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Company Cuckold[/image]Story Content 🙁 M/F, M/F/F, MP, Interracial, Cheating)My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don’t quite know where I should begin. You see I’ve kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that’ve happen to me. I did so in an attemptto try to make sense out of the various predicaments I’ve found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you’ve been good enough to at least pick this up to read.My wife and I were married three years ago. Her name is Paula. She was more than the woman of my dreams, she was the goddess I never expected to be the lucky husband of. She was a virgin on our wedding night. I almost was one. I say almost, since I had tried to sex two others girls prior to wedding Paula. One event was in high school and the other in college. Both attempts ended in failure due to premature ejaculation. I actually penetrated both girls, even though both asked me if I ever got my small prick in them. They said they never felt it.The day before we got engaged I told Paula of my smallness and my failures at sex before. She said she loved me and that size should not matter when two people really love each other. We kissed passionately. She made me feel like king of the mountain. I gave her a ring the very next day.Well anyway, Paula and I did make love on our wedding night and it was very good, even if I did have to tongue her to orgasm several times, and eating my own jism in the process. As I said, she was a virgin, but the sexual experience must’ve awaken the tiger in her. I was amazed how tightly she held my face to her beautiful bushy cunt for so long. I never though she would’ve been multi- orgasmic.She had gone on the pill several weeks prior to the wedding so I was able to enjoy riding her bareback.The next morning we cuddled tightly in the afterglow of our first night together. She complemented me on how good I was with my mouth. She tried to avoid saying so, but I knew she was not impressed with my small cock and my inability to use it that well either. She did however apologize for making me eat my jism out of her, as she held my head to her crotch and urged me on as I tongued her from one orgasm to another.”It was so good honey, I just couldn’t stop. I’ve never had my pussy sucked before. You’re such a good sucker too.” She said with glee on her face as she placed a wet kiss on my lips.”I hope you didn’t mind eating your stuff for me. I know you really love me to do that – and I-I know it sounds wicked, but I like the idea of you sucking your stuff out while getting me off. Would you promise me you’ll keep on showing me you love me by doing that?”I couldn’t help but promise her. She looked so beautiful as she talked. Iwould’ve promised her anything at that moment.For the rest of the honeymoon and as part of our normal love making, I used my mouth on her far more that my prick. Needless to say, I got use to the taste of my cum and was happy to be able to please this beautiful creature by doing so.It was a year after we got married that Paula decided to seek a better job with better pay than the Local library could offer. She liked being a librarian’sassistant, but we really did more money coming in if we were going to buy a house in four years. She found a job as an administrative assistant at asmall local firm that was a wholesale office supplies distributor. She really liked the job and the starting salary was much better than the library.A month after she started, I began to notice subtle changes in her and our relationship. She started buying and wearing more expensive clothing and jewelry. I knew she was a very efficient worker, but I never thought as an office assistant that she would the opportunity to make bonuses like the salesmen did. Also, she started working later hours that first month and the second month she even went in on the weekend and worked late into Saturday night.Some weeks she had to work seven days a week, twelve hours a day. Of course this took it’s toll on our normal relationship and our sex life. She often was too tired for our normal sex, but she would hug me and jerk me off while doing so telling me how cute my little “dick” was when it spurted. I’d never heard her refer to my penis as a “dick” before, but I didn’t think much about at the time. I was so joyful that she thought enough of me to provide for my sexual comfort while foregoing hers.After three straight weeks of working 12 to 14 hour days, she was back on a more normal schedule and our sex life was starting to return to normal, with a slight change however. You see, several times she would come in from work ready to have sex. Of course that was fine with me. I hadn’t been in her in over a month. I was ready. I did notice that her pussy seemed hotter, juicier, and looser at those times she came in ready for action. I didn’t let that worry me. Itwas so good to get in there even if it wasn’t as long as minute sometimes. It wasso good to feel the warm heated wetness of her. As soon as I’d come she was eager to guide my head to her very wet cunt telling me how wet and drippy I’d made her.”It’s all your fault I’m this wet and messy. So just use that wonderful tongue and lick me clean and lap me to heaven.”I’d never quite heard her talk so boldly like that before, but it did excite me, for I did miss eating out her lovely twat. As I place my face to her juicy hairy snatch, I was amazed at how messy she was and how much come I’d shot off.Before I could observe more, she pulled my face right into her mucky crotch and demanded to be licked and sucked out. I did as I was told.It was strange, but the smell and taste of her was much stronger and well, Iguess the right word is “full bodied” than before.After I got her off at least four time – she wouldn’t let me turn my head loose until she was thoroughly satisfied. I mention to her about the slightly different taste.”Oh that must be that edible pussy perfume lotion and bush conditioner all in one. One of the girls at work had me try some. It probably was the reason I was sohot for you darling. I squirted some on the creamy white stuff right in my slitbefore coming home to you. She said you’d like the taste.” I let her know it wasn’t bad and urged her to buy some since she liked it and liked me eating it out. It did spice up her pussy.Over the next few months, Paula was doing real well at her new job. She seemed to be getting one bonus after another. We had a little tiff about the extra money she made. We quickly made up, but to my surprise she got her own bank account and withheld some for her own management and rest went into our joint account.While things were going well on her job, they weren’t for me.Our company was bought out and I was transferred to another department in the company as part of a reorganization. I’m an accountant and was working on acomplex audit of another department in the company. I really don’t know if Imade the mistake or what, but my new boss accused me of creating a problem that would’ve cost the company millions if he hadn’t discovered it. I know I was very tired when I did that report, but I didn’t think I would’ve made that magnitude of an error. Anyway, he said he couldn’t have anyone that incompetent around, so I was let go and he advised not to send back to the company for a referral. He had put a note in my personnel file that the company was not to send one out. With out a referral, I could never become an account with a brand name firm again. I was extremely despondent when I reached home. I broke the news to my wife. She took it much better than I expected. “You’ll find something darling. Until you do, then you’ll be a house spouse.” She said kissing me on the forehead.In the weeks ahead, I looked and looked for a suitable job. It seemed that each one where it seemed like I was going to get it, it would fall through. Mean while, Iliterally became Paula’s maid. Getting up to prepare her breakfast and ironingher blouses and doing laundry. When our joint account was depleted, she began giving me an allowance from her account. That’s when I really noticed a changein her. She became more dominant and authoritative. She no longer seemed to be concerned about my sexual pleasure when she came home all lathered with her new pussy lotion. Many times, she just wanted to be eaten out and wouldn’t let me put it in. After she got her jollies, several times as usual, she’d cross her legs with a drink in her hand and have me jerk off as I sat beside her. She would start me off, and had me continue on my own. The last few times, she’s had me to kneel before her. “I don’t know, I just felt like it darling. I wanted to see youthat way. It made me feel delighted. You do like me being happy don’t you?” Was her reply when I finally got enough nerve to ask her one night why shewanted to make me grovel and kneel just for a touch of my prick by her softhands.My boss would like to interview you. Now remember, it’s very unusual for a husband and wife to work together in the office, but I went out on a limb to get you the interview.”I thanked my wife profusely.We drove separately the morning of the interview.To my surprise, all the managers and men were black and all the women were white.I was shown in to see the president, Joe Benson.”Impressive looking resume Peter, but why can’t we get a referral from your old company when we called them?” Even though I practiced what I was going tosay, I was nervous before this well built, broad shoulder and confident black man.I managed to stammer out the reason.By the time he questioned me further, I was sure I’d lost this job too. I was sweating profusely. Then all of sudden he smiled and offered me his hand. “Welcome to our little firm, I’m sure we can fit you and your skills in here, that is if you’re willing to