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Cockatoo Part 6Cockatoo Part 6Alex grabbed my hands, ‘Please, James, it’s the only way we could thinkof to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng beingaware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok asJandaeng expects you to next week. Please?’Areeya came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. ‘James, I amso worried about my father. I would be very, very grateful if you coulddo this for me.’ Areeya squeezed my shoulders, and my imagination wentinto overdrive thinking about what that gratitude would be like.‘There must be another way, surely?’ ‘If there is, we can’t think of it,’ said Alex. ‘We have to assume allelectronic communications will be intercepted. We’re on an island so wecan’t just drive there. The only ways to the mainland are by plane or the ferry. Flying would mean being spotted straight away. This is the only way.’‘But I would never get away with it. I would stand out like a sorethumb.’ Even I realised I had moved from outright denial to raisingobjections. Alex gripped my hands tighter. ‘No, not at all. You’re just about mysize and you’re slender enough not to be too noticeable if we do itright. Your face isn’t too masculine; you have nice cheekbones. With atouch of lipstick, your lips would be quite feminine. Your feet and handsaren’t too large, and you have nice smooth skin.’ She ran her fingersover my cheek and said, ‘A little foundation would make all thedifference. You’ll be with Nin and she’ll take care of you. She’s happyto do it.’‘What?’ I squealed, ‘You’ve asked her already?’‘Yes, of course. We had to make sure she would say yes.’ Areeya saidfrom behind me, her hands still squeezing my shoulders. ‘What if I had to speak? That would be a dead giveaway.’ I thought thatwould stop this nonsensical idea.Alex smiled, ‘That’s where Nin comes in. Aside from being cover as twogirls travelling together, her English is so good, she can answer anyquestions for you. Just pretend you have lost your voice.’I stayed silent, just hoping this madness would stop.Alex went on, ‘Look, there will be hundreds of people on the ferry, Ipromise no-one will notice you. You can wear sunglasses all the time anda sun hat. You’ve let your hair grow since the pirate attack and Ithink we can style it in a more feminine way. If not, I have a wig youcan wear that will help to cover your face. We’ll dress you casually; atop and loose sarong and sandals, so you’ll blend in with all the othertravellers. You can take some male clothes with you in a bag and changewhen you get to the bus.’Areeya’s hands were now massaging my shoulders and Alex was stroking myhands, and I could feel my objections slipping away. Alex, sensing this,provided the final push.‘Look, let us just try it, get you dressed to see if it works. If itdoesn’t so be it. If it looks OK, will you do it?’I closed my eyes and nodded. ‘OK, I agree to try it, but if I think Ilook ridiculous, it’s all off, right?’‘But if it doesn’t look ridiculous, then you will do it?’ Alexcountered.I opened my eyes and confident it would never happen, I sighed and said,‘Yes, if it looks OK I will do it.’Alex clapped her hands together and kissed me, whilst Areeya wrapped herarms around my neck and hugged me tight.‘But I repeat, if I look ridiculous, it will all be off, right?’ I triedto stop their enthusiasm carrying me along with their harebrained idea.‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’ll look fine, I promise you,’ said Alex, ‘but youhave to do everything we say, right?’I nodded, and she jumped up and said, ‘OK, let’s get started. First, youhave to get rid of any hair you have. I know you aren’t that hairy, butwe need to get rid of anything you do have.’‘What? Is that absolutely necessary? I mean we’re just seeing if itmight work. Can’t we do that later, if it’s necessary?’ My voice tailedoff as I saw the look on Alex’s face.She glowered at me, hands on her hips, ‘You promised to do exactly whatwe said, didn’t you?’‘Yes, but…’‘No buts, let’s get to it.’ She grabbed my hand and dragged me over tothe wet room, shouting to Areeya on the way. ‘Babe, can you sort outsomething for him to wear, casual I would say, but stylish. My stuffshould fit him, I think.’Areeya nodded and disappeared towards the walk-in closet at the end ofthe room. Alex had by now dragged me into the shower room and said,‘Come on then, don’t hang about, strip. I want to look at what we haveto work with.’All I had on were my shorts and t-shirt, so it didn’t take long for meto be naked. Alex walked around me; her manner very much like a farmersizing up a cow at the market. She even prodded me a couple of times,which I hoped was just for effect. ‘Not bad, I think. You’ve dropped a few pounds since the pirate attack,makes the job a bit easier. You’re a bit stringy, but there’s nothing wecan do about that in the short term.’‘Alex, this is a one off, remember.’‘Yes, I know, but you never know, you might get to like it.’ She strokedmy cock and kissed me, and I started to harden. She gave me one moresqueeze and said, ‘OK, shave your face once, and then again, to get itas smooth as possible and then use some of my moisturiser. Then we’llget started on your body hair. I’ve got Lawan waiting outside to do thewaxing. She does all the girls, me included.’‘What? No, I’m not doing that. What do you mean, she’s outside? I onlyagreed to see how I looked. I didn’t agree to any bloody waxing.’Alex smiled, ‘Well, you did agree to do exactly we said, didn’t you? Inany case, if we are to show you how good you could look we have to do alittle preparation, sweetie.’I turned to argue, but she gave me a sharp slap on the bum and I decidednot to bother. I shaved my face once and then shaved again, finishingoff with her moisturiser, which did feel good on my skin I have toadmit. Alex had sat on the stool and watched me as I shaved. ‘That’s one thing I absolutely don’t miss,’ she said as she stood up andcame over towards me. She stroked my chest and said, ‘I think that’s OK,but the legs need doing and your pits, ugh, they have to go, you’re notpretending to be an Australian girl for God’s sake.’I opened my mouth, and she put her finger to my lips. ‘Youpromised, remember. The damned stuff grows back anyway, so there’s noneed to get uptight.’ She grinned and shouted ‘Lawan, you can come innow.’The door opened and a small Thai girl entered giggling. I grabbed atowel, held it over my groin and blushed. ‘Alex, I will kill you oneday.’‘Oh, don’t be a baby, Lawan has done this many times with boys andgirls, there’s nothing she hasn’t seen, believe me.’‘Well, she hasn’t seen me.’ Even I knew that sounded pathetic.‘It’s either this, or I’ll start shaving you. Which do you prefer?’ Alexwas making wild swinging motions with her hands, looking like she wantedto use a scythe to shave me. ‘I said before, you aren’t getting anywhere near me with a razor. Willthis waxing thing hurt?’Alex shook her head, ‘No, of course not. Women get this done all thetime. Come on, man up, although that’s probably not the right term considering what we’re going to do, and come into the bedroom. Lawan has set her stuff up in there.’I walked through to the bedroom, keeping the towel in front of me.‘Oh, don’t be shy, Lawan doesn’t care how little your thing is.’ Alexgrabbed the towel and dropped it on the floor.‘It’s not little,’ I protested as Lawan giggled, which didn’t help.‘No, it’s not little, it’s kind of cute,’ said Alex, winking at Lawan.Lawan indicated I should lay down on a trestle table which she must haveput up whilst I was in the wet room with Alex. Areeya walked in at thatmoment and tried to stifle a laugh as she saw me laying down on thetable.‘Don’t you dare say anything, it’s bad enough as it is.’ I said,regretting that I had agreed to this crazy plan. ‘What about his bikini line?’ Areeya said, with a smirk.‘Bikini line? What do you mean?’ I squealed.Alex looked at me with a straight face, ‘We have to do a proper job,can’t have stray hairs, popping out, can we?’‘How about a brazilian?’ Areeya was now trying to stop laughing andfailing completely.‘What’s a brazilian?’ I said. All three of them burst into laughter.‘What? What have I said?’Alex stopped laughing and said, ‘Nothing, don’t worry about it.’Lawan was ready to start, and she applied the wax to my leg. It feltnice and warm and I closed my eyes, thinking this wasn’t going to be sobad. Then I felt Lawan lay a cloth or something over the wax and pressit firmly down. A few seconds later I felt a burning pain as she rippedoff the cloth,‘Owww, that hurt.’ I sat up and opened my eyes to see Alex and Areeyaholding onto each other, trying not to laugh.‘You told me it wouldn’t hurt, you bastards.’‘Poor baby,’ said Alex, ‘we girls have to suffer to look pretty, youknow.’ Areeya smothered her laughter. ‘I’m sorry, James, we’re only poking fun.I do appreciate what you’re doing, thank you.’ She leant across and gavemy cock a kiss. ‘That’s a down payment for when you get back.’ Lawan pushed me back on the table and continued to rip away my hair.After the first shock, it wasn’t that bad, but I wouldn’t want to do ittoo often. Lawan got into a rhythm and I lay back and tried to ignorethe pain. She started to get very close to my groin with the strips andI sat up in alarm as her hand brushed against my cock. ‘Be careful.’ I said, alarmed at what I thought she was going to do. ‘Don’t be a baby,’ Alex said from the sofa where she was casuallyflicking through a magazine. ‘Lawan will just trim your pubic hair, thistime, we can get it waxed properly next time.’‘There won’t be a next time,’ I said.‘Hmm, maybe, maybe not,’ she said, her legs crossed and one shoedangling off her foot. A gesture that somehow I find sexy. I lay backagain until I heard the buzz of a hair trimmer. I looked down just asLawan began to trim my pubic hair. She held my cock out of the wayalthough to be honest it seemed to have shrunk in size at the thought ofwhat she was doing. Not for the first time I thought I must be starkraving mad for going through with this. I watched as she gently trimmedaway leaving what later learnt was called a landing strip of hairpointing down towards my cock. She finished, looking over to Alex, whonodded and said, ‘Very pretty, Lawan.’Lawan moved up the table and pulled my arm away from my side and quicklywaxed my armpits and then ripped away the hair. I almost jumped off the table, ‘Shit, that stings.’ I wailed. Alex laughed and said, ‘Only one more to go, it won’t be as bad.’She lied, it was as bad.‘Thank you Lawan,’ Alex said in English, then followed up with somethingin Thai, which made both Lawan and Areeya giggle. ‘What was that?’ I said, now sore and not in a good mood.‘I just told her that next time she could do your crack and sack aswell.’‘Oh no, no way. Anyhow, there won’t be another time.’ I said and got offthe table.Lawan was busy clearing up her things and Alex said. ‘Go and take a coolshower, you’ll feel better for it, then use some of my tea tree oil.’The shower certainly helped and I admit I felt a thrill as my fingersslipped over my now hairless legs. I used the tea tree oil as Alex hadsuggested and it did ease the warmth leftover from the waxing. I driedmyself and wrapped a towel around my waist to give me some dignity andwalked back into the room. Alex took my hand and led me across to achair which she had placed in front of the mirror.She bent over and whispered in my ear, ‘This is where the magic starts,baby. First, Lawan is going to do something about those eyebrows,they’re far too bushy and need a little thinning and shaping.’‘What? No way, I’m not having that.’Alex sighed and said, ‘Need I remind you that you agreed to do whateverwe said? It won’t be bad, I promise. Your brows will grow back if youdon’t like them.’ She dropped a towel over the mirror and said, ‘Wewon’t let you see anything until we’ve finished.’‘Alex, you won’t do anything too drastic, will you?’ She smiled and gaveme a quick kiss and said, ‘No, not this time anyway.’ She put her fingerto my lips before I could say anything and turned to Lawan.‘OK, Lawan, make him look beautiful.’ Lawan giggled and moved between meand the mirror.