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I She could not believe that it was only the beginning of May and she was pitching a tent. Finals week had just ended and a couple of her friends wanted to go on a week long fishing trip. She was not sure exactly why they made her go with them other than the fact that they stunk at cooking. The least that they could have done would have been to help her set up the camp site before putting the boat into the water. But what were you to expect from guys.

“Hey, Kasey the site looks good. Thanks Darlin’,” Nate commented as he sat down on the ground beside the fire ring.

“Yeah, no thanks to you three. So, did you catch us dinner, or do I need to hunt for some meat in the woods?” Kasey asked.

“I’ll take a raccoon, if you’re offering.” Dave said smiling.

“Yeah, raccoon, that sounds good.” Tim agreed.

“Guys give her a break, before she breaks something over your heads.” Nate said smiling at the antics of his friends. “But Darlin’ if you really want to hunt down dinner I would suggest rabbit before coon.”

Kasey turned and threw the book that she had been reading at Nate, “and stop calling me Darlin’!”

All three guys laughed at Kasey’s outburst, they had all known Kasey since freshman orientation three years ago. She had acquired the nickname of Darlin’ the first day. No one can remember why anymore and now it was way too late to stop the nickname, but every time she got annoyed with one of them she would yell at them to stop calling her Darlin’.

“Well, since I set up the entire site, including your tent, you guys get to walk back to the jeep and get the cooler and all of our bags . . . I have made enough trips to that jeep already to get the site set this far up. And when you get back I will have a fire going so that I can make some of the food that I brought with that you all told me I would not need. Now go.”

After about 15 minuets the three guys came back carrying the one large cooler and their bags as well as Kasey’s. “Thanks guys.” Kasey started rummaging through the cooler and made a quick dinner of bacon and eggs.

As the evening wore on the four started playing cards. After a while Kasey told them that she was too tired and was heading to bed in her tent.

“Hey, Darlin’, who gets to share your tent with you?”

“What!?! No one! You three are sharing a tent and I get a tent to myself. Remember we already discussed this.” Kasey said as she zipped her tent behind her as she entered her small dome tent. She knew these guys too well to let any of them sleep in her tent with her. They made great friends but they went threw girls faster than should be allowed.

The next morning Kasey woke the guys with the smell of cooking pancakes and sausage. When she announced that breakfast was ready it was almost comical as all three guys tried to get out of the tent door at once. She was a little surprised that they all came out in only their boxer shorts but then again it wasn’t anything that she hadn’t seen before. She had even seen Dave with morning wood before, so that wasn’t even a surprise. Tim’s reaction when he noticed Dave’s condition had was a bit different reaction than Kasey’s.

“Dude, you need to either sweet talk Kasey here into a little one on one attention or you need to go behind the tent and jack it.” Tim said as he grabbed a pancake and started searching for the peanut butter.

Nate sat laughing at Tim and Dave.

Kasey rolled her eyes, “Dave, I would suggest going behind the tent, and Tim, Nate is hiding the peanut butter from you.” With that she went to her tent to get ready for the day. Kasey decided that she was going to go out in the boat with the guys today, so she changed into a bright yellow bikini and cut off jean shorts.

As Kasey left her tent Nate let out a wolf whistle and Tim said that maybe he would have to go visit behind the tent when Dave got back, which just made Kasey laugh knowing that they were just making noise. “We had better get heading to the lake if we are gonna catch anything today,” Kasey said walking towards the lake where the boat was tied up for the night.

As they got to the boat Kasey paused on the shore for a second seeing that she was going to have to walk threw about four feet of water.

Seeing Kasey stall on the shore before him Nate quickly picked her up and carried her over to the boat. He was a little, but not very surprised at how nice Kasey felt in his arms. He knew that the other two guys just liked to give Kasey shit, but he truly desired her and had since the first day he had seen her. He remembered what started Kasey being called Darlin’, him accidentally calling her Darlin’ where the rest of the group that they were hanging with could hear, they then decided that it fit her and that they all should call her Darlin’. To most people Darlin’ was just one of Kasey’s nicknames, kind of like Dough Girl (Kasey had one hell of a way in the kitchen), but to Nate when ever he called Kasey Darlin’ he meant it as the endearment that it was.

