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Awakening of Sweetlips”So, how did you meet Dave?” — Kevin said, half-turning around in the passenger seat to look at the backseat where Abby was sitting, – “He told us so much about you, but never that.””Senior year in college,” — Abigail said, – “He was dating my roommate then.””Wait,” — said Dan from the driver’s seat, – “You mean to tell me you are Stacey’s roommate?””The fat girl?” — Kevin blurted before he could catch himself, and quickly added, – “Sorry. Sorry about that.””You didn’t even know my name, huh?” — Abby said quietly, and everybody fell silent for a long while.For years and years Abby has been tall and gawky with small breasts. She grew up a shy and nerdy k**, and when she went away to college, her freshman fifteen became freshman fifty, and then sophomore seventy – mostly in her hips, thighs and belly – she wore a C cup, but her old B cup bras still almost fit. Maybe the weight gain was somehow hormone-related, because around the same time her interest in boys became much higher than it was before.Dave had noticed her then: she had consoled him after a bitter fight he had with Stacey, and he kissed her on the lips before he left. The next day they bumped into each other on campus and he asked her out, and a few weeks after Abby had a real boyfriend. They dated until the graduation, and then Dave had to move away — he found a job in a city about two hundred miles distant, and Abby was still working at her campus job. So for the last year and a half they sort of kept an on-going long-distance relationship, with frequent e-mails, phone calls and occasional visits. Dave was not her first man; she lost her virginity at 17 in high school, at a party after the prom , when she let a drunken football player drag her upstairs — she was curious what it would feel like. It was not very painful and even a little pleasant, but it was over very soon. Dave was much better in that respect.”It’s not like we ever been introduced properly, you know,” — Dan broke the awkward silence, – “you used to be, like, very shy around us all the time.””That’s because I had a terrible crush on you,” — Abby wanted to say, because it was the truth, but instead she said “It’s all right, I am less shy now.””You’re still kinda shy,” — Kevin smiled, briefly eyeing Abby up and down, – “Baggy clothing, hair in a bun, no make-up? Come on, girl!”Abby gave a polite laugh. She never liked Kevin — he was sort of a jerk. She’d much prefer it if Dan were to make a comment on her appearance: she used to dream about him long before she started dating Dave — and, to tell the truth, she still thought him very hot. But Kevin… ugh. She could never imagine Kevin touching her or kissing her or running his hands up and down her body.It was starting to get dark — it was November, after all. A few weeks ago Dave called Abby and told her that his friends would be in town, and could give her a ride to the city so she could spend Thanksgiving with Dave’s family.”Shit,” — said Dan, – “do you hear that?””Your engine is making noise,” — said Kevin, – “I told you I heard it before. It’s that sort of rattling noise.””Shit, and we are in the middle of fucking nowhere.””What’s going on?” — Abby asked, alarmed. As if to answer her, the engine made a terrible scr****g sound and Dan slammed on the brakes.The engine died.”Shit,” — said Kevin. — “We are fucked. Why the fuck didn’t you check the engine before we drove two hundred miles?””Shut up,” — Dan growled, – “Don’t fucking “I-told-you-so” me. Fuck. It’s starting to rain.””It’s your fucking fault,” — Kevin kept at it, – “We are miles from a nearest mechanic, I remember this stretch.””Shut the fuck up!” — Dan flared, and Abby pressed herself into the seat: this was disturbing.”You shut the fuck up!” — Kevin replied, – “and admit this is your fault.””OK! OK!” — Dan spat angrily, – “it’s my fault. Happy now?””I told you so,” — Kevin said smugly, – “so what are we gonna do now? Do you have triple-A?””No,” — said Dan, – “do you?””Nope,” — said Kevin, – “but I think there’s a motel about a mile from here. They might have gas, but we probably should get a couple of rooms anyhow.”Abby breathed out, feeling safer, as the men stopped fighting.”We can get one room if they have two beds and a pallet,” — she smiled, – “I trust you guys.””Absolutely,” — said Dan, a little faster than Abby would have liked, and Kevin suppressed a chuckle. Abby blushed: she did not want to be wanted by anybody but Dave her boyfriend, but it would be nice if these two men had not dismissed the idea of something inappropriate happening between her and them quite so quickly.They pushed the car to the shoulder of the road, got some necessities out of their bags, and went down the road looking for the motel. It was already dark and starting to rain when they glimpsed the neon sign.The lobby was empty, and they had to ring the reception bell twice until the clerk came up. He was a thin, bony man with Hulk Hogan mustache and his receding hair in a ponytail. As he approached the counter, he finished zipping up the fly of his blue jeans.”What can I do you for, folks?” — he asked.”We’d like a room, sir,” — said Dan politely, – “one room with twin separate beds and a pallet or a couch. For one night.””Don’t have no rooms,” — said the clerk indifferently.”What do you mean no rooms?” — Kevin asked irritably, – “You can’t be full; there are no cars in the lot!””Renovations,” — replied the clerk. — “most rooms don’t have water or electricity right now.””Are there ones that do?” — Dan inquired, – “Can you turn the water on in one of them?””Dude, our car broke