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Country Boy, City Girl Chapter 28The next morning, I woke up with Linda laying on her side and curled up in front of me. And as Holly had said, my cock was resting along her ass between her cheeks. “Good morning” she whispered, and turned her head to give me a kiss.I tried to pull her face around for a deeper kiss, and she pulled back, whispering “Shhhhh.”I listened, and could hear moaning in the next room. And the bed squeaking. And soft murmuring as Holly and Keith were saying things. Slipping out of bed Linda crept to our side of the doorways and opened the door on our side. I could hear them a little clearer as she slipped back into the bed and my arms.“Yesss, just like that baby, I know you like it. Go ahead, I know you like them, even before you asked me out I knew you could not keep your eyes off of them. Ohhh, oh yes I love it when you play with my nipples!”“They are so hard Holly, and this feels so good, I love this! I love fucking you this way. You feel so good wrapped around my cock like this.”Linda was looking into my eyes as we listened, her hand back around my cock. She was stroking slowly up and down, timing her strokes in sync with our friends in the next room.“Yesss, you gonna fuck them faster now? Yes, go ahead baby, fuck me faster, fuck them faster. Ohhh, are you close baby? Go ahead, I know you want to. Go ahead and let go, fuck faster, yes, oh yes, faster, faster! Oh god yes, fuck my titties Keith!”Linda’s eyes grew open wide at that and her mouth opened into an O of surprise. Her hand was moving faster, and I kicked off the blankets so I could see her little hand around my cock.“Oh yes, oh yes baby, go ahead, cum on my titties. Fuck my titties!”At that time Keith gave out a low groan and Holly went “Yesssssssssssss, hey! I said cum on my titties your bastard! Not my face!”At that Linda completely lost it, giggling into my chest and squeezing me with both arms, trying to keep herself from being overheard. Finally she started to calm down and we heard Holly say “No, you can take a shower after I’m done. You shower by yourself asshole!”Well, Linda and I had no problem showering together. We spent about 15 minutes washing each other, then after working each other to a fever pitch she turned around and bent over. With my hands on her hips she moaned as I felt her fingers directing me into her and I slid into her tight pussy again.“Oh god! Oh Pete, you are soooo, oh you are so deep!” she moaned, as I started pumping in and out of her. I whispered for her to masturbate for me and she pressed her face against the wall, one arm and shoulder now supporting her as I felt my balls slapping into her fingers which were furiously rubbing her clit.Now I finally had an idea what a “quickie” was, and why somebody would want to do this quickly. Within 5 minutes my baby was cumming on her fingers and my cock, and I came a minute afterwards. This time she quickly pulled herself off of me and turned around, kissing me deeply.“Oh Pete, you felt so deep in me! It was like the first time, but even more so. You were pushing apart parts inside of me that had never had anything in there before. Ohhhh, that felt good!” She then gave a little quiver in my arms.We kissed for several minutes, then we both hurriedly finished washing ourselves off again. I was getting dressed as I heard her use the hairdryer to style her hair, and right after she shut off the hairdryer I saw the other door open.Holly blinked in surprise, as usually both sides of the door were pushed closed if they were not both open. She looked at both of us, and asked if we were ready. I was just stacking all of the luggage by the door so I told her to come in.Once I got back to the center of the room, I gave her a big hug and looked at her in concern. Her eyes were red, and it looked like she had been crying. I just looked at her for about 10 seconds when Linda came over. She saw the look in her eyes and gave her a hug too, asking Holly what was wrong.“Wrong? Why nothing sis, what makes you think something was wrong?”I looked and said “Holly, you look like you’ve been crying, and your eyes are all red. What’s wrong?”At that she actually laughed and blushed. “Oh, nothing really. That clown in the other room had his fire hose set to spray instead of stream, and I got some of his cum in my eye. Burned like hell, and that’s why I was crying. Are my eyes red too?”We both nodded, and Linda went to get some eye drops out of her makeup kit as I started to load the luggage into the back of Scout. A minute later Keith had joined me and soon we were making a final check before going to turn in the keys.After breakfast we headed back and sat in on a game of Tunnels & Trolls. Kinda like D&D, but instead of 6 different kinds of dice, all rolls were with handfuls of regular 6 sided dice. It was a bit of a simpler system, but still fun. The guy told us they even had some solo dungeons that a person could play by themselves. So I made a note to check out something else in the sales room.Some of the vendors were starting to pack up and put things on sale so I got some great deals, leaving this weekend with about 6 new games. At 3 we decided to go hang out in the tournament room and chat, which soon turned into making out until around 4:45. We got ourselves presentable right before Mr. Cummings and Joe joined us. A few minutes later dad and Deana came in and took seats next to Linda and