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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


A few weeks have passed since that night, the night I had lost control. Honestly The next day had been the worst. Waking up from a few hours of sleep to a semi hangover. Taking as much time as I could with my morning routine of coffee and a cigarette so one of my daughters might wake up, then leaving and being relieved that they had not. I had then spent one of the longest days of my life at work, so filled with anxiety that I ran the lawnmower right over a client’s prized rosebush. The worry seemed to have been for naught. I had come home to two happy daughters, informing me that they had both acquired jobs already. Heather started in a few days, and Kara in a week.

Nothing. Not one single comment from either of them. I could only assume that the reason Heather did not bring anything odd up was due to Kara keeping the incident a secret from her older sister, but, why nothing from my youngest? I mean, she had woken up to find her father’s manhood in her mouth! Yet as the days went past, I was coming up with all kinds of reasons that she was still acting normally toward me. Well normal for her, she still glanced away from me when we locked eyes, still never called me ‘daddy’ or even father or dad when we spoke, but the question that was keeping me up at night,was Why? I did notice one thing now that I was paying close attention. Not only did Kara often stare at her sisters feet (bare or otherwise) I would often see the two of them go off to Heathers room right before bed, with Kara staying in her room for five to ten minutes before emerging and going to her own room. Perhaps these too were for Kara to get her nightly foot fix from her big sister, but if that was still the case, what was keeping her from confronting me?

Was she embarrassed by what had happened? Ashamed she had let me finish in her mouth rather than telling me to stop? I even dared to hope she had either not remembered it, or else had shrugged it off as a dream,

As the time had passed, things were moving along as one might expect a newly reunited family to; The girls informed me that when they had found work, it was at the same place. An Olive Garden on the far side of town. Heather was a hostess and Kara had started in the kitchen it seemed. They had both been delighted to find out that they needn’t ask me for rides or catch the bus everyday. I had waited an extra day after the, incident, for obvious reasons, before opening the garage revealing a pair of new SUVs, one black and the other blue. Heather had kissed me right on the mouth when I told her I had bought the cars for them, and Kara had not hesitated to hug me tightly. Both of them were overjoyed with the gifts. I brushed off comments of how I had bought them, the girls nearly fainted when I told them I had paid cash and there was no need to worry about car payments.

And so those two weeks had now past, and I found myself coming home from a terrible day at work. I had been pouring rain all day and even with my gear I was still soaked to the bone.

I pulled up to the house and see that Heather’s SUV is parked out front in my normal spot. So I pull up and open the garage to park instead. Kara’s SUV is gone so I assume she has gone to work.

I walk into the house and grumpily put much of the contents of my pockets on the counter, toss my jacket, and head for my lazy boy. I don’t even have the mental capacity to kick off my boots, what a day. I close my eyes and my mind starts going over the long list of things that had gone wrong today, and I just try to let my heart settle.

“Well well, If that is not the sourest face ever!” comes a calm sarcastic tone. I don’t open my eyes. I feel a little bit of regret that Heather has caught me in such a bad mood, I try hard to change my face to a relaxed one, and even smile slightly before I open my eyes.

“Well… if anything else today could have gone wrong I’m sure-” I start, but that is right when I had opened my eyes. My eldest daughter was wearing one of my shirts that she must have stolen from my laundry. It was too big for her of course and was falling off one of her shoulders. Her bright pink bra strap was poking out. The most distracting part was that most of her long beautiful legs were bare, from the ankles of her socks all the way until they disappeared under the shirt. Apparently the time it takes for me to both lament the fact that she still has socks on, and the time to scold myself for looking so long at my daughter’s body in general, Heather has time to start laughing.

“Oh we all have those days.” She says with understanding smile. She then pads her way over to the front door. I still have not recover enough to say anything, so I watch her as she walks over and picks up my jacket and hangs it up, then puts my keys on the hook, and my spare change in a jar I had not noticed before. I start to feel bad that my daughter has to clean up after her father when I see her grab the mop as well, I had tracked a lot of water çanakkale escort into the house when I had come in it seems. I stand up feeling my face go red.

“He-Heather let me do that… I mean, it is my mes-” I start but she points at me, and gives a face of such command that I freeze in the act of standing up.

