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The house was so quiet.

It was almost scary.

This was my third day of watching Mrs. Richard’s house while she was away. Each day I stopped by after my classes at the college and checked on things.

Ever since I turned eighteen, Mrs. Richards had insisted I call her Mary, but old habits are hard to overcome and I could only think of her as Mrs. Richards.

I had known Mrs. Richards forever. In all the time that I had known her, my entire life, she never mentioned a Mr. Richards. There were whispered rumors that she was secretly seeing the Dean of the College, Mr. Roberts, but if she was, she was very discreet about it. If it was true, my mom would have talked about it, she was the original small town gossip queen. I didn’t think she could have any secrets, much less something that big, especially since she was Mrs. Richard’s best friend.

Besides, the Dean was married. It was weird anyway; my mom and Mrs. Richards always seemed to be together, I don’t know how she would have time for Mr. Roberts.

Mrs. Richards was always around our house or mom was over at hers, she had even gone on vacation with us several times.

Maybe I noticed the quietness of the empty house more today, because of what I planned to do. I had been tempted, but too afraid to try on the first two days. I had been dreaming about it for a couple of weeks. I knew I might get in deep trouble but I wanted to try it so badly. Today, I told myself I just had to. I had convinced myself the odds of being caught were very small since there were no other houses nearby.

All through the day today, I had trouble concentrating in class, to the point where several of my teachers had commented and asked if I was okay. I was more than okay I don’t think I had ever been more excited in my life.

Mrs. Richard’s house was perfect for what I had in mind. It was on the outer edge of town, virtually in the country, she had no neighbors, and in the other two days, I hadn’t heard or seen any traffic. The house matched her completely everything was stylish and perfect.

Since I was old enough to remember, I had always thought she was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen. Everything from her long legs to her classic looks haunted my dreams. I couldn’t think of a time that I hadn’t had a secret crush on her.

I don’t normally think about girls, but I am definitely curious about Mrs. Richards.

I had thought about being naked in places I wasn’t supposed to be ever since Mrs. Richards let it slip that she did her housework naked. I was not supposed to have overheard the comment, but on their third or fourth glass of wine, she and mom were laughing about it and mom repeated it loud enough for me to overhear in the next room.

Maybe it was my hormones or because I wasn’t seeing anyone right now, but the thought of her dusting and vacuuming nude was the sexiest thing I could imagine. I imagined doing my chores secretly naked, the dishes, my homework, even hanging the laundry naked. The idea seemed to open a door to my sensuality that I didn’t realize was even there before.

I just never thought I would get the chance, especially in my house.

I was rarely alone except at night in bed in my very small bedroom. I had three sisters and as the oldest, when I was not at the local college, I was working, or I was babysitting. To be alone in that big empty house was too good of an opportunity to miss. I even remembered with a smile that Mrs. Richards had said that I could bring a friend over for a little alone time.

Mrs. Richards was so cool. In addition to being my mom’s best friend, she also happened to be one of my instructors and she was my favorite teacher. She towered over me, at almost 6.3, she was bigger than most men, but very well proportioned and very sexy, at least I thought so. In her late forties, she could easily be fifteen years younger.

I told her that I might come over and watch TV, but I told her my boyfriend and I had broken up a few weeks ago.

“Such a waste,” she had said and told me that it was too bad because I was such a pretty and sexy young woman.

“No, you must need glasses, Mrs. Richards,” I said.

“How many times do I have to ask you to call me Mary and Brooke and don’t be silly, everyone thinks you are beautiful. You are a great student, and you are so nice and helpful. Mr. Roberts commented the other day to me how great you are, and even though he isn’t supposed to say things like this, he said you must be one of the sexiest students in the college.”

“Remember Brooke, I’ve seen you naked, you might be small but you are very sexy,” she added, it had been a few months ago, we were in her hot tub and after a glass of wine, she had convinced me to take off my bikini. Things were just starting to get interesting when my sisters splashed into the hot tube. We hadn’t been alone together since.

I think my heart almost exploded and I tried unsuccessfully to hide my blushing.

