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My name is Marcus Veovin. In my time, I have met, fallen for and loved a great many women who were all wonderful in their own ways. Every female I have ever shared a moment with still holds a place in my heart to this day, and while many people I know would badmouth an ex after her “ship has sailed,” I would do no such thing about the members of the opposite sex I have experienced pivotal moments of my life with.Most of the stories I tend to tell have a little more exposition at the beginning, but my experiences with a tight-bodied, scrumptious black-haired beauty by the name of Kaede started with a bang. Well, that particular term has a few different connotations, so it may not have been the best word to use, but unlike a vast majority of my romantic encounters that took anywhere from a few days to many months or even years to build up, my first physical romp with the raven-haired siren happened rather quickly.During my final year of schooling, I indulged in many unforgettable experiences that have helped to mold me into the man I would eventually become. When I look back on those times, it always baffles me how I went from an ignorant teenager to a young man who lived through some of the most unbelievable experiences a lad of nineteen could possibly hope to enjoy. Sure, I had plenty of friends who ended up with more women throughout their teenage lives, but I feel that while they may have had quantity, I surpassed them all in quality.So much for saying I wasn’t going to be longwinded and would jump right to the action. I guess giving at least a shred of background has always been my forte, and I wouldn’t want anyone to have to sit through a story without receiving at least a little bit of background first…which means this is probably as good a time as any to describe the beauteous Kaede.As mentioned, Kaede was a black-haired beauty with dark eyes and a marvelous tanned shape. She was just a shade under five and a half feet tall, and she had one of the most robust builds a guy could ever witness on a girl. She was slim, toned, and carried herself like a true athlete. She was one of the most sought-after girls in the entire school, and any time my friends and I attended sporting events to support our fellow students who played, there were always guys from other schools trying to hit on Kaede. It was truly amazing that such a specimen of hotness never seemed to have a boyfriend.From the very first day of my final year of schooling, I had befriended a couple of girls who tended to be on the unpopular end of the spectrum. I never understood how people could be so rude to them since they were both such sweethearts, but kids can be real assholes. Anyway, Cassandra and Rosalind – I usually referred to them as Cassie and Rosa – were by far two of the most misunderstood females I had ever met, and once I was able to get the two of them out of their shells, we had a blast each and every time we hung out. I could talk about the two of them for hours, but this story is about Kaede, so I’ll have to leave the stories about Cassie and Rosa for another time. However, I did mention them for a reason: Because in the first month of my final year at school, we had just started our second semester and shared a history class with the ever-popular Kaede.We were nearly three weeks into the second semester when our World History teacher had us break into groups of four to work on a project in the class. It went without saying that Cassie, Rosa, and I would be working together, but the three of us were caught off guard when Kaede decided to ask us if she could be part of our group. I remember my two blonde friends exchanging bewildered glances as I answered for the group and said, “Why not? Welcome to the party!”Kaede’s smile was quite fascinating, but I could clearly see that Cassie and Rosa looked unsure. I don’t know if they were jealous of the raven-tressed beauty for some reason or if it was because they didn’t know her well enough to want her as part of our august assemblage, but when we’d get together at each other’s houses to work on the project, they seemed to take to each other rather quickly and got along quite well.It was toward the end of the month and around the time winter was at its worst when we had a test coming up in our history course and decided to all get together and study since our project had been going so well. We met at Cassie’s house over the weekend, and we were all up in her room in order to review the material for the test that would be right at the beginning of the week.I’m going to delay the action a bit longer again in order to quickly point out that Cassie’s house was truly magnificent. Her family owned some farmland just outside of town, and her house was over a hundred years old. It sat in the middle of a large copse of trees, and there was also a small river nearby that made the area extraordinarily awesome. It went without saying that there was a barn and guesthouse on the property as well, and while I could go into greater detail about the place, I’m sure most people would rather hear about what actually occurred on that midwinter afternoon.