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Becca’s QuickieI couldn’t believe it. I just stood and stared at the referee holding the red card aloft. Oh fuck not again, I thought in disbelief. It was the third time this season I’d been sent off, but this time I could protest my innocence until I was puce and it would do no good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and shrugged it off as my anger really began to boil.”Becca, leave it. Just go.” I turned away from the referee. It was Donna, the club captain. “Don’t make it worse.””I didn’t fucking touch her.” I started indignantly, my anger now just aimed at whoever was nearest. Donna shrugged and nodded towards the touchline. “It’s a fucking disgrace.” I said and trudged as slowly as possible towards the touchline where my coach stood, his face set, just watching me.I reached the edge of the pitch and immediately heard the shrill whistle as the ref got the game back underway. We were one up, but there was still over twenty minutes to go. What a disaster.”I didn’t fucking do anything.” I snapped at the coach, a twenty year old student from the local university and captain of the first team.”Go get a shower Rebecca.” He said, calling me by my full name and sounding astonishingly like my father.”But…””No. Shower.” That was that. A conversation terminated before I could start an argument. He dismissed me with the wave of a finger, his eyes now back on the match, his mind on how he could salvage the game.I took a deep breath readying myself for battle, but for once thought better of it and trudged silently towards the clubhouse my head bowed.I’d been sent off twice this season for fighting and it wasn’t even Christmas, but today, I’d spent most of the game fending sticks away from my ankles and fists from my k**neys to be sent off for the first foul I’d committed all game.I swung my foot against the base of the dressing room door. It flew open and smacked satisfyingly against the tiled wall with a hollow bang that echoed across the dressing room, then as the red mist descended I swung my stick against the wooden bench. The graphite hockey stick snapped clean in half and the vibration rattled up my arms until I thought my teeth would fall out. Somewhere behind me the head of the stick clattered to the floor.”Shit!” I bellowed, looking stupidly at the broken handle. As if a twenty quid fine for the red card was not enough, I was now staring at a bill for sixty for a new stick — another new stick.Somewhat humbled, I stooped and picked up the broken piece and chucked them both in the bin before stripping down, stuffing my kit into my bag and grabbing a bottle of shampoo.Reaching up, I spun the red wheel that turned on the water to the shower block and stepped into the tiled tunnel. Silver shower heads protruding from the walls on both sides. I made my way to the middle and slapped the cold metal button with the palm of my hand.A jet of water sprang out from the shower head and I stuck my hand tentatively under the stream, feeling it warm up almost instantly. Thank God for that, I thought as I stepped under the jet. The last time I’d been first in, no one had turned the hot water on. It had been so cold I was amazed it wasn’t solid. I’d jumped so much when the jet hit me, I had slipped over and cracked my back on the floor.I let the water wash over my long brown hair and felt the calming patter and splash clean everything away until I was totally wrapped up in my own head with my anger finally beginning to fade.I lathered shampoo into my hair until rich white suds dripped off and hit the tiled floor with a slap. I used the lather to wash my body and finally began to feel it cleansing Gaziemir Escort my head as well as my skin.”Bad luck Becca.” I spun around at the sudden echo of a voice against the tiles and saw Claire walk up to the shower beside me, as she ran her fingers through her damp hair. “That was the worst decision all season. Utter crap. And all that rolling around. It really pisses me off.””I just couldn’t fucking believe the ref fell for it.” I said, immediately coming back to the boil and knowing I wasn’t going to let go until I’d vented off at someone. “I hardly touched her. The next thing I know, she’s rolling around like I’ve broken her fucking legs.” I don’t even know how long Claire let me rant for, I suppose she knew eventually I would take a breath.”God your sexy when you’re cross.” She said with a laugh. “I bet Jon can’t wait to get you upstairs after you’ve had a bad game.””Actually he normally can’t escape quickly enough. I think he’s always scared I’ll throw something at him!” I said, starting to laugh the tension away, then a switch just flicked inside me again. “It just winds me up, you know, it’s just so fucking frustrating.”I turned my back to Claire and stuck my head back under the shower to rinse off the shampoo, continuing