work hard and become a company man?””Oh yes sir, I will. Thank you so much sir.” I replied, not believing my ears that he was going to hire me.He introduced me around. Everyone was cordial, but there was something in the way they looked at me as they smiled that made me concerned. One or two of the women even giggled a little after we walked away after meeting them.I was impressed with Paula’s office. She was the office administrator. I was a bit surprised at how she embraced Joe Benson as he walked in. That look in her eyes was unforgettable. She then turned to me and put out her hand for me toshake. Peter welcome to the company. If you work hard, the company will reward you well.”I was dumfounded. Did she forget I was her husband? But then it struck me. This was a put on, to keep it all professional and everything since most places don’t let husband and wife work in the same office. I shook her hand. I felt better as she winked at me.However, I became slightly alarmed as Joe Benson put his arm around her as hetalked about my interview. What was more alarming was that she put her arm around his waist also.I was still a bit miffed and slightly put off at such a display as Joe Benson ushered me back toward his office.”Now Peter, Miss Jones here will give you a list of office rules. Since you arenew here, many of them will apply just to you, you know being the new k** on the block and all.”His secretary handed me the envelope and Joe Benson told me take them home and read them over carefully. As he walked me to the door and out of earshot of other workers, he told me to bring some work clothes in addition to my dress suit, since I might have to do some dirty work in my new office and the room next to it. “You know to tidy them up from time to time.” He added. That evening, Paulajust explained away she and her bosses closeness as normal office camaraderie and she teased me about being jealous. Then her attitude did change as sheplaced her hand on her chin as if in deep thought.”It’s funny you brought that up though honey. Do you think that he want’s me to have sex with him because he hired you?””T-That could be it.” I stammered as I sat down.”We both know you need this job. Would you mind if I sexed him for you to have the job if it came to that?”I tried to speak and nothing came out. I’ve heard of situations where this happens to people.”And you know what darling, he’d probably fire me too if I didn’t come across. Then we both would be out of work. I think that answers that question. We have no choice. If he wants me to be his for sex, I have to do so for us.”I was totally speechless. Before I could consider the question, my beautiful charming wife had come up with an answer unilaterally. By the time, I regained my voice, she was thinking about something else, like a dress she wanted from a fancy boutique down town.”I just assumed your silence meant consent darling.It’ll be emotionally hard on me to cheat on you, but since you’ll be right there in the same office, it won’t be that difficult for me to endure the shame of having to be the bosses slut if that’s what Joe has in mind.”Again I had to sit down and absorb everything she was saying. My mind was spinning. She changed the subject.”Did you read the office rules he gave you?””Yes.” Was my reply. They were the typical things about being on time, lunch breaks, etc. I did question why I had to address every one in the office as Mister or Misses and always say Sir or Ma’am to the managers.”All the managers I saw were male, so at least I won’t have to say ma’am will .”It hit me like a bolt of lighting. My wife was a manager, hence I’d have to address her that way also.MY FIRST DAY ON THE JOB”Morning Peter!” Spoke Joe Benson the president of the company. “Come! Let me show you to your office.”As I followed him, I seem to notice a discernible smirking grin on the face of his secretary Rita and one of the other women in the office as we pass their desks.He led me to toward the back of the office.”Here we are Peter.” He smiled as we came to the door that said MEN’S ROOM on the big brass plate on the door. Our office space is a bit short so I decided to put you in here for starters. Your office will have more space than even mine.” He said grinning flashing all his teeth.I was dumfounded. I tried to find words to speak. Before I could utter a word he put one of his big hands on my shoulder and pushed me in before him. My feet just seem to follow.There just inside the door in the corner was a fully equipped office desk with my name plate on it.”See how much space you have?.”I gave him an incredulous look. I soon regained enough mental composure to speak to him.”Mr. B-Benson. S-Surely you are joking sir. I-I couldn’t sit.” “You need this job don’t you Peter?””W-Well y-yes sir. I-I do.””Then this is where you’ll sit!” He said curtly. There was a sternness about his face. His tone of voice changed. It evoked terror in me for a brief moment.”If you don’t take this job I’ll see to it you never work in a professional job in this town ever again. Get use to this desk and your office.””W-What?” I stammered.”And another thing Peter, there is something else you might as well get use to also. Put your attached case on your desk and follow me.”As if in a trance, I meekly followed him. My face was blush red with anger and frustration. He lead me to my wife’s office. One of the walls of her modest walled office, that faces the main open office area has a large picture window that’s about waist high from the floor and about four feet wide, with drawstring curtains. Today the curtains were open and she could plainly be seen at her desk. I followed him as Joe Benson walked into her open office door.”Morning sweetheart, just showed your husband his office and desk. He’s still trying to get use to it, so I thought I’d come by and let him know what else he had to get accustomed to.””You’re so wicked Joe darling. Sit on the couch Peter honey. It’s better you sit down while you watch. “Again I was shocked by the greeting they both gave each other. I was weak in the knees and welcomed sinking into the soft and very comfortable large leather couch. It was good I was sitting, for what I saw next almost made me faint. She and Joe Benson met in a warm and passionate French kiss as their arms were wrapped tightly around each other. He had his hands all over her shapely ass as they embraced.The whole office could see them through the large wall window. I sat helpless and quiet. Too shocked to do and say a thing. I was truly paralyzed.”That’s a way to start the day off. See you Paula baby. I’ll leave hubby here for you to tell him the score. Peter, I know you may be upset all this, but I thought this was the best way for us to get off on the right foot. I hired you because your wife asked me too. But as you can guess, there’s a price. You should be proudthat you have a wife that’s willing to do so much for you. We’ll talk some more, but now I’m sure you two need to talk some. However, I want you to stop by my secretary’s desk and pick up an assignment I have for you to work on. And by the way Peter, your work hours will be a little longer than the rest of the staff. Stop by and see me at Five PM, just about when the other are leaving. I need to talk to you about some on the job training.” Joe left us. My wife came over and sat on the luxurious couch beside me.”I’m sorry Peter Honey. But we thought this was the best way to let you know what the situation here at work is. Yes, I’m his woman. He and I have been an item for a while.” My wife help my pale sweating hands as I sat there still not believing all I’d seen and witnessed. She hid nothing. I could only sit and listen. She reiterated she loved me profusely, in spite of what she’d done. She went on to tell me about the wonderful sex her black boss had been giving her. When it rains it pours. Her pussy lotion had been remnants of his jism. She let me know I’d been tasting his cum in her pussy.”I tried to get you somewhat prepared for this by what I told you last night. That is, about him having power over us both, since he’s the boss. I did influence him with my pussy to get you the job. The only way he would do so is with you coming on board knowing the full truth about us. I had to agree with him that it would be wrong for you not to know, since you and I always had an honest open relationship. I felt I’d cheated and betrayed you by having this affair with him without your knowledge. One reason it was so easy is the wonderful way he sexes me. I don’t mean to hurt you dear, but he’s so much more of a man that you in bed. His cock is so much bigger too. I now know what it feels like to be a fully fucked woman, thanks to him.”As she spoke, it dawned on me that her office door was open and that thewoman just outside her door and the people passing by could hear everything we talked about if they listened carefully. I felt sick.As I was about to remind her to close it, she continued talking before I could geta word in.”I meant it when I said I still love you Peter darling. However, my love for you is slightly different than before. I see you more as a person I can confide in and more like a deep loving devoted friend, loving helpmate and faithful husband, rather than the man in my life. Joe on the other hand, will fill that role for me. Now, I must tell you that if you can’t accept any of this, I won’t fight you if want a divorce.” Her bluntness again made me speechless. I thought fora moment. My head was spinning.”T-There is-is no other way?” I stammered.”No darling there isn’t. If I have to choose, I’m afraid it would be Joe or some other black man. I adore black dicks.” She said proudly. I looked out the opendoor and looked right into the eyes of the woman nearest the güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri door. I knew she heard my