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This story is a continuation of my previous one, Berhem’s Two Husbands. You really ought to read that one first, to understand what’s going on. This sequel focuses a bit less on anthropology, and more on the feelings of the protagonist, Berhem, about her polyandrous marriage. And around the middle of the story, there’s lots of explicit sex. I’m not sure why, but I find the idea of polyandry powerfully erotic, particularly when the partners all go to bed simultaneously: perhaps it’s the premise of a woman being so thoroughly loved and pleasured by her partners, being completely surrounded and immersed in sexual stimulation, as it were, the object of intense erotic worship, in the context of a loving relationship. Floats my boat, anyway.

All sexually active characters are above the age of eighteen.

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Setting: a village in western Asia, circa 410 CE

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My mother-in-law’s request

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This is good pomegranate wine. Avzen smacked her lips. Anahita has blessed your harvest.

Thank you, mother-in-law. Will you also taste some of our goat cheese? I made it just yesterday.

No thank you, Berhem, do not trouble yourself. I have eaten well this evening. A cup of wine and a conversation with my beloved daughter-in-law are all I crave. Tell me, how are my other grandchildren adjusting to this precious little one?

As we spoke, I nursed little Hawre, my third son, now three months old. His brother Hozan was now eight, brother Rebaz was six, and sister Vahar four.

The boys are delighted with him. Vahar has been a bit sulky. She is unhappy that she is no longer the baby.

If she ever needs more attention and energy than you can give her, just send the little goddess over to me, so Granny can spoil her.

I will do that. She loves spending time with her Granny. As do I. Everything good in my life I owe to you, dearest Avzen.

Hush now, daughter. You are the best wife to my sons, and the best mother to my grandchildren, that I could wish for. I am grateful to have you as a daughter-in-law and as a friend. And because of this, I want to speak with you about my brothers’ family, who live in Rozaq. Sadly they lost two of their sons to a fever two years ago. They have a daughter, who married a few years ago, and now has a child. Their one remaining son, my nephew Evindar, is now of marriageable age. But my sister-in-law Veman cannot find a wife for him in Rozaq, as you can imagine. He is a good boy, and quite beautiful. But no mother of his village is willing to marry her daughter to a brotherless man, a bow without a second or third string. The land in Rozaq is more mountainous, a holding there is too much work to fall on the shoulders of just one husband. So … Veman suggests that Evindar spend some time here in Gonshi, to let the young women of this village meet him. Perhaps he will fare better here. I will take charge of the matchmaking. But the fathers and I are in a smaller house now, whereas yours has just been enlarged. Perhaps Evindar could dwell in your house, during his sojourn here.

Certainly, Avzen.

I am sure that Sirvan and Diyari would welcome their cousin’s help with the harvest. And your little ones would enjoy meeting their cousin.

Avzen, you need not persuade me! Of course I will give your kinsman houseroom, for as long as he wishes to remain in Gonshi.

* * *

Evindar settles in

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When I first set eyes on Evindar son of Veman, I knew without a doubt who he was: he looked so much like Sirvan – well, a somewhat younger Sirvan – and he carried himself with Diyari’s exact gait and mannerisms. This could only be my husbands’ kinsman. As he entered our house, he knelt and kissed the hem of my robe, a rather old-fashioned gesture of respect towards a woman, which I found charming.

Evindar was quiet and polite, like Sirvan. He was deferential toward me and my husbands. But with my sons Hozan and Rebaz, he was boisterous and playful, and they quickly came to adore him. Vahar, not wanting to be left out, would climb into his lap the moment he sat down in the house, and refuse to let go of him. Hawre gurgled happily when Evindar held him.

I was unused to having another adult living in our house, sleeping in the outer room with the children. Our children have grown up hearing the sounds of my nightly love-making with their fathers – to them it is as unremarkable as the sighing of the wind outside our house. But Evindar was new to us. Did hearing my cries of pleasure make him uncomfortable? My husbands merely chuckled at my concern.

Your cries will make him eager to find a wife, laughed Sirvan. And that is good. That is why he has come to Gonshi. Let him know the blessing that awaits him, if he finds a plump, lusty wife like you, Berhem.

And do not deny your husbands the joy of hearing your cries of pleasure, Diyari added, stroking me between my thighs.

