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Arms Behind

I sat on the edge of the stall in the pony barn eating one of the last apples that wouldn’t be grown on the farm. Gary was rooting David something fierce. The cries were unacceptable. Gary had been on him for 20 minutes, the pain should have been quelled by David’s own cunt juices and relaxation. It was obvious he was fighting it.

“Just fucking stop.” I ordered as I jumped down from the half wall of the stall. My feet hit the straw that carpeted the pony stall.

“Chef…I’m almost…” Gary grunted.

“Fine, hurry. I have to get him stretched… and baby you are thick, but not long.” I tossed the apple core onto the ground of the stall. David’s knees were on the dirt and straw floor, and Gary squatted behind him and pounded the slave as hard as he could. There were tears in David’s eyes, but there was also clit goo dripping from his useless meat.

As much as he was whining about the clit in his cunt, he was definitely enjoying it. I put my hand over David’s clit and caught four hard shots of slave cum. I held it carefully in my hand as I heard Gary drop his pony load into the twink.

I raised my jizz filled hand to David’s mouth he opened his mouth and sucked, then licked all of it into his mouth.

“That is four ponies. Master Tex has ponies with bigger breeding sticks. Let’s go.” I grabbed his leash and began to lead him out of our Master’s barn.

“Alpha? Permission to speak?” He asked. He couldn’t see it but I was smiling. I was proud how far he had come in the last 48 hours.


“Why is it that Master Tex’s ponies have ‘breeding sticks’ but our Master’s ponies have ‘clits’?” he asked. It was a fair question, but it was a question surrounded in controversy.

“Well…” I could tell about my own experience with Trigger and Tantrum, but I said this instead. “…Master Tex likes his ponies hung. There are rumors that Master Tex likes to masturbate, or milk his big ponies as he fucks them. They are called “breeding sticks” because of the massive load that the huge clits give.”

“So they will never be in the show?” He asked. I yanked his leash, he was slowing down when he realized we were heading to Master Tex’s barn.

“No they will never be in the show.” I walked onto Master Tex’s property from the dirt road that ran through our small newly built town. I had to pull his leash a bit hard as we approached the home of Tantrum, and Trigger. As we walked to the front door of the barn we were stopped by a slave that was just a pile of muscles. I had never seen this one before.

“Halt pretty bois.” If he didn’t have a Mississippi drawl, I would have mistaken him for a young Arnold Schwarzenegger. This wasn’t a pony, this was proof that Sasquatch existed, and not all of them were covered in fur.

“Hey there roughneck, we are supposed to be here, on order of my Master.” I said as I began to walk around the brick wall on legs. Her held his hand out, blocking my path. I lowered my head in instant frustration. I took a step back.

“What is your name?” I asked, and looked the Clydesdale in the eyes.

“I don’t have to tell you that cunt.” He replied with disrespect. I could feel David’s eyes in the back of my skull waiting to see what I would do next.

“What kind of collar are you wearing there pony?” I asked, looking up into his eyes. He was easily 6 foot 7, and had to weigh 270 pounds.

“Uh…” He touched it. As if that would make him see it better. “Black thick iron.” He now looked confused.

“Okay big guy, did you complete your slave orientation when you arrived?” I asked. He nodded with that look on his face maintained.

“What kind of slave wears an iron collar?” I asked. As dumb as he seemed in the moment, he still replied quickly.

“Ponies and labor slaves.” He said almost confidently.

“Good, and what is the only type of slave you are to take orders from in the absence of a Master?” I asked and lifted my chin slightly so the pony could see my collar. It didn’t help . I sighed.

“Um, Alpha slaves.” He said with more confidence, He smiled.

“Correct again! Now…what color is the highest ranking Alpha’s collars?” I was now smiling. Still holding my head up so the pony could see my neck.

“Gold.” He said as he nodded. I had to jingle the rings on my collar to get him to look.

“OH! I am sorry!” He suddenly realized his error.

“What is your name?” I asked a second time. The smile faded from my face. The light went out of his eyes. He realized he might be in trouble for hindering my progress.

“It’s ‘Thunder’ Alpha.” He was now looking at the ground. I took a couple breaths before I relieved the pressure.

“Thunder, I will forget this, I will not tell your Master…on one condition.” I teased.

“What is that Alpha?” His head raised, but his eyes stayed on the ground.

