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I woke up and reached my hand out, touching nothing but empty sheets. I opened my eyes, glancing at the bedside clock. 5:47. Damn. Too late to go back to sleep. Too early to really get up. A mixture of anticipation and dread filled my gut at the thought of what might happen today. The very real possibility that I might lose Keisha as an intern cleared my brain faster than any shower or cup of coffee might. Sighing to myself, I rose out of bed and started my day. A shower and a couple of cups of coffee later and, after gathering my work clothes and laptop, went to work out at the gym. Working out, I pushed myself as hard as I did yesterday with Keisha, making myself sweat, trying to mentally steel my nerves by physically straining my body. Some laps in the pool and another quick shower and I dressed, prepared to go to work.

Walking in, I had to pass Miss Whitten’s office. The door was open and the light was on which really was no surprise. She often worked early as I often worked late. Trying to glide past her notice, I failed spectacularly. She called out to me as I was hurrying down the hallway. I winced, stopped, turned around and entered her office. “Close the door Pam. We need to talk.”

“Yes Miss Whitten.” I pushed it shut and sat down in the chair facing her. Images of being sent to the principal’s office back in high school and the dread that came with it flashed through my mind. There was a silence in the room, a pregnant pause while I waited for her to speak.

“You look very nice today Pam.” That wasn’t what I expected.

“Um…thank you. You do as well, Miss Whitten.” I actually meant it. She always looked professional. Conservative grey or navy blue is what her colors of choice were but today, she’d opted for a maroon and white combo. While she was a bit older than me, Miss Whitten still had a commanding beauty that just drew your eyes to her. Nothing overstated or gauche. Just a natural presence. She smiled at me, trying to calm my nerves, I guess.

“Okay, I’m not going to beat around the bush Pam. We both know why I called you in this morning.” I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

“Yes ma’am. I understand. I’ll let Keisha know that she will have to be reassigned.”

“Well, if that’s what you want, I’ll try to find you another intern.” My eyes snapped up to she her smiling at me. She reached over to pull a tissue out of the box and handed it to me. I took it, dabbing my eyes and trying not to smear my makeup. “Look Pam, I don’t want to move Keisha around. Ever since she arrived, your productivity and the quality of work has vastly improved. I could tell that you were well on your way to burn out and I was really worried that I would soon lose one of my best analysts. But ever since Miss Stuart has been helping you, I’ve noticed that you’ve become more efficient and I definitely don’t want to jeopardize that.” I smiled when she said that, my breathing starting to calm down somewhat. “That being said,” she continued, “I do have to have your assurance that, while in the office at least, a certain level of professionalism is maintained. Is that understood?” I nodded my head, still a little too elated to be able to reply. So, no more sex in the office, okay?” My eyes widened in shock.

“Um…what do you mean Miss Whitten?” My palms became sweaty again. She smiled at me, punched some keys on her computer and turned the monitor around so I could see. The elevator footage of last Friday night with Keisha and myself holding hands and dressed rather provocatively flashed on the monitor. I blushed and looked away, realizing how stupid and costly that could have been to my career.

“Don’t worry Pam. Nothing is going to come of it. I just ask that you don’t do anything with her here.” I nodded, my face flush from embarrassment. “But, if I may speak on a personal level?” She waited for me to look up at her. I met her gaze and for the first time, really noticed her bluish grey eyes and how beautiful they were. I nodded again, my hands gripping the armrests of the chair tightly. “I was shocked to see you and her at Cheyenne’s yesterday and, honestly, was going to recommend that she be relocated to another analyst.” My mouth went dry when she said that.

“What changed your mind?” My voice was soft and a little hoarse.

“Joyce did.” she answered. “I discussed it with her. She reminded me of what it was like to be young and in, well, is it love?” I thought about it before answering her. It felt strange to be sitting here, facing my boss, talking about such a private matter. But, I realized, this also affected my job so it was in her best interest as well. Also, it felt kind of good to be speaking to someone about this. I really didn’t have any close friends to confide in about my feelings.

“I don’t know yet, honestly, Miss Whitten.”