wife’s words. I finally asked her to close the door so we would have more privacy. “We’re a small office Peter, just like family. It’s okay if they hear what we say.”I wiped the perspiration off my forehead. It then dawned on me what Paula had said. “Y-You said dicks?” “Yes honey, with an “s”. Yes, Joe has shared me with several of his friends and business partners. I love being a piece of ass for he and his friends. But darling, as much as I adore all the great sex, there’s still the emotional side of me that needs what you have to offer. You’re so sweet in your own way, especially the great conversations we have and the great sex organ you have.”My eyes lit up.”I meant your tongue honey. I know I need what both you and Joe have to offer. My pussy needs both his big dick and your sweet lips.”I thought again for long moment while we both held each other hands. As Ilooked into her eyes as we sat there silently, I knew I couldn’t leave her, even though she’d treated me so terribly. I had to look at her in a totally different lightnow. She was no longer the sweet innocent girl I married, but a sophisticatedwoman, who’d gone out in the world and found what I was incapable of giving her as a man.”I-I love you very much Paula, b-but I-I can’t work here. Seeing y-you and h-him everyday d-doing what y-you two did this morning would just wreck me emotionally. If-If I have to endure sharing you with h-him, I-I’d rather not b-be working for .””What choice do you have? You know you’ve depleted almost all the money in our joint account. No Peter, you have to take this job.” I notice a sudden change in her manner and the tone of her voice. It became authoritative.”The pay is the same as your last job. It was hard to convince Joe to hire you at that level of pay, even though he and I are fucking. However, he did so based on you taking on a few additional duties, which he’ll discuss with you this evening after everyone has left for the day.””I-I see. But Paula honey, e-even if I stayed for a while just to get some money saved up until I can do better, I-I can’t have an office in the men’s room. That’s got to be a joke.””No joke darling. Joe and I were laying in his bed one night after he gave me a good thorough fucking. We talked about where to put your desk. As you can see we’re short of office space here. He joked about the men’s room. We laughed and joked about it for a while. However, as we did so, we both got aroused about the whole idea of you working here for him and the whole officeknowing you had to share me openly with him. The idea of your desk being inthe John too just added fuel to the fire. We both got so horny all over again. You see darling, you have an opportunity to fulfil a fantasy of mine and Joe’s that’sso wicked.””I-I can’t believe y-you’re saying .””Peter honey, please. It would mean so much for to me and to Joe if you did this. I want you to be a cuckold for us. And as far as your desk, we at least put it inthe main office Men’s Room, rather than the public one up front or the one inback.””Y-You really m-mean .””Yes darling I do. If you love me, and I should add, want to keep me as your wife, you’ll do this for me. It’ll give me thrills that you can’t otherwise.”Why I didn’t just get up and walk, no, run away from her at that very moment, I’ll never know. I just sat looking at her incredible beauty. I knew I needed her more than she needed me now. She had everything, I had virtually no bargaining power. I was still toying with walking away and trying to ponder my options when Joe Benson’s secretary knocked on the open door and walked in handing me the package he’d mentioned earlier.”Peter, the boss wants you to read this over and see him for further instructions in an hour.”Out of courtesy, I thanked his secretary Rita and took the large envelope.”Well our time is up darling, it’ll do you good to get back doing the kind of work you like. Go to your office and read it dear. I have to get to work also. We’ll talk some more tonight at home.””Paula, when is lunch time. We can talk some .””No we can’t dear. Because we’re married, we can’t associate doing the work day unless it’s company busy. Besides, Joe is taking me out for a nooner. And Peter dear, from now on it’s Ms. Morris when you address me. Understand?”Her business tone caught me off guard and alarmed me. But knowing I was in a difficult situation and on her turf, I replied “O-Okay.” And started to walk away toward “my office”. As I took one step, she called me back.”Peter, remember your list of rules? The ones written just for you? The ones you were reading last night? Read them again. You’re to always say “Sir” and Ma’am” to the executive staff.I gave her a hard look, which she returned to me. I’d never seen her so forceful. I capitulated, hung my head saying “Y-Yes ma’am. Is-is that all?””That’s all. You may go.” She said ruffling a stack of papers as she looked away from me.I could feel the stares and hear the smirks of the office staff as I walked back to my office.The package that Joe Benson, the company President tasked me to do was interesting work. I was finished with it when he and my wife came back from lunch around Four-thirty. He spent ten minutes going over my results and applauded my good accounting work.It was so strange but it felt good to be praised by him. On the other hand,I was rather nervous in front this very handsome black man, who was my boss, and as I’d just discovered hours earlier, my wife’s real man. He’d humiliated me worse than I could’ve ever imagined in a life time, least of all in less than eight hours. After all, how many husbands walk into a new job and find themselves with a desk in the office men’s room and the boss who put him there was also screwing his wife. I couldn’t help feel abjectly humiliated and disgraced, but I also felt so intimidated and so much beneath him. Especially with my wife telling me so matter-of-factly why she sexed him and his friends and why I should submit to their desire to ridicule me in front of the whole office staff.I had always worried that my wife being so beautiful, might find someone more endowed who would take her away from me. It was a nightmare I occasionally thought about. Little did I realize it would come to fruition in such a way as it did.I kept asking myself why don’t I just run away from this real nightmare? Even my wife offered me a way out. Why was I staying? Was I hoping things would get better? And as if in a nightmare, no reason could be thought of for what was happening, except maybe, I was still very much in love with her, and doing what she thought was necessary, even at the expense of my pride, and despite her conspiratorial role in my abasement. Did I deserve this just because I was not as adequately equipped to please her, like Joe Benson and his other black friends?I pondered.”Now Peter, go see Paula. I think she has something she wants you to do before she goes home. When you’re through there, come back here and I’ll show you some of your additional duties.” I remembered to reply “Yes Sir” and left the room. Paula invited me in.”You wanted to see me, ma’am.” Remembering her warning earlier.”Come in Peter. Now see the first day wasn’t that bad was it? I even bet you’re already accustomed to your office?””Please Paula, er, Ms. Morris. I-I really wish I could move out of .””Out of the question. You stay in the toilet. There will be no further discussion on this matter until your first anniversary of working here.””A-A year! In there! I-I can’t .” My wife cut me off again.”A real man doesn’t say can’t so easily. Are you saying you’re not man enough to handle this job without even trying? If that’s the case, I’ll tell Joe to give you a day’s pay and send you out of here. I’ll tell him to be sure and put in your job folder that you weren’t able to work easily with other professionals and therefore had to let you go. Just imagine what that would do to you professionally. You’d never find a job in your field again. Maybe, you just want to be a mama’s boyand live off me working. You don’t want to be man enough to be a good provider for me and the home.””No! No!, it’s not that Dear . uh, Ms. Morris. I-I do-do n-need the job. B-but b- being in-in the men’s room, it-it’s just so-so em-embarrassing. T-The men a-all look at me a-and smirk. I-I’m red faced . sniff .. all the time. It-it’s so humiliating.””You aren’t getting teary eyed are you? Are you gonna cry? Go back to your office and splash some water on your face, and then come back so we can finish this discussion.”My wife spoke somewhat loudly. I knew the others heard her. Again for the countless time I hung my head as I passed through the office. This time with watery eyes and a flush face. Once more, I had to endure their snickers and smirks. I knew I looked pathetic.I returned after washing my face. My wife was sitting in her executive chair behind her wide desk.”Feeling better?” “Y-Yes ma’am.””Good. Now Peter, we were talking about helping you become a stronger man and gaining the respect of others. You do know that humbling yourself and enduring challenges builds character and confidence. Think of this whole situation you find yourself in as an opportunity to show me, and others, you have the strength to be a husband that can endure trying situations for his wife. Showus you have the emotional strength to be a man in other ways than you can be in bed. Show everyone you’re man enough to take adversity and not be a cry baby. You think you’re man enough to do all that, and in the process, gain the respectof others? Or do you want to be a whimpering wimpy weakling of a man that nobody respects?””I-I’m man enough. I-I want respect. I-I’ll show youPaula, er, Ms. Morris.” I blurted out before I really thought through what I was saying.”I’ll take that as being your word and I know your word is good. Your word is good isn’t