‘Please keep eyes closed, Mr James. Please not move either, it willsting a little but not much. I going to bartın escort thread your brows first. Itbetter than tweezing, Mr James. Don’t worry I won’t do too much.’I felt a tug and then a sharp pain across my brows, ‘Ouch, that stings.’Lawan completely ignored me and carried on across both brows. I felt herrub something into my brows as she said, ‘Just some Aloe Vera, Mr James,very cool.’ She moved behind me and I felt her hands on the back of myhead.‘Just give you head massage, very nice, make you relax.’ Lawan was asgood as her word and before long her skilled hands had me almost fallingasleep. I still had my eyes closed, and she came round to the frontagain and giggled, ‘OK, I start make-up now, Mr James. I not do too muchtoday, just some foundation and lipstick and eyeshadow.’ Not for the first time, I cursed myself for allowing myself to be talkedinto this. I heard Alex and Areeya whispering in the background and Ishouted, ‘This will be it, right?’Areeya giggled and Alex said, ‘Sure baby, just the wig and the clothesafter this, I promise. We won’t use any nail polish this time, but inthe future who knows.’Lawan put something over my face and spread it out with a sponge.‘This to cover up any beard, Mr James, just put some concealer as welland some blush.’ I had no idea what she was talking about, but I have toadmit I was enjoying the feeling of what she was doing to my face; Ibegan to understand why women liked to be pampered in this way. Lawanwas talking all the time she was working, telling me about the eyeshadowshe was using, and that it was good for daytime or night-time. As if Iwould know the difference I thought. Her fingers were so soft and gentleand the feeling of the brushes or whatever on my eyes made me feel alittle excited to see what it would all look like.She finished with the lipstick. ‘I draw around your lips, Mr James, makethem look a little bigger, but you have nice lips anyway.’I heard Alex snigger, ‘I might let you kiss him later Lawan.’Lawan giggled, and I thought that might not be altogether a bad idea.Lawan said. ‘Open mouth Mr James,’ and I felt the lipstick sliding ontomy lips. It felt somehow decadent, and I realised with a little alarmthat I enjoyed the feeling. ‘Now press lips together gently, smootheverything, Mr James.’I remember watching my mother do this when I was small, and it seemed anatural thing to do. The feeling of the lipstick across my lips wassurprisingly nice. Lawan touched up something around my lips and then said, ‘OK, I finish,I think look good Mr James.’I heard Alex and Areeya come up behind me and what sounded suspiciouslylike a high five between the two of them. I opened my eyes and saw Alexsmiling down at me. ‘OK, baby, let’s get you dressed and then we’ll finish with the wig andthen you can see just how good you look.’She was holding what looked like a pair of bikini bottoms in her hand.‘Stand up and let’s get these on. I was thinking of a gaff, but for now,these are tight enough to keep you in check. I can teach you to tuckanother day.’Areeya couldn’t suppress a giggle but I had no idea what they weretalking about.I put one hand on her shoulder and placed first one foot and then theother into the knickers. Alex drew them up my legs and the feeling asthey slid over my shaved legs was thrilling. She pulled them up tight,and I felt a little uncomfortable as my cock was compressed at thefront. ‘Should be OK for now,’ said Alex as Areeya handed Alex what was clearlya lacey bra. I felt myself blushing, ‘God, do I have to wear that? Can’t we justimagine for now?’‘No,’ said Alex, ‘we want to make this look as good as possible, so putyour arms out and let me put this on you.’I stuck my arms straight out like a sulky schoolboy as Alex slid thestraps up over my arms and then Areeya pulled the bra tight, fasteningit at the back. As the straps pulled against my skin I felt a suddenrush and for the first time, it struck me just what I was doing. Alex must have sensed something, for she kissed me and whispered, ‘Feelsgood doesn’t it?’ I shook my head, but I couldn’t shake off the feelingof the thrill I was feeling. She smiled and picked up something from thetable. ‘These are breast forms that I used to use. They’re good qualitybut not as nice as the real thing, unfortunately.’She slipped the forms into the bra and adjusted it so that the formsfitted into the cups. The extra weight was astonishing to me and Ilooked down at them with amazement.Areeya laughed and said, ‘Yes, that’s what I have to carry around withme every day, and what boys love so much. Maybe they wouldn’t like them so much if they had them too.’Alex smiled and said, ‘We’re just going to give you a simple skirt andtop for now, nothing too formal, you want to look as if you’ve been onholiday, not going to a business meeting.’She picked up a brightly coloured cotton blouse and said, ‘This willslide over your head, but try not to get makeup on it.’I put my arms up, feeling the tug of the breast forms as I did so. Alexput my arms through the blouse and it fell down over my head and thebottom came down to my hips. ‘Looks nice,’ said Areeya fussing with it a little, getting it to settleacross my shoulders. Alex picked up the skirt and said, ‘This is awrap-around skirt, it will cover up a lot but will still be nice andcool, you just have to be careful how you sit down so that it doesn’tfall open too much. We can practice that later.’She got me to hold one side and then pulled it round and showed me howit fastened at the side. It was white and seemed to float down from mywaist almost to my ankles. It felt odd to be wearing something that longbut which felt light and loose and comfortable. Alex stood back andlooked over to Areeya who nodded her approval. Alex sighed, and Isuddenly realised she was nervous about how this would turn out.