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Big Tits

This is the second part to New Client is My Dad. If you have not read that yet then go do that first. This story will not be super clear if you don’t know what happens in part one.

I struggled with this chapter a little bit. I really wasn’t planning to continue it but I got a lot of requests so I figured I would try. Hope you all enjoy it. 🙂


*Beep beep beep beep*

I rolled over and shut off my alarm.

I was already awake because I was so excited, and nervous, to start my first day of work with my dad. It was basically the same job as before, but it felt different somehow.

Maybe because my dad fucked me yesterday?

I was not really sure what to expect though. Dad and I did not discuss the specifics of…us.

All I knew was I was going to be the best damn assistant that he has ever had.

Because I’m awesomeness!

I rolled over and looked at Neil, who was still fast asleep. I worried a little bit that if he ever found out about my dad and I, things would be a lot worse than if he just found out I was a slut.

Yes, I’m a slut. I know it, I own it, and I love it. It’s not a derogatory term. It just means that I get laid more than most girls. And who doesn’t love sex? I mean really?

I pushed the worry out of my mind and got out of bed. I headed into the shower. I was getting so turned on just from washing myself. My loofah tickled and teased my nipples as I washed my soft, full, breasts. Even the water splashing on my vulva sent shivers through my body.

I was hypersensitive and completely overcome with lust. The urge to touch myself was immense, but I needed to restrain myself or I would be late for work. Even the feeling of the soft towel on my skin as I dried myself off, made me whimper.

I don’t think I have ever felt this excited in my life, both sexually, and emotionally.

Translation: I needed to be fucked so bad!

I did my hair and make-up and then headed to my closet.

What to wear? What to wear…?

Picking an outfit was never usually that difficult for me; not for work anyway. Today, nothing looked right though. I’m not sure why, but all of a sudden my closet looked very drab.

Maybe I should just go naked?

I paused for a moment to clear my head and just picked something. I put on a white half cup bra that helped accentuate my cleavage, and a matching pair of panties. For the rest, I went with a black pinstripe skirt, a white blouse, and some black thigh highs. I slipped on a pair of blue suede heels that I had never actually worn, and then checked myself out in the mirror.

Not too bad. Sexy, but professional.

I did one last quick touch up and then went to say goodbye to Neil, who was only just crawling out of bed.

“I’m off sweety, I love you,” I said as I gave him a kiss.

“I love you too,” Neil said, sounding very groggy. “Tell your dad I said hi.”

I nodded and headed off to start my new job.

I have never been to my dad’s new office before. Actually the last time I think I went to his work was when I was about ten. Things have changed a lot since then.

My dad started a very successful real estate firm a long time ago with some friends of his. I knew he built it up but I never really knew just how much. My dad is not the extravagant type. He preferred a modest lifestyle over a lavish one, so the fact my parents were loaded was never really obvious.

My dad’s office was right downtown just a few train stops from where I lived. Hopping on the train, it was only a few minutes before I arrived at my stop. I walked in the white marble lobby of the high rise building and headed to the security desk.

“Hi, I’m here for Mr. Percival,” I said as I stared at the building directory on the wall. There was my dad’s name almost right at the top.

“You name please, miss?” He replied.

“I’m Lindsay Percival,” I responded, not really thinking about what I was saying.

The security looked at me wide-eyed and picked up the phone.

Oh shit!

“No no, wait!” I shouted as the guard started dialing. “I’m Lindsay Harris,” I said hoping to fix my mistake.

I was not sure if anyone should know that I’m related to my dad. If I was going to be my dad’s slutty assistant, then that probably wouldn’t go over well.

The guard looked at me confused and just nodded, “whatever.”


“Hello, this is the front desk. I have a Miss Lindsay Harris or Percival here,” the guard said clearly forgetting which name he was supposed to say. Or maybe he was just an asshole.


“Okay, someone will be right down,” he said, immediately ignoring me again.

“I’m not a Miss, I’m a Mrs,” I said for some reason feeling the need to correct him.

“Whatever,” he said again as he rolled his eyes.

I wasn’t waiting long before an incredibly beautiful woman exited the elevator and started walking towards me. The clacking of her stilettos on the marble floor Alemdağ Escort echoed in the lobby as I gazed upon this elegant, but sexual, looking woman wearing a very fitted skirt suit.