it Peter? You’re not wishy-washy are you? Like wanting to change your mind claiming you didn’t think about what you committed yourself too?”I let her know I’d keep my promise.”Very goodî. Now as a way of sealing the commitment you’ve made is for you to come over here, kneel between my legs and eat me out. I know you’ll like it. During lunch, Joe and two clients fucked me. That’s why we were gone so long. My pussy helped him close a good deal for the company. I didn’t keep all their loads in me, but its definitely flavored with their fuck juices.”Y-You c-can’t be s-serious? I-I know y-you had me e-eating h-his stuff . Y-You tricked me. B-But two s-strangers? A-And h-here in y-your office?””Yes Peter honey, everyone will know you’ll be eating his and the other men’s cum out of my pussy. I won’t close the door or the curtains. The rest of the office will see you slurping up other men’s spent fuck juices.””B-But .””After you get use to it, no one will even notice or care that you do it dear. It’ll be just like the sun rising and setting. Once you get the routine down, no one will show surprise. That’s why Joe and I want to get you started on these little chores soon as possible, so you can get over any shock or shyness you have in performing as a good husband and dutiful cuckold and gaining the respect that you deserve.”I could tell it was useless to pursue attempting to change her mind. Over the lastfew weeks, I noticed my wife becoming more persistent, but never thought it would come to this. I followed her curled beckoning finger as she stood up, raised the short shirt she wore, and sat back down. She then scooted her hairy heated crotch right before my face as I knelt between her outspread legs, that were supported on the arms of her chair.Even though not as messy as I’d seen it before, her pussy was definitely slightly puffy and red. A strong tell tale gamy odor indicated that she had experienced aheavy sexing earlier. She proceeded to pull my head tightly to her moist slick pussy lips. There was the unmistakable film of slick goo that indeed did flavor her sex. As my tongue probed her interior, she was still quite warm, and Iswallowed some thick dregs of fuck that hadn’t leaked or ran out of her cunt. She kept me sucking at her cunt until she was well satisfied.As I got up and turned my head, there were spectators all around. In the door and looking in the window. They applauded me.”Three Cheers for the cream pie eater! Hip! Hip! Hooray!; Hip! Hip! Hooray!; Hip! Hip! Hooray!” The office staff roared as I turned beet red and sought to go in “my office” and wash my face.”See darling, you’re getting respect already.” My wife said smiling profusely at my shame and embarrassment.THE END OF MY FIRST DAY ON MY NEW JOB”I-I can’t believe he had me doing janitorial work. He actually had this big black woman supervise me and direct me how to clean the toilets, empty trash, vacuum and mop floors. It was Nine O’clock when I got away. No way will I be doing this every day. H-He’ll just.””Yes you will dear, otherwise, you’ll be black balled in your profession and I might leave you too for not keeping your promises. Remember you gave your word.”B-But being the o-office janitor! Cleaning toilets! Plus he said it was to be part ofmy daily duties. C-Can you believe he gave me a cleaning schedule for a whole year? Please Paula . please don’t hold me to .””Yes dear, you will be held to your promise. You are to follow the schedule explicitly. Any failures will result in demerits and penalties in pay.””W-What!””C’mon to bed darling. Come into my arms That’s it. Feel better? You’ve had a very full day.” She kissed me wetly and repeatedly on the lips. They were delicious. I was in heaven. This was like old times, before her sexual sophistication.She reached down and felt my small but very stiff prick. As I broke her kiss Iopened her gown in preparation of mounting her.”Peter honey, my pussy is tired and a bit sore from all the activity today. But you can lick it if you want some. Your sucking and licking is rather soothing. It seems to help the swelling go down.””Y-you know it doesn’t take me long to get off . at the most two minutes. I-I’ll be real gentle. You’re so well stretched from their big things . you’ll hardly feel me. Please dear, may I-I put it in?””Not tonight darling.” She said with a smirking smile as I pleaded.”I am tired, but if you lap me, I’ll help you jerk off afterwards, that is if I’m still awake. Otherwise, if you’re not interested, I’m going to turn over and go to sleep. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow. Joe has promised me to an old friend of his passing through town.”I just hovered there looking foolish as I tried to absorb more degradation as it was dumped on me.”Well, what’s it going to be?” She said with a sweet curtness.”I-I’ll lick y-your pussy.” I replied meekly as I re-positioned myself and guided my head between her parted smooth white thighs. To be tired, she really gave a vigorous response to my tongue action as she humped and gyrated her crotch in my captive face. She not only clamped my head tightly with her legs but also used her hands to tightly press my head to her soft, swollen, bruised, and supposedly, sore, pouting labia. She was juicy, but there was no jism flavoring. She slumped back on the bed after a violent orgasm.”Ooooooh! You’re so wonderful to have around Peter. I know I won’t have any trouble sleeping now.” I wiped my face and moved up in bed. As I was reminding her of her promise a few moments ago, she was about to turn her back to meand go to sleep.”Oh I’m sorry darling you made me feel so good I almost forgot about mypromise. I’m even more tired now and jerking you will really tire me out. Here are some tissues. Now suck this while you jack off.”She handled one of her luscious tits and positioned it in an inviting posture. She looked utterly delicious doing that. I know in my condition, I had to accept whatever she offered.” I’m sorry baby, but you were just so good you made me even more exhausted. This is the best I can do to help you get off.”I took the tissue, positioned my mouth to her warm supple mammary and slowly stroked myself until I came into the “tissue cunt” she handed me.After I got off and removed my lips from her tasty tit, I discovered she was sleep.After disposing of the tissue, I went back to bed and held my beautiful sleeping wife. Even though horrified at what she had become, deep down within I was glad I had chosen to stay with her and thankful she still had need for me.After being on the job for over three months, my wife was correct, I was surprised at how much degradation and humiliation I could really take.The office staff, which numbered about twenty, toyed and teased me at times and treated me with disdain at other times.There was Joe Benson, President of the company and four other black managers. In addition there were five other lead administrators, all black men too. The rest of the staff was composed of ten white women and myself.It was evident, all the women were routinely sexing it up with the black men.They all had white husbands and families, but were more than willing to part their legs for their black stud co-workers.It was common knowledge that Joe dug my wife, but he didn’t mind her screwing the other black men in the office and business associates. Apparently, she didn’t either. The company was like one big screwing club. Joe Benson and my wife subjugated and ridiculed me horribly in front of the office staff as it wasn’t bad enough that my desk was in the men’s restroom. It was also common knowledge that I was also the office custodian in addition to my regular work.Everyone praised my accounting skills, but at the same time taking their cue from big Joe, they put me down and berated me whenever it pleased them.Take for instance, at staff meetings, Joe would often have me serve coffee and donuts to the others like I was a maidservant. Additionally, I had to stand near the coffee pot for the entire meeting until someone beckoned for me, or snapped their finger, which my wife and Joe did frequently, for me to bring them a coffee or wait on them.Other times, if Joe thought the office needed tidying up doing the day, it was not unusual for him to order me to empty the trash cans or vacuum or mop or dust inmy business suit. I was the butt of office jokes and nobody counted me as aman. It was strange but I found their attitude so easy to accept. After all, what man could love his wife so much to go through the ordeal I was. Having a desk in the men’s john was something that took getting use too. The urinals were about five feet in front of my desk and due to the geometry of the area, one would see my desk first upon entering. There was a small corner, so I positioned my desk that allowed me to turn my back to the wall and face the door, rather than looking at the urinals and having to watch the men coming and going to do theirbusiness, even though it was obvious they all were very well hung. I concluded it was true what was said about black men and their big tools.It was about two months after being on the job I moved my desk as I described above. I began to get more settled in my office area. After a while the sound of peeing and flushing water became more like background noise. I was soon able to block it out and become rather productive, as best I could under the circumstances.After my latest paycheck didn’t get deposited to our joint account, I went to see Tina, who handled payroll. Because I didn’t get a check, my wife gave me a loan of $30 a week until till it could be straighten out. She became awfully tight with money, when it came to me, even though it güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri was common for her to buy four or five dresses that cost over $200 each, each time she went shopping, which