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This takes place in a year BMP – before mobile phone – so please don’t ask why the various characters aren’t texting each other. This story is based loosely on real events and all names have been changed


I gently woke from a doze and stretched with a yawn. Suddenly I started fully awake. Where am I? This isn’t my bedroom! I panicked as I looked around.

The room is bare apart from a single bed and a small wooden wardrobe. Daylight shines in through thin curtains. A plain wooden door stands slightly open with a glimpse of a corridor and a bathroom beyond.

Where’s our double bed? Where’s the dresser with Maggie’s toiletries and other mysterious girly things?

Memory and realisation start to creep back partly prompted by the smell of sex that pervades the room.

Oooh shit. What have I done? Flash images now come back to me of the hours recently spent. A thrill of guilt and excitement as our doorbell rang. Nervously scanning around to see if she had been seen. Paranoia as I checked the rear view mirror throughout the drive to her place. Excited laughter as we climbed the stairs to the flat. Slow sighs as we kissed tenderly and stripped each other. Passion erupting as we coupled first on the couch and later in the guest bedroom.

Much earlier…

‘Hey Phil, have you and Maggie got plans for Saturday?’ my co-worker Mick yelled across the office.

‘Nothing so far’ I replied. ‘What do you have in mind?’

With a grin he wandered closer and looked around. ‘I’ve just met this girl who’s a student nurse and I’m looking to try and spend the night with her in a bit of privacy. If you get my drift? She lives in student digs and they don’t like blokes staying over in the women’s dorm rooms. And my mum and dad would have a fit if she spent the night with me.’

Mick still lived with his parents as the jobs we had were steady but paid really poorly. I’d only moved out from my folks a year before so I appreciated his situation. Maggie and I were sharing a two bedroom flat with a girl called Vicky. She worked shifts as a hotel duty manager so she was often away overnight.

‘Let me check with Vicky and I will let you know.’ I told him. I would also need to clear it with Maggie as her and Mick had been an item before

That night Maggie was already home when I got back.

‘Hiya sweetie. How was your day?’ I cheerfully asked?

Her eyes narrowed at the question. ‘Bloody awful if you really want to know. Today’s visit was miles away and the bus was late both there and back. The bloke didn’t have the right info so all in all it was a waste of time.’

But she sagged a little and smiled. ‘Still I get paid regardless so maybe not so bad after all.’

Maggie worked for the council verifying claimant’s financial records. The pay was even worse than mine but between the two of us we were managing, especially as Vicky paid half the rent.

‘Gin and tonic?’ I suggested.

‘Thought you would never ask!’ Maggie grinned.

A couple of healthy swigs and some small talk later I broached the idea of Mick and his girlfriend staying over on Saturday.

‘Would you mind if Mick and a friend stayed over on Saturday night? Thought maybe we get a takeaway and a movie and a few drinks in.’ I waited to see how she would react.

‘A lady friend, I presume?’ she folded her arms and gave me that stare.

‘Erm, yes’ I gulped some more gin. ‘Look I know you and he had a thing going but that was some time ago now. You’ve got me, and he’s moving on.’

‘Hmm, ok I suppose but you are tidying the place up not me.’ she spat. ‘And you’re paying for everything!’

‘Understood’ I meekly replied.

That night we were lying in bed when Maggie rolled to me and asked me ‘So what’s she like?’

‘Dunno to be honest. I’ve not met her. All I know is she’s a student nurse and he met her a short while ago.’

‘So younger than me?’ Maggie pouted. She was a couple of years older than Mick who was a year older than me.

‘Maybe,’ I said ‘but you’re young at heart and I love that about you. I also love your sexy body.’

I stoked my hand up her thigh and pushed up the t shirt she was wearing. My hand reached up to cup her breast and caress her nipple.

‘So it’s like that is it?’ she said. ‘A bit of flattery and then cop a feel?’ but she grinned and leaned in for a kiss.

Our kisses started gently but built into a passionate embrace. An embrace only broken when she pulled her t shirt off and her breasts came fully into sight. Sometimes she was self-conscious about them as they were large but were starting to sag somewhat. But I loved them. She had introduced me to the art of tit fucking and I was a total convert.

I kissed her breasts all over and took a nipple into my mouth. She squealed and then bit her lip. Vicky was home and we knew that the walls weren’t sound proof – in either direction.

Teasing her I bit her other nipple and she slapped the back of my head. ‘Bastard’ she hissed but giggled as I kissed it better.

She leaned over to the Fındıkzade Escort night stand and grabbed a condom for me. I sleep naked so my erection was already to hand as it were. While I rolled the condom on she eased her knickers off and sat astride me – her favourite position.

