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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 4Personal Narrative Lady Miralda I didn’t eat very much at the banquet. I was too excited, bubbling away inside all the time. Many of those just released must have felt as I did. It was like a miracle. One moment, a cringing submissive, obedient to the whip; the next moment, freedom. FREEDOM! And along with it, perhaps best of all, the downfall of the allpowerful Princess Alexena, once Mistress of the known world. How incredibly wonderful it had been to see her naked in suspension… then brought down and forced to kneel before her conqueror. It must have cost that woman dear but, I realised, it was but the merest beginning. Submission upon submission lay ahead her. This Princess Venetia would ensure that. How she would enjoy it, too! Flavia, I knew, had been Princess Alexena‘s personal slave for a long time and had been treated most cruelly. I wondered if she would be permitted a part to play in Princess Alexena’s (or I should call her Xena now) descent into abject servitude.Most probably. Princess Venetia had the wit to know how abysmally humiliating it would be for Xena to have to obey Flavia’s slightest whim. OH WASN’T THE WORLD NOW WONDERFUL! I drank rather too much wine but didn’t care. Then Princess Venetia rose and stated that any Lady who wished to retire might do so. Many of us, me included, mentally exhausted after a day of such changes and excitement, took advantage of this offer. I made my way up the broad staircase to what had once been Karena’s apartment, but was now mine. For the first time, I entered it a free woman.A naked slave-girl awaited me in the main room. Just as I had once to wait for Karena. She fell to her knees, bowing head to the floor. Just as I had had to do before Karena. I shook off such thoughts. I was now a Lady again. A Lady with authority. “Your name?” “Gita,” said the bent figure. “I do not know how I am to address you …” “Mistress,” I said. “My name is Gita, Mistress,” she said. “Kneel up.” She knelt erect and I saw she was quite young and pretty. Nice firm round breasts. “You are only a temporary slave, girl,” I said. “I shall acquit three others tomorrow.” My nerves tingled with delight even as I said it. “I understand, Mistress.” I wondered how long she had been a slave; she looked so young. Later I was to realise that Princess Venetia had a penchant for youngsters in her slave entourage. “Fetch me brandy, ice and water,” I ordered. It was still strange to even give an order. She hurried off to do so, young bottom bouncing merrily. Then she came back with carafes and a goblet on a salver, kneeling beside the chair in which I sat. Oh, by the Gods, how often I had had to go over the back of that chair! I must get rid of this furniture and all its hideous memories. No… wait. That would be absurd. Karena and Zena would suffer in the same places as I had done. It would add to their mortification. I waved a hand idly at Gita to indicate she should pour my drink. Then I sat there, sipping it slowly, wallowing in my new kaçak bahis found good fortune, with her kneeling beside me. Submissive yet alert, ready to serve on the instant, as a slave must be. Mistress and slave. I the Mistress. Beginning to feel drowsy, I rose. “Disrobe me,” I ordered. That didn’t take long as I had on only a simple white gown and a pair of white shoes. Gently I fondled the girl’s young soft breasts as she stood alongside me. She made no sound and certainly did not recoil. She simply submitted. That was nice. However, I had no intention of making use of the girl that night. I was too tired. “Turn down my bed,” I said, and followed her into the bedroom. I watched Gita do so, seeing her bending bottom. I simply couldn’t resist giving it a playful, but none too gentle, slap. “Off with you, “ said. She scampered thankfully away. Lying in bed drowsily, I remembered the times when I had had slaves before. They had never been treated like the slaves in the Palace of Nexos were treated. They were punished, yes, but not severely and only for repeated or serious offences. My mother had been a just woman and I took example from her. However, after my experiences as a slave an the Palace of Nexos, I realised fully that my nature had changed. It had been an enforced change. But now I knew I could be as cruel as any slave Mistress in the Palace of Nexos when Princess Alexena had ruled.Gita woke me in the morning with crisp bread and milky coffee. That went down very well. Then I had her bathe me in warm, scented water. Oh the luxury of that! She had very gentle hands, almost loving, it seemed. Then I stepped out and she dried me with soft towels. What should 1 wear? Something severe. A military style, tunic dress of short length. One like that which Princess Venetia seemed to favour. Colour? Why not scarlet? With calf-length lace-up boots to match. Gita put the dress on me. It only just reached to the tops of my thighs. But what did that matter? The point was, it was my decision. I sat down and Gita slipped on the boots, lacing them up most carefully. She was most skilled and I could not find the slightest fault. Rather a pity. really, because I would rather have liked to put her over my knees and smack her delicious little bottom. I could have done so anyway, of course, but somehow I preferred, in her case to have a reason. At mid-morning, there came a knock on the door. Gita opened it and fell to her knees when she saw the auburn-haired Tavia standing there. “Tell your Mistress I have brought her slaves.” she said. “Bring them in, Tavia,” I called out. “Gita… you can go and report to the Chief Overseer. I’ve finished with you.” “Thank you, Mistress.” The girl hurried away, doubtless glad to be gone, though I had treated her well. “Move… you Barbarian scum,” ordered Tavia in a harsh voice. I turned and was amused to see the way my three new slaves were approaching, presumably on Tavia’s orders. Each was stark naked but wearing an iron collar, arms being twisted high up canlı bahis behind