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First my boss and then the receptionistI had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I have been working as a sales associate for one of West Coast top design firms for the past 2 years, I use to work as a draftsman when a position opened up and my boss taught I would be the right fit for the position since I had an understanding of how everything worked. I liked my old position but when the perks of a salesman was explained to me I understood why the other salesmen use to think they were better than us draftsmen. They got to go out to paid lunch meeting and trips with clients to bring in the jobs for us to bust our butts on to accomplish.Everyone was hard at work and I was on my way to get some done myself before the weekend started, I got to my office and after logging into my computer I went down to the kitchen to get some coffee to help me get through the rest of the day. I had a brief conversation with a co-worker and it was back to business. The screen saver was on when I got back to the office; I sat down and moved the mouse to clear the screen. After putting down my coffee I saw that I had an email from my boss instructing me to come to her office when I get back to the office.When I got to her office she was on the phone, her chair was away from under the desk and she was looking down. She was wearing a dark colored skirt suit with jacket to match. The jacket was not buttoned and her shirt was exposing some cleavage. Her legs were spread enough that I could see slightly up her skirt, she was not wearing any leg stockings like always and I could see she was wearing some sexy white lace underwear. With all the moving around she must have been doing in her chair I could see the panties were splitting her pussy lips apart. I could not believe my luck, I have always found my boss to be a very attractive women. Every time she led the Friday afternoon meeting everyone was very attentive, I don’t think I was the only one checking her out and here I am right now getting a raging boner from just seeing cleavage and pussy lips. I must have sighed to loud and she waved me over to take a seat and I did.On her desk was a file with my name on it, the file looked alot like a personnel file but I couldn’t imagine anything that could be wrong so I waited patiently for her to get off of the phone. She was now facing me and I could still see down her shirt, this wasn’t doing anything but increase the boner growing in my pants. I looked up and every time her mouth opened I pictured my dick going in and out of it, she licked her lips and I almost lost it. I had to lap my legs in hopes of suffocating my boner. I could feel the wetness of pre-cum on the tip of my dick, I had always admired my boss but today she went from a boss and friend to a M.I.L.F.A few seconds later Sheela said goodbye and hung up the phone “Just got two more 5000 sq/ft jobs from Northwest Steelco both due next month””That’s a good thing” I said, hoping the change in conversation was enough to break the tension and send my mind elsewhere.”It’s going to get pretty busy around here in the next few weeks” Sheela said”I could imagine” was my response remembering why I was here and hoping to get down to why I was called into her office”How did the meeting go today” Sheela asked”I’m pretty sure we are on track for the job, just waiting for a fax from his secretary””Good job Jeff, like always I can always count on you” she said with a smileIf I’m doing such a good job, why is my file on your desk I taught?Sheela reached over to through something in the trash bin on the side of her desk. When she leaned forward I got an eye full of her right boob when her shirt opened to show the matching bra I made out her dark nipple sticking up and some of the little bums around it were also showing. Thank God for the invention of lace. Her boobs looked amazing, so lush and soft, the a/c was working on my side today and it seemed colder in here than it did in my office. Sheela sat back, looked down at her chest and pulled to straighten her shirt. She then straightened her jacket soon after but I really taught she was trying to bring her twins closer to me for a taste. Knowing that she was showing so much cleavage i really was expecting her to button up her shirt but it seems like she has gotten use to all of us looking her over. Her husband had left her for a younger college girl after their son had left home and started a family of his own. Working around so many younger guys and knowing they were checking her out every time she walked by must have being the ultimate turn on. The outfits she wore to work portray her strength and confidence as a successful woman but they always left a bit of sexiness on the side. Being one of the only two women in the office, she surely stood out as being the main lady.”I received a call from cooperate office earlier today, it seems like they have been monitoring your performance over the years and have taking a keen interest in what you have done for the company” Sheela said as she leaned forward and opened the file sitting on her desk. “A position has opened up in our Florida office and Mr. Samuel has asked me what I think about you going down there and taking it over””What kind of position?” I asked”An office management position” Sheela said “It’s one of our drafting offices and Mr. Kibble is about to retire””I am honored that my name would be called for a position like that, but I have grown to call this office my second home. It would be