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As Bree approached her 25th birthday, she looked towards it as just another day. Another day of being a “loner” as she’d been labeled, though in truth it was a self-imposed sentence. She was certainly attractive enough, not a beauty queen no, but certainly considered cute under any circumstances. Bree wore her long dishwater blonde hair in a ponytail most of the time, and though some considered her a tomboy, as she was certainly athletic, Bree was definitely all woman. Her breasts were on the large side, though not overly so. Like twin small-sized grapefruits that she was in fact rather proud of, few in fact had ever seen them, male or female.

Bree was a loner for one simple reason. It had been a hardship for her most of her adult life, and one in which she had not reconciled herself to, both ashamed as well as embarrassed that she should be cursed with such an abnormality as she considered it. Bree had an enormous sized clit.

It wasn’t just ‘big’ or bigger than average in comparison, it truly was enormous. Like any young girl, she’d explored that curiosity with others growing up, learning through simple look-see, that she was certainly different. By the time she had reached puberty, been to see a doctor for normal womanly exams, she had seen and learned through that experience, and certainly by the doctor’s startled expression that she wasn’t normal, far from it. Bree’s clit was the size of a thumb from the knuckle up whenever she became aroused.

And Bree was aroused a lot. Because the other curse she had to learn to deal with as well, was the fact that it was extremely sensitive too. She’d had to learn to be very careful. Even walking after a certain fashion could cause stimulation, crossing and re-crossing her legs. Her doctor had told her ‘it’ as he’d so delicately referred to her clit, could be surgically repaired, altered. But he’d also warned her, in doing so, she was apt to lose all sensitivity, no guarantees that the nerve endings wouldn’t be permanently damaged. Bree might have to learn and accept she would not be capable of a clitoral climax, but at least she would look ‘normal’.

She’d thought about that. For a day. But then came to the conclusion that she couldn’t accept that, wouldn’t accept that, and therefore would simply have to learn to deal with her peculiar abnormality. One thing Bree enjoyed doing, was climaxing, though she’d go to her grave before ever admitting that to anyone. Never admitting that she masturbated daily, sometimes twice if she was particularly aroused, which occurred frequently as she practiced running track. Therefore, she was resigned to her situation, even if it meant never being with anyone because of it.

Which is what she had already discovered earlier on. Bree had managed to hold on to her virginity until she was eighteen, or rather, that had been the plan anyway. She had met Dan, popular in school, a real jock. And being a bit of one herself, they had taking a liking to one another, running early in the morning side by side before school, as they were both members of the track team. As she’d hoped, anticipated, they had grown closer, eventually dating and took advantage of his parents being gone for the weekend to further explore the possibilities.

All had gone well in the beginning. Infatuated with her breasts, which Dan had paid a great deal of attention to, had aroused Bree to fever pitch. Touching his prick, a man’s prick, for the first time another first for her, as well as a very exciting one. Bree allowed her guard down, trusting in this man-boy, who seemed attentive and appreciative towards her needs as much as his own. Until he had screwed up enough courage to slip his hand down between her legs, toying with her there briefly before snatching his hand back, switching on the end-table light, sitting there with a freaked out look upon his face. She still remembered the stinging words he had spoken to her even now.

“What the fuck are you? One of those hermaphrodites or something?”

She’d never even heard that word before, had no idea of its meaning. But the way he looked at her, and the way he’d even spoken the word assured her it had been less than complimentary. Bree had gathered herself without saying so much as a single word, fleeing from his home, and walking the two miles back to her own place. She had run crying up the stairs, remaining there for the better part of the next two days until her mother threatened to take her into see another doctor as she was becoming worried that Bree was even more sick than she had claimed to be.

The real reason of course, and what was confirmed upon her return to school, was that “Dan the Man” as his friends called him, had already circulated the news that Bree had a penis, instead of a pussy. He’d never gotten close enough to discover otherwise, automatically assuming that ‘she’ was really a ‘he’ with tits.

It took a long time for Bree to come to terms with that experience, realizing only after a great deal of soul-searching, that “Dan the Man” had been, probably was a virgin Antalya Escort himself by all accounts. That, and struggling with his own male-prowess, ‘bragging rites’ which had obviously not come to fruition, caused him to lash out at her in some effort to reclaim his own manliness.

