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This story, as is all stories, isn’t written for everyone. If you enjoyed it, thank you very much and you’re welcome. If not, thank you for visiting.


I was out in the back of the yard where there isn’t much grass. Even tho, I have a big tarp spread around and a small work table in the middle. I was paint spraying a part of a metal patio table I took apart. I usually let a layer dry for about five minutes before putting the next layer on. Nothing was in the sun so it wouldn’t dry too quickly and crack.

My daughter Bev came out. She said, “Dad, I have to ask you something. What happens when I lose my virginity? I mean does it hurt really bad or just a little and will I bleed a lot or just a little and how do I know when to stop? I thought about asking the doctor or mom but I don’t want anyone to know I want to know. I know you’ll keep it to yourself.”

I was sitting down. Bev was holding one arm that was hanging down and she was swiveling around and back, looking at me. “Well,” I said. “The answers would depend on certain differences and things. Is it something you need to know right away or just need to know? I’m not trying to pry.”

“I’m not going to lose my virginity tomorrow. I just want to know so I know. I’ve heard so many stories. It’s confusing.”

About that time Tess walked up saying, “How’s the table coming along? That looks good. Nice shade too.” Tess is our wife and mom.

Bev pops right up and says with a great smile, “It does doesn’t it. Dad does great work. It’s starting to look as good as the chairs. Well, I’ve got a few things to do. Don’t work too hard dad. Mom, I finished up in the kitchen.” Bev was off back to the house.

Bev graduated from high school about a year ago. She’s 5ft5 and light weight. Shoulder length hair and beautiful figure. She works for the town and has three boyfriends. She circulates between all three without favor that I can tell. She hasn’t gotten into a lot of sports so she’s probably intact and I know she’s on the pill. She’s 19 so we don’t particularly worry about her personal life or pry. She’s always seemed to talk to me rather than her mom about stuff.

I don’t know a whole lot about virgins. I don’t know if Tess was or not and I’ve never asked and she’s never said. It never mattered to me. She was, and is, one sexy woman and a hand full in the sack, still. Tess started out at 5ft7 but I think she’s 5ft6 now. I’m 6ft1 so Bev takes after Tess I guess. Tess is light weight too. I guess I need to go find out about virgins. Strange I don’t know a lot after all this time. I never really had a desire for virgins.

I found out what I could and told Bev when she wanted to talk to let me know. She did say she wasn’t in a hurry about it. A couple of days later Tess was teaching some night courses at the local trade school. She used to be a teacher. Bev said this would be a good time.

We got settled and I said, “As you might expect, everybody is different. Size and strength and thickness and all that. A lot of the hurt is because the hymen splits and the moisture makes it sting like crazy but it doesn’t last that long. I suppose the shock to the area settles down to a little hurt. Kind of like a big paper cut when you’re sweating. Could be easier. Could be worse. It depends on the particular person.

“A doctor can take care of it or you can slowly open it up some. Almost always it’s not a monstrous shock hurt. It might bleed some but some padding usually will take care of that and it’ll stop bleeding by itself in most cases. It’s not much to go on but it’s a start.”

I stopped and waited. Finally she said, “I don’t want to get it done at the doctors. I don’t want to open it up myself. It sounds like the best way is to fold a thick towel under me and lose it the old fashion way and grit my teeth through it. I need to know exactly what’s there. I’ll be right back.”

She went towards the kitchen then the bathroom then came back. She had her cell phone and a really bright small light for putting makeup on. I was starting to get a bad feeling about this. We have a nice day bed in the den. Bev went over and said, “OK, come over here.” I did and she did something to the cell phone and gave it to me and cut on the light. It was an LED, battery operated.

She said, “I want you to get a good look and remember what you see and take a few pictures.” She waited and I waited. She said, “Ready?” I shook my head and she pulled her shorts off and took her panties off. She had already gotten me down on my knees and I was looking right at her, right between her legs. She didn’t have any pubic hair, just a circle up above. No little hairs trying to grow back, just smooth pink skin.

