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It’s been almost 3 years since Sue left us. We’re both fine now. We’ve tucked her away in a special place in our hearts and we’ve moved on.

Often, during my quiet time, I would think of her. Not the picture of her laying dead on the kitchen floor. Now, I would see her face, with that look of love she had when she would move into my arms and give me a sweet kiss. Or that look of passion mixed with love as our bodies and souls joined. Maybe that’s why I hadn’t found another woman to take into my heart. Maybe there was only room for her and Brenda. I often wondered if that would ever change.

Brenda is all grown up now. She had turned eighteen a month ago and is close to finishing her senior year. The Senior Prom is next on the list. She and her bestie, Marcie, are out shopping for their special dresses. I was watching the Lakers blow a fifteen point in the fourth quarter when the front door burst open.

“Daddy, Daddy. I got the perfect dress and it only cost three hundred dollars.”

I almost spewed my drink all over the coffee table.

“Three hundred dollars? Shoes were another three hundred?”

“I didn’t get shoes. I’m wearing my strappy heels. They’re perfect with this dress.”

“Thank god for small favors.”

“You wanna see it. I’ll go put it on.”

“Sure. I’d like to see a three hundred dollar dress.”

Twenty minutes later she walked out. I’m sure my mouth was hanging open. She was a vision.

“Whatcha think, Daddy?”

“It’s beautiful, honey. Tony is gonna be impressed too.”

“Tony is easy to impress. He want’s us to go steady. He asks me almost every day.”

“I thought you really liked him.”

“He’s just a friend. I haven’t met anyone I want to go steady with. I’m waiting for that special guy.”

“All the girls will notice you too. They’ll hate you.”

“Daddy, there are other girls there prettier than me.”

“Nope. That’s not possible.”

“Thank you, Daddy. I love you.”

“I love you too, grumble, grumble, three hundred dollars”

Prom night rolled around and she was all excited getting ready. Tony had a car so I wouldn’t be involved in driving them to and from the school. They was double dating with Marcie and her date.

She came out a few minutes before Tony was due.

“How do I look, Daddy?”

I gave her a quick once over.

“Beautiful, honey. Any man would be proud to be your date.”

She just smiled.

Do you have any plans for after the dance? Any parties you’re going to?”

“Nothing planned, but someone may come up with something.”

“OK, if Tony drinks anything, you call me to come and get you. No drinking and driving allowed.”

“Don’t worry, daddy.”

I took a pack of condoms from the drawer in my end table and walked up to her. I held them out to her.

“As I remember, it’s traditional to have sex on Prom night. I don’t know what you have planned, but put these in your purse just in case. I’m not ready to be a grandpa yet.”

“Daddy! Tony is just a friend. I’m not gonna have sex with him.”

“OK, and be careful if you go to any parties. Someone may slip something in your drink.”

“Daddy. Please don’t worry. I know about all that stuff.”

“I know, honey. I guess I’m just a normal Dad. I love you and it’s my job to worry.”

“Thank you. I love you too.”

The doorbell rang, she kissed me on the cheek and in a flash she was gone. I sat in my recliner and tried to concentrate on the ball game I was watching. I didn’t do so well.

Eleven o’clock came and went so I figured she had gone to a party. I kept one eye on the clock, thinking she would be home at about midnight. I wasn’t about to go to bed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway, anyhow.

A little after midnight I heard a car pull up. In just a few seconds she came in the door. I heard tires squeal as she closed the door.

“Hi, honey. How’d it go?”

“Oh my god, Daddy. It was great. Jerry’s parents let him invite some of us over after the dance.”

“I heard Tony peel out when he left. Was he feeling his Wheaties, or what?”

“I think it was ‘or what’. He had rented a motel room and wanted to get laid. He got really pissed when I told him no. He didn’t say a word to me all the way back here.”

“So I guess you aren’t friends anymore.”

“I don’t know. Probably not. He can go home and take care of it himself.”

“He probably will, thinking about you.”

“Eewww! That’s gross.”

We both chuckled.

“I hope that didn’t spoil the night for you.”

“Nope, I had a great time. I think it spoiled his night, though.”

“That would be a good bet.”

“I’ll be right back. I gotta change out of this dress.”

A few minutes later she came back, dressed in her usual panties and t shirt.

“Hug, Daddy.”

She climbed in my lap and put her arms around my neck.

“My little girl’s all grown up on me. Turned eighteen, went to her prom, going to graduate, and off to college this fall. I’m really proud of you, Honey.”