“Thanks Nate, I really didn’t Alsancak Escort want to get wet yet today.” Kasey said as she finished climbing over the edge of the boat, making her ass stick out in front of Nate.

“No problem Darlin’. Hey you two want to push us out and I will climb in to get things started.” Both Tim and Dave agreed, probably only because it was Nate’s family’s boat.

They had been fishing for about 3 hours when Kasey decided that she had enough with casting and waiting, even though she was the only one that had caught anything yet today. Laying a towel out on the bow of the boat Kasey slid her shorts off then laid down on her stomach. After a little bit she felt something cold hit her back and screamed.

“Calm down Darlin’, or you will scare all the fish away, they will leave the lake entirely. I am just putting some sun block on your back, you are about ready to bake to a crisp, and while your baking is superb I don’t think we need to add your back and legs to that equation.”

“You’re good at that Nate. It feels nice.” Kasey said before she stopped to think about what she was saying. She could feel his strong fingers running over her back, occasionally rubbing over the edge of her breasts. Each time his fingers touched the side swell of her breasts she thought of his strong hands as he picked her up and carried her to the boat earlier. All the sudden she felt moisture flow between her legs. Holy crap Nate just turned me on!! Kasey thought. “Um . . . Nate, I think that is good, thanks.”

“You’re welcome Darlin'” Nate said softly as he moved back to his seat in the front of the boat where he could still watch Kasey while he fished. He was pretty sure that Kasey had just felt some sexual arousal where he was concerned. He was a little surprised but more than anything he was happy. It had not been his idea to arouse her when he found the sun block and started putting it on her back to keep her from burning in the hot sun. But then he felt her skin beneath his hands and it had started to arouse him, so he was happy that his hands had that reaction on her.

That evening when they all made it in off the lake Nate helped Kasey to the shore. Then they all started heading back to the camp site. When they got there Kasey said she had to go find something in the woods, which made all the guys laugh because they knew that meant that she had to go relieve herself. Once Kasey was out of ear shot the questioning began.

“Ok, Nate it is time to spill,” Dave said while sitting on the left side of Nate as Tim sat down on the right. “Spill what? My breakfast, sorry I think it is a little too far digested to come back up now.”

Tim slapped Nate for his comment, “No, dumb ass. You. Kasey. What is going on?”

“Nothing,” Nate said and then in a very soft voice added, “unfortunately.”

“Woh, when did this come about?” Dave asked seriously.

“It’s always been there.” Nate said just as seriously.

“So, that is why you wanted to bring her on this trip so badly. Now so many things are starting to make sense.” Tim said and Dave nodded. “Are you gonna kill Dave, ’cause of his wood this morning, ’cause if you are I wanna watch.”

Nate rolled his eyes and went and started the fire so that Kasey would not have to. “Why don’t one of you two start cleaning the fish.”

“Why don’t you?” Dave asked.

“Because Kasey and I were the ones who caught dinner, which means we don’t have to clean them.”

At that point Kasey walked back into the site, “He’s right you know. I will still offer to cook the bass, but you do know that I could refuse being I caught 4 out of the 5 fish, but I know how well you three can cook on a stove so I am not gonna trust you on a campfire.”

Tim had got up during Kasey’s speech and started gathering the filet knife and a plastic bag. When Kasey finished her speech Tim said to Dave, “Why don’t you help me with the fish, we can take them a little ways a way and clean them so that the blood does not attract unwanted guests to our site tonight.”

It took Dave a few seconds to realize that Tim was trying to be nice to Nate by vacating the site. “Yeah, sure; I mean not like you know how to filet very well anyways.”

Dave and Tim left the campsite arguing loudly.

Kasey was smiling at there bickering, “Those two bicker so often that you would swear that they were brothers, not that they only meet 3 years ago.”

“I know what you mean, you should try living with them, if it was not for Justin I don’t think that I would be able to handle living in the same apartment as them, but then again we often have some really nice guests stopping by to defuse the friendly tension.”

“You guys get guests? I thought that Sue and I were the only people who came by. And Sue just grabs Justin and disappears for the duration of the visit.”

“Yeah, but have you ever noticed that when you come over there bickering calms down some.”

“No it doesn’t.”

“Well then maybe I just do not notice it when you are Alsancak Escort Bayan around, because I am spending too much time admiring you.”

