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army”WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING SOLDIER?” Corporal Straffi screams.”Sorry, Sir?” Smith responded.”DID YOUR MOMMA PACK YOUR BOXERS FOR CAMP SOLDIER?” Corporal Straffiscreams.”No, Sir.” Smith responded.”ARE YOU SAYING THOSE ARE ARMY PROPERTY SOLDIER?” Corporal Straffi screams.”Yes, Sir.” Smith responded.”WHAT ARE YOU DOING DAMAGING ARMY PROPERTY SOLDIER?” Corporal Straffiscreams.”I did not, Sir.” Smith responded.”THEN WHERE THE FUCKING CHRIST DID THIS HOLE COME FROM SOLDIER!” CorporalStraffi pokes his finger through a hole with a ripping sound. “DOES THEARMY DISTRIBUTE SHODDY EQUIPMENT TO ITS MEN?” Corporal Straffi screamed.”Do not know, Sir. No Sir.” Smith responded.”Sir, it is not that large a hole.” Knox offered.”FUCKING CHEEK!” Corporal Straffi screamed pulling his finger out. Hisscreaming blocking the ripping sound as the hole nearly doubled. “Verywell, since Smith showed up in just his ripped panties EVERYONE FUCKINGSTRIP TO THEIR PANTIES RIGHT NOW! IF ANYONE ELSE HAS A HOLE YOU’RE JOININGSMITH! GOD HELP YOU IF YOU ARE BEAR BALLING! YOUR ASS WILL NEVER SEEANOTHER STICH OF ARMY CLOTHES AGAIN! THIS INCLUDES YOU SCHWARZ! I DON’T CAREIF YOU’RE HAIRY THAN SASQUATCH STRIP TO YOUR FUCKING PANTIES NOW!Corporal Straffi looked around ensuring all the soldiers stripped. “Now,anytime any of you SHITS uses this gym you will only be in your panties. NOshirts NO pants NO shorts NO socks NO shoes. NONE OF THAT FUCKING BORAT SHITOR WRESTLER’S SINGLETS! BOXER BRIEFS JOCKS OR THONGS! DO I MAKE MYSELFCLEAR? “Corporal Straffi hollered.”Yes, Sir.” The soldiers responded.”Now Smith you have a workout to do. You will do each of the seven exercisesin your damaged boxers. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?””Yes, Sir.” Smith responded.”All of you are to watch him.” Corporal Straffi glares around the room. “DOI MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?””Yes, Sir.” The soldiers responded.”Thanks to your bud Knox before each exercise I’m going to tear your FUCKINGDAMAGED BOXERS!” Corporal Straffi reached two fingers into the hole andpulled. The lower right back portion of the boxers ripped exposing Smith’shairy upper thigh and the edge of his hairy ass.”GET STARTED NOW!” Corporal Straffi screamed.Smith started the leg presses: 10 sets of 15 reps. After he finished he wasa little sweaty from the waist down.”The first one’s always easy.” Corporal Straffi growled under his breath soonly Smith could hear. “Time for round two.” Corporal Straffi sneeredreaching down and ripping a chunk off cloth of Smith’s boxers exposing hisleft thigh from the front and the side.Smith started the Seated Leg Curls also doing 10 sets of 15 reps. After hefinished his legs were wet and parts of his boxers were damp.”Round three.” Corporal Straffi reached down ripping the material coveringthe back left ass cheek and thigh. Smith’s ass crack was still covered.Corporal Straffi tossed the rag at Smith. “Shove that up your shit crackjust in case.” Smith stuffed the cloth up his ass crack.Smith started the Seated Calf Raises doing 10 sets of 15 reps. After he wasfinished his boxers especially between his thighs were very wet.Corporal Straffi reached down and ripped the front of Smith’s boxersexposing the head of Smith’s cock. “NEXT!” Corporal Straffi bellowed.Smith started the Seated Shoulder Presses. He did 20 sets of 30 reps.After the first 10 sets sweat was streaming down his hairy forearms, downhis hairless biceps, across Smith’s muscular hairless pecs, and finallytrickling down Smith’s defined abs soaking into his ruined boxer’swaistband. Corporal Straffi watched around the room as Smith finished thelast reps. Most of the soldier’s where staring at Smith’s muscular frame,but about a dozen were staring at Smith’s partly exposed cock head.”SOME OF YOU BITCHES ARE STARING AT A FELLOW SOLDIER’S COCK! THINKING OFTAKING SMITH OUT ON A DATE THIS WEEKEND! WANT TO GO DOWN ON SMITH’S MANFLESH? OR BEND OVER LIKE THE BITCHES YOUR ARE?” Corporal Straffi screamedstriding over to SMITH. “DON’T ANSWER THAT.” Corporal Straffi screamed assome soldiers started in with a “N-“.Corporal