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(Relax. Everyone’s over 18.)

Friday night, 11:30. My parents were out of town for the weekend. My sister Danica was out at a party. I was watching a horror movie on TV. Some psycho was slashing cheerleaders, all of them young and busty and frequently topless. I stroked my cock under my shorts as their boobs bounced, running away from the mad killer. Maybe I’d just find a porn movie–

The door opened, then slammed shut. “Hi, Trent!”

My sister Danica staggered into the living room. “Hi, Trent!” she shouted again. She was in a flimsy white blouse that weas unbuttoned almost to her waist, showing off her black bra. Her miniskirt barely reached the top of her thighs. “How ya doing?”

She plopped down on the couch next to me, kicked her high heels off, and leaned over to give me sloppy, drunken kiss. On the lips. “Whatcha doin’?”

“You’re drunk.” I turned the TV off. “And you’re home early.”

“Yeah, Susan caught me making out with her boyfriend and kicked me out.” Danica laughed. “Bitch.”

Danica was cute. Sexy, even. She had long legs, and she kept in shape with swimming and yoga. We didn’t have a pool or anything, but anytime I saw her in a bikini at the beach or on vacation, I could see what other guys saw in her.

She was 23, in college, studying marketing–when she bothered to go to class. I’m 21, working on a degree in accounting. We’ve got an older sister, Madison, 29, but she doesn’t live at home with our parents anymore.

I always kind of idolized Danica when I was younger. Even when she bullied me, I kind of enjoyed the attention. We were closer in age, and I could see she was pretty. She had lots of friends, stood up to mom and dad, and was really smart.

Now that we were adults, I could see that she wasn’t always making the right decisions, and she was starting to coast through life on her body and her looks. I kept hoping she’d straighten herself out so she could get back to making good grades and doing something with her life. Instead she was drinking, smoking weed, barely going to class, and hanging out with the wrong kind of friends. Especially boyfriends.

Most of them were assholes. She had one boyfriend in high school who was a nice guy, but she dumped him after they graduated. After that she dated a bunch of different types, none of them for longer than a month or so. She didn’t bring them home very often, but every once in a while she’d sneak someone into the house late at night, and I could hear them in her room. Groaning, moaning, slapping, laughing–and sometimes getting in screaming fights about God knows what, until my dad kicked the guy out and yelled at Danica all night, threatening to kick her out if she couldn’t behave.

He never did, of course, and neither did she. Danica would calm down for a few weeks, then start the same old shenanigans again, trying to be more discreet this time, but usually making the same mistakes all over again.

At least she hadn’t brought anyone home from the party tonight.

Danica leaned back and stretched her legs out. Her blouse was falling off, and I could see her boobs pushing at her bra. “Is there any beer?”

“I think you’ve had enough,” I said.

“Oh, you’re no fun. C’mon, get me a beer, would you?” She nudged my leg with her bare foot.

I groaned. “Fine.” Maybe one more would put her to sleep–if she didn’t throw up all over the sofa. I got one for her and another for me, and she snatched hers from my hands and guzzled half of it before I could sit down.

“So, whatcha doing?” She crossed her ankles.

“Watching a movie.” I picked up the remote. “Got kicked out, huh?”

“Yeah. Stupid Susan.” She laughed. “I was just making out with her boyfriend ’cause–” She stopped suddenly, looked at me, then looked away. “I was bored. And horny.”

“Well, looks like you should have picked someone else. Now you’re stuck with me.”

“Yeah.” She picked up her beer. I started the movie.

Danica reached behind her back, under her shirt, to unsnap her bra, like she wasn’t thinking about it, and looked at the movie. A masked killer was watching a cheerleader get undressed, an axe in his hand.

“Yuck.” Danica yawned. “You like this stuff?”

I shrugged. “You want me to change it?”

“No, this is fine.” She picked up her beer again. “There are worse places to be, I guess.”

Ten minutes and one dead cheerleader later, Danica was asleep. Snoring softly.

Her legs were up on the couch, and her short skirt smooth around her thighs. Her bra had slipped down, and I could see the edge of one nipple, her boobs rising and falling as she snored.

When the final cheerleader but one was dead, and the masked killer was defeated (or was he?), I turned off the TV. Danica was sound asleep on the sofa, one foot on the floor, her thighs wide enough for me to almost see her black panties.

I shook her knee. “Let’s get you to bed, Dani.”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Wha?”

“Bed.” I stood up and reached for her hand. “Come on.”

