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Chapter 1 – Orville and his Mom move into their new house and begin to make discoveries.

[Dear readers: This is an entirely fictional account with all characters at least 18 years old. The primary focus will be on breasts and nipples – coincidentally, my own passion! Oh, and the full story, when I have time to complete it (don’t hold your breath) will also have a lot of masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and finally incest and non-consent, although the latter could be debated.

But to understand the way the story plays out, you will need some background on the characters, most of which won’t be exciting. These paragraphs will be in italics.

But fear not. To keep your – um – interest up, I will alternate background sections with what you REALLY want to read – descriptions of boobs, nipples, and more!]

“NIPPLES! ENTIRE BREASTS! And they’re NAKED!” Orville then paused, remembering his Mom’s admonition about not using “bad language” unless the situation (like stubbing your toe badly) really called for it. This situation did. “DAMN!” Orv continued in his soft to whisper. Even though he was alone in the house, this needed to feel like a private moment.

Orville had been clearing off his deceased Uncle Milt’s desk when he jostled the last accordion folder, a thick, heavy one with “MISC” written on the cover that had been deeply buried. A few loose pages had started to slide out. The one on top seemed to be a glossy page from a magazine. Curious, he had reached into the folder and pulled out what looked like a the magazine; but really it was just the shell – the front and back covers from a Funguy magazine serving as folder for the loose magazine pages.

On the cover was a bosomy model in a revealing outfit; the girl’s breasts were bulging out from all sides of the top she was wearing (yes, even a bit of the underneath part of her breast was showing, Orville noted), which looked to be a very immodest bikini style bathing suit. Orville sucked in a big gulp of air and with hands that were starting to tremble, he opened the cover.

Inside, he discovered, were several dozen pages apparently torn out from a number magazines. Orville’s first view was of a pair of totally naked breasts that seemed to be staring back at him, in a somewhat cross-eyed fashion. Orville quickly sat down since his legs had begun to quiver, and his heart was thumping rapidly; blood was beginning to get trapped in his expanding penis.

There, plain as day, were two mesmerizing nipples; one nipple pointed straight at him while the other nipple poked out to the side. Those magical protuberances were hypnotizing him as surely as if they were the eyes of a magician.

At long last, his first frontal view of real breasts! The fact that they were not truly “in the flesh” hardly mattered to Orv, as his mother called him. The rest of the world disappeared as he was sucked into the vortex of those amazing breasts.

To say that Orville had grown up dirt poor and in virtual isolation was an understatement. His mother Katharine had given birth to him just shy of her own 19th birthday, just months older than Orv was now.

When Orville first went to school, his teacher asked for each child’s parent’s names. Orville explained that he lived with just his Mommy. Orville started calling her Katharine when he learned her name (Mommy now seemed too juvenile), and when he refused to go back to “Mommy,” the two agreed to call each other by “nicknames” – Kath and Orv. Katharine would have preferred “Mom” to “Kath,” but Orv had always been a little different, and with time, she began to like the familiarity of being called by her nickname. And there were times, more tender times, when he called her “Mom.”

Kath had been raised by her own single mother. Susan had escaped from a relatively short and unhealthy relationship with Kath’s father two years after Kath was born. Susan had turned to the bible for comfort, and took great pains to instill in Kath that all men were evil, that they were “only after one thing,” (though this “thing” was never truly explained) and most importantly that masturbation was a sin.

When Kath finally got the nerve to ask what masturbation was, it was explained that she should never touch herself “down there” except for personal hygiene, and that breasts were only meant for nourishing babies. Kath wasn’t quite sure what all that meant, but she gathered that those places were off limits for all but bathing.

[Author’s note – Orv had yet to learn all the slang terms for breasts, but to make the story less boring, I will use a variety of words from here on out.]

While staring, transfixed, at the most beautiful tits Orv had ever seen [fine, the first ones HAVE to be the most beautiful] Orv’s hands began shake and his penis [he’ll learn the other terms soon] began to bulge uncomfortably in his tighty whiteys.

Orv had great peripheral vision, so while his eyes began a most thorough Meydankavağı Escort caress of this girls bosoms and their precious nipples, he could tell that she had a pretty face, that her hands were running through lusciously long, amber colored hair, and that she was sitting on a bed with her front leg obscuring the view of her lower abdomen.