Straffi reached down yanked out Smith’s cock and slapped it arounduntil Smith was rock hard.”EVERYONE STARE AT SMITH’S ROCK HARD COCK THROUGH THIS NEXT SET! DON’T LOOKANYWHERE ELSE! YOU! KNOX! TAKE A NICE LONG LOOK AT YOUR BUD’S HARD COCK!EVERYONE’S SEEING IT BECAUSE OF YOU! HMM, KEEP STARING AT SMITH’S COCKUNTIL YOU’RE DISMISSED FROM THIS ROOM!””ROUND FIVE!”Smith started Seated French Presses continuing doing 20 sets of 30 reps.With everyone staring at Smith’s enlarged manhood including his best budSmith’s cock stayed rock hard throughout the sets.Corporal Straffi grabbed Smith’s crotch and ripped down. Smith’s huge hairynuts fell out. “TIME TO” Corporal Straffi screamed slapping Smith’s hairynuts around keeping Smith’s cock rock hard “LIE DOWN!”SMITH started Lying Triceps Extensions doing 20 sets of 30 reps. Smith’srags were soaked; his body soaked; the bench was soaked. Knox was staringat his bud’s half hard cock. Most of the soldiers were staring at Smith’shuge nut sack with whispered comments “Wow.” “Damn” “Fuck those are huge.””Hate to be on the receiving end of that load.” The rest were trying to seedown SMITH’S hairy ass crack.”SASQUATCH!” Corporal Straffi screamed pointing randomly at a soldier. “GOOVER THERE AND LIFT SMITH’s NUTSACK OUT OF THE WAY! SOME BITCHES WANT TO SEEPINK ASS PUSSY!”Schwarz walked over and glancing quickly at Smith’s eyes reached down andlifted Smith’s hefty nuts. The boxer scrap was still between Smith’s asscheeks. “REMOVE THAT FUCKING CLOTH!” Corporal Straffi ordered. The soldierhesitantly reached down and removed the cloth. “NICE PINK SHIT HOLE!”Corporal Straffi screamed.SMITH finished his reps breathing heavy covered in sweat. Corporal Straffireached down ripping the entire front from Smith’s boxers. Now just theelastic bands running around his legs, waist and between were left with somescraps hanging down.Corporal Straffi ran the rag through Smith’s pubes. “SMELL THIS!” CorporalStraffi yelled shoving the material in Smith’s facing. Smith got a few deepbreaths of his own sweaty scent. Corporal Straffi reached down rubbing therags again against Smith’s pubes then marched over to KNOX. “SMELL!”Corporal Straffi dragged Knox over to Smith. Corporal Straffi reached downrunning his hand through Smith’s ass crack, taint and up Smith’s balls.Corporal Straffi took his sweaty hand and rubbed it all across Knox’s nose,lips, cheeks, and chin. “No washing today solider.” Corporal Straffi leered.”FINAL ROUND!” Corporal Straffi screamed.”HEY!” Corporal Straffi yelled to Knox. “SLAP YOUR BUD HARD FOR THE LASTSET.” Knox met Smith’s eyes. Reaching down Knox slapped Smith’s cock arounduntil rock hard again. “DON’T FORGET THE SACK!” Corporal Straffi yelled.Knox broke eye contact and gave three sharp slaps to Smith’s nuts.Smith Bench Pressed 20 sets of 30 reps at the end he was straining,completely covered in sweat and panting hard.”ATTEEEEEEENSHION!”All of the soldier’s snapped to attention; Smith in position just as fast asthe rest.”So, now our little lesson is just about over.” Corporal Straffi sneeredwalking around Smith. “We’ve had some casualties.” Corporal Straffi saidflipped the remnants still clinging to Smith’s remaining elastic. “AND wefound SMITH is an all grown up EXHIBITIONALIST.” Corporal Straffi laughedgiving a final slap to Smith’s cock and balls.Corporal Straffi reached down and attempted to rip off the remaining strandsfrom Smith. The elastic wouldn’t tear. Smith just stood there lookingstraight ahead as the elastic bit into his waist and legs. Corporal Straffipulled out his knife and sliced through throwing the remaining rags andSmith’s chest.Smith stood in the middle of the gym completely naked in front of his fellowsoldiers.”NOW you will ALL exercise in your PANTIES ONLY! NO SHIRTS! NO PANTS! NOSOCKS! NO BOOTS!” Corporal Straffi emphasized. “SMITH! Since your armyissue boxers were” Corporal Straffi sneered “defective.” Corporal Strafficontinued “You will exercise NAKED! OUTSIDE EXERCISING INCLUDING TRACK &FIELD, OBSTACLE COURSE, AND SWIMMING ARE ALSO INCLUDED!” Corporal Straffibellowed. Corporal Straffi then dropped his voice “Get used to showing offyour cock ‘n balls not just to your bud