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Hello, welcome and thanks for reading. My fantasy series is an attempt to bring a reader more into the story so as to make him/her feel like they are a part of it. The story is told from your prospective as if you were one of two main characters. The two protagonists are brother and sister who like sex but haven’t had a whole lot of partners until now.

The brother is named Wesley, Wes for short. He is a twenty three year old six foot Caucasian male with medium length light brown hair. He keeps his body in fit very fit shape. Not too muscle bound and not to skinny either. He is currently a junior in collage majoring in Writing/Literature. He’s not too shabby with the ladies and has many girls that are friends. Most of the ones that like him the most are surprisingly mostly his sister’s friends. And on that if you would like a description of her please read Fantasies Ladies A.

With all this out of the way here is the story. Remember this is fiction told from your prospective as if you were Wes. Have fun, vote and give me feedback if you’d like. And remember, it’s only fantasy!


“Cheers!” Everyone around the center island counter cries as you all raise up your glasses.

You clink your shot glasses with all of the friends gathered around making sure the last glass you click is your sisters. You give her a little nod which she smiles and returns to you before you both put the glasses to your lips and drink the shots down in one gulp. You let out a manly grunt as the vodka burns down your throat and almost laugh when you see your sister making a face and waving her hand in front of it.

“C’mon Christie that’s good stuff!” You say to her before you actually do start laughing.

“Oh shut the fuck up Wes and pour me another!” She says with a smile making the other people around start to laugh.

“Yes, ma’am birthday girl!” You grab the huge bottle of Grey Goose and fill up everyone’s glasses again. “To my little, itsy, bitsy sister who is finally twenty-one!”

Everyone say’s cheers again and then drinks their respective glasses. Your little sister flips you off when she catches you smiling at her expression again.

“Alright, I need a beer!” You say making your way over to the fridge to fish one out.

It is your sister’s birthday. The big twenty-one. She convinced you to put on something nice for her. A black dress shirt with a white t-shirt under it with a pair of gray slacks. It could be my present she told you. Like paying for her birthday party wasn’t enough. But she was your little sis and it was the first time you would get to legally drink with her.

A couple of hours later your sister’s birthday party is in full effect as most everyone has shown up. The people that were there in the beginning were only their closest friends. But now you have to claim house rank, being that it’s your house, to grab your favorite seat in the recliner.

You take a look around seeing familiar faces hearing the music playing loud hip-hop. People were dancing, either in couples or by themselves, drinking and talking. Everyone was having a great time. It was just the way you liked it. A lot of the people keep asking the birthday girl to take shots with them. A lot of guys and even one of the girls get her out onto the dance floor. Your get a little shocked as they really go at it and put on a show for everyone. At one point she even drags you out there for a few songs before you stalk back to you chair.

After a few hours of partying you suddenly see you sister’s friend Jenny walk into the living room. She is a Caucasian lady that has long dark hair that reaches to her lovely tight ass and gorgeous green eyes. She’s about five nine with a great looking body and medium c-cup breasts. She’s wearing a black short sleeve button up shirt that she has un-tucked with a blue jean skirt that falls to about her knees which accentuates her tight ass really well. She was one of Christie’s friends that had been here since the party started.

“Would you consider giving up a seat for tired young lady?” Jenny asks giving you a puppy dog face.

“That depends on what I’m going to get in return,” you smile at her.

“How about the smiles of that thankful young lady?” She gives you a huge smile.

“Sorry can’t do that,” you reply. “You could always sit in my lap.”

“Men,” she rolls her eyes at you and then gets a devilish grin on her face. “Actually I think I will.”

You think she’s obviously joking… until a split second later when she plants her round ass cheeks right on your lap. For a moment you’re a little shocked and can’t move… except for one certain part which starts to grow. She turns a little and looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a half face grin. You know right then that she can feel to slowly growing bulge in your pants.

“Getting a little excited are we?” She says quietly so that no one else can hear. You try to control yourself but it won’t stop. “Oh wow, make that very excited!”