about a mile back,” — said Kevin, – “we got to have a room, or we’re gonna sleep in the lobby.””You ain’t gonna sleep in the lobby,” — said the older man curtly, – “And maybe I can get water and power in one of the rooms that ain’t torn down yet,” — he paused, – “What’s in it for me?””Um,” — Dan hesitated, – “We only have cash between us for one room, unless you’ve got an ATM here.””We got an ATM. We don’t got money in it.””Dude, please,” — said Kevin, – “we’ll send you a big tip when we get home, honest.””No vacancy,” — said the clerk.”Please,” — Abby spoke up, hoping that the man would have a harder time refusing a reasonably pretty girl, – “can you please let us stay? Is there anything we can do for you?”The clerk’s cold blue eyes suddenly came alive. He eyed Abby up and down with a thin smile.”You can do something for me, sweetie,” — he said, gesturing to his crotch, – “I’ll trade you for a blow job.”Abby’s face grew hot.”Jerk!” — she exclaimed, – “Let’s go, guys, we’ll sleep in the car.””It’s raining out,” — said Kevin, – “I am not walking to the car.””Well, you ain’t staying here either,” — the clerk sneered, – “you heard my terms. And I am straight, so no funny business.”He stood up and leaned forward to give his words extra weight, daring the men to confront him.”We need a moment,” — said Kevin.”We are getting out of here!” — said Abby, and marched out of the lobby through the set of double doors. Dan ran after her.”Take your time,” — said the clerk to Kevin, as Kevin went after Abby and Dan.All three of them stood under the canopy overhanging the motel entrance. It was already very dark, and the rain was getting heavier.”Abby,” — said Dan, putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder, – “um… maybe you’d consider?””Sucking that guy’s dick?” — Abby fumed, – “Are you out of your mind?””I am not out of my mind, but we are out of options here, Abby,” — he retorted.”We are also out in the rain”, – added Kevin, – “and it looks like it’s going to rain all night.””Please help us, Abby;” — said Dan gently, – “We don’t really have anywhere to go””We can go back to the car,” — said Abby, – “ask that jerk for some garbage bags so we can wear them on our heads””He won’t give us anything,” — Kevin shook his head, – “and I think he has a gun, so I wouldn’t go stealing garbage bags either.””Please, Abby,” — Dan repeated, – “we could get normal beds for the night and not sleep wet in the car.””Guys,” — Abby’s large green eyes were wide in disbelief, – “do you realize what you’re asking me to do? For a night in a motel?””Abby,” — said Dan gently, – “it’s not for a night in a motel, it’s so we could have shelter during a storm, when there’s nowhere else to go.””Right,” — Kevin added, – “Walking through this weather is a sure way to catch a cold, or worse, pneumonia.””This is only rational, don’t you see,” — Dan patted Abby’s shoulder affectionately, – “we’ll be very grateful to you, we will respect you and we will not tell Dave.”Abby felt her resolve starting to crumble. It was dark, and cold, and rainy, and she only had on a t-shirt, jeans and a denim jacket. It would be b**stly uncomfortable sleeping in a car together with two men. And… and Dan was patting her shoulder, the first caress she ever got from him…”Please,” — the girl said, looking up in Dan’s eyes, – “please don’t make me do this.””You’d be doing it for Dave,” — Dan assured her, – “so that you can stay healthy and well rested for your time together.””No, I can’t,” — Abby lowered her eyes, shaking her head, – “I just can’t.”Now that she found herself actually considering sucking a strange man’s dick, disturbing thoughts invaded her mind. Images. Questions. How big would it be? How would it taste? Would he be standing up or sitting down? Would he stroke her hair? Would she have to take any clothes off?She felt her face flush and felt warmth growing inside her, and immediately hated herself for it. Was she just a slut, to get excited about such an outrageous idea?”No,” — she repeated, – “I can’t do it, no, please.””Look at me,” — Kevin placed a finger under Abby’s chin and made her look up, – “If you don’t do it, we are going to tell Dave that you wanted to.”A panicked “how does he know?” crossed Abby’s mind, but then she realized that she was being blackmailed.”We’ll tell him that you are cheating on him, that you already have a boyfriend back on campus,” — Kevin continued.”But I don’t!” — Abby exclaimed, her face hot, – “I never cheated on Dave!”(“Maybe just because no one you know was bold enough to demand oral sex from you two minutes after he saw you,” she told herself sarcastically)”But Abby, if we tell him you are cheating, he’ll believe us, not you,” — Dan explained, – “We three go back to kindergarten, and he’s only known you for a couple years.””Oh please don’t!” — Abby begged the two men. Something gave way inside her: she was not a slut, she was being forced into this situation, and it was not her own free choice. She was going to suck a stranger’s dick because these two men made her. She was not a slut. She was not thinking of how she would like to suck Dan’s dick first. She was not.”Please don’t tell Dave,” — she said, – “I’ll do it.””Right,” — Kevin said awkwardly, – “OK than.””None of this is happening,” — Dan hugged Abby briefly, – “You are doing this for Dave. We are going to forget it.”Abby let out a quiet whimper. Dan hugging her was too much; she wanted to hug him tight and kiss him and beg him not to send her out there to suck a stranger’s cock, but she knew it would be useless.Kevin stepped back into the lobby and held the door open for güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri her.”We’ve got a deal,” — he said to the clerk, – “She’ll do it.””Room 2A, this floor,” — the clerk tossed him the key, – “I turn on the water and power after I have my fun,” — he turned and looked at Abby, who stood straight and pale in the middle of the lobby, – “you come here, sweetie, right here.”Abby watched Kevin and Dan leave, then took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders and thrust her small breasts forward, trying to look bold and aggressive. She licked her lips in what she hoped was seductive manner.”Go sit on that counter, big boy,” — she said, – “and show me what you’ve got for me.”The clerk smiled a little. His icy blue eyes met Abby’s large, soft brown ones for a few moments, and Abby dropped her gaze, her cheeks flushing bright red.”Come here, girl,” — the man said quietly, – “and take off your shirt.”Abby obeyed, fumbling with the stubborn buttons of her jacket, breathing heavily. Shutting her eyes tightly, she pulled her T-shirt off and stood before the man in her plain white bra and baggy jeans.She felt a callused hand touch her cheek, trace the line of her jaw, then stroke her neck down to her shoulder. It was pleasant. It gave her goose bumps.”What’s your name, sweetie?” — the man asked.”Abby.” — she answered in a small voice.”I don’t like that name.” — the man said, tracing the curve of Abby’s small round breast and brushing against her nipple, which started to harden immediately, – “I will call you Sweetlips.”Abby whimpered, without opening her eyes. She was shaking with a wild mix of emotions: her fear and her resentment of how she was treated were mixed with a powerful sense of lust; in her life she was never so excited. “I am not a slut,” — she repeated to herself, feeling her pussy starting to moisten. “Please don’t call me that,” — she said quietly and without much hope.”Take off your pants, Sweetlips,” — said the man, starting to rub her other nipple through the thin fabric of her bra. Shivers ran down Abby’s spine.”Please, don’t make me take off my pants,” — she said, – “Please may I just…” — she hesitated, not wanting to say it out loud.”Just what, Sweetlips?” — asked the clerk, pinching Abby’s nipple between his finger and thumb, making the pretty girl gasp.”Just suck your penis,” — she breathed, arching her back from sudden intense pleasure as the man grabbed both of her painfully erect nipples through her bra and started to squeeze and pinch them just hard enough not to make it too painful.”You may suck it, Sweetlips, after you take off your pants,” — Abby’s tormentor said as he continued to pinch and twist. The girl whimpered and started to undo the button on her jeans.The clerk took her by the shoulders and turned her around, expertly undoing her bra with one hand.Abby struggled for a few seconds to push the jeans’ waistband down past her wide hips. When she felt her bra being unfastened, she instinctively raised her hands to prevent it from falling, and the jeans slipped down, revealing her large round ass in simple white panties, and her fat, dimpled, milky white thighs. The clerk gave an approving chuckle.”You’ve got a fat ass, Sweetlips,” — he said, slapping Abby on her ass cheek and admiring the jiggle. — “Nice fat ass. Turn around now.”Abby turned around, blushing even more furiously than before. Never in her life had she been subjected to such embarrassing treatment.”I am not a slut,” — she reminded herself silently, – “I don’t have a choice, they made me do this, and they gave me to this man.”That thought sent a spark up her spine, and she felt her pussy getting wetter. She stepped out of her pants and stood before the man wearing only her unfastened bra and panties.The man sat reclined in his chair, legs spread wide, a lazy smile playing on his thin lips.”Get on your knees, Sweetlips” — he told Abby and started to undo his belt buckle. The bottom-heavy girl obeyed, lowering herself to kneel between the man’s feet.The clerk pulled his pants down and Abby saw his dick.It was the largest dick she’s ever seen in real life — though admittedly, she hasn’t seen many. Pale, half-limp and twitching, it looked like some sort of obscene maggot or an earthworm.”Kiss it,” — said the man.Abby stretched her neck down and kissed the head of the cock. Immediately it gave another twitch, making her jump.The clerk put his hand on the back of Abby’s head and took off the scrunchie she wore on her hair. Somehow it felt more invasive, more embarrassing than when he was undoing her bra. The pretty girl’s light brown hair fell down around her face and neck, and the clerk gathered it again in his hand, holding Abby’s head in place.Then with his other hand he took a hold of his cock and slapped Abby’s mouth with it, time and again.The girl whimpered, not wanting to believe that this was happening to her.”Suck it, Sweetlips,” — ordered the man, – “Open that sweet mouth and suck it.””This is a dream, please let it be a dream,” — thought Abby as she parted her soft pale lips and took the head of the clerk’s penis into her mouth. She felt it grow hard inside her, and let out a muffled moan.”Suck,” — the clerk slapped Abby’s cheek very lightly, for encouragement, and she started to move her head on the cock, almost gagging on it a time or two. Her mouth filled with saliva, and her pussy started to leak pussy juice into her panties.The clerk’s cock grew thick and stiff inside Abby’s mouth. The man made her take her hands away from it and now just rocked his hips back and forth, fucking her face. Abby moaned, saliva dribbling from her lips to her chest in long sticky line. All she could do was look up pleadingly