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Aidra Fox

We had been in this flat for three weeks now and had not yet given any thoughts as to where we should live next. We’d spoken about how well we seemed to be coping with each other with our disabilities but not of our future accommodation. This gave rise to my own house which was in Windsor, quite some distance from where we went for our lessons in Braille and hand gestures, and was quite sure that it wouldn’t be suitable for us. It was a detached house in about two acres of ground and had four bedrooms, a dining room, drawing room, a study as well as a kitchen and other facilities. Though it was my real home, I was now loathe to return there to live because of the memories plus the fact it was too big and had stairs. But it would fetch a good price on the market and should give me enough to buy something more modern and not have stairs. With this in mind, I contacted my solicitor who was on a retainer for the business that was mine to meet me at the house with the view to putting the house on the market and at the same time, look for a decent place for us to live further into London. So at breakfast, I broached the subject of us going to see my house and my ideas for the future of the three of us to which they agreed, and so we went there the following day. They agreed with me that though the house was great, it would be a drag to have to keep travelling up to London and accepted my suggestion of another place to live. While I had my solicitor take away all personal papers for him to check to keep anything in regards to the business and destroy what wasn’t required. Also to arrange to have the contents put into auction and the house put up for sale, all the proceeds to be put into my own personal bank account. He was also to get a member of his staff to look for a place for the three of us somewhere in London, giving him a time span of exactly three weeks. I let the other two roam over the house to see if there was anything that they thought would be suitable to keep for our new place. This we had decided would be a flat having three bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, a lounge and a kitchen big enough for us to have our meals there instead of a dining room. Nothing really caught their eye so our new place would have to be completely refurnished. Well satisfied with the day’s work, we returned to where we were presently staying where we had dinner before going to bed. Tony was all over me with our future plans and couldn’t go down on me quick enough. I gave myself up to the pleasure of him sucking and using his hand to raise me up to eventually come in his mouth for him to swallow before licking me clean. He also liked me using my hand on his erection and bringing forth his sperm, albeit into tissues. This being followed by his kisses and vowing again his love for me. * It was two weeks later that the solicitor told us of three places that he wanted us to inspect with a view to buying, which we did, though I left it up to the other two to make the final decision with them knowing my needs and requirements. The one that was acceptable was in a new complex in Chelsea that overlooked the river Thames, the only two drawbacks were, one, that it wasn’t on the ground floor but on the top, what you would call a penthouse, and second, it was leasehold. With it having two lifts, this was then acceptable as well as it being leasehold as that would last longer than my predicted life expectancy, so it was agreed and this was then bought but paid for by my company which would then be rented to us three. I set this up in this format because we now, through our Social worker, as well as seeing to us getting our disabilities pension, we would also get housing benefit to which this latter, turned out to be exactly how much the rent would be. I wasn’t quite sure how legal this was but the solicitor said that it was okay. After viewing the place, well the other two doing this, describing everything as we toured the flat, we visited a furniture store and selected all that we would need. This would be delivered after the place had been fully carpeted throughout. It had been decided that my bedroom would be the first one off from the lounge and I let Tony pick my king size bed plus all the linens required. We kept all the furniture of the flat to a minimum to make it easier for me to move about once it was in place and me to remember where it all was. We got it all sorted out in one day and it was promised to be ready for occupation on the day we were required to quit the flat that we were presently staying in. In spite of our disabilities, we were a happy three and instead of cooking dinner, we went to a restaurant, my first time since being blinded. I still had to have Tony cut up my food and tell me where everything was on my plate. It was a lovely meal and we left quite happy after also having drunk at least a whole bottle of wine each. Bernie said his goodnights to us, his voice now down a few decibels as Tony prepared our sofa bed for the night. It had been a