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Note to Readers:

This story contains nonconsensual sex between men. If this isn’t something that interests you, please move on. Otherwise, enjoy.


John and Jeremy knew exactly what kind of men they were. They’d never really tried to deny it, and never really felt a need to change.

Being fraternal twins, they had a lot in common, and while they weren’t identical, they did look enough like each other that many people assumed they were. Both had short brown hair, both had piercing brown eyes, and both had a crooked smile that often charmed others enough to get them out of whatever trouble they’d found themselves in.

But they had their differences. John, the older of the two, was taller, broader, and his features were just a little sharper. He always had some kind of facial hair, and although the goatee was his favorite, he did often change styles.

Jeremy was long and lean, and impeccably well-groomed. Clean-shaven and neat, he would probably be considered the more attractive of the two. He was also more cunning and sadistic than his older brother, and was more or less the “brains” behind the pair.

His dick was also bigger than his brother’s, and quite a bit thicker.

It definitely came in handy when they were playing with some of their targets. While they both worked out, and were quite strong, John had always been the more physically able of the two, and was more than glad to hold an unwilling victim down while Jeremy pushed that thick dick inside, the screams sending chills straight to his groin.

They had been like this for as long as either of them could remember. It started as teenagers, when they would gang up on their younger brother. They’d been 19, and Chris had been 18, that first time. Their parents hadn’t been home, so there had been no need to worry about Chris making too much noise. For Jeremy, it was the sweetest high, and he was immediately addicted.

That was the beginning of the end for both of them. While they were both mostly straight, and thoroughly enjoyed women, they quickly found that forcing women just didn’t hold the same attraction as forcing men. So they abandoned their short-lived quest to force themselves on women, and turned their attention back to the men they adored.

Their brother was always the easy choice. He was always there, always available, and always too ashamed and too shy to tell anyone what was going on. They all shared a room in their small house, and as the three boys went on, the sex had become a common nighttime ritual.

After a few months, after Chris had resigned himself to his fate and had stopped struggling completely, John and Jeremy found themselves a bit disappointed. While they thoroughly enjoyed the obedience of their brother, and still used him regularly, they realized it was the struggle that they loved.

They needed someone else.

At first, it was a very inaccurate science. They knew they needed to find someone they could physically overpower, but after a few mistakes, they realized that the physical characteristics weren’t enough.

They needed a specific personality type. Someone quiet, someone reserved, perhaps a little shy. Someone who preferred not to be in crowds, who preferred staying home on the weekends, rather than go to parties. Introverts.

And they quickly realized that the younger their target was, the better. Younger men were always a bit more innocent, a bit more naïve. While they had certainly had their share of fun with thirty-somethings, and sometimes older than that, they realized that teens and young adults didn’t fight back as much.

Because that was another thing they looked for. They needed someone passive, who would struggle, but wouldn’t try to throw punches or use weapons. John carried a rough-looking scar on the outside of his left thigh from one such mistake.

But as time went on, they learned more and more about the kind of person they needed, and what signs to look for. By the time they hit 23, they were experts at it, and almost never made mistakes.

Sure, they dabbled in the occasional woman, when the need struck them, and had even had the odd girlfriend or two. But they’d never really paid the women much attention. They never really respected them, and saw no desire to tolerate a relationship simply for the physical pleasure they received from it.

Most of their efforts were spent looking for the next victim. And at least every couple of weeks or so, they struck gold. They spent a lot of time in travelers’ bars, gay bars, hotel bars, anywhere they could find a man, alone and vulnerable.

They didn’t really care about the sexuality of their victims. John, who always preferred using a man’s mouth, tended to gravitate more toward gay men, while Jeremy, who thoroughly enjoyed the screams that came from shoving his dick inside a virgin ass, preferred them straight.

But they weren’t picky. It took days to find a decent target, so they took what they could get.

Occasionally, they got unbelievably Duraliler Escort lucky and found a target they could use more than once. That look of recognition, dread, and fear that flashed across a boy’s face when he saw them again, and knew why they had come back, was something that never failed to kick their lust up a notch. And, in the end, it had turned out to benefit them.