or squad but to the entire” CorporalStraffi emphasized in a low whisper bahis firmaları “fucking base.”Corporal Straffi yelled “SMITH you STAY NAKED until you dress tomorrowmorning! Now everyone will run 100 laps around the track followed by theswimming obstacle course.”RILEY DON’T YOU FUCKING ADJUST YOUR JUNK INTO YOUR BOXERS! IF YOUR COCKFALLS OUT THEN FUCKING TOUGH SHIT BITCH! BE GLAD I DON’T FUCKING STRIP YOULIKE SMITH AND MAKE YOU FLAP IN THE BREEZE ALONGSIDE HIM!” Riley turned beetred and dropped his hands to the side.Riley’s cock was tenting his boxers. Corporal Straffi walked over. “LOOKINGAT ANOTHER NAKED MAN GETS YOU SEXUALLY EXCITED SOLDIER! DO YOU ENJOYWATCHING ME HUMILIATE SMITH?” “N-” Riley attempted. “DON’T FUCKINGRESPOND!” Corporal Straffi bellowed.Corporal Straffi reached down yanking Riley’s hard cock through the front ofhis boxers. Corporal Straffi snapped off the front buttons to Riley’sboxers. “IF YOUR COCK FALLS OUT AGAIN LEAVE IT THE FUCK OUT! YOU ARE TO SNAPOFF THE BUTTONS ON ALL YOUR PANTIES TONIGHT!”Corporal Straffi slapped Riley’s cock emphasizing each word “DO!” Slap. “I!”Slap. “MAKE!” Slap. “MYSELF!” Slap. “CLEAR?” Slap. Slap. Slap.”Yes, Sir.” Riley replied deeply red his cock now leaking precum.”NOW GET THE FUCK OUT!” Corporal Straffi roared.The room emptied as the soldiers jogged to the track field. Schwarz’s chestand back hair sweaty and matted to his body. Riley’s hard cock was bouncingwith each step. Smith’s half hard cock and large hairy nuts were swayingback and forth in the breeze.”Next time you offer to help me out,” Smith laughed turning to Knox, “justoffer me a fucking blowjob in front of the CO.”Straffi continued harassing Smith since the gym incident trying to provokethe soldier into harsher punishments. Knox, Riley, and even Schwarz weremostly ignored. Smith never reacted though and did everything Straffi askedso Straffi had to be creative and bend rules for his punishments. Aspunishment Smith was naked now pretty much 24/7. Straffi still wanted toget Smith good and then move on to harass the other soldiers. A few weeksafter the gym incident, Straffi saw the perfect opportunity.In the pitch darkness just before sun up Straffi burst into the Squad’sbarracks screaming. “ATTENTION! GET THE FUCK UP!” The squad jumped toattention some in their underwear but a few like Smith completely naked.”TODAY YOU FUCKS ARE GOING ON A SURVIVAL HIKE! FRESH AIR! NO SHOWERS!”The squad groaned. Straffi sneered. “NO CLOTHES!” Straffi screamed with anevil grin.”Huh.” Wha-” “I-” some of the squad muttered in shock and disbelief.”I don’t think so Straffi.” the LT said entering the barracks his blackframe striking against the rising sun. “These men are not ready for suchharsh conditional training yet.””Of course Sir!” Straffi responded sycophantly, but not missing a beat “Thisone,” Straffi pointed with his chin walking over to Smith “is on disciplineduty. He’s to be naked all day today.”The LT walked over slowly looking Smith up and down. As the LT made eyecontact Smith felt his cock jump and get a little hard as he stared straightback at the LT’s dark face. “Looks tough.” the LT pursed his lips noddingat Smith “Naked’s OK.”As the LT turned to leave, Straffi had a big evil grin on his face. “GRABYOUR SHIT AND MOVE OUT!” Straffi screamed. “WE LEAVE IN TWO MINUTES!” Thesoldier’s scrambled.The squad loaded into the back of a truck transport stowing their packs. AsSmith climbed into the truck he noticed a team of soldiers without packsloading into a jeep next to the truck. The truck was covered so only alittle sunlight made it through the darkness. They drove nearly allmorning. Only when the sun was at its highest did (recently promoted)Sergeant Straffi order a halt. The squad sat in the oppressive darknesstheir clothes soaked in sweat. Then the back flap was removed blindingthem.”COME ON YOU FUCKS! RIGHT NOW! STRIP! FROM THE WAIST UP! LET’S SEE THOSETITS!” The squad rushed to strip off their shirts. “GRAB YOUR PACKS ANDGET YOUR ASSES OFF MY FUCKING TRUCK! SMITH DON’T THINK YOU GET A FUCKINGREWARD CUZ YOUR OFF FIRST YOU NAKED FUCK!” As the squad scrambled off thetruck Sergeant Straffi screamed “LEAVE THE SHIRT