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Defiled Young Housewife- Part 4Returning to her knees, Reggie yanked her close to the edge of the bed and shoved her legs wide open. “This is better, Christy. It’s best if we don’t fight. We’ve already done plenty of nasty things that I’m sure you don’t want your husband or anyone else to ever know about, like how you like sucking my big black cock and swallowing my jism, and how much I make you cum when we fuck. You becoming my girlfriend, even if you don’t want to.”His face wore a disgusting smile as he said these awful things to her. She would never be his girlfriend.With her legs vulnerably apart, Reggie pulled her bikini briefs to the side — their delicate fabric strained in his fist like a stretched rubber band — and delved his tongue right into her soft pink flesh. Unable to control her body’s embarrassing reaction, her sweet juices began copiously flowing from her pussy into his mouth — exactly the response he sought from her.He parted her labia, keeping her completely open, and his tongue wandered over her clit. He carefully stroked her prepuce with his thumb, exposing her super-sensitive glans. He explored her other folds that were extensions of her clitoris, his tongue licking them, his fingers gently fondling them. Reggie had learned how susceptible Christy became when he touched her the right ways long enough.She sobbed. “Why won’t you just leave us alone? You made me have sex with you all last week. I don’t want to keep doing this with you. Please, it’s wrong. I’m married to Dave and I don’t want this.” But he kept her fully open, and wrong or not, her clit truthfully revealed something different to Reggie, growing noticeably fuller and harder from the unwanted stimulation he gave it. He would make her like it soon enough, he thought. She felt him doing unmentionable things to her down there — things she didn’t want to see. No one — not even Dave — ever touched her this way, did such perverse things to her, scrutinized her private anatomy in such humiliating detail. She would never permit anyone to do this to her. But Reggie wasn’t just anyone. He was a dangerous and powerful criminal, and he did what he wanted to her, touched her private parts in such intimate and embarrassing ways.”Oh, don’t do this to me again, Reggie —p-p-please.””You beautiful, baby,” he kept reassuring her as he held her pussy stretched completely open and manipulated her most private and sensitive places. “You my girlfriend and I love you.”His words gave no solace. She didn’t want his love, and her beauty wasn’t his to enjoy, yet he helped himself to it anyway. He had taken away her normal life and her self-confidence, turning Christy into a victim of sexual abuse, a damaged person. He had mortally wounded her once healthy marriage by destroying its monogamy, and he kept re-inflicting these wounds, keeping them raw and infected, making them fester. Filled with shame, her thoughts screamed: Oh, god, no. I’m so sorry, Dave. He’s stretching my pussy open, looking at me, touching me again! But there was nothing she could do to stop Reggie.He continued going down on her, licking and sucking on her clitoris. He performed oral sex on her like a starving man devouring a tasty morsel, her pussy the only delicious treat in weeks he binged upon. She squirmed beneath him, unable to move herself away from his unwanted attentions.His mouth stayed on her vagina and she couldn’t avoid receiving oral sex from him.”Please, stop it.” “Why you crying when it feel good, baby?””No, I don’t like it — please.””Your wet pussy be telling me something else— the truth, so stop lying.” His tongue resumed exploring her vagina after his humiliating comment.Christy stared at the ceiling, moans slowly infiltrating her pleas for him to stop. “No, I hate this and I hate you. Ooh… you bastard… ah, ooh…ooh, no — leave me alone. I need to look for work today. Ooh, ooh stop. No, please, not there again. Ah, aah, oh.” He kept licking and touching her clitoris, just the right way, sucking on it, and it began feeling good — really good — adding to her humiliation and frustration.He wasn’t her lover, but he came to know her like one. Every woman was unique, and during their times together Reggie had found Christy’s weaknesses — the techniques that evoked physical responses he sought from her. He had learned what gave her body pleasure. He kept focusing on those susceptibilities and specific places where bundles of nerves resided, sending delicious tidal waves to her brain. He held her completely open and Christy didn’t realize how candidly her body revealed what aroused it. But Reggie observed her responses when he did something she liked — the subtle undulations her pelvis made, the way her pussy moistened like the mouth salivates for something appetizing, the change of pitch in her voice, the faint moans that infiltrated her cries, the way her hands grasped him while attempting to push