She sat on the day bed and lay back and lifted one leg over my head and put it on the edge of the day bed like her other one. They were way out. She reached down and spread herself and I could see right down in her vagina, right at her hymen. I looked up at her eyes and back down. She Özdere Escort said, “Dad, your mouth is hanging open.” I shut my mouth.

“You’ve seen girls before,” she said. “Look until you’re a little comfortable and we can take the pictures. After that it should be easier for you to get down and look close to get a clear memory of everything.”

I don’t know why but I reached out and put my fingers on both sides of her clit and pulled outward. The folds opened up more and I could see down on in below the clit. I could see the clit peeking out. It was so pink. I’ve never even seen Tess like that. I looked up and she was smiling at me. She didn’t mind. I smiled back and got the camera. I got it oriented and took a couple of pictures.

I moved Bev’s fingers on either side up and down and out more to get five more pictures, all nice close ups. When I finished I stuck my finger down towards her hymen but pulled it back and stuck it in my mouth and the fingernail was rough so I checked my second finger and it was smooth so I used that one. I touched her hymen on the front side all around and slipped my finger just on the inside and pressed outward around it and a little on the far side pulling backwards.

I looked up at Bev and she was biting her lips. I smiled and slipped my finger on in. I never thought about me using my second finger but I guess it was appropriate. I didn’t enlarge her hymen but wanted to see if it was tougher than it appeared. It didn’t seem so. Bev squeezed around my finger and moved her hips at me a couple of times while I was doing that.

I stopped and got up and she put her panties and shorts back on. I don’t know why but when she wasn’t looking I smelled my finger. I had to take a good breath after that. Life went on as normal and neither one of us said anything about it until about a week later. Bev almost caught me nude coming out of the shower but I got a big towel on before she saw me. I was standing there knowing I was getting hard.

“Dad,” she said. “I want to take a couple of pictures of you like you did me.”

“Uh, Bev,” I said. “I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do.”

“Dad, you saw me,” she said. “I can see you. I’ve only seen one in pictures. I haven’t even seen Ben or George or Bret. I know my part now and I need to know the other side. We can wait until mom’s teaching and do about the same thing. We can’t stop now, it’s too important.”

“Ok. You get everything you need and we can do that in about an hour and a half.” I just had a shower so I figured now was as good a time as any. She took me to her bedroom when she was ready. She didn’t do anything. I don’t know why but I thought she might take off her pants or something.

She had me take off everything below my waist. I was way up high but not fully. I was nervous. I was lying back on her bed with my legs wide and on the floor. My crotch was almost hanging off the bed. She had her knees on a pillow on the floor and she was within about two inches of me sticking up, still not fully up.

She said, “It’s not all the way hard. I need it like it’s going to be during sex.” My head was on a small pillow and I could see her face. She was staring at me. I flapped my lips a couple of times. I wasn’t going to play with myself. She said, “If I take my pants off will that help?” I did a face like ‘I don’t know’.

Bev smiled devilishly and put her hand around me about mid-way and leaned over and breathed right on the head. A few times and I was up a lot more. She stuck out her tongue, right on the top, and licked me on the head a few times. I was up hard as a rock and about to bust out. Solid concrete. Blue steel. Then she got to work finding out what she wanted to know.

She pulled my foreskin way down and back up a lot of times and twisted everything around one way then the other. She worked the foreskin down under my ridge and let go and squeezed the head so the hole opened up and she pushed down on the top and even felt all around down on my balls. She took about five pictures different angles and with the foreskin up and down.

Sheepishly, she took out a little ruler and measured a few ways but she didn’t write anything down. I was worried about what would happen to the pictures but I trusted her and they didn’t show anything identifying, they were close ups. She said ‘thanks’ and stood there while I got dressed and left. I wondered if the pictures of her and me were beside each other in her cell phone.

Several evenings later Bev sat staring around the den and finally decided I guess. She came over and said, “Dad, remember when you touched me, you know, inside, well I was wondering if you could do that more. A few more times. Other than I like it, I mean a lot, it might loosen it or stretch it some. Seems to be the thing to do at this point. A good comfortable position you like and take your time. As much as you can handle. I mean do.”

