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Bar trapBar trapBy slut michelleSteven was a dead-normal guy. At the age of 28, he felt very happy.Everything had developed in the last few years like he always wanted itto be. His job in a big insurance company was secure with an outlook ofa promotion in the next year. His partner, Nancy, was a very ambitiouslawyer. That meant some days with long working hours for her. But asSteven was quite proud of her, being so successful in her job, andbecause they still had enough time for each other left, he didn’tcomplain. Steven met Nancy shortly after both of them had left Uni. Itwasn’t love at first sight, but it turned out pretty quick that theyboth were made for each other. In the last year though their sex lifehad somewhat ebbed away. They both still loved and were attracted byeach other, but it came less and less to the actual act of sexualintercourse…They got into the bar. It was smaller than Michelle had thought. Therewere about six tables in the room. The walls were decorated in aslightly old-fashioned style with pictures, mostly black and white, ofcelebrities and famous Hollywood movies scenes. Lights were dimmed, butit didn’t look at all like Michelle expected it, a place where trans-people meet and that is very well known for this fact also by trannyadmirers according to the numerous reports on many internet userboards.It was kind of cosy and Michelle lost a great deal of her nervousness,just standing in the entrance and taking in the comforting atmosphere.Only one table was occupied. The three middle-aged men turned out to beEnglish, most likely on a business trip and out for a bit of tranny-watching.Michelle and Susan decided to take seats on a table in the corner fromwhere they could nicely overlook the room. “So, do you like it here? Ithought it would be just the right place for us tonight. Especially foryou, for your first time out on the streets with a sister!” Susansmiled.Michelle looked shyly around and smiled back at her friend. This wasn’tas hard as she had feared. “Yes, it was a good decision to come here.It’s not at all like I imagined…” Michelle said, looking Susandirectly in the eyes, “…not full of men longing for a sexy TV.” sheadded, in a low voice.A man around 50 appeared behind the bar and, after a short look around,approached their table. “Good evening, ladies. I hope you like mylittle place. It’s good to see new faces, at least one…” he grinnedat Michelle and then at Susan, “…not meaning to offend you. You bothlook stunning if this comment is allowed.” He beamed even more, but ina friendly retentive way.”Ohhh, you are such a charmer! Thank you!” Susan answered for both ofthem.”Just a minute, ladies, I will be right back with a surprise youhopefully will like!”He turned and left again behind the bar. Michelle noticed his stoutfigure. He wore suite pants and an elegant shirt. From his left handankle dangled a heavy golden chain.”Hmmm… I wonder what this surprise will be!” Michelle turned back toSusan.”Yes, he left us curious, didn’t he. You know him?””Just from seeing him the few times I came here. I think he is theowner. He must be interested in transvestites and transsexuals, but Inever saw him come really close to one of the girls. Perhaps he’s tooprofessional for that kind of stuff. At least he seems always veryfriendly, in a natural way. Perhaps interested, but very decent!”At this moment he appeared again with two big exotic looking cocktailsin his hands.”Here we are! As you are the first ladies tonight and it doesn’t looklike many more are to come, I thought, we should just celebrate thisfact! Two sweet “Birds of Paradise” for you, a creation of my own.”He placed the cocktails on the table in front of Michelle and Susan.”These are on me! If you got any other wishes… I am around!”He left both Michelle and Susan with an astonished, but pleased look ontheir faces.”Well, that’s surely not the treatment you get on every visit here!”Susan grinned at Michelle, took the glass and raised it “Sante!”Both drank.”Mhhh…that’s delicious! Very alcoholic, but sweet and delicious! Idon’t complain at all about that special treatment!”Michelle sat back, taking a few more sips. Her nervousness seemed tohave vanished totally by now. The next hour they spent talking abouttheir personal backgrounds of feeling the need to slip into the othersex from time to time. Susan, being around 20 years older thanMichelle, had lots of experience and lived most times “dressed up”,even if very retreated from the public. Her work as a writer mostly foronline-journals left her quite independent. She had no permanentpartner and somehow given up to find one. Michelle on the other handwas more the type that thought herself ‘lured’ into wearing hot, mostlyslutty outfit by her sexual desires. She didn’t want to be a woman allthe time, but she couldn’t shut it down completely. After having thattried for three or four times in the past 10 years or so, whichincluded throwing away her clothes and deleting any hint of Michelle,she had resigned herself to changing sometimes from Steven into her hotand seducing alter ego, Michelle.They had ordered one more of those cocktails, each, so