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College life 11RECAP OF THE CHARACTERS:Matt (18), the author; Kris, Matt’s roommate and best friend.Friends: Scott and Juan, roommates; Jess and Robert, roommates; Michael andCorey (the BF) roommates; Stephan. All live on the same floor and are 18and freshmen except Juan, 19. Rick, their RA.Liz, Kris’ girlfriend; Kendall and Noel, friends on the first floor of thedorm.Others will be added as they are introduced and play a part in the story.***********************The next morning after a night of sex with Scott, I woke and was alone tomy surprise. It took me a second to realize what happened only to see thehuge stain Scott had left the night before. I lay in my bed trying to makesense of everything, not just the sex with Scott, the hard breakup withCorey but all of it. I wasn’t totally sure what to make of last nightother than it was sex that I may have used to help heal the wounds Coreyhad left. Maybe I was trying to fool myself into thinking I was past Coreyand ready to keep going in life. Maybe I was horny and that desperate forsex. Here at college, it was easy to hide your deep feelings when everyonewas joking around and cutting up. Then again maybe there was somethingthat was just starting between Scott and me. It hit me that it was Scott Iwas dealing with and someone I knew pretty well and confessed to be bi.Since he said he dropped me for a girl, the reverse could occur and I’d beright back to hurting again. I wanted to slap myself though since therewere tons of other worries here other than getting involved with somereally fucked up guy. I was here to be educated, thusly have a greatfuture ahead of me in life. It was now past 10, so I headed to shower witha big day looming with a night game at the stadium.I was no more back in my room and dressed when Kris walked in. I couldtell by his demeanor he had either had a rough night or a very long night,maybe both. He slung off his clothes, down to his plaid boxers.”I hope like hell you had a better night than I did,” Kris stated anddidn’t seem too excited or was that tired.”Ummm… not a lot went on actually,” I said, which was a complete lie butI wasn’t going to tell him about last night.”I should have stayed here with you instead of going to that sorority deal.You talk about boring and took forever. To top it off, it was Liz’s timeof the month and boy was she ever bitchy. Jess wasn’t any better off andvirtually pissed away his romance as well and showed his ass. It ended upbeing Jess and I stuck in a hotel room without the girls,” Kris stated.”Why didn’t you just come back here?” I asked.”Jess had already paid for it. We thought we could score at some beer orsomething,” Kris stated. “We even tried Vin’s house but had the doorslammed in our face.””Look on the bright side, Kris. At least you’re not hung over and canenjoy the game tonight,” I stated.”Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Kris said. “I think I may be dateless withJuan the only one heading to the game with a girl. Matt, I’m not sure Iwanna date anyone steady right now. It would ruin the fun, somewhat.””There are plenty of girls here. All you need to do is flash that smileand turn your charm,” I said to boast his confidence just as he done for meright after the tragedy.”So you just stayed in the room all night?” Kris asked.”Scott stopped by for a while. We played Street Fighter for a while,” Istated.”Wow, you guys really went overboard,” Kris said as sarcastic as ever.”Oh yeah, you know me, Mr. Party a****l,” I laughed.”I know Scott though,” Kris laughed.Kris and I found Jess and Scott to go get something to eat on campus. Iwas a little shocked to see fans already filtering in and didn’t understandthe magnitude of the game. We ate quickly and headed back. Scott saidvery little to me, which was fine with me for we both weren’t ready to beinvolved or the others to know, especially our roommates.”What are the plans for tonight?” Scott asked on our return. “Kris, areyour parents coming to the game and tailgate again?””Nah, as much as Dad wants to be here, he had to go into work today. I wasactually hoping they would come again but they promised they would be herenext game. Besides, I’m heading home next weekend,” Kris stated.”That’s news to me. When did you decide that?” I asked and was tadshocked.”Last night basically. Jess is leaving as well,” Kris stated. “Are youcoming with me?””I might, depends on how things go this week,” I said.We entered the dorm. Kris lay on his bed and was out in a matter ofminutes. I quietly snuck down to Scott’s room. I knocked on his door andfound he was alone and lying on his bed.”Hey, thanks for last night,” I stated.”I still stand behind what I said and that was the best sex I’ve ever had,”Scott said. He kissed me.”What time did you leave?” I asked.”Oh about 4 this morning. These damn single beds with two guys in them areso uncomfortable,” Scott said. “Are you going home next weekend withKris?””I dunno know. Are you?” I asked.”I need too and would be as good of weekend as any with the football teamhaving a bye week,” Scott said.”Huh?” I asked, confused.”They don’t play, home or away,” Scott said. “Surely you know what a byemeans.””No, sorry for being ignorant of these football terms,” I said. “I’m justnow getting to know what the meaning of first down is.””That’s cool,” Scott said and laughed. “Another