hard to just get up and leave” I saidSheela sat back again and lapped her legs “Jeff, over the years I have gotten nothing but good remarks about your performance and social presence in the office” She continued “I would be the first to say, you are like a son to me. You have gone above and beyond for this office; you have accomplished alot more than is expected of you. It would be hard for all of us especially me to see you leave but I know it is for the good of the company””Do you think this would be a good career move?” I asked”I gave Mr. Samuel nothing but high praise, I cannot think of anyone else that would be suited for this position but you””With your blessing, you make it easier for me to make a decision; you have done alot for me over the years and now this. I feel like I owe you one”Sheela moved her hand down on her thigh; she traced the end of her skirt with her fingers. I could see she was thinking about it, “I won two tickets for a night out on the town but i don’t have anyone to share it with, if you don’t mine or if you don’t have any plans I can use some company.”Sheela looked up with a smile on her face “Dinner at Rocko’s and V.I.P pass for Club 905.””I didn’t picture you as the clubbing type” I said”Well çorum escort you know, gotto try and keep up with the young folks and some of the things they do” Sheela fired back”I don’t go out much myself””I have always wanted to go into club 905 for some time now, but never had the right company” Sheela had a smile on her face”So…. is this like a going away dinner and dance or a friendly night out on the town?””More like a night out on the town with a friend who takes the other friend out to eat” she saidBy this time my boner had already gone down and I had forgotten about what I had seen earlier, I had gotten so relaxed I forgot I was talking to my boss. We spoke for a few more minutes when I heard the phone out in the lobby ringing and the receptionist saying please hold. The receptionist came knocking on the door to tell me I had a phone call.”Thanks Betty” I responded”Do we meet at Rocko’s or can I pick you up at home” I asked Sheela”it would be easier for you to come get me at home, that way we can spend more time together…oh i meant, have more time to talk” I could see Sheela starting to Blush after she said that.It was too late, I had already picked up on what she was trying to say and I was liking were this was going. “Let’s say 7:30?” I asked as I got up and started walking to the door”Let’s make it 8:00, so that I can get some extra time to look good” Sheela responded. I think she realized I had caught on to what she said earlier and was just adding to itI turned around before I got to the door and Sheela had her chair away from her desk again, my eyes naturally wondered down and her legs did not disappoint. Her legs were again separated and at first glance I saw what looked like a wet spot down the center of her panties, Sheela’s pussy was trying to come out and say hello but it was being held back my her lacy panties.”It’s a date” Sheela said as she saw me checking her out again but she made no effort to close her legs to hide herself”Yes, it’s a date” I felt my boner coming back and I had to turn away not to expose it.I closed the door as I left, somehow I felt she needed some alone time. Once outside I could see the receptionist smiling while biting on her bottom lip as she looked up at me and back down at her work. She knew what was going on even without being told. I got back to my office and took the call I had on hold.Once off the phone I was able to get some work done, I looked up at the clock and it was about to be 3:30 pm so it was time for our usual Friday meeting. Everyone gathered in the meeting room, Betty came and sat next to me, this was the first time she has done that. She must be trying to rub in the fact that she knew what was going on between Sheela and me; I never noticed how good she smelt. I leaned back in my chair as I started looking her over, Betty was a few years younger than Sheela but a little more on the heavy side. Betty was able to still keep herself in good health, she had her long brown hair rolled up into one and from this position I could see part of a tattoo on her back but I could not make out what it said. I was intrigued to find out more and see what it was she was hiding. Sheela came in and got straight to business, she started going over the numbers from last week and what we should be expecting to get next week. Sheela sat down across the room where she always sits and allowed one of the other guys to come up and discuss anything new that happened this week. Everyone’s attention was on the co-working standing and talking including mine, I felt Betty put her hand on my thigh and squeezed, I looked down at her hand then up to her face but she wasn’t looking at me nor was she looking in the direction of the guy standing in front of the room. I looked back at her again, Betty squeezed my thigh again this time nodding her head in the direction of where she was looking, I looked over then back to her again, she was looking in the direction of Sheela. I looked over at Sheela and she was looking back at Betty and me with her legs now opened as far as her skirt allowed, with the thin material her skirt was made of made it possible for the light to shine through and expose an up-skirt shot only this time she wasn’t wearing any panties.I could see the wetness from her pussy sparkling in the light whenever she moved her legs, I could not believe the view I was getting, I looked