at the merciless male abusing her helpless mouth and she knew full well from his satisfied smirk that he was enjoying this, that he had her exactly where he wanted her: almost naked, kneeling in front of a stranger, slobbering over herself while being used for his pleasure.Abby’s pussy felt hot and moist, her clit started to swell. She was never so horny in her life.Suddenly the man grabbed her head and held it in place, as he thrust his hips forward, filling Abby’s mouth with his dick, making her choke on it.Abby stiffened and tried to pull back, tears bursting from her eyes, but the clerk’s fingers tightened on her head, holding her for another few seconds before letting go. The young woman sat back on her heels, panting and making gagging sounds, glancing around her with unfocused eyes.”You aren’t done, Sweetlips”, – said the clerk.Abby whimpered and opened her mouth again, taking the cock in as deep as she could, feeling it rub against the back of her throat. After fucking her mouth again for a short while, the clerk stepped back and looked down at her.”Get up”, – he ordered, tapping Abby’s cheek with his fingertips.The plump girl got up on her shaking legs and stood before the man, eyes downcast, covering her small round breasts with her arms.He eyed her up and down, and smiled a wolfish smile at her. His finger traced a line up her hip, her side, her shoulder, and then her neck and cheek, and she shuddered with pleasure, goose bumps appearing all over her pale skin.”Take your panties off,” — said the man matter-of-factly, – “I am going to fuck you.”Abby lifted her eyes to meet his. Her head was swimming, her legs weak and unsteady, her pussy swollen, throbbing and aching to be filled. She was blushing bright red.”But, but…” — she started to say, trying to keep her hips from twitching involuntarily and looking pleadingly into the clerk’s eyes, – “I was only going to suck it…””Take your panties off, Sweetlips,” — he responded, his cold blue eyes tightening. Abby whimpered but obeyed, and was now standing naked, one of her small hands covering the light brown fuzz on her pussy.The man’s hand pressed against her soft white thighs, forced its way in between them and moved up, making Abby part her plump legs slightly. She moaned when the hand touched her pussy.”You are wet halfway down to your knees, Sweetlips,” — remarked the man, – “why is that?””Please,” — Abby breathed, leaning back against the reception counter and thrusting her hips slightly forward, rubbing her tender parts against the man’s rough fingers, – “please oh please…””Turn around,” — ordered the man, – “and bend over. Show me your pussy.”Abby did what she was told.”I am not a slut,” — a thought appeared in her mind, – “he is making me do this. I am a good girl.”She let out another moan when she felt a touch in between her pussy lips. The clerk’s finger started to move around there, probing, stroking, and sliding briefly in and out of the hot moisture that was Abby.”Tell me your name, girl,” — whispered the man into her ear, stopping the caress for a second, – “Tell me your name and I am going to fuck you.””Ah… ah… Abby,” — whimpered the girl, but she immediately knew it was not the right answer.”You want my dick in your cunt, girl,” — said the man, – “don’t pretend you don’t. Tell. Me. Your. Name.””Sweetlips!” — Abby let out a sob, – “Sweetlips! Please… please…”The clerk’s fingers grabbed her large soft buttocks and pulled them apart. Sweetlips grabbed on to the counter to stay on her feet, and the clerk’s dick slid into her, filling her, stretching her aching pussy, which hadn’t felt a dick inside for oh so long.He started fucking her with long, fast strokes, plunging into her to the hilt, her large soft ass squeezing against his bony hips. Sweetlips was moaning constantly, her plump body jiggling as pleasure shot through her.She closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the counter, feeling a monster of an orgasm building up fast inside her. The clerk started slapping her ass with each stroke of his dick, first one cheek, and then another. Sweetlips cried out with each slap, and her cries echoed through the empty lobby of the motel.She felt a finger slide in between her buttocks and rub her asshole, she did not care. A wave of sensation hit her and carried her away, shaking her whole body, her whole being. She never felt such an intense orgasm in all her young life. Sweetlips screamed, arching her back again and again, until the powerful surge subsided and left her shaking and gasping.The man did not stop, did not even pause. His long, thick cock kept sliding back and forth in the girl’s dripping wet pussy. He grabbed her long hair and pulled, tilting back her head, making her moan.”You like it, Sweetlips,” — said he, slapping her ample ass, – “Tell me you like it.””Yes,” — the young girl obeyed immediately, it was only the truth after all, – “yes I like it.”His dick popped out of her pussy and she let out a whimper: she did not want it to go out, she felt so incredibly good with it filling her.The clerk grabbed her shoulder and made her turn around and face him. He sat back in his chair and looked at the flushing, trembling girl.”You like being a slut,” — he continued mercilessly, – “you like fucking a strange guy in a motel lobby. Come on Sweetlips. Sit on my dick.””He is making me do it,” — thought the girl as she obediently straddled the man’s hips and lowered herself onto his hard cock, – “I am not… not… not a slut…”She güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri gasped as the clerk’s dick reached something inside her that had been never touched before. Abby