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Apprentice PlumberIt’d been building for months. No one in the company knew, if they foundout the law says they can’t sack us but I’d be outta there regardless. Itwas one of the biggest plumbing companies in the Eastern suburbs, the bosshad always been good to me and they were gonna keep me on when myapprenticeship finished the following year so I had no intention of fuckingit up somehow. One of the other apprentices, this guy called Wayne Ravechwas like me in that we liked the job and the company.I haven’t had much sex, the kind I like anyway, that is sex with guys butthis guy Wayne had had heaps, with woman that is. In fact when I first methim when we both started our jobs I thought he was a dick head as nearlyevery time I saw him back at the office he was talking about sex. Now thatsortta thing is part of the trade, it doesn’t bother me coming from mostguys but this Wayne guy never shut up, I never knew the woman he used totalk about but they woulda killed him if they knew some of the shit he usedto talk about during morning breaks and stuff. Obviously no one knew Iliked guys and I wasn’t gonna tell anyone but another thing I liked aboutthis company was that you didn’t need to crap on about what a great screwyou were with woman for people to like or respect you. I knew even some ofthe other qualified plumbers in the place knew Wayne was a dick head.Anyway, over the course of the four year apprenticeship I got to know Waynebetter, we didn’t know each other real well but we did have this bond forno other reason than the company took us on at the same time. I don’t knowhow Wayne guessed about me as he only ever talked about his own sex lifebut in our last year he started to really up the sexual innuendo and sextalk when just me and him were together. At first I thought it was weirdthat he was 23 and still kinda talking like a school boy about sex and hereI was a year younger and I never mentioned it. On the jobs where we had towork together he often squatted down in a place where he knew I’d see hisass crack showing out the top of his trousers and in tight places he had nohesitation in working real close to me. At times it was hard to stay soft.In hindsight I know what he was on about but at the time I didn’t know ifhe was taking the piss or what. For obvious reasons I never talked aboutmy sex life and I assumed that’s why he was always trying to figure me out.He was a good looking guy as far as my taste went. He would of been closeto 6 foot tall with short dark hair and from the look of his overalls afairly decent looking body. Not one of those lame gym toned bodies eitherit was more to do with the hard manual work we had to do. He did have thissmart ass kinda look on his face most of the time. I did like the lewdkinda smirk that he got when he talked about tits and rooting.I admit that I didn’t have that kind of easy sexual side that Wayne had butI wasn’t altogether ugly or anything. I was a little taller but body wiseI was similar although not as hairy as I guessed he was. I looked good,when I smiled I did look a little goofy but the only thing I wasn’t toohappy about was my hair, it tended to grow real wavy so I had to keep itcropped short.I got no problems about what I like either. I don’t make a big deal aboutliking guys at work because it’s got nothing to do with the plumbing tradebut outta work, like I say I haven’t had a lot of sex but I do get it.From this story you’ll see when I’m pushed (cornered) I’m not that shy.Like I said it’d been building for months. Wayne always used to get aneven bigger smirk on his face when he looked at me as he talked about wherehis dick had been on weekends and so by the time he began to make a pointof adjusting his crotch in front of me and then one time letting hisoveralls ride down his ass so much only an idiot wouldn’t of seen the topof his ass crack I knew damn well he was making no secret of being flirty.I couldn’t figure out what the reason was behind all this shit of his butit was when we both got the apprentice of the year and had to go to anawards night that I found out.The good thing about awards night was we got to stay the night in thecentres hotel and all meals were paid for and you got use of the gamesroom, in house video’s the lot. The only drawback about our company wasthat they were cheap when it came to these award things, as two apprenticesfrom the company had won an award they booked two rooms but Escort bayan seeing as oursupervisor liked any bonus he could get his hand on he wangled it so he andhis wife could accompany us so me and Wayne had to share one room with twosingle beds.