Bree never returned to school after that, already enough credits to graduate, which she did, but without going through the ceremony with everyone else. Thus, Bree had become the true ‘loner’ she now was. Staying away from most everyone, too afraid to allow herself to really get close to anyone again, male or female, and contenting herself with self-pleasures, which is how she truly lost her virginity with the aid of a non-judgmental vibrator.

It had been another three years before she’d allowed herself to become close with anyone. Finally, she’d met another young woman whom she befriended. A bit “frumpy” perhaps as some might use the term, but Alice was real, down to earth, and had enough self-doubts about herself. Allowing a friendship to develop with her seemed safe, especially as they worked together, and it was nice to finally have someone to go to lunch with, or the occasional movie together. And though she certainly didn’t confide in Alice as normal girlfriends might, neither did Alice seem so inclined to do either, which was just fine with her too.

Like Bree, Alice usually rode the bus into work, though on many occasions, her older brother Jack usually brought her, or picked her up, dependant upon his own work schedule. Whenever he had, Alice had always offered to give Bree a lift home as well, something she had always declined, however politely without giving reason.

And the reason was, she found Jack very attractive. Knew he wasn’t seeing anyone (at the moment anyway) according to Alice who spoke of her brother fondly, and the hard times that the two of them had been through losing both their parents early on in a tragic traffic accident. Bree knew they shared an apartment together, had been invited over there as well, also declining. Until finally Alice had verbally pinned her to the matt about her being “unsociable” if not out-right rude to Jack, who had made several attempts himself to talk to her whenever the opportunity rose.

Fearing that she might actually lose her one true friend, she’d invited Alice over to her place one weekend, where she finally confided in her, confessing all…and even more surprisingly, agreeing to show Alice exactly what she’d found courage enough to tell her, after much coaxing and assurance of course on Alice’s behalf.

Alice had her own private demon’s to deal with as Bree quickly learned. Her left breast being considerably larger than her right, though certainly correctable through surgery, she had neither the insurance to cover it, nor the funds to do so, though she had been putting a little away every payday just for that very reason.

“So you see? We both have our little imperfections if you want to call them that,” Alice had stated. “Though to be honest with you Bree, I think I’d rather have your problem than mine. You see…I’m not sure I’ve even had an orgasm yet. I mean I’ve, well…you know, touched myself plenty of times. And it sort of feels nice, but that’s about all it ever feels like.”

They had spent a goodly portion of the evening drinking wine, eating lots and lots of chocolate, having, as neither one of them had really ever had before, their first pajama party, even if it was only the two of them. After the laughter and giggling had died away, is when things had gotten serious, when the conversation had led to Alice’s questioning of Bree, why she didn’t like Jack’s attention towards her, especially as he’d mentioned to his sister that he did in fact like Bree, wondering if she might in fact go out with him some time. If it hadn’t been for the wine, and the fact Bree felt more comfortable with Alice than she ever had with anyone, she might not have confessed all to her, let alone allowed Alice to eventually convince her to show her just exactly what it was she was talking about.

“What do you mean it’s really big?” she’d asked. “I mean, not that I really know what is or isn’t. For all I know, mine’s big in comparison to everyone else’s. The only thing I do know for sure, is that my tits are two different sizes completely. Obviously that isn’t something you’ve had to deal with the way that I have.”

They had laughed, albeit a little uncomfortably, with Alice first showing Bree her lop-sided boobs.

“Ok, I showed you mine, your turn to show me yours!” Alice had challenged.

“Just promise you won’t laugh ok?”

“Did you laugh when you saw my breasts?” Alice countered.


“Well then, I won’t laugh at your ‘enormous’ clit as you called it either,” Alice assured her. Then adding, “at least not at first.”

Alice’s candor and joking behavior had put Bree at ease. Feeling her face still burning with embarrassment along with shyness, she finally lowered her pajama bottoms, and Antalya Escort Bayan after a few moments hesitation, her panties as well. As promised, Alice didn’t laugh. But as she sat looking at her friend, she couldn’t help but smile, then glancing up into the worried expression of her friends face, she grinned, wickedly.

“It’s almost like a little penis isn’t it?”

