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Aurielee Summers

© Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are 18 years and over.

When the alarm went off I silenced it and then went to the bathroom. It was a Friday morning of a busy week and another school day. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw an eighteen year old girl who was changing every day, or at least it seemed that way to me. I was a late bloomer just like my two older sisters. All through high school I kept waiting for my body shape to catch up to my puberty and only now, the spring of my senior year, was that happening. And it was happening fast. I had changed bra sizes three times already in the last six months, my hips were a little larger, and I suddenly had a real growth in my underarm and pubic hair. I also had to buy new clothes twice this school year to accommodate my body changes. But it looked like it was worth it.

In the mirror my breasts were now prominent, I had a nice waist and my hips were now those of a young woman, and my legs had a really nice shape. I finally felt like I was attractive. Maybe it would help me today.

I took a shower, dried my shoulder length hair, and did all the necessary things to prepare for the day. I dressed in some nice jeans with a white shirt and a pair of tennis shoes. I looked one more time in the mirror for a final check. Today was the day. I had to ask Ben about his college plans and see if I could convince him to include me in those plans. If I was going to go to college this was the only way I could think of to make that happen.

I had gotten my acceptance to UT earlier this week and I already knew that was where Ben was going. My problem was that my parents were cash strapped with my two older sisters already in college there was very little money left for my education. They could pay for my tuition, but that was it. They could not afford to pay for books, food, or living expenses. That meant going someplace local and working to pay for everything else. My problem was twofold: I wanted to go to UT and I was secretly in love with Ben. While I was willing to mostly put myself through UT I just could not figure out a way to do that and pay for a place of my own. That meant living with someone, and I wanted that someone to be Ben. Ben and I were friends but that was as far as it went and I wanted it to be much more and go to UT. So it was on me to make that happen.

After breakfast I grabbed my books and walked down the street to Ben’s house for my ride to school. Ben had been giving me a ride to and from school for the last three years, ever since he got his car. It was just a family sedan that previously was their family car but Ben kept it up so that it was always reliable. As I got to his house he was just coming out.

Ben was tall and lanky, but not really skinny. He had a crop of sandy brown hair and was already having to shave every day. Today he was in a pair of jeans and a green T-shirt with his usual sneakers. He was good looking with nice face to match his blue eyes. He kept himself in good shape with some running and routine workouts. To me he was perfect and it gave me a little thrill to see him every morning.

“Good morning, Ben.”

“Morning, Terry. How are you this morning?”

“I’m good, but I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“We can discuss it on the way to school.”

We got into the car and started the drive to school.

“What is it you want to ask me, Terry?”

I was pretty nervous and hesitated. I wanted this to go well.

“Before I ask you, would you tell me what your plans are for college. I know you are going to UT, but what are you doing for a place to live?”

“Well, I planned to drive down to Austin this summer and locate an apartment, hopefully on a long term lease. Then I was going to look for a job in Austin as near to the campus as I can get. I need to make enough money to pay for the apartment and food. My parents are going to foot the rest of the expenses. What’s this all about?”

I sighed and tried to gather my courage.

“Ben, my plans for college are not going well. My parents had a long talk with me and they can barely afford my tuition, much less everything else. Unless I can come up with the money to live on, my college plans will be just a fond memory.”

“Wow, that has to hurt. Are you sure it’s that bad?”

“Yeah, it really is that bad. My parents just can’t afford to send three girls to college at the same time. I guess I am tail end charlie so I get the leftovers, and there isn’t that much.”

Ben was silent for a while and then spoke up.

“Look, I know you really want to go to college. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Actually, there might be. And that is really what I want to ask you about. What I need is a place to live and a job, just the same as you. Maybe we can partner up on a place to live and we could split the rent? I would still need a job but I think I can work that out.”

“Would your parents be alright with that arrangement?”

“I think bostancı escort so, as long as we weren’t sleeping in the same bed.” Ben looked at me and we smiled at each other. “My parents like and trust you. They have known you for over six years. And after all, we would have the same major so I would have a builtin study partner.”