him away with less determination, and how her nipples hardened. He made her clitoris engorge and become ever more receptive to touch, and he continued indulging it. He gave Christy intense sensations he knew she didn’t want from him.She arched her back. “Ooh, no, not there anymore. Ooh, you bastard — stop doing that. Ah, oh, ooh, stop touching me there like that. No, don’t suck on it again. Oh, my god, don’t. Ooh, I’m going to tell the police, and have you sent to jail. Ah, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh my god — no.”Her body displayed its arousal like the easily read instrument panel in a fine sports car, and Reggie almost laughed at her empty threat. Besides his promise to kill her family and friends, she was too ashamed to ever concede to anyone that she had been fucked numerous times by a gang banger, a nigger from the hood who had forced her to cum. Her orgasms filled her with guilt and made telling anyone even more difficult. No, Christy would have reported him that very first time he had taken her if she was ever going to do it. Although Reggie felt confident that Christy would never make good on her threat and go to the police, he still needed to remind her of her place, and most importantly, keep her submissive. He briefly rose from between her legs, his hands grasping her thighs tightly and holding them spread apart, her silky juices glistening, practically dripping from his chin and lips like he had been eating luscious fruit. Christy thought she saw sparks of anger in his deep, dark eyes as she looked up at him from the bed.”You threaten me bitch?”She defiantly stared at him. He slapped her face, her head whipping sideways and an imprint of his hand remaining on her cheek. The blow was unexpected and blinding, like a strike of lightning. “Answer me, bitch.””Ow!” She rubbed her cheek where his strike had landed, bright sparks from his smack slowly clearing from her vision like afterimages from the flash of a camera. She made a mistake and had forgotten how violent he could be when she didn’t cooperate. “No Reggie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I promise I’ll never tell anyone about you.””Convince me then. Tell me you my girlfriend and that you love me.””I’m your girlfriend and I love you,” Christy sobbed. She hated saying that to him almost as much as having sex with him.”That’s right. Now keep repeating it. Remember that I own the police. I’ll know if you tell anyone about me, and so will my homeboys. Real bad things will happen to your family if anything happens to me. You my girl and you belong to me. Don’t forget it.” Her beautiful blue eyes remained locked to his.”Now keep your legs open wide for me, or it gonna be rough again. You understand me?” She brought her thumb to her lips and slowly nodded her reply, her eyes teary.”You not gonna give any more sass. You mine. You my girlfriend and you gonna learn to like this and love me. Say it to me again.” “I love you and I’m your girlfriend,” Christy cried.”And you like what I’m doing to you because it feels good, doesn’t it?Christy silently nodded.Now keep saying it, baby. Don’t make me remind you.” She obediently lay there while he grabbed her knees with his strong hands, spread her legs wide open, and resumed orally assaulting her. He went right for her clit again, keeping her at that threshold between torture and ungodly pleasure. She renewed her whimpers and her moans, fought her hips from rising. She hated him and the way her body yearned to respond to him. “Ooh, I’m your girlfriend… No, Reggie, please not there again. Oh, oh, no, that feels good. I love you. No, ooh, ooh, ah, ooh, I’m your girlfriend, please stop it. Ooh, ooh, I love you. Oh god don’t…”The oral sex lasted until Reggie fully ripened her for intercourse, her clit swollen hard from his unwanted attention. She rose on her elbows and looked down as he finally yanked her panties off.”What are you doing?” she stupidly asked between her sniffles, as if she didn’t already know from prior experience. Reggie again guided her legs apart until they could open no further. He positioned his cock at her luscious entrance. Christy’s hands grasped at his hips in desperation and tried holding him off. “No, I can’t have sex again, Reggie. I’m not taking birth control. I’m married to Dave and I don’t want this. I don’t want you to make me pregnant.”Christy didn’t take birth control pills because of the side-effects and relied on Dave using condoms to avoid an untimely pregnancy. She wasn’t sure exactly when her fertile period would begin.The head of Reggie’s penis slowly entered Christy’s unprotected vagina anyway, despite her protests, her hands uselessly attempting to hold his hips at a distance, pushing against them, but unable to thwart his progress. Christy’s eyes met his. “Please, at least use one of Dave’s condoms for me this time. They’re in the dresser drawer.”Reggie steadily penetrated further. “Oh, no, baby. We haven’t