tiring day and Pendik Escort was glad to strip off and get into bed and relax, though I think I was more than just relaxed with what happened in there. Tony, as usual, snuggled up to me, kissing my shoulder and stroking my chest before moving his hand and taking hold of my now erect penis, knowing that he was going to go down on me. His hand feeling cool as opposed to the heat of my now throbbing piece and got the usual thrill as I felt his hot mouth take in the head. His tongue worked its magic on the G string after pushing the foreskin right back as his teeth gently chewed just below the head as he sucked at the same time. My hand stroked the hair of his slightly bobbing head as he saw to me in this fashion and wondered at the pleasure he received in doing this to me. Was it the act of having a man’s penis in his mouth to chew and suck on or was it the taking in of the sperm to taste before swallowing? These were my thoughts as I bucked my hips and gave him the contents of my balls which he was fondling at the same time. What a glorious relief it was when I came, feeling a lassitude come over me as he took it all in to savour before swallowing, and then having him lick all over the exposed head before finally letting me go to come back up the bed to kiss me. I now really responded to his kisses, giving him kisses in return, our mouths parted as we let our tongues play with each other, but now it was my turn to give him some relief and lessen the hardness of his cock that was pressing into my side. I pushed him over onto his back and took hold of his erection and slowly began to move my hand up and down, feeling the silken skin that covered the hard flesh move as easily as a well oiled piston. Now I’m blaming that bottle of wine I had drunk though I think it was my mind telling me that I should give him the same pleasure that he gives to me that made me move down the bed and, for the first time, take another man’s penis into my mouth. I felt his body stiffen as my mouth closed over the head of his cock, feeling the heat of it as well as his pulse rate. With my lips, I managed to push his foreskin down as he did to me and used my tongue to sweep across the bare flesh, finding the piece of skin that attaches it to the flesh. His body trembled as I teased this string loving the feeling I got inside me at pleasing him this way. I remembered then to move my hand at the same time as I sucked on this rubbery flesh. I’m doing it, my mind cried out to me! I’m actually sucking on another man’s cock, and found that I was enjoying it! But was unprepared for what followed, for he suddenly erupted in my mouth, almost choking me at the force that his sperm came out, hitting the back of my throat causing me to cough as it slid down. But I managed to keep my mouth closed over the head as another few spurts came out of the eye. This I managed to hold there till his hips stopped jerking and I felt his thighs relax and knew that he’d finished coming. I now had a mouthful of his sperm and knowing that I had to swallow it, for some inexplicable reason, closed my eyes that I couldn’t see with, before I actually drew a deep breath and swallowed. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and felt quite proud of myself in managing to do this without choking. Then lifting my head up from his now steaming cock head, licked him clean, getting a real taste of his seed and found that it wasn’t at all unpleasant and now my mind was asking, did he enjoy it as much as I did when he did it to me. This I found out when I’d finished and moved back up the bed to find his arms come round me as he took me in a big hugging session as well as getting more kisses that I could count all over my face and neck. ‘You wonderful, wonderful man,’ he wrote on my chest, though abbreviated as I’ve already shown you. ‘I love you more than ever now that you’ve pleased me with what you’ve just done.’ There wasn’t anything that I could say to this. Did I love him as he said that he loved me? I wasn’t quite sure, but my feelings for him were increasing day by day and I suppose that I was becoming close to loving him, but as of yet, it was words that I couldn’t say. * We had another week to go before our flat would be ready for occupation and I was getting bored with trying to come to understand Braille. In the evenings, Bernie, I was told, would read his book that gave out all the hand signs in place of speech. Tony would be getting to learn all about using a computer while I would listen through head phones to my small radio. My chief pleasure in life now was going to bed at night and having Tony suck on me and after having now once done the same to him, couldn’t wait to go to bed and do it again. Which we did that night, and for the second time, went down the bed and took him into my mouth to have him come in there for me to swallow and once more get to taste him. Plus all the kisses I would get afterwards. * Waiting those last few days Pendik Escort Bayan at this old flat was driving me mad and so I got the other two to take me out to the shops. I’d already spoken