the pool. Ann was very conscious but not, as she thought, self-conscious. She felt very free with the tiny garment.The pool was a beautiful azure and inviting and Jess plunged in, emerging, wiping water from her eyes and adjusting her own bikini top.“Wow!” she said. “That feels good. Come on, Mum.”Ann had always enjoyed swimming and without hesitation, dived into the pool, her body as graceful as a fish. It wasn’t a long pool and she had reached the far end before surfacing. She was gasping slightly as the water, warm as it was, was considerably cooler than the air temperature. After a while they emerged and walked over to the sun-loungers and chatted without thought of the time.“What a bevy of beauty,” Jeff said as he strode through onto the patio.“Oh,” Ann said and tried to cover up.“This is Alan,” he carried on without pause. “I have invited him for dinner.”“Sorry. I’ll get changed,” Ann said rising from the lounger.“Please. Not on my account,” the newcomer said. “It’s not too often that I get to see such a bevy of beauty.”His eyes met Ann’s and they sparkled. She felt a tingle and a wetness she hadn’t felt in a long while.“Flattery will get you nowhere I’m afraid.”He smiled and she stood there. Jess looked at Jeff and they smiled.Food went down well and wine flowed and soon Ann forgot just how exposed she was. Alan was amusing and their eyes met often and she smiled. She hadn’t felt this for a while.“Come on, lover,” Jess said to her husband. “Let’s get some coffee.”When they left Alan smiled at Ann.“Have you been here before?”“Never. My daughter has always suggested I come over but this is the first time.”“Then may I ask you to let me show you around?”“That would be lovely,” Ann said, surprised that she agreed so readily to this man who was a stranger but didn’t seem to be. “But now you can tell me exactly why Jeff asked you here.”Alan smiled.“He thought we should meet,” he said simply. “I lost my wife some years ago and I gather you are alone also.”“And?”“And…….They are match-making, of course.”“Of course!”There was silence for a moment before he spoke again.“But I will say, in my own defence, that had they not been ‘match-making’, I would have somehow found the courage to ask you if you would have dinner with me?”Ann smiled and studied him before replying.“The two of them are off out tomorrow,” she said. “How about I make us lunch?”“I’ll be here at half past twelve!”“Make it half past eleven. I may need help. Now, shall we wind them up?”“Sounds fun to me,” He grinned.“I hope you aren’t easily shocked.”Alan shook his head and his grin widened.“Believe me. Unshockable!”“What are you two talking about?” Jess asked walking back onto the patio with the coffee, Jeff in her wake with a tray of Brandy glasses and a bottle.“Alan and I were just arranging when it would be convenient for him to come round and fuck me!”Jess’ eyes widened as she stopped dead in her tracks and looked from one to the other.“Oh, Jeff, do close your mouth,” Ann said. “Isn’t that why you got the two of us together?”“I….I…er….”Ann looked at her stammering daughter.“I must say, Jeff,” Alan picked up the thread. “You’re right about your mother-in-law. She’s a sexy fucking bitch.”Jeff almost dropped the tray of glasses and his face glowed red. He and Jess looked at each other then back to the two older people.“Perhaps we should go through to my bedroom now, Alan,” Ann said. “No time like the present and I’m really ready for that bulge in your trousers.”All eyes swivelled downwards and Alan nervously crossed his legs. Until then he hadn’t noticed it. He looked up to Ann and saw her smile and wink. He turned to Alan.“Don’t worry about not drinking, old boy,” he said. “I think I won’t need a lift home.”“You might need an ambulance tomorrow morning,” Ann said sweetly. “It’s been a long while for me and I feel a lot of need. Hope you have some Cialis.”“I may have.”Ann grabbed his hand. And pulled him to his feet.“We have our Brandy later.”She pulled him and he smiled as they passed the shocked couple.Once inside her bedroom, she closed the door and they both laughed.“Sorry,” Ann said indicating her should sit down. “But I just couldn’t let them get away with it.”“I like it!” Alan said, perching himself on the edge of the bed without thinking. “I’m sure they did it with the best of intentions but really, it serves them right.”There was silence for a moment before Ann spoke again.“You know they’ll be listening, don’t you?”Alan smiled.“Of course,” he said. “I would.”“How good an actor are you?”“Do we need to act?”Ann looked at him. Their eyes glistened.“I’d have thought a man like you would go for the younger women.”“No. And No, I haven’t gone for any women since……”“Sorry.”“Don’t be.”Once again there was silence before he spoke again.“I don’t suppose that a woman like you could ever…….”Ann was shaking. She looked at him and watched as he stood and moved before her. Her arms rose without her thinking and he was up against her and their lips met. His hands stroked her auburn hair as the kiss deepened and became a tongue wrestling match. She hadn’t realised how desperate she was for a lover and knew he was feeling the same. She could feel the swollen mass between his mobilbahis güvenilir mi legs pressing against her own pubic mound and she could feel the wetness on the string of her bikini bottom. She tingled as his hand moved over her bare shoulder blade and eased round to massage the swelling breast through the bikini top. Their heads twisted this way and that in a mouth numbing kiss of pure passion. His other hand was on her naked waist and easing down onto her bare buttock. She could feel his swelling hard against her and she suddenly realised she could feel it because she was pressing her body hard