“You sit right back down, daddy dearest!” she says pointedly “You bought me a car and gave me a place to sleep out of the cold and the rain! All you did wrong was get my socks a little wet, now sit down, take off your boots and relax!” she says, her voice demanding. When I don’t move right away, mostly out of shock. She turns her head quickly, letting her eyes say the rest. ‘now.’ I sit. I could not come up with an argument fast enough. I do still feel bad about her cleaning up after me, but I did not have the strength to argue.

She seems content that I will not get up again, so she smiles and looks over at the water puddle again. I feel myself letting my eyes linger on her legs and rear again as she walks over to the mess, I reach for the remote for the TV, I needed a distraction. But unfortunately, I do not hit the power button fast enough. Right as I am about to finally mange to pull my eyes away, Heather reaches down, and one by one, peels her now wet socks off. If I had thought it had been difficult to look away before, now it was impossible. Her feet splash in the puddle of water as she steps through it to start on the far side near the door. The fact that she walks on the balls of her feet gives me flashes of her soles as she moves about, mopping the mess. The beautiful tan of her legs, the little flexes of her well-toned thighs, the shirt tugging tight to her ass as she bent at times in her work. I have no idea how long I am frozen in time just staring at her beautiful body, but at some point as I am watching her toes turning on the floor, and she stops her movement. “All done.” She says, and I glance up to her face to find her staring at me, right at me, with a devilish smile etched on her face. “Like what you see?” She says erotically, letting her eyebrows dance. I drop the remote.

“I…I what?” I say, stumbling to think of an excuse for what I had just been doing. Heather giggles at my stumbling.

“Do you like it?” she asks waving her hand at the floor. “All clean and good as new!” she says dramatically, as if showing off a new car. I pick up the remote and turn on the tv to the news. Without looking at her I clear my throat.

“Well, yes, it looks great. I’m sorry again for tracking it in here.” I say, trying to focus on the news. I here Heather make an impatient sound.

“Dad…” I hear her say, in a slightly exasperated voice. I look over at her, trying to look innocent. She has her hands on her hips in such a good impression of her mother I feel a chill ripple down my spine. If not for the crazy colored hair she might even remind me of her. “What am I going to do with you?” She says, her voice is dripping with a kind of fondness I had not heard from her before. She puts the mop to the side. Keeping her eyes locked on mine, she saunters toward me. She has quite a sexy walk, like a model on a catwalk even. She is eyeing me up and down, the look in her eyes is hypnotizing, almost seductive, making it hard to look away. I feel the hairs on my arms rising. What was she doing? She walks right up to me, looking down at me I realize again that my oldest is truly tall for a woman.

I look up at her waiting for her to speak. My whole body starts to tense, and my heartrate increases. Heather slowly, pointedly kneels right in front of my seat. Her light brown eyes are boring into my own, I feel her hands rest on my knees and her face turns again, almost curious. This is certainly not a position one might expect father and daughter to be in. yet here she is. My 21-year-old daughter kneeling down in between her father’s legs, and apparently, wondering what to do with him.

“If I remember correctly… I asked you to take your boots off and relax? Yet you still have on your boots. And you seem more wound up then ever.” She says sweetly. “Are you sure that there isn’t anything I could do to take away some of this stress?” She asks, sexuality dripping from her mouth as she asks. My head is spinning, she is so gorgeous, it just does not seem fair that I am home alone with such a stunningly beautiful and incorrigible young woman. Yet my moral standing somehow manages to win out this time.

“N-No…Thank you Heather… I um… I’m sure I just… need a shower or something.” I say, with very little conviction. Heather seems to find my answer amusing however, because she breaks into a wide grin that gives me the impression that she knows there might have been a few ways I had considered before deciding on saying no. She clicks her tongue at me.

“If you say so, daddy.” She says, with a definitive air of smugness. She suddenly bounces upright, causing me to jump in shock slightly. “I need to get ready for work anyways, I have the late night shift çanakkale escort bayan tonight.” She says with a smile. And with a quick kiss of my cheek, she walks deftly away toward her room. Firm ass shifting side to side as she goes, soft soles very visible as she walks on the balls of her feet.