about and got a telephone installed in our new place which was for me, it being of no use to either Bernie or Tony. Bernie had said that he would like a television and Tony wanted a printer for the computer, so we finished up in a store that sold these items. What I wanted was a disc player so that I could either buy or rent audio books for me to listen to. We were a strange trio in there, Bernie showing a card that said “I am deaf but can speak”, and Tony’s card said “ I can hear but not speak”. I didn’t need a card when I was carrying my white stick for my disability was obvious. With me paying by credit card and them knowing of our afflictions, agreed to deliver them to our new address in a couple of days time. I must say now that though I paid for most things, they both put half of their disability pensions into a fund to help with the buying of food, and paying of our utility bills, our housing allowance automatically going to the landlord of our new place, i.e., my company. I even splashed out on buying all three of us some new clothes though not much for me as I would be spending more of my time at home than the other two. We finished up having our dinner in a pub restaurant for even though we didn’t go to many shops, it still took all day. I restricted my drinking to only having two glasses of wine instead of a whole bottle for I didn’t want to finish up as an alcoholic. Being outside all day was okay for the other two but rather a strain for me and it made me tired and was glad to get back to our flat. Though to tell the truth, I couldn’t wait to go to bed with Tony for another sex session. So as soon as the bed was made up and Bernie having gone to his room, I quickly stripped off and got naked into bed. Tony was soon in there with me and kissing me as he stroked my chest. ‘Move down the bed a little,’ he wrote on my chest. ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘Just move down the bed and you’ll find out,’ he replied. ‘You’ll like it.’ So I wriggled my way down as he pushed the top covering off of us, feeling him move about and was suddenly surprised to feel his lips on mine but upside down as he kissed me. It was in this upside down position that he slowly moved down the bed, kissing and using his tongue on my body as he moved until he was lying down next to me. The head of my erection, which was lying up ready against my stomach was the first to feel the hair on his head before he moved that little bit more and I felt him take it inside his mouth. How hot it felt as his lips closed over it and felt his tongue work its way under the tight foreskin, his lips pushing it right down to expose the flesh. I loved this, feeling his tongue rove over me, making me shiver. Then came the shock of feeling his erection brush against my cheek and suddenly realised why he was in this upside down position. So I turned my head and took the head of his cock into my mouth, glorying in the fact that he was already sucking and teasing me and that I could now do the same for him at the same time. I worked my free hand up to hold the base of his shaft and found that it would be easier by lying on my side and so shifted to this position with him doing the same, neither of us letting the others cock slip out of our greedy mouths. What heaven I was in! Having him sucking on me and me being able to do the same to him at the same time. It was fantastic. I was now able to copy him in all that he was doing to me. The moving of the tongue over the exposed flesh, the gently rake of teeth causing both of us to shiver at this erotic movement, my hand moving firmly but slowly up and down the moving skin that covered the hard muscle beneath. Though I couldn’t see what I was doing, I could picture it in my mind and thoroughly enjoyed this form of coupling. In having this new experience, I was soon beginning to move my hips towards his face as I felt my sperm begin its surge upwards and came in his mouth. It must have triggered him off for a fraction later I felt his come up its tube and flood my mouth, well it appeared that way. My hips were bucking slightly as I sent more into him and had him doing the same to me so that the head of his cock was awash with sperm and I felt the suction from him as he swallowed my coming and I then did the same, quite pleased that I was able to do this now without choking or letting him go. What a grand euphoric feeling that came over me at the sucking on him and taking it all in like this and at the same time having him doing the same to me. I liked this way of us both being able to do it together at the same time. The air felt cold when he released the head of my cock as he then used his tongue to lick all over the top before giving the top a kiss when he’d finished. I copied him in all this and couldn’t wait for him to turn round on the bed Escort Pendik and move up into my arms for our wet mouths to meet in a passionate kiss. I couldn’t help myself from saying ‘I love you Tony,’ when we broke off the kiss to take deep breaths, for I had really liked the way we could now have sex together. He moved off of my chest to be able to write, ‘I love you too Bry as you know. ¿ Did you like the surprise?’ I briefly wondered where on earth he learnt to use the Spanish form of putting a question by using the question mark upside down before the actual wording. It made sense for it showed me right at the beginning that he was asking a question. ‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I didn’t know we could do it like that. It was wonderful.’ ‘I’m glad that you enjoyed it for I certainly did,’ he said, snuggling up to me. ‘Also that you’ve come to love me as I love you.’ ‘That’s because I’ve found that I couldn’t get along without you now,’ I said, giving him a kiss, not in the least ashamed that I was kissing another man, a thing that I thought would not have been possible before my being blinded. This was something that I had never envisaged when I was a man in a man’s world, the army. But here I was, in bed with another man, having kissed and sucked his cock and felt happy with him in my arms, feeling content and could now live with my disability. * I was woken up with a kiss from Tony before he got out of bed to use the toilet and I stretched out and waited for my turn in there. When he returned, I went off naked to the bathroom as I usually did, not bothering to get dressed until after my ablutions. He’d already left the lounge when I returned for I could hear he was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready for us. This was to be our last day in this pokey flat and I think the other two felt just like me, wanting to get to our new apartment. It showed in the restlessness of the three of us, not seeming to settle down. Bernie cursing as he tried to study his books and sign language. Tony banging the small table that held the lap top and me not really following the story of my audio book. It was still early in the evening when I shut down my cassette and told Tony to tell Bernie that I was tired and wanted to go to bed. He told me later how he conveyed this to Bernie. He tapped him on the arm and pointed to me and gave a yawn and held his hands together and laid his head sideways on to them to indicate that I wanted to get some sleep. He also pointed to himself and did the same. ‘Good idea,’ Bernie said. ‘I can’t wait for tomorrow,’ which was the feeling that both Tony and I had too. So with him leaving the lounge, I heard Tony preparing the sofa into our bed and got undressed and in as soon as it was ready. ‘ ¿ Are you really tired and want to sleep?’ he wrote on my chest when he was alongside me. ‘No,’ I said with a grin and turned on my side and kissed him. He returned the kiss as his hand moved down and found that I had a full erection which he held onto as he moved and turned his body round on the bed, me moving myself down to give us both room to be upside down to each other. I felt his erect cock brush my face and grabbed it and quickly took the head into my mouth as he did the same to me. Was I becoming a slut at avidly wanting to suck on him and have him coming in my mouth, to taste, savour and swallow? Yes, I said to myself. You liked having it done to you and what you were doing was giving back the same pleasure. And it was a pleasure to feel his tongue teasing the erogenous area of the G string as I copied his movements. Also the gentle chewing of the head and the sucking. It was really something when he took his head up off my cock and felt him take my balls into his mouth and it nearly made me choke on his cock. To feel them being moved about in this fashion as first one was sucked and then the other before he took both in to keep rolling them about in there. And how erotic it was when he let go of them and began to nibble at the underside of my cock as he worked his teeth slowly up until he took the head back into the heat of his mouth. It was too much for as soon as his hand began to move on me again, I came. Boy, did I come or not? It didn’t seem to stop shooting out of me as his lips clamped even more firmly round the head, taking it all in. I had copied him again in the sucking of his balls and the nibbling of his shaft, and like me, as soon as I took the head of his cock into my mouth, he came. With both of us bucking our hips, holding the base end of the shaft to stop the ramming of the cock going in too far, took the contents in until we both seemed to relax at the same time and I felt that extra suction as he swallowed my come and I did the same. With a euphoric feeling, I licked all over the flesh of his cock, taking in the last residue of his sperm to really taste him before finally giving the head a kiss and releasing him. Having had the same done to me, he moved round again and we put our arms around each other and kissed open mouthed to then get a taste of each other’s sperm as we did so. I knew now that I did indeed love Tony. Not only for his company during the day but the pleasure we both could have in this sofa bed at night. So much so, that an hour later, we did the same again before finally getting off to sleep.

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