was almost every weekend.Paula kept saying she’d check into it. Nothing happened, so I decided to do it myself. “Oh I didn’t know you didn’t want it to go to the same account as your wife’s. Well, since it’s started that way, it’ll take some time to get it switched. Here take this form to her and have her authorize it. After that, it should takeabout four weeks for the change.” She told me. “Come in Peter, what can I do foryou?” My wife said only looking up briefly as she was signing some papers as I knocked before being given the okay to come in. I explained what Tina told me. “Leave it there, I’ll take care of it. You can rest assured, I know your money was safely deposited in my account. In the mean time, I’ll give you an allowance of $5 a day, or $30 a week until we get it straighten out. OK?””Er, Paula, I-I mean Ms. Morris, I’d like to have enough to at least pay the utilities and other usual bill I use to pay. That is before, I lost my last job.” “Don’t worry Peter sweetie, I’m having it paid directly out of my account. You have nothing to worry about. You’ll get your $30 every Friday until further notice.”I was still standing, as she never invited me to sit. My mouth was open as I stood there shocked. “Hi beautiful.” Spoke big Joe as he walked in. “Hi darling.” Replied my wife in a cheerful upbeat tone as she stood up and embraced him. Right in front of me, for the countless time, they Frenched kiss. “Peter, you can leave now. We were through talking.” She said reverting back to a business tone.I exited the office, flushed and ticked off for the countless time by her brazen arrogance. I was determined to end this nightmare. I didn’t care if I did love her so much.I worked so hard cleaning the office that evening. My anger over my paycheck was no longer raging, but more like cool lukewarm.I had become pretty efficient at performing my janitorial duties and working the office cleaning schedule. Tonight however, Joe wanted a new coat of wax on all the tile floors as well as his office carpet shampooed.I hated big Joe for what he and my wife were doing and had done to me. However, it was odd, but I couldn’t help but admire his confidence, good looks, the masterful dynamic way he carried himself, and of course the way he pleased my wife and seem to have her under his control.I understood why I was so intimidated by him, but yet couldn’t understand why I continued to be a total fool for him. I knew my wife’s feeling for him was partly the reason.However, whenever he would speak or order me around, it just seems that it was the right thing to obey him.It was late. I was tired, but yet horny. As I walked in the door, the smell of heavy sex was strong. I could tell by the disarray of the front room that there had been more than one man here doing the evening to see my wife. This in itself was not unusual. I suspect she was still up waiting to feed me the some of the results of her evening’s sexual activities. She’d been so busy sexually with Joe Benson, who was her favorite stud, and other friends and business associates of his, that she and I hadn’t had normal intercourse in over two months. I however, had lost track of how many times I’d eaten her out. If she didn’t have time to help me masturbate, I had to pull my own self, usually while being home alone.Since, it was my good fortune that she was home tonight, I decided to raise the issue of money some other time and concentrate on sex tonight.I found her in the bed reading. We greeted each other warmly. If I didn’t know any better, I never would’ve thought this was the same person I discussed money with earlier in the day. I got a bite to eat and a shower.In the shower I practiced in my mind what to say to her. She didn’t look tired. I knew she wanted me to put my mouth on her pussy. I suspect it was still moist and somewhat slimy from being with her real men.We kissed as I slipped in bed. It felt so good to be beside her. Like this, she could do no wrong. She was my angel, no matter if she was my tormentor other times.As usual, I went down on her first as was our routine. I was right, her luscious pussy was juicy and loose. She told me two of the managers at work had stopped by since they knew I was going to be quite busy that evening.Being multi-orgasmic, she got off twice under my tongue.. She praised my pussy eating. It made me feel good when she did that and compared it to the fucking pleasure of the black men who’d fucked her earlier.It was time. I nervously asked her. Surely she couldn’t refuse me tonight. All the vibes just seemed right. My little prick was not only throbbing but burning. I needed the feel of hot wet raw pussy.”OH honey, I was so hoping you’d gotten to like our routine and wouldn’t ask me that.””W-Why?” I asked puzzled.”Well, you seemed so pleased eating me and so satisfied with me jacking you off, or you doing it yourself.””Well, that was only because you said you were so tired or just not in the mood to let m-me put it in.” I replied, still puzzled about her attitude.”I was hoping I wouldn’t have to tell you this. I thought it all would just work out like everything else seems to be doing.””I-I still don’t understand.””You see darling.” She said softly as she reached down to unbutton my pajama fly. “As I’ve told you before, it makes me feel so good to have you sucking and eating better men’s sperm out of my well fucked slimy pussy.””Yes-Yes. I-I know I-I can’t compare to them.” I said softly. Not feeling excited about once again admitting to my inadequacies.”Honey, Joe and the other fellows in the office think that is all you deserve.” She said as she finally got my fly totally unbuttoned. She pushed my pajamas away so as to have free rein to my prick. A penis much smaller, and of a different color, than she was currently accustomed to handing.”I-I know they don’t think much about me and I-I guess I-I can see their view .” “Honey what I’m trying to tell you is, that’s all they want you to do. They told methat you are not to put it in any more.”I still don’t know what happened to this day, but before my lovely wife even placed her soft dainty hands on my aching prick, I shot a load. It was so forceful and felt so good, I had to rest a moment to catch my breath afterwards. She grabbed my dribbling little cock and continued jerking me off. When I looked up, she had the most wicked, but beautiful smile on her face in the dim bedroom light.”I-I don’t know what happened. I-I .””Are you sure darling?” She giggled slightly while still holding my shrinking prick with her hand all covered with my plentiful sponk.I apologized for the mess. She kissed me on my forehead and consoled me as Iwiped her hands clean.”That’s quite alright honey. I’d say you were just agreeing with Joe and the others. At least your body was.”I was at a loss for words. She knew I was so ashamed. We both knew I was no more good tonight and probably not for a couple or three days. My body had betrayed me or was it some sort of mental trigger I didn’t understand.We talked some more, before we both went to sleep.Before drifting off, she let me know that she felt an obligation to abide by what Joe and the other men in the office wanted, that is to deny me from putting my prick in her juicy cunt ever again, except maybe on my birthday.”Darling, why don’t you and Joe have a man to man talk about it.” My wife yawned as she went sound asleep soon afterwards.Even though tired, I didn’t drift off to a fitful sleep for another hour.It took me a week, but I finally got up the courage to go see Joe Benson. I was going to ask his permission to let my wife give me some pussy for my aching prick, as opposed to just being able to penetrate her adulterous and well fucked, but gorgeous sex, with my tongue.I asked his secretary for a late appointment, that is after everyone was gone for the day. My purpose was to do what I had to do without my other co-workers around. She did. I had practiced what I’d planned to say and felt good about my strategy of seeing him when all the others would be gone. I settled into taking care of two assignments I had to do for purchasing. Just as I completed one, in walked Joe Benson.”Hi Peter!””Afternoon Mr. Benson.” I replied as he headed to the urinal nearest my desk and unzipped, pulling out his long thick dark penis.”I understand you wanted to see me this evening. Can we talk about it now? I might leave a little early today.” He spoke as a thick stream of urine was expelled from his fire hose of a cock.I turned my head so as not to be watching as he discharged himself.”It-it’s a private matter s-sir. I-I can wait until tomorrow.” I replied nervously.”You don’t have to turn your head, I don’t mind you looking at my dick.” He chuckled as my face turned slightly red. He knew he was embarrassing me and seem to enjoy it. “But seriously.” He said as he paused and shook drops from the slit of his giant length of black manhood. “Can’t we talk about it now? After all there are few secrets between us or the others in the office. Think of us as a big happy family.”Just then two other men walked in and spoke as they went to relieve themselves. “Hi Joe. Peter.””Joe. Peter.””I-I know Mr. Benson, b-but I-I’d like to t-talk to you in private.” “Oh, . I see. Is it about you and Paula?””Well, er ., yes sir .. but I-I can wait until tomorrow. Really, I-I can.” I could see the two other black managers at the urinals listening intently as I nervously stammered out a reply.”Well Peter, you shouldn’t be nervous about talking to me about you and your wife, after all I am fucking her. Of course you know that from all of my dick cum you’ve eaten out of her.”His vulgar blunt comment caught me off guard. My face turned even redder. I was stunned and searching for words to stop him from continuing going down the road he was heading.”It wouldn’t by chance be something about me telling her not to give you any, except, maybe your birthday? And that’s of course, is if she’s up to it and you’ve been good enough to deserve it.”I could see the other men at the urinals smiling as Joe Benson continued talking. I was so heated and flush now. As I stewed, feeling so angry and yet highly intimidated at him, it dawned on me that I had an erection that was palpitating.”P-P-Please Mr.