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Sean leaned against the outside wall of some club, puffing on a cigarette and waiting for some girl his friends had decided to set him up with. It had been three years since the death of his beloved wife, and he was healing, slowly; he knew it was time to start living again. He hadn’t put up much fight when his friends Jack and Molly had told him about this woman; he had listened with half an ear, and nodded when he was supposed to.

He’d been more concerned with how the dating scene had changed since he was last in the game, than what it was about this woman that his friends thought was so perfect. Since this would be his first foray into the world of dating in more years than he could count, he figured it would be a complete disaster anyway, no matter who his partner was.

Sean took one last puff from his cigarette before flicking it out into the street and pushing upright from the wall. He shot a glance at his watch and sighed; she was almost a half hour late already. As Sean debated on whether to go into the club and wait, or just hop in his truck and leave, another truck pulled into the lot and squealed to a stop inches from him.

He smirked tolerantly and moved to lean against the hood on the driver’s side, waiting patiently for the reckless driver to show themselves. Nervously, Sean crossed his ankles and leaned one elbow on the truck, his fingers linking to stop them from wringing together and giving him away. Sean pasted a small smile on his lips and licked his bottom lip as the door flew open.

Under the door of the truck, Sean saw a small foot appear followed by a trim ankle, a well-toned calf incased in black stockings. His breath caught in his throat as the next foot and leg appeared, slowly lowering her body from the height of the floorboard to the paved lot. His eyes glued to her legs, Sean held his breath as she stepped out from behind the door and moved to slam the door. His eyes slowly took in her sexy-as-sin legs, his gaze meeting the hem of a short black skirt that clung like second skin to her slim hips, up to the thin ribbon of bared skin at her tiny waist revealing her pierced navel. Her perfectly full breasts were cupped lovingly by a tight halter-top that left her shoulders bare and her long neck exposed. Sean let out a slow breath, his pants quickly becoming too tight.

Sean held his breath again as his gaze moved slowly up the column of her throat to her face. He saw her blond hair floating around her shoulders, then his breath caught as he looked at her face for the first time. For all the sinful-sexiness of her gorgeous body, the woman standing before him had the face of an angel. Her perfect features looked like they belonged on statuary rather than a body built for sex. He felt at a loss as what to do or say to her; then as he looked into her deep eyes he felt the breath rush from him and the tension leave his shoulders.

Smiling, Sean held his hand out to her and introduced himself. She matched his smile, the barest glint of mischief in her eyes as she took his hand in her soft one. Her voice flowed over him and he felt a constriction in his chest though the smile never left his face. His whole face felt frozen, only his eyes capable of movement as they roamed restlessly over her features; he tried to keep from looking at the rest of her body and coming off an asshole.

What had she said her name was? Kate? Was that the name of his date? Right now, Sean didn’t know. Her appearance had fried his brain and he would count himself lucky if he remembered his own. She tilted her head and boldly gave him a once over, lingering on the slight bulge beneath his pants, then met his eyes again. He watched hungrily as she licked her lips and smiled back at him. Sean belatedly came to stand upright and took a step closer to her, offering his arm, which she took without hesitation.

“Shall we go then?” Sean asked, his deep gravely voice made more so by the emotions coursing within him.


Kate tried to control her breathing as she took Sean’s arm and let him lead her into the club. As the heavy door opened they were met with a wall of loud Latin music and the conversations of hundreds of people all trying to talk over the other noise. Kate’s hips began to sway slightly to the music and she felt the sultry beat take over her senses. She felt the nervous energy leave her and felt her body relax and move freely.

She hadn’t been prepared for this meeting, for seeing exactly how sexy Sean was. She’d been given a brief description of what to expect, but she hadn’t been given fair warning of how much masculine appeal he carried. He stood over six feet, broad shoulders, well toned arms. His waist narrowed to slim hips and his long legs were well defined through his pants. Both his hands and feet were large, making her thoughts turn immediately to the old wives-tale linking the size of a man’s feet and/or hands to the size of his cock. Of course, she had seen the telltale bulge in his pants, which removed all doubts that he might maltepe escort be the exception to that myth.

