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With Brenda’s “humble abode” tour now over, we went to see how Paula was getting along with Clare’s makeup and hair. It had been the best part of an hour since we had last seen her. As we walked, I tentatively mentioned to Brenda that I was interested in photography and that I looked forward to seeing her private photography studio.After sports, photography was my main hobby, and I was hoping to learn something from her, after all, Brenda was a well-known photographer, not that I had heard of her.“My dear, this is only my private studio and is somewhere where I always play alone,” Brenda stated as we walked. “My professional one is far larger and is in the north of the city. When I am there, I work with an entire team of professional people. However, these days, that studio is usually hired out to be used by other photographers, colleges, universities and even by Hollywood film studios.”  Brenda slyly grinned, “My dear, one day I must take you there…”I knew Brenda was teasing me; those last few words just hung in the air, and they hinted at so much more… Hollywood? I wanted to see that studio!Without an agreement, we reached Brenda’s private studio door, and that conversation was over. The keypad combination was pressed, and we stepped into a very different world. It was a place in which Brenda was very much in control.The studio was like everything in Brenda’s life: very large and impressive. Its width was the full one hundred feet of the apartment and its depth was a good fifty feet. Within the studio, there were props, lights and moveable, black dividing walls. It was an area I desperately wanted to explore.Brenda saw me looking… and grinned.“My dears, I will show both around later, but let’s first check on the lovely Clare.”It was obvious Brenda was itching to get started on the photo shoot, and it felt as though her demeanour had changed as soon as we entered her studio.Brenda was now even more in command.We went through a second door and walked into a large dressing room. It had racks of clothes at one end and three dressing tables with large mirrors at the other. There was also another door at the rear, which led to a bathroom and shower area.Clare was sitting in a pink dressing gown with Paula, just making some final adjustments to her hair. She looked absolutely amazing. Her makeup was flawless, her hair perfect, and to me, she looked like a professional model all ready to start a photo shoot.It was at that very moment that Brenda suddenly took charge, and we all became her subjects.“Clare, my dear, you look absolutely marvellous and so fucking hot.” Clare nervously smiled at Brenda’s observation.“Are you all done, Paula?”Paula acknowledged that she had finished and then left us, pushing a trolley full of makeup and brushes out of the door and into the next-door studio.“Right my dears, your dressing gowns are there,” pointing to the clothes rack which was behind us. “It is time to get your kit off and join us fully naked in the studio.”“You understand, my dears?” Brenda questioned in a sharp, no-nonsense voice.We did.Brenda disappeared in a bluster of movement, back through the door and into her studio. She was not the only thing moving, and I gulped. My flaccid cock suddenly seemed to want to come alive, spurred on by the thought of standing nude in front of four equally naked ladies.I looked over to Clare; she needed me. She needed us. Clare was sitting there, shaking a little. I crouched down to be at her level as Sarah walked over to join us.“You okay?” I asked, and Clare nodded. “We are going to join you. As you know, we also will be naked. If it would help and you want it, we could pose with you, at least at the start.”Clare silently nodded again. She was nervous.“I kiss you, but I dare not mess up your makeup and hair.”Sarah came down to our level and whispered, “You look beautiful, Clare. I am more than happy to model with you if you want me to.”I smiled to myself as I knew Sarah wanted to model for Brenda. Unlike Clare, she loved being in front of a camera, any camera, clothed or naked.Clare looked at Sarah and said, “Thank you, you are so kind. I should be okay once we start.”With that, Sarah and I went over and quickly took all our clothes off and it surprised me that my cock Bodrum Escort stayed soft. Maybe it was my nerves, though I was not so sure that it would stay that way for long, especially when Clare started to pose.We rapidly dressed in then put on the provided dressing gowns. It was only then that I noticed that the only colour available was pink, which both girls thought suited me!Mine also seemed one size too small, which brought another large giggle, which, in Clare’s case, was nice to see.With us all naked and in our fletching pink dressing gowns, we walked into Brenda’s private studio, all three of us together and holding hands.Clare’s, Sarah’s and maybe even my nude modelling careers were about to begin.Turning right, we went past a couple of the movable screens. In front of them were some props and, for some unknown reason, a giant, shocking pink teddy bear. That made me smile; I knew it would upstage me if I was in any photo shoot with it!We could hear Brenda talking to Paula, so we homed in and as we got close, we could also see some studio lights, which were already turned on. After turning the corner, we were met by a now naked Paula. I glanced at her and noticed something glinting gold between her legs, and below her still-shaven pussy mound.A topless Brenda also stood there; purple amethyst jewels currently adorned her pierced nipples. On her bottom half, she still wore her customary loose-fitting denim jeans to cover her piece. “There you are, my dears. Hang your dressing gowns over there.” Brenda pointed to a coat stand by one of the screens.Well, I thought, here it goes, but I could already feel my cock already climbing to half-mast. I looked at Clare, the now naked Clare, and my cock rose another inch.Then I looked at Sarah, the now naked and… fully shaven Sarah!My god, I thought! As my cock suddenly had a life of its own, it kept moving upwards… until… it was fully erect.Everyone was looking at me… grinning.It was obvious I had an issue, an issue that was now sticking seven and a half inches out of the front of my too-short pink dressing gown. My erection was pointing at the four naked ladies, all of which were now laughing at me… even Brenda.