She was already wet and my cock slid across her pussy and tickled her clit.

‘Mmm, that’s nice.’ She purred.

As I thrust to and fro I kneaded her breasts as they swayed in my face. She leaned forward for a kiss and I hitched my position. My cock came out from between her thighs and settled in between her bum cheeks just nudging at her arse hole. She froze immediately.

‘Just what do you think you are doing?’ she spat with a glare on her face.

‘Nothing, just moving my legs.’ I pleaded.

‘You know I don’t do that.’ She hissed.

‘It was an accident honest!’ I said.

A voice from next door yelled ‘That’s what they all say!’

We both froze and then fell about in fits of laughter. It was a good job Vicky had a sense of humour. Our previous co-tenant Sara was so straight laced she didn’t even like to discuss romance movies as they were ‘too smutty’.

‘Where were we?’ I asked.

‘Heading in the wrong direction’ Maggie replied.

With her hand helping, the right direction was achieved and she sighed as I sank home. She preferred to be on top as she felt stifled by my weight bearing down on her. I preferred doggy style but she didn’t like the lack of eye contact. Her Irish catholic guilt seemed to be assuaged by the more intimate face to face positions. Sex for love was ok but sex for sex’s sake was a sin. I didn’t want children so the condom was essential. As a very lapsed Church of England it appeared that I wasn’t going to be burning in hell for wearing a condom but she didn’t like using birth control.

My mind wandered to prolong the sex. What do you call people that use the rhythm method? Parents. The old joke caused me to break into a smile and Maggie noticed even as her orgasm was building.

‘Penny for them’ she purred.

‘Just thinking how lucky I am to have you.’ I replied. Bullshit, but the answer satisfied her and she started to bounce on my cock with more vigour.

Her chest and neck started to flush and I pinched her nipples each time she rode down. The bed was squeaking along with us and I knew Vicky could hear it. Maggie was lost to the world by now and her glistening body moved faster and faster. I could see my cock being sucked in by her pussy lips and her juices were running down my balls.

Maggie fell forward and screamed her orgasm into the pillow right by my ear. I grabbed her hips and fucked her as hard as I could knowing that she would want me to stop soon. She never liked to continue to fuck after a climax. A situation I had asked about but had been told to mind my own business over. My cock erupted as she started to stir and I hugged her tightly to me as I came with my cock buried inside her.

‘Are you done yet?’ she snapped.

‘Yes, my sweet.’ I replied biting back a different answer.

‘Put the condom in the bin, don’t leave it in here.’ She said – as always.

I threw on a robe and padded out to where the bin was. Second time I’ve dumped my load, I thought as the bin lid dropped.

Turning round I was face to face with Vicky, tousle haired with a huge grin on her face.

‘For some reason I’m finding it difficult to sleep.’ She said as she looked me up and down. ‘Wonder why?’

I grinned and shrugged. ‘Maybe you need a man rather than Ever Readies?’

She blushed and waved me away with a laugh.

‘By the way are you working night shift on Saturday?’ I asked her.

‘Yes I am.’ She replied. ‘Why?’

‘A mate of mine wants your bed for the night.’

‘With me in it?’ she joked.

‘Erm sadly no. He’s got a date.’

‘Well change the sheets before and after and that’s ok.’ She said.

‘You are a star, and I owe you one.’ I told her.

‘If Maggie leaves you can give me one’ she grinned, kissed my cheek and bounced off back to bed. The swing of her hips told me she meant that and my cock twitched at the thought. She was a lovely girl and very outgoing, perfectly suited to working in the hotel trade and you could tell from her frame that she had enjoyed the food that all hotel staff had access to. Big! Ooh I like em big! I thought to myself in my best Professor Peach impression.

Maggie was gently snoring as I got back into bed and I drifted off to sleep with visions of me being buried in soft willing female flesh.

The next day I gave Mick the good news that we were ok for Saturday but that I expected him to go halves on the food and booze.

‘Tell you what’ he said. ‘I will get the food and you can get the drinks.’

‘Fair enough’ I agreed and we went back to work.

Saturday was spent cleaning the whole bloody flat under Maggie’s watchful gaze. Not bloke shove-it-behind-the-sofa cleaning. Oh no sirree. I didn’t know we even had dado rails never mind dusting the Fındıkzade escort Bayan bloody things. “Because” was all the reply I got to why I had to dust behind the telly. Buckets of soapy water later and three gallons of elbow grease I got the all clear. “Suppose it will have to do”. A sharp exit to the off licence was made before she could spot anything else that needed cleaning.