against his.Suddenly both hands were under her buttocks and she was lifted. Her legs automatically curled around him and he turned and gently lowered her onto the bed. All the while the kiss was maintained. As she slowly fell backward, he maintained the kiss and was on top of her. She raised her legs around his waist and curled her ankles around each other. They were eating each other.With a surge of energy, she rolled him over onto his back and she was astride him. She broke the kiss and passion filled her face as she worked to undo the buttons on his shirt. They hadn’t said a word yet and both knew what the other was saying with their minds. As she released the last button, his hands slid up under the bra top and he held her breasts as she smoothed her hand over his chest. She bent forward, sucking one of his nipples into her mouth. Then the other. Switching and massaging. He had never known that a man could get turned on by having them licked and sucked.Alan pushed her up and sat up, easing the bikini top up. He cupped her left breast and bent his head to take the pert nipple into his mouth and he heard her sigh as he gently closed his teeth on the hard nub. She arched her back and he began to work on the other breast, lifting it and running his tongue under it.Suddenly she was on her side and his hand was between her thighs. Massaging and edging, millimetres at a time, upwards. They were kissing again and her breathing was ragged. She loved the slow progress and hated it at the same time. She wanted to be teased and she wanted him fingers ravishing her at the same time.She moved her face to his ear.“Get this fucking bikini off me and fuck me you bastard!”“Yes, M’lady!”Alan sat up and took the bikini bottom at each side and pulled it down. She raised her legs as it slipped off her feet and her grabbed her ankles pulling her legs apart. Quickly be buried his face between them and she moaned as she felt his tongue probing. He worked from her hole upwards. He circled her clit then eased up to the parting of her lips where she was particularly sensitive. Then back down again. He plunged it repeatedly into her, tongue-fucking her as she writhed. She placed her hands on the back of his head and moaned loudly, feeling the tingling numbing orgasm build in her lower belly and spread, like ink in water. Building and flowing into every part of her body. Then it was past the point of no return. She was going to cum and she knew it.“Ohhh, fuck. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhh my fucking good God YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!”Her whole body was rigid, Her back arched and she was quivering. How long had it been since she had an orgasm like this. She didn’t know and didn’t care. She just wanted to fly. The galaxies filled her mind and she was infinite. His tongue was keeping her at the peak and she rode it.Then the tumbling of her return to her senses and she fell. Down and down. Back onto the bed and suddenly he was there in front of her face, Looking anxiously down at her. She could feel the sweat running down her forehead and cheeks. Her chest was heaving as she gasped in air. She was smiling as his face came closer and closer and their lips locked and once again their tongues tried to exchange places. He was laying on top of her.“Fuck me!” she said into his ear. “Fuck me hard.”Are you…. I mean…do you need to……”“Fuck me! Get that fucking prick into my cunt and fill me up you sexy bastard!”He grinned.“Let me take my trousers off.”“NO! Just get it out of them and into me. Trousers off later. Now Fuck Me!”She felt the hard head of his cock probing between her very wet lips and slide gently a little way into her hole. She moved her hips to aid entry and moaned as her hole stretched as she took it inside her and felt him begin to pump back and forth. Each stroke took him a little deeper and finally she felt his pubic bone against hers and she curled her legs around his as he began to thrust. She moaned as he sawed his cock in and out of her and she felt the orgasm begin to build again. She had never had a multiple orgasm and now she was here, fifty-seven years old and behaving like a slut. She moaned and gave herself to the pleasure of sex.It took a further two orgasms on her part before she felt his thrusts become short and urgent and the final one thrust hard and held there. She felt the knob swell inside her and the spurts of his semen. Spurt after spurt, slowly dwindling and the feeling of the sticky fluid oozing between his cock and her cunt wall.He collapsed onto her and they cuddled, breathing heavily.“I didn’t realise how much I needed that,” he whispered into her ear.“Me neither.”Pushing himself up and looking down at her, he smiled. “Don’t think I needed the Cialis,” he said. “I still seem to have a hard-on.”“Don’t worry. You won’t have after I’ve finished with you.”“Promise?”“Mmmmm.”They laughed and he gently began thrusting again.“Do you think they got a good performance to listen to?” Alan whispered.“Oh I think they heard everything,” Ann said in her loudest voice. The heard a giggle outside and a little while after, a door close.“I just want you to know that I didn’t have any idea this was being planned,” Alan said sincerely. She kissed him gently.“Me neither,” she replied. “And what really galls me is that now I’ll have to be obliged to them for making it happen.”“Yes?”“Yes! Now tell me, are you really stocked up on Cialis? Because the way I feel at the moment, you’re going to need it. I’m here for a fortnights and that young lady you are presently toying with down there is going to need a lot of seeing to.”Alan grinned.“Her wish is my command. Happy holiday.”

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