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It was a blustery, stormy winter night. A night you liked to stay at home curl up with a book, a hot drink and, perhaps, a warm convivial companion. But this was a long standing date, S tried to convince herself, and at least there would be a fire to sit in front of and sip a glass of wine. And a convivial companion? Well B and S had been corresponding for some time now – he seemed to be a nice gentleman and his picture was, in her words, “nice.” So on she trudged through the snow to her favourite meeting place. Not knowing really what to expect but at least hoping for something “interesting” to spice up her life. Lately she had been looking for company and adventure; she liked a little adventure in her life. Perhaps it was the bright red hair that sparked her spirit of living a little on the edge. She enjoyed meeting new people and loved the company of men. That red hair sparked more than just a spirit of adventure!

B had arrived early, found the Fireplace Lounge and secured a table in front of the fire. He decided to have an “Irish” (it was his favourite drink Irish and water – could it be because of his Celtic background? Hmmm. . .) to warm up while waiting. He was wondering what would come of the evening. S certainly looked more than nice in her photograph and their chatting had been full of enthusiasm, fun and a little bit provocative at times (well more than a little bit to be honest). It was fun and he looked forward to their meeting in person with more than a little anticipation. But you never know, he thought to himself.

He had almost finished his drink and was wondering if this was not to materialize into anything. It was almost 20 minutes after the time S said she would be there. B was checking his watch, again, when he saw a woman at the entrance to the lounge, obviously having just come in from the snowy, stormy weather. She was shaking the snow from her coat and when she took off her hat he could see her bright red hair shining in the light, a few snowflakes still clinging to her hair. I wonder . . . thought B. . . she certainly would be worth the wait . . . he said to himself in a typically male chauvinistic comment. But at least it was just to him self, as he smile inwardly and outwardly. She was walking across the room right towards his table, when he realized it was S! He quickly stood the smile growing broader as she approached.

S had also been wondering whether he would still be there – the snow and work had delayed her and there was no way to get in touch with B. Oh well, she could do with a nice glass of wine anyway and usually there were friends of hers she could sit with. But when she saw the man at the fireside table stand up and start to move towards her, she realized this was B; and he did look like his photograph, mature, conservative reserved – but with a nice smile.

That stereotype was sort of changed parallels izle when he moved towards her, and with a big grin said “You are S! I’m B!” and proceeded to enclose her in his arms, hugging her closely to him with enthusiasm. “Here, let me take your coat.” he said and then motioned to her to sit beside him on the banquette so they could both face the fire. ‘Oh your hands are cold,’ he said as he reached out to take both her hands into his. “Let me warm them up a bit. But first lets order you a drink.”

Chatting for a while, the usual sort of small talk for people just meeting in person for the first time, they seemed to gravitate closer to each other. S reached out, without thinking of it and put her hand on his knee while making a point about her favourite music. B didn’t move or say anything but he certainly noticed her hand and enjoyed where it was. Time passed and they fell into a pattern of casually touching each other to emphasise a point they were making. One drink turned into two, three. Both enjoying the friendly banter and exchange of interests. B had moved closer and his arm was across the back of the banquette behind S when he purposely let his hand start to caress her shoulder. Well, what will she do now, he thought. But S didn’t stop, though she certainly noticed and like his touch. Her hand had moved back to his leg when he began playing with her hair and gently caressing the back of her neck. ‘ That’s nice.’ S said casually and smiled. B’s fingers began to flit over her ear – but in very proper way. Her leg moved closer to his, their knees and thighs touching.

“You are an enticing woman, S. And this is surely a cozey relaxing spot to meet.” B began and then as he leaned forward his mouth close to her ear he continued, “And you certainly cause a man to become romantic and aroused.” He said with a grin. She slapped his leg gently, but didn’t move away. She even tried to casually see if he was truly aroused and whether it showed. “Caught you!” he said, chuckling. “Yep, you do.” Her hand moved a little higher on his thigh. He bent forward and kissed her ear, his tongue quickly caressing it, but only for a second. Their eyes met, both smiling. She was relaxed and thoroughly enjoying their sexual banter. This was more than she had hoped for, he certainly was a fun person and they definitely were compatible. So it wasn’t a surprise when, after a long time of banter and talk, he casually said, “Well lets go and sample the bottle of Chardonnay I have cooling in my room. I’m just across the way so get your coat on while I take care of the bill.”