“Please Pam, call me Barb for now. ‘Miss Whitten’ is about business. This is just between you and me.” I smiled at that and relaxed somewhat. She reached behind her and pulled out a bottle of water from the mini fridge she had in her office, offering it to me. I gratefully mecidiyeköy escort accepted it and took a long pull from the bottle. I sat in silence for a few seconds before continuing.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at her head on. “Truthfully Barb, I, um…think so.” The look on her face hardened almost imperceptibly. That look emboldened me and the words started pouring out. “Okay, honestly, it’s been so long for me to be in a relationship that I really don’t know what love is. I mean, I though I was in love before and was hurt bad. I don’t know if I can do it again. I love the way Keisha makes me feel but I don’t know if that is because of her or just because it’s been so long since I’ve felt good inside that any improvement is better and I’m mistaking that for love. We’ve only been together this past weekend and already, I can’t imagine myself without her. That scares me, Barb. What if this is just infatuation and the feelings fade? What if she meets someone better? What if…” my words trailed off. Tears came back and I dabbed my eyes again.

“Look Pam, this may sound trite, but I know how you feel. Your world changed literally overnight and you don’t know what to make of it. I don’t want to cheapen your feelings but we’ve all been there. I was coming off of a painful divorce to a very abusive husband when I first met Joyce. I’d never even entertained the thought of being with another women before her but she helped me get rid of a lot of emotional baggage that I’d been carrying. I too thought that I was in love with Jeff but Joyce made me realize that it was a false love, a desperate need to feel wanted. She helped me through it and I truly love her. Yes, we argue. Yes, we sometimes hurt each other’s feelings but I can’t imagine my life without her. You and Keisha may have just consummated your feelings last Friday but I’ve seen you and her together here. How you look at her when she isn’t noticing and vise versa. Also, at Cheyenne’s, how you two looked together. I know how you feel because it’s the same way I feel when I’m with Joyce. We are happy together. Look deep inside yourself Pam. How do you feel when you are with Keisha? Are you happy? I think you are. Scratch that. I know you are. That’s why I didn’t remove her from under you. Now, I ask again. Are you in love?” I listened to her words, letting them sink in before replying.

“Yes Barb, I love Keisha.” Saying the words out loud was very tough for me to do. One of the toughest things I’d ever done in my life, in fact. But, it felt good saying it. Barb smiled at me and leaned back in her chair.

“That’s good to hear Pam. I am genuinely happy for you. Now, can I count on you to keep it professional here?” I nodded again, smiling. “Good. Do you need some time away from the office to collect your thoughts?” I shook my head no, assuring her that I was okay.

“Well, actually…” I paused “now that you mention it, I was thinking of taking a vacation the last week of May.” Miss Whitten’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“Really? Miss ‘I-have-to-be-forced-to-even-take-one-sick-day’ actually wants a vacation? Well, that really cinches it. I now have proof that Keisha is good for you.” I laughed at that, knowing that she was right. “Okay. Fill out the days and I’ll approve it for you. Should I be expecting one from Miss Stuart as well?” I blushed a little.

“Yes ma’am. I’m planning on taking her to Hawaii.” After all that had just transpired, I figured that telling her my plans couldn’t hurt. Again, she got a surprised look on her face.

“Wow! Well I hope you take lots of pictures. Hawaii is truly breathtaking.” With that, I stood up to leave. I paused at the door, turning to face her.

“Thank you Barb. I really appreciate what you just did for me.” We shared a smile and then I left to go to my office. Entering, I looked at the spot of the floor where my life had changed for the better. Memories of last Friday night flooded in and I shuddered at the feelings coursing through me. Sitting at me desk, I forwarded the case I’d finished up Saturday before filling out the necessary form for vacation time, I actually asked for two weeks off instead of just one, thinking that I would need time to prepare to go and I didn’t want to feel rushed. Keisha arrived just before nine, a look of apprehension on her face. I asked her to shut the door and have a seat. I purposefully had a dour expression on my face and Keisha’s shoulders slumped as she sat down.

“Um…Miss Smith?” I waited for a second, just looking at her. Then, my face broke into a grin.