“It’s true Brooke,” Mrs. Lefkoşa Escort Richards said when she saw my blushing. “I see all of the guys and some girls looking at you, hell even most of the instructors make comments about how sexy you are.

After Mrs. Richards made those comments, I almost floated through the rest of my day. The next day when Mr. Roberts smiled at me in the hall, I just about walked into a door, which brought me back to earth with a thud, especially when his smile become a laugh. He did make sure I was okay and very discretely, he patted me on the butt.

Nobody noticed, but it couldn’t have been an accident and it really got my imagination going. I knew it was inappropriate, but I would never tell. Up until then, I had only dated boys my own age, and other than dreaming about Mrs. Richards, I had never even considered older men. I smiled, Mr. Roberts was older than my father, and I daydreamed in my next class about what his body might look and feel like.

“If you are going to dream, you might as well dream big,” I told myself, smiling.

In the days leading up to her conference, between thoughts of Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Richards, and getting naked in her house, I could feel myself getting wetter and more slippery more often. At the end of those days, I could not wait to be alone and bed and sometimes even went to bed early. Last night, my first orgasm was about Mr. Roberts and I came hard, my second was about Mrs. Richards, and my third just before I drifted off to sleep was about all three of us together.

Mr. Roberts was the College Dean; he was maybe in his late fifties or early sixties, in decent shape, and almost movie-star handsome, or so my friends thought so. He was very popular with the students because he tried really hard to be fair and encourage everyone. He was at almost all student events and had made a real effort to connect with everyone.

If Mrs. Richards liked him, I could understand why.

As I thought about him, I realized that I had seen him or had him say “hello” to me much more often in the last several months than ever before. More than once I thought he had been watching my boobs or ass, but I had always just thought it was my imagination.

I could see what Mrs. Richards would be attracted to him, but I didn’t think the rumors were true. Anytime I saw them together, they looked totally professional and I had never seen them together outside of school.

I forced myself to focus; I was supposed to be looking after Mrs. Richard’s house while she was away at a conference.

I checked the plants, collected and sorted the mail just as Mrs. Richards had asked. I was actually surprised that Mrs. Richards had had asked me since normally my mom housesits when Mrs. Richards was away, often staying overnight while I babysit.

When I asked why she asked me, Mrs. Richards almost coughed but my mother said, “Brooke you are old enough now, and getting a little time alone might be good for you.”

The first thing I had thought of was getting the chance to explore Mrs. Richard’s house naked. I tried to hide my excitement, but I saw them both look and smile at each other. I pretended not to notice, there was no way they could have known. I thought I had been careful.

Part of the job was to also feed Mrs. Richard’s dog, Finn.

Remembering her instructions, I made sure that I unlocked the back door after I collected the dog food and some fresh water. Balancing the two dishes was a bit of a trick and I was careful not to spill anything. It was doubly hard to concentrate because my mind was jumping ahead to getting naked once I was finished with Finn.

Mrs. Richard’s voice played back in my head, “Finn is a good dog, a little rambunctious but he won’t bite. Although he usually is inside, while I am away, he will be fine outside in the yard, and besides, he has a big doghouse.”

To say Finn was a little rambunctious was a big understatement.

Finn was a big German Shepard, for a dog he was quite a specimen, with the classic look of good breeding, he was muscular and very smart. I seem to remember he was 4 or 5 years old. If I were a burglar, he would scare me out of my mind. For all of my nineteen years, I had to hide the fact I was a little afraid of dogs and I had hesitated when Mrs. Richards had asked me. I had always been here with Mrs. Richards or my mom, and it kind of scared me to be here alone with him because he was so big.

Mrs. Richards had reassured me Finn would be okay and that he really liked students, especially at mealtime, she had laughed when she saw the frightened look on my face.

“Brooke, I am only going to be at the conference for a week, Finn will be fine, make yourself at home and relax.” Then she added, more to my mom than me, “Keri, maybe Brooke could stay overnight, Finn will look after her.”

My mom said, “Mary that’s a great idea, maybe near the end of the week, let’s let her see how comfortable she feels around Kıbrıs Escort him by then.”