SASQUATCH! IT BELONGS TOME NOW!” Schwartz dropped the shirt he was stuffing in his pack andscrambled out.”ATTENTION!” Straffi yelled. The squad stood at attention in a circlebehind the truck with Sergeant Straffi in the middle. “SQUAD! TODAY’SSURVIVAL LESSONS! YOU WILL BE VULNERABLE! BLINDFOLDS!” Sergeant Straffisneered as the mystery soldiers from the Jeep moved behind the Squad tyingblindfolds around the soldier’s eyes. Sergeant Straffi paced around staringinto the blindfolds. “YOU WILL BE SEPERATED! RESTRAINTS!” SergeantStraffi laughed as the soldiers arms were tied with rope behind their lowerbacks with the exception of Smith and the soldier to his right. Their armswent over their heads with their wrists tied behind their necks. Leads randown to the ground and were tied around Smith’s ankles. The secondsoldier’s leads currently remained untied. “It shouldn’t take you fucksmore than an hour to undo the restraints.” Straffi said smiling to himself.”SMITH! Maybe a little longer for you and your friend.” Straffi sneered.”YOU WILL BE NAKED! STRIP THEM!” Straffi ordered.”But-t S-sir-” stuttered one of the Squad behind Straffi.”SHUT IT!” Straffi ordered.”Sir the LT s-” the doomed soldier continued.”WHO THE FUCK!” Straffi screamed spinning around. “HA! YOU! TAKE HIM!”Straffi ordered. Two mystery soldiers d**g the doomed soldier down the hillto the jeep. The remaining mystery soldiers would move behind a restrainedsoldier, reach around, undo the soldier’s pants, squat down, undo thesoldier’s boots, remove the boots, remove the pants, and then finallyreplace the soldier’s boots. After Smith friend was stripped the leads werethen tied to his ankles just like Smith. Straffi paced around inspectinghis handiwork. When Straffi’s back was turned to part of the circle, themystery soldiers would tug or slap the naked soldiers’ cocks making themhard. After all the Squad was naked (and hard) Straffi stalked off toadminister punishment to the doomed soldier.Some of the mystery soldier’s went to the front of the truck trying to findsome shade while awaiting Straffi’s return. Two mystery soldiers stayedbehind, King and Brock. King, jumped up on truck bed, looked over at histall blond buddy Brock and then mimed getting a blowjob from the nakedsoldier standing inches away from King’s bulge.Brock smiled, grabbed the naked soldier in front of him, and mimed fucking.’Nice.’ King mouthed.Brock began exploring his new toy. The stripped soldier was a good sixinches shorter with dirty blond hair. Though short he was very broad, thickand muscular. He looked like he should be a model or movie star nottied-up, stripped, sweaty, dirty, and about to be abandoned in roughterrain. Brock ran his hands along the soldier’s defined muscles tracingeach one as the soldier strained against his bonds. Brock ran his handsacross the soldier’s pecs pulling hard on the nipples. Then Brock traceddown following the near perfect V his thumbs outlining each ab muscle.Brock hands found their way down the soldier’s inner thighs squeezing thetight muscles. Brock’s left hand cupped the soldier’s sweaty balls as hebrought his right hand up to smell the soldier’s sweaty scent. Aftergetting his fill of man scent, Brock pulled back the soldier’s foreskin;rubbing the soldier’s now exposed cock between his thumb and first twofingers making the soldier shutter in the hot sun. Brock leaned forward andwhispered “Fuck! Wish I was stripped next to you.”The soldier pushed his ass back rubbing it against Brock’s hard cock. Brocksmiled and grabbed the soldier’s waist. Then going a step further thanmiming, Brock began rubbing his hard clothed cock against soldier’s nakedass. King looked over and mouthed `Shit dude.’ Brock smiled panting intothe soldier’s ear. Next Brock made the soldier suck on his middle finger,then reaching down Brock explored along the soldier’s ass crack eventuallyslipping the moist digit up the soldier’s ass. Brock felt the soldierclenching his ass around the invasive finger.Brock looked and saw King over by the truck grinding crotches against anaked soldier. King hands were all over the soldier’s lightly perabet güvenilir mi hairy chest.Brock looks across the circle at Smith’s completely tanned naked bodyfantasizing about a foursome with Smith, Brock, King and Brock’s soldierstud.”ALL RIGHT LADI-,” Brock whips his finger out of the soldier’s ass asStraffi strode up the hill. “WELL THE EVIDENCE IS BEFORE ME YOU’RE NOTLADIES!” The defeated soldier was d**g up the hill his pubes and pitscompletely shaved. Since the rest of his body was covered in dark hair helooked pretty comical. As the remaining mystery soldiers came around thetruck one snickered. “You laughing at something Fuller!” Straffiadmonished.”Sir, no Sir!” Fuller responded.”Take off your shirt! Give it to Tokar! Be glad I’m not completelystripping you! Get your ass in the back of the truck!” Straffi ordered.Fuller stripped his shirt exposing a well toned well tanned thick torso. Hetossed his shirt to Tokar and jumped into the back of the truck.”You will be dropped off alone. Your mission is to get out of your bonds,reunite the Squad, and return to base. If you return to base without theentire squad, YOU WILL GODDAMN REGRET IT!” Straffi screamed stomping off tothe Jeep.The mystery soldiers loaded the blindfolded squad into the truck. “Man. Itsmells like dick in here.” Fuller grunted stretching.”And sweaty pits.” Flynn replied guiding Smith into the truck.”Fuck off!” Fuller jumped up rubbing his sweaty pits in Flynn’s face. Flynnstruggled against Fuller eventually pushing Fuller away.”Flynn, stay back here.” Tokar said. “Kiss and make-up with Fuller.”Everyone was jolted around as the truck started up over the rough terrain.Fuller sat back pointing to his crotch and mouthing to Flynn `Next timebitch.’ Fuller then leaned back with his hands behind his head breathing inthe smell of man meat. The truck made periodic stops over the next twohours. Each time the truck stopped Fuller and Flynn would push one of thesquad out and his pack would follow usually a few hundred feet away.As Fuller hauled the last soldier off the truck, he laughed “FuckingSasquatch. He looks ridiculous.”Flynn turns to Fuller. “Fuck off, dude.” Fuller glares at Flynn and as thetruck starts moving tackles Flynn to the floor.Gallo squinted as the two naked figures approached. The taller one hadbright yellow hair and easily four or five inches over his companion. Asthe tall soldier stretched you could see the outline of a few muscles but hewas mostly lean and wiry. His dirty blond companion was shorter around5’10” to 5’11” with a much thicker and muscular body defined to an almostperfect V. `Fucking stud’ Gallo thought eyeing up the shorter soldier.Their mostly soft cocks were bouncing as they walked over the sandy rockyterrain. The soldier stud’s cock was completely hooded even semi hard wherethe taller one’s cock head just a little hard was poking out of hisforeskin.Gallo watched the soldier stud reach down pull back his foreskin wipe theend of his cock and let the foreskin creep back over his cock head. Galloreached down scratching his nuts giving them a few tugs. Then he steppedout of the shade letting the early evening sun soak into his olive skin,hairy chest, and thick cock. The two soldiers were talking and looking ateach other not at their surroundings. They didn’t notice the beefy Italiannow in full view. “Hey!” Gallo called out. The two looked his way.”Hey, Gallo!” the taller soldier hollered back with a wave breaking into ajog. His companion followed a few steps behind both their cocks bouncingaround off their thighs. “Good to see ya. Even this much.” the tallersoldier laughed clasping Gallo’s upper arm and squeezed. “Glad to see youand,” intentionally looking down to embarrass the taller soldier “yourequipment are OK Ibsen.” Gallo grinned pushing against Ibsen’s chest makinghim stagger back a step.”Hey, this is Vacek, well Vace.” Ibsen introduced his new buddy as Galloreached out and clasping forearms with the shorter soldier stud.”Hey.” Vacek smiled back as Ibsen pushed Gallo from behind. “You seenanyone else?” Vacek asked as Gallo and Ibsen escalated their pushing matchto faux karate.”Just Wright, Vace.” Gallo responded blocking Ibsen’s kick with his forearm.”He’s back at camp. We’re still six short. Wright and I figured we wouldjust head south following the forest’s