One of their repeat targets was skilled with computers, including the fine art of hacking into email and social media accounts. This target, Sam, also happened to enjoy being used slightly more than he wanted to admit.

Sure, he would always fight them at first, would always cry and scream in that first moment of penetration, and would always gag at the first taste of cock in his mouth, but by the time John and Jeff were about to cum, his dick was rock-hard, he didn’t need to be held down, and he eagerly pushed back against Jeremy while enthusiastically sucking John’s cock. And afterward, he was completely obedient and compliant, even nuzzling their crotches as they put their clothes back on.

And Sam’s skills with hacking were invaluable. Using his talents, they could easily threaten to blackmail other repeat targets into silence.

So life was good. They moved into an apartment together and hunted together at least twice a week. It went on for three more years. Now, they were twenty-six, in top physical condition, and perpetually horny. And sure, they found the occasional female slut to bang once in awhile.

That’s how they met Velocity, actually. Jeremy had found her in a bar when he was 24 and approached her. But, for the first time in his life, his advances had been rejected.

And that bothered the hell out of him. He was damn good-looking, impeccably groomed with a perfect body. Women always noticed him. And he was just as careful selecting his women as he was selecting his men. Someone scantily-clad, in her late teens or early twenties, with hair and makeup far too over-done, and alone. These were the kinds of women who were at the bar for one thing, and one thing only. They never respected themselves, and often had significant problems with self-esteem, and were very easily manipulated into spreading their legs for him.

And she fit that description perfectly. So the fact that she so nonchalantly dismissed him piqued his interest. It had been years since he’d considered forcing himself on a woman, but the thought went through his head, then. He decided to wait until she left the bar and follow her home.

But then, he slowly started to realize that there was something very off about this particular barely-dressed slut. The more he studied her, the more he saw a deep, predator’s gleam in her eyes. When she looked around the room, her gaze wasn’t unfocused and casual. It was a searching gaze, and it lingered on each man for just a moment too long before moving on. She wasn’t simply looking at the men around her. She was determined. Focused. She was looking for something very specific.

Jeremy noticed with a shock that she was hunting for her own target, and the clothes, hair, makeup, and gaudy jewelry were nothing more than a disguise to lure her prey.

But what could she have been hunting for? Did she enjoy forcing herself on men? How was that even possible, unless she carried Viagra in her purse?

He was immediately intrigued, and scrawled a quick note on a napkin and walked by her table, quickly setting the napkin down in front of her.

She didn’t seem to react at all as she casually picked up the napkin and read the hastily-written message.

But when he walked past her once more, to return to his seat at the bar, she reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

Jeremy had to fight to control himself, then. He wasn’t used to someone touching him so cavalierly. So disrespectfully.

The way he had so often grabbed the women he selected.

“You wrote this?” she asked simply.

“I did.”

“So what do you want?”

“I want to know what you’re looking for.”


“Because I’ve never met another hunter before.”

To his surprise, she released him and sat back in her seat, chuckling darkly. “That’s what you like to call yourself, is it?” she asked. “Okay, you’re right. You’re not the only ‘hunter’ here, and I’m just as observant as you like to think you are. You’re not looking for women, and you’re not at a gay bar. So what, pray tell, are you ‘hunting’ for this fine evening?”

Her tone and the knowing, sinister look in her eyes, along with the amused, vicious smile playing across her lips, made it very clear that she already knew the answer to her question.

For the first time in his life, he felt fear clutch at his throat. Good God, she knew. And to see it acknowledged in her eyes, to see that stark understanding there, was the first time he’d ever felt some of his confidence fall away.

As it turned out, she would bring about a lot of “firsts” in Escort Duraliler both his and John’s lives.

But he’d been right about her. She was a hunter, and she was there that night looking for a very specific kind of man, not too unlike the type of men John and Jeremy targeted. While her victims were almost always willing, at least to a point, she searched for timid, shy men with weak wills, men that she could easily manipulate and control for her own pleasure. Men she could pressure into obeying her, into allowing her to torture them.