-Mr. B-Benson .. can we please talk later. I-I .””What’s else is there to talk about? Your wife is my whore and loves it. She does what I tell her . just like you. What else is there to discuss?””P-Please Mr. B-B-Ben .””Maybe you need to hear it from her.” He said cutting me off as he sat on the edge of my desk and used my phone to dial Paula on the intercom. He put one of his feet in the side chair that was in front of my desk.I wanted to get up and run out of there and never come back. I felt my prick straining against the fabric of my trousers. Anyway, I was trapped from leaving because of the way I’d positioned my desk, in order to partially shield me from viewing the urinals all the time.The only way out was over the desk. But with my erection, even though smallcompared to all the other men in the office, it was stiff enough to show a tent pole in my pants if I got up to walk.”Paula sweetheart! Come in the men’s room, your husband’s office. We have to have a talk with him. Okay, bye.” He hung up the phone forcefully. “She’ll be right over.” He said as he folded his arms sitting there on the edge of the desk. The other two men were washing their hands and chuckling as they dried them and left. I’d never felt so silly and again I sensed I was going to be put through another humiliating situation of some kind. To make matters worse, my cock wasn’t supporting me.”Hi Joe darling!” Paula said cheerily as she walked in and kissed him juicily on the mouth.”Hello Peter.” Was her greeting to me in a dead flat tone.”I haven’t been in here in a while. I thought your desk was closer to the urinals honey.” She said as she surveyed the restroom while still slightly embracing Joe Benson.”Paula, I think Peter wants assurance that you’re my whore.””What part of me being a whore for him don’t you understand honey?” My wife said looking me straight in the eyes. “Here let me show you Peter dear.” She sat in the chair where Joe had previously put his foot, moved it right in front where Joe Benson was sitting on my desk.”Joe darling, I could use some refreshments, I’ve been working hard allafternoon. Please let me suck your big black cock. Please baby.” As she spoke she caressed his crotch through the fabric of his expensively tailored suit.My eyes were glued to my wife as she begged him to let her blow him while I sat trapped. My cock pulsed as he gave her the okay and proceeded to zip down his fly and take his hardening big rod out.”Ooh Joe baby, I want it open crotch. I wantta lick your balls too.” My wife cooed as she helped him slide his pants and shorts down to reveal the man’s magnificent stalk of a penis and the dark patch of black pubic hairs at the base of his root.My cock was ready to explode at the sight as my wife looked straight at me as she licked the tip of his swelling member and lapped the pink dick head that had rapidly become bloated and shiny. She had never sucked my cock and here she was doing it so erotically as I was trapped to observe her ever so closely. The bad part was that I hated what was happening, but my cock had a mind of it’s own. Nothing I did could wish it down.I tried looking away, but Joe Benson reached over and turned my head around to make sure I watched her bath and lave his big hairy balls with her tongue and lips. She even sucked one of his big balls and then the other in her beautifully lipstick covered mouth. The contrast of her white skin against his black hairy scrotum was quite a sight.”This is for your benefit. So don’t turn your head.” Joe Benson warned as my wife engulfed his large swollen golf ball size blood gorged dick head.I was so glad I was able to press down on my throbbing aching prick. It seemed as if it was going to rip through my pants, especially as my wife’s sucking noise added to my discomfort. The juicy blow job she was giving is what I’d only dreamed about. Even though I suspected she sucked her lover’s big black dicks, that is from the taste of her kisses, we never really discussed it.As she mouthed and slid her lips back and forth over his long thick shaft, I prayedI didn’t come in my pants.The tension in the room was too much. My face was literally red. My other fear came to fruition as one of the salesman entered the restroom. He was about to excuse himself and go to one of the other restrooms, but Joe Benson invited him in anyway. He accepted. Used the urinal, but his eyes never left the scene in process before me. My wife seemed oblivious to it all as she went after her “refreshment”.Moments later another co-worker entered. He offered to visit another restroom, but Joe waived him in. Again my wife never seemed to notice.”OOH! Suck it bitch! Yesss! That’s it! Show your husband you’re my slut! Yess! Swallow it all!” Moaned Joe Benson as he shot his hot wad of sperm down my wife’s throat. I could tell it was a big load. She swallowed at least five times.It was no use, my prick pulsed at the sight of her actions. The release was so delightful. I hunched forward to try and hide the wave of pleasure that comes from such a good release. As I quickly got over the pleasure of what happened, I hoped no one noticed and I hoped everyone would leave to give me a chance to clean up before my prick goo soaked through the cloth.It seemed my wife milked his penis forever before giving it a loving kiss and letting Joe redress. The two co-workers left to go and get their secretaries to give them the same treatment that my wife had just given. I’d never seen a blow job given in such a blatant manner or in such an open location as my wife had done. I’d heard that it often happened in the back of the office where there were several storage rooms.”Well Peter, does that answer your question. Do you still need to talk to me?” Joe Benson asked with a big smile on his face as my wife licked her lips, capturing an errant cum drop that almost escaped as she was swallowing his bountiful wad of viscous semen.I meekly shook my head acknowledging that there was no need. “And Peter, if you think you are deserving of getting some on your birthday, 30 days prior, Iwant you to send me an inter-office memo justifying why I should permit your wifeto let you put it in. Send it through my secretary so she can check it for format and grammar. Also, make sure it’s coordinated with the other managers by getting their signature approval, including your wife. If anybody non-concurs, I won’t even look at it. Understand.?” Unbelievably stunned one more time by him, all I could do was nod acceptance of his stringent and ridiculing conditions forjust a once a year session with my lovely “slut” wife – and then only if she wasn’t busy with him or other men and if she felt like giving me some.I was so mentally beat, I was exhausted. Having come also drained me too.”Well honey, did you enjoy that as much as we did.” My wife said looking straight at me. When I was slow to respond she reached right over the desk and grasped my crotch and began feeling for my prick and rubbing where I’d come in mypants. Caught off guard by her sudden unexpected action I sought to prevent her from further exploration by grabbing her arms. As I did so Joe grabbed both ofmy hands with just one of his giant strong hands. I wiggled and begged him to letme loose. Meanwhile, my wife was able to discover that I’d shot off in my shorts.”OOH! You did enjoy seeing me suck off his black dick. Look Joe, he shot off in his pants.”As I struggled with Joe holding my wrists, her continued rubbing had forced the absorption of the sticky goo into the outer fabric of my trousers. It was too late.The stain was evident and sticky.”Ha! Ha! Ha!” Joe roared as he let me go and left telling my wife he’d see her later.”See you later Joe darling.” Spoke my wife as her handsome smug black lover left us two alone. She never removed her hands away from the damp spot on my pants. I was so ashamed, I stopped fighting her. I knew I was beaten. She and Joe both knew I had no will to confront them in their subjugation and abasement of me.”That was so sweet of you dear. And such a cute way to let me know you approve of me being his slut. Here, you deserve a nice kiss.”She gave me a deep juicy French kiss. She stuck her tongue deep in my mouth and made sure I sucked on it before breaking the kiss. The taste of Joe’s thick semen was obvious by the slimy film and seminal odor of her breath.The kiss made me feel better, but I was still flustered in the state I was in. She finally removed her hand. However the spot was rather large on my trousers now. It was at least a four inch diameter circle.As she went over to one of the sinks to wash her hands and rinse her mouth out, I proceeded to one of the stalls to attempt to clean up the mess I’d made on myself.”Peter, come with me, I want you to get a file from Peggy on the other end of the office.””O-Okay, y-yes ma’am. I-I’ll do it just after I-I clean up and .””Now! Peter dear. You can do that later. There’s work to be done.” I gave her an incredible look. “B-But they-they’ll see .””Precisely.” My wife said as she looked at me with folded arms. “They’ll see a husband whose proud to exhibit proof of his approval that it’s okay for me to date and sex other men. Being so secure güvenilir bahis şirketleri in your manhood, even though not great, can’t help but generate more respect for you Peter dear.”I parted my lips to rebut her, but the stern, in-command look, and stance she took, as she stood before me, was my signal that she would not take no for