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Rose sighed with relief as she unlocked the door to her small midtown apartment, holding two bags of groceries in her left arm. It had been one hell of a long day for her, dealing with one crisis after another at the office, then the long drive through traffic, followed by another long wait at the grocery store.

And all day long she had been feeling that special tickle down below her stomach. The one that said to her, I know what you need, I know how to relieve that stress.

It had been hard, facing her co-workers and trying to maintain a professional demeanour when all she really wanted to do was strip off her skirt and blazer, rip off her blouse and let her fingers, her wonderful, magical fingers, play their song on her.

Not that she would have gotten any complaints if she had given in to those urges. At five feet, three inches, Rose had the curves that made most men drool. Luscious breasts, 34C, and a narrow waist that flowed into full, womanly hips. And days like this, she garnered more than the usual attention. It was like she gave off some pheromone that told everyone near to her that she was excited, she was ready.

But no, the wild creature inside her had to be tamed, had to be kept under control. At the office it wasn’t too difficult – she had plenty of distractions to take her mind off her body. Although the sensations crept in at the oddest moments. The slight breeze on her thighs when she crossed her legs, the trickle of sweat that eased its way down her neck at that morning’s board meeting, the sight of her full red lips as she freshened her make-up in the ladies’ room.

But despite the feelings teasing her body, Rose focused on her job and got everything done, all crises solved, all decisions made. However, once she got into her car for the drive home, things changed.

Without the office to focus on, the feelings from her body became much stronger. The pressure of the seatbelt as it stretched across her breast started her nipples tingling. Looking down, Rose could see the hardened tips pushing through her blouse, and she had to fight the impulse to tweak them, pinch them. To feel that jolt of pleasure connecting her nipples to her pussy.

When her skirt slid back as she settled in the driver’s seat, Rose’s attention was again drawn downward. The movement as her legs pressed together and then apart, right foot finding the gas pedal, caused a delicious sensation of pressure against her crotch. Despite herself, Rose swayed her leg back and forth a few times, revelling in the feelings. Taking in a sharp breath, she opened her eyes (when had she closed them?) and started the car.

The growling vibration went straight to her pussy. For a second Rose felt like she was riding the biggest vibrator imaginable. Then she realized what was happening and moved her foot. The engine dropped back down to a gentle idle, but she could still feel the throbbing deep inside herself.

Gripping the wheel tightly, Rose tore out Kibar Escort of her parking space and onto the road. She needed to get home, quickly. But as soon as the thought formed, she realized that there was one stop she’d have to make. The fridge and cupboard at home were practically empty. She’d need to pick up a few groceries if she wanted to eat tonight. Although that wasn’t the hunger she was thinking of at the moment.

Each minute on the drive home was an agony. Her car could only creep forward a few feet at a time, with occasional burst of speed up to twenty miles an hour. At one stoplight Rose glanced around at her fellow commuters. Everyone she could see seemed bored. Some were yawning, a few chatting with passengers in their cars, most just staring at the bumper straight ahead of them.

Rose rested her hand on her knee, and then almost unconsciously stroked a few inches up the inside of her thigh. When she realized what she had done, Rose’s eyes flashed frantically to the neighbouring cars, but no one was paying any attention to her. It was a shock to Rose, once she understood that there was no way anyone could she what was happening in her car.

Feeling daring, adventurous, and oh-so-naughty, Rose let her hand slide further. Inch by inch up along her creamy-white thigh, the feel of her skin alive under her fingertips. She had almost reached the edge of her panties before the material of her skirt stopped any further progress of her hand. Moving her left leg did little to help, and Rose growled softly in frustration.

The car ahead of her began moving forward, and she pulled her hand off her leg, gripping the steering wheel tight enough to whiten the knuckles on both hands. The heat was building between her legs, warming from the low simmer it had been on all day.

At the next light, Rose slammed the car into Park, and without looking around at all, quickly lifted her hips, hitching her skirt up at the same time. Stepping on the brake, she slipped back into gear and waited for the light to change. A quick glance around showed that her fellow travellers hadn’t noticed anything.

Rose’s hand returned to her leg, quickly following the path it had forged earlier. With a gasp of relief, she felt her panties underneath her fingers, the silky material smooth and soft, and just starting to moisten. Her breath catching in her throat, Rose slid her hand up and down, lightly tracing the contours of her pussy lips through the cloth. The tickling pressure turned her on even more, and the moisture passed through her panties and onto her middle two fingers. Slipping the digits slightly higher, Rose made a tentative circling motion over her clit, gasping in delight at the pleasurable jolt that shot through her center.

The blaring of a car horn behind her forced Rose’s attention away from her smouldering pussy. She glared at the driver in the rear-view mirror, and grudgingly began moving forward again. Shortly she Kibar Escort Bayan found herself turning in to the supermarket lot.