that hatay escort after anhour, they felt both a bit tipsy but very loosened. Michelle had givenup to pull up her very short skirt that rode up every few minutes toreveal her suspenders. Nobody seemed to care… and least Michelle.Suddenly, Marc came over to their table again.”Madame, it would be a pleasure to show you another surprise… it’ssomething I just received and I think you might be interested!”With that, he again managed to break in on both of them, especially ofcourse on Michelle this time. But, in contrast to the first time, shethought she knew it would be something similar, something along theline of giving them a free drink. And she was definitely in the mood ofbeing cheered up even more. She felt happy, free, sexy and a bitadventurous in the new situation, out in the public, as Michelle.Everything went so easy, ahh, she enjoyed herself.”Of course, I can’t miss another surprise, especially when I think ofthe first one you presented us before.” she said and smiled back atSusan.Susan on the other hand looked a bit tired, but smiled at Michelle,”Sure… go on, but don’t take too long, these drinks made me reallysleepy… I don’t want to stay too long any more… and I think youprefer to go back together, out on the streets… for your secondtime.””No worries, I’ll be back in a minute! At least if the surprise is nota free trip to Rio that has to be taken immediately!” She winkedfemininely at Susan, nodded at Marc and followed him behind the bar.”Jesus, I feel so natural. Let’s see what he got for me!” Michellethought.She was led through a long narrow hallway. At the end, Marc stopped andturned. “Sooo… it’s really amazing. As I saw you walking through thedoor, I immediately knew that you would love a new piece of art I gotlast week. It’s in this room. Now, I think I would love to see thedelighted look on your face. And to make it even more exciting for you,you could feel it first for 10 seconds or so, to try and figure outwhat it could be. Well, it’s kind of a sculpture! Okay, ready? I’lltake your handbag for a moment so that your hands are free. All right,close your eyes, I’ll lead you a few steps forward.”She gave him the handbag and closed her eyes, thrilled and stillfeeling the alcohol in her body, with the eyes shut even more. Aftershe heard that the door had been opened, she felt Marc’s hands takinghers gently and leading her forward. She tripped a bit insecurely a fewsteps.Then Marc said, “Okay, just stay here a second, don’t open your eyesyet, Sweetie!”She heard his steps diverging from her and there was the sound ofshutting a door. Before she could ask why he would shut the door, hecame up with the explanation.”No worries, it’s just that the effect of your surprise will be betterwhen you can see it in a proper dimmed light. You can start now, it’sdirectly in front of you.”Well, so it’s an illuminated sculpture, perhaps of a woman that lookslike me, Michelle said to herself. She stretched out her arms until herhands reached an object with an edge at about hip-height. The surfacefelt like plastic, soft plastic, patent leather maybe, with paddingunderneath. She stepped a bit forward, sliding her hands further alongthe surface, wondering what this thing could be.”Yes, warm, very warm, a bit further and you’ll feel the special partthat will tell you what it is.”Being curious, Michelle bent over at her waist and searched forsomething to get between her fingers.But there wasn’t much more time for wondering! Suddenly, somethingmetallic snapped around her outstretched wrists. Michelle opened hereyes immediately, taken totally by surprise by the new situation shefound herself in: her wrists were encased by two metal cuffs, connectedwith a chain. Marc was standing in front of her, at the end of the”surprise” object that seemed to be sort of a cube with some polesattached to it. But Michelle didn’t think much about the object she wasbending over, she saw the cuffs and the evil grin on Marc’s face andtried automatically to pull away, to get back to the door. But shecould only retract her hands a short distance – the cuffs were attachedto a chain that hold her back. In the 2 seconds this took, Marc hadmoved quickly to her side, took hold of her head with one hand, pressedit tight to his chest, and tried to press something into her mouth.As Michelle was about to scream and had brought out something like a”Hey, wha…” it was easy for him to put the red ball between her lipsand gag her like that – only muffled sounds of her protest could escapenow and were only heard by the man who just ambushed her. Michelle wasfurious and frightened, she just tried to get away, out of hervulnerable position. But after Marc secured the gag with some straps,probably Velcro, behind her head, he grabbed her legs and tried to holdthem still. Michelle struggled against his grip, kicked her legs andscreamed in her gag. But as Marc stood between her legs and she laystretched out with her belly on this thing that looked a bit like avaulting horse, she was stuck on it and couldn’t get out of herposition. Despite her resistance she couldn’t escort hatay help but feel her rightleg suddenly being strapped on the object’s leg. The left