“You are still my intern.” Keisha literally whooped before catching herself. Her face lit up the room as a look of pure joy spread over her. I told her in great detail about what had just transpired in Miss Whitten’s office and how, here at work, Keisha and I needed to maintain a professional relationship. “Can we do that Keisha?” I asked her. She nodded saying that she understood and assured me that she could keep it together while we were here. I smiled at that, then paused. “Keisha, aksaray escort there’s one more thing that I did while with Miss Whitten. I, um, well…” I stood up, walked around my desk and took her hands in mine, kneeling down so that I could look her in the eyes. I took a deep breath before continuing again. “Keisha, I love you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your intelligence, your personality, your body, the way you make me feel. Everything.” She looked down, blushing. I could tell that she was thinking hard at my revelation.

“Pam,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I love you too. I didn’t want to leave you last night. I wanted to stay. To wake up with you, having your arms around me. I cried last night because you weren’t there.”

“We can talk about this later, after work, but I know exactly what you mean.” I release her hands, smiled, stood up and went to sit down at my desk again. “By the way, Miss Whitten said that she would approve my vacation so prepare yourself for fun in the sun.” Keisha let out another whoop.


The days passed quickly. It turns out that we both didn’t have to worry about keeping our hands off each other at work as the workload seemed to increase as well as her studies for finals. Keisha and I did discus her moving in with me and both of us agreed that it would be better to wait until after Hawaii. The time away from each other actually seemed to strengthen our relationship as the moments that we could spend together were treasured that much more.

At last, it was one more week before my vacation was about start. I came home from a long Friday, my shoulders and neck stiff with tension. I didn’t expect Keisha over as it was the end of finals week and she was celebrating with her friends. I didn’t even get undressed or pour my customary glass of wine before plopping down in my chair, wishing I’d taken three weeks of vacation instead of two. After a minute of relaxing, I picked up my phone and texted “missing you” with a little heart emoji attached to Keisha. I really didn’t expect a reply anytime soon and was somewhat shocked when, not even a minute later, she replied with “Be right there” with a pair of lips. That brightened my mood considerably but I seriously considered texting her back to just enjoy tonight with her friends. But I’d been missing her all week. Who was I to tell her not to come over.

It wasn’t even thirty minutes later when Keisha opened the door. I hadn’t moved and was slumped down in my chair with a pained expression on my face. “Jesus Pam. I’ve seen road kill looking better than you.” she said, quickly walking over to me. I smiled wanly and looked her over. I could tell I’d caught her in the middle of hanging out with her friends and felt guilty about not texting her to stay.

“I really, really appreciate you coming Keisha but you should have stayed with your friends.”

“It’s cool. I was getting bored anyway. Just a bunch of noise and getting drunk. Trust me. I was planning on ditching and coming over here even before you sent the text.” I decided to believe her and held out my arms for a hug, wincing as I did so. Instead of hugging me though, she took hold of my hands and pulled me up, leading me to the bedroom. I let her dictate my actions as she laid me down and began to undress me. Reaching underneath me, Keisha unzipped my skirt and then removed it from my body followed by my right silk stocking and then the left. She took her time unbuttoning each button on my blouse and then unhooked the front of my bra before moving my arms and body so that she could toss the garments on the floor. Finally, she took hold of my panties and pulled them off of me, caressing my legs as she did. I was laying there in the nude looking watching her as she began to undress, her glorious body coming into view with every piece of clothing she took off. When she was finished undressing herself, Keisha rolled my body over and then climbed onto the bed. After straddling my legs, she began to massage me.

Her strong fingers pressed into my shoulders and neck. I winced at the pressure feeling the knots resisting her fingers but she kept at it. I know not how long she took, constantly kneading into my aching muscles as I just relaxed feeling the pain slip away. I felt her move down my back, always pressing and moving her fingers before she finally reached my ass. She grasped both cheeks in her capable hands and massaged my ass. I was so relaxed at this point, I barely felt her climb off of me. Spreading my ass open, I felt Keisha’s tongue touch the tip of my asshole. My bottom was thoroughly coated in her saliva before she grasped me and rolled me over onto my back. I opened my eyes to gaze upon her face. She smiled at me before straddling my legs again to start working on my front. She took each of my breasts in her hands and started to work them too. Digging her fingers in, she played with my tits, all the while looking at me. When she was done with them, Keisha trailed her fingers down over my stomach where her fingers came to rest on my vagina. nişantaşı escort