John and Jeremy quickly discovered that she could be just as sadistic and cruel as they could be, often even more so. And yet, quite a few of the men she’d tormented and tortured came back, begging to be abused and violated again.

Men spent an evening with her, crying and screaming just as much as John and Jeremy’s victims did, violated just as deeply as their victims were. But then, when they went back to their regular lives, when the married ones went back to their normal, loving wives, they found that something had been switched inside them. While they had before never even considered being treated the way Vel treated them, or participating in the depraved acts she forced on them, now they found themselves craving it, sometimes unable to even get aroused without it.

She could reach into a man’s mind and change who he was. It was a skill Jeremy immediately coveted.

He befriended her relatively quickly, and found, much to his relief, that when she wasn’t in disguise while out “hunting,” she was quite attractive. Long, thick blonde hair hung down almost to her waist, often pulled up into a tight ponytail. Her makeup was minimal, accenting her innocent-looking eyes. Her features were delicate, her body lithe and graceful. She dressed well, but always with class. Hers was a look of understated elegance. To anyone who didn’t know her, she looked like a sophisticated young debutante. It was obvious that she came from money, and her tastes and demeanor reflected that. She knew what she wanted, and she never hesitated in going for it. And she commanded respect everywhere she went.

The first time they asked her to participate in their hunt, they had been surprised when she said she would participate, but only at the very end, after they were finished with their target. She said she would walk in just as they finished, order them to leave, and comfort the man they’d left broken and bloody.

At first, neither of them understood her request. But then, as time went on, they began to. She liked seeing men broken. She liked seeing them brought down lower than they’d ever been before. And it was a new and novel experience for her, to be able to see that effect on a man without having been the one to cause it.

It was a drug for her, the same way the sex was a drug for them. And, as it turned out, it enabled them to have quite a few more repeat victims.

While they all still fought, and the sex was still forced, they didn’t threaten calling the cops when she came afterward. They didn’t install new deadbolts or, in cases where John and Jeremy had stolen spare keys, attempt to change the locks.

Even the ones who Jeremy had misjudged, and fought harder than he expected, seemed to calm after she spent time with them. The next time they visited, those victims still fought, but no punches or kicks were thrown.

Jeremy had no idea what Velocity did with the men, or what she said to them to keep them quiet. He asked her many times, but she never answered. The curiosity drove him nuts, but the benefits were real.

It was nice, having more options. They never visited a target more than once every few weeks, and having more repeat victims enabled them to get their fix without having to spend days searching for the right type of man. Sometimes, the thrill of the hunt still made them seek out new meat, but as long as Vel was with them, it wasn’t always necessary.

So when they discovered that a perfect victim lived in the same apartment building, just a few doors down, they were ecstatic. Jeremy immediately called Velocity over, and they began plotting. Thankfully, the boy was agonizingly predictable. He always shopped for groceries on Thursday evening, he always came home from work between 5:45 and 6:00, Monday through Friday, and he always did laundry on Sunday afternoon. His schedule made it easy.

They all knew it was a big risk. The boy knew who they were and where they lived. The chances of getting caught were much higher, and usually, John and Jeremy wouldn’t consider making someone like that a target. But Velocity was positive that the risk was minimal. This boy wouldn’t report anything, wouldn’t go to the police, and wouldn’t retaliate. He was far too quiet, timid, and weak-willed to do that. So the plan went on.

They’d grabbed him just as he had finished unlocking his door one evening after he got home from work, shoving him inside and closing the door behind them. As always, Jeremy Duraliler Escort Bayan looked to make sure that the door was still unlocked, and Vel could get in.

They pulled him to the corner of the small studio apartment that served as his bedroom, where John held him down on the bed while Jeremy pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialed Velocity’s number, then set the phone on the boy’s bedside table. That way, she always knew when to walk in and do whatever it is that she did with the boys.