one followed.She knew she was completely at his mercy now!His hands were moving up her nylon clad legs, stroking them slowly. Herskirt was pushed above her waist and his hands were on her barebuttocks. Nooo… this couldn’t be happening to her, that’s not whatshe wanted, it was more like in a bad dream. Pleeease, let himdisappear – I won’t dress up any more, never!!Too late, she was in the game now and the hands that had caressed herbuttocks slid in her asscrack now, pushing the G-string to the side andexploring the surroundings of her asshole, stroking over it again andagain. Suddenly she felt something wet on her ass. He licked hercheeks, then moved along her crack until he came to her tight hole. Histongue circled it, Michelle thought he would try to penetrate her withhis tongue, but then he stopped.”Mmmhhh, what a nice little piece of ass you are, Michelle. You’ll fitperfectly into the position I have in mind for you! You don’tunderstand what I mean and what this is all about? I apologize forthat, it will become clearer in a moment. Let’s just see now what wehave here in that handbag of yours.”Michelle tried to look at him, turning her head as far as the bondsallowed it. But apparently he was straight behind her, out of hersight. That caused another fit of struggle against her bonds, screaminglike wild into her gag. But not for long. It wasn’t going to help herand she just lay still, panting, breathing quickly to get the neededair in through her nose.”Ssshhhh, slut!! Be still! I won’t harm you. That would be stupid asyou are my asset now, and this is your valuation session. I’m quitehappy with what I see so far and we’ll see how much I will invest inyou, to shape you, to make you a proper cockwhore that will perform andlook like I want it. Soo, I see that you are 28, Steven, not very youngany more but just young enough for my needs.”When Michelle heard her real male name and her age, she realized thathe had her wallet and was going through it. Fuck, everything was inthere – identity card, driver’s licence, business cards, FUCK! It wasgetting worse and worse!!”Ohh, and that must be your wife then, Nancy! Nice, though a bitconservative for my taste, but well, I guess as a lawyer you kind ofhave to look like that, right, Michelle? I said, RIGHT, slut?”He slapped her hard on her bare ass making the startled Michelle to nodquickly.”Very good, very good! I guess Nancy doesn’t know about your trannyadventures and that it wouldn’t be helpful and in your interest if shewould find out about it, hmm?!?”Michelle shook her head immediately. Noo, that would be the worst thingthat could happen: his wife would go crazy and probably leave him! Hehad brought up the topic of crossdressing a few times in her earlyrelationship, when they experimented a bit and tried out to find theirsexual limits in a way. His wife was tolerant against crossdressers ortranssexuals, but she said she couldn’t find the thought of a male thatlooked like a woman sexy. She even thought that women in heterosexualrelationships with crossdressers would always have to fear that theirmen are gay deep down, leaving them later on to live with other men.That was when Michelle stopped to talk about it again and decided neverto bring it up another time, because to be with Nancy was the mostimportant thing for him.”Now, slut, you can guess now where this is heading! You can call itblackmail or whatever, I would just say it’s convincing you to work forme from now on. If you haven’t noticed yet: there’s a video camera inthe left corner in front of you that is taping everything that happensto you in this room. I bet your wife and also your and your wife’s co-workers and employers would have fun watching the tape, seeing you, theT-girl slut Michelle, being abused by her master, gagged, her fullround bare ass in the air, ready to be taken!”Oh my god, what a nightmare. It can’t be true, it just can’t, Michellethought in shear horror. It’s like in one of those stories on the net,but there’s almost always one step, one part that is implausible, wherethe captive or blackmailed character should be able to escape the wholesituation without any harm, but where was it here and now, for her?”The rules: when you speak to me or to anybody while you’re mycockslut, Michelle, you will speak in a high pitched girly voice. Youwill refer to yourself as Michelle, that means you will say ‘Michelle’instead of ‘I’ or ‘me’! Further, you’ll not use complicated sentencesor foreign words – you are a cheap cockwhore, a dumb blonde bimbo witha round ass and fat lips that have to be wrapped around a big cock. Youare not here for thinking or for using your small brain, just forsatisfying men, turning them on, making them want to use and fuck you,for sucking their cocks, making them hard so that they can be put upall the way your asspussy – as often and as hard as they want to. Isthat clear?”Michelle was paralysed; she couldn’t believe what she just heard.Smack!The hand came down on her left ass cheek.Smack! hatay escort bayan Again!”Did you understand the rules, slut?”She couldn’t react, she just lay there.”Well then, okay. If you want to do it that way, I don’t mind! I amgoing to fuck you up