Kate licked her lips and grinned cockily as they threaded through the tables and all heads, mostly female, turned to stare at them. When they reached the bar, Sean maneuvered her between two stools and stood closely behind her as they waited on the bartender. The crush of the other patrons pushed Sean closer against her backside and Kate rested back against him teasingly. She felt the rumble in his chest and smiled naughtily as she turned her head to look back at him.

“What would you like?” Sean asked, sounding desperate.

“A beer’s fine.” Kate said softly, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear her with all the noise.

“I’m sorry?” Sean replied and predictably moved his head closer to hers.

Kate twisted her mouth further toward him and stopped only when her lips softly brushed against his. “I said a beer is fine.” She repeated.

She heard, or thought she heard, Sean swallow loudly and felt his arm rise to get the bartenders attention. When the man looked at them Sean held up two fingers and within moments two beers were placed in front of them. Throwing money on the bar, Sean grabbed the bottles with one hand and pulled her around with the other. He motioned with his head to a quiet corner and Kate nodded before she followed him as he led her into the dark corner.

He held the chair out for her and Kate sank gracefully onto the hard seat. She watched as Sean moved to the other side of the table and he too sat, then took a slow drink from her beer, trying to chase away the dryness of her throat after watching him move. He moved with such grace, such fluid motion for one so big. It was incredibly sexy and made her think of his movements in other, more intimate, settings.

“I hope you don’t mind meeting me so late.” She said after a few moments.

“No, it’s fine.” Sean immediately replied, making Kate smile again.

“So, tell me about yourself, Sean.” Kate began the conversation again when it became obvious he had nothing more to say.

“Well, I’m a carpenter.” Sean fidgeted in his seat, taking a long pull from his beer before he continued. “I live on the beach. I’m a widower.”

“Okay,” Kate sighed. Getting him to open up was like pulling teeth. “Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I should go.”

“No!” Sean argued loudly, and then shot a look around to the people that had stopped to stare. “I mean, I don’t want you to go.” He continued more quietly and rubbed the back of his neck with a strong hand.

“You sure?” Kate asked, relieved. She could deal with the strong silent type, as long as they looked as mouthwatering delicious as Sean.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, it’s just been a long time since I’ve done this.”

“No problem.” Kate smiled reassuringly. “You wanna dance?”

“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Sean said, his face relaxing and he came to his feet to help her from her seat. Kate saw his beautiful brown eyes linger on her legs as she slowly rose to stand next to him, her hand folded securely in his.

Kate’s hips swayed with a little more sensual proposition than usual when she felt Sean’s gaze on her backside as he followed her onto the dance floor. Once they reached it she turned and felt herself swept into his arms. Her feet followed his direction effortlessly, her hips swinging, her hair floating around her. He surprised her again as they danced to the strong Latin beat. On the dance floor he lost his shyness, his nervousness, and swung her around effortlessly. Their bodies fused like two pieces of a puzzle, their hips moving together and bringing out a friction that threatened to singe her cloths. She felt her nipples harden and brush tantalizingly against his broad chest, felt her juices start to flow and she pressed her hips tighter against his.

The song ended and they stood together waiting for the next one to start. When it started Sean moved her to the faster beat, causing more friction between them, more heat. As the song stopped abruptly, Kate found herself panting heavily, the echo of Sean’s breath hot in her ear. They stood on the dance floor, their eyes glued together, their bodies straining. Without a word they began moving again as the next song played, a slower, sexier song that pulsed in Kate’s blood.

Before the song ended Kate felt his arms shift, dropping the formal pose and latching his large hands onto her hips. Her hands trailed to his shoulders but she found them soon wandering down his chest and arms, over his shoulders, around his neck. Her entire body felt hot, her hands burned by his body even through his cloths. Kate closed her eyes and let out a small gasp and she felt him move her again; this time her legs straddled one of his and pressed her swollen sex even tighter against his hard thigh.

One of his arms wrapped around her waist and the other hand came up to rest against her cheek. Kate leaned into the heat and opened her eyes to meet brown mamak escort eyes so full of hunger, she pulled away slightly in shock. In the next second he was gone, leaving her needy on the dance floor with imprints of his touch still burning her body. Kate shook her head to clear it and quickly followed him. She saw him push his way towards the door and half ran to catch up to him. As she pushed through the door, after being stopped numerous times by indecent proposals, Kate was breathing hard. She was incredibly turned on, but she was also afraid she had missed him and he was already gone.

