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College life 6Tuesday after Labor Day, it was back to class after a really great weekend.I wanted to catch with Corey to see how his night went with his newroommate but knew it could wait. Kris and I parted ways for our firstclass but did meet up like we normally did to go to our one class together,history, after the first one. Like normal, I was in charge of taking noteswhile Kris did his own thing in the large auditorium like classroom. Weate together after class to fill our growling stomachs before venturingback to the dorm.I was so curious now to see how things were developing but had the greatdispleasure of seeing Lee, Corey’s old roommate while walking down the hallin my dorm. I saw him and kept walking. He gave me the biggest `go tohell’ look and mumbled something under his breath. If that was what heenjoyed, so be it or I would sick Kris on him in a heartbeat.I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Corey came to the door inhis boxers with his normally spiked hair now a mess on his head.”Ummm…what time is it?” Corey asked, rubbing his eyes.”It’s past one,” I replied. “You didn’t just get up?””I did,” Corey said. “I guess Michael got up and went to class. Neither ofus had an alarm clock after the switch.””Use your phone until you can get one. That’s what Kris and I do.””I never thought of that,” Corey said.He sat on his bed and pulled me to him with his nice arms. “How’s it goingso far?” I asked”A lot better. He is considerate and neat. Only thing is he’s a littleodd,” Corey said.”At least an odd you can live with,” I stated.”Yeah, maybe I put it wrong. Quirky might be a better term. He has someunique ways about him,” Corey said. “Another thing, he’s not shy eitherlike I thought and sleeps in the nude.””OOO some side action down here,” I teased and poked his ribs.”Get real. He’s okay and all but I get all the action I need with you,”Corey said with a little smile. “I guess I need to do something today. Ifeel really bad I missed my two classes today.””Good thing it’s early in the semester,” I stated.”You and Kris wanna go work out after I get up from here?””I went yesterday but I guess two days in a row won’t hurt,” I said. Ipulled out my cell with Kris was eager as ever to go again. We did goagain with Kris and Corey testing and pushing each other while I was doingmy own thing and adjusting to a real weight room. The nicest part wasseeing all the hot guys that frequented the gym and took great pride intheir bodies like Corey did.Now all of us were beginning to get a sense of routine here. Having madeso many friends gave me a different take on a lot of lifestyles andviewpoints. Most of my friends were like Kris and from generally middleclass families where Mom made it okay. No one really showed off if theyhad money and kept things level for all of us involved.The week sped by now at furious pace with the classes charging full speedinto the year. I found enough time to be with Corey and didn’t over do itlike I had done in the past with other boyfriends. My problem was I cravedlove and easily became attached to someone who was willing to show meattention. In the past, I crashed hard and felt the effects of the fall.I didn’t want that to occur since Corey and I were a big of a part asanyone with Kris the designated pack leader as he liked it. As the weekprogressed, I began seeing more girls around the various rooms and saw theothers desire relationships. Kris was a part of the trend thanks to Jess’new found fling’s help. Now, I waited to see Kris in action with aninterested party. I couldn’t blame the girl, Liz, since I too found Kristo be attractive and a great guy.Friday a few left such as Michael, Corey’s roommate, and Robert. I waslucky to have Michael gone and maybe have Corey to myself alone in his roomfor two straight weekends. I knew the ending couldn’t be any worse sincehe had seen Corey and I be affectionate in the room and thought nothing ofit. Michael was happy to get rid of his old roommate and have Coreyinstead.A large group of us headed out to the rec center to end the week. Scottand I had plans to hit the pool once again and take a break from the weightroom. Again it was hard and Scott showed his superiority in the water. Iswam at a good pace for the nice work out.We returned to the dorm and chilled like normal in my room. Even thoughthe room was small, we crammed inside and no one wanted to be left out. Wecranked up the video games and got insanely loud with Kris, Scott and Jessbeing the centerpiece of Guitar Hero. The game was great