game?” he asked türkçe bahis pointed tohis PS3.”Sure,” I replied and took the controller.We played Street Fighter until we were interrupted by Juan coming in thedoor. He had a big smile and for good reason. He found a girl who likedsex as much as he did and had to go into great details about it includingthis morning. I had some great friends but naturally at 18, except forJuan who was 19, aren’t most college guys after sex or at least making aneffort to be sexual?About 5:30, we all headed up to the stadium. I still wasn’t able to graspthe significance of it since I didn’t keep up with football other thanknowing what our team record was. The crowd was pumped and noisy at thestart and stayed that way until we got our heart broke with the opponentsscoring on a last minute drive to win the game. I was disappointedsomewhat but didn’t let it get to me like a lot of the people aroundincluding my group of friends. They bitched and moaned the entire hikeback to the dorm. I just listened and occasionally laughed at their stupidcomments.We surprisingly went our separate ways back at the dorm. Even after atough loss, I expected everyone to be jovial but it was the exact opposite.”My weekend has really sucked ass, Matt. Not shit has went right theentire time,” Kris said, now back in our room.”It happens,” I said and grabbed my books to study since it was ratherquiet for a change. I studied an hour or more before joining Kris to watchtelevision. He was watching some movie that I had seen numerous times butstill found it to be funny.For a Saturday night, we were asleep by 1 and didn’t have our usualchat. Not having our usual talk was the biggest disappointment to me forthe night.The next morning I woke around 9. I knew Kris’s tendency to sleep late andleft him there while I headed out across campus to find food.Now more than I was out the door, I heard a far too familiar voice. I shutmy eyes and tried to avoid Corey.”At least say something, Matt,” Corey caught up to me.”I honestly have nothing to say,” I replied and looked straight ahead.”After two weeks, you’re still mad?” he asked.”Corey, I accept what you did. I have moved on and it is in the past,” Istated rather pompously I must admit.”Can we be friends?” he asked. “I miss hanging out with all the guys.”I stopped and looked at him, “Friends don’t betray each other like you didme, especially boyfriends who said they loved each other.””You said you’ve moved on.””I have but that doesn’t mean we have to be friends. I thought you had anew friend.””Ummm… not anymore. I was sort of hoping…””Keep hoping.””Damn, you’re an unforgiving little ass,” Corey said.”I am. I can forgive certain things but not what you did,” I startedstrongly, walking again.”We had something special, Matt. Can’t we try again?””Had is the key word there. You’re welcome to hang out and I definitelycan’t stop you from doing that.” All he was doing was starting to piss meoff but I tried to act a little civil, though I shouldn’t.”You’ve turned them against me, how can I?””No, you did it to yourself,” I stated and entered the union. “You mighttry apologizing to them since you did nothing to them but as for me, rightnow, I’m not the least bit interested.””Interested in getting back together or being friends?”I walked up to the counter and order a large cup of coffee to get me going.”Neither at this moment. You know Corey, you’re one brave… guy.” I wantedto say more but now wasn’t the time or place. Boy did I ever want tostring a full hour of cuss words at him but I did want to show him I wasbetter than that.”I see this is going nowhere,” Corey said. “Thanks anyway.”I was wondering when he was going to get the message. All his little talkdid was stir up deep emotions. Every time I think about his betrayal I getso pissed. I did nothing to warrant it other than thinking I couldsurprise him with an early visit. I waited for my coffee to cool and sawhim walking straight back towards me. He put down his tray of food withouthaving the manners to ask.”Matt, first off, I sincerely apologize to you. I’m not doing this to getback with you. All I want is for us to be friends. I would like for you tohear my side of the story,” Corey said.”Corey, I said I’m not interested at this moment. I don’t want to hear it,alright?” I said and started to move.”Damn you, Matt! You’re such an asshole!” Corey stated loudly. Otherstudents were staring hard at us. Now I didn’t see a need in moving sincehe got up from the table and stormed out of union in rage.After eating, I made a short walk around the vacated campus. I found abench under a tree. I didn’t want to cry but my emotions took over.”You okay?” a stranger asked.I nodded with her walking away. She did look back but continued along herway. I was beginning to think Corey got his kicks out of bringing back oldmemories and playing with my emotions. He was just hard headed enough ordesperate to continuing pursuing me.I headed back to the room. I opened the door to find Corey sitting on mybed and chatting with Kris.”I’ll see ya around, Kris,” Corey said. I moved out his way, looked in theother direction and waited for him to leave.Kris looked at me while I jumped on the bed. “I see he came by toapologize to you.””He did and told me everything that happened at least just then güvenilir bahis siteleri and alittle about his reason,” Kris said. “Matt, are you that hard headed