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Big Tits

‘Smalltown — one kilometre,’ the sign stared at me. I had spent two days driving and it all came down to this. One kilometre. My mind keep telling me that it wasn’t too late to turn around, go back home. But, who was that going to benefit? I was almost there; I might as well go all the way. Right?

I sighed as I pushed down the accelerator. I wasn’t going to chicken out.

Out of nowhere I heard Potbelleez ‘Duuurty Dreemz’ and my mouth turned from sour dough to a massive grin. I slowed the car down while I grabbed my mobile from the middle console and hit speaker. I returned it back to the console as I let out in a wail, “I can’t do this! I was almost ready to turn around. I need help!”

I heard a little giggle from my mobile. “Noelle,” I shouted. “This isn’t funny. I’m going to have a nervous breakdown!”

The giggles turned into a full out laugh and I couldn’t help but cracking up myself. I sounded like a crazed women.

After our laughter ceased Noelle took her turn to speak, “I’m sorry for laughing baby. You just sounded so wild. I found it hard not to laugh. You must be nearly there, then?”

“Yes,” I puffed out, blowing my chestnut locks away from my face.

“Don’t sound so excited,” Noelle replied, before I heard whispering on the other line for a while. Noelle came back on. “Sorry, Lisa’s trying to steal the phone from me.”

“Put the phone on speaker then and I can talk to both of you.” I was already starting to relax just by the sound of Noelle’s voice. It was like silk sliding over my body. God I wished she was with me. And Lisa too, I missed her kind sweetness. I missed everything about them and I had only been gone two days.

“But, I want you all to myself,” she said in her most sultry voice, which turned me on straight away. Everything about Noelle was a turn on. Everything about her was perfect. She had a curvaceous figure, toned in all the right areas. Thick long black hair. Glistening dark blue eyes and a cherry red mouth. Both men and women just seemed to fall over her.

Then of course there was Lisa. She had a figure as perfect as Noelles, though not as curvy. She had long blond silky hair, showing the smallest of waves. Her skin was a beautiful natural tan. She had amazing honey coloured eyes, that could stare through to your soul. And even though she was one of the kindest people you would ever meet she had the wickedest grins you would ever see that just promised sin. She was as much sought out after as Noelle.

I had no idea how these two goddesses ended up becoming my best friends and lovers, but all I know is that I could never live without them.

“Honey, you still there?” Noelle asked with a world of concern in her voice.

“Yer, I was just day dreaming.” I ran my hand through my chin length hair.

“Really, what were your dreaming about, or should I try and guess.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Fire away,” I retorted. I was already starting to get wet and she hadn’t even said a dirty word yet.

“Ok, I bet, maybe, it had to do with the amazingly hot sex before you left on your little adventure.” Just the mention of sex with Noelle or Lisa made me remove one of ulus escort my hands from the steering wheel and place it on my pussy.

“What about it.” I started to rub my clit through my jeans and god did it feel good.

“When I spread open your petite little legs and slowly licked your hungry cunt. You were so wet, I could slip my tongue in your pussy hole so easily. Mmmmm.” I heard her lick her lips through my mobile. “What I really loved though was when you squirted my face as you came and I got to share all your delicious juices with Lisa.”

I had already opened my pants and was now rubbing my clit. I hadn’t put any underwear on this morning. Since being with Noelle and Amanda I had learned underwear wasn’t always a good thing.

I was moaning as I rubbed my clit harder. “Are you going to come for me again baby? You know how I love to suck your little cunt dry of your sweet juices.”

I was rubbing my clit so vigorously now, I just needed someone to stick something in my pussy. Anything. By this stage I really did not care as long as it made me cum.

My breath was getting heavier and heavier. My pussy was getting hotter and hotter. My vision was also starting to blur. And I came hard to the moans and groans of Noelle on the other line. Which I could only presume was her and Lisa fucking.

“Fuck,” I swore, as I saw the car was no longer heading down the straight road, but to a ditch full of scrub. “Crap.” I quickly put both hands on the wheel and turned the car toward the road. One more second and I would have been bird food. I was lucky no one was travelling the long stretch of road.

I heard two screams come from my mobile as I righted the car. “Hey, you two horny devils, you almost made me crash the car.”

“What, are you ok?” I heard a heavily panting Lisa ask.

“I’m good.” I started to laugh again.

“What about the car!” Noelle screamed through the phone. It looked like they had put it on speaker.

“The cars fine, Noelle. Don’t worry I didn’t hurt your precious baby.” I continued to laugh. Noelle had kindly offered me her car to use on my trip. Well, she didn’t as much offer it, as I had to convince her, which was fine by me and she also seemed to love my form of convincing.

“Noelle,” Amanda scolded her. “Who cares about the damn car. As long as Grace is all right.” I heard some whispering through the phone.

“I’m sorry baby, are you all right? Fuck Pussy (Pussy was the lovely name she christened her car when she got it) the red F..E..R..R..A..R..I that took me years to save up for. Fuck her, as long as my much lovelier smaller baby is ok.” Noelle made sure she stretched out the word Ferrari just to make us get the picture, that she was definitely not happy with me almost crashing her precious car.

I didn’t really blame her. She had saved all her hard earned bonuses she had gotten climbing up the corporate ladder. She was a hard women and she always got what she wanted. Being head of PR at one of the most successful PR companies in Australia was what she wanted and she also wanted a red Ferrari. She also wanted me and she swears getting me was the hardest out of the ulus escort bayan lot. If she hadn’t wasted her time on me she probably could have had five Ferraris by now. I’m glad she chose me though.