to vent off, when I felt her hands on my shoulders, her fingers slowly working their way into the muscles at the tip of my spine. It felt fantastic. I let her carry on for just a few moments, but for some reason I started to feel self-conscious.I slid around to face her on the wet tiles, expecting a big sisterly look that told me she knew I was angry, but that I was also very boring, but Claire just stood and smiled at me, her fingers continuing to massage my shoulders as she looked deep into my eyes, almost as if she was looking straight into my mind.For a very strange moment I thought she was going to kiss me and I wondered how I would react if she did. Then as soon as the thought was there, the moment was gone and she stepped away letting her hands fall from my shoulders. They brushed momentarily against my breasts as she retreated towards her shower and my nipples sprang up into two hard buds as my cheeks flushed pink.I stood under my shower, my over-sensitive nipples hidden from her view and watched Claire as she began to wash her body, suddenly unable to take my eyes off her. She was tall and athletic with a thin waist and slightly muscular arms as she flexed them to rub the soap through her jet black bobbed hair. She turned towards me and smiled.”See anything you like?” She joked, turning towards me and pushing her breasts together with the palms of her hands. I turned away embarrassed. “Well at least staring at me made you shut up about that bloody ref.” She continued, now staring straight back as if waiting for a response. I turned away to hide my glowing face. I had no idea what was going on. I’d been playing hockey with Claire for four years, we’d shared showers, beds, drinks but…I don’t know if it was the anger putting my emotions on edge, but I couldn’t meet her eyes, but couldn’t take them off her body either. Eventually, I tore my gaze away from her and turned away. This time when I felt her hands on my shoulders, I leant back slightly into her touch as her fingers began to work sensuously into my flesh.”For a crazy moment just then, I thought you were going to kiss me.” I giggled. “How mad is that?” Claire turned me around and once again I found myself looking up into her deep green eyes.”What, like this.” She said and gently pressed her lips against mine, before pulling away Güzelbahçe Escort with an audible smack. I stood breathless and stared open mouthed, whilst she simply giggled at my reaction. Then without another word, she simply pressed her lips up against mine and I felt her tongue immediately searching frantically in my mouth.She crushed her breasts against me and held me so close I could smell her skin, still tinged with her unique womanly scent yet mixed with just a little tangy zest from her shampoo. She slipped her hand up from my shoulder and held the back of my neck, holding me tightly in a determined grip, before her hand snaked up through my hair and locked me in place, her lips sealed against mine.The fingertips of her spare hand ran delicately down my back, chased by a cool shiver that ignited every nerve ending she touched causing my juices to rise until I couldn’t believe just how horny I felt. When her hand reached my bum, she squeezed it between her fingers until her nails dug into my skin.Buoyed by my lack of resistance she moved her second hand to my cheek and as she held my head softly she kissed me passionately. I heard her groan as she pushed her tongue inside me and her rising passion served only to push my own sultry desire higher.Her hand crept from my face, down my neck to my shoulder where it lingered briefly before wandering carefully down to my breast. She cupped it in one hand, the second still gently massaging my buttock, and slowly squeezed. My heart thundered until I could feel my pulse hammering in my temples.Claire finally broke the kiss and as we both stood gasping for air, I stared deep into her emerald green eyes.”You okay?” Claire whispered, her voice barely audible above the splash of water against the tiles. I nodded mutely.”I didn’t know you were…” I spluttered.”You know I’m not.””I’ve never kissed another…””Neither have I.””Where the hell is everyone?” I said, but Claire just shrugged.The silence was punctuated only by the splatter of water as we stood and stared at each other in limbo, then Claire kissed me again, her soft lips pressing against mine as I stood mutely with my hands still just d****d over her shoulders.Not content with the taste of my lips, she pulled me close and kissed my neck. A moan escaped my lips. Jon could drive me wild with a simple kiss to my neck. She continued her journey across my collar bone before she stooped and took one of my nipples into her mouth. I shivered as her tongue traced around it and by the time she switched attention to the other one, sucking it gently between her lips, my knees had begun to tremble.Each