“I absolutely love your Beylikdüzü Escort house, Cassandra!” Kaede energetically told Cassie as we sat on a fluffy, oval-shaped rug in her bedroom. We had our books open to different pages and were sitting on the floor so we could reference different parts of the chapter we were cramming for. “I just love the old-timey feel to it!”“Thanks,” Cassie said in a meek voice. Both she and Rosa were pretty shy…especially around “popular” people. It had taken me some time to get both of them to open up to me…not that I’m trying to sound arrogant or anything.The four of us sat around the floor having a good time considering the fact that we were studying for a test. I enjoyed the company of all three young women quite a bit…which was really saying something since I barely knew Kaede at that point in time.We had been reviewing all the material and quizzing each other for nearly two hours when Kaede suddenly spoke up and announced, “Hey, I think I have a really good idea to make this a little more fun!”“I’d be up for anything that would make learning some of this stuff more bearable!” I exclaimed. Ironically, I had always kind of enjoyed history classes…but the topic we were studying for was not something I was particularly interested in. “Whatever you have in mind, I’m all for it!” I then turned my attention to the other two young women in the room. Rosa was to my left, and Cassie sat across from me in our circle. “How about the two of you?”“Sure,” Cassie said as Rosa simply nodded. We all wondered what Kaede had in mind.The raven-haired beauty’s sly eyes started on Cassie and worked their way around the room as she started, “I think if we hope to remember any of this stuff, we should make a game out of it to help us retain the information.”“A game?” Rosa queried. “What kind of game do you think will help us remember the details of this stuff, Kaede?”The raven-tressed beauty had a mischievous look on her face as she analyzed me before turning her eyes back to Rosa. She looked the thin girl over as she impishly said, “Well, Cassie’s parents aren’t here, so that leaves four nineteen-year-olds home alone in the house.”“Yeeeah,” I said in a voice that begged to hear the rest of the explanation. I hoped Kaede didn’t have anything in mind that could possibly do any kind of damage to the house. She didn’t seem like a rebellious teenager, but I had to keep in mind that I didn’t know her nearly as well as I knew the other two girls in the room. The way she pointed out how we were all nearing our twenties…Kaede turned to her right and stared directly at the young woman who lived in the old house that was practically the size of a mansion. “I don’t know about you and Rosa, but I think in order for a girl like myself to remember this stuff, it would help to do something memorable.”“Makes sense,” Cassie responded since she was just as curious about Kaede’s line of thinking as I was. “How do you propose we do that?”The dark-eyed stunner glanced in my direction yet again. She lifted a knee to her chest and hugged her arms around it from where she sat a couple of feet away from me as she said, “I propose we have Marcus ask us some questions from our textbook. He’ll start with Rosa, then go to Cassie before ending with me. He’ll then go back to Rosa, and the process will continue.”“I’m with you so far,” Rosa said since she knew there was more to Kaede’s plan.The flirtatious female couldn’t take her eyes off me as she continued to stare and said, “For every question Marcus asks us, we have to get the question right…or the girl he’s asking has to take off an article of clothing.”I felt my penis suddenly twitch beneath my jeans. I also saw Rosa and Cassie exchange worried glances. I had known them for nearly five months…and I knew that they were two of the most modest and shiest females I had ever come by.“But there’s a catch,” Kaede regained the attention of all of us in the room as she lifted a finger. “If we get our questions right, Marcus has to remove an article of clothing instead!”I was a little shocked when Rosa actually giggled and Cassie raised a hand to cover her mouth. I didn’t think either of them would ever agree to such a thing…but upon hearing Kaede’s further explanation of the rules, they were actually getting a little excited!“Oh,” Kaede spoke up in order to add one last thing. “Socks and jewelry don’t count!”“Wait a minute,” I said after clearing my throat and thinking about the rules. “That means I’m at a distinct disadvantage!”“How so?” Cassie asked.