If her face had been red before, it was now scarlet. She reached down beginning to hike her panties back up when Alice leaned over grabbing hold of her hand, stopping her.

“No, please don’t,” she said in a near whisper. “I didn’t mean anything by that, and you of all people should know that Bree. I really am fascinated, and curious. I want to look at it closer, if you’d let me,” she asked.

Slightly stunned at hearing her friend’s comment, Bree acquiesced to her request, leaving her panties bunched around one ankle as she actually lifted one knee, more fully exposing herself.

“Damn Bree, ok…you win. It really is big!”

One again Bree nearly closed her legs together, and would have done so had Alice not suddenly, and quite unexpectedly reached out with her index finger, placing it directly, carefully, upon the swollen exposed shaft.

“Fuck!” Bree lurched, nearly coming up off the bed entirely.

“Sorry,” Alice had said almost immediately removing her hand. Then she looked up into her friends face. “I didn’t mean to startle you Bree, I just wanted to see what it felt like.”

Bree allowed her legs to remain open, watching as Alice once again leaned over towards her, her finger again stretching out in curious exploration. She had never had any inclination towards a member of her own sex beyond the every-day normal curiosities. She didn’t see Alice’s advance as any attempt on her part to seduce her, but as Alice’s fingered lingered, stroking her sensitive clit, she again flinched, allowing herself to moan audibly as the surprised pleasure seized her, catching her by surprise.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed once again, causing Alice to actually giggle. Bree had never said the word ‘fuck’ before, not out loud anyway, and now she had already said it twice.

“Is it supposed to be that sensitive?” Alice questioned, now strolling two fingers in a loose, let vice-like grip along the sensitive shaft.

Bree could barely manage a response, beginning to shake, her eyes suddenly glued shut as the exquisite torture of her clitoris continued. “Ye…ye…yes!” she finally managed to state. “Always, oh fuck…always has been, but never…oh fuck, but never quite like this!” she exclaimed suddenly setting new records for the number of times she’d said the word ‘fuck’ let alone thought saying it.

“Want me to stop?” Alice asked her.

If given any real time to consider it, she might have said yes. But as Alice began to stroke Bree’s clit up and down with the tips of her fingers, all resolve, all and any inhibitions flew right out the window.

“No!” she said simply. “No…”

Bree knew that a few more precious moments of this heavenly torture would cause her to climax. And at the moment, as delicious as this felt, even IF Alice was her best friend, and another woman at that, all she wanted was for the pleasure to continue, followed by what she knew was going to be one rip-roaring orgasm.

She wasn’t prepared, certainly didn’t expect it, as Alice replaced her soft stroking fingers with the loving caress of her lips. So awash in a sea of ecstasy as it was, what Alice then did, didn’t fully register for several moments, until the sweetness suddenly enveloped her, surrounded her, and became her. She couldn’t have pulled away, or stopped her friend from what she was now doing if she’d wanted to. Which, she didn’t.

“Oh fuck!” she screamed louder than she ever had before. “I’m cumming!”

Bree thrashed wildly upon the bed, her hands automatically reaching up to pull, pinch and stretch her equally aroused nipples as she came. Alice continuing to suck her, lips nibbling, tongue lashing with a rapidity unlike anything she had ever felt before. Bree came, then came again, then came again. Over and over she climaxed, one orgasm becoming another, then yet another until she had lost count, lost track, though not purposely keeping score, or even trying too. Eventually they became just one long drawn out climax until she simply wasn’t any more.

She didn’t know how long she had been lying there. It couldn’t have been that long, she knew that. But she had in fact blacked out, at least momentarily. Alice still lay between her legs, her lips no longer urgently sucking or nipping at her sex. But planting rows of soft caressing kisses along the folds of her flesh, gentle tongue-licks that plucked the moist dew from the petals of her exposed flower.

Bree finally managed to lean up on her elbows, vulnerable, slightly embarrassed, but comfortable enough to continue to sit as she was without making any effort to dislodge Alice away from her. Before she realized what she said, Escort Antalya or even how it might sound having said it, she did.

“Alice? Are you gay?”

Alice planted one tiny soft kiss on the very tip of Bree’s clit before looking upwards into her friends face. Even then, the tingle of that kiss lingered as Bree shuddered in response.