‘OK, James, the crowning glory, the wig. I don’t think we can rely ongetting your hair to be styled in time, so we’re going to go with one ofmy wigs. I had a few for my previous profession if you know what I mean.It’s a good one, so it will get you by as far as we need to for tomorrow.’I had sat down again and with Lawan’s help, they put a wig cap on my headfollowed by the wig. It was only shoulder length. but I had never hadsuch long hair, and it felt strange to have so much hanging down aroundmy face. I kept touching it and Alex gently slapped my fingers, ‘Itdraws attention to it if you keep playing with it. Leave it alone.’Lawan and Alex did some more adjusting and then they stepped back andAreeya joined them, all three were looking a bit shocked.‘What?’ I said, ‘how bad does it look? I told you it would.’Alex shook her head and pulled me up out of the chair. I saw Areeya hadher hand over her mouth and Lawan was watching, wide-eyed as I walkedover to the mirror. My heart was beating so fast as she positioned meright in front of the mirror, and without a word slipped the towel offthe mirror. Time seemed to slow down as the towel dropped to the floor,and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. I had closed myeyes, and I counted to five before slowly opening them, expecting to seesome kind of monstrosity staring back from the mirror. I was so confused at what I saw that I almost thought they had played atrick on me, putting someone behind the mirror wearing the same clothesas me. It certainly wasn’t me I could see, but a woman standing there,blonde hair falling to her shoulders framing her face which was made upwith pink lipstick and eyeshadow, and wearing a pretty, brightlycoloured blouse and a long white skirt. She looked somehow familiar, andthen as I moved my hand to my face her hand moved as well, and with astart, I realised it was me.Alex appeared in the mirror, standing by my side and put her arm throughmine before whispering, ‘I think you lost, we won.’I couldn’t say anything, for I was trying to make sense of what I sawin front of me. My eyes and my brain were not working properly together,or that’s how it seemed to me. My eyes told me there was a womanstanding there, maybe not a beautiful woman, but my brain was telling methat it was me standing there. I shook my head and the woman in themirror moved her head too. I put my fingers up to my lips, and the womanin the mirror did that too. Finally, my brain and my eyes werereacquainted, and I let out a little gasp. Areeya moved onto my other side and she took my arm and smiled, ‘James, do you think you look ridiculous?’ I could only shake my head as I still couldn’t find my voice to say anything. It was ridiculous that I could have changed how I look so much in such a short time, but I didn’t feel ridiculous. I finally turned my eyes away from the mirror and looked first at Alex and then at Areeya. ‘I don’t know what to say. I wouldn’t have believed it if it wasn’tthere in front of my eyes.’ I turned back to the mirror, and said asmuch to self as to the others, ‘Do you think I can get away with it?’Alex and Areeya looked at my eyes in the mirror and almost as one said,‘Yes.’Alex took my hand, ‘The most important question is do you think you can.We’ve proved we can get you to look good, now you have to act the part,but I think you can do it.’Areeya squeezed my other hand and whispered, ‘I also think you can,James. I would really appreciate it you could do this for me.’I was trapped, I had said that I would do it if I didn’t lookridiculous, and they had shown me that I didn’t. So, although my mindwas scrambled and thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong, Igripped their hands hard and whispered, ’OK, I’ll do it.’Areeya kissed me and Alex gave me a huge hug. ‘Thank you,’ said Areeya,and her eyes were shining as she said it. Alex turned to Lawan, huggedher and said, ‘Thank you so much Lawan, you did a great job. Can youcome back tomorrow morning to get James ready again?’ She nodded andwith a hug from Areeya she left.Alex led me back to the mirror and said, ‘What do you really think?’I thought for a minute before answering. ‘I don’t know right now. I looka million times better than I thought I would, but to get away with it,I don’t know.’I looked at myself in the mirror again and could see that I didn’t lookbad. Just standing there, the transformation was almost frightening. Myeyebrows had a slight curve to them, my lips shone with pink lipstickand my eyes looked larger with the eyeshadow that Lawan had used. It wasme, for sure underneath, but for the first time, I began to feel thatwith some luck I might be able to do it.Alex frowned and said, ‘OK, but we have some work to do with you to getyou to act a bit more like a woman. We can’t do much, but we can show afew things to avoid that would completely give you away.’ She laughedand said, ‘Tonight is going to be a girly night.’ So it proved. Alex insisted I stay in character as she called it. Shesaid that if I was to be convincing, then I needed to be as relaxed aspossible when dressed, so practice was the only way to do it. We had lunch sent up, and I fled to the kitchen as it was brought in from therestaurant. Alex laughed and said, ‘You’re going to have to face peoplesome time, so tonight we will be going out to eat.’‘No,’ I squeaked, ‘I can’t, it would be too embarrassing, what ifsomeone recognises me?’Areeya held my hand and said, ‘James, it will be alright, we’ll go to aplace we are not known, I promise you no-one will recognise you likethis. I doubt I would be able to.’