“Are you sure you could do this. We would be in pretty close proximity to one another. Things could get complicated, especially on the dating front.”

“When have you known me to be a serious dater? I haven’t had a date in two months.”

“Come on, Terry. It is college after all. Even I have noticed how you have changed since the beginning of this school year. You will have to beat the guys off with a pretty big stick.”

“Do you really think that I’m pretty?”

“Of course I do. I’m not blind, yet.”

“Thanks, Ben. But what do you think of my suggestion?”

“Give me today to think about it and I will give you an answer on the way home.”

My heart sank a little, but I could live with that delay. “Okay.”

It was going to be a long day waiting on Ben’s answer. I was practically praying he would say yes. This was the only option I had at the moment and it would be disappointing to try to find another solution, mainly because I would probably be losing Ben.

At school Ben and I only had one class together and that was fourth period computer programming. The rest of the time we usually did not hang out together as we both were in different social groups. I guess that was the reason we had never dated, that, and my reluctance to ask him for a date. But he was a really good friend and we did hang out around the neighborhood. Ben had never made advances toward me so I figured he only thought of me in that way. But I wanted more, and I hoped to get it.

We sat next to each other in fourth period as we both really enjoyed the class. Both of us seemed to be naturals when it came to writing programs. We completed assignments on time and sometimes with time to spare. It felt good to control something that would never complain about how much you gave it to do. Too much or too little, it just kept on working. Unless you screwed up. Computers were like that, they never complained unless you gave them something to complain about. Ben and I were good at keeping a computer quiet while it worked.

Ben kept me in suspense until we left to go home. After we were underway he finally spoke up.

“Terry, about your proposal.”

“Are you sure you want to use that term to describe my suggestion?”

He laughed at that. I just giggled.

“Okay, okay. Any way you want to look at it. But I do think it is at least a feasible plan. It would save money for both of us as well as being convenient. But it is not without some potential problems which we will just have to work through as they come up.”

My excitement almost overflowed. I wanted to hug him but I restrained myself, especially since he was driving.

“Thanks, Ben. I know we can resolve any problems that do come up. I really appreciate what you are doing for me. I promise not to be a problem to you.”

“Thanks, Terry. I think we can be a good partnership if we can keep it together all the way through school. And I promise not to be a problem for you if I can help it.”

We talked a little more about our plans on the way home. Ben wanted to get a good head start right after our graduation by making a trip to Austin to check out apartments and jobs. I thought that was a good idea because it would give us a head start on all the other freshmen showing up in late August. We might have to move down early if the jobs required it but that would be okay.

When we arrived back at Ben’s house we split up and I went back home as well. In truth I was riding a really big high. The biggest hurdle of my plan had been crossed and I was happy as a lark.


After graduation Ben and I made plans to head to Austin to check out apartments and jobs. UT had let out classes in mid-May and it was now the second week of June so hopefully we were hitting the job market and apartment availability just right. Ben wanted to go as soon as we could and I agreed. We planned to spend at least two, maybe three days in Austin, depending on how quickly we could accomplish our goals.

We made some hotel reservations near UT and started our trip on a Tuesday afternoon. It was a three hour drive and we talked and laughed the whole way down. We were both excited and it was just too much to hold in. We got to the hotel about four o’clock. After checking in we checked out the room. It had two double beds and a single bathroom so I guess we were starting our cohabitation experiment a little early. We dumped our luggage in the room and went out looking for something to eat. There was a burger place just down the road and we decided that was a good choice.

After ordering we sat at a table and discussed plans. We decided that a job came büyükçekmece escort first. Without a job an apartment would be unnecessary. We had mapped out a few prospects on the Internet and we planned to hit those first thing the next morning.

After finishing our meal we decided to take a look at the UT campus. We had a few hours of daylight left so we had plenty of time. We found a place to park near the campus and started our walk around the campus buildings and quads. Although a bit on the warm side it was really nice out. The campus is very shady and we were mostly out of the sun at this time of day.

