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“Oh my God, Jake, I can’t believe what you guys were doing last night!”

This was my opening gambit over coffee-making when the two of us had just got up. I was hoping my seemingly light-hearted quip might give me the opportunity to tell him I would really like to double-end with him – that being something one did with another man with an appropriate dildo. Not the sort of thing a wholesome and caring dad like me would normally ask of his son.

“Oh yeah,” he smiled. “I thought you’d like seeing us playing with our toy. I take it you’ve never done anything like that before?”

He was wearing just a skimpy little pair of tight, white briefs. They showed his slim, athletic figure off quite stunningly and it was obvious that he had fully intended for the huge mound of his over-generous cock and balls to be so graphically flaunted.

I, only the other, hand was in a more decorous pair of boxer briefs. Tight enough to show off my bulge and bum but not as flagrant as what my son was flashing.

“No,” I admitted, adding two mugs for Guy and me to join the two he’d already put out. “It looks like it’d be… well… pretty amazing, actually. Something I’d like to try for myself.”

“Yeah, it’s great for nights when both of us both fancy having something up our butts and neither of us wants to be… you know… the guy on top!”

I smiled, spooning coffee into the four mugs. “Does that happen often?”

He nodded, adjusting his briefs to show his cock off a bit better. He must be hoping that Guy would soon stagger downstairs.

He’d certainly flaunted himself at my regular bed-friend in the bathroom the previous night when the four of us guys had been brushing our teeth. I’d been appalled at the way he’d kept pretending to drop his toothbrush so he could bend over and push his skimpily-clad backside against the bulging mound of Guy’s briefs. He’d kept giggling and apologising for such repeated ‘accidents’ and I’m sure he’d been about to try something more overt before he saw me glaring at him pointedly through the mirror.

He said, “Well, we’ve both got girls we’re seeing, me more than him, and when you’re with a girl you only really get to do it one way… you know what I mean…?”

“I think I vaguely remember,” I smiled.

“So when you’re with a guy,” he went on, “you’re kind of looking for something different. And having something dick-shaped shoved up your bum is pretty much about as different as it gets!”

“When the two of you were going at it together, it looked very… er… intense,” I observed.

“Yeah, it is,” he grinned, grabbing a couple of glasses for him and Marcus. “It was fifty quid well spent to be honest.”

He took some orange juice from the fridge and filled up the glasses.

“I’d really like to have a go – maybe I could use yours to see if I enjoy it…?”

Jake nodded and put the carton back.

“You need two people, though,” he said, waiting for the kettle to boil. “And I don’t suppose Guy would up for doing something like that?”

“Of course not,” I agreed. “And, to be honest, the position I had in mind would be based on what I saw you guys doing last night… the way that you were both enjoying it so passionately and were able to work against each other and add to each other’s pleasure.”

Jake smiled. He liked that I thought that he and Marcus looked hot together.

“Even if I could persuade Guy to give it a go,” I went on, “the feel of it would be too unfamiliar for him to be able to relax into it like you guys were.”

“So maybe Bradley?” he asked. “I reckon he’d be up for it!”

He threw me a smirk to suggest that if Bradley was indeed ‘up for it’, Jake would equally be up for watching the pair of us slapping against each other, panting and gasping as went at it butt-to-butt. Which wasn’t totally unreasonable since he had allowed Guy and me to watch him doing exactly the same thing with his university friend the night before.

I spooned some sugar into Jake’s and Guy’s mugs. One for Jake, two for Guy.

“I was actually wondering,” I began, hoping he wouldn’t freak out, “and feel free to say no…”

He looked across at me curiously.

“… if you and I could try it together…? I think I’d really enjoy that…”

His curiosity changed quickly into surprise. Not shock, though, which was a positive.

“What, me and you?” he asked, making sure he’d understood. “Father and son doubling-ending it together? Going at it butt-to-butt with that dildo up inside us both?”

He grinned at me with amusement and I couldn’t tell if he thought I was joking or if he genuinely found the idea curiously funny.

“That was pretty much what I had in mind, yes.”

“Wouldn’t it be bit weird, though?” he asked, his face becoming more thoughtful at the possible consequences for us. “I mean, I know we wanked off in front of Marcus the other night but -“

“Well, it would be kind of like that again,” I explained as the kettle came to the boil and clicked itself off. “I was thinking that, if you were erzurum escort willing to try it with me, Guy and Marcus could watch us doing it. So it wouldn’t be like it was anything serious.”