used rubbers before and we not starting to now. You already bodrum escort got me spoiled on doing this with you bareback. It more intimate. I wanna feel you and I want you to feel me, not some latex barrier separating us. You very special to me and it’s better this way; it’s natural and we’ll enjoy it more. Don’t worry. I’ll pull out this time, so you won’t get pregnant.”Christy remembered how she was unable to control her own body the last time they had sex, the powerful orgasms he had made her have, how his withdrawal was delayed and how his big cock overfilled her pussy with semen. His penis had continued spurting even after he pulled out, leaving messy trails of slippery spunk all over her stomach like sugary glaze drizzled on a pastry. She didn’t want to experience him this way again, so intimately, his huge penis inside her. She wanted as little contact with him as possible, yet the opposite kept occurring and she was forced to share the most personal sensations with him. Against her will she was becoming more familiar with Reggie as her sexual partner than with her own husband, and it filled her with guilt and disgrace. “Reggie, please. I’ll do anything else you want. I’ll jerk you off; I’ll suck on your cock — just not intercourse again. Take it out now before we go too far and can’t stop. I don’t want a baby.”Christy thought the threat of pregnancy would stop Reggie, but in reality, it made him more excited and desirous for her. What better way was there for her and her family to pay for their privileged, white lives than for him to put a black baby in her belly? He pushed more of his thick, lengthy cock into her and watched her grimace from the invasion. “It too late for that, baby. I’m already inside you and I can’t stop now. Your pussy feel too good.” Reggie’s voice sounded distant to Christy. She heard his words but was no longer listening to them as her attention was focused elsewhere. She responded in unison to Reggie’s thrusts. He went deeper and deeper instead of pulling out. “Ow, ah, okay, ah, ah, oh.” With Dave home during the weekend, it had been two days since having Reggie inside her. Her anatomy needed to adjust once more to Reggie’s exceptional size, to his thick long penis advancing and separating the walls deep inside her birth canal.He incrementally pushed more of himself into her and caused Christy to start crying out. “Ow, please. No, not too much. Ow, wait, go slower, Reggie. Oh, no more. I’m not ready yet. Oh…it’s too far… hurting. Easy. Oh, oh, you’re going so deep inside me. Oh, oh, ah, okay…” With the entirety of Reggie’s long, thick negro phallus inside Christy’s snug vagina, her whimpers continued for a few minutes synchronized with his thrusts. The depth he reached far exceeded what Dave could achieve.Typical of most females, Christy’s vagina was amazingly adaptable. Her discomfort diminished, and her pussy soon stretched and conformed to Reggie’s absurd size again. Christy welcomed the relief as her pain subsided, not fully grasping how her anatomy was changing for him.”Wrap your legs around my ass now and start hugging me, baby. And keep telling me that you love me, how good my cock feels inside you, and that you my girlfriend. Start acting more as if you like this.”How could he ask her to do that? He sickened her, and she tried ignoring him.For some reason Christy needed a little more encouragement today. Over the weekend she must have forgotten what he had taught her. Reggie lifted himself off her, his weight supported by only one arm and his incredible strength displayed in its bulging muscles.For a fleeting second Christy thought he was finished and that this awful act was ending. But instead of pulling out, his huge penis stayed stubbornly embedded in her pussy, like an irritating splinter stuck under the skin. He unexpectedly slapped her face, on her other cheek this time, to get her attention and let her know he meant business. The impact sent her head in the opposite direction from his earlier strike. “Did you hear me? Hug me and wrap your legs around my ass. Keep saying what I told you to say. I’m not gonna tell you again. Start fucking me back and act like you enjoying this!””Oh, god, no — I can’t,” Christy balled as his solid torso returned to rest on top of her. But she complied, hesitantly reaching her arms around his back and wrapping her legs around his ass.”I’m your girlfriend and I love you, Reggie,” she sobbed. “You feel so good inside me.” “That’s right, keep saying it, but like you mean it, and hug me tighter, baby, like you can’t get enough big black dick.” Was it possible to hate him more than she already did? In anger, her arms and legs tightened their grip to him. She was keenly aware of his gigantic penis completely filling her with his presence. “Yeah, that’s it, baby, like that. That’s good. Now say them magic words.”His huge penis moved in and out of her pussy with renewed fervor and it was becoming overwhelming, like