You stifle a gasp as she lightly grounds her ass into you lap rubbing Malatya Escort your dick through the jeans as she does. She smiles at you sexily as continues to tease and torture you. You look around and notice that no one has noticed what was going on. You only really care about your sister seeing her friend getting you off with her ass but she wasn’t even in the room at the moment.

“So what are you going to do the next time a tired young woman needs a seat?” Jenny asked.

“If this is the end result, refuse it yet again,” you gasp.

“Wrong answer,” Jenny says before quickly standing up leaving your sitting there with a huge erection. “I’ll come back in a few to give you some time to think it over.”

And with that you watch as Jenny walks back into the crowd without letting on that anything was different. You sit there for several moments before remembering that you were in the middle of a crowded room with a raging hard on that was obvious for anyone who looked to see. You quickly stand and head through you hall towards the bathroom. As you try the door you noticed that it’s locked and give it a knock.

“Whoever’s in there are you almost done?” You yell through the door.

“Uh… nah,” one of your friends voices cuts through door. “I… ahh… might be here… ohh yes… a while.”

“Mark?” You notice the sounds of his voice sound a little weird. “Don’t tell me you’re fucking in my bathroom? For fucks sake! Do that at your own fucking house!”

You don’t even wait to hear his reply as you continue down the hall to the master bedroom with its own bathroom. You take a quick piss not needing to take a moment to calm down. You start to think of what had gotten into Jenna to make her want to do that. You both have flirted before but nothing like that.

“Maybe she might want more,” you say quietly out loud. “Nah.”

You hear a noise coming from out in you bedroom and take a peek out to see who it is. Another one of your sister’s friends named Maria is sitting at your desk on the computer tapping away at the keyboard.

Maria is about five and a half feet tall with curly red hair that stretches to her mid back. She is wearing a blue tube top that fits snuggly over her small but really full breasts and covers to just above her bellybutton. She also has on a black cloth mini-skirt that barely reaches to mid thigh.

You also know that she is into tats having several of her own. There is a tribal design right below her belly button and a butterfly in between her shoulder blades. One day when she swimming in the pool with you sister you noticed that she had a heart with an arrow through it on her right ass cheek. Her bellybutton, tongue and ears are all pierced as well.

The desk sat against the far wall so she had her back turned to you.

“What do you think you’re doing?” You make here jump as you ask the question.

“Jesus, Wes!” She gives you a playful angry look with her pure blue eyes. “Give a girl a heart attack why don’t you?”

“You didn’t answer my question,” you walk up to stand next to her.

“Your sister told me that I could use your computer to check my Myspace,” Maria says as she turns back to the computer.

“Why didn’t you use hers?” You ask knowing your sis has one too.

“Because someone else is using hers,” she says with a smile. “Besides I wanted to see what porn sites you go to. YouPorn and RedTube are… interesting.”

“Funny…,” you joke but make a mental note to clear your browsing history.

“I’m all done,” she says getting up from the chair next to you computer. You step back as she does noticing an obvious sign of her being braless, that is her perky nipples poking through the tight tube top.

“You better be careful, you could put an eye out with those things,” you joke indicating to her top.

“Men,” she says then gives you a devilish smile.

‘Here we go again,’ you think knowing something is coming.

You find that you’re right a second later as she pulls her top up giving you a flash of her tits. Your dick starts to harden a little again as she wiggles them back and forth right in front of you face. You notice the nipples as they shake are both pierced by a small barbell. You look at her and smile as she pulls her top back down.

“You women are mean and cruel,” you say shaking your head.

“Think about that next you want to scare a girl half to death,” she says as she turned and walked out of your room.

“Mean and cruel,” you repeat as you lay down on the bed to wait for your erection to die down. “What is with these women today?”

You make your way back out to the living room after you’ve once again calmed down. You knew that you were going to have to have some serious relief time after the party. Either that or you would have to get laid. But that was kind of hard when you’re single.

“Wes!” Someone yells as you enter the living room. You look up to see yet another one of Christine’s friends walking towards you.