Jake nodded and filled the cups up from the kettle.

He said, “So, let me get this straight. We’d be all be in the living room, me and you naked and going at it back-to-back, with those pair sitting watching us? Like we were the cabaret or something… Jake and his old man double-ending it for the audience?”

I saw from the way his bulge firmed up a little and poked outwards how much he was starting to like the idea.

“I think it would be quite… er… stimulating,” I smiled. “And it’s not like we’d have to touch each other so it wouldn’t be like we were doing anything untoward.”

Jake grinned and nodded. His cock was really starting to grow in his briefs. The mound it was making as it thickened and lengthened was verging on indecent.

“So we’d be sort of squatting together, or maybe on all fours, working our bums against each other, each of us helping to fuck the other with the dildo, but not actually touching? Is that what you mean?”

I nodded. And it really was exactly what I’d meant: was it so deeply wrong for me to have suggested this to him?

My cock responded, like Jake’s, with a definitive no, developing a little in my boxer-trunks in anticipation of Jake saying yes. I was pleased my underwear was quite confining: I wasn’t sure how Jake would respond if he saw his dad hardening up at the thought of us slapping our bums together in front of our house guests.

He wanted to clarify things yet further: “Okay, so when Marcus and I do it, we grab each other’s bollocks underneath us when we’re getting close. There’d be none of that with us two, would there? No reaching underneath each other to have a grope of the other guy’s nuts?”

“Absolutely not,” I said. “And I’m pleased that we’ve made that clear from the outset.”

He glanced at the four drinks he’d made and picked up the two glasses of orange juice. “I’ll have to make two trips.”

I was going to suggest he use the prominent extrusion that his cock was making in his briefs as a shelf for at least two of the drinks, but I thought it wiser to just ignore the fact he was getting aroused.

He said, “Actually, it’ll be useful if I take these two up for us and come back for the coffees. I reckon I’ll need to ask Marcus if he’d be okay with me and you double-ending, what with me and him being… well… you know…”

I nodded. “Of course.”

It was clearly too early in the day for him to bring himself to say ‘fuck buddies’.

“You might want to check with Guy that he’d be okay with it,” Jake suggested.

“I already did,” I grinned. “He is, as you’d say, ‘well up for it’.”

Jake chuckled. “Yeah, he would be. I dunno why even mentioned it.”

He headed off with the two glasses of orange juice, his pert butt wiggling delightfully in his tight, white briefs, and I waited for him to return for the coffees. He took quite a while and I was starting to wonder if Marcus had been shocked by the suggestion. Perhaps he was pulling on his clothes, saying he was going to catch an early train; that he didn’t want to spend another minute in this house that was full of sexual deviants.

But when Jake returned he was smiling.

“He was, like… whoa! Talk about instant hard-on!”

“Really?” I chuckled. “He was that keen on it.”

“He was totally, like, ‘there’s no way you guys can back out of it now! This is for fucking real, Jake – you and your dad have gotta do this!'”

I laughed. “Wow! What took you so long, then? I thought he must think it was a really inappropriate suggestion.”

“No – he was telling me stuff we should try! Guy wanking you off, him wanking me off. Even the two of us sucking both of them off: so we’d all be doing it together, four blokes in a row!”

I laughed even more loudly at that. “He’s got a good imagination, your friend!” I said.

“One of the reasons I like him so much!” Jake grinned, grabbing their coffee mugs before heading back up to his bedroom.


Those hours of anticipation dragged oh so much!

All four of us knew what the end of the day held in store and, while no-one wanted to be the one to mention it, I think we were all counting down the minutes until we could get the show on the road.

As it was Saturday, we all went to Corby together, Jake and I unable to stop ourselves from continually smiling at each other at the decidedly unique performance we were going to put on that night.

While Guy and Simon had gone off to look at stuff in a sports shop, Jake and I went into Waterstones to look at the books. Downstairs, the fiction racks were heaving with the pre-Christmas rush but once we’d forced our way through all the people to go up to the history and music sections on the second floor, we found the upstairs departments far more pleasantly quiet.