up at Betty and she had a smirk smile on her face because she knew what I was looking at. She seemed to be enjoying this as much I was, Betty licked and bit on her bottom lip as she savored the view she was getting. I was getting a boner just from watching Betty looking at Sheela’s pussy and licking her lips, could she be thinking about eating Sheela’s pussy like I was and picturing herself doing it. I lifted and lapped the leg that Betty’s hand was on so that I could hide my boner that was rising, Betty did not move her hand when I did so with my leg now elevated her hand slid down my thigh and landed on my now erect dick.What luck, can this really all be happening to me today. I felt like I was dreaming and i was about to wake just as things started to get good.Betty realized her hand was on my dick, I saw her mouth and eyes open together, I bit my bottom lips from the sensation that went through my body and what happened next assured me I was not dreaming. Betty slid her hand up and down my erect dick through my pants, knowing now where my dick was she squeezed. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to muffle the sound of my moan and with my other hand I grabbed Betty’s hand and squeezed it trying to ask her to please stop. I grabbed my clip board off of the floor and placed it on its side on my lap hiding Betty’s hand that was working on my crotch. Betty squeezed my dick again and for a brief second I had almost forgotten we were in a meeting when I heard everyone clapping but us.Sheela got up and asked “does anyone else have anything to add or else we can call that a day”No one did so Sheela said “thanks everyone, have yourselves a wonderful weekend and see you back here Monday”Sheela then proceeded to clean off the white board as the other co-workers headed out the door, I could not get up until Betty released the bulge in my pants. Sheela looked over at us and smiled as Betty took her hand down off of my lap, she got up then leaned forward and whispered in my ear “meet me in the storage room” Betty smiled and left the room.I stayed sitting as Sheela finished cleaning off the board, “are you ok Jeff?””I just got a cramp in my leg” I responded”Do you need some help getting up” Sheela asked”No thanks, it will go away in a bit””ahh, I see” Sheela said with a smile”What do you mean by that” I said as I looked up at her”I’ll tell you later tonight when you pick me up” Sheela responded”Can you at least give me a hint” I asked”Nope, It would be better if I tell you tonight” Sheela said as she walked out the denizli escort door smirking. When she got to the door Sheela dropped her pen and bend over to pick it up without bending her knees, I could not believe the ass on this women, how have I not realized this before. I am going to pound up that pussy tonight; she has teased me for the last time. I got up to leave the room with my clip board still in front of my lap, when I got out the door Betty was down the hallway waving me to come follow her as she went into the storage room. I closed the door behind me as Betty turned on the light.”I overheard you and Sheela talking about your date tonight and when you came out of her office I saw you had an erection” Betty walked over to me as she grabbed my pants and started to unbuckle it. “You must have done something to her because when she came to the meeting she wasn’t wearing any panties and I knew she was when she came into work today””Did that turn you on” I asked as Betty let my pant fall to the floor and started stroking my dick.”You have no idea” Betty leaned forward and kissed me on the lips with those plump beautiful lips of hers, her tongue entered my mouth and her tongue was so wet and smooth.Betty went down on her knees and started sucking on my fully erect dick. She was sucking my dick so good, it didn’t take long before I felt like I was about to cum, I grabbed her head and forced my dick down her throat as I started cumming stream after stream of cum in her mouth.This day was only getting better and better for me.Betty swallowed all of my cum and she kept on sucking my dick, about a minute later I was hard again.Betty got up and asked “can you stick that big ass dick of yours in my ass, I am on my period and don’t want to take out my tampon”I would have gotten turned off by a statement like that in the past but she just swallowed and deep throat my dick, I needed to release myself again. Betty turned around and leaned on one of the boxes in front of her, as she raised her skirt I could see she wasn’t wearing any panties. She must of taking them off after she left the meeting room. I never done anal before and was anticipating how good it will be. I used some saliva to wet the tip of my dick; I rubbed the tip of my dick along the creases of her ass hole.”Lock the door behind you, don’t wanna be disturbed so I will try not to moan out load” Betty said as she spread her legs and looked back.I had forgotten to lock the door so I did; I came back and rubbed my dick on her ass hole again, with another drop of saliva this time straight on her asshole I pushed forward and the head of my dick went into her ass hole. It was tight and I could hear Betty moaning, I pushed in again and further in i went, I pulled out a little and back in I went. I started fucking her ass in a slow riddim and Betty was moaning softly every time I pushed in, I started enjoying the tightness of her ass and started stroking a bit faster. Betty was bucking back on me every time I did, when she started matching my stroke I grabbed her by the