So, I let go of my inhibitions about this. I probably would not have been able canlı bahis to keep quiet, even had I tried – when Sirvan and Diyari’s kirs are sheathed in my quz, I lose awareness of everything save the pleasure they are giving me.

Evindar proved himself to be a strong worker, helping Sirvan and Diyari complete the wheat and barley harvests in record time. He then set about tirelessly shoring up the retaining walls of the terraced gardens, whilst my husbands tended our orchards. In the evenings, he often cooked for us, delighting in preparing the specialties of Rozaq. Before bedtime, he sang us tales of the Parthians, from the cycle of Rustam and Sohrab. He had a lovely singing voice. In short, Evindar settled smoothly into our household. Within a month, I began to wonder how we had ever got along without him. And perhaps the knowledge that Evindar could hear us even added a touch of excitement to our nightly love-making.

Avzen’s matchmaking efforts, however, met with no success. The more wanton young women of Gonshi – even some of the married women, I’m sorry to say – were eager enough for a secret dalliance with Evindar, for he is indeed a beautiful young man. These women he politely rebuffed. But no mother was going to let her daughter marry this brotherless young man, not when there was an ample supply of marriageable young men in our village, or nearby Mitri villages, all with younger brothers.

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Brothers by adoption

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One afternoon, I laid the problem out before my good friend and mentor, Sazan daughter of Alai. Perhaps, I thought, she could prevail upon some of Gonshi’s mothers to see past the brotherlessness, to consider Evindar’s many virtues – his gentleness, his generosity, his piety, his strength and initiative – not to mention his manly beauty.

Sazan looked at me searchingly. She shook her head.

Beloved Berhem, if Evindar son of Veman is as exceptional as you say, it would be a waste, frankly, to wed him to one of the thick-headed young women of this village. No, there is a better option. I am puzzled as to why Veman has not considered it. Or perhaps she has. Hmm, yes, perhaps she has indeed. A Mitri young man who has no brothers may be adopted, by the mother of his kinsmen or friends. He may thus get brothers by adoption, and a woman may lawfully take them all in common marriage. Such marriages are sometimes unsuccessful, it is true. The husbands were not all raised as brothers, and so the sharing of the wife sometimes is difficult. But if the husbands come to trust one another, and if the wife shows ample love to all of them, such marriages can be as strong and happy as any other common marriage.

I have never heard this.

Our village has not had a brotherless bridegroom for many years, not since … that evil man who I will not name. My poor Berhem.

I wonder why that man’s mother did not try this option. Did she know of it?

Certainly. But that man’s kinsmen knew his evil reputation. They would not consent to adopting him for this purpose. So, instead, his mother found a vulnerable woman who lacked the wits to protect her own daughter: you. The grandmothers of Gonshi should not have permitted such a match. I am sorry we failed you.

It was a bad match, it is true. But if my life had taken a different turning, I would not now be married to the sons of Avzen. Anahita has blessed me.

You are a wise and pious woman, Berhem daughter of Hetaw. Now, tell me, does this Evindar son of Veman get on well with your husbands and children?

Yes, extremely well. I think we shall all be quite sad when his time in Gonshi comes to an end, assuming he does not find a wife here. Evindar says that my husbands remind him of his late brothers. And they always wanted a younger brother –

I paused. Suddenly, the implications became blushingly clear.

Sazan chuckled. Berhem, why do you suppose his mother sent him here, to become acquainted with his kinsmen? And with you?

I shook my head. Sazan, I cannot consider this. I could not do this to Sirvan and Diyari. I love them. They fill my heart.

Yes, yes, they are both excellent young men, and they nicely fill another part of you as well, judging from your four children. But a heart is not a quz: there is room in it for more than two. From the glowing way you speak of Evindar, I suspect your heart has begun to open to him already, whether you recognize it or not. Listen, when I first married, Hekar and Palan were close in age, and I wedded them together. We soon fell in love. I bonded with those men – I had not thought it possible to open my heart and my body that way to another person, let alone to two of them. My heart was full to bursting. But they had a much younger brother, Khebat. I thought I had no room in my heart for him. I secretly dreaded the day when Khebat would reach marriageable age and come to live with us. How could I let this outsider lie with me? It felt like a betrayal of Hekar and Palan to even think of it. But when the day came, bahis siteleri Hekar and Palan brought their younger brother to our bedroom, and proceeded to show him just how to please me. And he was an eager and skilful pupil. It was the very opposite of a betrayal: it seemed to complete our love, theirs as well as mine. Then, after Hekar and Palan died, I had only Khebat left, and our love for each other kept the memory of the other brothers’ love alive. Now, only I am left. But the memories are sweet. I thank Anahita for my years with Khebat.