While I was looking eskişehir escort through the latest titles on the First World War, Jake sidled over to me pretending to be flicking through a book about the Madchester scene.

“You still up for it tonight, dad?” he whispered.

I glanced around to see if anyone was within earshot: fortunately, they weren’t.

“As long as it’s done exactly like we agreed,” I replied in a low voice, “then, yes, I think it should be fun.”

“Absolutely,” he said, nodding enthusiastically. “I mean, we’ve got to keep in mind throughout that we can’t risk doing anything we’d regret. It’s not like we can just ignore each other afterwards!”

“If I think it’s going too far and that either of us is doing anything we shouldn’t, I’ll pull the plug on it there and then,” I told him. “I’m not even going to have a drink… well, not until afterwards.”

He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll second that.”

He opened the book and looked idly at some of the pictures. I recognised The Happy Mondays but thought Jake probably wouldn’t have a clue who they were.

He looked back up at me and whispered again, “How are we going to do it, though? Are we gonna let the two of them wank off when they’re watching us?”

I nodded. “I think we’d feel less self-conscious that way. If they’re just sitting there gawping at us it’d seem a bit weird.”

“And what about the stuff Marcus said: having them joining in with us if they want to?”

I looked at him uncertainly. Were we really doing this in the middle of book shop?

He treated my reaction as if I hadn’t understood. “I mean, we’ve got to lay down a few ground-rules before we start… we can’t get halfway into it and then say, ‘Hey, no touching our dicks,’ or whatever…”

I looked around again. The nearest customer to us was an old fella and he was immersed in a book about the navy.

I whispered, “I don’t mind how they get involved with us, but the number one rule for me is that you don’t do anything with Guy.”

He tried to adopt his blameless look but I smirked and went on, “I saw all that bending over and shoving your bum against his crotch last night. Needless to say, I wasn’t greatly pleased.”

“It was an accident!” he insisted, raising a palm in supposed innocence.

“Even if he comes over and shoves his dick in your face – and I wouldn’t put something like that past him – you send him over to me. I’ll do the same with Marcus, if that’s what you want.”

He shook his head. “I’m not too bothered if you and him want to have a bit of fun, but I’m starting to feel you’ve got a thing about Guy that runs quite a lot deeper from how I feel about Marcus.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know what it is… he’s a bit different from the others.”

Jake grinned. “You’re just waiting for him to say those three special words aren’t you?”

I threw him a quizzical look and he clarified: “You’re my man.”

I let out a silly giggle that made me sound like a little kid. “Yes, I think I would like that.”

At that moment we were shushed by some old woman who’d just come in to look through the medieval history shelves so Jake scuttled back to the popular science section.


The two of us undressed separately in our bedrooms and then came out into the hallway between our rooms, both of us standing before one another: father and son together in the stark nuddies.

It felt quite odd to be naked with Jake even though I’d lived with him so closely for all these years. For most of my life, and after so many failed attempts to couple up with a woman, I’d been cringingly self-conscious about my body. However, now that I was regularly getting complimented by other guys and having them tell me how hot and how sexy I looked when I expose my over-large genitals, I was getting to rather enjoy showing myself off.

In contrast, Jake clearly loved parading himself: he’d always been something of an exhibitionist even in front of me as his dad. Ever since his early teens, he’d seemed to revel in showering with the bathroom door wide open and thought nothing of strolling across the landing first thing with his morning erection shamelessly tenting his underwear.

He looked at me in my state of total undress and chuckled.

We’d been naked together a few nights earlier when he’d invited me into his bedroom with him and Marcus, but this felt different: we were on our own.

He said, “I thought you’d have a boner, dad.”

I chuckled. “I’m actually quite nervous, given what we’re about to do.”

I looked him up and down. He was thinner than me and his skin more supple and toned but our genitals were near-mirror images of each other. His cock was, like mine, pointing floppily down and its size, and even the way his foreskin was slightly pulled back from his plump, pink mushroom head was identical to mine. His balls hung low, something else he’d inherited from me, and he’d trimmed his pubic bush quite short the way I’d also done in the gaziantep escort bathroom that morning.

I said, “I suppose I also expected you to emerge from your room with a hard-on.”

He laughed and held up his large, black dildo. “I have,” he announced. “In fact, I’ve got two!”