Her long straight platinum hair, perfectly outlined her beautiful face as it draped down past her black blazer. Her large, and clearly braless breasts, strained at the buttons of the tight-fitting blazer. I knew somehow that this woman worked for my father, and my suspicions were quickly confirmed.

“Lindsay?” She said as she approached me.

“That’s me,” I replied nervously.

She looked at me up, and down as if she was sizing me up. The way she presented herself had a certain attitude like she was superior to all. It was a little intimidating.

“Not bad,” she said while she examined me.

“I’m Alison, I’m your dad’s office manager. Let’s go,” she said as she quickly turned to head back to the elevator.

“My dad?” I said curious if she actually knew.

She stopped suddenly and turned around.

“Look, I’m not an idiot. I looked you up when he told me about you, and I put two and two together,” Alison said sternly. “Besides, your slip up with security was a dead give away. You need to work on that by the way. Mr. Percival is free to do whatever or… whoever he wants. It’s none of my business. What is my business, however, is covering his ass, and that means keeping an eye on you and making sure you don’t mess up.”

…Holy fuck, this woman is going to murder me.

I just stared at her silently.

“Are you dead?” Alison asked as she poked my forehead.

“No I’m fine, just a lot to take in,” I replied.

“Ok good, let’s go then.”

I followed Allison to the elevator. We entered, and she tapped her phone to the button, and the light for the top floor was illuminated.

“Give your phone to IT when you are settled, they will program it for you,” Allison said.

I nodded.

The doors opened and we walked into the hallway. There were only 2 frosted glass doors on either side of the elevator bank. One that said Percival, and the other that said, Burns. That was one of my dad’s business partners. I think I met him twice in my entire life.

We walked Inside and a wave of relief flowed over me. There sitting behind the reception desk was Ashley. We went to Highschool together.

“Ashley?” I shouted.

“Oh my god! Lindsay!?” She said as she got up from her desk, and ran towards me.

“Oh great, you know each other,” I heard Allison mumble grumpily behind us.

We hugged as we looked at each other in amazement.

“What are you doing here?” I asked confused. I had no idea she was working for my father. We had not seen each other or talked in a few years.

“I went to visit your brother, and your dad found out I was looking for work, so he offered me a job,” Ashley said, still very excited. “What are you doing here? Just visiting your dad?”

Ashley and my brother had a thing…

“Not quite, I’m my dad’s new assistant,” I said grinning.

Ashley’s face went blank. She tilted her head, as if she was confused, and then looked at Allison.

“Yup,” Allison said with her arms crossed.

“But he…” Ashley started.

“Yup,” Allison interrupted.

“But she…” Ashley started again.

“I know,” Allison interrupted again.

“So they will…”


Ashley paused and looked at me and just nodded smiling. “Okay,” she said as she went back behind her desk.

“Okay Lindsay let’s go,” Allison said as she gestured her hand towards the next door. I waved to Ashley and then followed.

“Mr. Percival?” Allison said as she entered the office. “Lindsay is here.”

I walked into the office to see my dad sitting on a black leather couch, reading a newspaper, while a blond girl bobbed her head up and down on his cock.

“Oh good, thank-you Allison. That will be all,” my dad replied.

Allison left the room and closed the door behind her.

“Uh… hi, da… I mean, Mr. Percival,” I said, catching my words before I made the same mistake as before.

“Don’t worry princess. You can call me dad in here,” he said chuckling.

The blonde turned her head to get a look at me while she continued working on his cock.

“You look perfect,” he said as he patted the spot beside him on the couch.

“Thanks, dad,” I responded as I glared at the girl that was blowing him.

I thought that was supposed to be my job?

I timidly sat on the couch as my dad wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Don’t mind Cindy. She is almost finished,” he said as he rested his head back and closed his eyes.

Who is this bitch in the pink shirt and why is she sucking your cock!! Ugh, why am I getting jealous again?

“Okay dad,” I said as I observed.

I don’t know how, but this girl was somehow deepthroating my dad’s massive member. I wasn’t even able Alemdağ Escort Bayan to get half of it in my mouth, and she has the whole thing down her throat. Her blonde ponytail flailed around as she sucked and slurped on it.