your pussyass then, that’s for sure! What Ihaven’t decided yet is whether I should use a condom or impregnate youwith my seed. If you asked me nicely I would use a condom! But only ifyou think of the rules I just told you. So what will it be? Shall Iremove your ball gag so that you can ask me to fuck you?”Michelle’s head was spinning – she had no choice. Not unprotected sex!She had to give in!”Good girl, good choice! But remember – when you start screaming afterthe gag is gone, it will be unprotected sex and some other punishment.Just think of the possibilities, the video, your wallet, physicalpunishment – I wouldn’t risk it if I were you, slut!”Having said this, he came close and removed the ball gag. Michelle wasrelieved for a moment to be able to take a deep breath through hermouth again. She had to do as he told her.”Please Mister, can you fuck me in my ass?” she whispered.”What, I can’t hear you, slut!”Smack!”What do you ask me to do exactly? Speak up, slut! And don’t use ‘I’,call yourself Michelle, whore, or slut! Now!”Smack!Michelle spoke louder this time, and in a stupidly high pitched voice:”Please, Mister, can you put your cock in Michelle’s asspussy and fuckher, please?!”During the last part of the sentence, Michelle couldn’t help but startto cry. It was so awful! But Marc, satisfied with her begging, didn’twaste any time. He stepped behind her and rubbed his crotch against herass. Michelle felt his cock under the trouser, a hard cock that wasgetting ready to be fucked into her tight bumhole. Sometimes, sheplayed with his wife’s dildo, but she always had to be careful andpatient before she could insert it into her ass because it was so tightand not very well trained. Michelle sobbed away while Marc hadmeanwhile lowered his pants and freed his cock. He rubbed it into herasscrack, after he had put some lubricant between her asscheeks and onher puckerhole.”Please, you said you would fuck Michelle with a condom… please!””It’s okay, slut, don’t worry! But I’m glad that you apparently can’twait to get fucked and be made my cockslut!”While saying this, he withdrew his cock and got a condom out of hispant’s pocket. He put it on, spread her asscheeks apart with both handsand set the tip of his stiff cock at her back entrance.”Now you’ll get what you’re good for, the only thing you deserve!”With a steady, very slow movement, he pressed his cock into her.”Take it all, whore!”His cock tore her to shreds!”Pleeease, noooo…it hurts! Pleease…not so fast!!”But he didn’t care, didn’t’ even mind her whimpering and pleading.After he had his cock up to the hilt in Michelle’s ass, he paused for afew seconds to admire the look of this hot ass gripping his cocktightly. Then he started fucking in and out slowly, fucking her fasterand faster until about after 10 minutes when he pounded her hard. Hedidn’t intend to have fun with her for a very long time today, so helet himself come quickly with a last big hard thrust in her ass.”Ahhhh, that was good! What a good fuck you are, Michelle!”Michelle lay there, exhausted from all the assfucking she just had toendure, just glad that he had stopped fucking her.”I got you a little present. It suits a whore like you are one now andI’m sure you’ll appreciate it!”He showed her the black butt-plug in his hands, before forcing it inher asspussy until her ass muscle gripped tight around the narrowerpart of the plug, locking it into her.”Oh, lovely, slut! You in fact look so hot that I have to take someadditional pictures of you!”He walked over to a chest of drawers, opened the upper drawer and gotout a digital camera. Michelle could tell from the flashes that he tookabout 20 pictures. Getting in front of her, he told her to smile, looklike in pain, look seductive, open her mouth wide with her tonguestretched out.”Wonderful, that should do, slut! Nice naughty photos on top of thevideo and your identity card. Yes, it means that I will keep theidentity card, at least until next week, just to make sure you aregetting the situation your are in from now on and how serious I am! I’mnot sure what it will be next week, you’ll see! Just come here on thesame day, the same time as you did today. To make it easier for you,the backdoor will be open that leads directly into this corridor. Inthe room next to this one on the left, you will be able to prepareyourself, get dressed, put on make-up, get dolled up. You’ll have 45minutes for that, then I’ll get you. You see, slut, I already have someplans in mind for you, apart from performing regularly as a whore, ofcourse. Perhaps I will get you pierced or tattooed, it all dependspartly on how you behave and cooperate. Ah yes, I saw that not allparts of your body are shaved properly. I don’t want to see any bodyhair below your eyebrows from next week onwards. You have to staysmooth like that all the time. My customers are used to highstandards.”Well, that was the birth of the cockwhore Michelle who would work acouple of years for her pimp, Marc, getting better and better overtime, fucked hundreds of times by hundreds of different men.Bad luck?Hope you liked it. Let me know what you think:[email protected]

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