never tried this position with Dave; they probably both thought subconsciously that she was too heavy for it. But that did not seem to faze the clerk; he grabbed Sweetlips by her soft pale thighs, pressing his fingers deep into the dimpled skin, and made her ride him. She never imagined being on top could feel so submissive.”Fuck me,” — he ordered, slapping her thighs again and again, – “fuck me.”Sweetlips obeyed, rocking back and forth on his cock, gasping and moaning and crying out. She was going to cum again, very soon.The clerk’s hands gripped her soft fat ass cheeks very tightly, almost painfully, and the dick inside her started pulsing and throbbing as he started fucking her with sharp, frequent thrusts.”Oh no,” — she whimpered plaintively, either because she did not want him to cum inside her or because she did not want him to cum yet; she did not herself know for sure, – “oh please no.”A jet of hot cum shot deep inside her pussy, something else she never experienced before. That almost made her cum again… but not quite. She moved frantically and eagerly, rubbing herself on the quickly softening cock, but she could not cum.The clerk pushed her off his lap and she had to grab his arm in order not to fall down.”Get on your knees, Sweetlips,” — he said, pointing at his wet, limp cock, – “and clean this up.”The plump girl obeyed. Her pussy juices mixed with cum tasted… peculiar. Not good, but not bad either. They tasted naughty, and wrong. Sort or how she herself felt right now — used like a whore by a strange man, but wanting more of the same.”Yeah,” — said the man, patting Abby on the cheek, – “yeah, that’s it.”He stepped away from her and got back into his jeans.”Room 2A,” — he pointed vaguely in the direction of the hallway, and turned away, not paying any more attention to his pretty plaything.Abby stood up on wobbling legs, found her panties and put them on. Her night things and spare clothes were in the backpack that they threw together before leaving the car, and Dan had that in the room. Now she had to take a shower. Abby put on her T-shirt, not bothering with her jeans — for some reason she did not mind Dan seeing her naked legs. Kevin, maybe, but not Dan. Not after what he had made her do.”I am not a slut,” — she whispered, and set off for room 2A.She did not say anything to Dan and Kevin, who were sitting in a small room with two twin-sized beds and a couch in it, watching something on TV; she just walked past them and disappeared into the shower.She washed, and brushed her teeth, still a bit dazed. When she reached to wash away the sticky slimy mess in between her legs, she realized that despite feeling horrible — of course she felt horrible, any good girl who had been forced to fuck a stranger should feel horrible, – and she was still very horny. The clerk should have let her cum a second time. She deserved it.She stroked her pussy for a little while, standing under the jet of warm water, but she could not really play with herself in the shower, not where Dan and Kevin might hear.Abby got out of the shower, and realized that she had forgotten her things. Not wanting to wear the old T-shirt and panties, she briefly debated calling out and asking Dan to bring her stuff, but then decided that that would not be appropriate, and ended up wrapping a towel around herself.She stepped out of the bathroom to find Kevin and Dan sitting in their underwear at the opposite ends of the couch, watching what looked like black and white security camera footage on TV. A couple was apparently having sex right in the motel lobby.Then Abby recognized herself. Was her ass really that big? God, it looked like two balloons filled with milk the way it jiggled and bounced around.”Oh hi Abby,” — Dan smiled, – “come sit with us, we are watching some hardcore porn here.”A bulge in his briefs was clear evidence that he liked what he was watching. Dan enjoyed seeing Abby’s fat ass bounce. He enjoyed seeing her naked.She felt her nipples stiffen under the towel.”No,” — she said, – “I want to go to sleep.””sleep with us,” — Kevin grinned, – “you’ve already slept with him,” — he gestured to the screen, where Abby was now trying to straddle the clerk’s hips.”You made me do it!” — Abby exclaimed, her face flushing.”Yeah,” — said Dan, rising from the couch and grabbing the girl’s hand, – “you sucked a guy’s dick just because we told you to.””And then you let him fuck you,” — Kevin continued, – “just because he wanted to.”Dan pulled Abby down and she sat heavily on the couch, flustered.”So now we are telling you that we are going to fuck you, both of us,” — Kevin continued, – “just because we want to.””And you will let us fuck you,” — said Dan pleasantly, putting his hand on Abby’s white round knee, – “because you don’t have any other choice, and because you are a slut.””I am not a slut,” — said Abby, without moving Dan’s hand, – “I am not. Please don’t make me do it. What about Dave?””We’ve already been through this,” — Dan smiled, – “If you don’t want Dave to see this video, you have to be a good girl.””Yeah,” — added Kevin, – “that clerk dude asked me if we want to sell you.””Sell me?” — Abby asked in disbelief.”Yep,” — said Kevin, – “He said he liked you and he’ll give us $500 if we leave you here with him. Says he’s going to train you as a fuck doll, share you with some friends.”Abby felt her insides curl with fear, and at the same time a stab of white-hot lust went through her. Horrified, she realized that the idea of being sold to sexual slavery made her unbelievably horny. She felt her pussy getting moist.”Please no,” — she begged Dan, – “Please don’t do that. Please. I’ll do