“Err… Brenda,” I embarrassingly said, hoping the ground would swallow me as the sound of laughter filled my ears. “I hope you do not mind men with erections. There is not much that I can do about it.”“My dear, I may be a lesbian, but that is not the first erect cock I have ever seen, and as long as you do not stick that thing in my direction, I really do not care.”Brenda then chuckled and then loudly added, “Actually, it is fucking good entertainment.”Then Clare stated, her nerves temporally gone, “And don’t point it my way, as it has a habit of going off.”It was clear that Clare hadn’t forgotten her experience last Tuesday. It was when she and Sarah were both sitting in the back of my car and managed to cum all over both of them.With Clare’s comment, the four’s ladies started laughing again and my cock, thankfully, started to soften and with it, my ego. That was true until I got another glimpse of Sarah’s bald pussy. Good god, I thought, it is going to be going up and down like a Yo-Yo!With the lady’s merriment receding, Brenda took over once again.“Clare, if you could just come over here. There is nothing to worry about. These photos will never leave my apartment unless you sign a release agreement.”With that, a naked Clare sat on a wooden chair. It was a prop. Sarah and I were told to sit just behind Brenda on top of our dressing gowns, which we retrieved from the hanger and laid out on a black leather sofa.I whispered to Sarah, “Why did you not tell me that you had shaved?”A grinning Sarah looked back at me. “I did it last night, in front of my bedroom mirror, and I thought I would surprise you.” Sarah moved close to me and whispered, “Though I also thought that would have been a private surprise just for you.”  Sarah then quietly giggled. “I didn’t expect to be flashing it to one at all. Though you well know, I always wanted to do some nude modelling, and I did have that also in my mind… just in case the chance came today.”I smiled. We both knew Sarah had been hoping to do a little modelling with Clare, and now Bodrum Escort Bayan it looked like her chance was coming. The image of Sarah shaving and probably masturbating in front of her bedroom mirror was now embedded in my mind. With that thought, I felt my cock on the rise once again.My new erection did not go unnoticed by Sarah. She smiled and then deliberately placed her hand close to it before gently squeezing my thigh. As she did so, my immediate thought was, this is going to be a long afternoon. My mind and eyes were never going to be far away from Sarah’s improved pussy.“Well, the look suits,” I whispered, which caused Sarah to roll her eyes before we both focused our attention on the just beginning modelling session.The lights flashed, and Brenda took the first few photos of Clare. She sat fully naked on the chair, her legs crossed. She was leaning forward in a thinking pose. I guessed these shots were to ease her into the photo shoot, though I had no idea what Brenda had planned and how long the session would last.I looked again at Sarah sitting next door to me, but it seemed I was now forgotten. Her mind was now with Clare, watching each pose, and what was happening in front of the camera.For different reasons, I also watched. I could see Clare relaxing as the minutes went by and every few seconds there was a flash as a new photo got taken. I then looked at Brenda; she was barking orders though without the snap, and more of a soft instruction as she took each photo. It was the first time that I had a chance to study her.I guessed she was maybe in her mid-forties and her face was naturally attractive. She was wearing only a little makeup, mainly mascara. Her hair was a dark brown, an in-between length stopping at her chin, and she was tall, about the same as Clare’s five foot ten inches.Yes, Brenda was big-framed, but she was all in proportion with her large breasts and long, slightly thickset legs. As she leaned forward to take each photo, I looked at the purple amethyst jewels hanging from each nipple. They occasionally twinkled in the studio lights, but their presence gave me some concern and make me wonder how long before Clare would have hers done.I then asked myself, is that something I want her to do? The answer was no, Clare was perfect, but I also knew she would tell me that it was her body… and therefore up to her. Yes, I had learnt at least that much in the few weeks I had been in a relationship with Clare.In the end, I concluded that Brenda really did have that aura about her. I liked her and she was someone who I wanted to get to know. But above all, I trusted her, and I trusted her with Clare.Turning back to Clare, they had turned the chair around and the back of the chair was close to us. Clare was now sitting with legs astride the chair, her pussy in full view, though perhaps more in an artistic way than a pornographic one. Her arms rested on the chair’s wooden open back with Clare’s chin resting on her hands as she looked into the camera.Brenda was giving Clare instructions all the time, “Look left Clare… that’s it… hold… FLASH… look forward again… eye’s at the camera… head to one side… that is it… hold… FLASH” and so it went on. It was mesmeric, as there seemed to be multiple photos taken with only minor differences made to each pose.Perhaps more interesting to me were the five different cameras Brenda was using, each one set up slightly differently, but always available to her when needed.Eventually, after around fifteen minutes, Brenda said, “Time for a break. That was excellent Clare, especially as it was your first time. Let’s take ten minutes while I reload the cameras with fresh film.”Then looking at Sarah, “Would you like me to take some photos of you as well?”