hips and pushed in the rest of my dick and right at that moment I felt her shaking and moaning beneath me. She was cumming and cumming hard, I felt something wet splash up on my leg but I ignored it. I allowed her to catch herself before I started fucking her again this time with my whole dick up her ass, Betty was trying very hard not to scream out load in enjoyment. I was starting to love anal, I reached around under Betty to rub her pussy as I fucked her ass. I started rubbing around her clit and it was wet but it wasn’t slippery wet like I have felt before from other girls. This was a different kind of wetness and I could not recognize what it felt like, I kept on rubbing around her clit as I fucked her ass deep and hard. Betty started shaking again and this time I was rubbing her clit.Betty cried out “Yes, I’m cumming again”I felt a stream of liquid hit my fingers at a very high rate as Betty legs started buckling beneath her and she almost fell so I moved my hand in order to hold her up, when I moved my hand down to catch her my fingers slipped into her pussy.Betty cried out again “Oh my God!” as she dropped her face in her hands. Betty’s legs lost all support and she fell out of my hand, my dick slipped out of her ass and she was now sitting in the stuff that came out of her pussy.”Are you ok” I asked”Let me catch myself for a bit” Betty stammered as she tried to catch her breath”did your tampon fall out? I asked”no” she responded”then what was that I felt coming out of your pussy when you started shaking” I asked againBetty swallowed and cleared her throat as she tried to talk “I squirted, and it felt really good. I, I never squirted more than once one after the other like that””Squirted, I heard of that but taught it wasn’t real””Oh it real and you just made me do it twice” Betty responded”Where did it come out from” I asked, now really curious”It came out of my pee hole silly; I can’t believe I was your first squirter. Now can we get back to you fucking me or are we gonna keep on talking” Betty asked as she got up off the floor and got back into position. I slipped my dick back in her ass and this time it went in much easier than before, I bottomed out and started fucking her deeply again. I wanted to make her squirt one more time before I came, I grabbed her hips and started pounding her ass even harder, I looked down and Betty was covering her mouth with her hand to try and muffle her cries of pleasure.I felt Betty shaking again under me and I knew this time what it meant, she was about the squirt one more time for me, I kept the paste as I felt her tremble and squirting for me. I was beyond delighted, I got her to squirt three times for me and now I was about to cum in her ass.”I’m gonna cum” I whispered as I leaned forward over her”go ahead babe and cum in my ass, I want to feel you cumming in my ass” Betty whispered backWith that I grabbed her hips even tighter and forced my dick up in her ass and held it there, I was cumming again. I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes to savor and enjoy the moment. I could feel her ass milking my cock for every last drop, a few seconds later I was done cumming and I pulled out of her ass. I held my dick and looked down at it for the first time and it was covered with some of my sperm, Betty stood up and turned to see me holding my dick.Betty looked down to see what I was looking at, “would you like for me to clean that off for you?””sure, do you have a rag or something” I asked”I have something even better” Betty responded as she lowered herself back down on her kneesIs she really going to do that? I taught, my dick was just in her ass and she’s going to put it in her mouth to suck it clean. Betty grabbed my dick with her hand and stuck it in her mouth and started sucking and licking it clean. I can’t believe she cleaned off all of the smuck that was diyarbakır escort on my dick, even her ass juices. Betty got up and cleaned off the sides of her mouth with her fingers then licked them clean. I reached down and pulled up my pants as Betty fixed herself.”I would have never guessed you were this freaky?” I asked as Betty finished fixing her skirt”Theirs alot of things you don’t know about me, maybe we can change that” Betty responded”I always taught you were off limits, you don’t talk much so I figured you had a man in your life””It’s against company policy to have an office relationship” Betty said”What does it say about having sex with your co-worker in the storage room?” I asked”I would have to look it up but somehow I don’t think that’s accepted either” Betty fired back”I bet, what happened to your panties?” I asked”Oh, their somewhere in the office” Betty said”Can I see you outside the office?””Not a problem, but you sure you will have time for me?” Betty asked”I can make time for you; I have a really big bed and it more comfortable than that box””Won’t you be busy with Sheela this weekend?” Betty fired back with a smirk on her face”ahh, you heard about that” Betty smiled as she looked up at me “we are going out tonight but we didn’t make any plans for after that” I said even though I knew it was going to be more than just dinner.”How about I give you a call later tomorrow to see if your still up to spending time with me” Betty said”Ok, that would be a good idea” I said “would you be willing to spend the night tomorrow?””let us see how things turn out tomorrow” Betty saidI opened the door slightly and then stepped out when the coast was clear; I looked out both doors in the print room and gave Betty the ok to