Danica giggled. “Okay. Take bursa escort me to bed!” She got to her feet, leaving her blouse open, and grabbed my arm for balance. “Oh-kay.” After a moment she took an unsteady step forward, and I followed her up the stairs and then down the hall to her room.

She opened the door and reached for the light switch, and lost her balance as the light came on. I grabbed at her arms to keep her from falling, and somehow the sleeve of her blouse slipped. She staggered as her blouse dangled from just one arm. I pushed her toward the bed, and she spun around to plop down on it, laughing.

I stared. By now her blouse was hanging from one wrist, and her bra dangled from her shoulder. Her tits were free, flushed and sweaty, and I couldn’t help staring at them.

They were somehow bigger than I expected, even after seeing her in bikinis all my life. Small pink nipples. Her chest was flushed and sweaty, and her boobs bobbed up and down as she laughed at me for looking.

Against all my willpower, I felt my cock start to stiffen as I looked at her.

“What’s the matter Tent? Never seen a girl’s boobs before?” She spread her arms and leaned back, pushing her tits forward. “Take a good look! Here they are! You like them?”

I tore my eyes away and turned to the door. “Go to bed.”

“Aw, you’re no fun. Wait!” She stood up, yanking at her short skirt, then fell back down again. “Help me with this. I think something’s stuck.” She yanked at a zipper on the side.

I stood frozen. My dick was getting harder looking at her, half naked on the sheets of her unmade bed.

Danica was my sister. But fuck, she was hot.

“Well?” she glared at me. “Are you going to just stand there and drool?”

That snapped me back to attention, although it didn’t do anything for my erection. I took a cautious step toward her, leaned down, and pulled at the zipper while she held the edge of the skirt. After two or three yanks, the zipper got free, and the skirt slid to her ankles.

Now my sister was sitting in front of me in just a pair of black panties, thin and sheer enough that I could have seen the outline of her pussy if I’d looked close. Instead I stepped back. “You’re okay now. Go to bed.”

She picked up the skirt and threw it into the corner. “Okay. Thanks. Good night, Trent.” She looked up at me and grinned. “Gimme a good night kiss?”

“Uh, no.” I waved a hand and left.

Back downstairs I cleaned up and locked the doors and turned off the lights. On the second floor again, I saw a dim light in Danica’s room. Her door was half open. I went to check on her, in case she’d thrown up all over her bed or the floor.

Instead she was lying on the bed, on top of the sheets. Stark naked.

I stood in the doorway. I knew I should close the door and leave. Go back to my room. Jack off, maybe. My cock still felt hard as a rock. I knew it was twisted. But I couldn’t bring myself to stop looking at her.

Her legs were long and tanned, still firm from tennis and gymnastics in high school. Her pussy was neatly shaved, with a short landing strip leading down to her slit, and her thighs were taut and sweaty.

Her boobs–I took a good look now that she couldn’t see me. Round and firm, and almost as tan as her belly, which made me wonder if she was sunbathing naked somewhere. They kept rising and falling as she snored, her nipples pointing at the ceiling, hard and pink.

As I watched, my cock stiffer than ever, she yawned in her sleep, reached down, and scratched the inside of her thigh. Then, sighing, she flicked a finger across her pussy. Then she rubbed her nose, sneezed softly, and rolled onto her side, snoring louder.

Suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore. Danica had been teasing me all night. She was my sister, and she was drunk, but I had to do something about the throbbing in my dick.

I yanked down my jeans and boxers and grabbed my cock. Staring at Danica’s tits, I started stroking myself. My hand glided over my shaft, up and down, my blood pounding as I licked my lips, gazing at her nipples, then let my eyes wander downward to her pussy–her slit, her gash, her twat–which looked wet and warm, as if she was having a dirty dream of her own. Her legs twitched, and she slid a hand between her thighs as if her fingers were cold.

I rocked back and forth on my heels, grunting softly. I could feel the pressure building up inside me, my balls churning, my prick tensing. I bit my lip to keep from making any noise, but I couldn’t help grunting softly as my cock throbbed harder and harder, looking at her all over.

Danica rolled over onto her back again, sighing in her sleep. Was she waking up? I couldn’t stop if I wanted to, so I started pumping faster, breathing hard, fighting to keep my balance. Oh fuck, this was good, this was so good… my cock was already dripping, ready to explode. I looked at Danica’s boobs, her pussy, then back to her tits again, her bare shoulders, her flat belly, her legs, her boobs, her pussy–

I came. bursa escort bayan I’d meant to spurt all over her body, but at the last minute I turned the head of my cock away and just let loose on the sheet next to her, shooting jets of sperm in a puddle of thick cum, over and over as Danica snored quietly and my brain rocked from the mixture of sights and sensations–my naked sister, my spurting cock, the cum pooling near her leg–I closed my eyes for a moment, and was afraid to open them, but when I did Danica was still asleep, clutching a pillow.