All of this attention and loving touches had me worked up. Keisha dismounted me again and spread my legs open before climbing into the middle. Laying down between my legs, she began to massage my pussy, both inside and out, playing with my juices and rubbing her fingertips against my clit. I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm stirring as my body squirmed under her probing digits. Then, she leaned down and gave me a long lick with her tongue. My breath caught and my hips bucked at the touch as she snaked her tongue through the wet folds of my pussy. My body felt like it was on fire as she ate me out. When she pursed her luscious lips and sucked on my clit, my back arched and I clenched down. The first wave of my orgasm crested and my whole body shook. I then felt her lips wrap around my left nipple as she shoved two fingers into my pussy hole. She licked and sucked, constantly wiggling her fingers in me, tickling my g spot until she bit down on my nipple. My back arched again and I screamed her name as I coated her hand when another orgasm hit me. I was seeing stars as she switched to my right breast and sucked that nipple into her mouth. She ran her fingers through the folds of my pussy again, rubbing my clitty. I was already super sensitive there, having cum twice and her fingers set me off again. I don’t remember much after that.

Just like in the fairy tales, Keisha’s kiss awoke me from my slumber. I could barely move my arms as I wrapped her in an embrace, holding her naked body to mine. She broke the kiss before, touching both of my eyelids with her lips, before she laid down next to me. Her hand was caressing my stomach as I laid there. “Feeling better?” she asked as her hand glided over my tits. I nodded, not wanting to speak. For the longest time, we laid on the bed, our bodies pressed together. It was I who finally spoke.

“My God, that was amazing.” I said as I started to caress her arm. “Thank you. I needed that so badly.” She kissed my cheek and then started lightly touching my face, running her finger down my nose, touching my lips and then grazing my cheek with feather like touches. I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. Her head was propped up with her other arm and she was just looking, a faint smile on her lips.

“Just lay here baby until I get back, okay?” I nodded my head as Keisha got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I heard the water running in the tub but didn’t get up until she came to retrieve me. She walked back into the room, took me by the hands again and led me to the bathroom. The lights were dimmed and two glasses of wine were sitting on the ledge surrounding the tub. We both climbed in and Keisha activated the jets. She just held me as I snuggled up to her, nuzzling her neck. This was the first time that she had assumed the more dominant role. It may have been a small gesture but the act of holding me like that put us on more even ground. No longer was I the teacher leading her down a path of discovery. Now, we would walk the path together.

“How were finals?” I asked, breaking the spell that had been woven. Keisha let out a groan and squeezed my shoulders.

“I am so glad they’re over.” I giggled and kissed her on the neck as my hand started rubbing her chest. “Aimie is leaving to go back to England not this Monday but next. I was thinking of taking her and her girlfriend out as a “good bye” party.”

“Mmmmmm…That is very sweet of you.” I paused for a moment. Then an idea struck me. “What about coming over here? I’m off next week and could take my time and cook them a nice dinner.”

“You’d be willing to do that?”

“Of course! It would be my pleasure.” I said, smiling.

“Cool! Thank you so much.” Keisha hugged me tight and gave me a quick kiss.

“Come on, let’s get out of this tub before we both turn into prunes.” We got out and toweled each other off before grabbing our glasses and walking back into the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, took a sip of wine and told her to close her eyes again.

“Oooooh Pam.” Keisha said smiling. “Do you have another surprise?” I just winked at her and smiled. When she’d complied with my request, I went to my play drawer and pulled out the oil and double headed dildo. I sat down on the edge of the bed, opened the bottle and squirted a line of oil that led from her cleavage down to her pussy. I started oiling her tits, spreading the strawberry scented fluid all over those luscious globes. She smiled at the sensation as I coated her breasts and nipples. When they were good and shiny, I did the same to her stomach before moving down to her crotch. She spread her legs for me as my hand began to rub her hairless mons and outer lips. I would have loved to linger, touching and massaging her most intimate place but I moved to her thighs, down her calves, eventually to her feet. Her whole body glistened in the soft light of the room. My hand went back to between her legs as I began to rub her pussy. She was already moist and not just from the oil and my two fingers easily slipped into her. I started working my hand in and out, twisting my wrist at the same time. Her breathing quickened and she started rubbing her breasts as her climax inched closer. That’s when I pulled my hand away and replaced it with the dildo.

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