Fine, and duly noted; now, about those tits! The girl’s body was at a slight angle, the result being that her right tit pointed straight at Orv while her left boob was seen in perfect silhouette. Orv didn’t know where to look first, but he started at the base of the left boob. The breast flesh rose at nearly a right angle to her rib cage, with just the slightest sag to create the shape of a reclining letter C. Actually, that wasn’t quite right, Orv realized – it was more the shape of a deep cereal bowl, since it didn’t curve back on itself the way a letter C does.

And then, for Kath, there was the Senior Prom incident. Biff, who everyone else knew was a crude and cruel bully, had asked her to the prom. While Kath was flattered, she knew that her mom also did not approve of dancing. Beyond that, there was no money for a prom dress.

Biff asked if she could sneak out her first floor window, which Kath said she could do. With that, Biff feigned giving her an apprising look up and down (in truth, his eyes never left what he guessed were either C or D cup tits, hidden as they were by her baggy clothing) and said, “I’ll bring you my sister’s dress. It should fit you fine. You can change in the bathroom at the hotel. I gotta think you’ve got some great tits hiding under those rags.”

Kath was embarrassed by the last comment, but also pleased to have been asked at all – it would be her first date! She gave a tentative nod of approval, then felt some unfamiliar tingling in those forbidden nipples of hers as she turned and walked away. She rubbed her right hand over her left breast and was surprised to find her nipple had gotten stiff and was poking through her bra and baggy shirt. With a shiver, she reminded herself that those nips should not be touched, and the tingling slowly faded away.

Rather than feed into folks looking for THAT sort of “non-consent,” suffice it to say that Katharine snuck out of her house to meet Biff in the empty school parking lot, but came home less than an hour later, having never gotten to the prom. Her clothes were in tatters and her body had been painfully violated in ways she truly did not understand. The warnings of her mother kept cycling in her ears – all men are evil, and any form of sex, other than for making babies with your husband, is a sin. She was now a true believer.

Nine months later, Orville was born to her. Kath had never heard another word from Biff.

The outline of that amazing breast curved out and up for what looked to be four inches of depth, chest wall to nipple tip, based on the size of the girl’s outstretched arm. And then came the areola. Holy smokes, was it amazing! From top to bottom, it looked to be two and a half or even three inches in diameter. He looked down at his uncharacteristically naked chest to check his own areola – yes, less than in inch.

Wow, her areola was simply amazing! It was pigmented, Orv saw – a luscious, soft pink, only slightly darker than creamy white flesh-color of the rest of the boob, but the same color as her nipple. But more than that, the areola interrupted the smooth curve of the under surface of the boob, seeming to rise up maybe a quarter inch above the expected outline.

Orv knew it might be wrong, but he could not help but to reach into his shorts and straighten out his dick, which, on partial release, now stuck up a half inch or so above his shorts. The discomfort was replaced by a new feeling that reminded him of the more pleasant aspects (the dream parts) of his wet dreams, which had never abated.

Orville was named for Katharine’s beloved grandfather. It was not such an uncommon name at the time when Orville the elder was a child. Kath spent countless hours with her grandfather both before and after the younger Orville’s birth.

Despite the circumstances of his conception, Katharine loved Orv from the moment he arrived – deeply and with all her soul. But, as a girl of 19, it was tough bringing up her baby. She lived with her Mom, who just managed to get by with the irregular check from her absent husband. Kath never got her chance to go to college.

And then, there was the nipple. Sweet Jesus, did the sight of that projectile send Orville’s dick into spasms! He reached out and touched the photograph, hoping that he could feel the sweetness of it. Was it hard, like his dick was now, or kind of pliable, like his own nipples. He was dying to know.

The nipple in the picture was at full attention, though Orv did not know the difference at the time, since this was his very first view of those blessed protuberances. Meydankavağı Escort Bayan In the side view he had, it was slightly longer than it was wide, the nipple appearing to rise 3/8s of an inch – no probably closer to a full half inch above the areola.