____________________________________________________________________The awards night went until 10 but the bar was open till twelve so me andWayne hung in there right until closing. I was pretty drunk by 12, usuallyI only drink beer or maybe cider but on this night Wayne kinda insisted Ishare one round of tequila slammers. When I look back on that night now Irealize ol’ Wayne must of been planning something anyway, I assumed he’d beoff trying to score with one of the woman in the place but we ended upsticking together pretty much and I kept having to adjust the erection inmy pants as he was playfully kinda grabbing at me all night. At the time Ithought it was the alcohol that caused Wayne to be leaning real close tome, in my drunken haze I guessed it was just him being flirtatious for noother reason than he liked the attention.Closer to 12 it all got pretty loud and outta control – it was a goodnight. Wayne was a laugh – he’s a dick head but a funny one when loaded.Anyhow, it was well past 1 when we headed for our room. We sussed out whowas having what bed earlier in the day so we both kinda fell down onto themas soon as the door was shut. Wayne was jumpin’ around the room like anidiot and tryin’ these lame ass wrestling things on me. I moved away andtook off my clothes and dropped down onto my bed in my boxers. I turnedand faced the wall for the main reason that my cock had started to get abitstiff from some of his playful grabs and I didn’t want Wayne seeing italso, I knew when he stripped down to whatever he was wearing I had to becareful not to lose it and let the alcohol and my horniess take control.I could hear Wayne getting undressed, for the first time all night he’dgone abit quite, I heard his clothes being chucked onto one of the chairsin the room. I stared at the wall and tried to think of things that’d makemy cock go down but I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind of suckingWaynes dick. I knew he was straight and I knew all that flirtatious shitwas because he thought he was good and just liked attention – he didn’tgive off that vibe of liking guys. I was only 22 but I could pick thatsortta thing.I then heard Wayne in the bathroom and when the shower started I thoughtmaybe I should quickly jerk off to get rid of the erection that wasn’tbudging, I knew I shoulda done it but at the time something was telling meto hold on. Keep it hard. Nothing was gonna happen but man, Wayne wasacting weird tonight, acting real close like we were these great friends orsomething.The shower stopped and with my face turned to the middle of the room Iwaited for Wayne to come back in. Sure enough still wet from the shower hewalked back in the room, a towel wrapped around his waste. The only lightson were our bedside lamps but I could easily make out the amused smirk onhis face.”What are you hidin’?” Wayne said with a dirty grin. The shock of beingcaught only seemed to make my cock harder. He knew what was up, with theway my head was turned towards him but my body was still facing the wall itwas clear I had something I didn’t want him to see.”Nothing” I mumbled trying to match the leer he had in his voice but justsounding embarrassed.Wayne then opened the front of his towel to reveal his soft circumcisedcock, all I could think of was the way it was the perfect size to suck butseeing as it wasn’t even a little hard I guessed he was just planning toget dressed for bed. I started to get worried when he reached down to hiscock and grabbing the soft meat in his hand started to wag it up and down.”You like this do ya’. You like my dick?”He was onto me for sure. If it was getting hard I woulda kept looking butit wasn’t, it stayed soft as he waived it up and down. I turned back tothe wall and pretended like I wasn’t interested. Then it happened.Wayne came over and dropped down onto my bed. The smell of soap pulsatedfrom his body as he moved closer to me. I didn’t turn around but I feltthe definite pressure as he pushed his soft cock into my ass cheeks.Slowly writhing his crotch against me I started to feel it firming upagainst me. I reached back and pushed my hand hard against the hairy wetmounds of his Bayan escort ass cheeks, as I pushed my ass back into his slowly buckinghips.He cock then got