After Jeremy made sure that the phone was on, and Velocity could hear them, he turned to their new captive, a slow, sadistic smile spreading across his face.

The boy was skinny, young, and weak. He tried to fight against John, but the older, stronger man held him down with hardly any effort.

This was going to be so easy.

“Alright,” Jeremy said, looking into the wide, fearful eyes of his victim. “How about we take a look at that ass of yours, huh?”

He hadn’t thought it was possible, but the boy’s eyes widened even more, and he renewed his struggle. John easily held him down, on his stomach, with one hand on the back of his neck, and the other holding the waist of his jeans tightly, keeping him from being able to roll away.

John loved holding the smaller boys like this. It allowed them the full use of their arms and legs, but they couldn’t get up or roll away. He loved watching them thrash about as the first pangs of panic started to take hold.

And this boy’s reaction was everything he wanted it to be. His dick swelled against his jeans as he watched the boy writhe underneath him.

Jeremy nodded to his brother, and the two men easily flipped the boy onto his back. John held his arms above his head, and Jeremy quickly straddled his thighs, keeping him from being able to kick.

“Wait,” the boy pleaded, his voice tight with fear. “Wait, wait, wait.”

But Jeremy didn’t wait. He unbuttoned the boy’s fly, pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles. With quick, practiced movements, he pulled the boy’s shoes off, took the pants and underwear completely off, and tossed them to the floor.

When he looked back up to the boy’s crotch, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Seriously?” he asked, grinning.

The young boy was completely hairless. He shaved or waxed all his pubes off.

John grinned, pulling his pants down around his hips and resting his dick on the boy’s face. The boy groaned tried to squirm away, but John held his wrists together with one hand, and held his face still with the other.

“No, sit still,” he said as he held the boy down. “Get nice and acquainted with it. You’re going to become intimately familiar with it soon.”

Jeremy grinned at his older brother, then turned his attention back to the skinny, squirming boy. He was currently distracted by what John was doing, and not paying any attention to Jeremy.

So Jeremy took the opportunity to remove his clothes, setting them on the floor near the end of the bed, and taking the small bottle of lube out of his pants pocket. He never needed much. He liked having it just a little rough, just a tad on the dry side. The friction made the victims’ reactions even more fun.

And he could already tell that this boy’s reactions would be priceless.

Stripped down to nothing but his socks, he crawled up the length of the boy’s body until he was straddling his waist. He leaned forward, grabbing the boy’s wrists from his brother and pinning them down on either side of his head.

“Are you ready to have some fun?” he asked, looking down at the wide-eyed, panicked man below him.

“Please, just let me go,” the boy whispered shakily. “I won’t say a word to anyone. Just let me go.”

But Jeremy just chuckled, his dick swelling at the sight of terror in the boy’s eyes. “Oh, come on now,” he said. “Where’s the fun in that?”

He looked up, saw that John had removed his clothes, and immediately rose up to his feet. They quickly pulled the boy’s shirt up over his head, stood on either side of the bed, looking down at the quivering, trembling, naked boy lying between them. He looked up at his two attackers, sweet fear coloring his face. He tried to cover himself, but Jeremy could see in his eyes that he knew there was nothing he could do to stop the next events from happening.

John and Jeremy stood there for a moment, letting the boy squirm between them for a little bit. Then, John grabbed him, wrenching one of his arms painfully behind his back with one hand and holding him by his hair with the other.

“Open your mouth,” he grunted, pressing the tip of his dick against the boy’s firmly-closed lips.

He shook his head, using his free hand to try to push John away. John replied by wrenching his arm even further and tightening his grip on his hair.

“You’re not going to like your life very much if you don’t do it,” he warned. “Do yourself a favor and open your mouth.”

“Please, no,” he begged.

John pressed the tip of his dick against his lips again, waiting for the boy to open his mouth. He knew how this worked. And by this point, he knew what kind of boy he was dealing with. He wouldn’t have to use a lot of force to get what he wanted. A firm hand, firm warning, and a bit of patient persistence, and the boy would cave in.

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