This one is named Gloria, a gorgeous mocha Malatya Escort Bayan skin Latina with short brow hair and light brown eyes. Her awesome borderline c-cup breast lightly jiggle and bounce in her black turtle neck tank top as she walks quickly up to you. Her slim hips sway in her red dress skirt that falls to her feet but has a slit running on the right side to her lower thigh showing a good amount of her sexy leg.

“What’s up?” You ask when she steps up to you.

“Come dance with me,” Gloria says. “There’s one my songs coming up and you’re one of the only people who knows how to dance to it.”

What she means is there is one of her songs coming up and she wanted to show off to her friends. She helped you learn to Salsa a long time ago when you were trying to impress a girl. It didn’t quite work out but at least now you know how to dance to these kinds of songs with the woman. You look at her, smile and then nod yes.

Gloria smiles really big and tells one of the guys next to the stereo to play the song. She pulls you into the middle of the dance floor as you and her start to tell people to back up so you two have room. She steps up to you and takes your right hand in her left, you place your left hand on her waist as she places her right on your left shoulder. She smiles at you again as you two wait for the music to start.

The hyper beat of her Latin Music fills the room as you two wait for the intro to finish before you start moving. The song hits and your feet start moving right on cue stepping back and forth leading Gloria who is right in synch with your steps. She never stops smiling and you know that she is a little surprised that you remember what to do. The crowd lets out a bunch of howls as you start to twirl her, dip her and move her to the music.

As the song nears the end you suddenly dip her to you right side. As the last notes play you quickly pull her pick up from the dip and wrap your right arm around her to hold her tight to you. Gloria wraps her left arm around your back and places her right hand onto your chest as she raises her right leg against your hip. You slide your left hand down to grab and hold the leg at mid thigh against you. The entire practiced motion takes less then a second.

You both hold each other as the crowd erupts in cheers and applause. She smiles and stares at you with those beautiful brown eyes while beads of sweat form on her forehead. You remember now how tight you have her held against you. Her breasts are pressed against the right side of your chest. Her bare right leg pressed against your thigh and is held by your hand.

“That…was fun,” you stutter and quickly release her before the situation gets a reaction from you.

“Este muie bueno senior,” she says letting her Spanish accent come out.

“Gracias,” you reply with the little Spanish you know.

“I think I need a drink,” she smiles at you before turning towards the kitchen.

You shake your head and move to your recliner, kicking out the dude you find there. You sit and let out a take in a deep breath letting it out slow. You hear you name and look to your right seeing one of your friends named Tony walking up to you.

Tony is an African American man who stands a little more than six and a half feet tall. He is from a different state but had decided to come here for a Basketball scholarship he got at the college you attend. A very young chocolate skinned lady is walking just behind him. You figure it must a new girlfriend. You stand up as they get close.

The woman is shorter then Tony coming up to a little more than five and half feet tall and looks to be about eighteen maybe nineteen. Her long dark hair falls to her mid back and she looks at you with some of the most captivating dark brown eyes you have ever seen. She is a little thicker then most of the girls you know but she is in no way fat with large c-cup breast contained in a black t-shirt that covered her entire upper body. Her hips sway nicely in the blue jeans accentuating her narrow hips and nice round ass that you can tell she has even from the front. You know that it’s round not huge.

“Hey, Wes I want you to meet someone,” Tony said when he was standing in front of you. “This is my sister Krista. She’s visiting for the next two weeks.”

“Sister?” You almost cough at the realization. “Nice to meet you Krista.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Krista shakes your hand.

“So here for a visit huh?” You say. “I don’t see how you’re going to put up with this guy for two weeks.”

“Ha, ha!” Krista laughed out loud. “He knows you already Tony.”

“Man that’s just cold,” Tony said shaking his head.

“I’m also looking at colleges right now,” Krista said as soon as she was able to stop giggling. “Tony says a lot of good things about your guys school so I thought I’d come check it out.”

“Do you know what you would like to major in?” You ask.

“She wants to be a writer,” Tony says giving you a little nudge.

“Ah, my department,” you say in understanding.

“Hence Escort Malatya why he wanted to introduce me to you,” she smiled.

“Ok cool, did you want to meet a few of my instructors?” You ask trying to be helpful. “I can also set you up with a meeting with my councilor.”