“And it was all made possible by the greatest Daddy in the world. You’ve Muğla Escort always been there for me when I needed you. I wonder if they make a trophy for that. Maybe the Nobel Daddy prize.”

“I’m glad you had a good time tonight. My prom was a big event for me too. Kinda like a milestone.”

“They’re hard work too. I’m exhausted. I’m gonna go to bed now. Good night.”

“Waiting up for your daughter is too. Good night.”

She kissed me on the cheek and headed for her bedroom.

I was kind of surprised that Brenda wasn’t all excited about graduation. She explained it to me. To her it was more like moving up another grade because she had four more years of college ahead of her.

Of course I attended and made a big fuss when they called her name. I stood up and gave a few woots just to let everyone know I was proud of her. She looked out at me and smiled.

Two days later I had her drive me down to the Ford dealer in her little Honda. We traded it in on a brand new Mustang GT. I got some serious hugs and kisses for that one. I thought she was going to pee her pants.


Friday, just after lunch, I snuck out the back door and got in my car. I was taking the afternoon off. I was a salaried employee, under contract, so it wasn’t a problem.

As I drove up to the house, I saw Marcie’s car parked at the curb. I suspected she and Brenda were out back by the pool working on their tans. I walked into the living room and looked out the back sliding glass door. Sure enough, there were the two of them, each on a chaise lounge. Neither one had their tops on. I had to stand a look for a few minutes. Brenda’s D’s were something to behold. A carbon copy of her mothers. Marcie had a pert pair of C’s riding on her chest.

I opened the door enough to stick my head out.

“Hey, you two. Cover up the girls, I’ll be out in ten minutes.”

I closed the door and went to change. While I was changing I couldn’t help thinking that some lucky guy was going to think he had died and gone to heaven when he got Brenda out of her bra, and when her panties came off he would know it. I suspected that once she found her special guy, she wouldn’t hold anything back.

I put on my swim trunks and flip flops. Grabbing a beach towel from the hall closet, and headed for the pool. I stopped and checked before I went through the slider. They both had their tops on.

I dropped my towel on the empty chaise and kicked off my flip flops. I dove in and did my ten laps. I floated around a little, spouting water like a whale. I got out, dried off and sat down. I grabbed Brenda’s sun bloc and rubbed some on my shoulder and face.

“Daddy, will you do my back? I’m getting a little hot.”

“Sure. Don’t want you to burn.”

I finished her and looked at Marci.

“You too?”


I sat next to her and squirted some lotion on my hands. I started on her back and shoulders. I decided to mess with her a little. I untied her back tie and massaged her back, working my way down to her butt. Then I started with her feet, working my way up. I got to her thighs and slowed down, massaging her. When I got up next to her crotch, I bumped her pussy a couple of times. I heard her gasp.

I stopped and retied her top. With a smack on her ass cheek, I got up.

“I need to make a couple of calls. Enjoy.”


“Oh my god, Brenda. He touched my pussy. I thought I was gonna cum.”


“God, he is so hot. I’d do him in a minute.”

“You can’t talk about my Dad that way, you pervert.”

“He’s a total hunk. I’ll bet he has nine inches.”

“God, Marci. You are so bad.”

“Your Dad is pretty good looking. You don’t see me lusting after him. Leave my Dad alone.”

“Mom takes good care of him. Sometimes I think she keeps him worn out so he won’t even think about another woman. She’s a screamer too. Everyone within a miles knows when they have sex. I tease Mom. I ask her if she saw a ghost or a zombie. She just gives me a funny look.”

“Are you a screamer too? Maybe it’s genetic.”

“Geez, Brenda. How would I know. The only guy I did it with made a mess on my leg.”

“I’m waiting till I meet my special guy. He’ll have to good in and out of bed.”

“After what you said about Prom night, it isn’t Tony.”

“He hates me now after he wasted all that money on a motel. We weren’t even going steady and he thought I would do him.”

“It’s your boobs. All the guys want to get their hands on them.”

“Not happening. They’re reserved for that guy.”

Marci’s phone beeped.

“Hi Mom.”

“Oh shit, I forgot. I’ll be right home.”

“OK, bye.”

“I gotta go. They’re going out to dinner tonight. I gotta stay with my little brother.”

“Ok, hurry. See you tomorrow.”


“You about ready to eat, Dad. I thawed out two steaks.”

“Yeah. I’ll fire up the grill.”

“Good, I’ll nuke a couple of potatoes and make a salad.”