It was SO much bigger than his own nipple; instead of being the size of a pencil lead like his own, this nipple was more like the size and shape of a good sized crayon, or maybe a gumdrop! He would have given anything if his fingertips could just touch that amazing nip. Without realizing what he was doing, he reached into his shorts and began stroking his now rock hard shaft. Subconsciously, he knew that this was “wrong” – but man, did it feel good.

When Orville the elder’s health began to fail due to emphysema, Kath spent much of her day looking after him while her own mother watched Orville the younger.

Orville the elder had taken up smoking, as many did, during the war; he managed to quit some two decades later, but the irreversible damage was done. The slowly progressive disability, the inability to breathe easily, and inevitable wasting of his once strong body was quite painful to watch.

Orv started school two days after his grandpa died, but by then, Kath had learned a profession – she easily found work at a nursing home just blocks from home. The pay wasn’t much, but she felt good about the service she was providing. Plus she felt comfortable there – there was no one under 50 either in residence or on staff, and the conservative uniform suited her view on sexuality – which was that there should be none.

As Orv continued to slowly stroke his cock, he noticed a slurping sound. Looking down, he saw that the head of his dick was wet. What’s that about he wondered? He knew it wasn’t pee, and he also knew it was not anything like the full load of thick sperm from his wet dreams. He grabbed a tissue, wiped off, and continued his close examination of the amazing tits in front of him.

Orv then followed the luscious contour of the model’s upper breast area, which seemed to reach nearly to her shoulder before flattening out. He had known for some time that tits fascinated him, but holy smokes, was it ever amazing to see this awesome form – and with no need to sneak a furtive glance down a lady’s blouse as he had done with Miss Smith last week.

No, he had all the time in the world to let his eyes adore this breast, this very symbol of femininity to him. Orv quickly determined that the nipple was the best part, then the areola, then the amazing under side of the boob – the side he never managed to glimpse of Miss Smiths generous curves.

Orv forgot that he was supposed to be bringing more of their belongings over from the apartment to the house – but can you blame him?

Kath had known that Orv was shy around strangers, and matters just got worse when he went to school. First off, since his name was unusual, it led to taunts, like “What’s cooking, Popcorn Boy?” “Did you bring any popcorn for us, ORVILLE?” Always tall for his age, he often got, “How’s the weather up there, spaceman?” It didn’t help that his mind often wandered and he didn’t know how to talk easily to the other kids. A loner before, he became even more withdrawn as the years passed.

Miss Smith. Orv kept his eyes glued to the model’s areola and left nipple, tracing their outline over and over to imprint it on his mind, while his mental video tape rewound to Friday and his view down Miss Smith’s top and into the depths of her cleavage.

It was a warm day, and the sun coming through the windows was more than a match for the school’s AC. Emma, as Orv called her in his mind (but never to her sweet face), had asked Orv to stay after the final bell rang to go over his last math test.

As the last of the other kids left and Orv approached her from the side, Emma grabbed the front of her blouse right at the depth of its generous V and fanned it in and out, simultaneously aiming a sharp exhalation down toward her ample boobs in an attempt to cool off.

Orv froze. Just two feet away, he could see her entire right tit, encased though part of it was in a lacy white bra and backlit by the sun bouncing off a nearby desk. Orv’s dick began to swell uncomfortably, and he broke out in a sweat. Never had he seen so much bosom before. Her tit appeared to be the size of a large grapefruit cut in half, supported only minimally by the undergarment.

“Orv,” Emma said, “you’re such a good student, I was surprised that you didn’t finish this test. It should have been easy for you.”

Orv mumbled something, but the truth was that, while taking the test, he had been distracted by the girl next to him at the time – Jan, a lovely kid with precociously large boobs who had a habit of stretching every five minutes, thrusting her tits into sharp relief and driving poor Orv to distraction. Moreover, Emma’s words faded into background Escort Meydankavağı noise as he gazed at her barely covered tits, making it hard for Orv (sorry about the pun) to make an intelligent reply.

When Kath’s Mom passed away, the “estate” barely covered getting her in the ground. Kath found a small apartment, but between food, clothing from second hand stores, and rent, there was no money for magazines, a television, or a computer, let alone the cost for connections. Orv grew up reading his great grandpa’s books, since that was the one thing that was passed down to him and his Mom.