We found the engineering building where most of the computer classes are held and then proceeded to just wander around. It was really nice but it is a large campus with potentially long walks between buildings. We were going to have to be careful to arrange our classes so we had plenty of time to change buildings if we had to.

Somehow as we were walking along we found ourselves holding hands. I did not even realize when it first happened as it seemed totally natural. But when I did realize it, my heart almost jumped up into my throat and my excitement level jumped just as much as my heart. His hand was warm and nice and held mine gently.

We must have walked for almost two hours and we did not cover even half the campus. Like I said, it is really a big place. We decided it was time to get back to the hotel so we made our way back to the car and drove back.

Once back in the hotel room we settled on one of the beds and watched some TV. It was the usual fare for a hotel room and pretty boring. We had free Internet in the room so we moved from the TV to a laptop to browse some web sites. We were using Ben’s laptop and while browsing around I noticed a menu entry for porn sites.

“Ben! Do you watch porn?”

He was somewhat embarrassed.

“Well, yeah, I do sometimes, when I am really bored.”

I giggled and dropped my facade.

“It’s okay, Ben. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I watch porn sometimes, too. What kind do you watch?”

“Oh, just the usual stuff. I am not much interested in the kinky stuff, just regular old male/female sex.”

“So what sites do you visit?”

“Are you sure you want to talk about this?”

“Ben, I watch porn just like you do. I have my own list of sites that I visit. I was just trying to compare notes with you, not embarrass you. I am just a normal girl who is just as interested in sex as the next girl. Maybe more so since I am still a virgin.”

“You’re still a virgin? I guess I thought you were a little more experienced than that.”

“No, I just haven’t been with the right person yet.”

“Oh, I can understand that. To be honest with you, I have only had sex one time so I guess we are both kind of inexperienced. So do you really want to look at porn together?”

“Sure, why not? It’s just sex.”


Ben opened up the first site in the list. It was a typical site with a lot of videos available.

“You want to pick a video, Terry?”

“Open that one.”

The one I picked was a male/female getting straight to the sex act with not a lot of foreplay. Soon the girl was sucking on the guy’s cock while he ran his fingers through her hair. She was taking all of his cock into her mouth and seemed to be really enjoying it.

After a few minutes of that they changed position and he took her from behind. She was matching his pumping action with her own rocking motion to and fro.

“Terry, do you really watch porn like this?”

“Yes. Just like this. I use it to masturbate to when I get really horny.”

“I just never thought of you watching porn before. I guess I will have to reevaluate my opinion of you.” With that he smiled at me and I returned it back at him.

We continued to watch until near the end when the guy pulled out of her and came on her breasts.

“Wow, that was a big load of cum. Is your load that big?”

“Sometimes. It depends on how long it has been since the last time I came.”

“So does this make you horny, Ben?”


“Are you getting hard?”


“Would you let me see it?”

“If that is what you want. But would you show me yours as well.”

I smiled at him. “Let’s take off our jeans and underwear.”

We both got off the bed and took off our shoes and jeans. When we were down to our underwear we both watched as we removed them together. Ben’s cock was already almost at full mast and I was wet as well. I hopped back onto the bed and Ben followed me.

“You pick the next video, Ben.”

Ben browsed a few video links and chose one. It was hard to tell what it was about from the still picture. When it started two girls had just started making out. They undressed each other and began by massaging each others breasts. I looked over at Ben and he was slowly pumping his cock up and down. At this point it was more fun watching Ben than the girls çekmeköy escort on his laptop.

“Do they turn you on, Ben?”

“Yes, this is a guy’s typical fantasy, having two girls at the same time.”

Soon a guy entered the picture and the girls began to stimulate him. He had a huge cock and it was fun watching the girls trade time with licking his cock. I started to rub my clit.

“So I guess girls get just as much out of watching porn as boys do. It certainly seems to turn you on.”

