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Big Dicks

I didn’t want to ruin the moment, but I wanted to touch Tessa as we kissed. From where my hands were positioned under the blankets, I reached forward and placed them on Tessa’s sides. I didn’t want to freak her out by grabbing anything I shouldn’t have, so I figured her sides would be fair game. I felt arousal down below not just because of the moment we were sharing, but also because I realized that a couple of my fingers were touching her bare skin since the tank top had moved up her torso ever so slightly.We must have made out for nearly ten minutes. I’m pretty sure that Tessa knew she was in control of the situation not just because she was older and in a position to do so, but also because she had more confidence in herself than I had in myself. I could also tell that she was taking things slowly for my benefit and didn’t want to push me into anything that would make me uncomfortable. She didn’t want to compromise how far we had come in such a short time.On more than one occasion, my hands had slipped and gone down toward the stunning woman’s hips. I honestly didn’t mean for the mishaps to transpire, but when they did and I felt her legs beneath my insecure touch, I could tell that she didn’t mind. In fact, I think I noticed her shiver on one such instance…in a good way.When we finally decided to come up for air, our eyes locked in the light from the lamp on Tessa’s side of the bed as her voice became deadly earnest and she inquired, “What would you say to maybe acting out the next part in your story?”At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what the fabulous female meant…but when I felt one of her hands on my abdomen suddenly working its way under my pajama pants and boxers, I knew exactly what she meant…and I loved the idea. I’m sure she could feel me shuddering beneath her touch as she brushed through my hair a bit before gently stroking my left arm. I could even feel her toes against my leg and wished in that moment that I didn’t have pants on.I want to make a valid point once more before I continue on: I never dreamt that anything like this would ever happen to me. I had always believed that when the right woman came along, we would take things at a snail’s pace and let our love progress as nature dictated. I figured we would possibly share our first kiss within the first couple of weeks, maybe move on to some more passionate forms of making out within a few months, and then maybe around the half-year mark, we could begin groping each other a bit on the outside of our clothes. That probably sounds funny to most by nowadays standards, but this was a different time…and I was an old-fashioned kind of guy even in those days. My friends had always given me crap since they knew how I operated, and deep down, I knew I was a little strange for the way I felt also. Maybe I really am a little odd, or maybe I was just born in the wrong time, but I still believed – and do maintain to this day, if that can be believed – that courting a woman and taking time while doing so is a very romantic way to go about getting to know someone.I suppose that’s why it’s so strange that I didn’t stop Tessa from what she was doing to me. In fact, I reached over and ever so gingerly started squeezing her left kneecap.I don’t think it was because I was horny or even because I was afraid to, but in the moment when Miss Mia’s fingers suddenly crept down my treasure trail and found their way beneath my pajama pants and boxers toward my penis, I truly believed I was in love. That probably sounds bizarre coming from a guy who thought it wasn’t right to grab a boob until roughly the five to six-month mark of a relationship, but something about my Creative Writing teacher really got to me. Maybe it was due to her age and the fact that a mature woman such as herself seemed to be so completely and empathically interested in me, but for whatever reason, I felt like I had known her longer than I actually had. In a way, I probably felt a level of comfort with her due to that.I hoped and prayed that Miss Mia didn’t find me foolish for my initial reaction. I wasn’t well-versed in what was about to happen by any stretch of the imagination. No number of dirty magazines or sleazy videos could ever prepare a guy for what my hot instructor was about to do to me. I could scribble all the naughty fiction I wanted to, but none of it meant a hill of beans when compared to the feelings Tessa was stirring up within me in that small motel room. So, when her hand suddenly gripped my aroused shaft and gave it a gentle squeeze, my mouth fell open and a small grunt exited. I’m sure I sounded like a real dope, but if I did, my radiant teacher made no mention of it.Sitting up a bit, Miss Mia began to kick the covers away from us so we could see what we were doing to each other a little better. She was still leaning on her side and using her left hand to soothingly pull on my manhood, and when I stole a look in the direction of her face while moving my left hand to her other knee, I saw her utilize her right hand to somewhat tug her tank top downward a bit in order to display her bountiful cleavage to me a little better. I’m sure she noticed my response upon feeling my dick pulsate within her grasp.