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Caroline and Mr. White Part OneMy name is Caroline and I am an exhibitionist. Well, I don’t know if there is a technical definition and if I qualify under that definition, but I know that I get very excited whenever I am accidentally or purposely exposed to men or women. I think I discovered flashing, and how much I enjoyed doing it, when I was in high school. I used to sit in the library during study hall and Arnold would sometimes sit across from me at the same table I did. There were about twenty tables, each only large enough for four people to sit, two on one side of the table and two on the other. I really didn’t know Arnold at all except to see at study hall. He never seemed to notice me and I don’t know that I would have cared if he did. This was soon to change.One day at school I was wearing a light blue dress with a square cut neckline with white silk embroidery. It wasn’t low cut at all, so I was sure that it was a very decent dress, the kind my mom and dad thoroughly approved of. I had a lot of Latin homework that day and spent more than two hours getting it all done. When I finished studying for algebra and history, I stood up and then bent over the table to pick up my books. I hadn’t realized it but the neckline must have fallen away from my body and some of my breasts were exposed. I happened to glance over at Arnold and saw that his eyes were looking down my dress and were wide open. I looked down my front and saw that, actually, quite a lot of my breasts were exposed. I had an old bra on that wasn’t quite big enough for the amount my breasts had grown since I had gotten it. It covered my nipples and a bit more, but not a lot more. The rest of my breasts were spilling out and it looked as if my nipples might pop out at any time. I glanced back over at Arnold. Just then Arnold’s eyes looked up and saw mine looking at him. He turned bright, bright red.At first I was angry at him for looking down the front of my dress. Then I realized it had made me feel very excited knowing that he had been able to see my breasts. And that he wanted to do so. In fact, I was quite wet on my walk home after leaving the library while thinking about Arnold staring at my breasts. After that I tried to wear dresses with scoop necks as often as I could. While in them, I would sometimes be “careless” about bending over. Not just in the library across from Arnold, but in some of my regular classes as well. I always made it seem as if I didn’t know that any part of my breasts were showing, but of course I was fully aware of what I was doing, and I was very aroused by doing it.Then one day in the library Arnold dropped his pencil and bent under the desk to retrieve it. I had never paid much attention to how my legs were positioned when they were under a table. I realized while Arnold’s head was under the table that my legs were wide open. Arnold must have gotten a pretty good glimpse of my panties. That excited me even more and opened up new possibilities for me. After that, Arnold began dropping his pencil quite a lot, and I made sure to spread my legs whenever he did so. Next I bought a pair of see through panties at the mall. I didn’t let my mother see them because she always bought me white cotton panties, which she thought were what “nice” girls should wear. I couldn’t wait to get to the library for study hall the first day that I wore my new panties. I was hoping as hard as I could that Arnold would be there. I was elated to see when I got inside that he was there, in his regular seat across from where I normally sat. And that “my” chair was vacant. My heart was really pounding. I had worn a frilly white skirt which was a little shorter than I usually wore. I wanted to be sure he would get a really good look. Before too long I hear Arnold say, “Oops, dropped my darn pencil.” As he started to bend down, I opened my legs really wide. I could actually hear him gasp as he saw for the first time the dark blonde hair covering my pussy. The panties were so clear it was almost like not having any on. I was more than excited; I was thrilled. So was Arnold. I knew he was, and so did everybody else, because just then the fire alarm bell went off and we all had to get up and leave the library to go outside. Arnold tried to put his books in front of him but before he could do so I saw, and the other girls at the tables around me saw, that he had an erection sticking straight out in front of his baggy pants. We all started giggling and then filed out.On the following Friday I went over to my friend Jennie White’s house to study after school. There were a few light snow flurries but I didn’t think anything of it. We were having a big English history exam the following week and really needed to study hard for it. Jennie and I wanted to go to the same universities and we knew we needed to have really good grades to get accepted to any of them. We spent several hours quizzing each other on dates and battles and kings and that sort of thing in Jennie’s bedroom before her mother came in to ask if we had looked outside lately. We hadn’t. When we did, we saw that a huge amount of snow had fallen without us even noticing. Jennie’s mom said that it would be too dangerous for me to try to go home before the roads got plowed. She said that she would call my mom and see if it would be okay for me to spend the night with them. I protested that I didn’t want to be a bother and that I didn’t have any pajamas. Jennie’s mom said I wouldn’t be a bother