an answer.”Now go!” She said extending her arm straight toward the door. “Or do I needJoe to come in here and push you out there.”I got to moving, knowing full well I didn’t want to face his intimidation again.I prayed people would be too busy to look. That was wishful thinking. All eyes were on me as I existed the door. Time I passed the first desk going towardPeggy’s desk I heard “He did come in his pants, just like Joe said. Imagine a husband shooting off in his pants as his wife gives her lover a blow job right in front of his face.What a wimp.”Peggy made me wait for the file. It was the longest two minutes in my life as the others looked at me and snickered or giggled but never said anything directly to me.I finally brought the file back to my wife’s office. She was back at her desk in a very business like posture. As I was leaving, she let me know that Joe Benson was coming over to our house tonight.”Come in the back door honey, and if he’s still there when you come home from tidying up here at the office, go ahead and sleep in the guest room. I’ll wake you up when he leaves.” She told me with her head still looking down at what she was working on.”Yes ma’am.” Was all I said as I started out to give the office gawkers their last look at my “proof of approval” as I made it to my men’s room office.That night it took me four hours to give the office a good cleaning, as called for on the schedule. I was beginning to take a certain pride in how well I kept the office and rest rooms sparkling. I wondered if that was all part of being subjugated so much by Joe Benson and my wife that I was beginning to see them as doing me the favor of letting me be degraded by them as well as work like a slave for them.When I arrive home, it was after Nine O’clock. I went in the back door as my wife had requested. I knew that she had company in the bedroom. There were two cars out front. I recognized them as Joe’s and another manager at work named Reggie.There was the unmistakable noise of heavy sex coming from the master bedroom. As I got myself a bite to eat, I heard my wife call out asking if that was me. I replied it was and only heard the resumption of more sexing a few moments later.I was in luck, my wife had put two doggy bags in the fridge. I suspect they were where she and Joe and Reggie had been out to dinner. The warmed leftovers were very filling and tasty. I could tell they were from an expensive restaurant.I cleaned up the kitchen and tidied up the living and family rooms.Joe and Reggie’s suits were strewn over the sofas in the family room. I gathered them up and placed them neatly on hangers and placed them on hooks in thehall outside the master bedroom. Where they knew to find them. This was not new to them, or to me. when any of the office men, or their black friends came over to screw my wife, I routinely hung up their tossed clothing. I then went to the guest bedroom and took a shower in the main hall bath. As I let the warm refreshing water stream over me, I recalled the events of the day. I concludedmy humiliation and degradation had been great, but in a strange way, having made it through seem to fortify me for yet another day. When will it all end?What was wrong with me, I thought to myself as I was drying off.By this time, I heard Paula’s two guest leave. I distinctly heard Joe say “Tell your husband, we left plenty of creamy desert for him to eat.” To which my wife replied “Thank darling, I’m sure he’ll appreciate both of you doing that for him.”I was out of the shower and in my PJs when she walked into where I was. She was dressed only in a sheer see through robe and had milky colored cum trails down the inside of her thighs and legs.It was a common sight for me. She looked used, but beautiful. Her black big dick lovers were through using her, so now she could be my wife again.”Welcome home honey.” She greeted me as she brought her used jism leaking body to me. Her kiss as usual was delicious to me, even though her breath reeked of jism. The taste was slightly stale and more pungent than when she sucked on Joe at work today. I presumed because she had been at it longer and had two big black dicks to work on tonight, while I was cleaning up the office.”Honey bunch, you’d better kneel and hurry up if you’re going to get all the wonderful cream Joe and Reggie left for you. It’s almost down to my ankle on this leg.” My wife said as she placed her foot on the bed which stretched her crotch and gave me a better view of just how messy her hairy snatch was. Indeed the combined melded thick jism of the two studs was running in thick viscous trails along her luscious inner legs and thighs.I knelt as she suggested and began my licking at the place she’d mentioned. I lapped and sucked up the spent slimy sperm and continued doing so until I reached just above her knee on the leg propped up on the bed. I next began on the other leg just above the top of her ankle. I went from one leg to the other until I was within six inches of her sloppy oozing snatch. She then stopped me.”That’s good for now. At least it won’t stain the carpet. Let’s go to bed so I can relax while you eat the rest of your dessert they made for you.”As we walked toward the master bedroom, she circled her arm around my waist and offered me another jism tasting kiss. I couldn’t refuse her. I knew if this was the only way to have her be loving to me, then I’d take it.After keeping my head buried in her crotch for at least a half hour and two orgasms for her, she finally let go of my head. All the while I was eating her swollen ripe reddish well screwed sex, she found various ways to remind me of the wonderful stuff our boss and co-worker left for me to eat. After washing my face and brushing my teeth to clear the mucky gooey build up on my gums and teeth, I rejoined my wife in bed.We kissed and cuddled up as if two newlyweds. My cock was hard but not to the point where I needed to come. I’d come this afternoon and therefore was in no need of getting off again so soon. Of course, I thought it was just as well since it was obvious that, my only recourse would be to my hands, or if lucky, my wife’s hands.Nevertheless being cuddled up with her, I savored the moment of knowing that she was mind if but just these few moments. I hadn’t plan to bring up the events of earlier today. I’d just resigned myself to the role that both of them had clearly let me know was mine. I was tired and on the verge of drifting off to sleep when she decided to talk.”Darling, Joe and I didn’t mean to be too hard on you, but sometimes the best way to get a point across is by demonstration.” She cooed as she played with the hair on my head.”I-I understand dear.” I replied meekly, trying not to look in her face. I really didn’t want to be reminded of the ordeal I’d experienced at work today.”You shouldn’t take Joe’s action as personal, it’s just his ego at work. By cutting you off, while he allows me to fuck almost anybody else, really boosts his self esteem. Men like him thrive on the feeling it gives them. You on the other hand are good at taking what he, and I too, dish out so that his ego can be nurtured and therefore kept healthy. And of course, you know what I’ve told you about how sexy he is when his ego is satisfied.””Y-Yes I-I do Paula.” I replied wearily and nervously, as I went on to let her know all that was on my mind, since she’d opened up the conversation. “I-I know Ican’t compare with the way he and the other men c-can satisfy y-you in bed. I-Iknow I can’t satisfy your needs like they can. And-and I-I-I’ve resigned myself to j-j-jacking off, if that . well if-if t-that’s the way it has to be.””It is honey, but don’t forget your birthday darling. But like he said, you’d better get your justification for putting-it-in, in early. And like he said, use an inter-office memo format and remember, it has to go through all the department heads and get their approvals before he’ll even consider it.””I-I remembered. B-But as I was saying, I accept his conditions on our sex life. He and his friends are after all keeping you happier than I-I ever could.””They sure are darling.””A-and I’ve come to the conclusion he’s not ready to move my desk out of t-the men’s room yet.””No, he’s not honey. It may be a while.” She added matter-of-factly.”B-But do y-you think he’d find someone else to do the office cleaning? Being new, I-I didn’t mind helping out for a while. I accepted his explanation that it wasa small company and that we all had to do a little extra to keep the ship afloat. B- But Paula, I’ve been doing this for over three months now. I’m working 10 to 12hours a day, not to mention when he wants me to go in on Saturday or Sunday and shampoo the entire office carpet and strip off the old and put down new waxin the entry ways and halls. It-it’s just too much dear. Could – could you please put in a-a word for me so-so …””No honey, you should talk to him about that. Are you scared?””W-W-Well no, b-but y-you two g-get a-along so well, I-I thought you could .” “Just because he’s fucking me, your wife, is no reason for you to be afraid ofdiscussing such things with him. Ask him, he may let you off the office cleaning detail in a year or two.””A-A year? That . that long?””At the earliest . you know depending on how your first annual job evaluation goes. But I must tell you honey, you do a great job on keeping the rest rooms and toilets sparkling. Everyone in the office compliments you on that. The maintenance company that serviced us before you were hired, had six people working at night and didn’t come close to the super job you’re doing.””Six workers? A maintenance company?”