the back, wrists clamping to the collar. They slithered along like snakes, nose to the floor. My heart soared. Here was revenge indeed. It was hard now to realise I had been in dread of the two women. Not Leo, of course; I just loathed him. “Well, well,” I said, “what a pretty sight!” The shoulders of the two young women were heaving with sobs. They could guess something of what was in store for them and must have been driven by terror. I smiled at Tavia. “Thank you for your trouble,” I said. “No trouble,” she answered. “Would you like me to be of any assistance?” “It’s possible,” I said. “Hang around a while anyway.” “Sure …” “Kneel up, you three.” The three face down on the floor, Leo in the centre, knelt erect. It was a most satisfying moment. Leo looked pale and despairing. He had obviously assumed that the arrival of the Sythians would mean his release. Not so! He was without a restrainer, but I had plans for that. The features of Karena and Zena were a complete mess. Reddened, tear-stained, quivering incessantly. Nothing could have better indicated the depths of their anguished terror at this reversal of roles. I had quite some good idea how I would have felt if the roles were reversed. I let a long pause ensue. Tears flowed more copiously; breasts heaved in distress. “Well, slaves, I said at last, “it is good to see you looking so submissive. As you may know, Princess Venetia has asked me to flog you all soundly. That I intend to do. A good starting point, I think.” Karena let out a pronged wail and hurled herself at my booted foot, striving to kiss it. “Ohhh… ooo… I didn’t mean it… h-have mercy… I didn’t mean it… Princess Alexena made me treat you s-so… ooo… may the Gods forgive me… spare me… spare me, Miralda …” Tavia’s eyebrows went up and so did mine. I kicked Karena hard in the shoulder. “Kneel up!” I barked. “How dare you speak without being spoken to… and how DARE you address me in that fashion!” Sobbing more, Karena forced herself up. She realised her stupidity but stark terror had forced herself into it. She seemed to have lost control of her mouth. “I …uurrfff… I… beg p-pardon …” she choked out. “M-Mistress …” she added. It must have cost her a lot to make that statement. “Mistress it is,” I said, “from now on. And if any of you forget it, you’ll suffer for it.” Leo was looking more and more miserable and was close to tears, it seemed. “I’ll deal with this filthy b**st first,” I said. “I know they ordered him to fuck me… and made me suck him… but he should not have ENJOYED it so much. The pig did. I KNOW.” “I understand perfectly,” said Tavia. I went off to get a little device which one of the Overseers had given me. It seemed ideal for Leo. It looked unpleasant enough to me but, by the look on his face, it looked even more unpleasant to him. It consisted of a quite large serrated metal bulldog clip with two rather smaller grips mobilbahis of a similar nature attached to it by short chains. “Stand!” He stood. “Designed to control your filthy lust,” I said. He cried out recoiling, as I took hold of his chunky organ. Oh, I knew it well! “No …NOOO …” he cried out, “MISTRESS… HAVE MERCY… oooohhhh… it was not my fault.” Not entirely perhaps, I thought, but there was a sufficiency of blame in him, in the way he had handled me when I was a helpless submissive. I opened the largest of the bulldog clips and clamped it on his flaccid prick, just behind its large knob. He screamed. “Hurts… does it?” I enquired, seeing him shudder. “Y-Yes… yes… Mistress…” he whined. “Ooohh… have mercy …” “I ‘m glad,” I said. I noted Karena and Zena looking on, aghast. “It’s designed to control your revolting lust, slave…” I said. “And these two little additional clips are designed simply to hurt.” I fastened those on to his scrotum, clamping each ball in turn. Leo screamed again, doubling up. “Merceeee… merceeee… merceeee…” he whined, “I… I’ve done nothing… I… I… I’m just a slave…” “That’s right,” I said “You’re my slave And now I’m going to flog you. Not too severely, but to assuage some of the revulsion I feel for you.” Perhaps some would say I was being a little unjust but, after all I had gone through, who could blame me? With the help of Tavia, I placed Karena and Zena on two hooks set in the wall. They hung from their wrist manacles, feet not quite touching the floor. It must have been pretty painful and they started making quite a fuss about it Naturally, I ignored that completely. “Right,” I said, “let’s get on with it.” I went to fetch a threethonged martinet. Leo fell to his knees when he saw it, begging and imploring. “Have you got a Punishment Block?” asked Tavia. “Yes… but I won’t bother with that, we’ll just have him over the back of this chair.” It was one I had been sitting in and. over which I had been fucked often enough by this Leo. Together Tavia and I fastened his wrists to the front castors of the chair. Simple stuff. He was whimpering all the time. “I… I don’t deserve it… I don’t… oooohhh… I don’t…“ Maybe not. That was purely a matter of opinion. “Twenty four strokes, slave,” I said, “just to impress on you that I really am your Mistress now. And don’t you ever forget it!” I swung up the martinet and slashed it down with all my force. Leo howled. I knew exactly how it felt so could understand. I felt a surge of cruel lust. Yes… I had become a changed woman. I was loving what I was doing, not simply as a matter of normal slave discipline, but for its own sake. Leo howled the whole time I flogged him and I certainly didn’t spare him. I took a lot of skin off his backside with those three cruel thongs and I think I left him in no doubt that I was now truly his Mistress. When he had been released, I ordered him out of the room. He crawled away like a dog, whimpering and sobbing wretchedly. His was not a pleasant fate. A freed slave who might have expected sympathy was to remain a slave. MY slave. I turned to the two teenagers hanging sobbing on the wall. Their eyes were wide with terror. Understandably.“Now it’s your turn,” I said.

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