and that I could borrow one of her nightgowns (Jennie was a lot smaller than I was, especially in the breasts, while her mom was rather larger than I was). She said that as Jennie’s dad traveled a lot he had several of those goodie bags that airlines give out containing tooth brushes and tooth paste and stuff like that. My mom thanked Jennie’s mom and told her that of course it would be all right for me to spend the night with them.Jennie and I studied for another hour and then her mom called us in to dinner. After eating with her mom and dad (who was in his early forties, was very good looking and was in excellent shape from all the workouts he did with the equipment in their rec room) and some more studying, we got ready for bed. Jennie kept her panties on under her nightgown but I have never liked to sleep in my panties so I was naked under her mom’s rather large cotton flannel nightgown. It had thin straps holding up a shapeless sort of gown. It was a bit low cut, but definitely not enough so to be considered sexy by anybody but a flannel freak. Jennie and I walked out to the living room to say good night to her parents. Her mom kissed me on the cheek and I walked over to her dad to kiss him on the cheek. He was sitting down in his easy chair so I had to bend over to reach his cheek. As I did so, the left strap of the too large nightgown slipped off my Fikirtepe escort shoulder and my entire left breast became bare. Jennie’s dad looked directly at my nipple, which was rapidly becoming erect and his eyes widened. I quickly pulled the gown back up and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. He seemed to be looking at me differently from the way he had always looked at me before. No one except him had seen the nightgown slip off my breast.I was so excited at the thought that Jennie’s dad had seen my breast, and had appeared excited at the sight of it, that I could barely sleep. Jennie had twin beds separated by a night stand so I very quietly played with my pussy and my nipples for quite a while before falling asleep.In the morning, Jennie and I went out to breakfast still wearing our nightgowns. I saw Jennie’s dad looking at me speculatively. I thought he might be wondering whether the nightgown might slip down off my shoulder again. I didn’t want to disappoint him, though I knew I would have to be careful so that neither Jennie nor her mom would see. When both of them had gone into the kitchen to get the breakfast dishes and bring them into the dining room, I managed to drop one of my hair ribbons onto the floor and, in order to get Jennie’s dad’s attention, I said, “Oh darn, I dropped it.” I bent down to pick it up, with my back to the kitchen and my front facing Jennie’s dad. As I had hoped, and with only a little help from me squeezing in my shoulders as I had practiced in the bathroom that morning, the night gown slipped off again. Only this time both my breasts were bared. And Jennie’s dad stared directly at my breasts. I waited a few seconds and then, as if I had only just noticed that my breasts were exposed, I excused myself and pulled the gown back up. Jennie’s dad said that that was okay, that the nightgown seemed a bit large for me. He didn’t mention having looked at my breasts. I was so excited that I had been able to turn on a good looking older man that I could barely get any oatmeal down.Having discovered how exciting flashing could be for me, as well as for the man who saw me, it quickly became second nature for me to flash whenever I got the opportunity. I began practicing on the buses in town. The first two seats on the municipal buses faced towards the rear of the bus. The rest of the seats faced toward the front. Most people don’t like to ride backwards so the first two seats were always the last ones taken. I started sitting in those seats whenever possible. If a man was sitting across from me, or across the aisle from me, I would take out a book to read and then, as if unconsciously, let my legs gradually spread a little bit apart. My legs aren’t skinny at all, but they definitely aren’t thick, so with my knees spread even a little bit apart, and with the right sort of skirt on, anyone sitting across from me could see all the way up to my panties. I found that I really enjoyed seeing men’s eyes riveted between my legs. It was very exciting and gave me a sense of power at the same time.A few weeks after I had stayed over at Jennie’s because of the snow I visited Jennie again. This time we had arranged with our parents for me to stay overnight at Jennie’s so I brought things to change into for sleeping and for the next day. Jennie’s dad seemed very pleased to see me. Her mom, too, but her dad in a different way. I hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed. After dinner and studying Jennie and I changed into our bed clothes. Jennie wore the same nightgown she had worn previously and again wore her panties under her nightgown. Her panties were the same white cottons my mom always bought for me. I wore a very short white night gown of a diaphanous material. You couldn’t quite see through it but you almost could. When I looked in the mirror I could see a slight darkness where my nipples were and a definite darkness where the hair covering my pussy was. I tried to strain my neck backwards to see if I could see the crack of my ass but I only ended up hurting my neck and I didn’t want to ask Jennie to check. In any case, I knew that with sunlight behind me you definitely could see through the nightgown in some detail. It