I put my hand out and he passed me it so I could I admire its rubbery texture and feel for myself its thick and generous girth. It was quite a beautiful piece of work: the two cock heads at each end were flawlessly smooth but the swollen shafts behind them were ribbed and veiny to maximise the pleasure of the two men it was servicing.

“I suppose two women could enjoy using this,” I observed.

Jake nodded but added, “I think it’s biggest… er… customers are guys who really crave having a dick up them but are too scared to do anything but straight stuff. If their wives are willing, then both the frustrated hubby and the broad-minded wife are able to get fucked at the same time!”

He grinned and I nodded. “Maybe I should have bought something like this for your mum when we were still married!”

I sniffed at the rubber. It smelt like the glossy clear plastic pockets we used at work but had hints of something more interesting and distinctly organic. The shiny black cock heads were especially odorous with definite traces of crude and pungent residues lurking in the minute pours in the surface. I sniffed at one end and then the other, and then said, “It’s pretty clear that this one has been used exclusively by two men.”

Jake laughed and grabbed it back from, sniffing for himself first one black mushroom head before moving on to the other.

Still laughing he said, “Yeah, and you can definitely tell where they’ve been!”

I’d hoped that the two of them would have a preferred end that they would always use and that I’d be able to smell Marcus’ gentle and earthy whiff on one of side and Jake’s far harsher and more acerbic bite on the other. However, it seemed that they just used their toy in whatever random configuration it happened to be picked up. The two ends of the dildo smelled largely the same.

“You really do love the smell of male butt, don’t you?” Jake laughed.

“I do, yes,” I began, “but why -?”

I realised he was looking at my cock which was now rising up from my large, heavy bollocks. It wasn’t even hard enough to be called a semi but I still felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Oh, sorry,” I stuttered. “I just – “

“Don’t sweat it!” Jake grinned. “We’re both gonna be rock-hard once we get going down there – probably dribbling with precum and needing to whack off – and that’s gonna be in front of our two mates!”

“Yes, I know. It’s just force of habit I guess. That’s one of the reasons I’m quite keen to do this. I think it’ll be good to help me get over all the years I was really self-conscious about my body… baptism by fire, you might say.”

Jake laughed. “I think you’re doing a pretty good job of that yourself with all the guys you get your kit off for!”

I smiled. “But this is a bit different, Jake. This is… I dunno… like laying on a sex show at a club. A very small and exclusive club, granted, but it wasn’t that long ago that I would have keeled over in shock if you’d suggested I’d be standing here now, about to… well… perform for them, alongside you.”

“D’ya think we should quickly rub one out before we go downstairs?” he asked. “So we last longer?”

“I don’t need to,” I replied. “But you can if you want to.”

“I was thinking we could do it together, like we did the other night,” he explained with a smirk.

“What? Masturbate in front of each other?”

He grinned more broadly. “Yeah… if you like…”

It was true that we’d stroked ourselves face-to-face in front of Marcus a few evenings earlier, but that had been a spur of the moment thing; just the two of us getting carried away in front of his friend.

He went on, lowering his voice to a whisper, “We could do it in your bedroom… both sniffing the dildo and having a wank together…”

I can’t say I wasn’t tempted – even if just for a second – as I’d enjoyed masturbating with my son when we’d done it in his bedroom and had found it an intense and surprisingly unifying experience. But before he could persuade me further, I firmly shook my head.

“Maybe one day, Jake, and maybe soon,” I told him. “But not like this, when we’d both be in a rush.”

“But you would be up for it?” he asked and I noticed that his cock had now joined mine in its state of arousal, and was lengthening steadily and starting to rise up from his balls.

I nodded. “I think I would, yeah. But maybe one afternoon, when we both have an hour or two to kill and we’re both in the right mood, so we can take our time and show each other what we both enjoy.”

He smiled. “That’d be awesome!”

I gestured him towards the stairs. “Come on, then, Jake. Let’s go down and knock’ em dead!”

“Yeah, let’s do it!” he grinned. “Let’s show them what two Furlong butts can do!”


Guy and Marcus applauded rapturously when the two of us walked in naked, our cocks having thankfully shrivelled again at the prospect of what we were about to do. Marcus was making whooping noises and Guy was clapping his hands above his head. For just two blokes, they sure put on quite a reception.

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