and gave us lotsof interaction. bahis firmaları While one played, the others could chill and talk. Thetalk that afternoon was another party they had planned with dates for Jess,Kris and Scott. Juan and another guy, Kendall, who had entered our circlefrom downstairs, were going stag. Kendall came along after the game andnow was seen around more often than not. If anyone’s family in the grouphad money, it would be Kendall’s. He drove a sweet ride and dressedexpensively and stylish. At first he didn’t want any part of us knowingCorey and I were gay. Slowly he saw we were not that different andprivately apologized to me this week for not accepting me and Corey atfirst.”Corey, you and Matt gonna come with us, right?” Juan asked.”You know we could,” Corey said. “You might need a little gay flavor toshow you how it’s done.””You two are welcome to join us,” Kendall stated. “Juan and I are going italone.””b*o, look who you are talking to back there,” Scott said.”I’m sure not everyone there is totally straight,” Kris said. “Scott,you’re going.””Fuck you bitch!” Scott retaliated in a joking way. “We’ll see who getssome stank tonight.””Jess, any chance we get at least head tonight?” Kris asked.”I sure hope so or else those damn movies will be showing late tonight,”Jess said in reference to his porn collection that was now famousthroughout the hall and dorm.”So Matt, you and Corey joining us?” Juan asked.”I guess we could to check it out. I’ll have my bodyguards there with mein case someone talks smack,” I said.”No one will know unless you two start macking,” Scott said.”We’ll talk about it and let you know if we’re going,” Corey said.Shortly our room cleared with everyone leaving to get ready. Corey hungback with Kris and me. We saw no harm in going for a little while andmight be fun change. Corey left right after that. The plans were to becheap asses and eat on campus first before meeting up the girls. Then wewould head to the party off campus and check things out.Kris and I showered and got ready to go. Kris was again seeing thebenefits of me and did borrow a necklace since he never wore one. I thinkhe liked the look and squirted on some of my Versace cologne he liked. Mywish was we were the same size in clothes and could share that way but thatwasn’t happening though I thought maybe I had added a little weight or itwas wishful thinking.I was a little surprised to see all of their girls come to our dorm. Krisneeded a good talk to about that. Liz, Kris’ girl, looked very cute butwasn’t as outgoing as Kris, but hell who is. Jess’ girl was downrightsmoking hot if I can say so. Scott’s girl was like Kris’ and just cute.We all headed to eat as a herd you might say with everyone going all out.Now I could see Kendall had money with his True Religion jeans and shirt,which aren’t cheap. I’ll admit Kendall was cute and wore his brownhighlighted hair like Corey’s and had earrings as well but I didn’t thinkhe was gay. I was now had my Gaydar going full time here in each class andhad a good sense who was gay and who wasn’t though you can be totallyfooled both ways.We headed out with Kris and Liz with Corey and I. Once in the privacy ofCorey’s ride, Kris spoke, “Liz, so you know, Corey and Matt are a couple.””You’re k**ding?” Liz said. “I had no idea and all you guys know.””Oh yeah, it’s all good,” Kris said.”It’s becoming truer every day, the cutest guys are now gay,” Liz said. “Ihad the perfect girl for each one of them. I swear I had no idea. UsuallyI can tell the minute I meet them.””Thanks, we appreciate that,” I turned and stated. “We want to blend in andnot stick out.””Kris, I’m proud of all of you. Usually guys just freak when they find outa guy is gay,” Liz said.”Matt and I have been friends way too long to let his sexuality comebetween us. People need to get over it and deal with it. However, I’m alittle surprised at how accepting everyone is though,” Kris said.”I am too and so thankful. It has been so easy,” Corey said. “You knowKris is our bodyguard.””I heard all of you laughing about it,” Liz said.”I basically had to beat Corey’s old roomie’s ass for degrading thembecause they were gay. He hit Corey for no reason other than he was gay.I don’t let people mess with Matt because he’s gay,” Kris said.”Kris, you are a sweet guy,” Liz said.”I know,” Kris laughed.We parked where we could and headed inside. The maze of people wasastonishing. We were welcomed in with open arms. Scott and Kris found thealcohol punch in the back and came back with glasses for kaçak bahis some of us. I hadno idea alcohol flowed so freely at these parties and was