pass of her tongue triggered new shockwaves throughout my body until I tingled from head to toe. I watched as she began to work her way down my stomach, planting kisses on my pale skin as she crept ever lower. Her tongue lingered briefly over my navel before continuing on and for the first time in my life I craved another woman’s touch.My pussy flooded with my own honey and had I not already been in the shower, I am sure my thighs would have betrayed my lust.Claire was now on her knees and she looked up briefly, a wide grin spread across her face before she looked down and planted a kiss on my thick mat of brown pubic hair, before finally touching my lips with hers.I bit my lip and moaned with a cocktail of relief and desire. I stared down at the top of her head and watched as her long tongue flicked out and delicately brushed along the length of my pussy. My swollen lips peeked from beneath my pubic hair as if searching her touch. I İzmir Masaj Salonları was sure from her vantage point, she would already be able to see my excitement glistening on them as they continued to grow before her eyes.Suddenly I wanted to grind her head into my snatch and feel the full force of her eating me, but I dare not touch her in case the spell was broken. She pushed her thumb into my flesh just above my pussy and the pressure parted my lips until the swollen hood that hid my clitoris stood tall. I felt her tongue brush over my button and gasped aloud, massaging my own breasts and pulling gently at my nipples with my thumb and forefinger.With her tongue slowly circling my button, she easily slipped a finger inside me and I shuffled my feet apart on the slippery floor to encourage her to explore.The sensation of her touch was amazing. Her finger worked gently inside me whilst her tongue teased my clitoris. I was already stumbling clumsily towards orgasm.She closed her mouth gently over my swollen pussy lips and sucked them into her mouth, whilst her tongue continued to explore the soft split at the base of my clit. She swapped her finger for her thumb and as she pushed it inside my pussy, her lubricated finger immediately found my tightest hole, working gently away until it slipped inside to the first knuckle.I gasped with lust and began to push my hips towards her in rhythm, encouraging her to eat me harder and deeper. As my orgasm began to swell I could not stand to be teased any longer. Nervously, I reached down and ran my hand across the top of her head, coaxing her in closer. Claire responded instantly by sucking hard on my lips and when I cried out loud, she slipped her finger fully inside my arse.My cries echoed around the shower room as my orgasm took hold and my legs shook with the force of my pleasure. I laced my hands through her hair and pushed her deeper into me, grinding my hips against her face as my orgasm pulsed through me like an electric current.”Oh fuck. Oh that’s so amazing.” I whimpered and she responded by sucking me harder, her tongue pressing insistently against my clitoris until I thought it would pop and I could stand it no more. “Shit! You’ve got to stop.” I begged, my knees buckling as I pulled her away from me by her hair, my body quivering like a leaf as she stared up into my eyes from the floor.”My God!” I giggled. “That was incredible. Where the hell did you learn to do that?” Her face was slick with my honey. I reached out my hands and when she took them, I pulled her to her feet. I kissed her, gently at first, tasting my own pussy, then I pulled her towards me and pushed my tongue into her mouth. I desperately wanted to return the favour, to make her cum and taste her body. My hands wandered amateurishly, squeezing and stroking whatever they came into contact with.But returning the favour would have to wait. In my excitement I had completely forgotten where I was. Suddenly a door banged and the dressing room filled with echoing voices. We leapt guiltily apart and in my haste to grab my shampoo, my shaking fingers slipped and send the bottle tumbling to the floor. I bent over to pick it up and was rewarded with a stinging slap on my tight buttocks that made me squeal with delight.The mood in the dressing room was high, I knew we had won despite my red card. At least that would spare me the coach’s worst.”Have you done that before?” I asked above the increasing din, but Claire just shook her head. “I owe you one.” I said and saw her eyes light up.”Indeed you do.” She purred. “What are you going to tell Jon?””The same as you’ll tell Paul.” I said. Our boyfriends would have done anything to see that, but it would remain our secret, for the moment at least. Quickly, I leant towards her and stole a final kiss and as the team began to appear through the steam and the singing began, I ducked back under the water and poured shampoo into the palm of my hand.

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