Keith.A few minutes later Holly and Keith left, and we started chatting about the game to come. Joe was excited to see how some of the changes played out. Everybody came in and the character sheets were handed out again. And this time it went much smoother.The trek to the second fortress (this time made into an old royal hunting lodge), the biggest shock came when this time the bard threw the dagger again, and hit. And healed an ogre that was retreating. It stood up straighter, and smacked him good before they killed it. Put dagger away, check again later.Then they get to the room where the mage was. They had almost the same idea, they open the door, Kaos lets go with a lightning bolt. They open the door, and instead Kaos walks into the room and announces that they are there.Battle is tougher, but Kaos stands like a statue in a corner of the room and does nothing. When at last the battle ends, Kaos looks around like she is confused a moment.“You fucking bastard! Like, you grody piece of garbage! Like, you are so dead that even the flies that infest you are already dead!” And as she screamed that she was kicking the corpse of the wizard over and over again.Now they put it together a lot better. The notes talked about Kaos being put under a geas, and having no choice in her actions when conditions were met. But now that the wizard was dead, the geas was lifted. Looted all çorum escort the treasure, collected all incriminating documents, head back to town. They were somewhat shocked it was the Captain, but were ready to confront him.And like before, the Bard took the time to use his lore knowledge to figure out what the dagger was. So I handed over the card.A hail of paper, curses and laughter flew at me as they finally comprehended the “Dagger of Healing”. “Dude, you have a sick sense of humor!” the Bard said, then started to laugh.Sneak into town, go to the King, turn over all evidence, Captain called in and arrested, rewards given. Just under 3 hours of game time including break. Everybody fills out the critique forms and we are chatting about the adventure when I introduce them to Holly, who was actually a plant and my best friend and not just another player.One of the girls asks if she really is a Valley Girl, and of course Keith decided to repeat his performance from the last con. Pounding on the table like it was a drum he starts singing “Valley Elf, she’s a Valley Elf”, and Holly rolled with it, once again going on about grody to the max orcs, and how the bazaar had some bitching Jordache chain mail and a killer Ray-Ban flail.Everybody loved it, and I saw Deana writing down more notes. Dad said he was leaving, and soon the little party was breaking up. I saw that most of the rooms were now empty, and the staff was breaking everything down and turning it back into an empty convention hall.Kieth and Holly curled up and fell asleep in the back on the drive home, it had been a long weekend. I held Linda’s hand the entire way home. Soon we were home and we were making out with our sweeties on the couch. I was kind of surprised that my dad was not home yet, but not worried. I guess he decided to stop off somewhere on the way home. At around 11:30 we walked the girls to Holly’s house, and I told them I would bring over their stuff tomorrow.A little after midnight I was crawling into bed when I finally heard my dad come home. I just shut off the light and went to sleep.The next morning I pulled out my bags and took everything to my room as dad made breakfast. Keith helped me separate everything into 3 piles, and soon it was reloaded and we were heading to Holly’s.We guys hauled all of Holly’s stuff upstairs, and soon we were in the backyard with steaks grilling and us guys chatting in one area, as all the girls were in another. Keith had been dragging his guitar along all weekend, and was playing some Eagles as we all chatted, then went into Beatles. Finally all the steaks were eaten, and we were all relaxing.We all hung out until around 8, when we all took off and headed over to the runway. Keith and I were sitting in the backseat with our backs in the corner between the seat and door, facing each other. And the girls were in each of our laps.“Sis, was it what you expected everything to be?”“Holly, it was everything and more. This was the most perfect weekend ever, I just wish it wasn’t ending. But now I know I belong completely to Pete, and he is completely mine.”“We feel the same way” Keith said in the back. “I’m even trying to talk Holly here to get a nightie like the one you had on the other night.”“Well, I could loan her mine, but I don’t think it would fit her. She’s too big and tall to fit into mine” Linda said with a giggle. “Thigh-length on me is like groin length on her. And she is far too big up top to fit into it. I think the material would be stretched to the max trying to hold in her big boobies.”We all laughed, and Keith grabbed her boobs and squeezed, saying “Hey! I like her just fine as she is, big boobies and all.”Holly giggled and pulled his hand’s down, saying “Hands off there big boy. Last time you played with them you got a little rough and spit in my eye! We’re just gonna have to see when the next time is I decide you are able to play with them again.”Keith blushed, and we all gave him some good-natured ribbing.