. I said looking at her wide eyed. “Honey, he likes the idea of you doing that kind of work, especially while he and Iare out dining or partying it up or somewhere screwing. And you’re good at it too.””I-I guess I-I’ll discuss it – it with him when I-I can catch him at -at a good time.” Ireplied stammering and feeling dejected.”You do that dear.” My wife said cheerfully. “Now lets get some sleep, we’ve got to go to work tomorrow.” She said as she cuddled up closer to me.We were both getting sleepy, so this phase of our conversation seemed a natural conclusion point. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about how I started to bring up the issue of my paycheck, but decided to leave well enough alone for now. I was still getting $30 a week “allowance” from my wife, while my check went into her bank account. For all the work I was doing, both for my regular job and the custodial duties, for the $30 a week, or $5/day, the money I was actually getting my hands on came to 50 Cents/hour on my short days and other times about 40Cents/hour.I knew my wife had picked up that I was intimidated by Joe Benson. I knew it would take me time to work up enough nerve to ask him for relief from my “extra duties”. For now, I resigned myself to the reality of things. It went without saying that it was clear now that Joe was the man in charge and that my role was pretty much that of the clean up man, both at work and at home. A role that my wife enjoyed seeing me in and one that boosted her lovers egos.It had been a week since Joe Benson, the president had demonstrated to me that my wife was truly his whore.It was Monday morning and I was just about to enter my restroom office when a workman with a drill came out.As I went in, I assumed he was just doing some normal repair work.When I entered, all I could do was stand there and look at what had been done.I was so upset I called Paula and told her I had to leave. The stress was now just too much. She hung up and walked over.I think it all looks great honey. What’s the problem?””P-Paula, I, . er, mean Ms. Morris. If-if you really love me, h-how can you let him continue to – to do t-this to me? I-I want out of this room. I-I feel so degraded and put down. Please ask him to move me. I-I know he’ll listen at you.””Peter I do love you, it’s just that it gives me so much pleasure to have you in such positions as you’re complaining about.””Y-You mean humiliated don’t you. Y-You like seeing me-me s-shamed and degraded horribly.” I said in a broken voice.”No darling, I want to see how unselfish you are. To see how far you will go to prove your love to me since you can’t do it in a more manly fashion like Joe or Jim or the other black men, that is with their robust cocks.””Paula, uh, Ms. Morris, . I-I’m sorry I-I can’t give.””And that’s another thing, always saying you’re sorry!. Well you are a sorry excuse for a man. A real man doesn’t offer excuses, his actions speaks for themselves. Since you don’t have prick power to show your love, you should leave that to more capable men and do what else you do best to please the woman you claim you love.””Oh I do love you. I’m doing the best I can. Just tell me what more is expected of me?” I asked pathetically.”For one thing, stop whining about your desk being in the john. Joe wants you in here. It’s a boost for his ego. If he has a healthy ego about his masculinity, guess what, he screws me better. Hence by pleasing his ego, you’re taking action to give your wife something you can’t. See where I’m coming from Peter.””I-I see. I-I never thought about it l-like that.” I said meekly, but still trying to understand her involved reasoning, which made sense except I knew something was wrong somewhere.”And also, I want you to be right here so you can be reminded each time they go to the urinal. You can look over and see what a real man has between his legs.””It-It was you who had …””Yes, it was me that had your desk moved closer to them and bolted to the floor, and the mirrors put up. I want you to have a good look each time one of the men come in here. I want you to view what makes me happy honey. I want you toget over any residual shameor shyness of knowing that I adore and need big black dicks. Understand darling?” She held my chin and looked me deep in the eyes with her soft eyes.Even though less than happy, I was terrified of that look and strangely I felt my prick erecting.”Y-yes I-I understand.” I replied softly”And honey, I know it’s difficult for you doing this transition period. That is, being man enough to accept responsibility for your shortcomings by doing other things to compensate for them. But the sooner you firmly accept your new role, and adapt, the easier it will be for you. Take for instance, if Joe sends you to find me and tells you, to tell me, he needs to fuck me, the sooner you see this as a routine thing. Therefore you will have less emotional difficulty. The same goes for when he calls you in later to clean up the mess he’s made between my legs.Sure, the others in the office might still look at you funny for a while, even after all this time you’ve been here, or even laugh and call you a fool occasionally Butyou’ll know deep down that you are doing what needs to be done to show your love and keep our marriage intact. It is the right thing for you to be a willing, eager and supportive cuckold. Understand?”I slowly nodded acceptance of what she said.”Good, I’m glad we had this little chat. And dear I want you to repeat to your self just what I told you about being a cuckold. Remember there is no shame in being a faithful cuckold to a wife that others might call a slut.” She said as she kissed me on the lips, letting me know how much she loves seeing me ready to show her just how manlyI’m going to be for her.I promised to not let her down, even though I would be lowering myself into the pit of humiliation. She was so beautiful at that moment she had gotten me to commit to being her total fool.EPILOGUE:Like my wife said, I did get more acclimated and use to being humiliated and accepting my place as her wimpy cuckold husband.As usual, each day after work, I become the office janitor, keeping the place spotless and cleaning all six toilets such that they shine. The big Black lady that comes by to supervise and check my work periodically, a cousin of Joe Benson, rewards me for a job well done byhaving me eat her big black pussy. I don’t have much choice as she can give me demerits which will affect my job rating if I don’t cooperate. Occasionally, her boyfriend drops by and fucks her some nights while I’m cleaning up. He shoots jism like a horse. She even had me milk his giant dick a time or two. Hence, I go home extra full of spunk sometimes. Only to usually having to suck up morefrom my wife’s cunt when I get there.I’ve got quite use to “my office”. With the extra mirrors my wife had put in, no matter where I turn, I can catch a glimpse of the men’s big dicks as they use the urinals. She was right, seeing their big black cocks is a constant reminder of my shortcomings and helps me to be more accepting of my role of an understanding cuckold for her and her black lovers.Additionally, the men in the office had a staff meeting and voted more duties for me as part of my restroom attendant duties. When the elaborate and colorfulsign was put up, Joe Benson handed me an updated job description with the newadditional duty on it. I could only look at him with an incredulous look as I almost fainted back into my chair. The sign read “ATTENDANT WILL SHAKE AND STROKE DROPS FROM YOUR PENIS WHEN YOU ARE THROUGH AT URINAL, JUST ASK!” This has made me even more friendly with the men co-workers. Sometimes, my touching and shaking causes them to get an erection. They often blame me and demand that I suck them off. I have no choice, as my job description requires I do so if they get a hard-on. I really think it’s unfair I have to Fellate them and swallow all their hot sticky gooey jism. You see the job description says I can’t release their penises until they tell me when to stop shaking and stroking them. I contend that one, at maximum, three shakes is all that’s required, with no stroking.By doing so, accidental erections would beminimized or eliminated. I wanted my job description changed to reflect this sinceJoe denied my request to eliminate the duty altogether.Many of the men have me shake and then stroke them until they get rock hard. They then order me to my knees to mouth them. It’s so frustrating to be trying to do your work and having to stop and attend to the men as they visit the urinals and request a shake. Just having to shake urine drops off is time consuming enough, but blow jobs are even more time consuming. The worse part is that if a man walks in and sees me on my knees Fellating one man who “accidentally” got an erection, then sometimes the new visitor will get aroused after using theurinal. Even though he might’ve already shook himself, and is fully erect, he’s still entitled to a shake with my hands. And the minute I touch him, I’m requiredto suck and swallow for him if he demands it.I finally got up enough courage to talk to Joe Benson about it. He said I had a good point and put it on the staff meeting agenda. I was so embarrassed when he turned the floor over to me, amongst the low level of giggles and snickering. But I gathered the courage to do so. After presenting my case as to why it was unfair and asked for the duty to be rescinded by the office staff, Joe asked me how could I know how long I needed to shake and stroke without relying on the owner of the penis to tell me all the pee was out of their big long cocks. I was at a loss for words and looked like a fool standing there silent. I knew he had me. My cock handling duty remained, as my motion to rescind was soundly defeated amongst a chorus of laughter. I felt so small and put down. You just don’t knowhow it feels to be set up and humiliated, especially by the man that’s fucking yourwife and whom she calls her real man.

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