Kate’s head snapped to the right as she heard a truck fire up then she took off as fast as her heels would allow her. She knew Sean was in that truck, her gut instinct was telling her to get to him before he left her and she lost him forever. Reaching the driver’s side she grabbed the handle and pulled the door open just as it started to move. Sean’s incredulous gaze met hers but he stopped the truck’s movement like she knew he would. Only a completely asshole would keep moving with a woman holding the door handle, and an asshole Sean wasn’t.

“You’re leaving?” Kate blurted, half-angry, half-confused.

“I… uh,” Sean stuttered. “I… yes. I was…”

“Just like that?” Kate retorted angrily now that she knew he had planned on ditching her without explanation.


“What the hell happened in there?” Kate cut him off, her temper getting the best of her. She knew who and what she was, dammit, and no one was going to cut her down like that.

“I just…” Sean sighed and looked away. “I just felt like it was a good idea.”

“Well, you were wrong!” Kate stated firmly. “Did you think I was going to climb into your skin? Strip you down naked and have my wicked way with you on the dance floor?”

“No, I thought I might.”

“What?” Kate asked, the steam draining out of her tirade.

“I was just getting too…”

“Horny?” Kate offered with a grin then laughed as he shot her a look of surprise.

“Yeah.” Sean answered quietly, looking out the windshield again.

“Do you want me?” Kate asked huskily as her panties became soaked.

“Yeah.” Sean groaned after a few moments. He sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes. “Yes. I want you, baby. I want you so bad it hurts.”

“Good.” Kate answered. “I want you too.”

Kate let go of the door and moved her hands down over her hips. Sean looked over at her, his head still resting on the back of the seat as his eyes followed the movements of her hands. When Kate reached the hem of her tight skirt she slowly raised it until she could slip her fingers into the waistband of her thong. Her eyes never left his face and she saw his tongue lick his full lips and his eyes widen at her bold actions. Kate shimmied her hips and pulled the black lace over her hips and down her legs. She bent at the waist as she stepped out of them, giving Sean a good look down the plunging necking of her top. She heard his growl as she straightened, saw his hands tense on the steering wheel. His knuckles showed white, his chest heaving with his strained breathing.

Kate took a step forward and set her wet panties on the dash above the wheel, her hot liquid trickling down her thighs unrestrained now. Seeing Sean’s eyes close, Kate moved closer and went to work on his fly. His hands still clutching the wheel tightly, the muscles in his arms bulged and Kate took a moment to lick the definition in his left forearm before spreading the sides of his pants open to reveal his throbbing cock. Kate heard herself groan as his amazing girth was presented to her, his impressive erection standing proudly from a nest of dark hair. Kate bent closer, ducking beneath his arm to lick the dewy drop of pre-cum that escaped the slitted head of his hot dick.

“Oh God.” Sean whispered roughly. “It’s been so long.”

“Me too.” Kate replied.

Feeling that neither of them was going to last long, Kate ducked out and pulled her skirt up. Sean got an eyeful of her black lace stockings with their elastic tops, the silky skin above, the glistening folds of her bare pussy before she stepped onto the running board. Sean’s arms finally released the steering wheel as he reached for her, helping her into the high truck and onto his lap. Kate straddled his lap, pressed tightly to his chest between him and the wheel. Kate groaned as she felt his strong hands grip her luscious ass, his fingers parting her and lifting her.

Kate’s mouth sought his out just as she guided his enormous cock into her waiting body. She swallowed his deep growl, her own gasp filled with awe. He filled her to bursting, his hot flesh stretching her almost to the point of pain. Her walls squeezed and released his length and Kate imagined she could feel every pulsing vein of his cock in her womb. She began to move instinctively, slowly rocking her hips, her mouth locked on his in a desperate kiss. His hands fisted in her hair, her ofise gelen escort hands ran down his chest, over his shoulders, his straining biceps.