We sat down to eat and I looked at her.

“Now that Marci’s gone, I have something to tell you.”

“You’re in love and you’re Muğla Escort Bayan getting married.”

“Very funny. This is serious. How’d you like to live in San Diego?”

“What? We’re gonna move?”

“It looks like it. They want to set up another division for their renewable energy technology. You know, wind, solar and tidal sources. They’ve chosen San Diego and they want me to go and get it set up. Apparently there is a small mountain range nearby for testing wind generators, not to mention an ocean and lots of sunshine at a desert to the east. I’ll get a huge raise, they’ll buy a house for us and I get a company car.”

“WOW! San Diego! Warm weather, beaches and shopping malls. Sounds like heaven after this place. Two months of summer and a hundred below in the winter.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Not a yes, a hell yes. When do we move.”

“A while yet. They’re working on some details.”

“We’ll need a pool and a hot tub. And, you’ll need a state of the art grill.”

“I’ll put you in charge of decorating the house. I’m thinking a 3 bedroom with a den for a huge entertainment center. Maybe a seventy inch big screen TV with surround sound.

“Oh my God, Dad. This is the best news ever.”

“The only thing, you’re gonna lose all your friends.”

“I think that’s going to happen anyway, with everyone going off to college.”

“Speaking of college, I hear San Diego State is pretty good.”

“Maybe you can find one of those hot Southern California babes.”

“Yeah right. They don’t want an old guy like me.”

“Dad! You’re not old. Marcie thinks you’re hot. Especially after your rubbed sun screen on her.”

“Oh shit, I was just messing with her. She’s way too young.”

“She got pretty excited. She said she’d do you in a minute.”

“Jeez, kids these days. They grow up so fast.”

She got up and sat in my lap.

“Dad, this is the best thing ever. We’re gonna love it there. I just know it.”

She kissed me full on the mouth and pushed her D’s against me.

“I love you so much, Dad. You’re the greatest.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Now get off me and let’s get this kitchen cleaned up.”

“Cool. Then, I gotta check their website and see what classes they have.”

The next week was full of meetings. I could pick my department heads from our current employees or go poaching if I wanted. Everything was falling in place for the project. At the last meeting they handed me a company credit card and a new cell phone.

They had already bought the land and were getting bids on the buildings. It was enough land to allow for expansion. The next thing on my agenda was to find a house and get moved. The wouldn’t be much work till the building was finished. They didn’t have a contract on the building so I was thinking it might be a good time to take a little time off. I mentioned it to my boss and he told me it was OK, but keep my phone on.

As was my habit, I was up as six am dressing for my morning run. The park where I run was two blocks away and that short walk gave me time to get loose and ready to run. I found a new trail to run that morning and it ended up a little longer than my usual route.

I dropped my empty water bottle in the trash as I left the park. Needless to say, the water had worked it way through. When I got to the house I made a bee line for the bathroom.

The door was open a little so I just walked in. I pulled up short. Brenda had just gotten out of the shower. She had the towel around her hair, blotting it dry. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed.

I just stood there looking. My mind flashed to my wife. Brenda was a identical twin for her. From her straight toes up to her thighs. There was no thigh gap and she had shaved her pussy. Her full D’s were gently swaying as she dried her hair.

I decided not to make a big fuss, so I leaned against the door jamb, crossed my arms and looked. She got the towel secured and opened her eyes.

“Oh my God, Dad. I’m naked in here.”

“Yeah, I noticed that right away.”

Completely unashamed she stood there with her hands on her hips.

“What happened to knocking?”

“I would have, but the door wasn’t closed. I didn’t know you were in here. I need to go, so get out of here unless you want to watch.”

“Ewww. I don’t think I want to see that.”

She hurried by and I smacked her on the ass as she went by. She squealed and ran into the hall. I relieved myself and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. A few minutes later she came in dressed in shorts and a t shirt. I glanced at her and, as was her habit, she wasn’t wearing a bra.”

She poured two cups of coffee and sat down.

“I hope your aren’t going to be all traumatized about me seeing you naked.”

“No, Dad. You just surprised me.”

“Yeah, surprised me too.”

“And you just stood there.”

“You were naked, and I walked in. I didn’t see any reason to make a big fuss about it. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“You remind me of your mother. Escort Muğla Brought back some nice memories. I’ll show you. I have some pictures of her when she was your age.”

I went into my office and turned on my laptop. I found the pictures I wanted and printed them out.