had a fairly low vee neckline which showed a lot of the swell of my breasts. I had practiced bending over in front of the mirror at home and I knew that from the right angle you could see all of my breasts and my nipples and even the dark triangle of hair covering my pussy. (I hadn’t started shaving or even trimming there yet). I had been a little worried that Jennie might think my nightgown was too sexy but since she couldn’t think of her parents looking at her in a manner that would acknowledge that she was becoming a woman, neither could she imagine them looking at me like that.Jennie and I went out to kiss her parents good night. I was pleased to see that her mom was still sitting on one of their two couches in the living room while her dad was sitting on the other one which was parallel to the first with a low glass top coffee table in between. As we walked in I saw her dad quickly glance up at me. I could tell that he had been interested to see what kind of nightgown I would be wearing. I was thrilled that he cared. His eyes seemed to narrow a bit as he was trying to make out whether he could actually see through the material of my gown or not. I hoped he would keep looking at me. Jennie kissed her mom first and then began to walk over to kiss her dad, who still had his eyes on me. I turned my back to Jennie’s dad and bent over from the waist to give her mom a kiss while I said, “Good night, Mrs. White.” As I did so, and as had happened when I had practiced before the mirror in the bathroom for the week before going to Jennie’s, I could feel the hem of my nightgown pulling up over the cheeks of my bottom, leaving most of my ass, and my pussy, exposed to his view. As Jennie was walking away from me and looking at her dad, I knew that she wouldn’t be able to see how much of me her dad was able to see. Even so, I didn’t dare stay in this position for too long in case Jennie should glance back at her mom and me. When I stood up and turned toward Jennie’s dad, I could tell that he had definitely been looking at me. I glanced down toward his lap to see if what had happened to Arnold had happened to him as well. It wasn’t sticking straight out in front of him as Arnold’s had been, but I could tell for sure that he had an erection. And I was so happy that I was the cause of it.But I had a problem. I wanted Jennie’s dad to be able to look down the front of my nightgown and see my naked breasts and my nipples and my pussy when I bent over to give him a kiss. But I certainly didn’t want Jennie’s mom to see my naked ass. So on my way between the two couches I turned to Jennie’s mom and asked, “Could Sancaktepe escort bayan Jennie and I please have some warm milk before we go to sleep?” “Of course, dear, I’m sure that will help you to sleep.” As I had hoped, she stood up immediately to go into the kitchen. Even better, Jennie said, “I’ll help, mom,” and she went into the kitchen as well. I walked over to where Mr. White was sitting. As I bent over in front of Jennie’s dad I put my hand on my shoulder strap, which I knew would cause him to look in that direction, and said in a low tone of voice, “I hope I don’t fall out of this nightgown, too, Mr. White, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you again.” He laughed while looking down the front of my nightgown where I wanted him to and said, “I wasn’t embarrassed, Caroline, you have become a very pretty young lady.” “Do you really mean it?” I asked. “Of course I do. And I must say this nightgown looks a lot prettier on you than my wife’s did.” I thanked him, gave him a peck on the cheek and finally stood up just before Jennie and Mrs. White came in with the warm milk. I despise warm milk and would never drink it at home but it had been the only thing I could think of that would get Mrs. White out of the way for a moment. Jennie and I took the milk into the bedroom. I forced myself to drink it and then went to bed, where I played with myself for a very long time; especially after I could tell from Jennie’s regular breathing that she had fallen fast asleep. Finally, very contentedly, I fell asleep too with my right hand still between my legs and my fingers in my warm wetness.The next morning, as usual, I woke up early. Jennie was still fast asleep but I could hear someone out in the kitchen moving around. Then I remembered that Mr. White had said that he had an early indoor tennis game. I hopped into the bathroom, peed, washed my hands, brushed my teeth and ran a brush though my short dark blond hair. I quickly massaged my nipples and was very pleased to see that their stiffness was quite visible through the thin material of my nightgown. As always, I didn’t have any panties on under the nightgown. I went out into the kitchen, closing the bedroom door quietly so as not to awaken Jennie, while hoping the door wouldn’t squeak as it usually did. To my great delight it was Mr. White in the kitchen and not Jennie’s mom up early to fix breakfast for her husband. And to my even greater delight, it was a very sunny day, even if it was still cold outside and there was snow on the ground. The Whites had a large picture window in the kitchen which gave them a lovely view of their garden. It also allowed the sun to stream in. I said a cheery good morning to Mr. White who smiled happily as if he was genuinely glad to see me. He was already dressed in his tennis shorts and had his tennis cover-ups in his arm. I quickly walked around so that the morning sun was behind me shining through my nightgown. I followed Mr. Gibbon’s