My dad let out a slight grunt. Cindy’s eyes opened wide as my dad’s load shot down her throat. Her head moved each time my father’s cock pulsed.

I was jealous, but I was also very turned on. My body was still feeling just as lustful, and sensitive, as it was this morning. I couldn’t help but squirm as I rubbed my thighs together, pressing and rubbing my panties on my wet pussy.

“You looks restless princess,” my dad said, looking at me.

I looked back at him and bit my lip, “I’m… I’m fine.”

Cindy lifted her head and wiped her mouth clean, “anything else I can do for you Mr. Percival,” she asked.

“Yes actually, Lindsay looks like she needs a release. Take care of her as well please,” my dad ordered as he returned to his newspaper.

Wait, what? I mean I’m not objecting but that was unexpected. I don’t even know who this girl is.

“Yes, right away Mr. Percival,” Cindy said as she crawled over to me, and pushed my legs open.

“Uh, dad?” I said while she began lifting my skirt.

“Just try to relax princess,” he quickly replied before taking a sip of his coffee.

I lifted my bum off the couch so Cindy could pull off my panties.

“Next time leave the underwear at home,” my dad said while peeking past his newspaper. “Understood?”

“Yes, daddy.”

Cindy looked up at me again, and mouthed the words, “real dad?”

I didn’t want to confirm or deny, so I pushed her head down on my mound. Shivers shot through my body when her lips touch my wanting vulva. She immediately went to work, her tongue tracing up and down either side of my labia. Her arms wrapped under my legs, raising them while she placed her hands to the sides of my pussy, pulling my lips back.

“Fuck!” I moaned, her tongue ran up between my folds, and then her lips gently wrapped around my clit, sucking on it gently.

“She’s good, I know,” my dad said as he nudged my arm with his elbow.

I bit my lip again and nodded. I gasped as she pressed her fingers in my wet hole.

My hands reached out, clenching to my dad’s leg and the couch, as my body started losing control. My hips thrusting, rubbing my mound on Cindy’s mouth, my legs trembling as my muscles started contracting.

“Oh my god! YESS!” I screamed as a surge of pleasure shot through me like a freight train. I clenched to the back of Cindy’s head, gripping her ponytail, while her mouth pushed me through my orgasm.

Finally, my arms collapsed to the couch, and my body went limp. I rested my head on my dad’s shoulder. I could still feel the odd muscle flinch.

Wow, that was hot!

Cindy fixed my skirt before wiping her glistening mouth clean. She grabbed my panties off the floor and neatly folded them, and placed them on the couch beside me. It was a little odd simply because I had never been catered to like this before. I could get used to this.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Percival?” She said while staring at me with a big grin on her face.

“No, that’s all Cindy. Just go work on the paperwork for the Tubro property,” my dad said.

“Yes Mr. Percival,” Cindy replied before heading out of the office.

“Dad, who was that girl that just ate me out?” I asked.

“Cindy is my legal secretary. She takes care of permits and other legal documents.”

Well, I didn’t expect that. I was expecting a shorter job title… like a fluffer, or something like that.

“So… do all your staff know that I’m your daughter?” I asked curiously.

My dad just shrugged. He didn’t seem very concerned about it, but that didn’t really help me. He put down his newspaper and got up from the couch. I still didn’t know what was ok to tell people and what wasn’t.

“Okay so…” dad said as he walked behind his desk and took a seat. “What do you think of the office?”

“Dad, it’s so nice! I had no idea the business was this big, although now I think I understand why you never showed it to me before.”

“Yeah…” dad replied as he scratched the back of his head, clearly searching for a better response.

“It’s okay dad. I’m no angel either as you know,” I chuckled hoping to break the tension.

“You will always be my angel sweetheart,” he replied in a more serious tone than my own.

Something seemed different about him today.

At least different from the last time I saw him, which I guess was different from before that… so is basically the same as before? I’m just confusing myself now…

He seemed almost nervous. Not like before when he fucked me on Marks desk. His confidence was replaced with something more… fatherly.

That shouldn’t be weird but it kinda is. Is he having second thoughts?

“So anyway, I Escort Alemdağ want you to take it easy for the first couple weeks while you get settled in and learn the job,” said my dad in a struggle to sound professional.