It takes me a few minutes to recover from the exchange. I needed to put up stronger walls if I was going to be living with these girls for any length of time. My heart jumps yet again as my phone goes off in my pocket. I scold myself for being so jumpy and pick it up.

“Y’ello?” I say, and Al from work’s voice comes from the other side.

“God, finally. I was calling the number on the board at work for about 20 minutes before I saw the note with your new number on it!” comes his voice, good natured as always. I laugh a bit.

“Maybe I should have just changed it on the board huh?” I say, relived to have something to think about besides what had just happened. Al laughs too.

“Yeah maybe, but hey I was calling to invite you out tonight. Me and Benny boy are going to Charlette’s for a little well-deserved R and R. What do you think big man?” He asks. I stop to think about it. Charlette’s was a pretty well to do strip club in town, the kind that older men with a little extra cash went to as opposed to hormone driven collage kids. Work had been booming lately so we all had a little extra cash to blow, me more than the guys, but I had never even been a strip club before, I had not lied to my girls before.

“Well… I don’t know-” I start but Al cuts me off.

“Oh come on now, you hit it big in the lotto and now your too good to have some drinks and catch some entertainment with the boys?” he says. I know he is only giving me a hard time in a good natured kind of way, and I had enjoyed myself at the club the girls brought me to. I look down the hallway to see Heather walk out of her room. A long coat on with heels clacking as she walks. Seeing me on the phone she winks and blows me a kiss before walking out… who was I kidding? I needed a night out.

“Yeah Al let me hop a shower and I will meet you, what time?”


I close the door to my car in the parking lot of Charlette’s and wave to Al and Ben, who I spot having a smoke break just outside, waiting for me. After shooting the breeze for a few, we pay the hundred- and fifty-dollar entry fee and walk inside. My first thought upon walking in, is ‘Why have I never bothered to come in here before?’ My eyes must be trying to take in everything at once because they start to spin in my head faster than a slot machine.

The walls on both sides of the massive room are lined almost wall to wall with bars, and each is staffed with about eight girls each. The place is a lot longer then it looked like from the outside, the large runway coming down the center of the building must be a good twenty meters long. A few good looking girls are shaking their asses for dollars all along the smooth black surface, and the lights flashing around show a few more girls high up on the polls scattered evenly down the center of the runway. A few yards back from the seats lining this main attraction are sturdy looking tables, each with about six chairs a piece. The boys and I grab up one of these tables and Ben and Al go to grab us our first round.

I sit alone at the table, and let myself get lost in my surroundings for a moment. The music, the beautiful women all around, long legs dancing from left to right… I can definitely see the appeal of this place. As I am looking around, a girl at the far bar catches my eye, her ass is crammed into a skirt that is showing off just a few inches of cheek, and her long legs are sleek and tan, trailing down to a classic set of black heels. She is grabbing a few drinks for someone, but her hair is what catches me. Its cut short, and a swirl of colors between pink and purple. My eyesight is good, but at this distance? I could swear…

“Table dance?” A warm voice says right next to my ear. I jump slightly and turn to my left to see and short girl with blond locks and big red lips grinning at me under bright blue eyes. No doubt, this girl is smoking hot, her tight middle with slim hips and small shoulders give her a cute side, but the short skirt and busting button up are helping move it toward corruptible teen.

“I’m sorry?” I say lamely, she giggles.

“Table dance! Fifty bucks and I will be your own little table topper for the next three songs!” she says with a wink. This is at the point where Ben and Al come back, and the blond’s attention gets spread to them for a moment. I take the time to peer past the bar again, looking for the purple haired girl, but I have lost her in the crowed. I shake my head slowly and start to feel depressed. Was it really that bad? Was I that bad? Can I not go out for a night on the town to a strip club without thinking of my own daughters?

My mind flashes images. Heather giggling dominantly as she teases Kara with her feet, escort çanakkale Kara sucking lovingly on my member. As I try to pull myself out of it, I vaguely notice that Al has asked me something.

“Huh?” I say and tilting my head as if the music is too loud.

