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That evening after dinner, I started back to work on my book. At first, the going was slow but soon the words started pouring through my fingers onto the keyboard. I was composing on the fly just like I had done when I first started writing my stories. I felt a renewed vigor coursing through my mind as my newest story began unfolding.

“What’re you smiling about?” My grandfather inquired from his comfortable recliner in the office.

“Oh nothing.” I replied. “My story just seems to be coming together all of a sudden.”

“Is it a western?” He asked, grinning. “I’d like to see you write a good western. Like a John Wayne movie.”

“Sorry, it’s not a western.” I answered. “Maybe someday I’ll write one especially for you.”

“Well, don’t wait too long.” J.D. kidded. “I wanna still be alive to read it. And, don’t put a lot of that sex stuff in it either! Cowboys never had much sex in the old west.”

The mention of cowboys having sex reminded me of my scheduled rendevous with Cody later that evening. My fingers started tripping over the keys, making several typographical errors. I slowed my typing pace down, trying to concentrate but dreaded thoughts of having to keep my agreement interrupted my progress.

I kept watching the digital clock in the right-hand corner of the monitor as it ticked off the minutes towards 10pm. I tried to remember the last time I was with anyone. It had been so long I could barely remember who it was, let alone when it was. Thoughts of not showing up at Cody’s trailer fought thoughts of just trying to talk him out of the stupid situation.

“Surely, he’d let me off the hook if I ask him.” I thought. “He’s too much of a gentleman to force me to have sex with him.”

As the clock clicked 9:00pm, I decided it best to prepare myself for the worse. Shutting down my laptop computer, I put it aside for the night.

“I’m gonna grab a shower.” I remarked to my grandfather. “Maybe, I’ll run down to the barn before bed and check on the horses.”

“Cody usually checks on the horses before he goes to bed.” J.D. asserted. “You don’t have to worry about them.”

“Well, I need to talk to him about the calf sale this Friday.” I commented. “We should probably discuss what breed of cows we want.”

“Can’t that wait till tomorrow?” My grandfather asked.

“Unless… just want to spend some time with him.” He added, grinning. “I do think ole Cody’s got a thing for you.”

I couldn’t think of anything to counter with so I quickly slipped out of the office. After showering and fixing my hair and make-up, I slipped on a pair of dress slacks and a frilly blouse. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to look sexy or trying to look innocent!

Before leaving the house, I checked on my grandfather. He was still sitting in his recliner, watching one of his favorite westerns.

“See ya in the morning.” He remarked, not bothering to look away from the television.

“Don’t forget. Breakfast is at 6am.” He added. “I’ll expect you to be at breakfast with the ranch-hands each and every morning.”

“I’ll be at breakfast. Don’t worry.” I responded, picking up my cigarettes and lighter.

Walking down the hill towards Cody’s trailer, I kept thinking of what I could say to talk him out of the situation. I nervously lit up a cigarette before approaching the door to his camper, taking a couple of quick, hard drags off it.

“You’re right on time.” Cody greeted, gesturing me to enter.

Stepping up into the travel trailer, I immediately noticed its tidiness and luxurious appointments. Its spacious interior and carpeted flooring were highlighted by its light oak cabinetry and stylish furnishings. The travel trailer had two expanding walls, one for the combination livingroom, dining area and another for the bedroom.

“We should probably discuss the upcoming calf sale and what we need to look for.” I suggested, placing my cigarettes and lighter on the kitchen counter.

“We can do that tomorrow.” Cody responded. “We don’t need to discuss it tonight.”

“There’s one of my shirts on the bed.” He stated. “Take off your clothes and put it on. I’ll open up a couple beers while you’re changing.”

I stood frozen, unable to comply with his command. Cody just stood there, staring at me for a brief moment.

“Well! I’m waiting!” He spoke out angrily. “What’s your hold-up?”

I turned and walked quickly to the rear bedroom of the trailer. On the bed was a man’s white dress shirt, way too large for Cody, let alone me. Taking off my clothes, I placed them on a shelf in the large closet that ran the width of the bedroom. I kept my panties on but slipped off my bra. Putting the shirt on, I buttoned it the entire length and rolled up the sleeves till they were above my wrists. The shirt was long enough that it came almost halfway down to my knees.

Thoughts of trying to reason with Cody were dashed from my mind as I looked at myself in the closet door mirror.

As I walked back to the front of the trailer, Cody scanned his eyes over me from head to toe.