‘We’ll see,’ I mumbled.After lunch, Alex and Areeya spent the afternoon getting me to learn thedifference between how men and women move and act. They made me watchthem move and walk and then I had to try. They got me to sit down dozensof times until I got it right; don’t flop down, lower yourself slowly,tuck the skirt beneath you before you sit down, keep the knees together,no manspreading, sit up straight, don’t slouch, keep the shoulders back,don’t be tense, try to relax – the list was endless. Alex made me put on a pair of her shoes, just a pair of sandals with alow heel that I would wear the next day and made me walk up and down theflat. She said that women walk with shorter strides than men and that Iwas to imagine I’m walking a straight line putting my feet down one infront of the other, keeping my elbows bartın escort bayan tucked in so I wouldn’t swing myarms so much. It never seemed to stop and my head and body began to hurtso I called for a break. I sat down on the sofa, put my head in my hands and said, ‘I can’t doit, it’s impossible.’Areeya came and sat down next to me, ‘James, you can. When you sat downjust now, you did everything right. Look at how you’re sitting now.’I realised that I was sitting with my knees together, and I had smoothedthe skirt out beneath me as I sat down. Somehow the lessons were sinkingin. Areeya went on, ‘All we need to do is enough to get you off the island,don’t forget. It’s only to stop you being spotted. Jandaeng’s men willbe looking for you, not two pretty girls travelling together. We onlyneed to get past anyone at the ferry terminal in Samui and on themainland. After that, it’s all over.’I looked at her and then Alex and thought there wasn’t much I wouldn’tdo for these two.I sighed and stood up. ‘Alright,’ I said, ‘Let’s keep practising then.’Alex hugged me and we went back to the lessons. By the time we stoppedagain, I felt exhausted. My mind was reeling and my body ached fromdoing simple things I had done all my life, but in a different way. Alexand Areeya declared themselves happy with progress, so we went to sit onthe balcony for a drink. I was beginning to feel less awkward dressed asI was and I felt the most confident I had about getting away with it thenext day. I had sat with my back to the stairs, and it was only when Isaw Alex look up and smile I realised someone was behind me. I whirledround and was horrified to see Nin standing there. ‘Hello Mr James, you look very nice.’ She said, a big smile spread allover her face.I turned to Alex, ‘You will kill me one day, why didn’t you warn me Ninwas coming?’Alex merely grinned and said something In Thai to Nin, making her andAreeya laugh. I really needed to learn to speak some Thai I decided.‘What did you say?’ I demanded.Alex smirked, ‘Nothing much. It was only that Nin usually tells someoneshe’s coming before she actually does come.’ That made Areeya and Nin laugh again, and I shot them both a look.‘Come on baby, it was a joke, anyway we thought Nin should come out withus tonight so that we can plan what we do tomorrow.’It was then that I realised that all this wasn’t a spur of the momentthing; Alex and Areeya had planned this in advance. Alex looked thoughtful, ‘We can’t keep calling you James can we? Youneed a femme name. What do you think? Candy? Scarlett? Lexi?’ I must have looked horrified because Areeya immediately said, ‘Don’t besilly Alex. How about Jamie? It’s close to James and will be easier toremember.’Alex pouted, ‘Oh alright, but I think Kaylee would be cool too.’Nin said, ‘Jamie is nice, I like that too.’Areeya said, ‘Good, that’s decided, Jamie it is.’‘Anybody care to know what I think?’ I said.They all turned to look at me. ‘Actually I like Scarlett,‘ I said.Areeya and Nin looked stunned while Alex smirked.‘Gotcha,’ I said, ‘Jamie is fine.’They all burst out laughing and Alex said, ‘Maybe I’ll just call youScarlett in bed.’‘It’s time we should be going out to dinner,‘ said Areeya, ‘Jamie, areyou ready?’I looked up at all of them, smiled and said, ‘I’m nervous, but with youto help me, I’m ready to try.’Alex jumped up and headed back into the flat and emerged with somebracelets and a necklace. ‘We need to accessorise you before we go out.’She slipped a couple of bright bracelets on my arm and Areeya held myhair up while Alex fixed a string of beads around my neck. To finish,she spritzed some perfume onto me and announced that I was ready.They all hugged me and we were off. We walked arm in arm down the strip,me with my eyes on the ground most of the time, trying to remember mylessons. The others were laughing and chattering in Thai and I hoped itlooked just like four girls out for a good time. Anyway, we seemed toget a fair amount of attention, but nobody stared at me too much andno-one pointed and laughed, which was what I was really afraid of. Theconfidence of the others was infectious, and I began to relax more andmore. It was when we got to the restaurant, and Alex announced she hadto go the restroom that a full blown panic set in. What if I had to dothe same when I was dressed like this? Alex must have seen the look onmy face because she gently said, ‘Come on Jamie, let’s go together.’Alex pulled me up and held my hand as walked over to the restrooms. Shewhispered, ‘There’s nothing to worry about, just use one of the stalls,but don’t forget to sit down, you’re a girl now. I’ll be here all thetime.’There were a couple of women in there already, and I felt like boltingstraight out again, but Alex held my hand and pushed me into one of thestalls. I sat down, sweating and feeling like I was going to throw up. Iheld my head in my hands and swore to myself I was going to tell them itwas all off when I got out of here. I sat there for a while and thenheard Alex through the door saying, ‘Jamie, are you OK?’ I stood up, abit unsteady on my feet, smoothed down my skirt and opened the door.Alex stood outside, smiling and held out her hand again. She led meacross to the basins and whispered, ‘Wash your hands and freshen yourlipstick like we taught you this afternoon.’I was in a daze by now and automatically did as she told me. Two loudAussie girls came in and glanced at us, but walked straight into thesame cubicle and we heard the unmistakable sound of kissing from inside.I was shocked and looked at Alex just shrugged, stuck her tongue out and made an obvious licking motion. I wanted to laugh but managed to stifle it and grabbed Alex’s arm and walked back out into the restaurant. By the time I got back to the table, I had forgotten all about pulling out of it all.The rest of the dinner went well and as I relaxed I began to feel moreand more confident in my new persona. One thing did worry me abouttomorrow and that was if I had to speak. Alex had told me to forgetabout speaking as Nin would be there to sort that out, but I wanted toknow if I had to, was there anything that I could do to sound a littlemore feminine. She thought for a bit and said, ‘There’s not much you can do about thepitch of your voice, that takes a lot of practice and time to change.Men tend to talk in a more monotone voice, hold their head straight andvary the loudness of their voice for emphasis. You’ll hear women raisingand lowering the pitch of their voices for emphasis and speaking morequietly and more precisely than men, and we move our heads more as wetalk. If you have to say anything, speak quietly, act a bit shy and leantowards whoever you’re speaking to. Don’t try to sound like you think a woman would. That won’t work. Try to vary the pitch of your voice alittle and be more animated when you speak. The best advice I can giveis, don’t speak unless it’s a matter of life and death.’ I tried to do as Alex suggested, to the general amusement of the others. It was strange but learning about being a woman was also teaching me things about being a man too.One of the waiters came across and whispered something to Alex. Shegrinned broadly and said, ‘Ladies, it seems we have some admirers. Thewaiter said that the group of guys at the bar think we’re lovely andwant to buy us a drink.’Nin and Areeya turned to look, but I hissed, ‘What? Tell them no.’ Areeya said, ‘They look alright, why not?’I squeaked, ‘No, you can’t, you’re mad.’Nin smiled, waggled her fingers at them and said, ‘It might be fun.’‘No, no, no,’ I said as Alex waved to the waiter and said something inThai.‘Has she said no?’ I asked Nin.Nin said with a frown, ‘Miss Alex say yes we would love to have a drink with them.’‘Noooo, she can’t, I mean we can’t, I mean, I can’t.’ I was babblingnow.The others burst out laughing and Nin grinned widely and said, ‘Ijoking, Miss Jamie. Miss Alex say we flattered but unable to accepttheir invitation.’Areeya and Alex were laughing so much they were crying, and Nin wastrying not to laugh.‘I hate you all,’ I said. I turned to look at the group and they allraised their glasses to us in a kind of salute. A few seconds later oneof them stood up and walked across to our table.‘Shit, shit, one of them is coming over.’ I was almost fainting by now.‘Good evening, you gorgeous ladies.’ He was huge; tall, broad-shoulderedand spoke with a strong Australian accent. ‘My name’s Shane. I know yousaid no, and forgive us being so pushy, but is there any way we couldentice you to have just one drink with us tonight?’Alex smiled back at him as I stared down at the table. ‘Well, that’svery kind of you,’ she said, ‘but you see it’s my friend Jamie’s lastnight on the island for a while, she’s leaving tomorrow and it’s reallyup to her. What do you think, Jamie?’I heard Areeya snigger and felt Nin trying not to laugh. What I reallythought was that I would kill Alex when we got back to the flat, veryslowly and painfully.I knew Shane was looking at me but I shook my head. ‘Jamie is it?’ Iheard him say, ‘are you sure I can’t change your mind?’ I summoned upall my courage and looked up at him, expecting him to spot me as a manstraight away and start shouting. Instead, he smiled broadly andrepeated what he said. I took a deep breath, tilted my head and said as quietly as I could,‘Thanks, Shane, but I have a long day travelling tomorrow. Maybe someother time?’He nodded, ‘I hope you didn’t mind me trying. Have a safe trip tomorrowJamie, and goodnight to all of you.’He retreated back to the others with a chorus of goodnights from Alexand Areeya. I slumped back in my chair and said, ‘I want to go home,now.’‘Well, that wasn’t so bad was it?’ Said Alex, as I glowered at her.‘That was mean, Alex,’ I said.‘Look, it proved that you can carry this off didn’t it?’‘Maybe,‘ I muttered.We headed back to the apartment, said goodnight to Nin who would meet usin the morning ready for the ferry trip. I was still seething when wegot back to the apartment, and I threw myself down on a chair on thebalcony. Alex sat on one of the other chairs whilst Areeya came and satsideways on my lap, wrapping her arms around me. ‘Jamie, Alex wouldnever have let anything happen to you. You must know that, and neitherwould I. It was a compliment to you.’‘How do you figure that out?’ I said, still mad.‘You were doing so well, coping with everything. What we did thisafternoon, going out in public. You were dealing with it so easily, itwas just a bit of fun.’She leant in and gave me a kiss on the lips. I felt her lipstick slideacross mine, and with a start, I remembered how I was dressed. It feltodd, me kissing her while wearing lipstick, but I felt the familiarstirrings of an erection as she kissed me. Alex came and stood behindme, and began to nuzzle my neck with her lips, her hands slipping undermy blouse. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered into my ear, ‘do you forgive me?’I nodded as Areeya by now had her tongue in my mouth. She was kissing mewith increasing fervour and I could feel my erection pushing against herbum as she sat on my lap. Alex was now nibbling my ear as my handssought Areeya’s breasts beneath her loose top. She wasn’t wearing a braand her nipples were already hard as I tweaked them between my fingers.She moaned a little and broke her kiss with me and moved her attentionto Alex who now had her hands on my breasts inside my blouse. Iobviously couldn’t feel anything, but it felt incredibly erotic to haveher playing with my bra. I dimly realised that my bra wasn’t anexpression that I thought I would ever say. Areeya got up off my lap, pulled her blouse over her head and straddledme, hitching her skirt up and pulling down her knickers, in one gracefulmovement. My wrap around skirt had fallen away to each side and I couldfeel my cock straining against the tight knickers I was wearing. Alexmoved round and tugged them down, releasing my cock. Alex grabbed it andguided me into Areeya’s sopping pussy, and she sighed as I penetratedher and then began to bounce up and down on me. Alex stood just to oneside, and I saw her take out her phone and began to film. Areeya waskneading her breasts with her hands and groaning as she started to movearound on my cock, side to side escort bartın and then up and down. ‘God, this is so hot. Jamie, suck her nipples.’I fastened onto one nipple with my lips and I could feel the slipperylipstick against the hard nub. I looked up and saw Alex