“Yep, it does. I wouldn’t mind doing that for real.”

“You mean playing with a cock?”


“Well, if you want to, you can play with mine.”

“Really? You would let me do that to you?”

“Sure. Actually, I would like it a lot.”

That was the only invitation I needed. I moved down a little on the bed and got my face close to his cock and then wrapped my hand around it. It was amazing, both really hard and soft at the same time. He had a circumcised cock that looked just beautiful. The slightly purple head was leaking a little fluid but it did not look like pee.

“Ben, what is the fluid that is leaking from you cock?”

“It’s called precum. It is a kind of lubrication for helping with penetration of the vagina.”


I had already started pumping his cock with my hand. Ben was watching the video. When I glanced at it the guy was fucking one of the girls and the other was face sitting the first girl. But I was much more interested in Ben’s cock. I noticed that Ben kept his pubic hair cut short.

As an experiment I licked Ben’s cock which produced a moan from him. I smiled up at him and he smiled back at me. I decided to see how his cock really tasted by putting it into my mouth. I licked the head a little and then took it into my mouth. It tasted slightly salty but not bad at all. I started bobbing my head on it taking a little more into my mouth with each downward stroke.

“Oh, Terry. That feels wonderful. Are you sure you have never done this before?”

I paused and then said “First time for me. I’m glad you like it.”

I returned back to giving him my version of head. I was only taking in about half of his cock since I did not want to gag, but I have to say that I kind of liked it. I could see why men encouraged girls to do this activity.

The video was still going and I could feel that Ben was getting close to an orgasm. I really wanted to see it so I stopped giving him head and started pumping him a little faster.

“Terry, if you keep that up I am going to cum.”

“It’s okay. I want to see it.”

Ben was closing his eyes and his cock felt like it got a little bigger. And then it happened. His cum spewed forth and landed on his stomach, first a big splash and then several smaller ones. I kept pumping him until it was all over. He opened his eyes with a huge smile on his face.

“Did you like that, Ben?”

“God, that was great. You are a real natural.”

“Thank you. I liked doing it for you. Let me get a washcloth to clean you up.”

I went into the bathroom and ran some warm water over a washcloth. I squeezed it and then brought it back to Ben. After handing it to him I decided to finish removing the rest of my clothes.

“Wow, Terry. I had not realized just how much your tits have grown. They look really nice.”

I got back into bed with Ben and helped him clean up.

“Your tits look so nice.”

“You can touch them if you like.”

Ben started massaging my breasts and tweaking my nipples. It felt wonderful.

“You can touch my pussy if you want.”

“Why don’t you pick a new video first.”

I picked one that was similar to the first video. When it was started Ben got between my legs. I was also freshly trimmed as I did not know what would happen during this trip. Ben began by running his fingers along the inside of my legs which sent shivers up and down my whole body. It was the first time anyone had ever touched me this way and I loved it.

Ben took his time working up towards my pussy. My juices were really flowing and I could tell I was making a wet spot on the bed. I hardly paid any attention to the video as Ben was doing everything I needed to get me going. Soon enough he got to my pussy by rubbing a single finger all around it. When he touched my clit it was heaven. He continued to do this for a while and then put a single finger into me. He slowly withdrew it and then reinserted it a little further using it to fuck me. I had done this to myself before but having someone else do it to me felt really different and wonderful.

Ben moved his face a little closer to my pussy and before I knew what happened he start licking my clit. I was not going to last long if he kept that up. Between his tongue and fingers he was driving me to my climax.

“Oh God, Ben. I am going to cum!”

And cum I did. My whole body shook with spasms as my pussy clenched time after time. Ben just kept licking me as my pussy produced even more juice. It just seemed to go on forever and for a second I didn’t think it was going to end. But eventually it began to subside and I started to relax a bit.

I looked down and Ben was smiling at me.

“God, Ben, I think that was the best orgasm I have ever had. Thank you.”

“You are welcome. It was my pleasure.”

Ben moved back to my side and we finished watching the video.

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