“I ataköy escort hope you like beer.” He remarked, handing me a glass. “I wasn’t sure of what kind of wine to get so I bought beer instead.”

“I hope you bought plenty cause you’re going to have to get me pretty drunk.” I countered, lighting up a cigarette.

“I’m not planning on getting you drunk, just relaxed.” Cody commented.

The two of us sat together on the couch, sipping the cold beer. I sat sideways with my legs curled beneath me. Cody could sense my anxiety. I was hoping he’d call off the charade but I had a feeling he wasn’t about to. I wasn’t about to plead with him either

“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Cody murmured, toying with my hair. “I couldn’t get you off my mind.”

“Bet you can’t wait to make me number six on your list of conquests.” I smarted back.

“Actually, I can’t wait to change your outlook on sex.” He countered, taking the glass from my hand.

Cody’s next move was to lean into me for a kiss. At first, I started to pull back but I couldn’t resist the temptation to let him put his lips on mine. My lips responded as if they had a will of their own. Cody’s moist lips pressed lightly against mine. I savored the tender kiss, allowing it to prolong. Our lips compressed harder as our kisses became much more passionate. My urge to pull away was the farthest thing from my mind.

Cody’s hand worked at the buttons of the oversize shirt till he had it completely unbuttoned. The cool breeze from the overhead air conditioner wafted across my sensitive nipples, causing them to grow erect. Cody’s hand slipped beneath the shirt, clenching my waist. As we continued kissing, I could feel his calloused hand sliding upwards towards my breasts. Thoughts of stopping him never crossed my mind. My lips lightly chewed on his as I taunted him with my mouth.

Feeling my firm breasts being gently massaged and squeezed heightened my sexual desires. Cody’s gentle hand stimulated my soft skin. His fingers tweaked my nipples bringing a gasp from my lips. Cody’s lips kissed along my neck, making their way slowly towards my sensitive earlobes. My body tensed when his tongue licked at my ear.

Cody’s lips moved quickly to my nipples. Flicking his hot tongue over the hard projections had me gasping and moaning aloud. I murmured Cody’s name over and over, almost incoherently. Cody sucked on each nipple, pulling ever so lightly on them. My hand, at the back of his head, crushed his face into my breasts.

Cody’s left hand brushed lightly over the nylon material of my white bikini panties. I grabbed his wrist, forcing his hand between my legs. My juices were flowing, saturating my panties.

“Let’s go back to the bedroom.” Cody murmured.

I barely nodded my head, complying with his suggestion. Cody pulled me from the couch, guiding me down the narrow hallway to the bedroom. He slipped the shirt from my shoulders, tossing it to the bedroom floor.

“Face down on the bed.” He commanded. “I wanna look at your ass.”

I stretched out on the cool sheets, lying on my tummy. Propping myself up on my elbows, I watched Cody getting undressed. He wasted no time as he flung his clothes off. I was growing warmer as my eyes feasted on his naked and very masculine body. His tight briefs were bulging, constraining his already hard cock.

“On or off?” He jested, tugging at the elastic waistband of his briefs.

“Off!” I exclaimed. “I want you naked!”

Cody shoved his white briefs down his legs, kicking them off. His beautiful cock protruded proudly from his athletic body. I couldn’t take my eyes off it as he climbed onto the bed with me.

I rolled over onto my back, immediately being pulled into Cody’s warm embrace. We continued kissing passionately. My hands gripped Cody’s shoulders, holding him against me. He slipped his hand inside my panties, brushing his fingers lightly over my trimmed pubic hair. My legs spread slightly apart allowing him access to my pussy. His forefinger rubbed over my clit, bringing me closer to orgasm.

“Cody, do me now.” I pleaded.

Cody pushed my panties down, baring my pussy to his gaze. He wasted no time removing my panties, tossing them to the floor. Cody spread my legs open wide, embarrassing me with his evil grin. His rough hands brushed upwards along my legs, holding me in position. I cringed when he began kissing around the lips of my pussy. For some unknown reason I couldn’t relax and enjoy his oral stimulations.

Cody probed his tongue inside my pussy but I fought against him. My hands pushed against his forehead, trying to get him to stop. Cody grabbed my hands, entwining our fingers. He pulled me against his mouth, snaking his tongue in and out of my pussy. The astonishing orgasm came unexpectedly. I bucked against Cody’s face, grinding myself into him. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming out but I couldn’t contain myself.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” I screamed. “Stopppppppppppp”

Cody prolonged bakırköy escort my sexual pleasure with darting stabs at my sensitive clit. My body went rigid as the continuing orgasm sent shock waves throughout my body. I was shaking and trembling even as the orgasm slowly dissipated. It felt like all the strength had been pulled from my body. I choked and fought to regain my breath.