“Well, that’s something I don’t have to worry about” Linda said. Taking my hands she placed them on her breasts, and I happily cupped them in my hands, squeezing lightly. “And he’s nice enough to warn me before he spits so I have my eyes closed.”We all laughed, and seeing this Keith tried to raise his hands again. But every time they came to rest on her breasts Holly moved them back down. She winked at us and held his hands against her belly. “There, stay right there,” she said and wiggled closer to him.“So when do ya think we can do something like that again?” Linda asked.“Well, I checked for the next conventions. The next big one is in May, 3 months away.” I told them that, and they seemed disappointed it was so far away. “But here’s the good thing,” I said. “This time the convention is in Santa Ana, which was even further away. It’s on Memorial Day Weekend, so another 3 days and 2 nights. So obviously that will help make up a bit for how far away it is.”Everybody agreed, if nothing else it guaranteed we would have at least one weekend to ourselves in a few months. Then I felt Linda turn in my lap and press her lips against mine. I caught a glimpse of Holly turning her head and starting to kiss Keith, while she was moving his hands back up to her breasts.The next weekend was kind of a throwback to our earliest ones. I met the “3 musketeers +1” after they got out of school, and since Linda knew I was going to wait for her they were coming out the front door 5 minutes after the end of school bell rang. I got more than a few looks as first Mandy threw herself into my arms and gave me a big kiss, then I got hugs from Kimmy and Julie before Linda said “Oh, is it my turn now?” and after standing there pouting for a moment she giggled and jumped into my arms, wrapping her thighs around me and giving me a kiss.Finally everybody was ushered into Scout and we were heading to Linda and Mandy’s place to get ready. They all changed into sweater dresses (White for Julie, Yellow for Kimmy, and Black for Linda). Mandy changed into what was becoming her “skating outfit”, a tan skirt and a white button-down blouse. A quick bite to eat then we were driving to Reseda.I had just opened the door and gotten out when Mandy pushed the seat forward and was climbing out of the back. Everybody laughed as she looked a bit embarrassed, then she went over and walked with Linda into the rink.Peggy was already there, and doing a solo performance. She had her boom box playing and I thought it was an actual routine, until the song ended and she started another one. Then I realized she was just making it up as she went. But once again I was impressed at how good she was. Mandy was already lacing up her skates and waited until the end of the song and Peggy went into a curtsy. Then she skated out escort çorum and the two girls gave each other a big hug.We sat and watched for a while, and as Mandy did a few laps to warm up Peggy went over to change tapes. And once again they were in matching tan skirts and white blouses. Kimmy started a tape of Viennese Waltz, and the two started working on what I now recognized as the Couples Compulsories. We all took a seat and watched, and Kimmy and Julie were amazed at how good she had gotten so quickly.“Yea, she’s coming here after school now on Tuesday and Thursday to work out, and of course whenever she comes with us like tonight. On Saturday Pete and I take off with another couple together, and she often comes here Saturday nights as well. I can guarantee that the two of them will be here by 10 in the morning tomorrow, and they will probably skate all day and night long. Peggy’s her coach, and is actually working her quite hard.”I noticed that they finished the second routine and after their curtsies, they paused for 30 seconds, and when the song started again they started to go. “They’re doing the same thing over and over, aren’t they?” Kimmy asked.I explained to here what it was they were doing, and that it was a set routine. And watching I noticed that Mandy was doing it much more smoothly than the last time I watched them, and was now doing the complete routine the way it should be done.“It’s a shame that girls can’t do the couples routines together,” we heard a voice behind us say. I turned and saw it was one of the refs for the skate session, already in her black slacks and black and white striped shirt. “I’ve been watching them for the past month or so, and they are really looking good out there. I bet they would get at least a six, a six-five for their performance now.”I stood up to greet her of course, and she smiled and joined us. Sitting back down and taking Linda’s hand in mine we started talking about skating (of course). She was on the team with Peggy, and mentioned the problems she has had in finding a partner. Linda said we had met Chet and Amy back in December, and the gal said that they were awesome.“Yea, they are!” I said. “Chet said that the biggest problem would be once they passed the compulsories and had to move to the freestyle program.”