And he played tennis. He had loved watching the older kids play when he was younger, and one took pity on him, handing down an older racket when his folks bought him a new one.

Orv, only eight at the time, picked up used balls, still good enough to hit against the wall, and taught himself how to swing through practice and observation.

Eventually, two years later, another single player had come along, and he learned match play. Still tall and now developing a build, he got better and better. Will, his practice partner, was the closest thing he had to a friend, but he was too timid to go beyond “How are you?” and “Nice game.”

Orv’s mind snapped back to the present, where his eyes continued to caress the model’s right nipple while his hand, without conscious thought, was starting to work his dick with more purpose. Did Emma have nipples like these?

More dampness down below. Another swipe, then an inspiration. Tearing off a thin strip of tissue, he folded it up and tucked it inside his foreskin. Problem solved! The tissue should absorb whatever liquid that was leaking out. Orv was succeeding in suppressing any notion that touching himself was wrong. How could something that feel this good be bad?

Turning to the photo again, he glanced a little higher and was struck by the model’s welcoming smile. Did she KNOW that guys would get hard just looking at her tits? Was she GLAD to show off her nipples? It didn’t make sense, but it sure looked like she WANTED guys to admire her boobs, her amazing nipples.

The model had piercing green eyes, and amber hair, which she was caressing with both hands. Her hair was almost the color of his mother’s. He looked in the lower corner, and sure enough, her name was Amber.

Miss Smith’s hair, on the other hand, was jet black; would her nipples be pink, like Amber’s? Orv noted that his own hair was a chestnut brown and that his own nipples were much browner than Ambers.

Kath answered the phone 10 years ago and was surprised to hear her uncle Milt on the phone.

“Hey, cuz, it’s your favorite uncle, Milt calling.”

Kath sighed and replied warily, “Milt, you’re my ONLY uncle. Why are you calling?”

Undeterred, Milt shot back, “Nice to hear your voice too, Babe, long time. Say, I’m in town on business tomorrow and I’d love to take you and your kid to lunch. That sound good?”

“Milt, tomorrow’s a school day and I’ve got a lot to do on my day off,” she lied.

“S’aright, s’aright, I’ll catch the kid another time. Pick you up at 12:00?”

“If you really want, fine, but nothing fancy – I don’t really have anything nice to wear.”

“Got it – see you then.”

Milt, 10 years younger than Kath’s mother Susan, had disappeared to the West Coast for his BS and had stayed there for his law degree. The last time Kath had seen him was for his father’s funeral, and he had not stayed long then.

Milt arrived in his rental car the next day. He got out of the car and Kath noted that, while he might have once been handsome, his 6′ 2″ frame was easily carrying an extra 60 pounds.

He tried to give Kath a hug, but she held her arms in front of her breasts (almost a reflex now) to keep him from feeling her breasts on his chest. Even before the hug, she could smell the cigarettes on his clothes and held her breath until she was released.

In the car, Milt asked, “Mind if I smoke?” Biting her tongue, she simply said, “Please don’t.” They then drove to a local strip mall – a fairly apt adjective, as it turned out. They pulled into one of those joints that features bosomy servers in short shorts and too small tops serving beer, greasy burgers, and wings. Kath was not at all happy, but there was no time to go elsewhere.

“Whoooeee! I DO love to watch their titties when they bend over to serve. I keep hoping a nipple might slip out, know what I mean? Speaking of titties, don’t you have anything nicer to wear than that baggy old blouse? I gotta think you’ve got some great tits hiding under those rags.”

Kath immediately recoiled – Milt had used the same phrase as that brute, Biff. “Milt, I don’t really like you very much; your clothes reek of cigarettes and your language is crude. I seem to have lost my appetite; can you take me back home now?” She was startled at her frankness, but the memory was still raw.

Milt’s manner immediately changed from brash to conciliatory. “Listen, Babe, I’m sorry about that. The fact is that aside from my wife Candy and my daughter Angel, you and young Orville are the only family I’ve got. I know that you’ve had a rough go of things, and I wanted you to know that I’ve done well over the years, and I’d like to see if I can help you out.”

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