“I only have three articles of clothes to lose: My shirt, pants and boxers! But between the three of you, you each have your shirt, bra, pants and undies! That’s twelve things I’d have to try and get off you!”Cassie took a turn to giggle as she thought about what I had pointed out as Kaede tried to reassure me, “But Marcus…you get to pick the questions! You can pretty much make them as difficult and impossible as you please, so in reality, the three of us are at the distinct disadvantage!”I wasn’t quite convinced, but I could see the excitement in Kaede’s eyes. When I looked at Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan both Rosa and Cassie, it was evident that they were still a little unsure, but I was positive that if I agreed to it, they would as well. I decided I didn’t want them to feel inconvenienced in any way, so I left it to them as I inquired, “What do the two of you think?”Kaede did her best to peer pressure them as she leaned in close to Cassie while glaring directly at Rosa. “Come on, you two! We can take him! And when we do, we’ll get to see him naked!”I shuddered upon hearing the words since I had only ever been naked in front of one other woman. One of my dear friends who was now off in college, Freya, had been the first girl to ever do anything of a sexual nature with me. When she had given me a handjob the previous summer, she had informed me that it would help prepare me for things to come…and those words seemed more than prophetic in my current situation.“I’ve always wanted to see Marcus naked,” I heard Cassie whisper to Rosa.“Me too!” Rosa responded in a giddy voice. They had to know I could hear them…and they had to know that it made me feel extremely good about myself. “If we work together,” Rosa suddenly added, “We could make up for your parents ruining our opportunity a couple of weeks ago!”I remembered the incident Rosalind was talking about…and although that has nothing to do with this particular story, it wasn’t a moment I’ll ever forget.Kaede held up a hand and received a high-five from both Cassie and Rosa as she got them both riled up and ready to scholastically compete against me with our clothing on the line. It was obvious that she had them rallied to her side. When the three of them turned their attention to me, she acted as the spokeswoman for the team and did her best to sell me on the idea. “What do you think, Marcus? This is a good chance for you to try to see three beautiful babes butt-ass naked!”I felt that same twitch down below. I could also see the enthusiasm in both Rosa and Cassie’s eyes…and realized they were more excited than I had ever seen them before. I knew they were on Kaede’s side.“Why the heck not!” I finally gave in. All three girls seated near me started to cheer and high-five again. When they finally settled down, I had Kaede reaffirm the rules as I picked my textbook up and started flipping through the pages. “So, I can ask anything about the chapter, right?”“Anything related to the test, yes,” Kaede told me. She lifted an eyebrow and smiled sarcastically as she lectured, “No asking questions like, ‘What page number would I find this on?’ or anything of the like!”I nodded to let her know that I understood. I wouldn’t have done anything like that anyway, but she wanted to make sure she had laid the ground rules. As she said a few more things, I saw Rosa and Cassie look at each other one last time as if to ask if what they were about to participate in was a good idea or not. Since the very thought of seeing one of them topless turned me on, I decided not to give them time to rethink things and back down.“Whenever you’re ready to start,” Kaede told me, “The floor is yours!”I stood up with my textbook opened to the chapter we had been spending so much time studying. I quickly looked the three girls over as I inspected their attire one by one.Rosa was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and tight jeans. She was such a lovely woman…it actually hurt to know that she didn’t find herself attractive when I thought she was drop-dead gorgeous.My eyes then went to Cassie and I realized she actually had five articles of clothing I’d be aiming to get her out of with some difficult questions. The beautiful blonde actually had two shirts: One was a white tank top, and then over it she had a long-sleeved, opened top that tied in the middle right between her breasts. I would have to work a little harder with her…Considering the weather and how cold out it was, I was a little surprised by the fact that Kaede was in a t-shirt. What really stood out to me was the fact that she had on some tight, form-fitting black leggings that really made her figure come to life. The pants I’m talking about are the kind that nine guys out of ten go ga-ga over…I know this because my friends and I have discussed it several times. We all fell within the “nine” statistic.I gazed down at the open book in my hands and wondered where to begin. I knew that both Rosa and Cassie were quite intelligent, and in the little time that I had known Kaede, I think she was a lot smarter than people realized. She was the kind of girl that most people looked at and right away saw nothing but a pretty face, but I thought that wasn’t giving her enough credit. Beneath those vibrant eyelashes, that straight nose and her perfectly-lined teeth was a brain that would’ve put ninety percent of my classmates to shame. From the time we had spent on our project and the couple of hours we had been studying, I knew Kaede was capable of much more than she let on…and she was about to prove it.Since I would be working my way down the line of young women, I did as the mastermind of what was currently Escort Beylikdüzü transpiring instructed and started with Rosa on my left. I wanted to make it seem like I was playing at least somewhat fair, so I didn’t immediately look for the hardest question I could find. I found one of moderate difficulty that I hoped would stump the beautiful, blue-eyed blonde…only to find that she was able to answer it the moment the question mark at the end of my query escaped my lips.