“Your penis is just as magnificent as the rest of you,” Tessa kindly told me in the most serene voice I had ever heard. It hadn’t dawned on me before any of the action started whether or not she would find my male organ to be satisfactory, but the look on her face told me she wasn’t lying.I continued to gasp for air and let Miss Mia control the situation until she suddenly pulled her hand out of my pants and asked me to sit up. At first, I wondered if she had possibly grown bored with me already, but I did as I was told and followed her instructions.Tessa looked me directly in the eyes as she told me, “If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, I want you to tell me, okay?”I nodded in order to tell her that I understood.My incredible Creative Writing teacher then reached down and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. She waited for me to work with her and lift my arms into the air so she could amiably pull it up, over my chest, and off my body. Once she had it off me, she tossed it to the foot of the bed and looked me over…and I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as she did so.If Miss Mia was acting, she definitely deserved an award. I’m ninety-nine-point-nine percent certain that her Bolu Escort reaction was genuine when she saw my chest. In those days, I believed that most women favored viewing a man’s penis over his chest. Nowadays, I believe that’s quite the opposite. I feel that most women prefer a chiseled chest to a veiny snake, but what do I know, right? Regardless, I could see that my favorite instructor had taken quite the liking to what she had uncovered.Tessa took a deep breath before leaning forward and placing both of her hands on my hairy torso. When I was nineteen, I was in really good shape. I enjoyed running back in those days more than lifting weights, but I still had a pretty decent physique. Under my chest hair, I had a decent pair of pecks and some toned abs. I also had what women I knew referred to as a “v-cut” leading down to my groin area. Apparently, Miss Mia was delighted by what she had discovered.“Marcus,” she moaned in a faraway-sounding voice as she ran her hands up and down my chest. It was almost like she didn’t know where to begin. “Oh my god. I…I wasn’t expecting this!”I laughed again as she continued to examine my torso while feeling me up in the process. With my confidence renewed, I leaned forward two or three times to give her a kiss, and each time I did so, she passionately returned my sign of affection while thoroughly looking me over. Again, I could tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that she liked what she saw.After having her way with me for a bit, Tessa gingerly pushed me back down so I was looking up at her. She leaned over me in such a way that her breasts were practically in my face as she once again began digging through my pants. It didn’t take her long to locate what she was looking for since it was standing straight up and pressing against the restrictions of my sleeping garments. Once she had it in her left hand again, it was my jaw’s turn to fall open as she gave me a pleasant squeeze before pulling the hunk of meat out into view.Tessa smiled upon laying eyes on my erect penis for the first time, and she continued to tenderly tug on it as she brushed her hair behind her ear on her right side before leaning closer to me and letting her breasts plop down across my left bicep. She affably pressed her lips to mine as my hand on her knee worked its way up to her thigh. Everything inside of me felt like it was on fire when I realized my hand had worked its way so far up her leg that it was somewhat under her red shorts.Tessa’s kiss was both sweet and relaxing. She wasn’t acting wild and crazy, but was instead gently rolling her tongue around in my mouth and letting me taste her in stride. She had the flavor of peaches and cream about her, and as we continued to fall deeper into the moment, I wanted nothing more than to be trapped there forever…but I was doing my best to think of anything other than what was going on so I didn’t prematurely bust. I could plain as day recall everything my friends who had been in this very position had told me about it, and their failings came rushing back to me as I thought about accidentally cumming before Tessa and I even progressed one step further. I liked to think that if I did, she wouldn’t laugh at me for doing so and would let us continue on as I gained my second wind, but I really didn’t want to take that chance. I didn’t want to look like a fool in front of the esteemed woman I adored.My hand went from Miss Mia’s thigh to her left arm. I squeezed her bicep and felt her soft flesh within my fingers as she continued to ever so gently pull on my rigid organ. I was actually a little relieved when she suddenly released it and placed that hand on my face so she could get more into our passionate kiss. My aroused manhood remained standing at attention as the top of my pajama pants pressed against its underside. It pointed in Miss Mia’s