a blast of music that drowns out all other sounds.Christy’s eyes were like open dams, a flood of tears rushing from them. Instead of her husband, Reggie was inside her. Her legs remained locked around his muscular buttocks as she hugged him tightly. “I’m your girlfriend and I love you. Uh, your cock feels good. You’re so deep inside me. Oh, oh, I like it. “Please stop making me say these awful things and stop making me do this, Reggie. No… ooh…ah… oh…no…”Reggie felt her pussy begin contracting around his cock and he grinned. Although she was reluctant to repeat what he had told her to say, more importantly her body was doing exactly what he wanted it to do. Her hands u*********sly latched onto the big, hard muscles in his back and she gritted her teeth in angry frustration. Why did her body react this way to such a heinous act?But her vaginal spasms defied her anger, becoming stronger and more frequent.”You starting to enjoy my big black dick for real again, like every time we fuck, baby. I feel it in your pussy; it clenches my cock when you cum.” What Reggie said couldn’t be true. But he was inside her and he could feel her having orgasms. There was no way of concealing them from him. Why couldn’t she stop her body from doing this? The humiliation was unbearable. “Oh, son-of-a bitch. No, I don’t want this. You’re a sick, disgusting, basta…………”But before Christy could finish saying ‘bastard’, she drifted off in mid-sentence, her eyes becoming dreamy. “Oh, ooh… don’t Reggie.”Reggie had accelerated his thrusts and altered his motions while Christy was speaking. He knew what he was doing and how to deliver himself to her. The change caught her completely off guard, his long, thick cock making firmer contact with her g-spot and creating more friction. She was keenly aware of the lengthy travels his penis was making, sliding in and out through her tightly stretched vaginal lips, titillating the millions of nerves lining the walls of her entire birth canal. Neurons bombarded Christy’s brain with signals of pleasure and a series of very powerful orgasms had snuck up on her, silencing her objections and concentrating all her attention on her pussy. The deep penetration that had caused pressure and discomfort earlier now felt exceedingly good and her entire universe took on that single focus. “Oh, oh, ooh, uh-huh,” she moaned unable to complete her thoughts.She never orgasmed this strongly before and unintentionally hugged him even more tightly. She simply couldn’t stop herself from embracing him when he made her cum like this.”Oh Reggie, you’re making me cum. You’re so deep inside me. Oh, oh, don’t…ah.”Moans of female arousal replaced Christy’s cries of grief and her earlier sobbing had completely stopped. Their bodies remained upon each other, Reggie in her continued embrace. He felt her soft firm tits against his burly chest, her erect nipples hardening further, her pussy contracting around his cock in strong orgasmic spasms she couldn’t control. “I gonna take good care of you. Keep holding me tight and keep saying what I told you to say,” he whispered while kissing her neck and ear.Christy didn’t want to reply to Reggie’s encouragement, but her pussy was in control and she found herself doing so anyway. “Oh, oh, okay, I love you, ah. Dave wants me to be nicer to you. I’ll be your girlfriend. Your cock feels so good.” The powerful orgasms passed, and Christy returned from her sexual musings remembering that she loathed him, hated allowing him to fuck her. How could he think she really loved him or liked any of this? Why would he make her say such terrible lies to him? How could he say that he loved her — that he would take care of her? She wanted to shove him away and kick him in his gigantic testicles, even if her body was conveying a much different message.Was Christy becoming distracted? Her hips were losing enthusiasm and subtle shoves that sought separation began interrupting her embraces. But he wasn’t ready to end their union yet. “Open your pretty lips and let me give you some tongue, baby. I got a lot more love to give you and we ain’t near being done yet.”They weren’t making love. They were fucking, Christy thought. She closed her eyes, wishing she could ignore him and that this would all stop. “Did you hear me? You gonna learn to like it and love me. Now hug me tighter and open your goddamn mouth for me before I beat the fucking shit out of you! Or would you prefer something bad happen to your family — your parents or Dave? Perhaps it’s time for me to send my homeys a text.”She heard him and didn’t want him to hit her again — or worse, hurt her family. Her lips separated, and their tongues met in her mouth. “Mmm, oh, mmm, please, no, Reggie, mmm, I don’t want to do this… I don’t really like it; stop making me say I do…mmm…oh, mmm…mmm. Okay…for a little while… I’ll be nicer to you… just escort bodrum don’t hurt my family or Dave…I love you. Mmm, I’m your girlfriend…your big cock