come out. Betty walked pass me bit down on her bottom lip and looked down at my crotch and walked away. I got back to my office to close out for the day since everyone had already left.I walked out to the front office and Betty was on the phone, she sighed after hanging up the phone and said “my friend’s car just breaked down and for me to call a cab”.”Can I give you a ride home” I asked”you promise to keep your hands to yourself” Betty jokingly said”I promise to keep a hand on the wheel” with a smileWe left the office and off we went, we talked about alot of different stuff as we went along and about 30 minutes later I was pulling up at her apartment complex.”I would invite you in but you got to go home and get ready for you hot date tonight” Betty said as she opened the door and got out”We got our hot date tomorrow, so I got to go home and rest up for that” I smartly responded”If you say so, thanks for the ride” Betty said”any time” I said”and thanks for the lift home too” Betty said as she left smiling and gigglingNow that’s a hot piece of ass I said to myself. After I pulled out I remember I still was contemplating taking the job and after what I went through today, they only made it harder for me. How can I leave when all of this is happening to me right now, I worked for this company for more than 6 years and now that I might be leaving I am finally getting some attention from the women in the office. It was me and my taught as I got home and started getting ready for my date tonight with Sheela, my smoking hot boss lady that exposed her crotch to me and then asked me out on a date.I went down to the car to get my bag that I does take to work so that I could get my laptop out of it. When I got back inside I put the bag on the table and opened it to get out my laptop, instead I pulled out a pair of white lace panties with a wet stain in the crotch, I smiled as I smelled the wet spot and pictured where they were and who I saw them on earlier. So that’s what she did with them when she took them off, I threw them on the table and got out my laptop. I reached back in my bag to get out the charger and again I pulled out the charger cable and a black pair of panties, I was puzzled as to who they could belong to. I tried not to think about it too much because I don’t think Sheela would of put two pairs of panties in my bag, I started up my computer and opened up my personal email. I had a few emails to go through but the first email was from Betty, I clicked on it immediately to see what it was about.Hi Jeff, I don’t know if you will be upset that I went into your bag while you were in the bathroom but I saw Sheela sneaking into your office while you were in the break room so I was curious. I was pretty shocked at what I found when I looked in your bag that she had left open when she heard you coming, so to be honest I got a little jealous and decided to add mines to your bag. I overheard part of the conversation you had with her today and after seeing her panties in your bag I figured you and her were hitting it off even though inter office relations are not allowed. Since Sheela is letting her feelings for you sure then so will I today in the meeting when I see you I will have a surprise for you.Yours secretlyBetty ;)The email was dated today at 3:25 pm just before we went into the meeting, now it all added up. I contemplated responding but since I knew I was going to see her tomorrow I decided to wait until then to talk about it. I jumped in the shower and started getting ready for my date tonight with Sheela, I was almost ready when I went into the kitchen and drank some SSS tonic because I knew I was going to need that extra push tonight. I finished getting ready and off I went, I had never being to this part of town, I immediately felt like an outsider. All of the houses in this area were pretty big with well kept lawns and street that looked as good as the first day they were paved, you got to be strapped to live our here. Sheela’s house did not disappoint, it was the only one on this side that was gated, as I pulled up I pushed the buzzer and the gate opened. I looked up and saw the camera so she knew it was me, I pulled up to the front expecting her to meet me at the front door but instead the garage door opened. I stayed put for a few seconds and then the lights above the garage door flicked on and off twice so I took that as a sign to pull my car in.I got out of the car and the garage door closed behind me, I walked towards the open door on the other side of Sheela’s car, I could here talking and music coming from inside the house. I didn’t think she had company over, I immediately taught it was her son and she wanted to introduce him to me. I got as far as the door frame when i was floored by what I saw. On the sofa in front of me was Betty laying back naked as she was born with another female in between her legs eating out her pussy, she had one hand on her boob squeezing her nipple and the other one on her partners head.Betty looked up and said to the person eating her pussy “look who’s here”The person looked around and to my surprise it was Sheela. I was still shocked to see Betty here and then to see her getting her pussy worked over by another naked female was giving me a raging boner, and now to see the one doing the work was her boss and mine. I realized they were actually working together to throw me off and boy did they succeed.Sheela waved me over and I understood the saying ‘like a k** in a candy store’

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