“Yea, that would be where they would get knocked out for sure. We just don’t have the strength to do lifts like a guy can. Oh, I know some girls that can actually lift another girl. But then only if there is a big size difference, and not the fancy ones that the guys can do. Like your girlfriend there, I know I could do a lift with her, she’s so small. But beyond just lifting her over my head? Nope, it would just be a simple lift to a back arch, then back down.”We chatted for a bit, and taking a look around she smiled and asked us our skate sizes. She then skated behind the counter and handed us each a pair. “Knowing Pegs she would do this all night, but I gotta kick her off soon. I can see Greg already in the DJ booth itching to get started and check the sound system. So you guys go on out after the next song ends, and I’m gonna have Greg start playing. That will give them the hint that we are opening the doors in 20 minutes.”So we got into our skates and were soon on the floor. The two laughed and Peggy went and put her stuff away. When the doors opened everybody flooded in but we were already on the floor.At the second couples skate, Kimmy came up and took my hand, so Linda skated off and skated with Peggy. “So, ya finally did it, eh?” She asked right after Linda left. I tried to act like I didn’t know what she was talking about.“God, you are such a gentleman!” Kimmy said, with feigned disgust. “I ain’t askin’ for no grody details, Linda already gave me plenty of those. But candles, then Holly’s dad calling, is like something out of a French Comedy. But I do know she said it was the best weekend ever.”We then chatted about a guy she was “kinda seeing” at school, but it seems like they only hung out at school, and that was about it. When the skate ended I got my kiss on the cheek and Linda rejoined me again. The rest of the evening was fun, and I got to skate with all of the girls at least twice. And it was kinda cute when I was with Mandy and we watched Peggy and Kimmy holding hands and skating.“They make a cute couple,” I said to her. “And hanging out with 2 cute Asian chicks is kind of a guy fantasy come true.”Mandy giggled, then said “She ain’t getting my girlfriend though. Kimmy will just have to go and find one of her own.”Hmmmm, so that sounds like she knew something.At the end of the night Mandy got her bag from the back and went off with Peggy. I noticed in the rearview mirror they were holding hands as they were walking the other way down the street. We dropped the girls off at their houses, and I asked Linda if she wanted to go to her house.Instead she stuck her tongue in my ear, then whispered “No, I want you to go someplace so you can fuck me.” I squeezed her hand, and turned to give her a kiss. Pulling back I asked if we could instead go someplace and make love, and she said that sounded better.So a half-hour later we were at the Japanese Garden, and with the sweater dress and her panties laying next to us I was lying on top of Linda as I was sliding into her. When I first slipped in she gave the sexiest moan, and squeezed down on my cock. Linda had already been so turned on that she was already wet when I slipped my hand into her panties.I was sliding in and out of her, and decided to try something else. I lifted one of my legs up, and slid it to the outside. Linda looked up at me and moved her leg inwards, then I repeated with the other leg. Now she had her legs on the inside, and I was laying on top of her with mine on the outside.When I slid fully into her this time, she felt even tighter, if that was possible. With my legs keeping her from moving her legs all around as she normally did, when she started to squirm in pleasure all she could do was bend up her knees. As my baby girl got closer she started clawing at my back and her knees lifted up until they were pushing against my butt.“Oh Pete, this feels sooooo good, I’m almost there” She moaned, and a minute later she was. As we often did we had our faces about a foot apart so we could watch each other as we reached orgasm. I still preferred kissing her then, but watching her face change, and her eyes open wide then go half-closed was also a real turn-on.This time she closed her eyes and rolled her head back. I watched as I felt her pull me down even harder, her thighs pushing my ass so hard I could not even thrust into her anymore. So I just stayed all the way inside and felt her clenching herself around my cock as she came under and around me.“God!” çorum escort bayan she finally whispered. “I’ve been wanting that all week. I wish we could do this every night.”By now her thighs had relaxed and lowered, and I resumed sliding in and out of her. I told her I agreed, moving just fast enough that it was causing us both to feel really good, but not push me over. “Ohhhhhhh, not again” she moaned, right before her thighs were once again pushing up against my bottom and she had another climax. This time we started kissing as she lowered her thighs and I started to pump in and out again. But 5 minutes later, I again felt her fingers clawing into my back as she was sucking on my tongue and those thighs once again pushed my bottom and I pushed in deep and ground against her clit. Linda almost screamed into my mouth as she came for the third, then fourth time.“Off, oh god Pete off!” she moaned, so I slipped out of her (causing us both to give a sighing moan) and laid next to her, pulling her to my chest. “Sorry baby,” she said softly. “Too sensitive. Oh that was amazing though, I never imagined doing it that way. Every time you moved in or out of me, you were rubbing right against my clit. At the end I was trying to hold off as long as I could, but I couldn’t hold back any longer. It was like your dick was making a direct connection with my pussy and clit. I don’t know how you do it. All the magazines and stuff I read said that a lot of women rarely cum during sex. But with you, I pretty much do every time. You must be a world-class lover or something.”