direction as she leaned further into me and we made out.Our kissing became a little sloppier as another minute passed, and after a few more seconds ticked by, my Creative Writing instructor started to reposition herself a bit before reaching down and tugging on my erection yet again. She even dug a little deeper and felt my testicles for a few seconds before grabbing the tops of my trunks and yanking them down to allow my genitals more room to breathe. After doing so, she reached up for her tank top on the right side and tugged it down a bit more to reveal even more of her breast on that side. I’m not sure if it was by design and she was simply teasing me, but I still couldn’t see her actual nipple yet. I remember not caring much if I could or couldn’t in that moment because I just went for it and planted my face against the covered tit as I began suckling at the shielded nipple. My lips wrapped around the tight, reddish material hiding it as I began to tentatively sink my teeth into it.I heard a squeal escape Tessa’s mouth from directly above me, and I instantly eased up since I wondered if I had hurt her in some way. Again, this wasn’t something I was used to doing, so I didn’t want to foolishly blow it and have the breen-eyed woman I looked up to push me away in dread and repulsion. She was honestly about to be my teacher in more ways than one.“Here,” I suddenly heard her soft voice coo, and she pulled down the covering over her right breast completely. As I laid eyes on the glorious, pink areola and the larger-than-average nipple protruding from it, I could no longer hold myself back as my mouth latched onto it once more. While I did so, I could hear Tessa giggling in delight while pulling down the other side of her shirt and releasing her left tit from incarceration as well. As I partook in the sweet nectar of her tender bosom, she reached down and started tugging on my manhood again.I couldn’t imagine what one of my friends or one of the school’s faculty members would’ve thought if they had walked in on the two of us in that moment. We may have both been two consenting adults, but there were still rules in place; one of the obvious being that teachers were not allowed to date students. Of course, what we were doing at that moment in time went beyond just typical dating…My left hand found its way around Tessa’s body so I could hold on to her while sucking away on her teat, and as her left hand became slightly more aggressive with my throbbing dick, she placed her right arm around my head and firmly planted Bolu Escort Bayan her hand on the back of my scalp. I could feel her ever so gently pushing my face toward her massive mammary. I had absolutely no problem with that.Eventually, my left hand found its way down to her covered booty, and I gave it a respectable pinch before feeling my fair-skinned teacher release her hold on my wanker so she could run her hands down her own body for a moment. She then smiled and watched as both of my hands went to the tit I was feeding from so I could clutch it in both appendages and continue inhaling it. I felt her kiss my forehead and then run her hands over my body as my erection leaned up against her right knee before I clasped her other jug and started licking her upper chest.At this point, I think it’s safe to say that we were both lost in the moment. I began ardently kissing her neck as she pecked my face and rolled onto my body. She carefully positioned herself on all fours above me with her right knee off to the side, and her left planted just beneath my balls. Her hands were off to my sides so she could feverishly gaze down upon me with her tits still hanging out of her tight tank top. I hoped the bottoms of them weren’t in pain since that garment had to be cutting into her flesh just beneath them.Tessa lowered herself and forced her tongue down my throat as her hair dropped onto my face and her breasts became sandwiched between our bodies. Her hands again started to traverse my sides as she moved her pelvis back and forth over my lower regions. I was slightly worried about my penis coming in contact with her vaginal area since I tended to be paranoid in those days about pregnancy, but again, I knew that my teacher had everything under control. After all, she was the most intelligent person I knew.We continued to kiss for a few more seconds until Tessa lifted herself up on her knees a bit. She did so because she wanted to rub her left boob against my face, allowing me time to lick it…while she reached down between her legs and made a grab for my swaying penis. She began tugging on it directly under her barely covered genitalia.My fully-aroused cock was less than an inch away from what I could only imagine to be one of the most perfect pussies in the entire history of the world. It occurred to me that if I wanted to lose my virginity right then and there, the only thing standing before me was probably just a simple query. Tessa Mia was a fascinating and caring woman, and had I begged her to stab my sword into her slit at that very moment, I was convinced that she would’ve told me to go for it. I wanted it more than anything in the world at that point in time. Had