a realeye-opener. I stayed close to Corey and tried not to lose him. I did feelso out of place here though. I wasn’t a big drinker but did accept Corey’sdrink that he got for us. I knew a face or two from my classes and wasglad the rest of our friends were there. We mingled mostly bumping intopeople and stepped out back for some air. The air wasn’t much betterbetween the marijuana and cigarette smoke. We sat down and were passed ajoint. Corey took a big hit but I passed. We turned around and saw Scottand Kendall coming out. If I wasn’t mistaken, Scott pulled a blunt fromhis pocket and lit it. He spotted us and walked over to over us a hit.Corey took another hit and so did I. I hate sucking joints that has had notelling whose mouth on it. I knew these guys so it was okay in my mind.”Good party, huh?” Scott asked with his eyes blood shot as ever.”Oh yeah,” Corey said.”Damn Matt, I would have never guess you blazed,” Scott said.”I do some and enjoy the high sometimes,” I replied.We passed around again among us friend but did have one guy bum a hit offof it. We chilled outside for a while before heading back in. Corey had afew more drinks where I laid off of them, so someone could get us back tothe dorm.After a couple of hours, Corey and I had had enough for the night. Isnatched the keys from his hands to get us home safely. Before leavingmade sure Kris and Liz had a ride back which they did from one of Liz’sfriends. We said goodbye and thanks plus to call us if they neededanything.”That wasn’t too bad, huh?” Corey said while we headed back. “Matt, Ireally wanted to go since in high school I was such an outcast.””It wasn’t too bad,” I said. “Did you get a shock?””Hell yeah!” Corey said. “You hit that blunt hard.””I like to smoke every so often but don’t make a habit of it,” I said. “Ihate wet joints though.””Matt, I smoked a lot of pot in high school when I was alone and depressedto escape reality. I thought I would here but I have no reason to nowother than at parties like that,” Corey said.We headed inside and went straight to Corey’s room. We snuggled up in hisbed together for some meaningful time together. Corey wasn’t too baddrunk, just feeling good.”Matt, seriously you don’t know how fucking awful it was in high school. Ihad some serious flashback when Lee hit me. I was never invited anywherewith anyone after I came out. The town I was from which is small was sobad. I know people that had records that weren’t treated as rudely as Iwas. I seriously hated it there and now doubt I will ever see that placeagain. You know my mom hasn’t even called me since I got here but that’sno big surprise. Her embarrassment is gone and she can show her face againaround town,” Corey spoke solemnly.”I had no idea you had it that bad. As you can see, now you just tag alongand are welcome anytime with me or Kris.””I know. So far, this is way more than I dreamed of. I wanted to escapeand start over. I wasn’t going to be upfront until I met you and saw how areal gay guy acts and lives. You are a God-sent to me in a lot of ways,you and all of the guys. I never dreamed I would have so many friends topal around with,” Corey got emotional. “Everyone is the shit you know. Weare equal and no one cares if I’m straight or gay. Damn, I love thisplace.” Corey was getting very emotional by this revelation.I wiped the tears from his face and kissed him. “I love it here just asmuch. I love you too.””Matt, I love you as well,” Corey said. “Matt, I’m ready.””Ready for what?””I want you to take my cherry tonight. I want you in me in the worst way.I’ve searched the internet and know it can be a little painful especiallywith your big long dick but it’ll be worth it.””Corey, are you clean?” I asked.”I suppose a trip to the bathroom would be nice plus I need to piss too,”Corey said. I went along with the drinks running through me.We returned to his room. We locked the door behind us and slowly undressedeach other slowly. We kissed a lot and enjoyed that part a lot. I tookevery chance I had and revered every inch of his nice fit body. Coreyloved the admiration I showed while taking my time before licking his nicecock. I licked the head slowly and sucked each nut. I returned and tastedhis cock. I opened my mouth and gave him the best blow job I knew how. Itook my time to hear his moaning and groaning. I used everything I knew.I kissed him a few times to let him calm down to kaçak iddaa only return for more. Heplayed with my hair some. I knew by the end he was extremely horny andleaked a little goodness for me.Corey did his best on me. He was getting better each