“Yes!” Kaede called out in victory as Cassie clapped her hands together. “Take something off, stud! She got that one right!”I was shocked by the veracity of the trio and swallowed a lump in my throat when the moment finally became real. We were actually doing this…and I was already losing! I started with the obvious and pulled off the long-sleeved thermal shirt I had on…and all three of the young women in the room instantly morphed into lascivious hounds. They were worse than teenage boys as they clapped and howled for more.It goes without saying that the praise went straight to my head and did wonders for my ego. At that time in my life, I was in pretty decent shape, and the looks on the faces of my fellow classmates showed that they appreciated my physique. For a moment, I almost thought Cassie was going to start drooling as Rosa did her best to pick her jaw up off the floor. Kaede just shouted like an older woman sitting in a male strip club. I wouldn’t have put it past her to pull out money and start chucking it at me.After getting as comfortable as I could, I decided it was time to move on. It was my turn to get the shirt off one of my opponents in our little game. I moved down the line and aimed my next question at Cassandra. She was a smart cookie, but I was more driven than ever to get my first victory in this match of wits. I would have to be on my game in order to get Cassie out of her attire, and I thought I had delivered a real whopper…until she came back with the correct answer and then some. Had there been a bonus round for adding extra to the response, she would’ve received it.The trio once again celebrated as I set the textbook down on the dresser behind me so I could begin taking my pants off. I interrupted their celebration just long enough to ask Kaede if my belt counted as an article of clothing, and as Cassie and Rosa made hand signals that it was a “no-go,” Kaede was quick to inform me that a belt was just as much an accessory as my socks or any jewelry the young women were wearing. My jeans would have to come off.The lewd girls in the room with me requested that I put on a show like a male stripper as my pants came off, but I did no such thing. It wasn’t that I was being a spoilsport about the loss or anything, but because I wouldn’t have known how to perform such an action and make it look good. I certainly could’ve pranced about while disrobing, but it would’ve looked ridiculous and been the least attractive thing in the world. After discarding the jeans to the side, the jeers for the lack of showmanship quickly dissipated as cheers took their place once more. I stood before my friends in nothing but a tight-fitting pair of boxers that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Had I known what I would’ve been getting myself into that morning, I certainly would’ve opted to wear a different pair for the day.I think things were finally starting to get real for Rosa and Cassie. They almost fell completely silent as Kaede continued to squawk in glee and crack smutty comments. If I had to guess, I think my two more reserved friends were at a loss for words since I was going through with things and keeping my end of the bargain. They had actually almost seen me naked once before on a dare we had made, but things had been cut short when Cassie’s folks unexpectedly arrived home early. I had been saved at the last second from certain humiliation…but I don’t think that was going to happen this time unless I found some doozies to question them with.It was time to get back on top of things. Kaede was my next target, and I had to find some way of stumping her in order to get either her shirt or pants off her. I was sure that she’d opt to lose her shirt, but I honestly would’ve been fine with either choice she made. Seeing her upper half in just a bra filled my being with desire, and thinking of her losing her pants and showing off those long legs of hers was equally stimulating. If I wasn’t careful, something in my constricting boxers was liable to start bulging…“One more question before we have you naked as a jaybird!” Kaede pointed out to me. “I hope you know that I have my thinking cap on right now, Mister Veovin…so you better find a doozy if you hope to get one by me!”I picked the textbook back up from where I had put it down and began paging through it. I needed a real humdinger of a question…and I found it. I smiled from ear to ear as I read it aloud, and I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw both Rosa and Cassie staring nervously in Kaede’s direction. I was finally going to see a little success…and a bit of skin in the process!There was not only a frown on the dark-haired beauty’s face, but she generally looked upset by the fact that she didn’t have a response to my question. She obviously didn’t know the answer, and within seconds, I would be seeing her without a shirt or pants. After that, I would find something to throw Rosa for a loop with so I would be able to do the same for her…

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