I’ve already been in there so it didn’t seem to Özdere Escort Bayan be a problem. Of course at the level she was asking it gets it to something else entirely. I said, “I understand what you want to get done. I guess I can do that. When do you want to start?”

“We’re alone for a while,” she said. “Can we start now?” Bev didn’t particularly wait around for something to happen.

I said, “Ok. How about right here and pretend I’m Ben or George or Bret and you get us arranged.”

Bev laughed out loud at me. I must have gotten to her a little. She took off everything below her waist. I could have gotten in her pants ok. That’s fun. I had summer shorts and a knit top on. She got a pillow and got on the day bed stretched out on her back. I got on my side facing and checked my second finger again. It was smooth and clean. I knew all about fingering and slid my hand right down and worked in. Only took a second or two. She was ready, wet. No need for lube.

I was careful going in the hymen but once in, I set up a nice pattern. I did a full in and mostly out for a few times then pushed in a little harder and back. Occasionally I bent my knuckle so it would flex the center going in and out and rotated my finger slightly so it got it all around. I did this for a long time then slowly bent my knuckle more. Occasionally I came fully out checking for blood. Bev had her eyes closed so she didn’t notice.

She was breathing deeply. I thought she may have an orgasm so I tried flicking her g-spot place and went faster. Still ok. She started working her hips into my hand ruining my careful approach and routine. She was going to tear it herself if she got too active but she had an orgasm and that got her thrusting up hard but directly up and down. She slowly slowed down and clinched her thighs together with her knees up. Still no spotting.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I wasn’t expecting to have an orgasm.” It was about then that I noticed she had a hand in my lap with her fingers feeling everything. I don’t know how long that went on. She was still rubbing me up and down and squeezing.

I leaned over and gave her a kiss and said, “Well, I expected it. I’m pretty good you know.” I got off so she could get up and she got dressed and went off, I guess to the bathroom to check. I asked later and she was good.

We did that five more times, a couple of days between. I could tell there was more space available in the middle but of course it wasn’t broke.

That was it. Life went on as usual then about two and a half weeks later Bev said, “Dad, I talked with mom about what I’m trying to do. Not everything. Not about the pictures or many details. I want to experiment some. I asked mom what she thought about it and she said it was a good idea but, of course, it’s up to you. I asked her if she wanted to be here but she said it wasn’t necessary to just go ahead.

“I want to lay around in bed with you and see how it is. I want to lie on top of you and see what it’s like. I want to play around a little and see what that’s like. You don’t have to do anything, I can do most all of it if that’s ok. That should get me turned on and you too. When we get that done I might can experiment and test a couple of things I’m thinking about. It’ll probably take some time. Could you think about it and let me know sometimes? Mom knows all this.”

“Ok Bev,” I said. “That’s a lot to think about. Are you sure about this. Wouldn’t it be better with someone other than your dad?”

“Not a chance,” she said. “Not hardly. I know you can control yourself and mom said you could too. Except when you get hard or soft. Girl power controls that.” She was smiling wickedly again. “Besides, we have a history and it’s working for me.”

Tess got ready for her couple of lectures early. About an hour before she left she said, “I’ll be gone about three hours. Take a shower. Listen to what she says. Have fun.” I went straight to the shower. Nobody said Bev wanted to do this today until just now. Tess gave me a kiss and drove off. I saw Bev coming out of her bathroom with a bathrobe on drying her hair. I was trying to get my head organized but couldn’t. I wasn’t all that sure what Bev wanted to do.

I was in the den and Bev came in and sat with me on the sofa. She said, “Mom said she would say something. Sorry, I was going to do that. If you want to put it off that’s ok.”

“Now is fine,” I said. “Whatever you would like.”

She smiled and said, “Let’s use your and mom’s bed. I have to go and change. If you could just take everything off I’ll be over in a few minutes.” Nobody said anything about stripping. If she’s going to change why do I have to strip? Women. I was starting to push up in the middle of my shorts. I went to the bedroom and took everything off and turned the lights down a lot so she couldn’t see all of me and closed the curtains and got on the bed by myself and felt really odd.