I been offered world peace or the feel of my dick inside Tessa’s moist paradise, I would’ve thrown the guaranteed unity of an entire planet to the wayside just for the feel of my teacher’s sopping pink. Some may consider me weak for such a proclamation, but I would retort by saying they were not the ones with Tessa’s fantastic body directly on top of them.The fair-skinned beauty then sat back with my cock propped up right between her inner thighs. She smiled down at me and reached for my hands. She first brought them up to her chest and wrapped my fingers around both of her breasts so I could give them a squeeze. My mouth fell open while I did so, but that was just the warm-up since Tessa had plenty more in mind.After having me grope her overflowing titties for a few more seconds, Miss Mia suddenly took one of my hands and lifted it even further upward. She brought it toward her mouth and placed my index and middle fingers into her oral orifice. She began sucking on them while keeping her eyes glued to mine. I wondered if this was some kind of test of will to see how long it would take me to break. She had to feel my rod throbbing between her thighs.Tessa continued to suck on my digits and even started to gingerly nibble on them as she reached down with her left hand and grabbed on to my rigid meat staff once again. She began jerking on it while kissing my hand, and then she licked my palm before placing the wet appendage over her left breast.I’m sure I don’t have to mention that by this point, I knew I was one hundred percent out of my element. Even movies that had explicit love scenes couldn’t have prepared me for what was transpiring right on top of me. I had always told myself when my time to shine came, I would be ready for it…but I’m not ashamed to admit that I had no idea what I was doing. It seemed ironic considering that just an hour before, I had grown quite comfortable with my Creative Writing instructor while traveling with her…but now, she felt like a complete stranger all over again.With my hands again overflowing with the abundant breasts, Tessa lovingly glanced down at me and asked how I was doing. I wondered if she could sense my trepidation, and it was just like her to show concern for me instead of giving in to her own womanly desires. I know that if I had told her that I was uncomfortable with our situation and wanted her off me, she would’ve complied within a heartbeat…and although I was terrified about what would happen next, I wasn’t about to pass up on the opportunity of a lifetime. I was well aware that no matter what happened, Miss Mia would be right there with me…every step of the way. I told her that I was doing fine, and by doing so, I think she took that as a sign to move things along to the next phase.I watched with a lump in my throat as the radiant woman suddenly stood on her knees above me. She grabbed my hands and removed them from her round jubblies so she could place them lower on her body. I struggled with that lump as she first placed my hands on her upper thighs…and then slowly moved them up and under her shorts until I was feeling damp, prickly fur.With her substantial tits still hanging out of her shirt, Miss Mia released her hold on me and watched on as she allowed me to take the next step without her. I wanted to look up at her face and see her expression, but I have to admit that I was too fixated by what was going on directly before me to do so. People can laugh all they want since I had waited so long to even attempt touching a female’s vagina before, but when I felt those fuzzy lips beneath those sexy shorts, I’m surprised I didn’t prematurely erupt right then and there. The dampness Escort Bolu on my hands was something I had also never felt before up to that point, and I wanted to do a hundred different things ranging from smelling to tasting the magnificent wetness, but I decided to take a different route altogether. Since Miss Mia had left me in the driver’s seat, I didn’t think she’d mind…I used my right hand to continue patting and petting her pussy, but then I pulled my left hand out from under her shorts so I could reach over and grab on to the underside of them where my right hand was…and since I knew she wasn’t wearing panties, I pulled them over so I could behold the pussy I was touching.If I may interrupt my own story yet again, I want to say that I think most red-blooded males tend to place the female genitalia on a pedestal. Some say it’s the most highly regarded and sought-after thing in the world even above fame, power, and money, while others think it’s overrated and not worth the wait once they finally tear into one for the first time. I, on the other hand, look at the ultimate female as being the one thing I have always wanted above all other things in life: The sum of all her parts. This includes and is not limited to not just her outer parts, but also the inner woman such as her mind and soul. I probably sound sweet and sappy for saying that, but I’m not going to lie and say that what I witnessed on Tessa Mia in that moment didn’t have me on the verge of blowing a hot mess of cream all over her back from where my penis was positioned