But you all knew Khebat would become your husband once he came of age. He was their brother. This is different.

Is it? Berhem, you are dear to me. What is more, I respect you. But do not forget that I am a grandmother of this village, I know the Mitri way, and I am telling you that this is the Mitri way. Berhem, my dear, do not put obstacles in the path of your own happiness, and that of your family.

When Sazan spoke in that tone of voice, I could not argue back. Instead I took my leave of her, and stormed off to confront Avzen.

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Avzen’s response

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Am I to have no choice in this matter, mother-in-law?

What matter is that, daughter?

You know very well: the matter of you adopting Evindar, making him a brother to Sirvan and Diyari. Which would just coincidentally make him my third husband. Is that why you lodged him in my house? Did you and Veman cook up this scheme together, to push Evindar into my marriage bed along with Sirvan and Diyari?

Avzen set aside the dough she was kneading and dusted the barley flour off her hands.

Berhem, dear one, there is no scheme. Evindar is here to find a wife, as you know. And to that end you agreed to give him houseroom. Perhaps one of the women of Gonshi will find it in her heart to marry him. Perhaps you will be that woman. If so, there is a way to arrange it: yes, I could adopt him and make him a brother to my sons.

But I am already married! To your sons! How could you do this to them?

Berhem, my sons are dearer to me than life itself! As are you. And my grandchildren. Can you doubt this? And my nephew Evindar is dear to me as well. Do you think I would consider this thing if I was not confident it would be a blessing to all of you? Evindar lost his older brothers, and now he has found them again in Sirvan and Diyari. My sons always wanted a younger brother, but after Diyari’s birth I could not conceive another child. Evindar deserves a good woman to be his wife, and I know of no better woman than you. So, why is it so unthinkable that you might marry him?

Why did you not tell me all this before I took him into my house?

You had to meet Evindar, to form an opinion of him, of course. Now that he dwells with you, I know you think highly of the boy – you and your husbands too.

What do my husbands know of this?

I have not discussed it with them, Berhem. I would not go behind your back in this matter, even with my own sons. But they are not stupid. It is clear they already relate to him as a younger brother. They work well with him. The possibility of Evindar joining the marriage has certainly occurred to them. I suspect they are waiting for you to broach the subject. If they have not spoken against it by now, I suppose they welcome the idea. And your children already treat Evindar like a third father. It would leave a hole in your family, would it not, if you send him back to Rozaq, or if he finds a different wife here in Gonshi?

Yes. I cannot deny it. But I feel as though you and Veman have sprung a trap for me. And it was obvious to everyone but me, from the very beginning. I walked right into it. I feel like a fool. Of course I must say yes now. Sazan has basically commanded me to marry him. Whether I want to or not.

No my dear, it is all up to you. You and my sons. Nothing will happen unless you choose it. I am sure Sazan wants what is best for you, as do I, but nobody is going to force anything upon you. Come dear Berhem, do not be angry with me. Nobody thinks you a fool, least of all me. Go home and talk to my sons. I will keep Evindar and the children at my house this evening, so the three of you can discuss this privately. Come, give me little Hawre now and I will nurse him to sleep.

* * *

The husbands weigh in

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Where are the little ones? Sirvan asked.

At your mother’s. Evindar as well.

Both husbands’ eyes lit up. Can we take you to bed early then, plump one?

We can eat supper later, grinned Diyari, pulling off his clothes. I know what I am hungry for right now: some nice, ripe melons!

He began kissing my heavy breasts, opening my robe and sucking on one of them, whilst Sirvan’s mouth latched onto the other one.

Husbands, no, wait. Well … very well, I laughed, we can go to bed, but then we must discuss something.

Discuss what? Sirvan asked, as they carried me, giggling, into the bedroom.

After … ahhh! … bahis şirketleri hee-hee, yes, just like that. Ohh, yesss, don’t stop my husbands, ahh … unghhhh! Oh, don’t stop … don’t stop …

An hour later, Diyari rose from our bed and brought us bread, cheese and wine. Sirvan sat up and began eating.