Lying there completely helpless, Cody used it to his advantage. Grasping his hard cock, he guided it towards my pussy. I felt the mushroom-shaped head of his cock slip between the lips of my pussy. Lubricated with my juices, his manhood pressed into me. The feel of a hard cock spreading my pussy was something I’d all but forgotten. Cody worked his cock deeper with each stroke.

Feeling his warm balls against my ass, I opened my eyes. The cowboy was smiling down at me. Leaning down, we kissed lovingly. Expecting Cody to fuck me like an animal I was prepared to ride him out. Instead, he stroked his hard cock slowly in and out of my pussy, prolonging our sexual encounter. Our eyes locked on each other’s. I grasped Cody’s upper arms, steadying him, as he plunged into me with deliberate strokes.

We fucked each other with a steady rhythm, slow at first, gradually increasing our tempo. My fingers were holding onto Cody tighter the harder and faster we fucked each other. Again, my body and its long-sleeping desires were winning out. I could feel another orgasm building deep within my body.

My widening eyes were a clear indication to Cody he was about to bring me off once again. With gritting teeth, he fucked me hard and fast, plunging his cock into me with a vengeance. My orgasm triggered, sending me into another world filled with sexual fulfillment. I convulsed uncontrollably, gripping Cody with my legs. His hot cum spewed deep inside my pussy, mixing with my own hot juices. Muffled cries of pleasure escaped from my lips as the orgasm continued for several long moments. Cody pulled me up into his arms, still impaled on his hard cock. I held onto him, never wanting to let go.

Perspiration from Cody’s face trickled onto my back. He rocked me like a child, soothing my expended body. The combined heat from our bodies warmed us in our close embrace.

“God! That was awesome!” Cody whispered in my ear.

Unable to verbally respond, I squeezed his body, assenting my agreement. My own personal happiness wasn’t because I’d been sexually satisfied but knowing that I’d been able to fulfill Cody’s sexual needs. It was the personal satisfaction that I received from fulfilling my lover’s desires that was most important.

Laying me gently back onto the bed, Cody kissed me tenderly. My lips responded to his, not wantonly but lovingly.

After washing ourselves off and changing the bed linen, we snuggled together. The howling of coyotes off in the distant were the only sounds we heard as we slowly drifted off to sleep. Cody’s warm embrace and satiated body were all the comfort I needed.

A few hours later, Cody gently wakened me. I wasn’t sure what time it was nor did I care. We shared another extraordinary sexual experience that left us both breathless and totally exhausted. Cody’s warm cum oozed from my pussy onto the sheets. Cuddled in each other’s arms, we lay together without falling asleep.

“What’re you thinking about?” Cody murmured.

“Just thinking about the ranch.” I whispered, rubbing my hand lightly over his chest.

“What!” He exclaimed. “You mean you’re not thinking about me?”

“Of course, I was thinking about you.” I conceded. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“Do you feel any different about sex than you did the other day?” He asked. “Or, are you still having doubts about yourself?”

“Well, I feel better, that’s for sure.” I answered. “I’ve still got some reservations about my sexual abilities though.”

“Maybe we just need to fine tune them.” Cody suggested with a slight laugh.

“You’ve already done enough.” I asserted, slapping him on the tummy. “But, I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

About 4:30, I slipped out of bed without awakening the cowboy. Getting dressed, I hurried back to the house to grab a shower and change clothes. Checking on my grandfather, I found him sleeping soundly. I didn’t want him to know I’d spent the night with his ranch foreman. He’d never understand or forgive me.

At breakfast, J.D. announced his decision to the ranch-hands about my taking over the Lazy K. I expected to get looks of surprise, maybe even a sign or two of disapproval but the men seem to take it stride without asking a single question. Then again, maybe they were just too busy eating to ask my grandfather about his decision.

During breakfast, Cody kept trying to get my attention but I purposely avoided eye contact with him, knowing full well what he had on his mind.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked, as my grandfather and I stepped into his office.

“I’m gonna grab my checkbook and head over to Pueblo.” J.D. answered. “You might want to go over the database on the ranch assets and update it. It’s been awhile since I’ve worked on it.”

“By the way, don’t make any plans for tomorrow.” He added. “We’ve got a 10:00 appointment with my attorney to get the power of attorney taken care of.”