“Finn will be fine, he knows you and he really likes women, I wouldn’t ask a guy to look after him,” Mrs. Richards had said, which helped to reassure me.

Mom added, “I love looking after Finn, Brooke, I am sure you will be fine. I would do it, but I have to work late all this week.”

She had been right, other than jumping all over me and licking my face, Finn had been fine. I was only 5.1 and 100 pounds, Finn seemed almost as tall as I was and I was sure he was heavier. Later Mrs. Richards would say that he was almost 150 pounds.

Despite all of the instructions, my mind kept returning to the image of Mrs. Richards cleaning her house naked. One level of my brain remembered all of her instructions, but another part, to be honest, just fantasized about her to the point where I really had to focus on what she was saying.

When I opened the door, Finn seemed to sense that I was there with food and only licked my face about a hundred times. When I set the food down it was as if I did not exist anymore.

He was still eating when I slipped back into the house. There was no screen door because Mary had said Finn had destroyed each one she had installed so I just pulled the door closed.

I would go back out again once I was finished, to refill his water, and clean the food dish. Thinking to myself, I thought, maybe I would even do it naked, I shivered at the thought.

It made me think of some more of her instructions, “Now Brooke, watch the door because sometimes if the wind catches it, it can latch on its own.” Then she told me one time it had happened while she was sunbathing in the nude and she was locked out until my mom happened to stop by and rescue her.

That made me instantly moan aloud, thinking about Mrs. Richards trapped naked outside and I completely missed when she said, “It’s a good thing Kerri stopped by and had her key to my house.” I was imagining how Mrs. Richards might look naked, her long legs, tight ass, breasts… “wow.”

Finn had his food; it was time. I noticed my hands were shaking.

I almost chickened out again, but I wanted this despite my fear. I knew it was bad, slutty almost, but there was no way I could not do this.

The thrill of being naked was overcoming any misgivings that I had. On my way over here, I had asked myself when would I ever get another chance like this. Just thinking about it made me slippery and I could barely control the urge of playing with myself.

Other times, when I did touch myself, late at night in bed, it only took a few minutes for me to orgasm. I was careful to not squirt onto the sheets, but I am sure my mom could notice the scent of my sex lingering in my room. Since breaking up with my boyfriend, I was playing with myself so much more, sometimes two or three times a day and always once I was in bed.

I had even started sleeping in the nude the last few weeks. Just yesterday I was almost caught by my mom. During the night, I must have kicked off the blanket and when she came to wake me up, she would have had to have been blind not to see my exposed boobs and nipples.

I remember how hard they had been.

Mom never said anything and the only thing I noticed was a slight smile on her face as she told me to wake up.

She had added a comment about how cold it must be in my room as she left.

After I closed the door and walked into the kitchen. I noticed my hands were still shaking and I told myself to relax.

It was time, no more talk.

I slipped one shoe off and then the other. My heart thumped in my chest. Glancing nervously around I almost expected Mrs. Richards to step out and say, “Brooke what the fuck are you doing,” but the house remained very quiet.

I walked through the kitchen and into the living room as I undid the suspenders on my denim coveralls one at a time; I could hear Finn in the back yard occasionally barking, I figured at squirrels and birds. I pulled the coveralls down and felt them slide over the rise of my boobs, closing my eyes for a moment; I pulled them over the flair of my ass and then let gravity pull them the rest of the way.

Stepping free, I was left in my tee, panties, and socks. I shivered, not with cold, but with excitement.

I had purposely not worn a bra today, not that I really needed to since my little 34B’s were very perky. I loved being braless, that feeling of delicious friction between my nipples and the fabric of my tee could almost make me cum without anything else.

Looking down, both my nipples were standing at attention with pronounced impressions in the fabric. A rumbling feeling rolled through my body and my hands started to shake again.

Crossing my hands over, I reached down and pulled my tee over my head. I just let it fall into the floor with my shoes and coveralls. The air in the room was cool and goosebumps rose on my skin.

Unconsciously Girne Escort I cupped both my breasts, covering them in a gesture that I thought was silly when I realized what I was doing.

As a sign of my increasing bravado, I walked into the living room and stood in front of her big picture window, still cupping my breasts. I was lost in my own world.