“Breed this slave in your stall.” I said. I handed Thunder, David’s leash.

Dan woke in a plane at altitude. It was a private double prop job. Small but opulent. araban escort A man in a suit walked up and sat across from him on the red leather couch. At his feet was a briefcase. He didn’t look much like a businessman or a lawyer as the tattoos that ran from his sleeves reached out to his hands, They also crept up his neck.

“Good morning.” The accent said southern. The bald head and scars said enforcer.

“Why am I in a plane?” Dan had been drugged, for how long, he had no idea. He looked around for his phone. It was then that he realized he was wearing only a T shirt and boxers. No phone to be had.

“A mutual friend has decided to make you an offer.” Baldy said.

“He couldn’t let me hear this offer in clothing?” Dan attempted humor, yet fear was beginning to fill his veins.

“He wants your house, your housebois, the ponies, and your vote on the farm. You can keep Chef, but not the show twink.” Baldy’s meaty head held eyes that had seen death at his own hands. Dan was sure of it. He was also sure that no amount of money would make him give up what he had. Yet Dan chose to play along, if for no other reason but to find a way to get the better of the situation.

“Who’s our mutual friend? The Judge?” Dan was casually looking around for something heavy to hit the lug with.

“Oh no. The Judge is working hard in a limestone quarry near Juarez, Mexico. I’m told he doesn’t care for the night life. But he is popular among the slaves.” He smiled. “No it’s your neighbor. Mr Meyer.” Baldy grinned. He felt his stomach go sour. “I should have seen this coming.” He thought.

“If I don’t take the deal, I get thrown from the plane sans parachute?” Dan asked.

“Oh no. The men and women of a slave trafficking ring would never resort to murder.” He oozed with sarcasm. He coughed loudly. “No, we would just drop you off outside of Juarez, to live out your life.”

Dan nodded. He looked around the cabin for a parachute. Dan was going to hit him with the briefcase. He didn’t see one.

“So Tex wants all of what’s mine, I get to keep Ryan and I’m being forced out. So what is the offer?” Dan could not think of one thing he wanted more then to be back home. Oh…and maybe beating the shit out of Tex.

“The deed to a very small tropical island in the south Pacific, a million cash, and a large yacht so that you can get supplies from a coastal town in Chile. It’s a four day round trip.” He opened the briefcase as he spoke. The money took up the entire case. From a pocket he pulled out a land deed written in Spanish.

“The island is about 9 square miles. 4 of this will support farming.”

Dan was handed the information about the island. It had coconut palms, and mango growing wild on it. There was already a large southern plantation style house built in the center of the island. In the pictures he was handed, he noticed that none of the land had been cleared, and no mention of a fresh water source.

“What of water? I would need more then myself and Ryan to get all the clearing done. I can’t have any of my ponies?” Dan asked.

“No. But the place has a satellite dish for TV and internet. It has solar panels, a wind turbine, and American electrical outlets. Your Ryan can recruit whatever you need, and then pick them up from a coastal town in Chile. As for water, it has rain collection funnels and a cistern.” He said dryly.

Dan crossed his arms and sat back.

“That’s not enough. The valuation on my place in the Company, and my holdings are well over 3.5 Million. Some rock in the middle of the south Pacific is no match to my holdings in Eastern Oregon. When the Congressman gets wind of this, Tex will be in Juarez next to the Judge. Then you will have no payment for your services.” Dan sat up straight and looked the man in the eye.

“In fact I could get you double whatever Tex is paying you.” Dan smiled at the bald man. Dan saw a blinding flash, and went unconscious.

“Tex said you would say that.” Baldy muttered. He then yelled to the pilot. “Continue on to Juarez.”

I laid in Master’s bed. The sun was up. I had work to do. I could hear Gary and his ponies already moving around. Downstairs, Mouth is making breakfast. I can smell the bacon. David is moaning on the floor, and I can hear his ankle chain clinking around. I still don’t want to get up.

The fact that my Master is not home from the hospital yet weighs on my mind. The show is only a week away. I have to get David ready. Tantrum worked the twink over really well last night. Tex had showed up and nodded approval. Then dismissed us both home.

I heard someone knocking on the door. “Damn it.” I said to Master’s pillow. I got out of bed and trod down the stairs.

“It’s going to be a hot fucking day” I thought to myself as I looked through the window on the front door. It’s President John. I opened the door quickly. I was flanked by the other housebois.

