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I’ve always been happy to perform oral sex as a part of a mutually pleasurable relationship, but I’d never felt so desperate to do it. I couldn’t explain why. Jackson was attractive, but not the most attractive guy I’d ever dated. He was good in bed, but not the best sex I’d ever had. There was just something about the connection between us that made me feel so out of control and… insatiable. I found that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was dreaming about it. I was seeing it everywhere – all of the subtle phallic innuendos hidden in plain sight, like  a cucumber at the grocery store, a tall tree, or the picture of the Eiffel Tower on my screensaver… The simplest trigger could send my mind back to Jackson’s cock, and how much I wanted to have my lips wrapped around it again. Still, I probably shouldn’t have surprised him at his office like that. It was the middle of the workday. I’d taken a long lunch and found myself driving to Jackson’s office as if on autopilot, very little conscious thought involved. I just needed him. I needed to feel his hands on me, his lips on mine, the pressure of his hard length pressing against me. I don’t think he knew the effect he was having on me, until that day.I stepped off the elevator on the second floor of the gorgeous and modern building where Jackson’s law firm had its offices. The exterior of the building was all glass, floor-to-ceiling windows on all sides that created a serene effect with natural light and greenery from the surrounding trees and lush landscaping. The interior was bright and open as well, some low cubicle walls organizing most employee work spaces, with the exception of a few closed-in offices near the back, one of which was Jackson’s. My eyes were trained on his open office door. I could feel an invisible force drawing me towards it, towards him, and was tempted to just keep walking past the receptionist who called out a greeting and asked how she could help me. “I’m here to see Jackson Reid,” I said, barely offering her eryaman escort a glance before my eyes returned to the office across the floor. “Okay, do you have an appointment?” the woman asked with a smile. The question brought me momentarily back to my senses… Of course I didn’t have an appointment. What if Jackson was with an important client and didn’t have time to see me? How was I going to explain why I was here? We’d only seen each other a handful of times so far, and while I thought I knew that we were both feeling things escalate between us, I suddenly felt self conscious about how desperate I might seem. I certainly felt that way, as I was Googling the name of his company and bringing up the address on my phone, speeding away from my own office. But now I wasn’t so sure if he’d see my spontaneous visit as sexy or… stalkery. “Umm… no,” I admitted to the young, brunette woman whose name plate identified her as a paralegal named Rachel. “I’m a friend… I was just in the area and stopped by to see if he was free for lunch. Sorry, I probably should’ve called ahead…”“No problem!” Rachel chirped with an unphased smile. “I can check his schedule and see if he has any appointments coming up.” Before I could decide whether I should accept or tell her not to worry about it, she was already clicking away on her computer. “Oh… okay, thanks,” I said. “Let’s see… he should just be finishing up a client meeting now, and then he doesn’t have anything else scheduled until two,” Rachel shared. “If you want, you can wait for him over there,” she indicated a waiting area beside the elevators, furnished with plush, comfortable-looking sofas and chairs, as well as a refreshment station with coffee, water, and a pastry case. “I’ll let him know you’re here.” “Oh, that’s okay…” I objected, shaking my head. “I don’t want to interrupt. I’ll just wait and… surprise him, if that’s okay?”Rachel’s smile was uneasy as she agreed, as if she was wondering sincan escort whether she’d get in trouble for allowing me to ‘surprise’ Jackson. Or maybe I was the one she was uneasy about. I helped myself to some water and then sat on one of the sofas in the reception lounge, looking out the windows at the natural art that the greenery provided. In the moments that passed, I kept talking myself into and out of what I had come here to do. Was I being crazy? Maybe I should just leave. Or, I could just go with the story I’d created and tell him I really was there to see if he was free for lunch. I was afraid of what I might see in his eyes, his expression, when he found me here, showing up unannounced like this. I had just about convinced myself to go when suddenly, I heard his voice booming through the open workspace. I looked up to see him heading out of his office towards reception with another man, a bit older, also dressed in a suit and tie. I hadn’t seen Jackson dressed up like this yet. Each time we’d gone out, he’d been dressed nicely, in sweaters or long-sleeved shirts with slacks or nice jeans. But something about seeing him in the suit and tie was making me feel like my stomach was somersaulting. I took another big gulp of water, finishing the glass I’d poured.  He didn’t notice me until he’d nearly reached the elevators with his client, and then he did a double-take, his eyes catching on me, his expression inscrutable, as he forced himself to turn back to the man he was talking with. I could sense him trying to wrap things up, a new tension in his body language as he promised to be in touch with the man soon, and that he would let him know if he was free for golf on the weekend. Then, as soon as the elevator had closed behind the client, Jackson turned to me and met my eyes again. He waited a beat before walking towards me, and I suddenly felt sure that I’d made the wrong choice. This was going to be awkward… etlik escort he didn’t seem happy to see me. I stood too, and looked around for a place to put my used water glass. Not finding one, I just continued to hold it, awkwardly. “This is a surprise,” Jackson said with a growing smirk as he approached me. “Hey…” I started, barely able to make eye contact with him as I felt the flush creeping up my neck to my cheeks. There was that magnetic force between us again, making it feel nearly impossible for me not to reach out and touch him. I thought about running my hands up and down his chest, sliding them into his suit jacket and around his back. Could this really just be in my head? It felt too powerful, too tangible for Jackson to not feel it, too… “Sorry for just showing up like this… I didn’t mean to… interrupt your day.” He shook his head, looking at me curiously. “You’re not. What’s up, is everything okay?” I felt relieved that he didn’t seem to be too freaked out. “Yeah, everything’s fine, I just thought… Rachel said you have a break in your schedule until two?” He glanced back towards the reception desk briefly before looking back at me. “I do… I have a few things I need to take care of before my two o’clock meeting, but I do have some time. Did you want to get lunch or something?” “Actually, could we… go to your office for a minute? There’s something I wanted to ask you… privately.”Jackson looked somewhere between nervous and intrigued. “Yeah, sure… come on back,” he agreed, gesturing for me to go ahead of him. He fell in step right behind me. “It’s the one in the corner on the left.” I led the way down the implied hallway between cubicles and open workspaces, building myself up for what I came here to do. The force between us was radiating as he followed me into the office. I looked around the office and noted that the two exterior walls were floor-to-ceiling windows, like the rest of the floor. The wall between Jackson’s office and the next was solid, with some mirrors to reflect the sunlight and give the illusion of a completely open space. The wall facing the interior of the building was glass as well, but there were white shades that had been pulled down. At the right time of day, you would likely be able to see the shadows of whoever was in the office, but for now they seemed mostly opaque.  

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