youwon’t even listen to the guy?””Matter of fact, I am and deeply hurt just by seeing him,” I stated.”Dude, I know you’re hurt…””Damn right I am,” I said.”First off, will it kill you if he and I are friends?” Kris said.”I can’t stop you. He fucked me over not you,” I replied.”Matt, haven’t you ever fucked around on a guy or just flirted with a guyeven though you had a boyfriend?””No Kris, I haven’t… well, maybe flirted with a cute guy but I knew hewas off limits. Corey did way more than flirt,” I replied. “Why have you?””I’ve made out with a few girls but never went as far as fuckingthem… hold on, I did let this girl suck my dick when I had a girlfriendonce,” Kris laughed. I’m glad he thought it was funny. “Matt, dating isn’tperfect nor is marriages for that matter. Guys mess around and areforgiven, sometimes. Were you really in love with him?””Yes, I was and guess that why it hurt so much,” I stated. “Kris, Iconsidered myself lucky to even have a boyfriend. So the thought ofmessing around on them never really crossed my mind.””We’re all different, right or wrong, Matt. The least you could do wouldbe hear his side of the story and get his reason, though something tells meno matter what you won’t accept it. Either way, Corey is reallyconsidering dropping out and heading home. He’s about ready to say fuck itand leave if you make it hell on him to have friends around here. Imaginethat if it were you and we had all turned against you for one mistake.”I sat there a few minutes, “Yeah Kris, I don’t want him to leave because ofme. That wouldn’t be right at all.””You’re damn right it wouldn’t be. At least, make it sound like you’reokay with being friends. You can always find an excuse to be elsewherewhen you know he’ll be around.””I guess I do need to do a little damage control,” I said. I stood andleft behind my pride and hurt for the time being. I marched down the halluntil Corey popped out of Jess’ room. He gave me the same treatment as Ihad him, ignoring me for a minute.”Corey, can I have minute of your time?” I asked him.”I guess so, Matt,” he replied, quietly and seemed down.”Let’s head to your room for just a second,” I said. We headed that waywith Michael there. I didn’t want him there so I suggested we findsomewhere quiet. We found somewhere just on the other side of our dormthat was blocked from view.”What’s so important that you need to drag me out here?” he asked.”Corey, Kris told me that you were considering dropping out because ofme…””He was right. Maybe this week if things don’t get better. I’m miserablehere.””Please don’t, Corey. If nothing else, I don’t want you to leave on mybehalf. That’s totally wrong. Think of all the money just going straightdown the drain.””Matt, I need friends. I would like for us to be friend if we can’t beboyfriends,” Corey said. “You’ve turned the others on me but I am making alittle progress there.””Corey, I’m still very bitter…””Tell me something I didn’t know.””I will do my best to be friends with you and not stand in the way of theothers being friends with you. I can’t promise it will happen overnightwith us being civil with each other, talk and cut up like all of us doaround here. I’ll also help you get back with the others any way I can ifapologizing doesn’t help matters. Do you promise you won’t leave just yetand try?””I will and see how things shake out. You know Kris said he missed ourcompetition in the weight room. I do too.””Yeah, if you get Kris on your side, then the rest of them will follow inbehind. I don’t what it is about him but he does have that effect onothers, more so here than ever before. You know in high school, he waspopular but nothing like here. He was seen as just a likeable guy buthere, he’s kicked up a notch. I knew he was hyper but nothing like this.”We talked a little more and were quite civil with each other.”Are you ready to hear my side of the story?” Corey asked.”Not yet, but maybe soon,” I replied.”Okay then but there is some progress then I can see. I’ll be waiting andready whenever you are,” Corey smiled. I smiled back and felt betterknowing he wasn’t leaving.We headed inside with me heading to my room and Corey stopping off atScott’s room. I was alone and no telling where Kris had gone off to. Ipulled out my books to see what I had to study for the day. Right when Ipulled out my art book, it hit me. I had a test Monday and hadn’t evencracked a book. I found a cell number of a friend Hayden I had made inclass. It seemed he was in the same boat as I was and had barely studiedas well. I grabbed my book and headed out the door to study. The weatherwas definitely cooling down with black clouds all around even in the shorttime since I had come in. By the time I reached his dorm, it had begun todrizzle.I reached his 4th floor dorm room and saw his dorm was like mine but newerwith not many guys milling around and having fun. I knocked on his door.He answered it in sweats without a shirt, baring his surprisingly niceupper body for my eyes to see along with a little hair on his chest anddown past his stomach. He was dark with his hair hanging just over hisears and so thick. He wasn’t ripped like Kris güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri or Corey but easy on my eyesto say the least.I sat near him while he pulled out his book. We quizzed each other overthe areas to be covered in the test.”You know when I signed up for