“Ryan, bois, Your Master disappeared from the hospital last night. According to the paperwork it says he was transferred, but there is no destination on the paperwork.” He placed his thumbs behind his belt.

“Transferred?” I was confused. “You will find him right?” I asked. He scowled at me. I sighed. “You will find him right, Sir?” I was not thinking straight.

“You know I am going to try. Continue your duties as if your Master was on the premises.” He said. He turned and left. I went back to the bedroom to let David out to relive himself. He was asleep on the carpet. The large silver bowl next to the bed had about 10 ounces of cum in it. The bucket next to the bowl. had light colored urine in it.

“At least he followed orders.” I thought to myself. He was curled in the fetal position. “Wake up David.” I said in a low tone. He stirred, then came to. He rubbed his eyes. He laid his head back down as I unlocked his ankle chain.

Must be nice to sleep soundly. I hadn’t really slept since Master had taken ill. He dozed back off. It was fine, I needed a bit of privacy anyway.

I went to Masters bathroom to remove my plug and relieve myself. I went through my morning routine, jealous of the show-twink and his heavy breaths feet away. Placing my glass plug back in it’s home I realized I was needing attention. The moan that escaped my throat was an indicator of my neediness. I continued to move and adjust the clear glass inside of me for what only seemed to be a few seconds.

“Alpha?” David’s voice stopped me from my fantasy of Master rooting me. However it did not stop the dripping of the slave jizz from my clit.

“Clean this up with your tongue. The rest of your breakfast is what is in your bowls.” My words were sharp. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it.

“Speak freely David.” Twink bastard had ruined what little good mood I had left.

“Isn’t masturbation illegal?” He asked. I nodded, then spoke.

“It is. You must not ever touch your clit to achieve orgasm. Your plug, however, well that is a gray area. As Master is not here to reprimand us, and you are the only one in the house getting fucked, I had to take things in my own hands.” I watched as his clit rose. I shook my head.

“No not this morning. You will get fucked later. You need to enema and shower. Hit your legs with another rub down of the hair remover. After your shower, you can eat and drink from the bowls. Bring them down to Mouth in the kitchen when you have both bowls clean. He will reward you with some solid food. He will check your breath to make sure you actually finished the cum and piss.” I began to walk down the stairs.

“Yes Alpha.” He said to my back.

I decended the stairs, walked through the living room, the dining room, and on to the kitchen. Gambler and Mouth both went into the “Present” position. Knees on the floor spread 45 degrees, arms behind them, sitting straight, head up, eyes down.

“As you were.” I said. Gambler went back to eating, Mouth finished up cooking.

Mouth made a plate for me. I sat next to Gambler on the floor to eat it. Mouth made David a plate, and them himself one and joined us on the linoleum floor.

We ate quietly until David took his plate and sat with us. Gambler spoke first breaking the near silence. He had finished his plate and stood to wash it in the sink.

“What happens if Master is not found?” He said calmly.

“I really am not sure. If he was legally dead, his will would be read. In that, it would say what was to happen to us. If he remains missing, it will be up to the Council and the President of the Company.” I kept my eyes on my plate, not wanting to see the faces of house mates.

As soon as the plane landed Dan understood that this was not a threat, it was real. He had a gun put into his face and was told to get off of the plane. Dan walked to the door and descended the stairs. In front of him were large ponies. A man he knew greeted him.

“Oh shit! Seriously?” The Congressman said. “This is a mistake.”

“Nope, he was the bounty, and you owe me $400k.” Baldy said.

“President John couldn’t have approved this.” The Congressman said, shaking his head.

“He wants that trainer and recruiter for himself. Tex convinced the rest of the farm.” Baldy explained. Dan’s heart sank. “The vote was easy. Chef was getting away with shit no one else would. You know Tex…that shit wasn’t going to fly” Baldy finished.

“Fine. Bois take Dan to holding at the quarry. Lock him in a cell. I have to figure out what to do with him.” The Congressman ordered. Dan was picked up by the arms and shoulders and dragged to the back of a cargo truck. He was shoved in and the doors were closed.

The truck drove in the hot sun for at least two hours. It was baking hot in the back of the small delivery truck. Dan was dripping sweat faster then he could wipe it away. After the doors opened, the 95 degree heat felt cool to him, he was eager to leave the truck.