The storm was still blowing as they ran across the street like two teenagers, laughing and joking, hugging each other and throwing snow at each other. When they got inside the room, B took her coat and hung both up as S moved into the room. He turned, walked paul t goldman izle after her and spinning her around, said, “Come here . . .” They melted into each others arms, their bodies fusing together, their mouths closing on each other. Murmuring aloud they both began to caress each other, while their tongues explored their mouths. S pulled him close against her and there was no doubt about his arousal. She moved against it slowly, while moaning a little saying “yes, yes,’ as he began to play with her, his hands sliding over her bum. Feeling the outline of her panties beneath her dress; was she wearing a thong he thought. He did like a thong on a woman. It was so sexual and erotic and it did show off their Mons so nicely (and some times their lips – the vertical ones)

“OK let me pour a glass of wine for you first.” he said gently pushing her away but caressing her with his hands as he did…

When they paused for a while sipping and chatting again, S stood up and casually took off her blouse, letting her skirt slip to the floor and then kicking it on to the chair. He smiled, looking at her in her bra and yes, it was a thong. “That’s better.” she said. “I think you need some special attention.” he said, pushing her back onto the soft comfortable chair in the corner. He knelt between her legs pushing them apart as he reached up so his hands rested on her hips. His mouth moved forward, his lips softly caressing her inner thigh, his tongue tracing patterns down both legs. His hands moved gently up her flanks, fingers massaging the sides of her abdomen. Reaching up to her bra, running over the obviously erect nipples hidden beneath it. Playing, murmuring, talking about what they enjoyed. Sharing pleasures openly and avidly. Stretching upwards he was able to reach behind and release her bra, letting her proudly erect pink tipped nipples and breasts spill into view. His hands quickly beginning to play with them, gently pulling on her nipples stretching them, rolling them between his fingers as his head continued its passage over her thighs.

But he wanted to see her cunt, to caress her cunt, to bring her to orgasm with his tongue running over her clitoris, fingers inside her rubbing that G spot.

So he had to let go of her wonderful full breasts, his hands moving down to slide her thong down and let his eyes feast on her erect, moist lips. His favourite sex play starter was to look on an aroused cunt. And then gaze into the woman’s eyes, trying to judge her wants, her needs, her desires, hoping for her to tell him what she enjoyed – explicitly. All S said was , ‘Lick me.” And he did. Thus started a night of special sexual play between two aroused and willing companions.

His mouth and lips continued their exploration of her inner thighs, but now his fingers followed. First his hands lifted her midnight at the pera palace izle legs so they lay over his shoulders, spreading them gently and sliding higher. Then he explored her with his hands, mouth and tongue. Gently pulling her aroused cunt lips together he stretched them out lovingly. Sliding the fingers of his other hand up and down while pulling up then down. Stretching the hood over her clitoris. Slowly, over and over all the time looking into her eyes to gauge her arousal and reaction. Adjusting to those movements to which she showed the most pleasure; listening to her voice and her murmurs. Talking to her, “Playing with your cunt is fun. Tell me what you prefer, show me.” B continued to caress her, a look of enjoyment flowing over his face as she responded. “Yes, S. Enjoy! Let yourself go, let me pleasure you in all the ways you like.” from time to time he leaned forward so his tongue could trace a warm wet path over those stretched and elongated lips, flicking it back and forth, pressing his mouth tightly against her. But always keeping his fingers moving, up, down, out, back softly but firmly playing.

After a time, it seemed for ever to S, his hands moved so that he was grasping her outer lips, one in each hand. Then firmly and gently B pulled them apart, again stretching them outward, and then upwards stretching them above her clitoris. Pulling the hood back and up; at their full reached he pulled them together and down, the folds of her cunt sliding over her clitoris, stretching, pulling. Over and over he continued. When from time to time with her lips fully spread and S’s cliotris fully exposed he let his tongue swirl around the not so small bud now firmly erect, sucking it into his mouth, she gasped and thrust her hips firmly into his face, moaning, “Oh,Oh, yes, yes like that, please don’t stop, it is heavenly!” crying out, bucking against him. He was in heaven as well; how B loved to caress a woman with his mouth. Especially when they responded in a manner like S was now. Sex play is so much fun!

S grasped the sides of his head firmly pulling him against her cunt; oh, how she enjoyed having a man, a person, do that to her. God, she was in a state of exquisite pleasure on the brink of continuous orgasm. But when B took one hand away to pull the hood of her clitoris up, spreading her lips fully apart, and the slid two fingers of his other hand, palm facing up, inside her, playing with her G spot – she exploded into Orgasm after Orgasm. Grunting, groaning, crying out the contractions of her cunt seizing his fingers she could not contain herself.

And neither could he. He loved it when a woman was loud and firm in her expression of sexual pleasure. He was, of course fully aroused, had been from the start. But now his cock was hard and burgeoning, the knob at the head firmly outlined (it was so prominent that a former sex partner had christened it Knobby), pre-cum dripping from it. Knobby was aching to be sure, but he knew that with time he would have the opportunity to share the exquisite sex pleasures coursing through S. But now it was her turn, and he didn’t mind at all having her enjoy it fully. His time was coming!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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