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Big Dick

He saw storm clouds on the horizon and hoped to make it to St Louis before getting caught in the storm, but looking at the trip odometer he resigned himself to a night driving in rain. He had miles to go and the flat Illinois landscape bored him. He passed a gas station miles back and smiled. He’d filled up the tank before leaving and hoped to make it to Kansas City before refueling. He hated the interstate highways so he’d decided to follow the old routes from before the days of freeways. The trip so far had been very pleasant even though the flat farmland was nothing to write home about. That didn’t matter anyway because to him he no longer had a home. He’d grown tired of his mother’s drinking and didn’t know his father. He saved up to leave, bought an old used car and was on his way west and to whatever adventure came his way. The sun had just dipped below the horizon, still illuminating the clouds that were just a few miles off, when he felt the engine start to weaken. He tried giving it more gas, but it continued weakening till finally the engine died and he coasted to a dead stop on the top of a small hill. He tried the engine again and the starter whirled, but no power was produced. He tried again and still nothing. Several more attempts and he was still dead with the clouds looming heavy above him when the engine tried no more. He’d drained the old gaziantep suriyeli escort battery of all light. He got out of the car to see if some magic might occur by looking under the hood and once he did so he realized it was not to be as he knew little more about cars short of where the gas peddle was located. All he knew was he pushed it and the car moved so he stood there staring at the greasy pile of rusting iron when the first rain drops fell from the dark clouds above. He raced back to the protection of the inside of the passenger compartment, but as luck or perhaps lack of planning would have it he’d forgotten to close the electric window before he killed the battery. Rain poured into the window unrelentingly before he moved to the passenger seat and then the temperature began to drop. He dug into a bag in the backseat for a jacket, the only one he’d packed then cursed out loud when he realized it was also wet, as rain had come at the wrong angle and soaked it as well, but he put it on hoping it would warm him. The jacket was of little use as the wind had picked up and it was now much colder, but at least the rain was slowing, then finally stopped. He held his arms close, closed his eyes and nodded off to sleep. He would deal with his problems at first light. He woke up shortly after falling asleep, freezing. His fingers burned from the cold when he heard the sound of tires. He opened his eyes, then saw light bearing down on him from behind. He almost jumped when he heard the high pitched voice. “Hey boy, whatch’all doin in there? You outta gas?” It was a female voice, but the flashlight in his eyes blinded him from identifying the speaker. “Uhh, no. Battery died. Can you give me a jump?” “Nope. How your battery die?” “I don’t know. Engine just quit.” “Whatchyou gon’ do? You cain’t go stayin’ out here. You freeze.” “I’ll be OK. Thanks for stopping.” “You ain’t gon’ be OK out here tonight. It be gettin down below zero tonight. You already wet. Git yo ass out of dar an come wid me.” “Where to? I can’t afford a motel room.” “Who say anyting bout a motel? You come stay wid me.” For the first time she aimed the flashlight toward herself. She was the color of coffee with cream with big, beautiful, dark, liquid eyes. “Unless you be fraid of some little black girl.” “No. I’m not afraid.” “Well c’mon den. I freezin my booty off out here” “Well, OK. If I have to.” He grinned. “You aint gots to do shit, but you be dead in da mornin if you stay here.” He climbed out on the passenger side after grabbing his keys then made his way to the old truck behind his car and climbed in. She was dressed in brown cover-alls wearing a floppy knit cap over her long, dark locks and appeared almost childlike behind the wheel as she was quite small, but she ground the gears into reverse, backed up then slapped the gearshift forward and they shot forward. “T’ain no heat in dis thing, but we ain got far.” “I don’t have much money to pay you, but I’ll give you what I can.” “Keep your money. It aint nothing.” She looked long at him. “Boy…You cute as a muthafucka. We’ll think of somethin.” “Like what?” He seemed lost. “Like what,” she mocked laughingly. “You all about dumb ain’t you?” Finally they arived at a small, dark, rundown trailer and she pulled the truck through the yard and parked right by the door. “This is home baby.” The tone of her voice changed and she lost all her accent. She opened the door and let him in then as soon as she closed the door reached for the thermostat on the wall behind her then unzipped the coveralls. He nearly fell back after she shed the coveralls and stood up. Two perfect, round pointy tits stared right back at him both with large, rock hard nipples. She caught his look then slightly shook her chest making both shake and quiver, then his eyes instantly diverted to the floor. “You never seen titties like these? They won’t bite you. You can look.” He looked back up as she pulled up her top revealing the most perfect tits he had ever seen, then she pulled her top back down as his face blushed dark red. “Oh my,” she said in a low voice. “I guess not.” She turned heading into the living room. “Come in here and sit on down baby.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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