He was taken to an office that had air conditioning. Nearby he could see the dust rise from an impossibly large quarry. Once in the office he was sat in a chair and handcuffed. Dan was thirsty. He stared at a vase that had live flowers in it, wanting to steal the water.

“Daniel. You know the drill. I need you to sign over power of attorney to President John, and sign yourself into slavery. Date it for today. Tomorrow, “you”, will be found dead in the Nevada desert, don’t worry, I am not going to kill you.” Dan looked at the papers, It was the same forms he had handed his slaves.

“There is no escape. You are in the middle of no where. The Company has removed you from office and you are going to be pronounced dead in the States. All of your property will be handed to the President. The power of attorney is going to nullify your will. Chef and your cunts, ponies and farm bois will be his. Sign the papers, or I will house you with the Judge.” He was trying to be nice Dan detected.

Dan signed in the three places. The Congressman took the papers folded them in thirds and placed them in an envelope. He sealed it and handed it to a naked blonde, skinny, and very dirty twink. The twink bolted from the office.

David and I were coming back from Tex’s stables when the police car pulled up on the dirt road. It was almost 10pm. David had performed all day and had cum dripping from him in globs. His legs were filthy, his cunt was almost inside out, and I knew he would need a couple days off to heal. It would be housework for the next 48 hours.

The car stopped and President John stepped out.

“Slaves, I need to escort you home. Get in the car.” We followed his orders. We took the short drive down the rest of the road to our house at the bottom of the hill. He let us out, and I ordered David to shower after he collected the cum from his cunt into a bowl. John stopped me from going into the house as we climbed the stairs of the porch. He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

“Your Master is dead, he was found in the Nevada desert this morning. You, the bois, Gary and the ponies, and the farm bois are now mine. I am your Master.” He said quietly. He was showing pain in his eyes, but there was something else. I couldn’t focus. The wave of emotion hit me like an explosion. I fell down the stairs and curled into a ball in the dirt. I think John was speaking to me but I could not hear him as I sobbed loudly and screamed.

My body convulsed uncontrollably as the emotional pain racked not only my heart but, my entire body. I had no idea that the entire community had been woken by my screams, and that they had all come running. I was in the dirt for a solid hour before my eyes cleared enough to see Gary in my face.

“M-m-master!” Was all I could say. I again went into the torture chamber inside my heart. The love and respect I had to learn, then get used to, then depended on. Then he began to love me back. I wasn’t a slave to Dan. I was his mate. He was my mate. The glass plug and gold collar was marriage. This thought set off a new wave of hysterics. I couldn’t stop. I was moved across the farm.

I was dragged down to the new basement, and locked in a small cell. I didn’t notice. I simply curled into the fetal position and begged for my Master back.

“Master President, as this operation was paid for by me, I want an equal share of the spoils.” Aaron “Tex” Meyer was not happy that John had total control over the assets.

“Jesus Tex, can I get a fucking breath before you wave all of our business in front of the entire farm?” John stood at the end of the table. All of the members of the farm and some of the surrounding states Masters were there as well. This assembly was about Dan, and his property.

“Fine John, you explain it, then I want a vote.” Tex spat.

“Gentlemen, today we are here to split up Dan’s exploits. The bastard was very smart and recruited the best slaves. I am claiming his house bois, I am going to hand Tex, who helped with this en-devour, all of the ponies, farm hands, land and the house. Do any of you have offers on any of Dan’s property?” John looked over the room, and then spoke.

“We will do this orderly. First! Chef is off the table. None of you can afford my asking price.” John laughed.

“What about the other three?” John strained to see who was asking. He gave up and said. “Mouth and Gambler are on the block. David is going to win my house a championship.”

“No. put David up, he’s going to be a national twink!” Kevin the car dealer said.

“David is still being trained, it’s a package deal, none of you can possibly sway me to sell Ryan, and David is attached. So back off.” The President said.

“Where is the amazing Chef? Why is he not in the cages like the rest of his house bois and farm bois for us to look at?” Kevin asked.

“He’s in my dungeon mourning the loss of his Master, have you no class?” John growled.

“The best talented recruiter, and training Alpha is locked in your dungeon…while he is mourning the Master you killed. Sounds counter productive.” Kevin the car salesman sneered. “No matter I want Mouth, My opening bid is 15k.”

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