anything…””That’s a deal,” — said Dan, leaning forward and kissing the pretty girl on the lips.Abby returned his kiss with abandon, her tongue darting in and out of his mouth, her arms going to entwine his neck. This was something she’d wanted to do for years.The towel she was wearing unraveled around her, and she was there in all her naked plump paleness, whimpering and moaning as Dan touched her, stroked her sides, squeezed her small round breasts, his tanned hands so dark against her soft white skin.Abby felt Kevin’s hand stroking her naked thigh, and tried to move away from him and closer to Dan — she did not want Kevin touching her or even seeing her naked, much less watching her passionately making out with Dan. She wanted Dan to take her away by himself, and do whatever he wanted to her, but she did not care for his friend.”Let’s go somewhere,” — she whispered to Dan, putting her leg over his lap and rubbing against his chest, – “take me away, please, I just want to be with you.”Her position, however, made her wide round ass easily available, and Kevin jumped at the chance, grabbing Abby’s soft ass cheeks with both hands, squeezing and jiggling them.”Fuck, what an ass, dude,” — he remarked to Dan, as if Abby wasn’t even there to hear him, – “I never touched such a fat ass before.”Abby squirmed under his touch: she was getting embarrassed and excited at the same time. She looked up at Dan, pleadingly, and the tall man stroked her neck tenderly, and rested his hand on Abby’s cheek.”You are so cute,” — he told her, shifting his hips and making the girl slide off the couch; she was kneeling on the carpet-covered floor between Dan’s feet now, still staring into his beautiful brown eyes and hoping that he will make love to her. Kevin got on the floor behind Abby and put his hands on her wide fleshy hips. The girl tried to ignore him, but she could hear his heavy breathing behind her, and feel his fingers dig deep into the softness of her body, and almost involuntarily she backed up a bit closer to him and arched her back slightly.”You don’t get to choose who is going to fuck you anymore,” — said Dan, caressing Abby’s breast with one hand and pulling his stiff cock out of his briefs with another, – “you gave up this right tonight. Go ahead, Kev, do her.”An intense wave of heat made Abby’s body shudder and her face flush bright red. She did not think she could get any wetter, but she did now, hearing the handsome man she had a crush on explaining to her calmly and gently that she had no choice but to be a pretty toy for his amusement; and feeling eager hands of his plain-looking jerk of a friend all over her soft defenseless ass. She moaned, arching her back further.Kevin’s hard dick went deep into Sweetlips’ slick wet pussy without any effort. The girl gasped. As Kevin slid in and out of her, she lowered her head and took the head of Dan’s cock in her mouth.Dan’s cock was both shorter and thinner than the clerks, so the girl had no problem taking it all in. Dan groaned and started stroking her hair and shoulders.Kevin hung on to the plump girl’s soft, broad hips as he fucked her, slowly at first then faster, then slow again. Sweetlips started to moan into Dan’s cock.”Want to switch?” — Kevin asked, giving Sweetlips a slap on her soft jiggling butt, – “just look at this big ass, dude, it feels real nice when you fuck her.””Not now,” — said Dan, twitching his hips and holding Sweetlips’ head in place on his cock, – “she’s got a nice mouth, too.”Slightly upset over not being able to have his dick sucked, Kevin started fucking Sweetlips harder and angrier, making her white fat ass jiggle and ripple. The girl started to jerk her hips back and forth, gushing warmth all over his dick. She released Dan’s dick from her mouth and hugged his hips, pressing her cheek against his belly.”Are you cumming?” — asked Dan.”Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!” — she could only breathe as Kevin continued to pound her from behind, not caring whether she came or not. Sweetlips moaned loudly as an orgasm shook her soft body.”Let’s switch now,” — said Dan, – “Come on, girl, get on the couch.”Kevin stopped fucking Sweetlips and stood up, slapping her on the ass as he did.The pretty plump girl stood up too, not knowing what the men wanted her to do.At Dan’s command, she sat down at the edge of the couch and spread her legs. Dan squeezed her breasts a few times, then grabbed the soft round fold of her lower belly and pinched it.”She’s a big girl, all right,” — he remarked casually to Kevin, – “I’ve never fucked such a fat girl before.””Shut up and fuck her,” — said Kevin, kneeling on the couch next to the embarrassed girl and placing his stiff cock next to her face.Abby wanted to cry in embarrassment when Dan so off-handedly called her fat. But Sweetlips did not mind. Sweetlips was an obedient girl. She opened her mouth for Kevin’s dick and shifted her hips for Dan’s, as both men started playing with their pretty toy.”A pity we did not know in college,” — observed Dan, holding Sweetlips by her soft, jiggling thighs and fucking her with broad, easy strokes, – “we could have made her our little fat slut then.””Yeah,” — Kevin started playing with the girl’s small pink nipples, pinching them between his fingers, pulling and twisting. Sweetlips started to moan again, – “well, she’s our little fat slut now. güvenilir bahis şirketleri Shut up and fuck her.””I am not a slut,” — thought Abby somewhere deep inside, but Sweetlips thought it was so nice to hear those men call her their little anything, that she did not mind being a slut, not at all.She was sucking on Kevin’s dick and