eyes as they moved down to the area between my legs, which I had conveniently set fairly wide apart. His eyes widened as he could now see my pubic hair almost as if I didn’t have a nightgown on. I stayed in that position for a couple of minutes while we were talking about his tennis match and then turned sideways. While we were talking my nipples had hardened even more and now they were very noticeably erect, and completely perceptible to his eyes because of the sun shining through the material. My pubic hair, which I had fluffed up in the bathroom before coming out, was also evident from this new view. Mr. White seemed to stammer just a bit as we talked. This was very exciting to me but I wanted Mr. White to see more of me and I had the feeling that he did as well. Then I remembered from when I had visited them in the snow storm that Mrs. White kept the orange juice on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. I quickly moved to open the refrigerator door while still talking to Mr. White and then, standing with my legs as straight as possible, bent over totally from my waist to search for the orange juice. This time I could feel the hem of my nightgown slide all the way up my bottom so that it was completely bare. I moved my legs a little further apart as if to provide a better balance for my search and managed to push my ass a little backward and upward to ensure that my pussy was totally in view. I could feel it getting wet but somehow I didn’t think that Mr. White would mind. I pretended that I couldn’t find the orange juice and after searching for several minutes while carrying on a running, if somewhat disjointed, conversation, called out to Mr. White. “I’m sorry, Mr. White, I can’t find the orange juice. Can you help me look for it?” They had a Cold Storage refrigerator which was very large so there was plenty of room for both of us to rummage through the refrigerator. Mr. White came up behind me but although there was room for him to be beside me he remained with half of his body behind my right side. A delicious shiver went down me as I could feel his bare left leg lightly and then more firmly pressing against the back of my bare right leg. We stayed in this position for several long thrilling seconds. Then Mr. White reached across me and said, “Maybe it is over to your left, Caroline.” And with that his left leg, as if by accident, slid to my left and nestled itself firmly against my naked pussy and ass. I gasped, but immediately pushed back against him. Mr. White understood this to be the invitation that it was. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me even more firmly back against his leg. Then he moved to his left and I could feel his erection, through his tennis shorts which I wished so much he hadn’t had on, pushing against my pussy. He dipped and then raised his knees repeatedly as he slid his erect but cloth covered cock back and forth up my pussy to my ass and back. I was in heaven. Heaven became even better in just another minute or two when Mr. White, with his cock still firmly pressed against my pussy, bent further over me and moved his hands to cup my breasts through my nightgown. His fingers quickly found my stiff nipples and caressed them. In another minute, the nightgown wasn’t covering them any longer. Mr. White pulled my straps down and bared my breasts, as I hadn’t even dared hope he might do. I couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to feel his firm but gentle fingers caressing my nipples. I moved my bottom from side to side against his erection, enjoying the different feelings of having it pressed more against my right cheek or my left cheek or squarely in the middle.My breaths were coming in shorter and shorter gasps as the sensations shooting from my nipples to my pussy continued to intensify. Just when I thought I was about to burst with pleasure we heard the squeak of Jennie’s Escort üsküdar bedroom door. Mr. White quickly jumped back. I stood up with the orange juice in one hand while with my other hand I pulled up my nightgown and adjusted the straps. I put the orange juice down on the table and moved so that I would be away from the window and its stream of light. Jennie padded into the kitchen and said, “Good morning, dad, morning Caroline.” Then she glanced down at her dad’s front and said, “Oh, daddy, you’ve spilled some tea or coffee on your tennis shorts.” I looked where Jennie’s eyes were looking and saw that there was indeed a wet spot where the head of his then erect penis had been a couple of minutes ago. He still had an erection but it was rapidly subsiding, something Jennie didn’t seem to have noticed. “Oh, you’re right,” he said. “How clumsy of me. I had better go change quickly or I will be late.”Jennie and I had orange juice, cereal and tea and then went back to her bedroom to change for the day. If she noticed the aroma of my arousal she didn’t mention it. I hoped there would be another occasion to come visit her soon. An opportunity arose about a month later, but not exactly to visit Jennie. It was our spring vacation. Jennie and her mom were taking a trip to visit some of the colleges that Jennie thought she might be interested in. Since we were both interested in the same schools she asked if I would like to come along but I had already signed up for the girls’ track team and there were going to be practices throughout the vacation. Jennie said how sorry she was that I couldn’t go with her, and I was too, but Jennie promised she would tell me about each of the schools in great detail.On the evening of the second day of the vacation I called Jennie’s house and introduced myself on the phone when Jennie’s dad answered. “I’m sorry, Caroline, Jennie and her mom have gone on a trip. Didn’t she tell you?”