feels good. Ah.”She would never enjoy this with him, even if he made her act like it, she thought. But contrary to her intentions, the spells where she forgot he was r****g her were becoming more frequent and lasting longer. She was unaware of her own reflexes and how her pelvis, with a mind of its own, resumed making coital motions. Instinct was an overwhelming force and it made her participate in the sex act. The longer they fucked and the longer he made her hug and kiss him, the more natural all of it began to feel, like a role an actor plays many times over. I love you and I’m your girlfriend echoed in her mind like a mantra, their hips moving together once more with the rhythm of passionate dancing partners. Their lips remained locked and their tongues, like their sex organs, eagerly greeted each other. Reggie had regained Christy’s attention and her universe once more collapsed around the magic they were making. Christy had been virtuous and never dreamed of having a relationship outside of her marriage. But sex with Reggie, whom she had despised, began feeling normal and acceptable to her, as if she belonged with him as much as Dave.Perhaps she didn’t hate Reggie. Maybe she even liked him. She was becoming comfortable having intercourse with him and Dave wanted her to be nice to him. Although she remained in denial about it, she had become accustomed to Reggie’s big cock. He felt really good inside her — better than Dave. There was so much more of Reggie. Reggie’s thicker and deeper penetration forced her to have a physical unity with him that she never experienced with Dave. Part of her wanted to be Reggie’s girl and part of her was learning to enjoy sex with him like he had said she would.She tried to banish her horrific thoughts, remembering it wasn’t love they were making. She was married to Dave and Reggie was committing one of his heinous crimes on her. He was forcing her to do this and it was sick, wicked and wrong. How could it possibly feel good? “I love you and I’m your girlfriend. Your cock is so deep inside me. Oh, it feels good.” She couldn’t stop hearing herself repeat those awful phrases he made her keep saying to him. He was a despicable d**g dealer, murderer, gangster, and r****t who threatened her husband, family and those she loved. She would always hate him.But intercourse with Reggie continued, his deep penetration along with all the kissing, the embracing. While they fucked and their bodies remained joined, emotions from a deeper, more primitive part of Christy’s brain, urged her to espouse their illicit act and bond with him — to accept and trust him. They kept resurfacing, like bubbles from the bottom of a pot of water once it reaches a rolling boil. Her sentiments began reflecting what their bodies kept doing with each other. Although Reggie had coerced her into having sex, they had engaged in it enough to begin influencing her feelings for him in irrational ways, especially when participating in carnal behavior with him. “Oh, you feel so good deep inside me, Reggie. I love you and I’m your girlfriend…”They finished another round of French-kissing and she saw the clock on her nightstand. Dave had worked overtime, yet where did the hours go? She was hugging Reggie tightly; they were fucking zealously. Christy had become more complaisant the longer this immoral act continued. Her prolonged victimization caused Christy to question if Reggie had actually seduced her. What he did to her felt good and made her orgasm, and this filled her with guilt and made her believe she was partially responsible for what was happening to her. “Ooh, oh, uh-huh, ooh, Reggie, we’ve got to stop now. Ah, oh… ooh, please. Look at the time. Dave will be home soon. Please, ooh… he’ll find out about this. I can’t let him see what we’ve been doing.” “Show me some more love, baby. Say what I want to hear and start squeezing my cock with your pussy again. I’m close, but you gotta cum with me this one last time. Don’t try faking it either, because I’ll know.”How did things come to this — to where she was trying to cum for him? She didn’t want to do it but couldn’t risk delay and Dave coming home and seeing them together. Christy let go of the little resistance she had mustered. A telling squeal escaped from the back of her throat, her fingers digging into Reggie’s muscular back, her vagina clenching his penis. “Oh, ooh, I’m your girlfriend. Uh-huh, ah, oh, I love you. Oh, I’m cumming, Reggie. Oh, god, you’re so deep inside me and feel so good. Please cum for me now, Reggie.”He felt her pussy tightly squeezing his cock in another series of orgasmic fits. There was no way she was faking this one. “Oh, yeah, baby. That what I’m talking about. Good girl. I love you and I love when you do that for me. You showing me how much you like this and expressing love for me. That the way.” He drove into her harder, deeper, and she felt the familiar, powerful tension in his huge muscles, his heart thumping