“Naw, I don’t think so. I think a lot is because I honestly love you, and want to see you happy and enjoying yourself. Plus I think a lot also is because we just fit well together.”“Well, I sure love the way you fit in me!” she said, then gave me a kiss that caused my cock to raise to the occasion once again. “Hmmm, somebody seems to be neglected. Hmmm, now it’s time little Pete enjoys himself also.”I had started to go soft while I was holding her, even though I had not cum yet. I felt Linda kissing her way down my chest as her hand was stroking slowly up and down. She sucked my nipples for a moment, then looked up into my eyes. Smiling she lowered her head all the way down, and gave my cock a soft lick.She did this a few more times, then whispered “I like the way we taste together,” then took my cock into her mouth. I realized that this is the first time she had gone down after I had been inside of her. So I guess she didn’t mind the way her pussy tasted as she started to hum as she let her lips move up and down the length of my shaft.I propped my head up with a second pillow so I could see her easier. And she would have her head bent down as she would move up and down for a minute or so, like she was concentrating hard on what she was working on. Then she would tilt her head back, and almost with surprise realize I was still looking at her. Our eyes locked together, and I reached down and ran my fingers through her hair.I’m not sure how I knew, even with her lips tight around my cock. But I just somehow knew she was smiling at me as she started to move up and down again. Her eyes went down again as she started to move faster, one hand reaching up to caress my chest. I grasped her hand and pulled it up, kissing and licking her fingers. I peeked down and saw her eyes were now closed, her head moving even faster.I curled her fingers up like they were in a fist, and turned her hand so her thumb was sticking out. Then I licked slowly up her thumb, turning as I reached the tip and turned it so I could lick down her fingernail and the back. Her eyes were open wide when I glanced down, so I opened my lips and took it into my mouth.I took it all the way in, and sucked and licked on her thumb as it was inside of my mouth. I could feel her humming as she took me all the way in and did the same thing to my cock. Oh how I loved when she hummed on my dick, the vibrations always made me tighten my ass and drove me crazy. Feeling this she started moving her head faster, and I slipped her thumb out and spend a minute just kissing her palm.She knew I was close, and pulled her hand back down and started to jack on the shaft as her lips moved to cover the tip. I moaned her name as I started cumming, shooting a week’s worth of cum into her mouth. Once I was done she pulled off, and after giving a small kiss to the tip of my dick slid back up and into my arms.We kissed deeply, before she settled herself against my chest and I pulled the blankets tight against us. Even though it never really got cold in LA, it was still getting chilly. “Ya know, I always thought guys wouldn’t kiss a girl after they came in her mouth. Something about it being gay to taste their cum.”I just chuckled. “It’s not gay baby, why would it be? It’s my cum after all, and I put it there. So kissing you after would be no different then you going down on me after I was inside of you. That was yourself you were tasting. So tasting your cream on my dick does not make you a lesbian, does it? I hear lots of guys making remarks like that though, that once their girl sucks them they are not kissing them with ‘semen breath’. But I figure if you love me enough to do that, the least I can do afterwards is kiss you to show I loved it.”“But you didn’t love me the first time I did it” she softly said.“Don’t matter. I still loved it, and I still wanted to kiss you. Now I have absolutely no desire to try it with a guy, I ain’t gay. And I’m sure you are not crazy about it either, but you do it anyways.”She looked into my eyes, then giggled. “Let’s just say it’s an acquired taste. The first time, like I honestly thought for a moment I was gonna barf. Sorry baby, but the thought I had at the moment was having a mouth full of warm snot.”I shuddered at that image, and squeezed her tight.“I almost had to force myself to swallow that first time. It was kinda salty, but a little sweet and sour at the same time. Now though, I love it. Oh, not as much about the taste though. And the consistency still kinda grosses me out. But it don’t bother me at all anymore, and I see it as my reward for making you feel so good.”I pulled her face up to mine and gave her a long deep kiss that had her quivering lightly against me. When we broke I looked into her eyes again and told her that is why we were so good together.“You like to please me, and that gives you a lot of pleasure. It’s the same here. I love that I am able to bring you pleasure, so I try to do it as much as I can. And I want to keep doing that, for as long as I can.”But as we were kissing a few minutes later my alarm went off, and we had to get ourselves back together again. As we took a walk around the garden in the moonlight, my baby whispered “There’s one good thing about finishing that way. It is a lot less messy. God, I swear I could still feel you leaking out of me on Monday. I had to wear a liner until Tuesday.”With some final kisses I drove her home and walked her to her door.

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