“Here, look at these.”

She looked at them and gasped.

“That’s Mom”

“Yes and you too. Now you see why.”

“That’s amazing. How old was Mom then?”

“She was in her early twenties, I think. We went to the lake that day. You know, picnic and swimming.”

“We could pass for sisters”

“More like identical twins. Well, except for your facial features. Some of your Father shows up there. All the rest is from her.”

‘You really miss her, don’t you? I know I do.”

“Every day.”

“She’s so beautiful. I’ll bet your two had lots of sex.”

“Sex with your Mom was like a religious experience for me. You’re heard of soul mates? We had that.”

“Wow, Dad. A couple of hotties?”

“I’ll just say we took advantage of every flat surface available.”

“This table too?”

“It was one of our favorites.”

“Oh my God. Now, I’ll think of that every time I sit here.”

I saw her glance at the counter.

“Yeah, there too. We had a naked day, usually on Saturday. You probably didn’t notice, but her Mom loved having you over for weekends.”

“You sent me to Grandmas so you could run around naked.”


“It’s so sad that she died. It would have been wonderful with her here.”

“I know, but it wasn’t to be. I’ve accepted that.”

“Can I keep her picture?”

“Sure. I have it on my laptop and on a thumb drive.”

“A lot more, I’ll bet. Can I look at them sometime?”

“Any time you want.”

“And from now on, how about knocking more often.”

Laughing, I answered: “I’ll try to do better. Oh and by the way. How did Marci handle the news about us moving?”

“She’s jealous, but she got a scholarship in Pennsylvania.”

“It’s the technology age. You can keep in touch.”

“Probably, but it will fade. We’ll end up going our separate ways.”

“That’s the way it is. Friends come and go. You’ll make new ones after we move. Maybe you’ll meet some hot California surfer and get married. You know. Make lots of grand babies for me to spoil.”

“I don’t know. From what I’ve heard about surfers, they just hang at the beach all day and get stoned. Doesn’t sound like my special guy. I want someone with a functional brain.”

“We need to call your Grandma and tell her the good news.”

“They escaped this place. They’ll probably be happy for us too. Michigan is only good for Eskimos and polar bears.


That night I laid in bed thinking about what had happened. My Dad had seen me naked and we had a discussion about my Mom and how much they were in love.

Then a thought popped into my mind. I looked a lot like my Mom and Dad saw me naked. Did I remind him of Mom enough for him to think of me in that way? Did he get a boner?

Oh my god. Was he thinking about having sex with me. My mind took off with that thought. Sex with my Dad? His cock stretching my virgin pussy out. Maybe even getting pregnant. Mom never got pregnant. Maybe she couldn’t. I don’t ever remember her doing birth control. I could give Daddy the babies he couldn’t have with Mom.

You’re thinking crazy, girl. He would never go for it.

I drifted off to sleep with my hand in my panties.

Sometime during the night, I came awake and sat up in bed. I woke up from a dream. At least I thought it was a dream, but it was much more real than a dream.

My Mom and I were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking.

“Somethings on your mind, sweetheart. Shall we talk about it?”

“Yes, Mama. I know it’s wrong, but I want to have sex with Dad.”

“That’s not unusual. I think lots of girls your age do that.”

“Isn’t it wrong?”

“He’s your adopted Dad.”

“I know, but he’s like a real Dad.”

“It could be more if you really want it.”

“Really. You’re ok with that?”

“Of course. I want him to have someone to love.”

“How do I do that?”

“I’m not sure. But you’re smart enough to find a way. And you’ll have my blessing.”

“Wow, Mom.”

“I love you, honey. Go with your heart.”

I didn’t sleep the rest of the night. My mind was working overtime and I finally came to a conclusion. I wanted my Dad. Whether the dream was real or not, I wanted him. I just needed a plan.

At six I heard Dad’s alarm go off. He would be getting up to go on his morning run. He usually took an hour and I planned on having breakfast ready for him.

I had some details to work out to set my plan in action. I had some time, so I decided to try the internet.

I typed in, “how to seduce your father”

About six thousand sites popped up.

“Holly shit. Is there that much of this going on?”

I opened the first one on the list.

There was a list of things to do.

First, let him see you naked. Dress to get him looking at your body. Thong swimsuit and panties work. The idea is to get him jerking off while thinking about you. Once he gets there it’s all down hill. There were other suggestions like sitting on his lap giving him a boner. Hugging him a lot. Watching a movie in bed with him.

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