in his chest.Was this the third one for him? Reggie had promised to pull out. She couldn’t remember how many times he came today, but they were orgasming together now. “Ooh, don’t, oh, you’re cumming in me again, Reggie. No… you promised to take it out before you came this time,” she uselessly murmured. Once more he experienced incredible pleasure and relief as his huge, hard penis fed what his enormous balls produced in excess to her soft, wet vagina. “Ah, yeah, baby, you feel so good. I can’t pull out. I’m cumming in your pussy. Oh, I love you so much.”She knew what he wanted her to say to him, and while it hurt to keep betraying Dave, she said the words Reggie wanted to hear anyway. “Oh, I’m cumming too Reggie. I love you and I’m your girlfriend.”He kept pumping more of his cum deep in her pussy.Her arms loosened their embrace around his strong shoulders and her legs released his firm ass. She labored her words while catching her breath. “Ooh, oh, that’s enough. Pull out now.” She was still having her own orgasm when Reggie lifted off her, withdrawing his long, thick cock from her sperm-filled cunt, their bodies at last untwining. He wasn’t completely done either; she felt warm spurts from his penis landing on her stomach after he withdrew. She knew what he wanted her to do. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and gently stroked it to help him finish. He ejaculated more than Dave — more than any normal man. His huge testicles made too much sperm and Christy thought this was probably the reason why he was so aggressive and demanded sex so frequently. He likely couldn’t help himself. “Oh.. you’re cumming so much this time,” she absently remarked.”I know baby. Because I love you and missed being with you over the weekend.””Ooh, Reggie… it’s so much,” she repeated staring down at his cock, mesmerized by the way it fired it’s warm ammunition all over her belly, like a gun in her hand.His penis was becoming softer and had finally stopped spewing semen. “Are you done?” she softly asked. She let go of his cock and his hands began massaging the slippery spunk he had ejaculated on her stomach into her skin as he spoke. “Yeah, we done. Did that feel good for you, baby?” It wasn’t supposed to feel good, she guiltily thought. He kept forcing her to do this and it was wrong. Christy momentarily turned her face away from him, her cheek sinking into her pillow, without answering as he rubbed his semen across her flat abdomen with his strong hands. He rose from the bed and stood nude looking at the family pictures on her dresser, among them her wedding photo with Dave. Reggie was proud of himself for spoiling a white man’s beautiful wife. Poaching married white pussy was like hunting quarry and he enjoyed the sport of it. His nicest trophy was lying in bed, her womb filled with his semen and her body covered with it. Christy was a keeper.Reggie’s smirk at her wedding photo went unnoticed by Christy. She remained in the bed. Her eyes briefly wandered to his huge, flaccid penis coated with the slick, wet sheen she had put on it. The intense orgasms had left her feeling relaxed and exhausted even though Reggie performed most of the work. But the sex had ended, the euphoria was fading, and rationality began returning to Christy along with her disdain for him. His seed was oozing from her pussy; the excess he had rubbed all over her stomach was drying on her skin, turning into crusty residue. She detested what he did to her. She had lost count of how many times she came and resented what he made her say and do to him, the way he had forced her body to respond in ways she didn’t want. Did her orgasms really mean she enjoyed sex with this vicious criminal and loved him like he kept making her say to him? She hated Reggie and she couldn’t allow her mind to play tricks on her. There wasn’t time to entertain these disturbing thoughts. Dave would be home shortly. She got out of the bed and hurriedly changed the sheets, noticing a disgusting wet spot left on one of them. After making the bed, Christy took a shower to eliminate the last remaining evidence of what had occurred. The after-sex shower where she used a washcloth to remove Reggie’s cum from her vagina was becoming a ritual. She didn’t want him staying in her body, but she knew his penis had gone far inside her and that some of him would remain anyway. She kept remembering how much semen he produced. It seemed to blast from his penis like water from a firehouse when he orgasmed.Her pussy felt a little sore this time. Over the weekend she hadn’t had sex with him, and her vagina must have tightened some. He was so much thicker, longer and harder than Dave. It seemed like ages since she made love to Dave, and it was because of Reggie. bodrum escort bayan She exited the shower and wiped away some of the steam on the mirror. Thankfully, the marks Reggie had left on her cheeks weren’t too noticeable. She quickly put on makeup and blush to further conceal them.Christy began making supper moments before Dave’s arrival. Dave returned home fatigued after working hours in a hot warehouse. He barely responded to Christy’s hugs and kisses as she greeted him in the kitchen. Reggie stood beside Christy apparently helping her prepare dinner. Dave was glad to see them getting along better. Christy must have listened to him last night and was apparently being nicer to Reggie.”Hi, Honey — I’m dead tired. What’s for dinner?” Dave asked, noticing the extra rosiness in her cheeks and her eyes that looked a little red and puffy, yet failing to recognize the full extent of Christy’s anguish. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying or something,” he remarked.Christy and Reggie glanced at each other for a moment. Her mouth opened but words failed her. “Um…” Panic set in. She didn’t know what to say. If the wrong words left her lips, things could quickly turn ugly. She looked down at the dish she had been preparing and tried to gather her thoughts. The ingredients in the pot provided an excuse. She forced a grin and gave a girlish giggle. “No, I was just cutting some onions and Reggie had to finish them for me. And my allergies have been awful. I just took an antihistamine.” Her bright smile allayed Dave’s concern.Reggie recalled why Christy had been crying. She was an incredible fuck, and he didn’t want anything jeopardizing that, especially her dumbass husband. He quickly reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of Michelob to distract Dave. “Hey, bro, you look like you can use a few cold beers tonight.” Reggie’s face beamed as he handed Dave the beer. Dave really had no inkling that his gorgeous wife was getting fucked by a big black cock when he went to work. How could Dave possibly be that ignorant? But it was working out well for Reggie. Dave was young and he was naïve like Christy had been before Reggie began m*****ing her. The smile on Reggie’s face grew bigger as he took another beer for himself and went into the living room with Dave pretending to be his friend. Christy remained in the kitchen preparing supper while Dave and Reggie sat in the living room watching another football game on TV. Christy heard them howl over a play. She disliked them bonding. Reggie was like cancer in her marriage, separating her from Dave physically and isolating her from him emotionally. Why couldn’t Dave see it? Reggie’s charade sickened her — pretending to be Dave’s buddy while taking her behind his back. Christy needed carrots. When she opened the refrigerator, she stared contemptuously at a full case of beer Reggie had left in it for Dave. Dave rarely drank before Reggie moved in with them. But with Reggie’s encouragement, Dave now became intoxicated almost every evening.She finished cooking and went to the living room to fetch Reggie and Dave for dinner. She had never been cognizant of penis size before, but her eyes lingered on the outline of Reggie’s huge dick that hung down the left leg of his grey sweatpants as he sat next to Dave on the sofa. Reggie had made her suck on it, swallow his ambrosia, and she knew how he tasted. He had made her play with it and hold it, and she knew how warm, thick, massive, and hard he felt in her hands. He had fucked her with it, and she knew how he felt deep inside her, stretching her open, rubbing against her sensitive folds, completely filling her. Compared to Reggie, Dave’s penis barely hinted at a presence in his trousers. Unlike Dave, Reggie was big, strong, and muscular and his cock was huge. Reggie wanted her every opportunity they were alone together; it seemed like he could never get enough of her. I love you and I’m your girlfriend, echoed in Christy’s mind along with what he did to her and what they did together — the way he touched her, the deep penetration, the combination of pressure, discomfort and pleasure, the powerful multiple orgasms Reggie’s large penis combined with his tender caresses always caused her to experience. Dave had never made her cum.She was getting wet! What was wrong with her and how had she become seduced by this evil gangster? She became angry with herself for staring at Reggie’s bulge and having perverse thoughts. He had ****d her. He was a monster and she hated him. The clang of utensils against plates filled the dining room as the three sat for dinner around a beautiful oak table purchased by Dave and Christy during better times. “So, did you have any luck looking for work today?” Dave asked her.Dave’s question made Christy remember how she had spent the day and filled her with more guilt. “A couple of prospects maybe,” she nervously replied without further explanation. What would she tell him if he questioned her further? “Well, I’ve got some great news, baby,” Dave announced. “I’m getting a $300 bonus, plus earning more overtime. I’m going to the Amarillo warehouse for two weeks. They’re short on help there.” Reggie called her ‘baby’ when