kissing Areeyabefore going back to filming the scene. I felt Areeya tense as herorgasm approached and I felt her pussy tighten and then she groaned,falling forwards onto my shoulder. Areeya stood up and dropped to herknees, taking my cock into her warm mouth and she began licking andsucking me. I could feel I was close as Areeya was now using her handsas well as her mouth on my eager cock. My climax was sudden and I cameinside Areeya’s mouth, hearing her splutter as I filled her mouth.She stood up and as I watched she kissed Alex, my cum dripping from herlips as Alex sucked it into her mouth. Areeya dropped to the floor and Alex pushed me down so that I was layingon Areeya with my nose right next to her pussy. I pushed my tongue deepinto Areeya and her juices covered my face. We stayed like that for awhile, Areeya gently sucking my cock, whilst I licked and bathedAreeya’s pussy, until my face was wet and slippery.Alex seemed to have disappeared until I heard her voice again. ‘Get upyou two. Areeya, I want to watch you fuck Jamie so I’ve brought yourlittle toy with me.’I looked up and there stood Alex with Areeya’s strap-on in her hands.She was leering and I could see she was going to enjoy this. Areeyastood up and I watched, almost bewitched as she stepped into the harnessand strapped it on. I had watched Areeya fuck Sam with this and haddreamt afterwards that Areeya was chasing me down the strip, wearingthis same prosthetic cock and now I was going to feel its power. Iwasn’t scared, but I wondered how it would compare with a real cock.Areeya stood over me, the rubber cock sticking straight out from hergroin looked alarmingly big. ‘Get it nice and wet first, Jamie,’ growledAlex, her voice sounding hoarse with anticipation. I got to my knees andlooking up into Areeya’s eyes, I slipped my lips over the cock. It felthuge in my mouth, and I gagged as it stuck in my throat. I took it outand tried to spit onto it, but all the moisture had vanished from mymouth and all I could do was run my tongue around the tip. I saw out of thecorner of my eye that Alex was filming this on her iPhone and that gaveme an extra thrill. Areeya started moving the cock in and out and Ididn’t like the taste of the rubber. ‘That’s enough. Jamie, get down on your hands and knees.’I did as Alex told me and I sensed Areeya go round behind me. My skirtwas flipped up onto my back and I felt her, or maybe Alex, push a dollopof cold lube around and into my hole. A finger pushed its way inside andI thought that would be Alex, not wanting to be left out. A secondfinger slid in and I was glad because it would stretch me before the bigstrap-on entered me. I think a third finger was pushed in but I wasquivering with anticipation by now and just wanted it inside me. Alex came round to face me, still filming. She looked up at Areeya andsaid, ‘Areeya, give it to her now.’ I felt the first push of the cockinto my hole and I tensed up, my muscle reacting to my fear of the thingtrying to poke its way into my backside. ‘Relax that little boi pussy, baby. Push back on it.’ Alex was cooing atme, to get me to relax, which had the opposite effect.Areeya tried again and my muscle still resisted. I felt a sharp sting onmy bum. Areeya had slapped me hard on one cheek as she pushed and it didthe trick because she slid the cock in past the muscle, and I gasped asI felt it stretch me back there. Areeya started gently sliding ithalfway in and then pulling back before easing it back in, letting meget used to the girth and length. ‘How does that feel Jamie, does it feel good?’ Alex was still filming.I grunted something, which Alex treated as good because she said,‘Areeya, give her all of it, make her feel like a real woman.’Areeya pushed harder and I could feel the hard unyielding rubber slidingdeeper and deeper into me. I grunted and arched my back as the painincreased. It was unlike a real cock, cold and hard and it felt almostclinical, more like a surgical instrument burrowing its way inside me.Almost despite myself I began to push back against the thrusts,getting it deeper and deeper inside me with every push. I started tosweat and I think I screamed once as it got deeper. ‘That’s it, Jamie, push back, take that big dick all the way inside.’Alex was right. In front of my face and then moved off to film frombehind. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ I groaned as Areeya kept pushing. I knew fromwatching Areeya and Sam that the strap-on had a smaller dildo built inso the wearer would get stimulation from using it as well. I could hearAreeya begin to pant as she began to feel the effect. Alex was now backin front of me and still filming. ‘That’s good, Jamie, I knew you could take it baby. Areeya keep fuckingher, she’s loving it.’I lost track of time, but somewhere I zoned out and couldn’t hearanything, I knew Alex was talking but all I could concentrate on was thecock inside me. Then the pain faded and the pleasure took over. I wasfilled with cock and it must have been rubbing my prostate because quitesuddenly I felt myself let go, and I came. Alex caught the moment oncamera, ‘Oh, fuck, baby that’s beautiful, you just had your first analorgasm.’She put the camera down and kissed me, just as Areeya pulled out of me,leaving me feeling empty and a little sore. Alex pulled me to myfeet and hugged me tightly before giving me a long deep kiss. ‘Baby, that was so exciting. You dressed like that, and Areeya pumpingaway in you. I’m glad I got it on film. You’ll love it. Do you want tosee it now?’I looked at her through eyelids that were threatening to shut bythemselves. ‘Alex, I’m so exhausted, all I want to do is got to bed.’She was still bubbling though, and it took both Areeya and I to convinceher that I needed to get some sleep before the next day. Areeya removedthe wig and cleaned my makeup off, telling me that I would need to dothis myself tomorrow when I changed back to James. She would make sure Ihad all the cleansers, wipes and moisturisers I needed in my bag. Alexinsisted that I keep in character and gave me one of her nightdressesand a pair of knickers to wear. I was too tired to argue and as I