Several moments later, I noticed my socks now on the floor and could not remember slipping them off.

I used my fingertips to lightly make circles on my skin, moving softly, exploring, eyes closed. I inhaled sharply when they brushed up against my nipples. Slowly, in a well-practiced movement, I moved my fingertips down across my tummy and then back up to the rise of my chest. Softly pinching and pulling on my eraser-sized nipples my breathing started to get ragged and uneven.

I could feel my boyfriend’s lips and tongue biting my nipples in my mind, gently and roughly pulling on each nub. He never did it long enough, but now in my imagination, he was doing it amazingly well, making me feel sexy, desirable, and a little slutty all at the same time, and it was wonderful. God, I missed that feeling. I didn’t miss him, but I missed that amazing feeling.

I could have stayed like that for hours, my temperature was rising, and electricity was flowing up and down my spine.

Deep inside me, the heat and the wetness seeped through my panties. I wanted to explore Mrs. Richards like this.

I wanted to lay spread-eagle on her bed, to walk where she walked, and I wanted to be so bad, maybe even take a selfie masturbating while lying on her kitchen table while imagining her eating me. One hand and its fingers moved away from my nipples and slowly, steadily made their way to my panties.

I told myself I would do all of that, but with my fingertips gliding all over my body, it was like my feet were cemented to the floor, right now my body was totally focused on satisfying itself.

At first, my fingertips only circled my panties, tracing small shapes on my exposed skin on both sides of the triangle shape. Slowly I allowed them to dance across the thin fabric that covered my pussy. More chills rippled through my body, my arousal filled my senses as it became stronger, my breathing become deeper and my continuous moaning echoed through the empty house.

As I felt the telltale signs of an approaching orgasm. The image in my brain switched from my ex to Mrs. Richards. My heart seemed to skip a beat as I felt the moisture increase when I realized just how much I wanted Mrs. Richards to see and catch me like this.

I had kept my fantasies of Mrs. Richards for the darkest nights alone in bed, now I let them loose as I let my body fully explore its desires.

I imagined her walking into the room, seeing me almost naked, fingers buried in my panties masturbating in her house; I imagined her looking deep into my eyes as my fingers continued to work me. I imagined her kissing me, her hands exploring my little body. I could feel the orgasm building starting to crest, the waves threatening to crash over me.

My fingers fought the resistance of my waistband, stopped for a moment, then dug into my skin for a second, and then moved under the band. I inhaled my scent deeply and I imagined Mrs. Richards tongue deep inside me, both inside my mouth and in my pussy somehow at the same time. She paused, shaking her head and saying what a “bad girl” I was.”

“Brooke, you need to be punished, you need to be spanked over my knee,” I imagined her saying and I felt my knees weaken and the intensity between my thighs reach my limits and push beyond. I imagined her looking at me with her green eyes sparkling and her catching me and holding me as my desires overwhelmed me.

It was not the first time I had thought about being spanked by Mrs. Richards and I had even wondered about Mr. Roberts punishing me as well for dreaming about being so naughty. I had always been “the good girl” and now my thirst for being bad grew and was completely overwhelming me.

My fingers penetrated my little box in another practiced motion, exploring my folds and circling then teasing my little clitty. My moaning was now steady and my hips pushed against my hand. As my fingers plunged deep into me, the wetness allowed them easy entrance, first one, then two fingers. I started to push harder against my hand, I could feel myself letting go in a way I had never done with my boyfriend. The biggest wave yet crashed down upon me, just as the doorbell rang.

I could not stop; the orgasm made my world disappear into an explosion of yellows, oranges, and reds, and my juices flooded my panties and onto my fingers.

“Ohhhhhh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” my mind screamed as my hips flexed and my knees buckled again. I was powerless to stop it. I fell to the floor, partly to hide and partly because my body was being wracked by my orgasm.

The doorbell rang again.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I thought.

Panicking I could see a dark shape from where I was orgasming in the curtained window next to the door.

Had they heard me, my whimpering was impossible to stop.

Did they know Mrs. Richards was away?

My body would not move as the last aftershocks continued to echo through me.

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