One battered credit card later I came back with beers, wines, coolers and spirits. Mick hadn’t told me what his date liked to drink so I’d tried to cover all the bases. Maggie raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I’d bought a bottle of Bombay Sapphire and some nice tonic to keep her happy.

The bathroom had been left a warzone by Maggie – what do women do in there? A quick shower was accompanied by the instruction “Don’t you leave that room a mess”. It took longer to tidy up than shower and I felt like I needed another shower after.

‘What time are they coming?’ Maggie asked.

Ah, I’d forgotten to ask. ‘Erm about eight he said’ I replied. ‘Care for a wee drink while we wait?’

She nodded and I poured her a Bombay and tonic. A bit of light music on the stereo and I could see she was beginning to relax.

‘You ok babe?’ I asked as I slipped an arm round her waist.

‘Guess so’ she sighed. ‘Sorry but the prospect of meeting Mick again has got me more wound up than I thought it would.’

‘You’ll be fine’ I encouraged her and re-filled her dutch courage.

Quarter to bloody nine they finally showed up. I’d been sipping lager but Maggie had been giving the gin a hiding.

‘Ellen meet Phil, and Maggie.’ Mick said as he led in his date.

‘Pleased to meet you both, and thanks for having us.’ Ellen said.

‘Charmed’ Maggie huffed and I shook Ellen’s hand.

‘Nice to meet you. Thought you were getting here a bit earlier?’ I asked of them both.

‘Bloody car trouble’ Mick groused but then burped unmistakable beer fumes at me.

‘I take it you are driving’ I grinned at Ellen.

‘Yes but not til the morning’ Ellen smiled. ‘I can have enough to relax a bit and let my hair down.’

Her hair was down and was a lovely mass of blonde/brown curls. Blue eyes and a cute smile looked out from between long hippy style earrings. A ruffled top and a pleated peasant skirt carried on the hippy chick look.

Drinks all round and I looked at Mick realising that he hadn’t brought any food.

‘Word in your ear, my old son’ as I gripped his elbow. ‘Where’s the food?’

‘On it’s way me old mate. Got them to deliver. Cunning eh?’

The doorbell rang and sure enough a takeaway driver was there with a carrier bag full of food.

‘Would you do the honours?’ Mick asked. ‘I’m a bit short.’

I glowered at him and settled the bill with the last of my cash. Pay day was ten days away and I was less than impressed. I noticed Ellen had overheard our exchange and her eyes narrowed at Mick.

Dinner was spent with us eating the not quite enough food Mick had ordered whilst Maggie and Mick sniped at each other and seemed to try and out drink each other. Ellen and I sipped our drinks and tried our best to stay out of the growing row.

‘So has he had his rather brief way with you yet?’ Maggie snipped at Ellen.

Mick blustered but Ellen was serene. ‘Not yet but the night is young.’ She replied with a twinkle in her eye.

‘Well I hope you have a book to read cos you will need something to enjoy.’ Maggie continued.

‘I think I will clear the dishes.’ I said into the silence. Ellen helped but Mick and Maggie just sat and stared daggers at each other.

In the kitchen I thanked Ellen for her help and apologised for the atmosphere.

‘Think nothing of it. Mick doesn’t give a toss about anyone’s feelings. Ellen replied. ‘It took me about ten seconds to realise that.’

‘Scuse me, I need to grab the Baileys.’ I said trying to edge past Ellen in the narrow kitchen. ‘Maggie loves it but it puts her off to sleep. Maybe for the best.’

Ellen saw I was trying to get past but didn’t back away. I had to edge past her sideways and I swear she pushed her hips against me as we slid past. A waft of her perfume hit me and I couldn’t stop myself licking my lips. She giggled as she turned and walked away glancing back as she left the kitchen heading for the bathroom. Did she lick her lips as she turned the corner?

‘Who’s for a Baileys?’ I asked as I entered the front room war zone. No reply from either Maggie or Mick who had both descended into sullen silence sitting each in a chair as far apart as it was possible to be in our small flat. With a cheery smile and an inward sigh I handed them both a drink and sat on the sofa.

Ellen came back from the bathroom and took her drink and sat with me on the sofa. She took her shoes off and curled her legs up with her feet touching my thigh.

Ellen and I chatted for a while and I noticed her toes wriggling against my leg. I looked down at them and then up at her. She raised her eyebrows and looked back at her Escort Fındıkzade feet and this time I felt her toes caress my leg.