spreading her fat pale legs wide for Dan, and she was going to cum again soon, oh God, she never came that much in one night, not even during her wildest masturbation sessions back in the sophomore year.Her feet were dangling helplessly in the air as Dan slammed into her softness, sending ripples up her plump body, making her breasts jump up and down. Kevin grabbed her hair at the back of her head and started pumping his dick into her mouth, just like the clerk did earlier. Sweetlips choked and gagged, but the man showed her no mercy. She felt his dick become thicker in her mouth, and that was her only warning — hot cum started to spurt out of it, filling her mouth, threatening to overflow it. She had to swallow it all before she drowned it cum.”Good girl,” — Kevin said, taking his cock out of her mouth and wiping it on her soft breast, – “Good girl.”It was crazy that she could feel so pleased with that praise from a man who just fucked her in the mouth, but she really was. She looked up at Kevin, right into his eyes, and she licked a drop of his cum from her lips, and swallowed again. The man smiled, and Sweetlips felt extremely, insanely grateful to him.Dan continued to fuck her, oblivious to the exchange. His hands roamed all around the pretty plump girl’s body, squeezing her belly and thighs, grabbing her breasts and rubbing her nipples, as his dick slid easily in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Abby arched her back, moving her hips to meet his, and was basking in the realization that her long-time crush, who never paid any attention to her in college, was now fucking her, and about to make her cum.”Am I a slut now?” thought Abby to herself, and heard her own voice moan “Yes, yes, yes….”, as she started to orgasm, her pussy throbbing and her body shaking.”Oh shit,” — Dan grunted, pulling his hard cock out of Abby’s pussy and slapping her on her pale plump thigh, – “turn around, quick.”Abby howled in frustration as her orgasm was cut short by Dan taking his cock out. She turned around; trying desperately to clench her pussy muscles in order to catch the fleeing sensation, but could not.Dan grabbed her ass cheeks, spread them and pushed his dick back into her pussy. Abby started moving her hips, fucking herself on his dick, and she felt him pulsating inside her, growing bigger, and then he unloaded into her, blasting her insides with a jet of hot cum. The pretty young woman howled again, both with excitement and with frustration. She wanted to cum; she needed to cum oh so badly.She raised her head, looking about her wildly, and she saw Kevin sitting on the bed and playing with his cock. It was hard again, hard from watching her with Dan, she knew that.Sweetlips turned around, still on her knees, and crawled to the bed. She hugged Kevin’s knees, looking up at him pleadingly.”Please,” — she said, – “I want to cum, please. Please”Kevin’s hand stroked her cheek, brushing long hair out of her face. “Say it, Abby,” — he said mockingly, – “say it out loud.”Abby — no, Sweetlips, – oh no, she realized, the two were becoming one, – looked Kevin straight in the eye and begged.”Please, Kevin, I need you to fuck me. Please fuck me.”Kevin smiled and with an indulgent gesture of his hand invited Abby to lay down on the bed. He pushed her onto her back and got on top of her, parting her soft, willing thighs with his knee. Abby moaned when Kevin’s dick slipped into her pussy, still soaked in Dan’s cum. As Kevin started to fuck her, she hold on to his shoulders, looked into his eyes, and felt ridiculously grateful to him. She did not even like him, but she needed him to fuck her, and realized that she would let him fuck her again, any time he chose. As she would Dan. As she would the motel clerk. And, as she realized to her great horror while Kevin was fucking her hard, bouncing on top of her plump body, as she would any man with whom any of these three would decide to share her. She was a slut, truly and unmistakably; Abby and Sweetlips have become one.And then she became one with the jerk fucking her, and she writhed and moaned under him, locking her pale legs around his waist. She orgasmed again, and again.Kevin got up on his knees, holding Abby’s legs straight up in front of him. He slammed into the soft fat girl hard and fast, and then he came inside her.Abby was utterly exhausted. She could barely turn onto her side before she fell asleep.***She woke up and found herself on the bed, with Dan and Kevin sleeping on both sides of her, Dan’s hand resting on her ass. She gasped. It was not a dream brought about by several months of no sex. She really spent the last evening getting fucked by a stranger, and then by her boyfriend’s old buddies. And she could not stop thinking about how much she enjoyed it.Abby lay there for a few minutes, aware of the smell of sex and sweat still hanging in the room after last night. She realized that her hand was halfway down to her crotch when she stopped herself from thinking that she wanted one of the men to wake up and touch her. She carefully wiggled out of the bed and went into the bathroom.Abby washed her panties by hand, wrung them almost dry and then went into the shower, to wash the smell of sweat and sex from her. As she was doing that she became aware of her pussy being very sensitive to the touch after last night. She leaned back against the shower wall and explored it for a moment before realizing with a start that this was turning into full scale masturbation and taking her hand away.She got out of the shower, toweled off, and put on her half-dried panties. The rest of her clothes were in the room.Abby got