time and morecomfortable having a cock in his mouth. I think he was growing to enjoypleasing me each time. It took me a few times to feel right and enjoysucking cock. I pulled him close before ending the moment.”I’m so ready, Matt,” Corey said.”I’ll be as gentle as I can. I wouldn’t dare hurt you for nothing. If ithurts too bad, we can stop and wait til later,” I said.”My mind is made up. I’m taking this cock,” Corey grabbed my cock that washard and oozing precum.I put him on his knees. I greased up a finger and slowly inserted into hishot tight ass. I went slow and not very deep to start. I could see hisass was so hot and very tight. I didn’t rim him and disliked doing so butwould have if he would have asked. Once I felt him adjust, I tried twofingers and heard him moaning.”I’m ready,” Corey announced. “I read it is easier on your side.””I think it is easier doggie style but whatever you want,” I said.”Let’s try on my side. Either way is going to hurt, right?” Corey said.”Yeah it will but after that it is fucking crazy good,” I said.I put on a condom and lubed us up generously. I kissed him and told him torelax as much as possible. I jacked a few times and was rock hard with thethought of what was about to occur.”Here goes,” I said with a kiss of his neck.I put my hard cock at his hot hole. Corey pushed out but I didn’tpenetrate him. We kissed again and give it another go. I felt my cockhead enter and slip right back out. I tried again and successfully was ina few inches. I could hear him breathing heavily. I kissed his neck andwaited. I slid in another inch or so to be half in him.”Just a few more inches,” I said. “You okay?””It hurts,” Corey stated in a little pain.I slid another inch and waited. He screamed into his pillow with pain. Iwaited to let the pain subside. I slid the rest in.”I’m in all the way,” I whispered in his ear.”Oh fuck,” Corey said. “Give me a minute.” He was breathing audibly. Iwrapped my arms around his chest and held him close. I moved and heard himwhimper. I waited more while kissing his bulging neck. I could feel hischest expanding and contracting along with his heart racing. I moved againto gauge his reaction. His ring was clamped down so tightly on my hardpulsating cock and felt very good.”It hurts, huh?” I asked quietly.”It does but getting better.””Corey, your ass is so tight.””Matt, your cock is really fucking big.”I moved again and heard a difference in his moaning. I didn’t stop andslowly fucked him.”OOOO fuck me!” Corey moaned deeply.”Feel good now?””OOO yes!”I went a little harder and slipped out. He reached around but I was backinside him. I wanted to jack him off but waited. I knew I was bumping hisprostrate and didn’t want to overly excite him. I continued the nicesteady pace while Corey and I moaned and groaned. I started to sweat alittle from our body heat. I loved hearing Corey moan `fuck yeah, ooo,yes’ with each movement. I knew what he was feeling and felt great aswell.He wanted to try missionary next. I slowly pulled out and heard himscream. He got on his back and spread his hot legs wide. I kissed histhighs and leaned over to keep this hot moment going. It hit me thenseeing his gorgeous face and nice body there ready to take me. I wasfucking one hot guy that was my dear boyfriend. I went slowly again. Ourlips met as we moved as one in rhythm. My head was swimming with ecstasywhile fucking Corey. His ass was tight around my cock and squeezing it. Icouldn’t hold out much longer and did my best to go as long as I could. Ipulled out and quickly sprayed his lower body with a huge load. Coreyjacked only a few times and shot skyward an arc of milky cum.”Matt, you’re the best lover ever,” Corey said while I wiped off his bodywith such delight and joy.”You’re not too bad either,” I said. “Now your cherry is popped.””I know,” Corey kissed me hard. “Thanks!” We kissed with open mouth in ourglow. We gently grabbed each other’s cock and kept kissing. The love wasevident between us and the scent of sex lingered around us. We lay theretogether and held each other close.We arranged the beds together for comfort without much noise. There was acrack in the middle but we didn’t care. I felt so comforted to lay my headon his hard pecs and have him run his fingers through my hair until I wassound asleep naked with him.I was asleep when I felt Corey pecking my shoulders. I rubbed my eyes andfocused enough to see my phone in his hand.”That was Scott. They need you!” Corey said.My heart skipped a beat. I bolted up from the bed…******************

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