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Caught in the actIt was as they say a dream come true.I was alone in the house with my mother…I had long planned what was totranspire but had never had the opportunity to fulfill the dream…to see mymother nude…until this evening.My father was out of town on business and my sister was at a pajama party withher friends. I knew my mother would take a long hot tub after dinner and thatwas when I would take the opportunity of my young sex life…actually I was avirgin so I had had no sex life except regular and recurring dates with my righthand.During dinner I told my mother that I’d put the dishes in the dishwasher andclean up the dining room and kitchen. She smiled and said that she appreciatedthat and would use the time to take a hot tub and do some reading. I could feelmy young manhood start to swell as I realized that my dream was getting closerto reality.As I finished the kitchen chores I could hear the water running in the Jacuzziin my parents bathroom. I called to my mother and told her that I was done andthat I was just going to watch some television in the den. She said ok and Iheard the door to the bathroom click shut.I held my breath for a moment so that I might hear better…to ensure that mymother was in the bathroom before I ventured forth into her bedroom. Satisfiedthat she was, in fact, in the bathroom I ventured carefully into her bedroom. s**ttered on the bed were her clothes, including her panties and bra. That shewas now nude behind the door I had no doubt and my manhood reacted with youthfulvigor. I picked up her bra and panties to inspect them…they were lacy whiteand offered forth the aroma of a woman. It slightly dazed me when I realizedthat I was sniffing my mother’s underwear that she had just removed…I was thatclose to her…my pulse raced and my rod pulsated.I approached the door carefully and in exactly the manner I had rehearsed in mymind. I had removed my shoes so that I would make no noise as I crossed thedark emerald carpet. I cautiously bent down and peered through the keyholewhich I knew was in a direct line from the tub. I have to admit that I halfexpected the view to be blocked by my mother having d****d a towel over thedoorknob. But as I got closer to the keyhole I could see light through it andrealized that there was no towel to obstruct my view. I held my breath so as to not utter a sound…it seemed to me that my mothermust be able to hear my heart as it pounded wildly and loudly in my chest. Icarefully and discreetly peered through the keyhole and what I saw literallytook my breath away…I had only seen women in old black and white pictures andI suppose I wasn’t ready for the impact of seeing any woman, little less mymother, fully nude to my gaze. I remember it completely and fondly…and Iremember its force…there was my mother standing completely nude for my eyes tosee…slowly brushing her long auburn hair. My eyes went immediately to thedark triangle between her legs…she had a more lavish growth of hair betweenher legs than anything I had ever seen or imagined. If I thought that she wasbeautiful, the thickness and beauty of her pubic hair was her crowning jewel. It spread across her lower stomach and formed an almost perfect triangle exceptthat it was slightly bowed at its top. With difficulty my eyes moved upwards from that beautiful bush and gazed on herstomach, flat and taught. I could see her that her breasts were ample but notoverly large. They were shaped like two halves of a melon but more beautifulthan any melon I had ever seen. Her nipples were a shade of crimson pink andabout the size of a quarter. As I was watching, she put her brush down and slowly gazed at herself in themirror while she ran her hands over her breast. Her right hand slowly massagedher left breast and fondled that lovely nipple. Her eyes closed and she sighed.She slowly turned and walked toward the tub and upon reaching it slowly bentover to test the water with her hand. For the second time during this momentousexperience my breath was taken from me…I could see that the luxuriant çanakkale escort growthof auburn hair continued in its abundant fashion between her legs and all theway around her crack. My throbbing rod could take no more and begged to be released from the confinesof my pants. But I dared not because I knew what would happen if it wererescued from its confinement…I would have a puddle on the floor and a mess onthe door…and that I couldn’t risk. That I would come in my pants I didn’t expect…but the overwhelming stimulus ofseeing my mother nude coupled with the strength of my dreams overcame the lackof physical stimulation and I exploded when my mother raised her right leg andplaced it on the edge of the tub thereby giving me a complete and unrestrictedview of the center of her womanhood…her pouting lips peered at me through thatwild tangle of auburn hair.It was more than I could contain…and it roared forth with such volcanic forceand fury that it dazed me and I stood there convulsing with the aftershocks…Ihad never experienced an orgasm like that before in my life…and this withouttouching myself…At that, I realized that it was time to leave…I had to clean myself up beforemy mother was finished…so having achieved my dream I slowly withdrew from herbedroom.Later, as I was lying on the floor watching television I could hear my mother inher bedroom. She came into the den wearing a long bathrobe