pulledthe lace knickers up she stroked my bum and said, ‘Why wouldn’t you wantto wear these instead of boxers?’The nightdress was silky and felt rather nice to wear to tell the truth.But I would rather die than tell Alex that. I collapsed into bed,quickly followed by Areeya and then Alex. I was asleep in seconds,leaving them to get up to God knows what.We woke early the next day for a quick sunrise breakfast on the terracefollowed by a shower and a close shave for me. The ferry was due toleave from Maenam pier in the North of the island just after midday. Itgave us enough time to get me ready and then a taxi ride up to Maenam.The crossing to Chumphon would take about four hours on the catamaranferry and then about eight hours up to Bangkok on the coach. It wouldmean getting into Bangkok just after midnight and Alex was going to fixus a place to crash when we arrived. It was going to be a long trip, andthe plan was for me to take my male clothes in a case and change fromJamie to James before we got on the bus. Alex had given me one of her shoulder bags which was sufficiently unisexto be OK for James and Jamie. She did insist on packing it with a makeupemergency repair kit in case of accidents as well as a couple of pairsof the tight knickers I would be wearing to keep me as flat as possible.It wouldn’t matter too much in the loose skirt anyway. Lawan arrived anddid my face just as she had done the day before. Alex wanted to have mynails done as well, but I said I couldn’t change into James with nailpolish. I reluctantly agreed to let Lawan do my toenails as I would bewearing open toed sandals as Jamie, and shoes as James. I ended up withmy toenails painted to match the soft pink shade of my lipstick.Alex and Areeya had picked out another wrap around skirt, this time innavy blue, as I had got on so well in the one yesterday. The top waswhite cotton but fell just above my waist leaving a section of mystomach visible. Alex wanted me to get my belly button pierced, but Idrew the line firmly at that. The sandals were the low heeled ones Iwore the previous day which would be fine for the time I was going towear them. Once the wig had been fitted again, Alex produced a whitestraw sunhat and a pair of her big sunglasses to wear. I wasn’t soscared to look in the mirror this time and with the hat and sunglasses,I thought I didn’t look too bad. Time was ticking by and Nin had arrived with the taxi and we said ourgoodbyes in the apartment as we didn’t want to risk anyone seeing us alloutside. We hugged and kissed and then Nin and I were in the taxi andheading up to Maenam pier for the ferry. ‘You look pretty, Miss Jamie,’ said Nin as we headed off.‘Thank you Nin, but you must call me Jamie, it will better if we’reoverheard.’‘Ok, Jamie.’ She giggled as she said it.I held her hand for reassurance as my mind began to think abouteverything that could possibly go wrong. My imagination was running wildby the time we arrived at the ferry pier. I took a deep breath and gotout of the taxi in as ladylike a manner as I could manage. Afterdropping our cases onto the trolley for loading onto the ferry, Nin andI found a spot in the shade to wait. It gave us a good view of the ferrypier and the people milling about. Most of them were young westernbackpackers, with some Thai families and a few older travellers mixedin. Nin nudged me and nodded towards a couple of hard faced Thai menstanding by the loading gate. They were wearing what appeared to thestandard issue Thai Police mirror aviator sunglasses and were checkingout the passengers in a none too subtle way. I nodded to Nin, and I keptmy eye on them behind my sunglasses as every so often one or the otherwould walk around the passenger area scrutinising faces. I watched anxiously as one of them decided to do another sweep andheaded over to where we were sitting. I had an incredible urge to get upand run, but Nin laid her hand gently on my arm to calm me down. I thinkI stopped breathing as he approached closer, his eyes sweeping faces ashe passed. I fiddled with my earphones that were connected to my iPhoneas he walked up to us, hoping he would just pass by. Nin looked up andsmiled at him, but there was only a stony face in response. He stoppedin front of me and as I looked up he gestured for me to remove mysunglasses. I was sure he could hear my heart hammering in my chest, but I played dumb, pretending not to know what he meant. He made the gestureagain and I nodded, slowly removed the glasses and smiled at him. Ihonestly believed that I was done for at that moment, but he just noddedand moved on, his face still inscrutable.As he moved on, Nin and I both let out the breaths we had been holdingin. I touched her arm in relief and we smiled at each other, hoping thatwe had passed inspection. It wasn’t long before the boardingannouncements were made and the passengers began to stream onto theferry. We joined the queue and followed the line towards the ferry. Aswe approached the ticket collectors at the gate, one of the Thai copsshouted something and headed towards us. I froze on the spot, waitingfor him to confront me. Instead, he grabbed a scruffy looking backpackerjust in front of me and wrestled him to the ground. I stood there almostwetting myself with fear. Nin reacted first and dragged me onto theloading pier as the two cops were both now struggling with thebackpacker.I was now shaking with anxiety, but we walked as calmly as we could ontothe ferry and headed downstairs to find seats. Nin held my hand as wesat down on a row of three seats and I could feel the tension seepingaway. We looked at each other and giggled, the worst had to be over. Ibegan to relax as I felt someone sit down on the seat next to me. Iignored whoever it was and fumbled in my bag for my book. However, Isensed I was being inspected by the new arrival, and I tensed, thinkingthis is when they start to shout, ‘that’s really a man.’ I stared downat my book and then an Australian voice said, ‘Excuse me, Miss, it isJamie isn’t it?’I turned and looked straight into the smiling face of Shane. To be continued.

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