I looked at Maggie and Mick and they were both nodding over their drinks. Slowly I eased my hand across so it rested on Ellen’s toes. Another wiggle of the toes and a grin told me I was not in any trouble with her. I gently squeezed and rubbed her toes and she cooed appreciatively.

I was getting hard just touching this girls toes. A girl I only met hours before. Another waft of her perfume caught in my throat as she shifted her position on the sofa. Now she sat lengthways with her knees raised. Her skirt rode up her legs revealing her slim calves disappearing into the dark folds. Did I dare stroke her legs or should I keep my hand on her feet? Her roving toes persuaded me to slide my hand up the back of her calf. She sighed gently and jumped as my hand touched the back of her knee.

My mind was racing as I looked across at Maggie over to Mick. Both of them seemed fast asleep and I moved my hand onto the inside of Ellen’s thigh. The pain I felt as her thighs squeezed my fingers made me gasp and her shake of the head told me I had gone too far. She released her grip on me and I slowly extracted my hand. A gentle wring of my fingers as they reappeared had Ellen giggling into her drink.

‘Mick, its time for bed.’ Ellen called as she stood up. He grunted, shook himself awake and gazed owlishly around the room.

‘Suppose so.’ He muttered as they wandered off to the spare room.

Maggie barely roused as I cajoled her from her chair and I reckon she was asleep before she hit the bed. I did my best to get her comfortable including fetching an emergency bowl – just in case.

I was just finishing the tidying away when I heard Ellen’s voice behind me.

‘Thank you for an interesting evening. Not the best I’ve ever spent but one I’m sure we will look back on.’ I grinned at her and thought “We”? Does she mean her and Mick or something else?

Ellen continued ‘I need to get my washbag from the car. Would you mind coming with me cos I don’t like to be out in the dark on my own. Who knows what I might get up to?’ she grinned.

Her car was parked down the street so I suggested she bring it round through the gate to the space next to mine. Vicky rented that one from the landlord so Ellen could park there safely for the night. The access was from the next road around so Ellen drove whilst I directed her. Just a two minute car journey refilled my nostrils with her perfume and again I drifted into reverie.

‘Erm. Gate code?’ Ellen was looking sideways at me with a smile.

I snapped out of it and told her the code and where to park. We exited the car and she opened the boot to lean in and get her bag.

‘Let me help you with that’ I gallantly offered trying to take the bag from her. A brief tug of war somehow ended up in us toe to toe with the bag clutched between us. I looked down at her upturned laughing face. More perfume and again I closed my eyes. I felt the gentlest of kisses on my cheek and then she moved away from me.

‘Coming?’ she asked over her shoulder as she headed towards the stairs.

‘Nearly’ I muttered to myself but she clearly heard me as her laughter rang out from the stairwell.

Back in the flat a silence fell between us. Our eyes fixed on each other and we both heaved a sigh. Snoring came from a bedroom and broke the spell. We smiled and bid each other a fond goodnight.

The following morning Mick and Maggie were both the worse for wear and breakfast was coffee for them and toast and jam for Ellen and myself.

As they left Maggie asked if Ellen had enjoyed herself. ‘Oh I had a great time and would love to see you again.’ Was that directed at me? Maggie was making a snide remark at Mick as Ellen blew me a kiss from behind them both.

Three months later, I was filling in paperwork when the phone on Micks empty desk rang. Mick had left weeks before and hadn’t been replaced. To be honest we had shared his work between three of us and barely noticed the extra. I picked the phone up remotely and gave my name.

‘Oops wrong number’ said a voice I thought I recognised.

‘Sorry but Mick no longer works here. Can I help you? My names Phil.’

‘Not the I-get-overcome-by-perfume Phil?’ the voice giggled

‘Ellen! How are you?’ I cried.

‘Not bad ta.’ She replied. ‘I’ve now qualified as a nurse and I’ve moved in with Mick. I needed to speak to him and I’ve got his old work number in my diary. You still with Maggie?’

‘Sure am’ I said. Well just about anyway. She and I were going through a “phase” and I was feeling somewhat trapped. Couldn’t afford to move out on my own and my parents wouldn’t want me back. Regular but rather perfunctory sex was better than none and I hated cooking for myself. All in all a typical marriage I ruefully thought to myself – without the legal tied knot.

‘I never thanked you for that night a few months ago. When he got over his hangover Mick confessed he dropped you in it.’ she sounded sad.

‘No problem’ I assured her. I’d scraped by for the rest of the month – part of the issue I was having with Maggie – but I was back in the black. Mick leaving had meant a wage boost for the rest of the team. Not his salary split three ways – no chance – but a nice rise all the same.

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