with her auburn haircascading down onto her shoulders…my thought returned to the auburn hairbetween her legs and I could feel the initial throbs of an erection…I rolledover onto my stomach to watch the television.My mother sat down on the couch and crossed her legs…as she did so her robefell partially open and I could see the lower part of her thighs.”Did you like what you saw through the keyhole?”, she asked nonchalantly.I was stunned…how could she have known and if she knew why did she just paradearound for me intentionally. Thoughts raced through my head but no answers cameto my lips…the casual repartee was years away in my development and on thisoccasion I was simply speechless.”I saw your shadow on the floor, under the door”, she said. “So did you likewhat you saw?”About the only thing I could do was nod stupidly and mumble something aboutbeing sorry.”Well, I guess its to be expected…you’re growing up and are curious…Iunderstand that,” she said, “And I guess I’m a bit flattered that you’d go toall that trouble to see me with no clothes.”I simply continued to nod witlessly.”You still haven’t answered my question.””Uh, yeah…actually I think your more beautiful than I imagined,” I finally hadsomething to say.”It’s a bit unfair though,” she said. “I haven’t seen you without clothes sinceyour were about ten and my guess is you’ve changed a lot since then.””I guess” was all I could mumble as my mind tried to comprehend where thisconversation was going.”Don’t you think it would be fair if I asked you to let me see you withoutclothes?””I dunno, I guess so,” was all I could stammer.”Well, why don’t we go to my room and you can let me see you without anyclothes on and then we’ll be even…OK?”With that she got up off the sofa, bent over and took my hand and led me to herbedroom. That I was being seduced by my own mother had not yet become apparentbecause if you’ll remember I told you I was a virgin without any experience. Iwas too numb to think.”When I realized what was happening I decided to not take a bath. At least notjust then and not alone. I thought that it would be very nice if we took onetogether since we’re going to be together, alone, tonight…what do you think?”With that my mother slipped her robe off and it fell to the floor. For thesecond time that evening my mother was standing in front of me nude..but thistime there was no door between us and she was unbuttoning my shirt.Her perfume wafted around me and further aroused me as if I needed more arousal.She had my shirt off and was unfastening my belt. She had the zipper down andtugged at the tops of my pants, which on escort çanakkale the way down got hung up on my engorgedand throbbing staff. As I helped her pull them down and stepped out of them westood face to face for the first time…each nude and looking at the other…myeyes could not pull themselves from that lavish forest of auburn hair betweenher legs…”You’ve certainly grown a lot since the last time I saw you with no clothes andI must say it’s been in all the right places”, as she eyed my pulsating memberwhich was pointed right at her bush.I was still dazed by what was happening and the idea of what was about to happenhad me shuddering. My mother stepped toward me and reached out and embraced me.In so doing my manhood was pushed against her hairy mound and stomach. Herbreasts became one with mine and she looked me in the eyes and asked me if I hadever made love with a woman before…I answered with a weak “No” and she smiled and said that shortly I would be ableto answer yes to that question but that it must be our little secret…she thenraised her head and kissed me full on the lips…”Then tonight you shall”That I wasn’t at all in charge of what was going must be overwhelmingly clear toyou at this point…that I was being seduced by my mother and carefully drawninto my first sexual experience with all the love, warmth, and sensuality thatexperience ought to have is something I didn’t realize at the time. I was onlyaware of an overarching sexuality stimulated by the visual presentation of mymothers body and the sensations aroused by her touch, her body heat, and hersmell. She led me to the tub where we both got in and submerged ourselves in its womblike warmth. My mother lay back and closed her eyes and told me that she haddreamed of this moment for sometime but was afraid that it would never come topass. It was something that just had to happen she said, you can’t plan it…itwouldn’t be right. She reached out and took my hand and placed it on her breast and said “I loveyou and want to give you the most personal present I can. I want to give youmyself and take from you yourself. I want us to again become as one, as oncewe were. As I gave you life I now want to give you the gift of sexuality and love. And Idon’t know any other way to do it.””I love you too” I said, as I leaned over and kissed her. We lingered over thatkiss as I felt her tongue search out mine. They touched and danced andmaintained their own embrace as I felt my mothers hand on my erection for thefirst time.As we kissed she stroked my pounding staff with a tenderness I had neverexperienced.She slowly withdrew and smiled at me and said that we can’t hurry. We had allnight and we needed to pace ourselves accordingly…we’d both enjoy it more.As she lounged back against the side of the tub she handed me a bar of soap andasked me to wash her. I started with her shoulders and back as she turned