“I’m sorry,” I said in a tiny voice. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“That’s right, you little cunt tease. I’m going to spank your little ass when you get home.” I flinched when she said ‘home’ as right then the lights of Smalltown came into view. I hadn’t noticed how dark it was getting.

I groaned aloud. “Speaking of home, I’m almost there.”

“No your home’s with us and you remember that, ok Grace?” Lisa said.

“Ok,” I said in a weak voice. I was contemplating turning back around again.

“Just remember we love you and you’re going to be fine. If you need anything we’re only a phone call away.”

“I love you both too.” I could feel my eyes starting to get misty. Now was not the time to cry.

“Do you want us to stay on the line,” Noelle added in her sweetest voice, though it sounded more sultry then sweet.

“No, I’m ok,” I sniffled.

“Please don’t start crying Grace, if you start crying I’m going to start crying,” Lisa sniffled.

“Sorry, I better get going anyway. I’m going to hit the town limits soon.” I ran my hand over my dribbling eyes.

“I love you,” Lisa and Noelle said at the same time.

“Love you too.” I clicked off the phone. If I had to listen to them anymore I would start crying for real.

I sucked it in. I was going to do this. Some things you just had to do on your own.

It has been seven years. I was eighteen when I left Smalltown to go to University in Sydney on a scholarship and I never looked back. I never wanted to look back. Leaving home the first time was hard and I didn’t want to have to do it over and over again, so I stayed away. Now I’m twenty five and no longer eighteen and I’m still nervous as hell making my way home.

Once I hit the outskirts of town, I was shocked at how it hadn’t changed. Not one bit. It still looked exactly the same.

When I got to the beginning of the main road though I saw something I thought I would never see in this little town. A MacDonald’s. I gasped, my mouth hanging open. “How the hell did they get a Maca’s here?” I stared with my mouth open at it. Well something had to change. Smalltown had become commercialised. I just never pictured it to be tainted like this.

I shook my head and continued to drive slowly down the main road. I had to drive down the main road to get to my hotel. I stared with starry eyes at my surroundings as memories flooded my head.

There were the little boutiques I used to get my clothes from. The milkbar that made the most awesome thickshakes you would ever taste and next to it the Roxy Theatre, where my friends and I would see movies.

I could feel my eyes tearing up again. I was becoming a blubber guts. I didn’t let the tears escape though. I wouldn’t show any weakness.

I drove Pussy into the parking lot of the motel. It was nothing special. Three stars I guessed at best. Maybe I was becoming a snob anyway. I was getting way too spoilt by Noelle and Lisa. ulus escort kızlar It would be perfect for my time — hopefully short time — in Smalltown.

I went into the small office to get my room key, where I found a man who was about in his forties typing away behind his desk.

I walked over to the desk and he looked up with a sleepy smile. For a man nearly twice my age he looked quite handsome. It looked like he had not shaven for two days, but his hair was kept immaculate. He even had a smattering of grew in his brown beard though his thick hair on top was not touched by any grey.

As he smiled at me crinkles appeared in all the right places and I couldn’t help but smile back. The more I looked at him, the more I…….. I was just so horny after Noelle’s and Lisa’s teasing moans as they both climaxed into the phone. And right now as I looked at this wonderful man it just seemed to keep playing over and over again in my head.

“Hi,” I said to him. “I have a reservation under Grace Winters.” I was fidgeting with my jeans under the desk as they wanted to grind into my pussy, making me even more horny.

He looked down at his computer, clicked a few times with his mouse and said, “Yes of course Miss Winters, we have your booking right here. We have you in room three. And how will you be paying today.”

I had not really been paying attention and instead had been looking down at my agitated pussy. I had no idea what was wrong with me. “Oh, Sorry. I will be paying with my card.”

After our money exchange, he introduced himself as Chris the owner of the Motor Inn.

“Would you like a hand with your luggage, Miss Winters?” Chris asked as he got to get up out of his chair.

“Please call me Grace,” I smiled at him. Every time he talked in his strong voice my pussy just went crazy. “I can do it, but thank you.” I said making my retreat. I had to get out of there now and get myself off.

I gave him my sweetest smile as I retreated, but as he looked out the window to the parking lot he spotted the Ferrari and looked back at me. “Is that your car?”

In my head, I shouted at him, “No please, I don’t have time to talk about the damn car. I have to cummm…unless you want to fuck me in the car.” God I was going crazy.

“Yes. Well it’s not actually mine, it’s my friends, but I’m borrowing it.” I smiled at him in a wary way hoping that he would get the hint that I was tired. I yawned for extra effect.

“God, I’m sorry,” Chris said. “You must be tired. I’ll let you go to your room.”

“Thank you, Chris. Goodnight.” I waved him goodnight and walked as fast as I could towards Pussy.

Once I had gotten all my belongings into the modest room. I turned the TV on, then sprinted towards the bathroom. Once I got to the shower I had stripped completely and was rubbing furiously at my clit. It was so stimulated.

I jumped into the shower before the water started to spray hot and got a cold shock. Forgetting about the cold shock I backed against the shower wall and slowly ran my hands down my hard nipples, across my smooth, flat belly and down to the promised land.

I could no longer tease myself like that though and needed release straight away. So, without hesitation I plunged two fingers into my wet little cunt and worked myself into such a frenzy that when I came I almost stript the walls.

I don’t know what had gotten into me, but as soon as I hit my pillow I was fast asleep.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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