“What do you think? This lovely young thing needs that college money.” The boys laugh, “Fifty or a Benjamin?” he asks, rubbing his hands together. I am still slightly distracted, so I pull a hundred dollar bill out of my wallet.

“Fuck it, how could I say no to helping a young girl earn her education?” I say with a little too much bravado, but the guys love it. Ben slaps my shoulder with mirth.

“Whoa there, heavy spender! We can’t let you do all the paying around here! This whole outing was partly as a thank you for sticking with the company and not running off once you got that check!” he says laughing. I do start to feel better. I look forward at the girl to hand over the bill, and I feel my jaw twitch slightly. She has removed her top and deposited it on the table. Her perky tits are just the right size for the rest of her, and her slight tan line on the outsides show that she tans in an even smaller top then she wears to work, just barely covering her nipples with a strip of pale white skin. She grins at me and bites the bill out of my hand.

“Topless it is, big man.” she says, planting her bright red heel on my knee. “Help me up?” she asks with a purr in her voice. The boys give a few hollers, I see the dare in the girls eyes as to how I was going to help her. I can’t help myself, I trace soft legs with my eyes, from her hips all the way down to her high heels. Not only do they leave most of her feet exposed, They are open toe as well. Her red capped toes are poking out at me, I shrug to myself. What was I stressing my night over? Why not have a little fun? I give a quick look around to the bouncers and such, and make sure I am clear. I reach down and trail my hand down her calf, also trailing my fingers across her ankle and down the very side of her foot where the sole meets the shoe. After giving her a little wink, I grip the bottom of her heel to lift her up on the table. She grins at me and uses my shoulder to get steady, she then traces her fingers in my hair lightly and winks back. “Thanks daddy!” She says sexily.

This of course nearly floors me. But I sit down instead. The girl starts to shake her ass to the music and I have to try very hard to keep the thoughts of my daughters out of my head now. Al raises his shot that he brought over.

“To a few good men having a few good drinks and a few great hours.” He says, and I grasp at the chance to do something with my hands. I down the shot and grab the drink they brought over as well.


Over the next hour or so I have had quite a few drinks bought for me, and with a few more bought myself, I have finally started to feel loose and have managed to enjoy my surroundings. A few of the girl in here now have grabbed at my attentions for some time, and I even wander up to the runway to toss a few dollars at a girl who’s tattoo of a star on her ass is just begging to get bent over my bed back home. I wander back to the guys, who also have been putting the drinks back. We laugh a bit between us, and suddenly a girl with two pigtails and a plaid miniskirt and large power stomping boots comes sauntering up to the table. She grins at me and hands me a drink that it turns out Al ordered for me. I grab it and Al puts a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey hey… so!” he starts, very excited. “You seen any super hottie in here yet?” he says and gestures around. I am not really thinking strait so I skip right forward into thinking about it. I am about to say the blond from the table dance, when my mind suddenly remembers the girl with short purple hair. “Ah… well I would like to see her up closer but she kinda vanished on me… long legged thing, short purple-ish hair.” I say glancing around, not spotting her.

“That sounds like Lilly,” the girl with the big boots says while dancing in place. “You move fast, she is one of our newest girls,” she says blowing out her bubblegum. I nod slightly guilty, knowing that I only think so because of her having the same hair color as Heather. “Ok cool, I will go let her know,” she says and takes off. I blink then turn to the guys, who are laughing. Ben pokes me in the chest

“You’re the man of the hour and you’re not leaving here without a lap dance!” he says laughing. I panic. What if it is Heather?! Could it be that she lied, that she didn’t want her father to judge her for stripping? I mean, it is a job I could see her doing.

My mind is racing for the entire time we wait for this girl to show up, and my eyes seem locked on the bar area that I had seen, this turns out to be the wrong way to go about this as she sidles up to me from the side as most of the girls in here seem to do. I turn quickly and look up with fear, and shamefully a little hope.

A girl with blueish short cropped hair and bright blue eyes is grinning at me. “So they tell me your up for a private lap dance?” she asks with a coy tone to her voice. My eyes trail down her body. Slim waist and nice round ass leading to long legs and shiny blue heels. Her toes are capped in white. Not my Heather, but quite a looker to be sure. Al answers for me.

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