awayfrom me. I slowly lathered her back and worked my hands around to her breasts. I lingered on her breasts…caressing them as carefully as I could…rubbing herbreasts as she gently guided my hands to her nipples. I delicately took hernipples in my fingers and rhythmically rolled them between my fingertips like Ihad seen her do to herself earlier. Slowly she stood up and turned to face me…she was offering me her womanhoodand I reached up and started to lather her bush. As I rubbed the soap bar inher hair she slowly spread her legs so that I might reach between them andcompletely access her pussy. She took my hand and had me stand up and took the soap from my hand and startedto rub the soap between my legs and under my balls. As she rubbed the soap inmy pubic hair she stroked my prick with her right hand and slowly tipped herhead up and kissed me.We were both on the verge of explosion so she calmly withdrew her tongue from mymouth and sat down in the tub…”Let’s rinse ourselves, dry off, and get into bed”, she cooed through partiallyopened eyes. We got out of the tub, dried each other off, and went into the bedroom where weboth fell çanakkale escort bayan onto the bed.Without a word, my mother slid down my body and placed her face on my stomach. “I know you can’t last long the first time, so here is my first gift.”With that she took my throbbing prick in her hand and kissed it. I couldn’tbelieve it…my mother was about to suck my dick. She slowly licked my prick over its entire length and nibbled on the head before sliding it into her mouth.We both moaned together as she slowly sucked my full length. As I watched, shetook my full length in her mouth and her nose was buried in my pubic hair. Shestarted a rhythmic sucking motion that had my mind reeling. My mother wassucking my dick and I was about to cum in her mouth. The faster she sucked thegreater became the urge to ejaculate until I couldn’t hold back another instant.As I erupted into her mouth my mind went blank and my body limp…it felt as ifshe was draining my body…sucking me into her…and it went on and on and on…Slowly she withdrew my now flaccid dick from her mouth and looked at me withdazed eyes and asked me if I had enjoyed that as much as had she. I think thelook on my face gave her all the answer she needed because I was incapable ofuttering a sound.I rolled over and reached out to hold her and caress her. We embraced and Iagain told her that I loved her. She smiled and said that there was a way forme to prove it. As she rolled onto her back and spread her legs I thought Iknew what she wanted…for me to eat her just as she had sucked me off.As I kissed her lips and slowly, at her urging, worked my way down her body Ifirst came to her breasts. As I looked at them closely for the first time Icould see that the nipples had extended themselves to almost half an inch. Ikissed her breasts and took her protruding nipples into my mouth where I slowlyrolled them between my teeth. I could fell my mother shudder and hear her heartand her moans of enjoyment as I sucked on her nipples.I moved farther down her body knowing that I would soon be in that jungle ofhair which had so captivated me since earlier that evening. My mind was havinga difficult time keeping up with events. Here I was putting my face between mymother’s legs…her hairy mound rising up to meet my face. I just wanted tostop and look at her bush…it was the most beautiful thing I had everseen…the long auburn curls were lavishly thick…as I reached up with my handsto feel her hair I realized how much thicker it was than my own…her pubicmound was as thick as the hair on her head…I slowly lowered my face to it andsimply luxuriated in burying my face in her wild jungle…I started to lick itand gently nibbled on it and lovingly pulled at some of the hairs. As I slowlygot to the lips of her pussy I reached up and spread them apart. Looking forthe first time at my mother’s pinkness I felt a strong urge to simply kiss herthere…which I did. I then proceeded to lick her slit and nibble on herlovebud…all the time her hair was rubbing my face. She writhed and moaned under the constant attention my tongue was giving her. As she built to a climax, I inserted a finger into her pussy and slowly startedto insert another into her rear hole. She was thrashing about the bed in such afashion that I had a difficult time maintaining my tongue within the folds ofher pussy. Her lovejuice was covering my face in much the same manner that mycum covered the walls of her throat just minutes before. When she came to thezenith of her climax she simply moaned and clamped her legs around my head andvirtually enveloped me within her pussy. It seemed like moments before shereleased her grasp of my head and I very tenderly kissed her clitoris by whichshe responded with a shudder.”Now you must fuck me,” she said.And with that she pulled me up to her face, kissed me, grasped my prick andguided it into her. As I entered her she told me to look her in the eyes, thatshe wanted to see into my soul that very instant. That the boy to whom she gavebirth she was now making a man and she wanted to look deep into me and as Ipenetrated deep into her. As I slipped between her legs and penetrated hercushion of pubic hair to probe the depths of her pussy we looked into eachothers eyes and as I began to fuck her we said to each other “I love you.”

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