edge. Eventually we will run acrossthe path that leads back to base. Hopefully the other guys are headed thatway too. Follow me. I’ll show you where we are camped.” Gallo walked backinto the woods. As they walked into camp Gallo called out “Hey Wright! Twomore for dinner!””Hey, Ibsen.” Wright said turning around from the fire he just started.”Hey.” Ibsen greeted. “This is Vace.” Ibsen introduced placing his handon Vace’s shoulder.”Dinner will be soon.” Wright said.”Cool. We stunned some lizards earlier.” Vacek said reaching into his packand handing over the two lizards.”Thanks.” Wright said adding the lizards to the pile of ingredients fordinner.”Where are you guys using for a latrine?” Vacek asked. “I gotta take awicked piss.””Me too.” Ibsen said.”I’ll show you.” Gallo offered giving his thick cock a squeeze as he ledthe two soldier’s deeper into the woods.Later that night after eating the guys were sitting around the fire boredout of their minds. “Fuck it. I’m bored.” Gallo said reaching down andplaying with his soft cock. “There’s only one thing to play with here andI’m gonna play with it.” He grinned looking over at Ibsen. Ibsen laughedreaching down and jerking his own cock hard. Vacek had only been a secondbehind Ibsen exposing his uncut cock head.Vacek had one hand holding back his foreskin while the other hand rolledhis cock head between his first two fingers and this thumb. Out of nowhereWright screamed “UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE! I never thought I’d see SOLDIER’SCIRCLE JERK! SHIT SONS!” Vacek was stunned and immediately dropped hiscock. As Wright paced around camp breathing heavy Gallo mouthed to theother two `Does this all the time.'”Well,” Gallo looked at Wright as he still played with his thick cock, “didyou ever think the Squad would be sent out with just their boots and packsto fend for themselves cock ass naked?””Awe fuck it.” Wright replied sitting heavy on his log reaching down andjacking off but keeping his eyes off the others. After a while the otherthree guys started to really get into jerking off in front of their soldierbuds. They kept watching what each other was doing and when they feltwatched they’d mix it up throwing in some of their favorite jerk off movesand mimicking what the others were doing. Gallo even tried attempting someof the foreskin tricks the other two were doing with pathetic but hilariousresults. The three of them just continued laughing as the tricks got moreoutlandish, but Wright wouldn’t join in and just stared into the firepumping his cock.”I don’t care if it is gay.” Ibsen said looking up from Gallo’s cock.Let’s circle jerk.””All right.” The three agreed. Wright looked up and ready to tirade againbut Gallo just raised his eyebrows. Wright shrugged almost reluctantly.Vacek reached over and grabbed Ibsen’s uncut cock. Like Ibsen it was prettylong and skinny. Vacek would occasionally reach down and tug on Ibsen’shairless nut sack. Ibsen reached over and grabbed Gallo’s thick monster.It was a decent 7″ but thick like a mother fucker. Ibsen knew Gallo’s cockwould still be felt even after the fucking was over. Gallo also had thickerhairier pubes compared to the other three. Ibsen would alternate playingwith Gallo’s cock and running his hand through Gallo’s big bush, up Gallo’streasure trail and across Gallo’s furry chest. Gallo was jerking off Wrightwho would jump each time Gallo flicked Wright’s cock head or if Gallo ran afinger nail along the underside of Wright’s cock. “Great suggestionWright!” Gallo smiled as Wright took hold of Vace’s uncut cock. Wright kepthis hand at the base of Vace’s cock trying to avoid the foreskin. Vace usedhis free hand and held his cock skin down. Each time Wright circled hispalm around Vace’s exposed cock head Vace would physically shiver. The guysplayed with each other for over half an hour as the light dimmed.Each guy was close but a little intimidated to cum by another’s hand. Vacekwas panting the hardest and knew tipobet he couldn’t hold out much longer. Wrightquickened his pace hoping to be done touching another soldier’s cock.”Fuck, I’m there.” Vacek moaned as a solid white jet of cum shot directlyinto the air. Ibsen and Gallo looked over at the cumming stud’s cock.Wright yanked his hand away immediately not wanting another man’s cum on it.Wright looked down he saw his fingers and palm covered in sticky clearliquid. Shaking his hand like it was burnt Wright ran it through some weedstrying to get the soldier stud’s precum off. Vace looked down at histhrobbing cock and thought `Looks like a cum geyser.’ Gallo laughed atVace’s cock “Looks like a little cum volcano just erupted.”Vace laughed. “Watch out villagers.” Gallow laughed as cum continued topour out and run along Vace’s cock into his pubes and dripping down off hisballs.”Fuck you made a big mess.” Ibsen said staring at his buddy’s cum coveredcock and balls.”That I did.” Vace replied smiling “Your turn.” Vace quickened his pace onIbsen’s cock. Ibsen’s breathing got heavier with each stroke. Vacegrinned. Using his left hand to hold down Ibsen’s foreskin and using hisown cum as lube, Vace ran his right palm all across Ibsen’s cock head. Vacealso used his left pinky and ring fingers to massage Ibsen’s taint. Havinghis taint massaged did Ibsen in. He bent his head back moaned stretched outhis entire torso and came directly into Vace’s hand.”UUUAAAHH!” Ibsen grunted into the dark night. “UUAAHH!” Ibsen groanedagain as Vace squeezed the sensitive cock head. “UAH. UAH. UAH.” Ibsenpanted for each cum load that shot into his buddy’s hand. Vace wasn’t donethough. Using his own and Ibsen’s cum as lube, Vace circled his buddy’scock for round two. Ibsen was completely at Vace’s mercy and could onlychoke out “UH!” “UH!” “UH!” as Vace continued to pound Ibsen’s now supersensitive cock head. Ibsen’s entire body was covered in goose bumps and hisnipples were rock hard. His entire body shook as his cock experienced themost intense orgasm of his young life. Instead of cum a stream of watershot out drenching Ibsen’s chest stomach and cock. Vace didn’t stopsqueezing Ibsen’s cock until his bud stopped pissing and blew his second cumload of the evening. “And that son,” Ibsen panted still shaking from hissecond orgasm in ten minutes, “is why we always piss before sex.” The othertwo laughed as Wright stared off into the darkness.Ibsen recovered and continued jerking his neighbor as Gallo continued tojerk off Wright. Vace sat back and was idly playing with his balls. Therewas something he really wanted to do but thought it’d be too noticeable infront of the guys. He compromised and ran his middle finger down along histaint massaging the area under his nut sack. Suddenly, Wright let out alittle grunt as he blew his load all over Gallo’s hand. Still cummingWright stood up and stalked off into the dark woods panting “Gotta piss.””Last one to cum,” Ibsen teased, “eat the ookie.””Fuck you.” Gallo laughed. Ibsen slowed down his speed but startedsqueezing Gallo’s cock from the bottom up like he was trying to milk the cumout. “I think we’ll be here all night.” Gallo joked.Ibsen leaned over next to Gallo’s cock. “Reeealy?” Gallo felt Ibsen breathon his cock head. Next thing Gallo realized two loads of cum hit him rightbetween his hairy pecs. The next load dribbled down his hairy stomach.Gallo could feel the cum running through his hair down his chest and stomachtrying to get back to his cock. Ibsen continued his milking as Gallowatched his cock pissing cum. Gallo’s pubes were drenched in cum and hecould feel it running along the insides of his thighs as it dripped downpooling beneath him.”FUCK!” Gallo exclaimed. “You know how hard it is to get cum out of hair?And no FUCKING showers!” he laughed.”Little more won’t matter then.” Ibsen scooped up his own cum and smearedit across Gallo’s hairy pecs.”FUCKER!” Gallo hollered laughing. Then launching himself at Ibsen; Gallotackled the lanky soldier to the ground. Gallo lay on top rubbing his hairycum covered body all over Ibsen’s. Gallo’s cock still leaking cum as itrubbed against Ibsen’s cock. Vace watched the two buds rub their sweatybodies together his hand further underneath him. His finger massaging andentering his hole just as the mystery soldier had when he was first tied up.” UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE! I never thought I’d see two soldiers