in that moment.Placing Tessa’s vaginal area beside one of those I had seen in those dirty magazines I mentioned earlier was like comparing apples and oranges. Miss Mia’s business below her beltline was so much more fascinating than anything I had ever witnessed in a photograph or even on a naughty movie. Her lady parts were so much more appealing on so many different levels, and while I know most men out there will disagree with me, the fact that she had a substantial tuft of fur down below was an added bonus. I’m not saying I don’t like shaved cooters; quite the contrary, actually, but I also appreciate a pair of lips with a natural look and feel to them. And while Tessa didn’t have a complete mess of hair going on down below like women tended to in days of yore, she had enough…and it was the perfect look for her.I think in that moment while I was observing the lovely genitalia, my incredible instructor grew a little self-conscious of herself. She reached down and tightly grasped the bottom of her shirt while using her classroom voice to tell me, “If I had known we were going to be doing something like this, I would’ve taken the time to shave. Sorry about this.”“Are you kidding me, Tessa?” I asked while rubbing my thumb between the two moist lips. “I won’t pretend to know what the ‘in’ style is nowadays, but I quite personally dig the natural look! If I can say it without sounding silly, I prefer a little ‘hair down there,’ and I hope you don’t get upset with me for saying so, but you pull it off to perfection!”Just as she had done earlier in the night, my Creative Writing teacher lit up like a red stoplight. I could tell that I had somewhat embarrassed her even though I hadn’t meant to, but I wanted her to know that I wasn’t just saying things simply to blow smoke out my ass. I really meant my statement.“Oh, Marcus…”“Tessa,” I cut her off as I stared directly into those unique eyes of hers, “Would it be okay if I…well, could I put my fingers…up there?”It wasn’t hard to tell that my words had excited the fair-skinned woman atop me. I thought that asking might not only alleviate her of any misgivings, but I also thought she might actually enjoy such an action since she had admitted to pleasuring herself while reading my writings earlier. Perhaps I could stimulate her in ways she had never been stimulated before…I wasn’t in the best position to try what I wanted to do, so after receiving the okay to explore uncharted territory, I placed my hand underneath the middle of my teacher…and then I let my middle finger ascend upward through her clenched labia. When it popped in, I could feel her jump as she let out a squeak, and I think I mirrored her excitement when I felt her cushioning insides surround my digit.I watched as Tessa closed her eyes while my finger probed around the confines of her wet cave. The feeling of having my finger up inside her forbidden zone was stimulating enough, but when I suddenly thought about how much more pleasurable it would be to insert my penis in there…After fingering the slippery cooch for a minute and a half, Tessa broke things up by reaching down and grabbing on to my wrist. She pulled my finger out of her hole and then brought my hand out of her shorts so she could lift it toward her mouth…and then she stuck my middle finger that had been buried in her up to the knuckle between her lips. I watched in glee as she sucked her juices off it before pulling it out so she could lean down and kiss me again. The taste that entered my mouth was something not even the most famous chef in the world could concoct.We shared yet another passionate moment while kissing in such a romantic fashion again, and when that was done, it was Tessa’s turn to take control of the wheel. I wondered what she had in store for me as she moved about a bit in order to have both of her knees on her side of the bed again. I wished I could have had a camcorder for my own personal benefit at the time because I would’ve loved preserving the moment forever. I continued to watch in delight as she slid down to my midsection and wrapped her fingers around my stiffening hunk of meat yet again. She closed her eyes while lowering her head and gently started moving her tongue in a circle around the tip of my penis.I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle as Miss Mia orally stimulated me. Please don’t bust! Please don’t bust! The short phrase repeated over and over again in my mind as Tessa lubricated my rod with her saliva. I may not have been watching, but I could feel it as she started to inhale the tip of my cock before moving down a few more inches. She took a little more of me with each pass she made.When I finally opened my eyes to witness the spectacle, I could see her firmly gripping the base of my prick with one hand as she used her other to keep her dirty blonde locks out of her eyes. She wanted to see what she was doing as she devoured me, and when she glanced in my direction at one point, I could see that she was trying to smile at me even though she had a mouthful of cock. Just saying that aloud is enough to turn me on all over again.

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