“Um . . .Nate?” Kasey asked as she looked over at him trying to figure out what he meant by that declaration.

“Kasey, Darlin’, do you ever wonder why I watch you as often as I do, why I actually only date some girl at the same time as you are dating some worthless guy, or why I begged you to come on this trip?”

“Nate what are you trying to tell me?” Kasey asked while looking into Nate’s eyes.

“That I have wanted you since the day I met you.”

Kasey sat a little shocked at Nate’s confession. “Why have you never let me know?”

“Because you have shown no interest in me, and I was afraid that if I told you that I wanted you that I would lose you as a friend. And never doubt Kasey that having you as a friend means more to me than I can express in words.” Nate had looked down to the ground as he very quietly answered Kasey’s question, “But I don’t wanna just be friends anymore.”

Kasey was not sure if she should hit him for being dense or kiss him for being so unbelievably sweet. She decided to go with the kissing option. Turning to face Nate, Kasey reached over and placed her hand on his shoulder, when he turned to look at Kasey for her reaction she kissed him deeply.

Nate kissed Kasey back without hesitation. She tasted better than he had expected, kind of like the first slice of honeydew in the middle of summer. Nate wrapped his arms around Kasey and pulled her tight against him. He felt more than heard Kasey’s moan as her breasts flattened against his chest.

Kasey had always secretly harbored a crush on Nate even if she had always said she would never date him. His tongue plundering hers felt amazing, and when he pulled pressed her to him Kasey knew she had lost all chance of stopping this from moving forward. She decided that she wanted to be closer to Nate. Sliding one leg over his lap Kasey moved so that she was sitting on Nate’s lap still kissing him. She could feel her pussy pressing against his hard erection.

This time it was Nate who moaned. Damn, he thought as Kasey started to grind her pussy against his cock. Breaking the kiss Nate looked into Kasey’s eyes and realized he had never seen them this color before. Her eyes were darker than he had remembered ever seeing. “Darlin’ I want nothing more than to continue on where we are right now, but the two lug heads could come back at any moment. Now I do not care if they see us kissing, but Darlin’, I am about to cream in my jeans, and I do not want them to see that.”

Kasey smiled at Nate, “I understand, how about tonight you come and visit my tent.” Kasey winked and climbed off of Nate’s lap and moved to get the cook fire set up.

It was about 10 minuets later that Tim and Dave came back to the campsite. As they neared the site they were being loud even for themselves. Kasey glanced at Nate, as their eyes met they both burst out laughing, “Guess they wanted to make sure that they were not interrupting anything,” Nate said smiling at Kasey.

Kasey cooked the bass and found a bag of potato chips that she had brought with to go with the fish. Right after dinner Kasey said that she was feeling a little tired and that maybe she should head to bed a little early.

“Hey Darlin’ your back looked a little red earlier would you like me to help you put some lotion on it?” Dave asked while pretending to look innocent.

Kasey just rolled her eyes and went into her tent. She had just sat down on her sleeping bag when she head the zipper on the tent open, it was Nate holding a bottle of lotion that Kasey had left on the table earlier in the day.

“You forgot this outside, I thought that you might need it, and I thought that even though you turned Dave down I might offer to put some on your back for you.”

Kasey motioned for him to come in the tent. “You want to know what I would like for you to do for me? Go back out to the boys and tell them that I told you to go where the sun doesn’t shine in August, and then tomorrow don’t go fishing. I take back my offer for tonight.” With that Kasey pointed back to the tent door.

Nate did not know if he wanted to strangle Kasey or if he wanted to stay in the tent and force her to do what he wanted. But knowing Kasey he realized that trying to force her would probably just lead to him getting physically hurt. Even though just looking at Kasey all soft and warm sitting on a sleeping bag had him wanting her something fierce he figured that he would be fine until tomorrow.

Kasey smiled after Nate left the tent, if he had looked anymore forlorn Kasey may have relented and had noisy animal sex right then and there with the other two guys watching threw the backlighting on her tent.