With just myself and Juanita in the house, it seemed awfully quiet. Reviewing the ranch’s asset database, it took me awhile to figure out my grandfather’s filing system. He always did things his own way instead of using conventional practices. Verifying the assets still existed would involve doing a physical inventory. For that, I’d probably need one of the ranch-hands assistance, maybe Cody’s.

“Better not use Cody.” I thought, smirking. “He’ll just want to take inventory of me and we’d never get anything done.”

I worked on the database most of the day, running a printout of the resorted document. Putting my feet up on my grandfather’s desk, I scanned over the papers till my eyes grew tired. I was still having some problems with my left eye, today more than usual. I closed my eyes to catch a short nap.

“Hey! That’s not very businesslike!” My grandfather exclaimed, awakening me from my catnap.

“You’d never catch me asleep on the job with my feet propped up.” He added, grinning.

“Oh…..a….. I was just resting my eyes.” I stated.

“I’ve been going over the asset database.” I continued. “I changed the form a little so it’d be easier to understand. You wanna take a look at it?”

“Nope.” J.D. replied. “I don’t need to look at it. That’s your job.”

“By the way, I bought you a new buggy.” My grandfather asserted. “That old car of yours needs to be sitting in some high school kid’s driveway, not in mine.”

“I’ve had that car since I was in college!” I retorted. “I’m not about to get rid of it!”

“Well, park it down in the equipment building. Somewhere out of sight!” J.D. commanded. “It’s leaving a puddle of oil everywhere you park it. I won’t comment on all the rust and dings and dents.”

“So, what’d you buy?” I questioned. “Something sleek and fast?”

“Hardly.” My grandfather replied. “I bought you a new Suburban. Something functional and reliable. When the winter snows hit, you’ll need the four-wheel drive to get around.”

After dinner, I worked on my book. Although ideas were popping into my head left and right, thoughts of Cody had my nimble fingers stumbling over the keyboard. I kept looking out the picture window, hoping to see him.

“You lookin’ for Cody?” J.D. asked, looking away from the television.

“No! Of course not!” I exclaimed. “Why would I be looking for him?”

“Michelle. I know you didn’t sleep in your own bed last night.” He responded. “It’s obvious, you slept somewhere.” I kept my mouth shut to avoid getting into an argument with my grandfather. Putting thoughts of Cody aside, I continued writing till almost midnight. My grandfather went to bed around 11:00, leaving me to work without his occasional interruptions.

The next morning, Cody sat across from me in the diningroom. The conversation amongst the ranch-hands was on the weather and impending storms forecast for the area. Cody kept nudging my foot with his, trying to get my attention. Kicking him with the point of my high-heel shoe finally discouraged him.

J.D. and I left the ranch around 8:30 for our drive to Pueblo. Dressed in a beige business suit, which had a shorter than usual skirt, I met my grandfather’s approval. He’d purchased a white western style hat for me to wear. Although I seldom wore anything on my head, I put it on. It complimented my ensemble perfectly.

“Now you look like a rancher!” J.D. exclaimed. “And, not so much like a city slicker.”

Driving the two-lane highway towards Pueblo, I relaxed behind the wheel of the new Suburban. The soft leather interior felt very luxurious compared to the faded and worn velour interior of my old Camaro.

“Whatta ya think of it?” My grandfather asked. “She’s quite a truck, huh?”

“Yes, it’s really nice.” I answered with a big smile. “It handles like a dream. Practically drives itself.”

“Don’t let the power get away from ya.” He warned. “I got her so you could pull the horse trailers when you need to.”

“Why would I ever need to pull a horse trailer?” I questioned. “You’ve got trucks to do that.”

“I’d like to see you expand our horse business.” J.D. replied. “It’s something I never got around to. But, that’s up to you.”

“I’ll think about it.” I stated. “I’ll discuss it with Cody.”

“Keep your clothes on when you do.” My grandfather jested with a smile. “You’ll get more done that way.”

Obviously, my grandfather knew there was something going on between Cody and me. I couldn’t very well discuss my sexual problems with him but I felt he was broad-minded enough to realize I had physical needs that justified my actions.

Arriving at my grandfather’s attorney, we were ushered into his office without waiting. Thornton Smith, a gentleman in his late fifties, was dressed in a tailored suit. He didn’t mince words, getting right down to business. He wanted to make sure I understand the limitless powers I would share with my grandfather. I sat quietly, not interrupting with questions.

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