I finally stopped and caught my breath. Time to get out. Before I did, I grabbed a box of Puffs to mop up my cum. I got most of it, but there was still a damp spot on the bed, and I could sniff the faint odor as I put the tissue box back. Maybe it would fade away before morning.

I left, closing her door, and went back to my room. I didn’t get to sleep for a long time.


Danica came downstairs at 12:30. I was still in the kitchen, drinking coffee and reading the paper. I’d slept late too. I was in a T-shirt and sweatpants, taking it easy.

She was wearing a sweatshirt and panties, barefoot and braless. Without a word she poured herself coffee and then sat down across from me.

I smiled. “Sleep well?”

Danica groaned. “Shut up.” She gulped some coffee and rubbed her head. “What time did I get home last night?”

“You don’t remember?” That was probably good.

“I remember Sue kicking me out of the party, and Brenda giving me a ride home. And then watching some creepy movie with you. After that–” She stared at me. “Did you take my clothes off?”

Uh-oh. “No! Well–not really. I–you were drunk, and I helped you upstairs, and then, uh, I sort of helped you get undressed. You asked me to.”

“Oh. Okay.” She gave me an accusing look. “Did you take pictures of me?”

Damn it, that never even occurred to me. “No. I just left you alone. You were out like a light.”

“Good.” She rubbed her head again. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” So she hadn’t noticed the damp spot. I was home free.

She got up to make some toast. I could see her ass in black panties under her sweatshirt. I tried not to stare. When she sat down again I pretended not to notice that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I flashed back to the sight of her tits last night, then went back to the newspaper.

The toaster popped. Danica spread strawberry jam all over her toast, sat down again, and let out another groan.

“There’s orange juice,” I said.

“It’s not that. I have to call Susan and apologize. Bitch.” She shook her head. “It’s not my fault! I was drunk, and he just looked like–” She looked away from me. “Shit.”

“I’m glad you got a ride home. Glad you didn’t do anything stupid with him.”

“I wish.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “The worst part is–” She stopped.


Danica looked at me, then smiled. “I always get horny when I’m hung over.”

“Oh. Well, not much I can do about that. Maybe you can take a long shower. The shower nozzle detaches, you know.”

“Oh, I know.” She winked at me. “We’re good friends.”

This was getting weird. I stood up. “Well, try not to get too loud.” I refilled my coffee and went out to the living room to watch TV.

Danica came out a few minutes later and sat down on the far end of the sofa. “Another horror movie?”

“Superheroes.” I watched someone in a cape soar into the air to attack a flying goblin.

“Huh.” She had a coffee mug too, but I smelled whiskey in it. She set it down and propped her bare feet up on the coffee table in front of us. Sitting down, her sweatshirt was almost up to her waist, hiding her panties but giving me a good view of her tanned, taut thighs.

We watched the movie for a few minutes. Then Danica yawned. “This is stupid.”

“So don’t watch it. Take a shower. Go crazy.”

She laughed. “That’s not what I want, or I would have done it already. It’s not what I wanted last night.”

I shrugged. “Sorry you picked the wrong guy, I guess.”

She slid closer to me. “Do you know why I was really making out with that guy? What was his name? Donald? David? Do you want to know?”

I paused the movie. “I don’t know. Why would I?”

Danica smiled. “Because he looked just like you.”

I stared at her. “Huh?”

Danica sat forward and gulped from her mug. “That’s what I need.”

She set the mug back down and leaned toward me. “I’m not drunk now. Just hung over. And horny.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “How about you?” she whispered, her lips brushing my ear.

She kissed my neck, running her hands up and down my back. her boobs pressing against my chest. My cock was hard, and I instinctively pulled her in closer, moaning quietly as her lips tickled my shoulder.

“Uh, Danica–” I forced myself to back away. “What are you doing?”

She grinned. “What do you think, Trent?” She bent forward to kiss me on the lips. Before I could react Danica was pulling at my shirt, lifting escort bursa it up, and then she had her hands on my chest, rubbing my skin.

Without thinking I let her take my shirt off, and then she was licking my chest and rubbing my back, murmuring with pleasure while I moaned and held her shoulders, squeezing them hard.