I’ll just run in, grab a few things and get home, she thought. Walking quickly from her car to the automatic doors, Rose could feel her pussy lips sliding against each other. The friction kept the fires of her arousal burning, and she grabbed the necessary items off the shelves as hastily as she could. She made good time, too, until she ended up in the checkout line from Hell. There were only a half-dozen people in front of her, but each one seemed to take forever to ring up. The pulsing sensation between her thighs was a constant distraction, and Rose began shifting her weight from one leg to another in a vain attempt to quell these feelings.

It wasn’t until she felt the cool sensation on the inside of her thigh that she stopped. Giving in to her body’s demands had caused the usual reaction, only this time she wasn’t at home in bed feeling the lubricating juices sliding across her skin. She was in line at the fucking supermarket!

Rose immediately looked around, searching for any indication that someone had noticed anything out of the ordinary. That man, scratching his nose – did he smell something not usually associated with groceries? The woman behind her was staring, what had she seen? Oh God, get me out of here! Rose pleaded internally.

“Miss? You’re next.” The clean-cut young cashier prompted Rose out of her worries. He scanned her few items and bagged them for her. “That’ll be $27.42, please.” Rose paid and rushed back to her car as fast as she could, trying to behave normally. Throwing the bags in her trunk, she started up the car and drove off.

Although her pussy was still hot and wet and pulsing in time with her heartbeat, Rose concentrated grimly on getting home without any further distractions. It was only a few blocks, and she made it in record time.

Getting out and slamming the car door shut, Rose grabbed the groceries from her trunk and rushed into the apartment building. The elevator seemed to take forever to come down, and Rose found herself dancing from foot to foot, like she needed to pee and was barely holding it in.

The ding! of the elevator was sweet music to her ears, and Rose stabbed at the fourth-floor button. Once on the right floor, she rushed to her doorway and fumbled in her purse for the keys. Finally she found the key ring, and with a sigh of relief unlocked the door, closing it behind her as she dropped the bags to the floor.

Later there would be time to sort the groceries, put them away, cook her meal. Right now, she needed to come, and come hard! Fingers flying over her buttons and zippers, Rose swiftly stripped off her clothes as she stumbled into the living room. The trail of clothing showed her path, blazer and skirt by the door, blouse in the hallway, bra on top of the television. By the time she fell onto her couch, all Rose Escort Kibar had on were the silky, wet panties she had been running her fingers over on the ride home.

Pulling the crotch to the side, Rose sighed with relief as she stroked her pussy lips. The juices of her excitement shone on her fingertips, and she lifted her hand up to her face. She inhaled, enjoying the musky odour before licking her fingers clean, one by one. But her eagerness wouldn’t allow for any further play. She needed to come, right now!

Rose quickly slipped off her panties and lay back on the couch, lifting one leg to rest on the top of it. The other foot was planted on the floor, and Rose delighted at how open this left her. Pinching her nipple with her right hand, she slid two fingers into her hot, oily pussy. The feeling of her pussy lips spreading, and the muscles inside grasping at the invading digits made Rose groan loudly, and she quickly began pumping them in and out of her excited pussy. GOD! That feels so fucking GOOD! she cried to herself.

Lifting her head up slightly, she raised her breast to her mouth. Sucking on her nipple caused another jolt of pleasure to shoot through her body. After a few seconds, though, she let her head fall back onto the cushions. Her left hand never stopped sliding in and out of her burning pussy. The thick liquid of her pleasure covering her fingers and starting to trickle down toward her ass. Her right hand joined her left, and she began a circling motion on her clit. The feeling increased as she rubbed faster, and then slower but with more pressure. Rose kept varying her technique, each change raising her arousal a notch higher.

Her eyes had closed on their own, and they fluttered open as she raised her head again. Looking down at her pussy, at the hands manipulating her flesh, was incredibly exciting for Rose. Her fingers danced across her skin in a symphony of bliss.

Then the open window that she was facing caught her eye. It was the floor-to-ceiling window that opened onto her balcony, and anyone in the buildings across the street would be able to see right into her living room. Normally she closed the curtains when she got home, but this time…

The thought that she could be giving some unknown Peeping Tom the show of a lifetime shot through Rose like a lightning bolt. She began whimpering softly, yes, yes, oh yes, as her left hand plunged deeper into her pussy and her right became a blur over her clit. The feelings rose and rose within her, higher and higher, until finally…

They burst into an explosion of delight. Her fingers kept moving as Rose chanted to herself, I’m coming, I’m coming, over and over again.

Finally, though, the feelings ebbed and Rose let her head fall back onto the couch with a deep sigh. Her right hand moved up to pinch lightly at her nipples as she drew her soaking left hand across her mouth. She licked the dew from her fingers, slowly, thoroughly, taking her time.

I guess I should get started on supper, Rose thought as she glanced down the hallway to the groceries lying by the doorway. Then she spotted a substantial-looking zucchini sitting on the floor. It was pointing directly at her. Hmm, she reconsidered. Maybe supper can wait just a while longer.

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