“Sure,” Krista. “Is Monday a good day?”

“Sure,” you nod in agreement.

Tony announces that they have to go. They both have to be up at a decent hour tomorrow. Krista smiles and waves at you before she turns and follows after her brother. You smile as her hips sway swinging her ass back and forth as she walks. You confirm what you thought about it. Nice and round.

You suck in a breath and let it out in a low whistle as forcing yourself to look away hoping no one saw you ogling her. You sit back down and rest your head against the back of the chair closing your eyes. Suddenly you feel a butt land sideways in your lap. You open your eyes and aren’t surprised to find Jenna sitting sideways on you lap with her legs dangled over the left arm of the chair.

“So have you thought about the answer?” Jenny asks giving you a sexy smile.

“Offer the lady to sit in my lap every time?” You answer.

“That’s a good enough answer,” she says wriggling her butt again. You’re prepared for it this time but still can’t control you reaction.

“Jenny, what the hell are doing in my brother’s lap?” You both look and find your sister standing at the other end of the room with a half smile and half annoyed look.

“Um… nothing,” you stammer trying to look innocent.

“Why don’t two make out and get it over with already?” Christie asks sarcastically and shaking her head in annoyance. You can tell that she’s a little tipsy.

Everyone’s eyes are on you two now causing you to get a little embarrassed. You turn to Jenny to ask her to get off but are shocked to find her giving you another sexy smile. You knew right then that your sister might be pissed at you for a while.

Jenny gives a little shrug before leaning forward and pressing her lips against yours. Your eyes open wide as the crowd erupts in howls and cheers as she kisses you. Ah fuck it, you think as you close your eyes and start kissing her back. Your right arm wraps around her back and your left grips her thigh. You use both holds on her to pull her tight against you.

Jenny sighs into your mouth and then you feel her mouth open and you let yours do the same allowing your tongues to push past the others lips. Her right hand cups the back of your next and her left hand grips your right bicep and squeezes as she continues to moan and sigh lightly. You feel her ass rubbing against your bulging dick again and realize that you can now have a small measure of revenge.

So slowly start to slide your have up her thigh until you are caressing her left hip. You don’t stay there but move your hand forward until you grip her ass cheek in your hand. She begins to whimper slightly as you caress and stroke the nice and firm butt.

You don’t stay there for long and slide your hand back to her hip. You start to slide it up and then underneath the un-tucked shirt of hers. Your hand had just barely touched the bare skin of her stomach when she breaks the kiss and pulled it out. You think for a second that maybe you had crossed the line with that but when you look at her she is still giving you that sexy smile.

“Oh my fucking god, I was just fucking kidding!” You hear your little sister bellow and cringe looking in her direction.

She didn’t look mad just a little shock. You are glad to see that she has a huge smile on her face. The other people around the room were cheering and clapping.

You look back at Jenny and see that she is smiling and blushing from the embarrassment. The cheers die down but she still lingers in your lap. She bends her head to your ear so that she can talk to you without people hearing.

“That was very nice,” she says to you. “What else can you do with that fantastic tongue of yours?”

The question catches you off guard a little and you stare at her speechless. She smiles that same little smile as she looks you in the eye with shining green ones. You shake you head and smile back at her and pull her close so she could hear you.

“I can do a lot more,” you say giving her your own version of her sexy smile. “Most are even better then what just happened.”

“Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you show me what some of those things are,” she says before giving you a quick peck on the cheek and then standing up.

You watch as Jenny walks through the living room into the hall heading you guess towards the kitchen with a confused smile on your face. What has gotten into her? You get up from you chair and start to head into the kitchen wanting a drink but you notice the time on the clock on the wall. It was twelve thirty. You wanted to start kicking people out in a little while. Time flies.

About around one in the morning is when you start kicking people out. Most of them were too drunk to drive so cabs had to be called but soon most of the people were gone. Only a few stragglers are left. Jenny, Maria and Gloria are among them. Mark was in the can again only this time he was throwing up instead of fucking. He actually told you that it was only a blowjob.

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