Then she hands slipped down to my waist and slid into my sweatpants. Whoa. I sat back, trying to catch my breath. “Dani–are you drunk?”

Her hand was inside my boxers. I felt her fingers fluttering near my cock. She looked at me, her eyes serious, and reached for her coffee cup. “Just a little.” She gulped some whiskey, then set it down and reached for my dick again. “Not like last night. You can do anything you want to me.” She gave my cock a stroke.

I tried to fight it. For a minute. Maybe not even that long. But my prick was throbbing and her hand was tight and warm. And I remembered the sight of her naked body last night. The feeling of jacking off over her.

Danica wasn’t drunk anymore. She was my sister. And she had her hand on my cock.

I gave up.

I reached down to pull up her sweatshirt, and slid my hands underneath it. Now I had her tits in my hands, my heart pounding as my fingers slid across her shard nipples.

Danica sighed, smiling, and pulled my sweatpants down until my cock was sticking up in the air. She stroked it a few times, watching it twitch, then straightened up to pull her sweatshirt off, letting her tits free. I stared at her boobs, my mouth dry, then reached out for them, taking one in each hand for a firm squeeze as her hand slid up and down on my rigid prick.

Precum was leaking, making my shaft slick. Danica leaned down, licked her lips, and let some saliva drip down on it. Then she bent over and took me in her mouth, sliding her tongue around my shaft and gripping the base of my cock tight.

I groaned and let go of her tits as my cock throbbed in her mouth. I held her shoulders, just looking down at the top of her head as it bobbed up and down, her arms moving, her bare back. I bit my lip to keep from spurting right away, and stroked her hair as she sucked, trying not to think about what we were doing, just trying to let myself enjoy it while it lasted.

After a minute Danica sat up, licking her lips. “You good to go? Don’t want you shooting off too soon.”

“Uh, yeah. I guess.” I still couldn’t believe this was happening. That this was going to happen.

Danica snorted. “You guess? Maybe I should just put my shirt on and–“

“Shut up,” I growled. I pushed her, and she sprawled on her back, and I reached down to grab her panties. I yanked them hard, off her legs, and hurled them across the room. Then I clamped my hands on her knees, pulling her thighs apart.

“Ooh,” Danica giggled. “I guess you are ready.”

I stared at her pussy. A dark slit, glistening with moisture. Ready and waiting for me.

“You sure you want this?”

Danica stroked her clit. “I’m waiting.”

Suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore. My hands on her thighs, I lunged forward and plunged my cock into her pussy, driving deep, grunting as my shaft slid between the slick tight folds of her slit, the head pressing down as far as I could push it.

“Oh!” Danica yelped. She leaned back, pushing her hips up at me. That’s–hard.”

“This what you want?” I asked, thrusting in and out, trying not to go too fast yet. “Is this what you want?”

“Oh, yeah,” Danica moaned, reaching for my arms. “Give it to me, Trent, give it to me–hard and heavy. Give it to me.”

I gave it to her. Hard and heavy, like she said. I slammed my dick into Danica’s hot tight pussy over and over, grunting with each thrust as she gasped and groaned, clawing at my arms, her boobs bouncing up and down.

I reached down to squeeze one of her tits. She wrapped a leg around my waist, her other foot pressing against the floor. She was breathing hard, staring up at me, her eyes glazed, her body squirming under me as I pounded her.

This was crazy. Fucking my own sister? But I couldn’t stop. I was close to cumming, and from the way she was biting her lip and gripping my arms tight I knew she was on the edge too.

I leaned down to kiss her. Her nipples pressed against my chest, and I felt myself starting to spurt. The kiss seemed to set Danica off too. She wrapped her arms around my back and dug her fingers into my skin, moaning wildly, her body shaking under me as my cock pulsed and burst, shooting my sperm down into her pussy.

I pumped and pumped, gasping, as Danica’s pussy trembled and she moaned, her chest flushed and sweaty as she came. Her arms dropped, and she squeezed my ass, smiling as her orgasm flowed through her body as my cum flooded her pussy, pumping in hard, heavy spasms.

I sat up, breathing hard as I slipped out of her. “Was that–was that okay?”

“Best hangover remedy I know.” She grinned.

I leaned down and kissed her again. Then I reached over for her cup and drank the last of her whiskey down. It burned my throat, but it tasted good.

Danica rubbed her pussy lightly, then sat up. “I’m going to take a shower. You probably don’t want to eat me with your cum inside me.” She grabbed the cup from my hand. “Mom and dad are gone all weekend, right?”

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