“I would love that,” Sarah hastily replied. Her enthusiasm was so apparent, it made Brenda smile. Sarah had been caught up in the moment then and she then looked at me and lovingly smiled…“Is that okay?”I think my face might have shown that I was somewhat surprised that Sarah had even asked!“Of course it is”, I replied, trying my best not to smile too much at Sarah. It was obvious she was enjoying herself, and maybe she was even in her element. I had never mentioned this Escort Bodrum to Sarah, but in my mind, there was no doubt that Sarah could easily be a professional model.“Maybe I go next after you,” I jokingly suggested, not really hoping!Luckily, both Sarah and Brenda laughed at my suggestion, but Brenda suddenly stopped laughing. She had an idea… or saw that I had been joking and wasn’t very keen!  “Maybe I take a couple of you, David, with Sarah,” Brenda remarked. “Right at the end, so when we put them up, I can label them the Beauty and the Beast.”“That is a bit harsh on Sarah,” I quickly rebuffed before getting a playful nudge from my girlfriend, though everyone was chuckling at my playful remark.It was only then I began to realise that perhaps I was going to become a male nude model after all, that Brenda hadn’t been joking. But I was happy. We were all bonding as friends, having fun, and that could only be a good thing with Clare in mind, after all, it was quite likely she was going to be her bull girlfriend.Brenda turned to Sarah. “After the next set of photos, I will ask Paula to touch up your makeup and then I do a set with you. Be warned though, modelling is not as easy as it looks,” and with that, Brenda disappeared with her cameras, leaving a very happy Sarah, and me… a very uncertain potential male nude model.Clare had come over to join us, though she sat a little away on the prop chair. Paula had warned her not to mess up her makeup or hair.“Are you okay?” I asked; our nudity, now all but forgotten.“Yes, I am fine,” Clare said to both of us before adding. “Once Brenda started taking the photos, I sort of forgot where I was and all you hear is her voice giving you the next instruction. How did it look to both of you?”“It looked good,” Sarah grinned as she answered for both of us. Then she enthusiastically added, “Brenda’s going to do one set with me as the model, so I guess I am going to find out what it is like.” Clare smiled at Sarah. She seemed pleased that she was not alone in doing the nude photo shoot.I did not want to be left out, so I quickly added. “And at the end of the shoot, Brenda is going to take two or three photos of me. So I will also know what it is like to be a nude model, too.”Both the girls laughed at me, before saying, in unison, “Yeah, right!”I chuckled, though my ego did feel a little bruised.It was at that moment Paula returned with two very high, sparkling silver stiletto-heeled shoes. She also was pushing a rack of clothing, which she parked to one side of the studio.Paula looked at the three of us and told us with her slight ascent now to the fore. “Brenda asked me to bring the clothes in as we might use them as props, but to start with, Clare, please try these shoes on.”Paula handed the shoes to Clare.“We are going to keep the chair for a little longer and I will just check your makeup and hair. Brenda will be back in a minute and she will expect you to be ready so she can just carry on with no hanging around. She does not like to be kept waiting.”Paula put the chair back in its original position and Clare put the shoes on, raising her height to something like six foot two. Paula then checked Clare’s makeup and hair, her last act being combing and fluffing up Clare’s pubic hair into a very large bush. “I cannot wait to get rid of this now,” Clare casually remarked. “Now I’ve seen Sarah’s hair-free pussy. From tomorrow, I want to be pubic hair free.” I grinned, my cock once again erect. It was giving its nod of approval, both girls noticing and then giggling.Brenda returned.The next round of photos started with Clare in her sparkly silver stilettos, sitting on the chair. There was nothing else in the shot as Brenda gave out her instructions.“That’s it, my dear, face the camera… smile a little… that’s it… hold… FLASH… put your left leg forward… a little further… that’s it… hold… FLASH,” and on it went for a few more minutes. Then Clare’s lesbian anklet and bracelet appeared. She put them on and then there was another round of photos taken; most of the poses were a repeat of what went on before.Clare just looked stunning with her natural beauty shining through.They added a silver scarf and a glittery silver top hat as props, to match Clare’s shoes, and Brenda adjusted Clare’s position to start with by hand. She placed one of her legs on the chair, the other on the floor with the silver scarf loosely around her neck so it fell forward and masked her breasts, and to start with, the top hat was posed artistically in her hand.

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