Morning came all too soon for Kasey and not nearly soon enough for Nate. Nate had not slept all night thinking about Kasey and how she had felt as she sat on his lap and rubbed her delicate body against Escort Alsancak his. The long night had taken its toll on Nate, as he left the tent at the first sound of Kasey’s moving around to prepare breakfast, he could feel how stiff his muscles were, and not just his cock but all his muscles. Nate had slept in his jeans so that his hard-on would not be so noticeable to the other guys. Walking up behind Kasey he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, “Morning Darlin’.”

Kasey sighed and leaned into Nate’s embrace. “Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” Kasey asked as she rubbed her ass slightly against the hardness of Nate’s cock.

Nate just leaned his head down and nibbled on her neck a little. “What’s for breakfast, because I know what I want but I doubt it is on the menu.”

“We are having French toast. So how about you go wake the other guys up,” Kasey asked in a soft voice as she continued to lean against Nate.

With a groan of frustration Nate reluctantly let Kasey go and headed back towards the tent he had just left. Opening the zipper he simply kicked the ankles of both guys to wake them. As both Tim and Dave protested the harsh treatment to their joints Nate told them to just get their lazy asses up that Kasey had breakfast ready.

Both Tim and Dave exited the tent glaring at Nate annoyed with him at the same time as they were amused by him. They both could tell what it was that had Nate in a bad mood, especially since he had been in one since giving the Kasey the lotion last night.

As they were all finishing eating and putting the site to rights Kasey declared that she needed to go to town but did not want to go alone. Nate caught on right away what was going on. “Hey guys since it is my family’s boat I can go out anytime, you guys don’t have such easy access so why don’t I take Kasey to town and you guys go catch us dinner.”

Tim and Dave just agreed and hoped that Kasey relented her stance on no one being allowed in her tent but her, because then maybe Nate’s attitude would improve. They left picking on each other like they always did.

“So what do you need from town Kasey?” Nate asked as the other two walked out of hearing range.

“Well I was doubting that you brought condoms with you on this trip so I figured that we could run into town and get some, because even though I like you I am not having unprotected sex. I have another year to get through at the university I am not getting pregnant now.” Kasey said calmly from beside the fire pit where she was making sure that the fire was doused with water, because only you can prevent forest fires.

Nate smiled at Kasey, “Actually Darlin’ you are right I did not bring any condoms with me but you know Tim and Dave as well as I do. Last night Tim just happened to mention that he had a three pack in his duffle bag.”

“How do you just casually mention that you have condoms in your bag?”

“Well when your tent mates know that you do not travel with condoms on a regular basis, and you become in a rather uncomfortable mood after leaving a girls tent these things can just randomly come up.” Nate walked over towards his tent, sending a silent prayer to God for making sure that Tim and Dave always traveled with excess necessities, as they called it. As he entered the tent Nate glanced at his sleeping bag and was surprised to see a piece of paper folded in half lying on his sleeping bag. Curios he picked it up and half dozen condoms fell out from the paper. Written on the paper in Tim’s loopy scrawl was the message: Make us proud boy, we are leaving you with our emergency supply. There are 3 from both of us. If you need more later on, if you beg we maybe able to scrounge up another half dozen or so (you know us well enough to know that traveling with a half dozen condoms each is not unusual). You should really pick up the habit of carrying some with you, but then again you probably will start with the delectable Kasey around as often as she is.

We want details Nate smiled and pocketed the condoms, then left the tent, leaving the note behind.

Kasey was sitting on the ground beneath a big oak tree as Nate left his tent. Kasey noticed that he had something now in his right pocket, but what she noticed more than the bulge in his pocket was the bulge behind his zipper. Damn Nate was sexy.

Nate walked up to Kasey. Looking down at her Nate wondered how he had ever waited this long to express his lust to Kasey. Dropping to the ground next to her Nate let his hand trail up her arm softly, “Darlin’ you have no idea how much I need you right now.”

Kasey leaned a little closer to Nate enjoying the feeling of his warm hand exploring her body. Kasey closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them she noticed that Nate had moved a little so that he as lounging on the grass beside her, only an inch from her body. Closing the inch Kasey whispered, “I want to feel your flesh against and inside me.”

At Kasey’s words Nate wrapped his arms tight around Kasey and smiled as he softly kissed her neck. As he was kissing and nuzzling Kasey’s neck Nate moved his hand up under her shirt to caress her breasts softly; grazing his finger tips from her right breast, slowly across the valley between her breasts, to her left breast.

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