this class, I wasn’t exactly expecting it tobe hard,” Hayden stated.”I know. At least Dr. Smithson is cool about things,” I stated.”Cool but different, huh?””Yeah but in a good way I suppose. The first day when he blurted out shitand fuck, my system was in total shock.”Hayden laughed, “Tell me about it. That’s when I realized I was in collegeand not at my private school any longer.””In public schools, you hear a lot that a lot and even in my room now butnot from the teachers,” I stated.We kept studying until neither one of us could stand it any longer.”Matt, so how’s your roommate treating ya?” Hayden asked after we finished.”Honestly, he was my best friend before we came and more so now. Kris isthe greatest guy and I have zero complaints. How’s yours?””He’s cool but we’re so different. He does his thing and I do mine, whichisn’t a whole lot though,” Hayden said.”Kris and I are together a lot but not always,” I said.”What does your roommate think of you being gay?” Hayden asked.I almost fainted right there and wanted to leave even though I rarelydenied it when someone was bold enough to ask. “How did you know?””Dude, you eye every guy just like I do. It’s obvious you are plus exactlyhow many straight guys take art appreciation their freshman year.””Damn, I need my Gaydar in for repairs. I had no idea you were,” I laughedand figured out he was as well.”Matt, you’re not the obvious type that screams I am gay when you open yourmouth or by your actions. I watch guys look at other guys. If they justglance and look away, then I don’t think they are. You sometimes glue inon guys like the other day. Your eyes were glued on that Reilly guy for agood 3 minutes.””I had no idea. Thanks for pointing that out to me. It’s not that I’mashamed to be gay but I just don’t want my ass kicked by the wrong person.””I made that mistake this summer. You talk about having to talk my way outof a total disaster.””I bet,” I said. “So does your roommate know?””Yeah, he knows but he’s not crazy about it. I didn’t want to tell but Idid so we’d start on the right foot here. I haven’t done anything in herewith a guy yet to see how he really reacts,” Hayden said. “How’s yourroommate take it?””He’s the first person I told when I came out in high school,” I saidnonchalantly. “He’s straight as they come but doesn’t have any problem withme. Actually he’s got my back and showed it once already.””That’s so awesome. I can tell he’s really a great guy and never have methim. So I take you have or have had a fling here?””Yeah but that’s over now,” I shook my dark long hair and gave me anotherreminder to get my hair at least trimmed. “I could give you the entirerundown but we don’t have that much time left in a day.””I bet he was hot,” Hayden said.”He was very hot but I wasn’t hot enough for him evidently,” I said.”I think I know what you mean by that,” Hayden said.”Hey, I hate to run but I need to get back,” I said.”Sure stop by anytime. I think we have a lot in common,” Hayden said.”I will and feel free to stop by my dorm. Everyone is great and veryaccepting,” I said. I headed to the door.”I will have to see how that is,” Hayden said. “I’m stuck here with somevery homophobic assholes.”I stopped and turned around. “Tell you what. If you want, follow me then.If my friends are around, you can meet the greatest guys around plus theyare very easy on the eyes too.””Hold on a second, I’ll go,” he smiled. “Let me throw on some jeans and ashirt.””Okay,” I stated. He undressed there in front of me with his back to me.He flashed his hot ass my way. He threw on jeans, freeballing it, and thena long sleeved shirt. He put on his shoes and we were gone.We walked briskly to my dorm under a light rain. We took the stairs to myroom. I politely knocked just in case and opened the door. Kris was therewith Kendall and Scott in the room as well.”We’re going to eat if you want to go,” Scott stated.”Sure, I will,” I said. “This is Hayden, a guy I have in art class.”My friends didn’t disappoint me and introduced themselves to him and weregreat to start out but I didn’t mention he was gay. We headed out thedoor. We stopped to get Juan and his girl, then Jess and Robert beforegrabbing Michael and Corey to the end the hall-wide parade. The paradedidn’t stop just yet with Kendall and Noel from the first floor joiningus. Everyone was nice to Hayden including Corey, but he was putting forththe effort to be back in everyone’s good graces. We went across campus tofind something to eat.Once there, we pulled a few tables together. I stayed back to hold ourtable along with Corey.”I did what you said and things may be back to normal,” Corey stated.”Great!””Are we friends now?””Don’t ask me that. I said I’d try my hardest,” I replied and was seriousif nothing else to keep him from leaving.”Okay,” Corey said. “I can live with that, Matt.”A few returned to where Corey and I could grab something from the burgerarea. I threw down my basket of a hamburger and fries to be stuck next toMichael of all people. We all chatted and did get loud at times with somany of us there.We finished and headed out.”Hey, you queer! God, what a faggot,” I heard someone yell but didn’t knowwho he was talking to. I looked at Hayden and realized who that person wastalking to. Hayden was white as a ghost.******************TO BE CONTINUED…*******************

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