really hard and pushed iron like into my boxer shorts, hestarted to pull at the waistband and so lifting my hips I helped him wrenchthem down to my shins then his hard cock resumed it’s slow and steadygyrations. When his cock was pulled from my ass cheeks I reached down andstarted to slowly pump at my shaft when his fingers started to feel gentlyaround my ass crack. They’re not hairy like his on the cheeks but withwarm breath on my ear he mumbled “you got a hairy crack” – he voice soundedalmost surprised seeing as most of my body is smooth but he had no shame inrunning his fingers deep into the crevice between my ass cheeks.”Whatya you wanna do with me” he said croakily into the quite warm air.Realizing we’d crossed into my territory now I wasn’t gonna hold back.This is what I knew and I was gonna make him see it.Kneeling up on the bed I showed him how hard I was – one thing I got is abig dick, I’ve never mentioned it but from seeing porno and other guys Iknow I’ve got a big one – pumping slow at my cock I loved the way his facewas a mixture of surprise and horniness as he saw my rock hard cut shaftjut from my fist. He began to slowly pump at his own cock and take in thesight. This is what I like. After some work from his fist his was realerect but I knew he was impressed by the size of mine – his eyes wereshining with lust.Leaning over his body I got my lips an inch from his cock before slowlypushing my tongue onto the tip. With a groan his hips rose up pushing hiscock head hard against my lips. Opening wide I took the plumber apprenticeof the years cock deep into my mouth, his head writhed back as his shaftsunk deep into my mouth. Sucking hard the outline of his cock head showedclear against my sucking cheeks.As the spit on his shaft started to slather against my face with every bobof my head I was in pure horniness as my nose nuzzled hard into his warmprickly pubic hair with each thrust down of my face.He began to raise his hairy firm legs in the air, his heavy thighs pushedagainst my chest as he groaned loudly, scooting down between his legs Iwatched those heavy plumbers legs lift higher until his whole body invitedme. He wanted to be fucked, he wanted to be the whore he so often lookedfor. With his legs raised he grasped at his own ass cheeks and slowlypulled them apart until the dark, hairy mass of his crack spread before me.The smell of soap and a mans ass drifted up to my nose.With a hand on each leg I pushed them higher and wider apart, bucking hiships towards me and desperately clawing at his own ass cheeks I finally sawit, amongst the hair there it was, puckering and pink his small eager asshole. The word ‘cunt’ filled my head, in a slow whisper I said it loud,”your cunt….you want this?””Oh yeah, fuck my cunt, fuckin’ dick me”This was hot. The same ass I’d watched for years encased in overalls. Thesame ass that warmed the seat of the trucks on those cold mornings. Thesame ass that squatted on the porta toilets on building sites was twitchingbelow me. The heavy hairy legs felt warm to my touch as I rubbed hardagainst them with my hands raised high in the air to keep those legs open.With almost amusement I thought of how it’d be if those other guys at workcould see this. Those legs that never crossed, those heavy workman’s legsraised high above my head. Lowering my face closer to the 23 year oldapprentice of the years ass I breathed deep with satisfaction and triumph,all that flirting, all that fuckin bullshit about being the stud of fuckand here he was lying on my bed, legs spread, his calloused thick fingerswrenching his own ass cheeks apart.Sticking out my tongue I dove into the hairy mass, black ass hair sc****don my face as I poked my tongue deep between his cheeks, searching fast forthe hole – that twitching eager hole. With a wild buck of his head I knewI was close, with a final thrust of my tongue I hit him square on the bud.Moist, clean ass lips clamped onto my tongue tip as I pistoned into hischute. The tang of the day, the work and a dump he’d taken that morningcovered my tongue as the smell of soap and musky ass filled my head till itwas swimming with lust. His writhing bucking hips pushed hard onto myface, the clammy sweaty ass cheeks hugged my face Escort cheeks until the smell ofa mans ass was all I could breath and all I could taste.Raising my head I took in the sight of his balls, already they were tightand pulling into his body, black hair stuck fast against the wrinkled