Bev was on the bed about five Escort Özdere minutes later. We cuddled up. I was 8 inches taller than she was so we’re a mismatch lying down. She said, “If you could do some of the stuff you like to do with mom it’ll probably get us both started.” Bev had on an awfully thin gown on down to about the top of her thighs. I could tell she didn’t have anything else on underneath.

I was looking at her breasts. Her breasts weren’t all that small for her size. She was small but not skin and bones. I said, “You want me to get personal and get you sexual excited. Make you want to have sex.”

She said, “I’m not in bed with a nude man with no pants or bra on for nothing.”

I looked at her and she was smiling really wide. She enjoyed saying that. She was teasing me. We were on our sides and I got an arm over her and down on her cheeks. I always liked that with Tess too. I could feel every little thing beneath her gown, it was so thin. I stuck my fingers down in her butt crack way down low and ran off the bottom of her gown and my fingers split right between her folds. She pushed back into my fingers then forward right into me and got out a moan. I was really hard down there. That was quick. She was kissing my nipples.

I was pressed right in her valley, nothing between us. I couldn’t believe I was that close to her vagina. I don’t know how much she was doing with Ben and George and Bret but this was certainly turning her on quickly and me too. She said, “I’ll try and keep you hard. I’m going to get on top and see how it is. If you’re not sure about something let me know.”

She tilted me over on my back and climbed on. She squeezed my legs together with hers and moved up so her head was almost as high as mine. She kept her legs almost together. I could feel myself up between her thighs. Her middle was hot against my lower stomach, her gown up about at her belly button.

I slid my hands down her back and on her buns. I spread her cheeks way out a few times and got my hands on the edge of her hips and moved her around. She opened her legs a little then closed them back. I slid my fingers fully down the center of her buns and pressed into the bottom of her folds like before. She really liked that so I slid the other hand down under to her clit and played with both places like a sandwich.

She started moving herself up my body against my fingers and back down making my fingers go up and down her hood. She still had me clamped between her thighs and she was pulling me with her movements. It felt like I was having sex. She said, “I’m going to lift up a little. Pull my gown off.” I did and she let herself back down and I felt her thighs clamp around me again. All that skin. I felt her round bush tickling me.

She said, “Dad, is this too much? Can I keep going?”

“I’m enjoying myself very much,” I said. “Go ahead if you’re good.” She kept stretching herself up and down my body. She opened her legs and spread them outside mine and left them there, her knees bent a little. She kept moving. I was touching her thighs a little higher with her movements, up where they angled into each other at her crotch and I was pointing more up my body than straight up like before where she had me.

She got up high and we had a really good passionate kiss. One of those erotic kinds with her hard nipples rubbing. During that I felt her moving around. When we stopped kissing I saw her knees folded up alongside me like a frog. Her folds had to be wide open and her clit fully clear. She kissed my nipples again and slowly moved down.

I slipped my hand down on top of her buns and started massaging. I pushed her down and moved her left and right some, not hard. I was exercising her against me. It built passion. Tess liked that and Bev responded with some hip pumps.

Bev was rocking on her folded legs and moving down a little each time. She slipped a hand down under and I felt her wrap me below the head. She pulled me down and rocked downward and moved downward. I knew then she was probably going to bust her hymen with me. I already suspected that. She was certainly heading that way.

I quickly reached over and got some lube and reached over her and lubed around her vagina entrance and down in a little. Then I got a little more and reached down and lubed me, all over the head and down just above her hand. I had my fingers folded in my hand so I could get the lube down there. I don’t think she actually noticed what I did, just that I played with her.

I was holding off and letting her go with what she wanted to do. I was almost a nervous wreck and remembering Tess was ok with Bev doing this with me. I was really hard. I felt my head touch her somewhere between her thighs and she slowed down and moved down just a little and rocked again. She had my foreskin pulled way down so the head was bare and smooth.

The next time we touched I could feel the heat and she held still and moaned the sweetest way. She tilted her head down on my chest so she was resting on her forehead. She pushed backwards with her head and I felt her spread over me just on top. She held that a few moments and backed off then back down, not much. She held that and slowly pulled her hand out and got her arms around my stomach.

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