“Yes, she did, Mr. White. I know this is presumptuous but I was wondering if I could come over and use some of the equipment in your gym. It obviously has worked wonders with you as you’re in really good shape and I want to get in as good shape as I can for the track season.”“Why thank you, Caroline, that’s a very nice thing to say. Of course you can come over any time I’m home. When would you like to come?”“Would tomorrow be okay? Around seven?”“Sure, I’ll look forward to seeing you then.”“Oh, and Mr. White, if you have time could you please show me how to work some of the equipment? I’m not sure I know how to use it all and I want to be certain to use it correctly.”“Of course, I’ll be happy to.”I was thrilled. In bed that night I came twice before I could fall asleep. Early the next evening I packed a gym bag with my purple thong leotard, blue shorts, sweat socks and my tennis shoes. My plan was to wear just the leotard but I brought the shorts in case Mr. White would object when he saw my bare bottom in the leotard. I had already told my mom the day before that I was going to use Mr. White’s gym equipment and she had complimented me for wanting so much to get into shape as quickly as I could. Just before leaving home I put on my shortest skirt over my transparent panties that my mom still didn’t know I had, and a scoop neck blouse. For a bra I chose the one that Arnold had first seen me in which I knew would show a lot of my breasts if I had an opportunity to bend over.I rang the doorbell promptly at seven. Mr. White must have been waiting at the door because it opened immediately. “Good evening, Mr. White, thank you so much for letting me use your equipment.”I didn’t know the term double-entendre at the time but Mr. White obviously knew one when he heard one. He laughed and said, “You’re welcome. You can use my equipment any time you want to, Caroline.”“Is there some place I can change into my gym stuff?”“Sure, there’s a bathroom just off the exercise room. You can change there.”We went downstairs to the finished basement and into the exercise room. I was very impressed. All four walls were lined with mirrors which made an already very large room seem enormous. Mr. White had almost as much equipment as the fitness center I sometimes used. Not as many of each kind, of course, but as much variety. There was a Universal Fitness Station, an In Flight Multi Lat Arm Machine, a Maximus Abdominal/Back Machine, a Maximus Fitness Bench and Shoulder Press, a Precor Adductor, a Tunturi Rower, a Matrix Upright Bike, a Noramco Super Treadmill, several racks of free weights and a floor mat. Almost all of this equipment had model numbers but it was all I could do to memorize the brand names so I could tell my mom what kind of equipment there was. I don’t know how good the equipment was but it certainly looked expensive. Jennie had told me that her dad spent a lot on his exercise equipment and I could believe her. It certainly looked like first rate stuff. I told Mr. White how impressed I was with his exercise room and then said that I doubted I would ever be able to learn how to use it all.“Nonsense, Caroline. You’re a very intelligent young lady. I’ll show you how to use each piece of equipment and stay here while you use it long enough to be sure you’ve got it down pat before we move on to the next piece of equipment. You don’t mind my remaining here to see how you’re progressing, do you?”“No, not at all. I would really appreciate it so I can be sure to do the exercises the right way.”“Why don’t you go on in there and get changed?”I looked to where Mr. White was pointing. There were two swinging doors like in an old time Western saloon. The top of the doors was at my shoulders and the bottom just above my knees. The doors weren’t solid but rather were stationary slats positioned at a very slight vertical angle. The slats didn’t overlap so there were spaces in between each slat. From where I was standing I could see right through them to the sink, the toilet and the shower stall. Mr. White saw the look of slight consternation on my face.“I hope that will be all right. You can use the bathroom upstairs if you would rather.”I gulped slightly, “No, I’m sure this will be fine. See you in a couple of minutes.”I walked through the swinging doors into the bathroom. I had never seen anyone put swinging doors on a bathroom before. I couldn’t imagine anyone actually, well, you know, going to the toilet in a major way in a bathroom with doors like these. Fortunately, I didn’t have to. I just needed to get changed. Well, I thought, this is what I wanted; it is just a little sooner than I thought would be the case. At least now I knew for sure I wouldn’t need to bother with the gym shorts. There was a mirror alongside the wall where the sink was. The toilet was at the far end of the room away from the swinging doors and the shower was on the opposite side of the white painted bathroom from the sink. I closed the lid of the toilet to make a surface on which to put my clothes. I turned toward the mirror behind the sink and pulled my blouse up and over my head. I thought I detected a slight intake of breath from out in the exercise room but I couldn’t be sure. I quickly unhooked my bra and took it off.

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