“I’ve never even thought of being with another woman before, until now,” she said pausing. Turning shy now, sitting up, as she faced away from her friend, feeling more than a bit vulnerable herself, as well as suddenly self-conscious.


“Yeah?” she responded without turning.

“I liked it,” Bree spoke in a near whisper. “I liked it…a lot! And no, I’m not gay either!” she laughed. “But damn, makes me wonder!”

Her comment eased the sudden tension between them, with Alice finally turning back looking towards her.

“Really? You did?”

“Fuck yes!” Bree answered, suddenly liking the sound of that particular word. “I have to ask you though, where the hell did you learn to do that anyway?”

Once again Alice blushed. “I’m not sure you’d want to hear it,” she said seriously.

“Tell me,” Bree said gathering her knees against her breasts, wrapping her arms around herself although very much aware her sex was no doubt winking at Alice as she caught her glancing briefly down in that general direction before lifting her head to face her.

“It’s a long story, but I’ll give you the short version,” she began. “I knew with lop-sided boobs, being fat…”

“You’re NOT fat!” Bree interrupted.

Alice smiled, continuing, “that I would have to make myself popular one way or the other. And since I knew I wasn’t attractive either,”

“You are too!” Bree said interrupting her again.

Alice didn’t smile this time however, ignoring the comment going on, “I figured that if I was to ever get to go to any of the dances, or attend any of the parties, that I’d have to do something, something special, and be good at it. And I knew pretty much what it would take for me to do that.” Alice swallowed, pausing. Obviously she was having difficulty telling Bree all this. Though Bree remained silent herself now, knowing how hard this was for her friend, and pretty much aware of where all this was headed.

“Well the short version is, lets just say, I give a mean blowjob.” Once again she paused, looking up towards Bree for any sign of shock, disgust, revulsion. Instead, Bree released her arms, which had been locked around her knees, reaching over towards Alice, drawing her to her.

“Go on,” she gently coaxed holding her friend. “Before long, I had a reputation, although not the best kind as I look back on it now. But back then, I was suddenly popular, very popular. And as long as the guys where getting what they wanted, I was happy, as I was invited out on several dates,” Alice said emphasizing the word, giving it a whole new meaning. “Occasionally, I’d actually see the same guy more than once. But usually, that was it. I was being passed around by word of mouth, so I had a lot of guys calling me, but it was really rare that I ever heard from any of them more than once.”

Bree didn’t know how to respond, she knew how difficult this was for Alice to sit here telling her.

“You know what my nick-name was?” she asked rhetorically. “Alice the Phallus,” she admitted almost apologetically, explaining, “Because I loved sucking cock so much, and really was good at doing it too!” she half boasted. “Now it’s been so long since I’ve even seen a guys dick, I’m not sure I’d even know what to do with it if I did!”

That made Bree laugh. “Well honey, you and me both.” Which is when Bree told her story about her one and only encounter with a man’s cock.

“You serious? You’ve never done, or been with a guy since then?”

“Nope, never have. And probably never will either!” she said semi-seriously.

“So technically, you’re still a virgin then.”

“Technically speaking yes. Never had one inside me. “Don’t even know what that would feel like. A little like my vibrator I guess, oh hell Alice…I don’t know. How about you?”

Alice confessed that though she had indeed had intercourse with a boy before, it had only been twice, and both with the same guy, so she wasn’t sure if that counted for one time, or two really.

They talked for a while afterwards, eventually becoming even more comfortable with one another, not to mention closer. In time, Bree felt giddy from the consumption of more wine perhaps, but also because she honestly wanted to return the favor to her friend.



“Would you let me see if I can make you cum?”

“You don’t have to do that Bree. I didn’t do what I did just so you’d feel obligated to return the favor.”

“I know that. I want to. I really do.”


“Yes, really.”

It took a while. A long while. But eventually, Alice came. Bree was patient with her, periodically even stopping to ask Alice if she liked how she was doing it, or if she should be doing anything differently. Occasionally Alice told her things to do, but for the most part, simply panted as pleasures she’d never known with such intensity before, swam through her, rocked her, and had her floating in a sea of ecstasy unlike any before.

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