So … discuss what? Sirvan asked me again.

I took a wet cloth and wiped my husbands’ seed from my loins and arse, then donned my robe, for the evening air began to feel chilly. Our long and vigorous bout of love-making had improved my mood markedly, as well as cleared my mind: for this idea that had seemed so fraught and threatening to my happiness with Sirvan and Diyari now seemed … possible. Even … exciting?

Your cousin Evindar: should I marry him? I asked bluntly. I took a sip of wine and waited for their answer.

Sirvan and Diyari grinned at each other. Beloved, Sirvan said, if you can find it in your heart to receive our cousin as your husband, we can gladly receive him as our younger brother. Our children already love him as a father.

The boy is a clever worker, commented Diyari. He somehow accomplishes as much as Sirvan and me combined in the same amount of time. With his help, our barley and olive harvests this year have been the best ever, by far. With the proceeds, we could buy that unused field of Rounak daughter of Ashti. The land would be perfect for a walnut orchard. And maybe buy some more goats, so you will have plenty of milk for your cheeses and yogurts. We could live very well, without having to work quite so hard, if Evindar laboured with us as a brother. But … well, I am getting ahead of myself. Berhem, beloved, the important question, is: could you love and desire him?

Until now, I have not allowed myself to think of him that way. But … oh Diyari, Evindar is so much like you and Sirvan – how could I desire you two as I do, and not desire him? Of course I desire him: what woman could resist any of the sons of Avzen, natural or adopted? But, we have been taking it for granted that Evindar wants this marriage. Perhaps he does not desire me at all. Perhaps I am too old for him, or my facial scar repels him. Or perhaps he will not want to lie with me together with you two. Perhaps he will want to take turns. A common marriage is one thing: what we have is something far more intimate.

Beloved, said Sirvan, if Evindar comes into this marriage, he comes as our younger brother. A Mitri younger brother must adapt himself to the household ways of his older brothers and their wife, not the other way round. Evindar knows this. He knows how Diyari and I lie with you – not the intimate details of our love-making of course – those we will teach him when the time comes. Our aunt Veman sent him here to dwell with us, after hearing our mother speak so rapturously of you. So Evindar came hoping that you would look favourably on him and receive him as a husband. He has remained in our house, working alongside Diyari and me, bonding with our children, listening to our love-making every night. If he did not desire this marriage, he would have returned to Rozaq long ago. And … Diyari and I discovered something, a few days ago. Shall we tell her?

Diyari explained: you recently cut up one of your worn-out under-skirts for rags, and threw away a couple of excess pieces. Well, these scraps of cloth still smelled of you … of your body, your quz. So Sirvan and I took them. When we are out working in the fields and orchards, and sit down to rest for a moment, it cheers our hearts to take out these bits of cloth, that you once wore next to your womanly parts, and smell the scent of you upon them. Evindar saw us doing this. The next day, my cloth went missing. I found it later beneath Evindar’s pillow, but I said nothing to him. I did not want to embarrass the boy.

You men enjoy smelling my unwashed clothing? I asked incredulously.

They smell of you, beloved, Sirvan said blushing. We love your smell, we cannot live without it. And neither, it seems, can Evindar. Trust us: that boy desires you as we do.

I found my husbands’ preoccupation with bits of smelly old cloth surprising, to say the least; but the frankness and vulnerability of their confession, and the love and desire for me that motivated them, melted my heart. I would gladly give them every single garment of mine, to cheer their hearts. For my husbands. In my mind, that term now seemed to include Evindar.

As for you scar – began Diyari, in a stern tone.

Yes, I know, I replied. I merely said that out of old habit.

In truth, my scar, that I once thought so hideous, had faded over time. It was now merely a faint white line on my face. Perhaps it was never as bad in reality as it was in my own mind. Nearly a decade of Sirvan and Diyari constantly affirming my beauty and desirability, with words and actions, has had its effect on my self-image. My husbands desire me, of that I have no doubt. They love the features of my face, my expressions, my moods, the sheen of my greying hair as I brush it out in the evening. They revel in the softness and warmth of my fat body. Why should not Evindar, who is cut from the same cloth as my husbands, desire me as well?

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