WRESTLING NAKED!SHIT SONS!” Wright yelled returning to camp. Vace jump startled, but no onewas looking at him as he quickly removed his finger from his ass.”You’re missing all the fun.” Ibsen smiled up at Wright. Gallo got up andsat back at his rock laughing.”Awe man.” Ibsen mock complained. “Now I have little black pubes stuck allover me.””No pity. Join the club hairless freak.” Gallo laughed stroking his thickcock.Alvarez, Parson, and Owens sat around their campfire. They had found eachother pretty quickly after being dropped off. Then working back to back ithad only taken about 10 minutes to free each other. After traveling forhalf a day they decided to break and make camp. Now their dinner cookedover a small fire.Alvarez stretched lazily exposing his really furry dark pits and lookedaround for something to do. He noticed Parse was staring in his direction.’You staring at me or through me.’ Alvarez wondered as his hand idly felldown and scratched his heavy nuts. Parse’s eyes flickered following themotion. ‘Nice.’ Alvarez smiled to himself. `What the hell. Time to givethe k** a show.’ Alvarez reached up running his hand slowly across his darkuncut cock.”Whoa-” Parson stammered when he realized what Alvarez was doing. “Noworries Parse.” Alvarez replied with a smile. “Just passing the time.””Checking out Rez’s cock.” Owens teased Parse.”No.” Parse glared over at Owens.”No worries,” Owens chuckled “our eyes get drawn to large objects. May aswell jerk along with donkey dick over there.” Owens said smiling.”I’m not that big.” Rez replied shaking his head. “Dark enough though.””For a light skinned Mexican you sure got a dark cock.” Owens teased.”Fuck you white boy.” Rez replied with mock hostility. “You look like youfell in some fuckin bleach. Just cuz I’m just permanently tanned with a bigdark cock no need to hate.”Owens laughed taking his own cock in his hand. “You just said you didn’thave a big cock.””Lied.” Rez shrugged stroking his nine uncut inches. Parse felt his cheeksburn red as he reached down to his own cock. The three sat there waitingfor their dinner to cook jerking their cocks. Rez would periodically pullback his foreskin exposing the large light purple head and then wave hiscock around. Parse couldn’t keep his eyes off Rez’s cock though he tried todisguise his staring. Owens and Rez could see through the disguises andwould periodically make eye contact, smile, and flick their eyes over toParse.Fifteen minutes later Rez stood up. “Dinner’s ready.” He said cumming intohis free hand. Then without a pause Rez swallowed his load.”What the Fuck Dude!” Owens laughed nervously. Parse just stared his eyeshuge.”Can’t waste anything in the wilderness.” Rez responded milking his cockthen licking his fingers clean. “If you guys aren’t swallowing, I will.”Rez stated not embarrassed at all. The other two were struck speechless.Five minutes later while Rez was stretched out on his rock Parse knew he wasclose. He was breathing heavier and his balls were trying to shrink up intohim. Parse couldn’t decide if he would swallow or let Rez have it. Hewished Owens had cum second. Parse brought his free hand around just intime to capture his creamy spooge. Looking over at Rez, Parse brought hishand up and licked it clean. “Good man.” Rez replied staring straight intoParse’s eyes then deliberately lowering his gaze to Parse’s cock.Parse flashed back to earlier when the mystery soldier was grinding againstParse, except this time it was Rez and they were both naked cock to cock.Parse’s face burned red in the dark. `What the fuck am I thinking.’ Parsepanicked as Rez’s eyes traveled around Parse’s body taking in the brownlightly furry abs pecs and pits. Parse’s was very self conscious of hisnaked frame under Rez’s scrutiny. Parse felt his cock getting hard againand knew Rez would notice. Just then Owens came in his free hand providinga distraction.”There’s no way fucking way.” He replied holding his hand out. Rez got upand walked over and swallowed Owens’ watery semen. “Fuck man.” Owens said.Rez shrugged, meeting Parse’s eyes, as he walked over and pulled one ofthe roasted lizards from its spit.

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