“Oh, okay. It’s basically going to be the same as I did before right?” I asked curiously.

“Well, somewhat. I have much more support staff than Mark so this should actually be easier if anything. Regardless though, I don’t want to force you into it too quickly.”

Force me into the job too quickly, or force yourself back inside of me?

“Okay daddy, you know best.”

Dad sat there looking like he wanted to say something but instead paged Allison.

“Yes, Mr. Percival?” Allison said over the intercom.

“Yeah, show Lindsay around and help her get comfortable please.”

“Yes Mr. Percival, and just to clarify, do you mean comfortable or com-fort-able.”

What does she mean by that?

“Uh, the first one,” my dad said as he looked at me quizzically.

“Of course Mr. Percival.”

“Ok sweetie, go see Allison,” my dad said sounding kinda down.

I nodded and stood up. I walked over to my dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek before exiting his office. Allison was already waiting for me on the other side of the door.

“This way,” Allison said with that same commanding tone as before.

She showed me around the office and the other floors that belonged to the company. It was all pretty much the same old stuff. Cubicle, cubicle, copy room, cubicle, fat guy with a tie trying to hide porn on his computer, cubicle, and then the break room where I saw Cindy again. She was talking with another girl and looking at me, giggling as Alison and I walked by.

And so the office gossip begins.

As if Allison read my mind, she spoke up as soon as we were out of earshot.

“Don’t worry about them. Cindy knows her place and is not dumb enough to speak of anything from the top floor, this includes you. They are probably just talking about your blue shoes.”

“What’s wrong with my shoes?”

“Nothing, they are just different. I actually like them so don’t second guess yourself. Those skanks wouldn’t know style if it hit them in the face,” Allison replied almost sounding friendly.

Allison finally showed me to my desk which was adjacent to her desk in an office back on the top floor. It was very modern with glass desks, and shelves, and walls. It almost felt as if we were on display.

“There are some training videos on your computer. Just start going through them. Will probably take you a few days,” Allison said as she sat at her desk.

I sat down and opened my computer and put on the video. I tried to focus on it but my mind kept wandering. I found myself constantly staring at Allison. Her legs were slightly open and I had a clear line of sight up her skirt. Her bald pussy almost looked like it was smiling at me.

“So… do you fuck my dad too?” I asked timidly in fear of having my head bitten off.

“Sometimes,” Allison replied without taking her eyes off her screen.

“Do all the girls here?”

“No, just a few.”

“A few?” I asked. Every answer only created new questions like: who were these few? was Ashley one of them? how doesn’t my mom know about this?

“Yes, a few!” Allison said as she closed her computer and looked at me sternly.

“Okay…” Alison started as she took a deep breath, “you are going to find out anyway so I might as well just be forward with you. Your dad hires people from adult industries and basically offers them a way out. He provides them with education and a job in exchange for them to maintain a few of their adult services exclusively for him.”

“Adults industries?”

“Yes, wow you are new aren’t you? Like strippers, or porn actresses, etcetera.”

“Oh… so what were you?”

“I ran a brothel,” Allison said with a sour tone.

That kinda makes sense.

“Sorry if I’m being too nosey,” I said as I hung my head.

“No, it’s fine,” Allison said with a sigh as she opened her computer again.

“So who knows I’m my dad’s daughter?”

Allison immediately shot me a glance and cocked her eyebrow.

“Before I answer that, I want you to answer me something. What’s the relationship between you and your dad?”

I almost choked when she asked the question, unsure how to answer.

“I thought you knew already?” I replied trying to fish for clues to what I could and couldn’t say.

“Oh I’m sure I know, but I want to hear it from you. Your dad has had many assistants and he has fucked every single one, and I don’t really see him as the type to break that trend.”

A whole bunch of emotions hit me after that.

Am I just another in a long line of personal sluts for him?

I always thought of myself as his special little girl but at that moment I didn’t feel so special anymore. It was obvious information but it was something I really had not considered. I had also never considered having sex with my father before yesterday. So what was my relationship with him? I didn’t even know the answer to that one.

“Uhhh…” I mumbled unsure of what to say.

Allison sighed, “have you had sex with him? Yes or no?” Allison asked sounding frustrated.

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