they were alone together. She felt uncomfortable hearing Dave say it to her now. Her world was collapsing around her and she was helpless to stop it. She looked worriedly at Dave. “Amarillo is almost 500 miles from here. You mean you won’t be home for two weeks? When do you have to go?” I need to pack some things tonight because I’m leaving tomorrow. It’s kind of short notice, but I jumped at the opportunity to earn some extra money.”Dave earned the little bit money they had by working hard and now he was leaving her alone with Reggie for two weeks for a measly $300 bonus. Reggie, on the other hand, had more cash than he could spend by selling d**gs and ruining lives. It seemed so unfair to Christy. Christy noticed Reggie — who sat across from her — grin as she tried to maintain composure. She knew why he was smiling. It was like a sick, inside joke she shared with Reggie that excluded her husband.But the joke wasn’t funny. Dave couldn’t leave her alone with Reggie for two entire weeks. Dave had no idea what that would mean — who Reggie was and what he would make her do with him. “Oh, Dave, I don’t want you to go and leave me. Can I come with you?” “I’m afraid not. The company is making us share hotel rooms and the insurance doesn’t allow non-employees to travel in the vehicles.”**********************************Reggie asked if he could ride along with Dave and Christy as they were leaving to drop Dave off for his trip. Reggie claimed he wanted to pick up some things at the grocery store on the way back, but Christy knew better. Reggie accompanied them and Christy missed her last opportunity to be alone with her husband for the next two weeks. After dropping Dave off at work, the drive home began in silence, a blur of vehicles and buildings passing outside the car’s windows, like a rear projection scene in an old movie. Then Christy felt Reggie’s hand glide up her inner thigh and begin to rub her crotch. “Please stop touching me, Reggie.” “Don’t try and pretend you don’t like it. You get real wet and cum an awful lot every time we make love. Your pussy don’t lie to me, baby.”What she had done with Reggie more times than she wanted to remember wasn’t making love. Silent tears began flowing from Christy’s eyes and trickled down her cheeks as she drove home. Reggie’s hand was messaging her pussy through her yoga pants. She thought about how distant she was becoming from Dave, how they hadn’t made love in weeks because of what Reggie was doing to her. Reggie had fucked her almost every day when Dave went to work. Now Dave was leaving her alone with Reggie for two weeks. Dave wouldn’t be home in the evenings, nor on the weekends to give her any reprieve from this horrible sex monster that lived with them. It seemed like Reggie never tired of sex. She dreaded how much he would force it on her with Dave away. She wished there was some way out of this mess without jeopardizing her marriage and everyone she loved.Unlike Christy, Reggie looked forward to getting home and spending the next two weeks alone with her. Christy had begun showing signs of accepting him during intercourse, but he wanted their relationship to expand past the bedroom. Reggie preferred the challenge of white women, especially ones married to white men. After learning that Christy wasn’t taking birth control, Reggie had begun fantasizing about her flat stomach swelling with a bastard black baby inside it; watching her nurse a black baby with her beautiful white tits heavy with nourishing milk and made that way by a black man— preferably himself.Christy stopped her car in the driveway to drop Reggie off. She wanted to leave him at the house and find someplace else to stay for a little while. She didn’t know exactly where to go. She didn’t have enough money for a hotel, couldn’t risk the questions friends or family would ask if she went to them, and if she stayed away too long, Reggie might make good on his threats. But none of that mattered. She needed to get away from him.Reggie had anticipated her intentions. “Pull into the garage, Christy.”She became defiant. She needed time to figure things out. “No, Reggie, I’m not staying alone with you. I’ll go somewhere else for a while.”Surprised by Christy’s sudden courage, Reggie needed to take the fight out of her and make her obedient. “I warned you before about ever crossing me. We finally getting some decent time alone without your husband coming home to interrupt us, and you wanna go someplace else to stay? You staying right here with me and you gonna love me. You my girlfriend and you better act like it.” She would never be his girlfriend and didn’t want to pretend she was anymore.He began unbuttoning Christy’s pants there in the driveway.How could he attempt this outside where someone might see them? She tried to pull his hands away from her. “What the hell are you doing? Not out here where people can see us.” Continue…

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