Kate rocked faster, suddenly consumed with the need to feel him explode deep inside her. She wanted to feel his cock throb hotly inside her as he gave her his seed, wanted to cover his erection with her own cum. Kate could feel his hard thighs under her tight ass, felt her juices run freely down the length of his shaft, felt his heart beating furiously beneath her own breasts. Sean’s cry suddenly burst from him even as she felt his cock swell inside her then the hot rush of his cum spray her insides. The unrestrained pleasure in his voice sent her over the edge and Kate felt herself fall.

Her breath halted as her hot pussy contracted around the hard cock inside her, her back arched as she ground her hips into Sean’s. The pressure built inside her until she felt the waves crash over her, repeatedly sending tremors throughout her tight body, her juices flowing over his cock in a flood of release. Kate screamed out her ecstasy, her cries mingling with Sean’s to echo over the parking lot.

Minutes later Kate opened her eyes to see Sean had pulled her into his arms and he was holding her tightly to him. Their breathing had slowed, their heartbeats returning to normal but Kate could still feel him, still hard and seated deep within her. She lifted her head, wondering what he was thinking. She found herself staring at this gorgeous man, a peaceful smile on his lips, a captivating sparkle in his eyes.

“So,” Kate smiled teasingly at him. “My place or yours?”

“Mine.” Sean answered with a laugh. Then bending, his mouth lowered to hers and he took her mouth in a soul-destroying kiss that curled her toes and created a renewed flow of her juices to cover his hardening cock.


Kate followed Sean to his house, her thoughts on everything she wanted to do to his gorgeous body. She pulled her truck in behind his as he stopped at a beautiful beachfront home. Kate turned off the lights and the engine and watched hungrily as Sean stepped out of his truck then started back for her. She waited for him to open her door, then fell into his arms, her mouth devouring his impatiently. Sean’s strong arms lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, dimly aware that he was heading towards the front door.

Sean got the door opened without taking his mouth from hers and once inside, the echo of the door slamming reverberated throughout the house as he kicked the door shut behind them. He easily carried her to the bedroom and soon Kate felt herself lowered to the soft bed. Sean took his mouth from hers and quickly disrobed. She watched, her nipples tingling and her mouth watering as his toned body was revealed to her hot gaze. When Sean stood naked before her, Kate peeled her halter off and raised her hips to help Sean as he pulled her skirt from her body.

Kate kicked her shoes off, distantly hearing them thud somewhere behind her, never taking her eyes from the large cock before her. When Kate was naked save her black stockings, she spun around on the bed and lay on her back, her head hanging over the side. Grabbing the backs of Sean’s hard thighs, she pulled him closer until his knees touched the edge of the mattress and his throbbing erection touched her face. Kate eagerly began to lick the underside of Sean’s dick, leaving behind a thin layer of saliva to coat his shaft. She cupped his soft sacs in her hand then spent a few moments sucking and licking them, hearing him rasp out in approval.

“Oh, Goddamn!” Sean muttered thickly. “Oh baby. Fuck!”

Letting her legs fall open, Kate reached down with one hand and began to lightly rub small circles on her engorged clit, her other hand anchoring him to her. Sean’s hands came down to cup her head, his thumbs stroking her cheeks gently. Kate’s mouth opened and he guided his hot flesh into her mouth, letting out a guttural moan as she tightened her lips around the large head and swirled her tongue around it. She took him deeper into her mouth and he slid in easily even as he stretched her lips.

Kate relaxed her throat and let him push deep into her mouth, touching the back of her throat before he pulled out, only to thrust forward again. Kate pleasured herself while Sean began to fuck her face, her fingers parting the slippery folds and her fingers sliding into her sopping hole. She drew her fingers out and up around her aching clit, spreading her excitement over her soft folds.

“Oooh, fuck Kate! Stop… please.” Sean begged minutes later. “Please, I… want to… taste… you.”

Kate released her grip on him and let his cock slip out of her mouth, missing his taste and the power she felt with his rod in her mouth. Kate continued to stroke herself even as Sean climbed onto the bed and turned her to face him. He kneeled between her thighs and watched her pleasure herself; her eyes hungrily watched the awed expressions pass over his face. His hands slowly ran the length of her legs, over her knees and thighs until his thumbs framed the apex of her thighs. Slowly he lowered his body onto the mattress until he lay between her spread thighs, his head slowly lowering to lick at her throbbing slit with the flat of his tongue.

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