dressed quickly, and slipped out of the room. She did not want to wake up Kevin and Dan — she was afraid that one of them will want to fuck her again, and she did not trust herself to refuse, not anymore. She decided to wait outside or just walk back to the car and wait for them there. In a flash, she imagined some concerned driver stopping by and offering his help, and then taking her right there, bent over the hood of Dan’s car. A sweet shiver ran down her spine. She imagined being k**napped and sold into sexual slavery, having strangers force themselves on her.She felt her pussy getting warm and wet. A slight whimper escaped her lips.”Morning,” — said the motel clerk, approaching.Abby looked at him like a started doe.”I had a guy I know tow your car back here,” — the clerk continued.Thoughts raced through Abby’s brain. He will offer me as payment to this guy, she thought, a big, rough guy wearing work boots, with big strong hands and a big dick, oh please no, I want, I want it so much…”Thank you,” — she whimpered timidly.The clerk eyed her up and down, a crooked smile playing on his lips.”Those boys fucked you all night, Sweetlips?” — he asked, stepping close to the pretty plump girl.”Y-yes,” — Abby answered, lowering her eyes and blushing.”Take off your pants,” — said the clerk casually.”Please no,” — said Abby, starting to retreat back towards the room, but freezing at the spot under the gaze of those cold cruel eyes.”Do I need to tell you twice, Sweetlips?” — the clerk sounded calm but intense.”No,” — said the plump girl, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down.The clerk stood there, admiring the dimples on her white round knees, a smile playing on his lips.”Good girl,” — he said, – “Is your cunt wet?””Yes, sir.””What have you been thinking about to make it so wet?”Abby blushed furiously, feeling her pussy start to tingle.”Getting fucked, sir,” — she replied obediently, – “getting fucked by strangers.””Spread your legs.”The clerk’s hand darted in between Abby’s large thighs, rubbed her pussy through the thin fabric of her panties.”Your cunt is very wet, girl. Do you want to stay here with me? I will bring strangers around to fuck you. I might set up a glory hole for you somewhere here. Do you know what a glory hole is?””No, sir,” — Abby was biting her lower lip and rocking her hips a little, trying to rub against the clerk’s hand.”A small room,” — said the clerk, sliding Abby’s panties aside and slipping his middle finger into her moist pussy, – “with a hole in the wall. You sit in the room,” — his index finger joined the middle one, – “and men stick their cocks through the hole.” He pulled his fingers out of Abby, who was breathing heavily and shuddering all over. With a smile, he stuck them into the plump girl’s mouth, as if they were a cock.”And you suck them, one after the other,” — he said pleasantly, fucking Abby’s mouth with his fingers. — “Maybe I am there in the room with you to hold your head in place. Or maybe I’ll make you turn around and press your ass against the wall, so they can get to your pussy.”Abby closed her eyes, imagining that she was sitting in a glory hole, sucking on one cock and waiting for the other. Her pussy was pulsing. Never before Abby believed that she could get this aroused.”Do you want to stay here and be my glory hole slut?” — said the clerk, taking his fingers out of Abby’s mouth and taking her by the hand, – “I know you do.””Sir,” — moaned Abby, – “please. I can’t. Please, please, please, I can’t.””Them boys own you?” — the man led Abby into some sort of storage room and pushed her down onto the floor, – “I know they do. But you call me, girl,” — he took his jeans off and knelt in between Abby’s spread white legs. “You call this number.”She gasped when the clerk’s cock entered her soaked pussy. He started fucking her, and she began to moan and squeal. As he moved inside her, he started telling her his phone number.”Five-five-five,” — three fast short strokes, – “nine six eight” — three longer, slower ones, – “one-three-five-four,” — four fast, hard thrusts, all the way in, making her cry out with each of them. Five-five-five, nine, six, eight, one! Three! Five! Four!Abby had her first orgasm after the third time she heard the number, followed closely by two more. The clerk was pounding the number in, fucking it into her subconscious.”You are going to remember it,” — the man was saying, – “Every time you get turned on, you’ll remember it. Five-five-five, nine, six, eight, one! Three! Five! Four!The pretty yound woman lay under him, helpless, with her feet dangling in the air, moaning quietly and gasping, and crying out. The clerk came deep inside her pussy, got up and gave her his dick to clean. She licked and sucked it obediently, she was already getting used to this.”Get dressed, Sweetlips,” — the man told her, – “you have to be on the road soon.”***”Dan, did you know Dave is going to propose to our chubby friend during Thanksgiving dinner?” — said Kevin, stroking Abby’s soft long hair.”Yeah, I heard,” — replied Dan from the driver’s seat, – “We are going to be one big happy family, aren’t we, Abby? Just make sure you say yes.”Abby did not say anything; she was too busy sucking Kevin’s cock in the backseat. Dave. She loved Dave. It would be so wonderful to become his wife, she always wanted that. Of course she would say yes. He’d written that he missed her very much, that he could not wait to see her again. Tonight he will want to make love to his new fiancée, slow, and gentle, caring love. Five, five, five, nine, six, eight, one, three, five, four…

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