skin.From behind the pounding fist I could see Waynes head rolling on thepillow, his lips parted in a throaty gasp as I lapped wide and hot on theunderside of his balls. He was ready.Standing at the foot of my bed I grabbed Waynes hips and forced him over,with lust filled strength I soon had him on his hands and knees, that hotfirm ass sticking up in the air begging for it. Rubbing at the hairy,clammy cheeks I dug by fingers deep into his trench with every swoop of myhand.With his head raised and facing the wall Wayne moaned and lewdly stuck hisass out further towards me.”Fuck my ass….oh man fuck me…”Grabbing an ass cheek painfully in one hand I pushed it hard until hiscrack opened wide, before he had time to think I sucked quickly on one ofmy fingers and rammed it deep up his chute. The warm smooth ass musclesgripped hard onto my finger as I pumped it up into his body. With a huckand a spit I shot saliva onto a second finger and with a quick pump I soonhad two fingers ramming up his ass, Waynes head shot up in fuckin ecstasy.He really wanted this – he wanted to be one of those bitches he fucked onSaturday nights! Twisting them wildly until the ass sweat began to build Ileaned down close to his ass then working up saliva spat time and timeagain onto that hot hole until it shone with a slimy coat of spit. Yankingmy fingers from his hole I inhaled deep to savor the just right smell of mycoworkers ass, getting up more spit I let it dribble onto my iron like cockbefore massaging it onto the shaft until it was a primed piece of wood thatwas gonna rip in this ass.After a couple of bad aims I felt his puckered hole kiss the tip of mydick, grabbing onto his hips with one hand and guiding my cock with theother I pushed slowly into his ass, the ring began to widen easily andquickly at the violation. He was gonna take it. As I watched half thehead of my cock sink into the bubbling spit covered hole I leant forwardand grabbing at the skin in the middle of his back and began to sink mybody into his. Wayne let out an almost feminine gasp as his ring expandedto take in the head of my cock, then when I felt his ass lips grip tight onmy shaft I knew I was in.In one fast and furious thrust I sent my shaft a good four inches up intohis bowels. Wayne let out a groan that filled the fucking room, pushinghard again I got another couple of inches up there. I felt the tip of mycock hit hard against the walls of his bowels, shit free and violently theysqueezed hard onto me pounding rock hard cock.As he writhed his hips into the right position to get the maximum amount ofcock up there I soon felt Wayne swaying his hips to feel the full effect ofthe fuck. He was pounding hard on his cock. I grabbed either side of hiships and began to slowly hump my shaft into him, building the speed andbuilding the grip on his skin, I was soon watching sweat drip from myforehead onto the small of his back as my shaft slid in and out his body.Soon I picked up the pace, he was jerking himself faster so I thrustedfaster, loving the sight of my cock shaft sliding in and out of that ring Ibreathed deep to take in the warm smell of sex. Wafts of Waynes bro or wasit mine began to fill the air, mixed with the ass sweat and juice thatcoated my shaft every time I drew it from his body it hit my nostrils inwaves as I whammed my hips back into his ass.I was getting close as his bowel muscles kneaded and squeezed an orgasmfrom my cock. Waynes hair was getting sweat soaked as he pumped on his ownshaft. Small grunts of air shot from his mouth as his building orgasm andmy thrusting body began to knock the sense out of him.Without warming I felt his ass muscles contract against my cock, a spasm ofmovement gripped my cock shaft as Wayne sent his load of white cum shootingdown onto my bed. With a groan I didn’t care was loud I sent my hot loadof jizz high up into his guts. Each forward thrust sent the white juicedeep up his ass as I humped and humped and humped…until slowly it wasdone.A good minute of heavy breathing went before I slowly pulled my body fromhis hips and watched as my softening cock slid from his hole, as it droppedfrom his ring I watched as his ass began to contract, his crack closed andskin heaved with every breath. Dropping down beside each other we didn’tsay a word. We didn’t touch, we didn’t look at each other – it was allabout lust. All about getting a root from a work mate.THE END

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